November 7, 2020

The NYT headline just changed to this:


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Inga said...

Congratulations America!

roesch/voltaire said...

Win one for decency, now let us work together to focus on the country and not the tweeter.

Big Mike said...

How'd I know that the usual trolls would respond with unwarranted gloating?

Roughcoat said...

"Now let us work together"?

Make me.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

You know you “won” by cheating. I feel sorry for you.

Michael said...

Impeach. Resist. Resist. Impeach. Impeach. Resist. Resist.

Humperdink said...

Dewey defeats Truman!!!!!

Roughcoat said...

Obstruct. Wreck. Wreak havoc.

Iman said...


You wouldn't recognize it if you tripped over it.

Drago said...

Inga: "Congratulations America!c

Congratulations China!

Congratulations Hunters crack dealer(s)!

Jaq said...

"Win one for decency, now let us work together to focus on the country”

And Hunter will "hold 10 for the Big Guy"

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Humperdink said...

It isn’t over until the Barrett lady sings.

Jaq said...

"now let us work together to focus on the country”


Tom said...

Fuck it - I want my monthly stimulus check - now

Roughcoat said...

Let slip the dogs...

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "Win one for decency, now let us work together to focus on the country and not the tweeter."

And that country is....China.

jim said...

Oh dear, poor Donald. No one seems to care about HIS feelings.

And he's always been sensitive to the needs of other.

Michael said...

Investigate. Hearings!! Resist. Impeach. Special prosecutor. Appoint!

Drago said...

I suspect the Yuan will move sharply up.

Shouting Thomas said...

The Chinese Communist Party humiliates and defeats America after a year long reign of terror.

Within a short period of time, the proper diversity candidate, Kamala Harris, will be installed by fiat.

I'm already used to living under house arrest and being ruled by fiat by the governor of NY.

Singing has been outlawed in churches.

Yes, Inga, congratulations. This is what you wanted all along. Oddly, you think of yourself as virtuous.

Chuck said...
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NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "Win one for decency, now let us work together to focus on the country and not the tweeter."

And that country is....China.

I bet he's already picked out who he's going to denounce to the Party.

Drago said...

Sorry Taiwan. You no longer have an ally in the White House come January.

Lets hope all the support Trump provided will last for a few years.

US military: get ready for at least 2 more Middle East wars.

Jaq said...

It’s amazing that the New York Times could pass up a story like the Hunter laptop after all of the fine work they had done in the past on the Biden’s corruption, to see it all proved out, and then to be forced by their billionaire owner to look the other way.

Of course they only printed that because Biden was opposing Hillary at the time.

This will be a poisoned chalice for Biden.

Curious George said...

"Harris is the first women elected Vice-President"

Amazing how far a BJ can take you.

Static Ping said...

I'm surprised they were so restrained in making the call.

Jaq said...

With any luck, Trump can stick him with a special prosecutor as a welcome present.

Vance said...

The forces of Lucifer celebrate wildly as they are managing to take down one of the last bastions of freedom in the world.... and Inga cheers loudly, of course.

Her dreams of finally working in a concentration camp, pulling the levers to kill millions, are suddenly far more likely today, it appears.

Who can forget her year long claim that asking her to denounce violence and murdering Republicans was the same as torturing her because she loved murdering Republicans so much?

And all the other leftists here: there is zero evidence there will be anything remotely resembling "healing." Just pure tyranny.

I am with Roughcoat: resist, resist, and impeach Harris (Biden won't make it past February at best).

MayBee said...

Here we go.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, Inga is utterly and devoutly evil.

Drago said...

Static Ping: "I'm surprised they were so restrained in making the call."

The entire media was literally waiting on the New Fox News to make the call, but they could only wait so long.

The New Fox News will, in about 3 months, be a sister rival to MSNBC, opening the way for a newly formed media competitor to jump in and grab significant market share.

Chuck said...
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Anonymous said...

The Swamp wins.

Best wishes to soon-to-become President Harris.

She's going to need it.

Yancey Ward said...

There is no path for Trump to win the election now that doesn't involve proving massive fraud in the vote. While I am sure the Democrats have cheated on a large scale, I seriously doubt it can be proven to an extent enough to even convince a conservative judge to order even a recount and forensic examination. You basically have to have installed monitoring devices on the various government officials phones, or installed secret video equipment in all of the counting offices involved. Lacking that, you need to find insiders who were involved and can provide exactly that kind of evidence on their own initiative.

Trump might take Arizona back- the odds now favor him after Maricopa County did its vote dump this morning- the rest favors Trump at a margin that would overtake Biden's 20K vote lead. It, of course, won't change the electoral math without GA and PA. Trump might win GA eventually, but it is looking less likely now than it did yesterday morning- GA apparently can't even count how many ballots are left to count.

My thought is that if you are a Trump supporter, you had better hope the "Big Sting" theory is correct- that Trump's team was well prepared to catch the Democrats in Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philadelphia in the act of cheating. I personally don't buy it- that kind of evil competence from any group of people is an illusion. My stance is pretty much set in stone from 54 years of experience- never expect things I desperately want to be true to be so.

Vance said...

Oh yes: AOC is already making a list of people who "need to be held accountable for Supporting Trump." Gosh, a noted socialist making a list of political enemies... what could possibly be in store.

I'm sure Inga will not criticize that at all, will she? Open fascism; punishing Americans for the crime of being Republican.... her dreams are coming true at last!

I'd like to hear Althouse's comments on this new "enemies of the state" list by AOC. I rather fear she will be on it.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

roesch/voltaire said... let us work together to focus on the country and not the tweeter.

Why just now? That has been an option for the last four years. Why were you not willing to work together and focus on the country then?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I really think the Donks are going to reap the whirlwind for this stunt. And our resident clowns will spend just as much time whining and crying the next four years as they did for the last four.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Agree with Yancey. The fraud is too massive and the media are pulling for their corrupt team.

Jaq said...

Biden flipped the heavy industrial states in the Midwest and PA and they are going to get what they voted for good and hard.

Mark said...

Vance, you mean like the searchable web site that has everyone who signed the Scott Walker recall... that is still up?

Yeah, you can stick your hypocrisy where the sun doesn't shine.

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "With any luck, Trump can stick him with a special prosecutor as a welcome present."

There is no Special Prosecutor appointed to investigate the Bidens that would not immediately bury everything on them and come up with some excuse to go after Trump.

Thats what absolute corruption looks like in a republic....before the republic falls and becomes something else entirely.

It will take a couple years for the dems to secure one party rule, but they will get there, as predicted.

Vance said...

Still: One thing is for sure: we will all laugh at Chuck as he goes up in front of the firing squad... quislings and traitors are always one of the first to go. No one will lift a finger to save him, either.

We'll be too busy resisting and burning down Detroit and Portland--isn't that the approved method of "peacefully protesting" in America, to burn down Portland?

Chuck said...
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doctrev said...

Drago said...

The New Fox News will, in about 3 months, be a sister rival to MSNBC, opening the way for a newly formed media competitor to jump in and grab significant market share.

11/7/20, 10:55 AM

It already happened, Drago.

Jaq said...

"There is no Special Prosecutor appointed to investigate the Bidens that would not immediately bury everything on them and come up with some excuse to go after Trump.”

I know. What a combo we have elected, an open kleptocrat and a commie.

Drago said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent: "I really think the Donks are going to reap the whirlwind for this stunt. And our resident clowns will spend just as much time whining and crying the next four years as they did for the last four."

The democraticals already are complaining now as much as they did in 2016 despite the different outcome, all because the democraticals failed to extend the Cheat by Mail below the presidential race and some key Senate races.

Just wait till you see what they pull on Jan 5 in GA.

Clayton Hennesey said...

Since when does the New York Times decide elections? Or even the news?

Someone pointed out to me - verification/falsification and expansion encouraged - that all the close/disputed states are run by Republican legislatures which can ultimately appoint the electors they want.

So if this reasoning is correct, the Constitution may end up having the final say.

Vance said...

Mark: Since when do Conservatives make lists and send their political enemies to the gas chamber? That's a feature your side is a master at: every liberal, leftist hellhole does exactly that.

Including the most recent example, Venezuela, which AOC says she wants to do here. They made a list of people opposing Maduro... and now Maduro's thugs are arresting and vanishing them, systematically.

Not that you have a problem with that, do you Mark? You fully, fully support any Soviet Style or Mussolini fascism. You won't lift a finger to protest once Harris' FBI starts snatching Republicans off the streets or doesn't investigate or prevent another Hodgkinson, will you?

Gunner said...

Is the "Womens March" cancelled now that Hair Sniffer Joe won? At least that would be a good consequence.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The old man and his corrupt family mob business didn't even need to campaign.

GingerBeer said...

What's the Over/Under on when Kamala and the Cabinet That Looks Like America® invoke the 25th Amendment? Can Biden break Harrison's record?

Yancey Ward said...

If Pennsylvania did segregate the late arriving ballots like they were supposed to do, then it is quite likely that those late votes will be disqualified- that is PA law. The same will true in MI and WI. The real question is would there be enough such ballots with enough margin change to change the result. I am doubtful in all three states, but it might be true in PA, at least, given how long it takes one-handed Democrats to count to 10.

Trump's problem in GA, however, is that GA law is different from that in WI, MI, and PA- it allows lots of new ballots after election day. There Trump would have to show actual vote fraud- again, tough to do if the fraudsters are even minimally competent, or you were well prepared to catch it when it happened.

I have resigned myself to President Harris, and hope that the Republicans in Georgia can at least regain enough competence to win the two runoffs. In other words, I am not hopeful at all.

Chuck said...
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Drago said...

doctrev: "

It already happened, Drago."

Its possible Newsmax would be absorbed into a new business entity, but I believe that new business entity will emerge with different branding and different look/feel.

Jaq said...

Complete with enemies lists and threats that those political enemies who stay out of jail will never get a job other than washing. dishes again, and an incurious press who will only print what the regime wants printed, as they mop up the remaining journalists who think that it’s there job to find out what is really happening.

Vance said...

Chuck, everyone despises the Lincoln Project. A more useless group of grifters you couldn't find, except possibly most of Hitler's toadyies.

I note you have zero, zero problems with AOC attempting to put anyone who supported, voted for, or donated to Trump on a "Let's kill them" list. In America.

Mark said...

Trump is too busy golfing to attend his presser. Even he doesn't believe his team's claims.

doctrev said...

Vance said...

I note you have zero, zero problems with AOC attempting to put anyone who supported, voted for, or donated to Trump on a "Let's kill them" list. In America.

11/7/20, 11:05 AM

Eh. Given how successful she's been, I'd be surprised if she didn't make such a list.

Maybe Republicans will make their own lists. Nationalists are circulating their own right now.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

All over but the lawyering.

Vance said...

By the way: didn't Biden promise to put Beto O'Rourke in charge of gun policy? Mr. "Hell yeah I'm coming to seize your guns!" himself? and guess what: this new "Enemies of the state" list is run by Beto's former campaign manager.

So everyone better arm up quick. They are not even attempting to hide what they are going to do.

Mark said...

Jesus, Vance, take your meds.

TwoAndAHalfCents said...

People are honking horns and screaming for joy in my neighborhood. Seems rather pathetic, but so it goes.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Sudden onset Biden Derangement Syndrome, or has it just been in remission?

Vance said...

Mark, are you going to guarantee to all of us that the Democrat party--that same party that spent all summer rioting, burning, murdering Trump supporters, and promising and vowing "revenge" on America–you are going to personally guarantee that they are not going to do what they said they would do all summer, all of the last 4 years really, and instead will totally change face and go for the "healing America" option?

Is that what you are guaranteeing? Because otherwise, giving the people who rioted for six months in Portland total control of the government is likely to lead to what, precisely?

Jaq said...

"Jesus, Vance, take your meds.”

He’s not the one who came up with the enemies thing. It’s coming from your side. Readering can’t wait until the SDNY invents som way to put Trump in jail

Unknown said...

The Dewey defeats Truman of our era.

Ray - SoCal said...

This is part of establishing a narrative that Biden Won, so Trump should concede.

Yancey Ward said...

The Republican legislatures are not going to contravene the voters' "choice" unless Trump and his lawyers can demonstrate conclusively that the Democrats stole the election in their state. That is Trump's task, and I doubt he can do it, but I am hoping he will at least try, and I think he will.

doctrev said...

Ray - SoCal said...
This is part of establishing a narrative that Biden Won, so Trump should concede.

11/7/20, 11:11 AM

Literally everyone can see that. Even Chuck and Inga, who have slithered out from under their rocks now that they think Trump will concede.

He won't concede. He can't even be stopped. I think if he told his army "let's march on Washington boys," they'd do it.

Jaq said...

"Sudden onset Biden Derangement Syndrome, or has it just been in remission?”

So the New York Times was wrong all along about Biden corruption, the were printing "Russian disinformation” as part of a decade long plot culminating with giving the Hunter laptop to the FBI to be buried?

It probably will be. no problem since the new DoJ will kill any investigations they have open into money laundering by Hunter, bury the laptop, and the press simply won’t print any stories that come from it.

This is what authoritarian regimes run by kleptocrats look like.

Vance said...

By the way, and totally off topic: Why is moderation off, or has it been off for a few days and I just haven't noticed?

and is that why we have Inga and Chuck all over the place again?

Iman said...

Party on Pennsylvania Avenue!

A sphincter says what

Chuck: “What?”

Mark said...

Vance, we have had no such claims from your side. Hell, didn't Bannon call for Fauci's head on a pike outside the White House... and not a peep from anyone here about it.

You have no high horse to preach down at us from.

Posters here were declaring war in the last few days, it's too late for civility bullshit.

gadfly said...

Blogger Big Mike said...
How'd I know that the usual trolls would respond with unwarranted gloating?

Perhaps in the same way that that we could anticipate your negative reaction to congratulatory responses. For five years we have watched the Trumpsters on this blog personally attacking those of us who long ago recognized that Trump was wrong for America. Calling us "trolls" infers that your uncalled for insults will continue since we are not harassers, we simply disagree.

steve uhr said...

If trump six months ago had told everyone to wear masks and led by example he would have won. What a moron.

jj121957 said...

Put away the cooch hats and let good ol' uncle Joe sniff away. Maybe run your fingers down his legs to watch the hair stand back up.

Jaq said...

And gadfly shows up to cheer on the blatantly corrupt Biden. The only real chance Biden has is that he is so openly corrupt that the ChiComs can’t use it against him and maybe he will remember whose side he is on.

Robert Cook said...

I’m upset Biden will be our President because he’s terrible. I’m happy Trump will no longer be our President because he’s terrible.

Arashi said...

So Inga, Chuck etall will now sign up for the new Transit Guard jobs soon to be a thing once the AOC lists are done? Will they be as enthusiastic shooting prisoners as the ones were in the old Soviet Union when it meant an extra pound of butter for them and their family?

I suggest a quick read of the Gulag Archipelago to see what the new democrats have in mind for us in the coming years. Yes indeed, working together to unite the country in getting rid of all of the kulaks and wreckers. They can always annex Canada to get really good locations for the new 're-education' camps, since it isn't cold enough in Montana and the Dakotas in the winter.

Good times, good times.

Yancey Ward said...

"What's the Over/Under on when Kamala and the Cabinet That Looks Like America® invoke the 25th Amendment? Can Biden break Harrison's record?

By Spring is my guess. It is obvious right now that Biden is too mentally incompetent to be President. I think everyone really does understand that, but if they don't, once they start working with him every day in the basement of the Wilmington White House, the people in the executive branch will fully get it. The only thing Biden really does have going for him that Harris is Biden's own Biden that Obama had, but you really can't have a President who can only work between breakfast and 9 a.m. Can anyone really imagine Biden having a private meeting with Xi or Putin? I surely can't, and I don't imagine the cabinet will either.

However, if you are looking for a tell- watch to see who is selected for the cabinet- would you consider them Biden selections or Obama selections? Harris was Obama's selection for VP, and I think the cabinet will be selected by him and his innner associates, too. They will answer to Harris nominally, but to Obama directly- it is, afterall, Obama's legacy that he is worried about. Obama made a bad error in letting Clinton have the nomination, and he has cobbled together the solution, and that solution doesn't include Biden lasting long in the office.

Drago said...

GingerBeer: "What's the Over/Under on when Kamala and the Cabinet That Looks Like America® invoke the 25th Amendment? Can Biden break Harrison's record?"

The media will happily carry Dementia Joe along as long as needed with Big Tech suppressing any negative stories. The old Pravda hands in Russia must be looking on in absolute wonder at how the US media/tech out-Pravda-d them!

The question then becomes this:

What is the politically optimal moment for the obama team to kick Biden to the curb?

It may depend on how rapidly Biden's clear dementia accelerates, but lets assume that it can be papered over as long as needed.

In that case,l I will set up a 2 level decision tree:

if I am a democratical (which of course includes LLR-lefties who lie about their political affiliation), if the coming GA runoff goes the dems way and they get 50-50 + Kamala as 51, then its possible that Kamala is installed prior to Nov 2022, since dem policies which deliver permanent dem control can start to be implemented immediately.

If the reps retain control of the Senate this Jan then many of the dems policy plans for creating one party permanent rule might be stymied, which would require at least 1 more election where the dems pretend not to be socialists.

With cheat by mail and permanent ChiCom flu "emergencies" employed for 2022, it should be no problem at all for the dems to craft a Designer Election Outcome for the govt they desire, permanently.

In that case it would be Kamala anointed in early 2023, setting her up for the next 2 elections amounting to almost 10 years as POTUS.

By that time the US might find itself a member of an expanded EU/UN run organization of nations which requires a new Constitution either directly rewritten or buried in multilateral agreements which override our Constitution.

Anyway, thats the way I would roll if I were a democratical. It would achieve all the "end state"/vision goals I as a lefty would desire.

Vance said...

MarK: Bannon has no power. AOC is what, the number 2 Democrat in the House in terms of political pull? And do you see anyone, anyone at all, on the left who would say "hold on now, we shouldn't use our unlimited power to do tyrannical things?"

You are the party of the Democrat Dictators in governor's mansions. You support Cuomo's full on attack on the Jews; do you honestly think that he wouldn't go along with AOC's enemies list and arrest and send Americans to the camps?

People are "declaring war" because they see exactly what your side is proposing and desiring to do. People on the right are simply not going to live in a Democrat Dictatorship Dytopian nightmare--at least, not willingly. We threw off King George; we are not going to simply let you guys bring back total dictatorship in the name of Kamala Harris.

and you have yet to say anything that says "hey, your fears are overblown: of course Democrats are not opening up Auschwitz!" Because even you cannot make that promise, can you? Harris, Beto, AOC... the far left is going to do far leftist things. And every other place in the world and every other time, that means blood and lots of it.

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "And gadfly shows up to cheer on the blatantly corrupt Biden. The only real chance Biden has is that he is so openly corrupt that the ChiComs can’t use it against him and maybe he will remember whose side he is on."

Like Dementia Joe, Mao enjoyed very young girls whom he had by the thousands.

zipity said...

Well, that is not completely accurate. Let me fix that for you:

"Biden, Facebook, Twitter, Deep State, Washington Post, NY Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Beat Trump"

More honest I believe.

Jalanl said...

I'm sure a "lady's thimble will hold all the blood that will be shed."

stephen cooper said...

So far, still conforms to a Joseph Campbell scenario (the voyage of the hero, overcoming odds).
The simultaneous call from the Mexican owned paper and the Democratic party owned networks, followed by Murdoch's Fox a few minutes later, is a nice narrative touch.

"Benford's law" (a statistical accounting tool - not actually a law) is going to be to the rest of November what "flatten the curve" was to March.

Even as we speak, the leftist Wikipedia editors are rewriting the Benford's law article, furiously and enragedly.

Shouting Thomas said...

How can it get any uglier or more corrupt than this?

Welcome to hell.

Thank God, I’m 70 years old. I’ll be dead in 5 or 10 years.

That’s beginning to look like a blessing compared to living under the thumb of the ChiComs.

Jaq said...

The press is what really worries me. Without an independent press, democracy has no chance, and the press is all in with Biden to the point of suppressing any news that might have hurt him going into the election.

What do they do now? Admit it was all bullshit and ask for their credibility back?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The msm are going on about civility bullsh*t, on how Comrade Joe is going to restore the republic.

Carol said...

Greenwald is on fire: "That the liberal belief in and fear of a Trump-led fascist dictatorship and violent coup is actually a fantasy — a longing, a desire, a craving — has long been obvious"

stephen cooper said...

Benford's law, by the way, easily passes the Daubert test when explained in court by a qualified expert. So the Wikipedia shenanigans are irrelevant.

Yancey Ward said...

"If trump six months ago had told everyone to wear masks and led by example he would have won. What a moron."

LOL! Europe has had mask mandates since Spring. If Trump had mandated them the only thing that would be different today is that he would have been blamed for COVID and for mandating useless masks. There would still be 240,000 dead assigned to COVID, and I think the election would have turned out the exact same way.

Big Mike said...

Thank God, I’m 70 years old. I’ll be dead in 5 or 10 years.

Wait until you're 75 (I'm coming up on it). You'll want more.

stephen cooper said...

Shouting Thomas, at 11:26 AM - that is what I used to say (I'll be dead in 5 to 10 years). Then I got a better set of doctors (well a more optimistic set anyway). So now it is 10 to 15.

pacwest said...

Congratulations America!

The party of rioters and looters, politicians on the take, voter fraud, illegal immigration, pedophilia, racism, coups, and dishonesty and denial has taken the White House. It will be good to end the long nightmare of economic growth, Mideast peace, lessening of income disparity, and low energy prices. Hurray.

Vance said...

Look, all it will take is for Harris to authorize an "accident" for two or three Republican Senators from states with D governors, and the leftists will have everything they want. Pack the Supreme Court? You bet! Or just impeach all the Republicans. Once they have the Supreme Court, the House, Senate, and Presidency... what's going to stop them from anything they want, other than the people? Certainly not the media, who would gladly cheer President Harris announcing the "Suspension of the Constitution for the duration of the COVID crisis!"

I mean, why wouldn't they do this? It's been plainly obvious as the nose on your face that Trump upset their plan to take over America permanently. They aren't going to allow that to happen again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I wonder if the Pelosi-Biden-Clinton international family enrichment grift schemes will gear up again?
Since the media are not interested in telling us the truth, while they insist our lying eyes are ears are deceiving us... we many not know.
The FBI and the CIA are compromised as well. do top players make the mega bucks too?

**I did not kill myself.

Jaq said...

"LOL! Europe has had mask mandates since Spring.”


ALP said...

My only question now: how long until Harris is POTUS? How long is Old Joe going to last?

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "The press is what really worries me. Without an independent press, democracy has no chance, and the press is all in with Biden to the point of suppressing any news that might have hurt him going into the election."

We will never have an independent press via the legacy media again.

You could fairly argue that disappeared in the 60's and the republic needs only a couple more small shoves to go over cliff.
Historically, its right about now that a republic falls. Its surprising given human nature its lasted this long.

Anyway, independent journalism is long gone and has been for some time. Expect many new rules and regulations regarding who can say what publicly.

A "Journalist Licensing" bureaucracy is in our near future, along with deploying the "fairness doctrine" to shut down talk radio.

It will not be possible for an unconstrained democratical party from implementing those rules. After Stasi-like weaponization of the CIA/NSA/DOJ/FBI, that stuff will be childs play for them.

And Big Tech will help enforce it all on the pathway to individual Social Credit Scores, similar to what Big Tech developed for the ChiComs to control their own population.

Yancey Ward said...

COVID cases rise and fall with exactly two things- the seasonal changes that move people indoors and outdoors. They also move with lockdowns- the lockdowns do slow the spread eventually, but probably make it worse in the short term (see the example in the Spring), but the problem is that you can't keep the lockdowns in place for very long- 4 weeks maximum-before the stores start running out of food and the supply chain for everything else starts to break down in serious ways.

I bought a big supply of toilet paper yesterday- something I didn't do in the Spring. You had better hope that COVID is in retreat come January because Biden will order another lockdown the moment he becomes President- he basically will be forced to by his own rhetoric. I am hoping he can be made see sense, but I don't expect it to happen.

Michael K said...

Harris was Obama's selection for VP, and I think the cabinet will be selected by him and his innner associates, too. They will answer to Harris nominally, but to Obama directly- it is, afterall, Obama's legacy that he is worried about.

I agree but this raises the question, never answered, who runs Obama?

Bill Ayres ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump would have won if the left didn't steal it at the end. It's that simple.

My issue with Trump and the GOP is they don't do enough when they have power to fix the corruption that grows while they play golf.

BrentonTalcott said...

That trash rag can trumpet whatever it likes via aluminum tube,
to the wind...

they do not get to decide.

The People do.

What was Franklin's distinction between a democracy and a republic.

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what they are going to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”

― Benjamin Franklin

Kate said...

Now that the NYT has said it, do I have to believe it? The more I see of the media deciding our future, the less resigned to Biden I become.

Jaq said...

"How long is Old Joe going to last?”

He won’t be running things anyway, so how long can they keep up the charade? Look at RGB. This is a guy who a couple days ago introduced his dead and long buried son at a campaign rally.

Drago said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers: "I wonder if the Pelosi-Biden-Clinton international family enrichment grift schemes will gear up again?"

They will kick into high gear with full media/tech support in suppressing any info.

And woe to any govt official who thinks going whistleblower about dems will yield anything other than a long prison sentence...or worse.

narciso said...

Valerie jarrett.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Michael K said...

I agree but this raises the question, never answered, who runs Obama?

Xi and the CCP.

Yancey Ward said...

Tim, you are just fucking wrong. France, Spain, the UK etc. have had mask mandates the entire time since April- they reiterated them 6 weeks ago when the present ascent in the curve started- they just don't work. There is literally zero evidence at this point that mask mandates have had any effect whatsoever on COVID cases. The states in the US with the biggest increases in cases the last 2 weeks also have had mask mandates in place the entire time.

This is just idiocy at this point, like a religious belief about pork.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump kept that horrible corrupt money whore Hillary out of the presidency. For that I will always be grateful.

Hillary is pining for more power and grift - will Harris give it to her in the form of a cabinet position?

Friedrich Engels' Barber said...

Illegitimate Joe!
Illegitimate Joe!
We all know he's
Illegitimate Joe!

The next constitutional issue will be when district courts start finding against Illegitimate Joe and he goes ahead anyway. You know, The Mandate.

Lyle said...

What, does this make it official? Lol. You people.

Darkisland said...

In the late 50s Jerry Lee Lewis was the top selling artist in rock and roll.

He and Chuck Berry were playing a concert. Jerry wanted to be the show closer but management had contractually agreed that Chuck Berry would follow Jerry to close the show.

Jerry came out, did his act and in the middle of his last number threw some gasoline into the piano and set it alight. He kept on playing as the piano burned down.

As he walked off the stage he told Chuck "Follow that chump."

It is re-enacted in the JLL biopic here:

That came to mind this morning while thinking about the potential Trump loss. My first thought was that PDJT should set the piano on fire during his last month or so in office. Fire all the deep swamp, pardon Flynn, Stone and anyone else in need declassify what has been going on and more.

I still think he should do this but on reflection, he already has.

Did away with NAFTA
Energy independence
Cutting of regulations
3 new Supremes
150 (or so?) new federal judges
Brought back manufacturing
Held the senate
My have regained the House
Made impeachment a joke
Exposed corruption

and much much more.

If the worst happens, as PDJT hands over the reigns to a weak and incompetent Biden/Harris presidency, he needs to pull out a coke bottle of gasoline, set the podium on fire, turn to Biden and say "Follow that, chump."

Well, maybe that last paragraph is a bit much. A boy can dream, though.

Anyway, from me to BiHa, "Follow that, chump" Good luck with your presidency.

John Henry

Jaq said...

Be interesting to look at the gifts to the Beau Biden Foundation from foreign actors as they roll in. “Emoluments" you say? Pshaw! Don’t look for our press to report it though. Hunter’s laptop, on which he recorded so many business deals, bore a sticker from them, BTW.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CO covid cases are shooting up and we have mask mandates. More lockdowns are on the horizon.

I'm all for wearing a mask - but that's my personal feeling. I have no idea if they work.

le Douanier said...

Will DJT make moves that out-sleaze Clinton when his time was winding down?

That’d be a lot of sleaze. But, DJT may be up for it.

Tomcc said...

Ignorance is Bliss @ 10:56; you make a great point. The anger and cynicism demonstrated by the media and perpetuated by Democrats and never-Trumpers for the last 4 years has been staggering. Outright lies and blatant mischaracterizations have been adopted as "truth" by far too many folks for whom skeptical analysis is too much trouble and potentially dangerous (within their ranks).
If anyone believes that the civil unrest that has been ongoing in major cities is due to Trump and his leadership- understand that two nights ago, in Portland, a city commissioner had his house vandalized by protestors because he had voted against a proposed $18M cut to the police budget.
It could be said that we're going to be in a battle for the soul of this country, but Antifa has no soul.

hombre said...

Chuck said...
To all patriots:

Quarterback SNEAK. How apt!

It’s just an oversight. There’s no chance the LLR Chuck has learned anything.

Jaq said...

"France, Spain, the UK etc. have had mask mandates the entire time since April”

July 18

GingerBeer said...

That "Count all the votes" thing dried up pretty quick.

Drago said...

hombre: "It’s just an oversight. There’s no chance the LLR Chuck has learned anything."

LLR-lefty Chuck, a democrat, is like all the other democrats.

hombre said...

No certifications on the horizon in the cheating states, but the New York Times weighs in shamelessly to finish the scam.

I guess with 50% of the country, the DNC and the ChiComs in their camp they can stay the course a while longe. Some of the 50% know they are liars and that may be a factor.

BrentonTalcott said...

My only question now: how long until Harris is POTUS? How long is Old Joe going to last?



God Only Knows

Nichevo said...

It ain't over till it's over. How many divisions has the NYT? Or even lines in the Constitution?

This is all part of the dance. Part of the dance was the New Yorker election simulation, the one that Jeff Toobin misunderstood as stimulation. Though I hope he wasn't accurately reflecting the attitude to be followed by the courts.

The groaning obviousness of the lockstep media coordination with the D/Left agenda has been reeking in the nostrils for a long time,

of anyone without anosmia that is (like Ann Althouse)

or of anyone who does not cherish that odor (like Charles "LLR" Randall and the various NPC drones who visit here), or who has never taken a bath and cannot distinguish a rose from what It is grown in (Robert Cook).

Those people like the grinding conformity. Because it is aesthetically pleasing. Or it serves their ends. Or because it affirms their faithlessness in human nature.

I do not know what is to come, but the Trump campaign is not done here.

effinayright said...

Inga, r/v et al, you were so blinded by hate that you voted for a senile corruptocrat.

Thanks a pantload for revealing exactly who you are.

le Douanier said...

“I agree but this raises the question, never answered, who runs Obama?”



dreams said...

Don't rule out Trump in 2024, maybe he'll be back and make America great again.

Drago said...

Carol: "Greenwald is on fire: "That the liberal belief in and fear of a Trump-led fascist dictatorship and violent coup is actually a fantasy — a longing, a desire, a craving — has long been obvious"

Greenwald, along with Michael Tracey, Aaron Mate, Stephen Cohen (before his death), Matt Taibbi, Tim Pool and others all know perfectly well that all principled liberals and leftists will end up the very same way that menshevik Trotsky did when the bolsheviks seize full power.

These principled lefties are screaming at the top of their lungs at the lunacy of the last 4 years of russia conspiracy hoaxes and dreams of Trump as a fascist.

That's why they will be completely shut down and shut out too.

Welcome to the future Shut Down and Shut Out Club laddies! Its going to be an awfully big crew.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“My only question now: how long until Harris is POTUS? How long is Old Joe going to last?”

If the Donks succeed in stealing the Georgia Senate races that gives them a very narrow window, in a very fraught environment, to get anything done before 2022. They’re going to have to get rid of Biden quickly. Interesting to note on UW social media sites that the guns of the Rioting Left are already moving off Trump and taking aim at Biden.

Arashi said...

If the steal works, the biden-harris admin will not be able to control the antifa-blm folks, as teh new admin will not be able to move as far left as quickly as desired by the new brownshirts. So teh violence will continue. At some point, a call will go out to put a really strong man in charge - and then we get our version of Stalin, and then all hell will really be set loose.

And all the usefull idiots that helped, will find out that the really strong man has no use for them, as they are easily swayed and are not reliable - so off to camp or the basement of the new lubyanka they go (along with the kulaks and wreckers).

Yeah, uniting amerika and restoring the democracy. And as America falls, so too will the rest of the world. China will not be able to control it all and the wrold will fall back to dog eat dog regional conflicts pretty much everywhere while the elite rape and plunder whatever is left. It won't happen right away, but the desire to implement the new view is very much there and htere is a lot of enthusiasm for it - as long as the correct people get to punish the incorrect people (of course, I am not one of the correct people, so I don't really want this to happen).

Is that the four horsemen I see on the horizon?

Darkisland said...

Something else that came to mind last night:

I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,
Alive as you and me.
Says I "But Joe, you're ten years dead"
"I never died" said he,
"I never died" said he.

We are already seeing various leftish pundits talking about having defeated Trump but not Trumpism.

This in WaPo yesterday, for example titled "Trumpism is a Lifestyle disease, chronic in America"

So even if he does ultimately lose, his legacy will live on and it will be damned hard to defeat.

"Don't mourn, organize" - Joe Hill

John Henry

AZblondie said...

Anyone in Wisconsin know if 89% of registered voters in Wisconsin casting ballots is reasonable? Because that's from the official Secretary of State numbers. Does Wisconsin have a great voter roll purge program, and are WI residents that politically minded? And then there's this guy, who is using official WI numbers and local sources for his analysis... If they want us to believe the numbers, thy need to quit doing shady crap like this.

Jaq said...

After an embarrassing incident last month, the CDC officially acknowledged Monday that coronavirus can spread through tiny aerosol droplets suspended in the air “for minutes to hours.”

The update means the Centers for Disease Control now admits “some infections can be spread by exposure to virus in small droplets and particles that can linger in the air" some time after an infected person moves away.

The CDC has been a major source of fuckery in this pandemic. If you are fine breathing these aerosols raw deep into your lungs, that’s fine. I just feel bad for the people working at checkout counters who are exposed to hundreds of people a day and have only their own flimsy mask to protect them. Both parties wearing masks will cut the risk.

But that’s right, let them leave their jobs if they don’t like it! I am sure the people working checkout counters at supermarkets have tons of options. Obviously there are lots of ways to catch it, but if you can slow down one, that adds up to fewer people in the hospital when you extrapolate over thousands of supermarkets.

hombre said...

roesch/voltaire said...
“Win one for decency, now let us work together to focus on the country and not the tweeter.”

An example from r-v of the lack of self awareness common to useful idiots.

Let me help. Has Trump been treated decently? Who, exactly, has focused on the tweeter and not his accomplishments?

JK Brown said...

That headline just begs for a "Dewey Beats Truman" moment. The universe demands it.

Darkisland said...

"Harris is the first women elected Vice-President"

Not yet.

John Henry

le Douanier said...


Why not include Dick Morris on that list of truth tellers?

There was a time when he was super popular on Fox News and such.

Drago said...

dreams: "Don't rule out Trump in 2024, maybe he'll be back and make America great again."

By 2024 there will be 20 to 30 million new voters, open borders with more illegals streaming across every day on an accelerated pathway to citizenship and probably voting before becoming citizens anyway, complete democrat control over voting processes in every state where it matters, etc.

Big Tech and the dems will have shut off all alternative sources of information and the DOJ/FBI will be completely out of control in harassing opponents of the democrats.

Heck, they already do most of that. They will just keep doing it....only on a galactically large scale.

But I do get your point. Human nature is a funny thing and not all people are as easily controllable the left sheep and the LLR-lefties.

One thing is for sure, we are now firmly on a path where we are definitely going to find out....

Nichevo said...

I doubt they get 89% in Puerto Rico. John Henry?

Dave Begley said...

AZ, GA, NC, MI, PA and WI will all vote for Trump in the Electoral College.

Drago said...

anti-de Sitter space: "Drago,

Why not include Dick Morris on that list of truth tellers?"

Dick Morris is a left winger who refused to buy into the russia collusion hoax? Do you even know who the individuals I mentioned are and what their histories/backgrounds are?

Such a strange comment, even for you.

pacwest said...

Media and tech receive nearly a third of their revenue from China. Because of the outsized role of media and tech in the 2020 election a case can be made that the CCP bought the election. At least the Chinese like Biden. Not so much Trump.


pious agnostic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BrentonTalcott said...

Drudge headline: YOU’RE FIRED

Premature vote tabulation?

Most soi boys have that problem.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

beat by cheat.

Jaq said...

Another thing to think about Yancy, when you prattle on about seasonality, is that if you have a signal, and you damp it, the signal is still there, but with less amplitude, I am not sure you will understand my point, but whatever. With stunningly effective medications, like the one that had Trump feeling better within hours that looks on track to be approved, and vaccines in the near future, I think it’s only human decency to try to get as many of the living and vulnerable over to the other side as we can.

Yancey Ward said...

There are literally thousands of such graphs, Tim, from around the planet:

Los Angeles County

Masking has no detectable signal- it is a null intervention at this point. Lockdowns, on the other hand, do probably have an effect if initiated early enough, but the actual data suggests that they might actually raise the fatality rate of COVID, and it can argued that they also increase the new cases rate right at the beginning- not surprising that locking people in their homes or apartment buildings 23 hours a day with infected people could enhance the spread of the disease.

Meade said...

"I’m upset Biden will be our President because he’s terrible. I’m happy Trump will no longer be our President because he’s terrible."

I hope I'm wrong but unlike Trump, the strong peace president who deserves a prize for all the wars he kept us out of and got us out of, Biden, I predict, if he does in fact manage to steal this election, will be a war president. As a weak Democrat, like Obama and Clinton, he'll need to prove how tough he is and he won't be able to stand up to the military industrial complex.

LBJ. Lyndon Baines Joe.

le Douanier said...

I shoulda added a ton of LOLs. I think that typing that a bunch is lazy writing. But, obviously, for some folks that jabber is helpful.

BTW, what’s up w/ our happy warrior Drago today?

All outa LOLs. Doom and gloom.

Dave Begley said...

Yancey: There’s enough provable fraud in the key states for the states I mentioned to get flipped for EC.

GingerBeer said...

Drago: After Jan. 20, 2021, what value does Biden provide Ds? If as suspected both GA races go R, who would be more willing to go to the mat, Biden or Harris? "We can't wait" would be back in style and Congressional Ds, the media, and the bureaucracy would be only too happy to yield to any means necessary to oppose "obstructionist " Rs. What EO or memo from a cabinet secretary creating new interpretations of law would they oppose? I hope Dr. Jill isn't measuring the drapes.

Chennaul said...

I am kind of neutral on Trump but the media is doing something very dangerous here.

So now the talking point is Trump needs to have evidence of fraud.

Well how do you get the evidence of fraud if you cannot even see?

Say you ask your bank to count up your money and give it to you but you are not sure how much you have?

How would you feel if they would not let you in the building? If they blocked the windows? If they were your rival and they had a claim against the balance? How could you even get “evidence “ under those conditions?

Second problem is the media is not— The Deciders— The People— are. There is still a canvas in Wisconsin till Nov 17th, then possible there is a recount. There are other problems in other states, and the media has decided not to point the public there, if it was Biden in this situation they would go overboard, —see the “Russia Stole It!” action from just last election.

Finally a legitimate and large portion of America is getting clamped down on, there is very little outlet for them in the media or culture to be heard.

The major networks, and now FOX have gone disproportionately to representing one side.

This part of America, frustrated by that felt they might have had a chance to be heard in the voting booth— finally and now that process is being shutdown by the very same media, it is dangerous in a pluralist society for that to happen.

pacwest said...

How long will Biden be President? I would like to go on record. 6 months or less.

narciso said...

This virus was the pretext to snuff out fair elections, you still dont get the grand strategy the serfs collar they want to fit us with.

le Douanier said...

Is that the best that Meade got out of the test marketing of his anti-Biden jabber, when he was talking w/ the D people who called him?


Jaq said...

Last point masks, then I will let Yancy parade his ill-informed views all he wants: Aerosols? Mask block them.

A lot of stuff in this study is out of date, for instance they talk about low prevalence of aerosols in infected people’s breath, but two points, the coronavirus they were talking about was not the lung attacking COVID, and talking produces more aerosols, like talking at the checkout counter, and they didn’t have the subjects talk. Also the spread of the disease through aerosols themselves was not understood in March when it was written, so the point them make about masking symptomatic people is outdated,

The science is never settled.

narciso said...

I mourn for this nation, if this fraud is allowed to stand.

Lucien said...

Tim in Vermont: at some point doesn’t the logic of your argument imply that if things were as dangerous as you say, all the supermarket checkers, etc. would have gotten sick by now?

Darkisland said...

From Article 1, Section 2 Constitution

and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote;

If PDJT can tie up the vote counts until the electoral college meets, neither he nor Biden will have a majority.

While the House does have a Demmie majority in Reps, it has a Repo majority in states. With each state getting one vote, regardless of number of reps, this could give PDJT a win.

Whoever finally wins and however they do it, it will be an ugly win.

So fuck it. By any means necessary.

John Henry

Chennaul said...

"I’m upset Biden will be our President because he’s terrible. I’m happy Trump will no longer be our President because he’s terrible."

I hope I'm wrong but unlike Trump, the strong peace president who deserves a prize for all the wars he kept us out of and got us out of, Biden, I predict, if he does in fact manage to steal this election, will be a war president. As a weak Democrat, like Obama and Clinton, he'll need to prove how tough he is and he won't be able to stand up to the military industrial complex.

LBJ. Lyndon Baines Joe.


This whole situation invites our enemies to test us and it will happen to whomever wins. The military industrial complex did not bomb the Twin Towers which happened after the Bush v Gore fraction.

Trump will not have extra insulation from that.

Lucien said...

Tim in Vermont: at some point doesn’t the logic of your argument imply that if things were as dangerous as you say, all the supermarket checkers, etc. would have gotten sick by now?

Achilles said...

narciso said...

I mourn for this nation, if this fraud is allowed to stand.

Stop whining.

Get to your state capitol and start connecting.

Trump got a record number of legal votes. More people voted for Trump than any other candidate for president ever.

We are legion. Get off your butt and get to the StopTheSteal protest.

doctrev said...

Chennaul said...

So now the talking point is Trump needs to have evidence of fraud.

11/7/20, 12:10 PM

Let me stop you right there: Justice Alito was angry enough about the level of fraud committed by Pennsylvania alone that he ordered late ballots sequestered. I'm sure that if it's claimed to be too late, that the Supreme Court will find the responsible parties in contempt of court. What penalties could they inflict after that? Who knows.

I don't know if the Supreme Court can overtly enjoin a state from nominating a particular slate of electors, but it almost doesn't matter. Merely declaring that a fraud is widespread enough to decisively change election results in four large states would make it clear: the Supreme Court sees the fraud, but won't reverse the results because there is an obvious coup against the republic. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time they've influenced an election, either.

What happens after that, God only knows.

Vance said...

So the big question: Will any Democrat, anywhere, fight against obvious corruption, fascism, and totalitarianism coming soon from a President Harris near you? If Harris announced that on February 1st the first concentration camps for Republicans opens... would any one of our leftists say a word except in praise?

We all know of course not. And that's why it has a great chance of happening: the Democrats have 50% of the population who would gladly, cheerfully, put the other 50% into the death camps--or at least not do a thing about it.

This is how Germany fell, after all. And one thing is sure: it sure as heck isn't Trump and the Republicans that has the propaganda outlets and total government control over the media.

Will we even see one story criticizing the Biden's from the right from anyone besides the Federalist and a few bloggers?

le Douanier said...

Are Rs for controlling spending again?

Lucien said...

People like to say that presidents don’t have much of an effect on the economy, but I think they have a lot to do with the regulatory environment in which businesses operate. The last four years have been better for businesses than the next four will be.

Bay Area Guy said...

I don't mind if Biden wins fairly and squarely. That's life - you win some, you lose some.

But there are credible allegations of FRAUD in Wisc, Mich & Penn. And lawsuits. Doesn't the NYT believe in the rule of law?

Let's wait and see how it plays out.

Chennaul said...

Let me stop you right there: Justice Alito was angry enough about the level of fraud committed by Pennsylvania alone that he ordered late ballots sequestered. I'm sure that if it's claimed to be too late, that the Supreme Court will find the responsible parties in contempt of court. What penalties could they inflict after that? Who knows.


Yep, that is going to get really interesting, I think, and I do need to go read that directly the problem is that they ignored the Supreme Court instruction to keep certain ballots separate. Probably mail in, and it looks like they ignored that instruction from the Supreme Court which is gross in my opinion.

Jaq said...

"Masking has no detectable signal- “

That’s not how you would detect it, it could always have been worse. I know you want to believe this really badly, but what you are doing is assuming what you are trying to prove, obviously it could have been worse and we don’t know what the data looks like in that other reality where LA didn’t impose a mask mandate, and color me shocked that you didn’t understand my point about damping a signal, but the signal still appears in pretty much its same form.

This is how you do the math (hint, it doesn’t involve looking at cherry picked graphs on Twitter that don’t mean what you think they mean)

State policies mandating public or community use of face masks or covers in mitigating the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are hotly contested. This study provides evidence from a natural experiment on the effects of state government mandates for face mask use in public issued by fifteen states plus Washington, D.C., between April 8 and May 15, 2020. The research design is an event study examining changes in the daily county-level COVID-19 growth rates between March 31 and May 22, 2020. Mandating face mask use in public is associated with a decline in the daily COVID-19 growth rate by 0.9, 1.1, 1.4, 1.7, and 2.0 percentage points in 1–5, 6–10, 11–15, 16–20, and 21 or more days after state face mask orders were signed, respectively. Estimates suggest that as a result of the implementation of these mandates, more than 200,000 COVID-19 cases were averted by May 22, 2020. The findings suggest that requiring face mask use in public could help in mitigating the spread of COVID-19.

Feel free to ignore the part where they model a reduction in cases, it has nothing to do with the main point.

tolkein said...

Dear Ann

Isn't there supposed to be a recount in Wisconsin?

Has it been held?

Is it has, where can I find the result?

If not, then surely Trump has a path to victory, even without Pennsylvania?

217 EV plus Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina = 259. Plus Wisconsin = 269. This assumes Nevada goes to Biden. Then if tied it goes to the House and votes are by State delegations (1 vote per state) and I think the Republicans have a majority of state delegations.

So, it may be far fetched, but the race is not over. So, why has it been called

I'm only a Brit, but if I've missed something obvious, could you tell me, please?

With best wishes

chuck said...

Win one for decency, now let us work together to focus on the country and not the tweeter.

Far too late for that, things are headed the opposite direction. The media is clamping down, but it won't work.

Michael K said...

Blogger NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
Michael K said...

I agree but this raises the question, never answered, who runs Obama?

Xi and the CCP.

Interesting speculation. I tend to think a cabal of billionaires who are powerful enough to hide the traces. buwaya seems to have figured this out early.

Lurker21 said...

If they can keep Joe on life-support until late January 2023, Kamala will be eligible to be elected to two terms, but he may not last that long. There's bound to be friction over how long he can stay in office.

There will also be problems picking the cabinet. The people Joe and Jill feel comfortable with may not be those that the different blocs in the party want him to choose. The bankers aren't going to love Liz Warren, and Buttigieg at HUD, for example, wouldn't go over well with minority groups.

Rusty said...

roesch/voltaire said...
Win one for decency,
Uh. You had to cheat to win. I don't think you know the first thing about "decency". In fact I'm sure of it.
R. Cooke.
You should be very happy. Xi is in the Whitehouse. He is the one that's going to direct our domestic and foreign policy. Your dream come true.
Achilles said...
"Get to your state capitol and start connecting.

Trump got a record number of legal votes. More people voted for Trump than any other candidate for president ever.

We are legion. Get off your butt and get to the StopTheSteal protest"
Excellent advice..

Jaq said...

"Tim in Vermont: at some point doesn’t the logic of your argument imply that if things were as dangerous as you say, all the supermarket checkers, etc. would have gotten sick by now?”

No. Yeesh.

Now I am really done with this. Aren’t we supposed to be celebrating the coronation the most openly corrupt man to ever win the White House and his commie Veep?

Yancey Ward said...

And good news on COVID naturally acquired immunity.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Drago said...

A "Journalist Licensing" bureaucracy is in our near future, along with deploying the "fairness doctrine" to shut down talk radio.

I think I am a "journalist" even if part time and only in trade press. I wonder if I would need to be licensed? I like to think I would refuse to submit.

Economically, it would make no difference to me. But I do like to write and getting my name out there does help my brand.

Thankfully, we have a Supreme Court that might put the kibosh on that.

ANd what about someone like Tim Pool? Or even Scott Adams? Or Joe Rogan? Or Megan Kelly (She just started a podcast and is really good. Listen to her hold Mark Cuban's feet to the fire about China and the Uighars)Dvorak/Curry? and many many more.

What about blogs? Is Ann a "journalist"? Matt Drudge? Would they need to be licensed? How would that even work?

Sure, Google could censor her, they already do, she told us a couple months ago, albeit lightly.

But she doesn't need Google. for a few bucks a month she can set up her own website/blog where NOBODY can censor her. Ditto anyone else who is interested.

I think the legacy media has royally beclowned themselves. I am not sorry to see them replaced. I hope they all go bankrupt.

It would be nice to have an independent and diverse mainstream media. Hardly necessary, though.

John Henry

roesch/voltaire said...

Interesting to read the illusions and vile posted by many of the bloggers here, no wonder Biden won the popular vote by those who fianally saw the con for what he is. Time to put on the big boy pants and get to work,

le Douanier said...

How long before Althouse writes that it’s important for the incoming administration to not investigate the previous one.

Like she did for BHO re W.

And not like the way she lost this POV during the years when DJT w/ R Congress were busy investigating Ds.


Lurker21 said...

The canonization of the humble man from ScrantonandWilmington, PennsylvaniaDelaware is well under way. Donna Brazile is crying about having lived to see the first woman and first Asian elected vice president. Kamala Harris is on the phone with Joe and cackling. O'Donnell and Maddow are pontificating, she from her own fortified, COVID-proof bunker. Large crowds have gathered in Manhattan with raised fists. Some in the crowd are shaking their fists in what appears to be a gesture of solidarity with Jeffrey Toobin.

Jupiter said...

This very far from being the first lie ever printed in the New York Times.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hunter needs a new crack pipe and a fresh stripper to F*. I heard Hunter wants to buy Kathy Griffith's penthouse. International grift to start soon.

Media don't care.

doctrev said...

The more psychotic and arrogant the LLRs and SJWs become, the more relevant and widely distributed "conspiratorial" explanations of their actions will become. There's a certain lust for pride and violence that dominates such people. Honestly, Inga just congratulated Joe Biden and I don't take that as anything beyond blind partisanship (or simple relief). But Charles Randall and Paul Dueffert... well, the Barnhardt post certainly explains a great deal about their mindset. Which is why both men can easily be tracked down, and will probably be horribly butchered by the liberals they insist are their allies.

Achilles said...

Michael K said...

I agree but this raises the question, never answered, who runs Obama?

Obama is a creature of the big banks and tech giants. Netflix has already paid him 100 million dollars. His political organization is completely and openly fused with facebook.

He is truly an international globalist.

His working with Iran and China was just allies working together.

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, for fuck's sake, Tim, if you're down to depending on fucking hypotheticals, then deal with this one- if they hadn't started masking, COVID would have been less pervasive and deadly. I can play this game just like any good Karen, and probably a lot better, too.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

What's the Over/Under on when Kamala and the Cabinet That Looks Like America® invoke the 25th Amendment? Can Biden break Harrison's record?

If they can manage it, two years and a day. As long as Harris serves less than two years of Biden's term, she can still run for reelection twice.

Chennaul said...

Time to put on the big boy pants and get to work,


Biden might need a serious assist with that sooner than you think.

Mitch McConnell can help him from the Senate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The D will always win the popular vote because of the large population of CA. CA is ruled by the D.

1 in 8 people live in CA. Being impressed by a popular vote lead - is being impressed with the number of D's in CA. Clear?

le Douanier said...

BTW, is moderation off for all threads?

It’s been so long since I 69ed. And I was too late to this thread.

Yancey Ward said...

And I can make the data show that, too, if I were interested in doing so, like that link you just linked to- it isn't hard to do, but it would be playing a game outside the actual real world experience with masks.

And, again, the Danish did the right study on masks and COVID, and can't get the paper published in any journal because the study showed masks had no measurable effect. And it shouldn't be surprising since all the studies prior to COVID showed that masks don't really stop respiratory viruses, but once it became a political issue, suddenly people want to invent rationales to support it.

Earnest Prole said...

The year 2000 just called and said “Don’t be a Sore Loserman.”

le Douanier said...

In the past I did claim a 690.

If this thread goes long, I’d like to do that again.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert Cook said...

”The Chinese Communist Party humiliates and defeats America after a year long reign of terror.“

Don’t be so childish.

le Douanier said...

All to honor Althouse graduating from HS.


OldManRick said...

This table of data from the CDC tells you all you need to know about the effectiveness of cloth masks. The vertical axis is the frequency of wearing masks. The left column is the numbers of people infected and the right is the control group - people not infected.

If masks helped the left column would show an increased percentage of infection in the Never and Sometimes cells. There is no statistical difference between the infected and not infected columns. Therefore, the masks don't make a difference.

I would argue that possibly masks could be counter productive because we have no added information on the social behavior of those who always wear a mask. My anecdotal evidence is that the "Always" mask wearers are also the most COVID-phobic and tend to absolutely minimize interaction and exposure to other people. We have friends and relatives who will not visit or interact with us because of what I call COVID-noia (COVID paranoia). They are also the always mask wearers. Without real data on social interaction, I cannot evaluate this case but this tendency should drive the "Always" mask wearers infection rate down.

This by the way is called science.

Achilles said...

doctrev said...

Let me stop you right there: Justice Alito was angry enough about the level of fraud committed by Pennsylvania alone that he ordered late ballots sequestered. I'm sure that if it's claimed to be too late, that the Supreme Court will find the responsible parties in contempt of court. What penalties could they inflict after that? Who knows.

This is a key point.

The important legal term here is Spoliation. Look it up.

Spoliation is the statement that if a party acts unlawfully and is caught destroying or hiding evidence that illegality is assumed.

After they kicked the GOP poll watchers out of the polling stations every vote counted after that point is ASSUMED to be illegal.

Joe Biden will never be inaugurated.

Get off your ass and get connected. We are going to win this.

Drago said...

Earnest Prole: "The year 2000 just called and said “Don’t be a Sore Loserman.”

Gore challenged the results for 37 days.

Get back to me when we are at about 30 or so.

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