November 25, 2020

At the Coot Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


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Qwinn said...

You can watch the Gettysburg hearing (where Trump spoke via phone, to much applause) here:!

It's amazing. Biden picks *this minute* to give his "Thanksgiving Address" so that no station (not even Newsmax) is broadcasting the hearing. AND, according to a Senator at the hearing, the PA Department of State has taken down their website so that they can't access voter registration data to conduct research, and they have requested anyone who has the data to send it in.

I am sending the Bucks County registration file as we speak.

Qwinn said...

The general tone of this hearing, including from lawmakers, is "holy fucking shit this fraud is the worst thing we've ever heard". Not from the legal team, from the audience and Senators.

Qwinn said...

Pennsylvania judge orders halt to further certification

mccullough said...

Great title for the post.

Jupiter said...

A possible solution to the problem that confronts us.

Birkel said...

I need an open thread.
When I predicted starvation in third world countries I did not know I meant New Mexico.

The New Mexican Governor (D) has declared rules for shutting down and limiting access to grocery stores.
That is what shutdown fans could never see coming.
Ken B and tim in vermont are now planning the canned food drives to stop what is coming for those Americans.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hearing in PA was astonishing. Our corrupt press will never cover it.

Jupiter said...

And the Governor of Vermont has instructed the public schools to interrogate children about their parents' Thanksgiving plans.

mccullough said...

The Republican Governor of Vermont.

le Douanier said...

In lawyer circles, is it hip and cool to have “esq” after your name?

Maybe folks do it ironically? Because it’s known to be lame.

Presumably “JennaElis” wasn’t available on Twitter. So she added the “esq.”

Still it seems a bit odd. It seems like it’s in a weirdo category, sorta like (as Althouse noted) an author that puts PhD on the cover of their book.

Too bad old commenter SireSays wasn’t a lawyer. SireEsquire sounds cool.

le Douanier said...

“The hearing in PA was astonishing. Our corrupt press will never cover it.”

You wish.

They’ll blow holes through all the film flam that has you so excited.


Qwinn said...

I just talked to my contact with the Trump legal team. Turns out he was part of the legal challenge that led to the PA judge to order PA to stop certifying the election, the story of which I linked to above. So that's cool.

le Douanier said...

At the astonishing “hearing” we learned that DJT shoulda won Virginia.

You thought he lost by around half a million votes. Nope.

effinayright said...

VEE vill ask ze qvestions!!!!!

"Vermont Gov. Phil Scott said during a press conference on Tuesday that schools in the state will include new questions during daily health checks about whether students and their parents attended gatherings outside of their households following the Thanksgiving holiday."

So every VT teacher, having become a tool of state diktat enforcement, must be told they must give Miranda warnings to every student before they ask such questions.

And every parent in VT should get their kids to understand they have a right to remain silent, and to say so when put under the bright light for interrogation.

Drago said...

mccullough: "The Republican Governor of Vermont."

....who endorsed and voted for Biden and is generally pretty much as liberal as most democraticals.

Did you think you were making some other sort of point?

tim maguire said...

anti-de Sitter space said...
In lawyer circles, is it hip and cool to have “esq” after your name?

Unless your Twitter feed is focused on the legal issues that you deal with in your practice, it's lame. I always take as a sign of insecurity--along with PhD and MD.

Qwinn said...

"You thought he lost by around half a million votes. Nope."

Correct, he didn't.

I know this shocks you, but rational people don't see nearly every batch that came into VA following the middle-of-the-night drop that instantly put Biden over the top all come in at an exact 55.0% Biden to 45% Trump ratio.

Dozens and dozens of batches.

With the exact same 55-45 ratio.

In a row.

Cause that's even remotely plausible.

Drago said...

adSs: "At the astonishing “hearing” we learned that DJT shoulda won Virginia.

You thought he lost by around half a million votes. Nope."

Morgan Freeman Narrator Voice: adSs decided now would not be a good time to revisit how he/she/xe pushed the theory that Putin changed vote totals in 2016 to help DJT.

Jaq said...

"They’ll blow holes through all the film flam that has you so excited.”

Can’t wait to see it, I am sure you will keep us apprised. My money is on them pretending that it never happened and sticking to their story that there are “robust safeguards” to mail in voting. We will see.

Qwinn said...

Not that that was unique to VA.

Several other states saw the same repeated exact ratio in dozens of consecutive batches. They just picked more realistic numbers for each state. One of 'em was 50.1% Biden to 49.9% in every single batch. Which was a guaranteed win for Biden, after the 3am Biden-only ballot dump following the unprecedented multi-state halt to the counting that initially overwhelmed a Trump lead of hundreds of thousands of votes.

Which is fine.

Howard said...

-esq means resembling, eg resembling a human being

Jaq said...

"And every parent in VT should get their kids to understand they have a right to remain silent, and to say so when put under the bright light for interrogation.”

That’s pretty creepy for a guy who only won because the Libertarians supported him. I left there a while ago, and reports seem to be that the creep factor is going up. This while Vermont remains #51 out of the 50 states + DC in active cases.

le Douanier said...


Yur all hyped about your pal who stopped a certification that already happened.

Yes, I know about text re further perfection after certification. Anywho, it’s because I’m into the details that I think it’s funny to see DJT fans reactions re straw grasping. IOW yur funny.


Qwinn said...

Okay, adSs.

Since you're a fan of the details.

Give us a plausible, legitimate explanation for dozens of batches coming in with the exact same Biden-Trump ratio.

In a row.

The exact same ratio.

Remember. Plausible. And legitimate.

Drago said...

Its perfectly reasonable that historically no state ever just stopped counting late in the evening with promises to pick up counting again in the morning and then, magically, in the same election year, multiple states did that thing that had never happened before.

And they all did it at the same time....with remarkably consistent outcomes.


Hey, remember the last time the vote tabulation in a major democrat controlled city shut down supposedly because a pipe burst in a nearby building....and that tabulation shut down just happened to coincide with vote tabulation shut downs in multiple other states?

I mean, if I had a nickel for every time that happened......

Howard said...

The process grinds on but still no sausage and everyone is acting like there starving. Sit back, relax and enjoy the colonoscopy.

Drago said...

I'm wondering why Putin didn't interfere in 2020 by changing vote totals in the same way that adSs and others claimed he did in 2016.

Gotta be a reason for the policy change.

mccullough said...



Republicans are assholes, too.

Mike DeWine is one of them. Another Covid authoritarian.

Jaq said...

I don’t know about these Dominion theories, but they should transmit the raw vote totals, not the total votes and percentages. It’s not like they were trying to conserve bits on the feed, this is 2020 and we have gigabit internet, not to mention they were using JSON.

By transmitting raw totals it would have allowed for statistical analysis of the numbers coming in and been a lot more reassuring if there was no fraud. Of course it seems like they are doing their best to create the appearance of fraud, or at least guilt.

Drago said...

Even more interesting is that the Atlanta "burst pipe" timing perfectly coincided with what Big Tech and the democraticals said would happen for months prior to the election.

So many "coincidences".

So very very many.

le Douanier said...


You can go ahead and count this as a win. Shooting done the BS du jour is no longer interesting to me. So, go ahead and get ready for four more years.

You sure showed me.

Howard said...

Drago: Putin did it again, but the increased POC progressive mail in voter turnout you people want to disenfranchise cancelled it out

steve uhr said...

Quinn - Prepare to be disappointed yet again. Maybe you should write another check for Trump. I'm sure it will be well spent.

Jaq said...

"And they all did it at the same time....with remarkably consistent outcomes.”

Except fo the state run by Republicans, Georgia, where only the Democrat controlled counting stopped at the same time, due to a non existent burst pipe, we were told.

le Douanier said...


You forgot that Biden got 600,000 votes while DJT only got 3000.

That’s part of today’s talking points.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

mccullough: "Drago,
Republicans are assholes, too.
Mike DeWine is one of them. Another Covid authoritarian."

You should relax a bit and recognize that your comment, that you believed was a very clever rejoinder, wasn't really at all.

Everyone knows that party labels aren't what matters anymore. In fact, never less so. That's what happens in the early phases of a potential significant political realignment.

See: Tory party departures over Brexit (in particular, Anna Soubry)

You're welcome.

Drago said...

Howard: "Drago: Putin did it again, but the increased POC progressive mail in voter turnout you people want to disenfranchise cancelled it out"

That's a very on brand comment from Howard, for all the usual reasons.

mccullough said...


Sorry my comment displeased you.

Of all the commenters here, you are the most clever.

Qwinn said...

"You can go ahead and count this as a win. Shooting done the BS du jour is no longer interesting to me. So, go ahead and get ready for four more years."


You haven't shot down a single one yet.

All you and every other leftist ass has done since this started is snark.

Your (collective) best victories include catching that the George Soros thing was a fake, and that one of Lin Wood's affidavits had a single page of errors (the other pages were correct re: the state).

You haven't had a single other victorious argument I've seen in all this.

Not a single cogent, plausible response to any of the hundreds of links we've been posting.

You haven't even tried.

And now you're tired of it.


Jaq said...

In the spring Scott said that he would never use the police to enforce COVID rules, now it’s a $500 fine for breaking quarantine. So if I go to Vermont for Christmas, I need to remain isolated for two weeks before I can go inside any stores or the like, or face a $500 fine. Which is OK, I did it before when there was no $500 fine because I didn’t want to be the asshole who brought a case of COVID into the state and spread it. But this school kids thing is creepy.

Drago said...

mccullough: "Drago, Sorry my comment displeased you."

You are welcome to your delusions at your ability to displease me or anyone else.

I felt no more emotion than I would if I were correcting a child who accidentally wrote 2 + 2 = 5.

Interesting aside: the lefties/LLR-lefties are now telling us that 2+2 can very well equal 5, and to claim otherwise is quite racist and white supremcist-y and other --ist-y things.

Here's Tim Pool, noted liberal and democrat, explaining it:

le Douanier said...

“Gotta be a reason for the policy change.”

I have zero doubt that Drago could come up w/ one. Or many.

Instead of that, how about working w/ the Dominion thing re lots of Rs winning? Why not have more Ds other than Biden win?

I’ll get this started. To do this I’ll go w/ GA: the Rs in GA were paid by China to support Venezuela software that would support Biden because of his cokehead kid who is owned (like Biden himself) by China, and at the same time the Dominion corruption went against the D Senate candidates because they thought it would look better to let that go to a run-off, and then.....[this is where they conspiracy needs to pause, once the results of the run-off are known I can predict how the evil folks decided to do whatever it is that will happen].

Qwinn said...

I'll take it back. Stephen tried.

I mean, every single thing he said was a mountainous, gargantuan lie, but he at least tried.

And mccullough did his damnedest to argue with me about the ridiculous results in my own polling district, the tactic being to just keep requesting additional data until he finally found an obscure and *totally irrelevant* statistic I couldn't supply, at which point he declared victory. Which was hilariously intellectually dishonest.

But that's it.

The rest of you? 100% snark and only snark for 2 weeks now.

It's really been a pathetic attempt at gaslighting. Which has utterly failed to convince anyone not already on your team. At all.

mccullough said...


I’m sorry for saying my comment displeased you.

Of all the commenters here, you are the most clever. Not that my opinion on your cleverness matters to you. And, of course, others my disagree with my opinion.

Qwinn said...

But you could completely prove me wrong, adSs, and lowering yourself to engage in something you're not interested in, and give us the plausible explanation for dozens of consecutive batches with the exact same Biden-Trump ratio.

Shouldn't take you long, right? You can probably put that to bed in a sentence or two.

So humor us.

mccullough said...


I didn’t argue with you about the results in your precinct.

I analyzed your data.

Your conclusions did not follow from the data.

That’s why you are upset.

le Douanier said...

“Here's Tim Pool, noted liberal and democrat”

Ha. BTW, do you want me to let you know what big time (way, way, way more big time than Pool is a D) R Steve Schmidt has to say?

Drago is funny.

Francisco D said...

We changed our Thanksgiving plan to fly to PA for a family reunion and wedding due to the onerous quarantine rule adopted by the state of PA and the AZ school system. We would have been in Gettysburg today for a battle field tour.

MadisonMan said...

Trump pardons Flynn. Good.

le Douanier said...


I already typed that it’s fine for you to think that DJT has four more years.

Sure, I also typed that I think what you think is funny to me. So what. It’s a free country.


mccullough said...


Drago does not care if you think he is funny.

Qwinn said...


You're so full of shit.

My conclusion followed from the data in every conceivable way. 88% of Trump voters were subjected to signature verification, while only 55% of Biden voters were subjected to it. A gross and obvious equal protection violation.

You didn't end that argument saying my conclusions didn't follow from the data.

You just said "I'm okay with that".

As if your being okay with the hideously and obviously unconstitutional "conclusion" I proved with every relevant number requires the rest of us to be okay with it, so that means you won the argument.

Gaslighting 101.

Go fuck yourself.

le Douanier said...

“Trump pardons Flynn. Good.”

Do you know what Flynn is for the Q people?

Drago said...

adSs: "I have zero doubt that Drago could come up w/ one. Or many."

After 5 straight years of non-stop lefty conspiracies and lies, no one can compare with you guys in the "make it up as you go" dept.

I do find it interesting that you and your pals moved seamlessly, effortlessly, from Putin hacked voting machines and changed vote totals and completely controls Trump to the US election was a bastion of perfectly pristine vote gathering and tabulation.

But then again, that sort of thing is pretty much a defining characteristic of all leftists.

I have amusing memories of being lectured to on what "real freedom" was by a Soviet Naval Officer.

I guess we just didn't see eye to eye on that.....but you probably would have understood where he was coming from.

le Douanier said...

Here I mean Q, not Qwinn

Chuck said...

MadisonMan said...
Trump pardons Flynn. Good.

Completely shocking, and completely unsurprising. The story of the Trump presidency.


Qwinn said...

Oh yeah! I remember now. You were okay with that "because confirming the ballot came from a registered voter is enough", something to that effect.

As if it's possible to confirm that in any way without signature verification.

As if that isn't the single and only purpose of signature verification.

le Douanier said...

Actually Mc,

Drago likes me.

It’s mutual.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "Completely shocking, and completely unsurprising. The story of the Trump presidency."

Noted Left-winger LLR-lefty Chuck's parroting of far left and radical left narratives is neither shocking nor surprising.

Just as it has been every day for the last 5 years.

Joe Smith said...

"In lawyer circles, is it hip and cool to have “esq” after your name?"

It actually comes in quite handy.

Whenever you see 'esq' or 'esquire,' it's a sign to secure your wallet : )

Sorry AA...

Grant said...

I miss moderation.

Michael K said...

Kind of disappointed to see Trump pardon Flynn. He deserved exoneration but Sullivan forced it. This means, I assume, that Trump probably thinks the fraud has been successful. Too bad.

At least Biden seems to be choosing nonentities, like himself.

Michael K said...

Kind of disappointed to see Trump pardon Flynn. He deserved exoneration but Sullivan forced it. This means, I assume, that Trump probably thinks the fraud has been successful. Too bad.

At least Biden seems to be choosing nonentities, like himself.

Qwinn said...

It's not like any election I'm aware of prior to 2020 failed to require signature verification.

Just in 2020.

Cause COVID.

Cause, you know, people locked down at home can't sign a piece of paper. And poll workers can't compare that piece of paper to another piece of paper on file.

So we have to do away with that requirement.

And the requirement that any Republican watch you count those ballots either.

We changed those election laws, without actually changing election laws in any legitimate way, for plausible and legitimate reasons.

Which we're no longer interested enough to explain to you.

mccullough said...


Relax, bruh.

100% of Trump voters mail-in ballots and 100% of Biden’ voters mail-in ballots in your precinct were not subject to “signature verification” (matching signature not missing signature).

100% of Trump voters in-person votes and 100% of Biden in-person votes were subject to signature verification.

The Pennsylvania state or local government did not force anyone to vote in person or by mail.

So your “equal protection” argument fails.

le Douanier said...

“I miss moderation.”

How about following that up w/ your worthy comment that would displace all the shit that you see instead?

1) Are you unable to provide that?

2) Can you think of the following question?

Jaq said...

"As if it's possible to confirm that in any way without signature verification.”

(!) See how mail in voting is safe and secure.

Qwinn said...

Actually, we did away with those rules, but mainly only for Biden voters.

Trump voters still have to provide a signature.

Cause plausible and legitimate reasons.

Which we're all just too deluded for you to bother explaining to us.

Even once.

Chuck said...

Trump, phoning it in to the Gettysburg "rally":

"This election was rigged and we can't let that happen. We can't let it happen for our country. And this election has to be turned around, because we won Pennsylvania by a lot and we won all these swing states by a lot..."

A malignant fucking lie. Hurting American democracy. And you wonder why we hate him? Seriously?

Bring it. Bring all your stupid claims and all of the garbage that you wish to put into "evidence." We'll see you in court. And when it's done, don't expect any forgiveness for your outrages.

effinayright said...

For Chuck to respond to:

Howard said...

mccullough: How’s that working out for you?
Drago: What?
mccullough: Being clever.
Drago: Great.
mccullough: Keep it up, then.

William50 said...

Interesting 15 minute video on the science of Covid from an actual scientist

mccullough said...


I’m pleasantly surprised by a Fight Club reference from you.

Jaq said...

"So your “equal protection” argument fails.”

The equal protection argument has to do with Democrats “curing” ballots in an illegal pre-canvas when Republicans were denied the same opportunity, on account of they followed the law as written.

Maybe you are right, but I am waiting for the courts to decide. Right now the pot is big and the next card is cheap and I don’t think it’s wrong to draw to an inside straight under these conditions. There is no point quitting with so many issues to be explored. If the election was fair, Democrats should be happy to demonstrate it.

Qwinn said...

"The Pennsylvania state or local government did not force anyone to vote in person or by mail.

So your “equal protection” argument fails."


Your *entire* argument as to the plausibility of "Biden did better in the category "mail in ballot" than the category "In Person Registered Democrat" was that it was plausible and legitimate that whether or not someone used a mail in ballots was a far better predictor of how someone would vote than their party affiliation.

You insist it's plausible that mail in ballots would VASTLY favor Biden.

And in fact, EVERYONE expected mail in ballots to heavily favor Biden, even before the election. Just as everyone expected in-person to heavily favor Trump.

And now you want to claim that equal protection wasn't violated because a different set of rules was applied to groups *fully expected* to differ diametrically in voter preference.

In other words, if Trump supporters didn't also use mail in ballots (and thus sacrifice all chain of custody of their ballot, so the Biden-supporting USPS could get their hands on them), then they simply deserved the stricter standards.

Fucking absurd.

Gaslighting 101.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck - did you listen to the poll watchers and their testimony in PA? I did. ALL OF IT. LIVE.
YOU are the frigging liar, Chuck. You are not calling Trump a liar- you are calling ordinary citizens who witnessed fraud - liars. Shame on you.

Even if Biden prevails -we all know there was massive fraud.
Enjoy your corrupt leader and live with that, cheaters.

Gem Quincyite said...

mccullough, you got your math wrong.

100% of the Trump voters and _200%_ of the Biden voters were not subjected to signature verification.

that is the problem.

Drago said...

Looks like LLR-lefty Chuck is about 15 minutes away from returning to his attack women and children rage phase.

I suggest strongly that if anyone has young children or knows of any conservative republican women living in the vicinity of LLR-lefty Chuck to keep them indoors until the inevitable tankard or 12 of gin and tonics deliver their desired palliative effects on our passionate Whitmer Fanboy LLR-lefty Chuck.

Its only prudent at this point.

I suspect LLR-lefty Chuck's latest bout of uncontrollable rage comes from his Loud and Proud gloating and boasting and bragging and declaring the legal effort by the Trump team in PA would receive some sort of Galactic Smackdown or something like that and, though it still might, it did not happen today.

Which makes LLR-lefty Chuck, who claims to be some sort of "expert" legal beagle savant lawyer, look pretty much as dumb as he's looked for 5 straight years.

Perhaps that's what is driving today's meltdown when, in reality, he really should be pleased about the Biden defeat and the chances for his beloved democraticals to pick up both GA Senate seats with more fraud, which would give the democraticals complete power, which has been LLR-lefty Chuck's goal all along.

Because that's what all "principled conservatives" want, deep down.....

Jaq said...

"don't expect any forgiveness for your outrages.”

Chuck can’t wait to kick the base out of the party.

iowan2 said...

I don’t know about these Dominion theories, but they should transmit the raw vote totals, not the total votes and percentages

Its a cafe, so great time for the coding experts that inhabit these parts to explain to us no coders, exactly why you report percentages and not just vote totals. I thought by now it would have been explained. The silence is informing my opinion. Facts can change my mind.

Drago said...

Howard said...
mccullough: How’s that working out for you?
Drago: What?
mccullough: Being clever.
Drago: Great.
mccullough: Keep it up, then.

Wow. It's like I'm reading Hemingway's "The Old Man And The Sea".

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "Chuck can’t wait to kick the base out of the party."

He believes the compromised 3% can kick out the rest.

LLR-lefty Chuck is, like Fredo, "smart that way. Not dumb, like some people say. But smart. And he wants some respect!!"

mccullough said...

For those following along at home:

2020 was not the first election where mail-in ballots were allowed. Due to Covid, there was just a massive increase in their use.

Before 2020, the percentage of mail-in/absentee votes always skewed heavily toward Democrats.

In 2020, the percentage of mail-in/absentee votes skewed heavily toward Democrats.

This is evidence of The Conspiracy to Steal the Election from Trump.

Jaq said...

Speaking of “Hammer Time”

Too Legit to Quit

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck's blind Trump rage - blinds him to fraud reported by real and honest citizens on the ground. They must all be lying!

Of course it aids Chuck that the hack press feeds his "there is no evidence!" belief system. The hack press won't even cover any of it other that to promote that old crook named Joe Biden. Corruption at the ballot box, corruption in the press. Chuck is cool with it.

le Douanier said...

“Even if Biden prevails -we all know their was massive fraud.”

Sure, the press conferences are getting better. This one blows away the one from the Four Seasons.

It doesn’t matter that there’s no legitimate evidence re changing who America w/ legal votes chose for president. The whole idea of courts and proof and evidence sux. Press conference film flam rulz.


Howard said...

mccullough: It's my favorite movie not made by Stanley Kubrick. The wife and I just rewatched it the other night. Calling people clever is a beautiful insult so I was just honoring your perfect jibe.

mccullough said...

100% of Trump votes = about 74 million

100% of Biden votes = about 80 million

Qwinn said...

"Its a cafe, so great time for the coding experts that inhabit these parts to explain to us no coders, exactly why you report percentages and not just vote totals. I thought by now it would have been explained. The silence is informing my opinion. Facts can change my mind."

As a Data Analyst entrusted by the Department of Defense to provide reams of statistical reports for them, I can answer.

They're silent because doing that - and for storing vote counts in a decimal data field instead of integers - is so obviously and egregiously *wrong* and so utterly incapable of servicing any goal but fraud that they really can't answer it.

And, as I've been saying, they haven't tried.

It's just gaslighting turtles all the way down.

Howard said...

That's better than Bernie Sanders latest novel "The old man and the prostate"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"no evidence" is the repeated gas-lighting mantra.

I heard all sorts of evidence of fraud at the hearing today.

Jaq said...

Man that’s when they knew how to make a fucking video.

Chuck said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
Chuck - did you listen to the poll watchers and their testimony in PA? I did. ALL OF IT. LIVE.
YOU are the frigging liar, Chuck. You are not calling Trump a liar- you are calling ordinary citizens who witnessed fraud - liars. Shame on you.

I'm laughing my way to Biden's inauguration in January. Not that I care about Biden, or the Biden presidency, or even his inaugural address.

No; what I want is to see loser Trump there, sucking on his defeat to the soundtrack of the 1969 one-hit wonder from Steam, "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye." But that isn't going to happen. Trump will go to Mar A Lago for the holidays, and never come back to Washington. Because Trump knows that millions of Americans feel as I do, and he doesn't want to suffer that indignity as much as we might want him to.

iowan2 said...

So we do have proof of fraud. The software is written for one reason. Facilitate fraud.

le Douanier said...

“I heard all sorts of evidence of fraud at the hearing today.”

Case closed. DJT wins!

Howard said...

Tim 100% Oakland. It's Kamala's theme song.

le Douanier said...

I know things are dismissed w/ prejudice.

Still, I should tweak what I typed up thread:

Case closed. DJT wins! With prejudice.


Drago said...

mccullough: "For those following along at home:

2020 was not the first election where mail-in ballots were allowed. Due to Covid, there was just a massive increase in their use."

This is by definition, false.

Prior to 2020, there were 3 categories of how people voted by mail:
1) Absentee voting (all states have a history of this with pretty solid processes and experience in executing it) - Good

2) Statewide Mail-in voting (5 states had already established processes and rules for this and fairly clean voter rolls and voter verification checks) - Good

3) Massive mail-in voting (45 states, no established procedures or processes prior to 2020, disastrously out of date voter databases and extraordinarily lax voter verification requirements) - Bad...and corrupt

Whenever I see someone like McCullough claiming this is all pretty much routine, only 2 possibilities exist: he/she/xe is lying, or is as dumb as a box of rocks.

McCullough sure doesn't strike me as dumb......(and I make no assessment on the racist nature of the rocks...which apparently is a thing now, according to Howard and his pals.)

Speaking of racist rocks, what happens when a lefty takes a stroll down a gravel path? I can't begin to imagine the horror.

Qwinn said...

"2020 was not the first election where mail-in ballots were allowed. Due to Covid, there was just a massive increase in their use."

More pure intellectual dishonesty.

That wasn't my argument at all. I didn't say this was the first election with mail in ballots.

I said this was the first election where the signature verification from mail in ballots was removed.

And it was removed *with everyone knowing* that this could and would only help Biden.

And you're okay with that. Because of course you would be.

As if you wouldn't have the diametric opposite opinion if signature verification was only disabled for in-person voting. Which would actually make FAR more sense from a "COVID COVID COVID!" excuse perspective in that it would get voters in and out of the poll place faster. Excuse doesn't even make that weak sense applied to mail-ins.

70 million Trump supporters are not okay with Democrat judges with no Constitutional authority to change election law "changing election law" in a way that can achieve only one purpose - to enable fraudulent votes to be cast for Biden.

No matter how many times you say that's okay:


And if you thought the fraud went against you, you'd have the exact opposite position.

My position would not change. I wouldn't even DREAM of asking Biden voters to be subjected to a different standard. Even the notion that that's okay is literally abhorrent by any moral standard I've ever heard of. Except maybe nihilism.

Oh, and communism. And fascism.

Go fuck yourself.

Howard said...

Is Quinn the Ever-Trumper version of Chuck?

I'm asking because I don't read either of their posts but just the responses from people who I do read.

Jaq said...

If the totals came in as raw votes for each side, you could to statistical analysis of them with tools similar to Benford’s law because if the vote totals followed a real world process, they would cluster around the mean in a normal distribution. This would allay fears of fraudulent counts. By applying a percentage to the votes with a low precision, all of that information was wiped. For what reason? Simple incompetence? Maybe, but this decision had to have been run past a whole bunch of people who sat through the same kinds of classes in computer science that I did.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ending fraud in elections should be bi=partisan.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: " Not that I care about Biden, or the Biden presidency, or even his inaugural address."

Its amusing that exposed leftists like LLR-lefty Chuck really do believe they can reestablish their Pre-2016 FakeCon online persona's in the runup to their inevitable Support Biden Policies Because Its The Conservative Thing To Do online ploys.

You know, with the kind of cash Reid Hoffman and Omidyar and others have, I would expect a bit more subtlety out of these players.

At least Drudge kept his mouth shut over the last two years after the lefties moved in. You know, to maintain the mystery of it all....

Gem Quincyite said...

I agree with McCullough,

2020 wasn't the first year that democrats committed election fraud.

before 2020 election fraud was largely on the democrat side.

in 2020, the fraud was largely on the democrat side.

320Busdriver said...

“A malignant fucking lie. Hurting American democracy. And you wonder why we hate him? Seriously?“

This is delicious.....yummm !!!!pwnd

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"and you wonder why we hate him."

how much spittle was lost? I hope you are wearing a mask, Chuck.

le Douanier said...

“Ending fraud in elections should be bi=partisan”

Is this your way of saying that you’re sorry that you’ve been cheerleading the overturning of the will of the legal voters of America?

Somehow I think yur still in favor of overturning the will of the legal voters of America?

Not that that necessarily means that yur part of a cult of personality.


Drago said...

Howard: "Is Quinn the Ever-Trumper version of Chuck?"

Not at all.

To be classified as a "never Trumper", one would have to have been at least a republican in good standing prior to Trump's arrival on the scene.

It's been clear for quite a long time that LLR-lefty Chuck has always been a democrat. What we didn't realize until late into 2015 was that on most issues, LLR-lefty Chuck was actually to the left of the typical mainstream democratical.

Of course, with an increasing number of far left radical anti-American democraticals reaching office, the mainstream of the democratical party has finally caught up with how far left LLR-lefty Chuck is.

When you see LLR-lefty Chuck continuously, never endingly, cutting and pasting and quoting from Wittes and Lawfare and Andrew Weissman and Lawrence Tribe et al and going to the mat to protect his "magnificent" obama and decrying, passionately, those horrible republicans attempting to "sabotage" obamacare, you get a good idea where things stand.

Qwinn said...

Trump went into quite some detail about how the fraud was committed during the hraring, as did his legahearing,

For some reason, Chuck chose the beginning and end of his Trump quote perfectly so as to not include any of that information.

I wonder why.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Well Chuck - If you think we are impressed with your hatred of Trump and acceptance of a corrupt kingpin as president along with his corrupt media -

we are not.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Trump lost fair and square - i'd be fine with it. Unhappy , but fine.

Fraud is how cheaters and losers win.

Drago said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe: "how much spittle was lost? I hope you are wearing a mask, Chuck."

I am often surprised at how LLR-lefty Chuck is able to speak or type when his lips are pressed so very, very, very firmly against the rear hind quarters of any democratical office holder in his vicinity.

Chuck said...

wholelottasplainin' said...
For Chuck to respond to:

I think I must have missed the paragraph in that article where a cogent, credible, specific allegation of fraud or election theft is made. The allusion is that Democrats in a half-dozen places in almost as many states conspired to manufacture just enough votes for Biden to capture 270 electoral votes.

Without a shred of actual specific evidence.

By the way, your question to me is fine as far as I am concerned. But Althouse hates it. Because enough questions like yours, put to me, effectively makes me the feature of her comments pages. And she dislikes that.

mccullough said...


I voted for Trump. I agreed with more of his policies.

But he lost.

There is fraud in every election (even some fraud for Republicans).

Throw out 3% of Biden’s mail-in votes in Pennsylvania because some county worker thinks a signature does not match (put aside the fact that these county workers aren’t handwriting experts so any decision by then would be haphazard government worker bullshit).

Biden still wins Pennsylvania.


Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "Because enough questions like yours, put to me, effectively makes me the feature of her comments pages."

One is struck by how it is that a banned commenter, banned for being a disingenuous liar who admitted explicitly that he was only at Althouse blog to:

1) smear and lie about Trump, and
2) drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers

could possibly become a feature of her comments pages when he has been banned.

Life is oft times stranger than fiction.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It is certainly possible even probable (Tim's links, the unbelievable math, the hearings providing proof of on-the-ground fraud, etc...) that Trump actually did win... but the fraud will be smothered, dismissed out of hand, and that will be that.

Chuck is happy. Even a fraudulent win is a win, Right Chuck?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Massive vote fraud. Bigly.

le Douanier said...

“and acceptance of a corrupt kingpin as president”

The current POTUS has paid tens of millions to cover costs from fraud accusations and had to shut down a phony charity, all of this while his time re being POTUS. IOW, forget about going back.

I hate to say that folks are part of a cult. But, at some point the level of illogical gets hard to explain.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DanTheMan said...

Coots, like a certain rock in Madison, were once called by some by a racial epithet.

I look forward to UW Madison voting to have them removed from campus.

Qwinn said...

McCullough apparently thinks bank tellers are all certified signature experts.

And so are the poll workers who did do signature verification... but overwhelmingly only for Trump votes.

Apparently, his objection to the usefulness of signature verification (not shared by the legislatures that established the election last requiring it, even for mail ins) only applies to mail in ballots.

Which he himself argued have always favored Democrats... as if that doesn't just confirm the obvious criminal motive for that dismantling of voter integrity checks. He actually thought confirming that prior elections made it obvious that the changes would only help Biden *helps* his argument.

Which is fucking hilarious.

Owen said...

Michael K @ 3:41 re Flynn pardon: I share your view. Flynn was utterly, repeatedly, viciously screwed. First for having the temerity and enterprise to do his job (and try to stabilize US-Russia relations after Obama deliberately dropped a parting turd on them) and second fir being so foolish as to trust the “leadership” of the FBI when they sent their resident jackals Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka to trap him in a “friendly conversation,” that showed Flynn’s conduct to be so outrageously violative of the Logan Act that for the better part of a year FBI and Mueller couldn’t cook up an indictment without (illegally) rewriting the 302 that purportedly recorded the interview. I could go on but anyone seriously interested in justice and decency knows the story full well.

What McCabe and Comey and Obama and BIDEN did to Flynn; what Andrew Weismann and Robert Mueller and their prosecutor hacks did to him; what his OWN COUNSEL did to him (stealing his money while selling him down the river); what “Judge” Sullivan did to him; is a deep and lasting stain on our system of justice. More than any other abuses I have witnessed in the past 5 years, thus one convinced me that the system is deeply rotten. What we can do, I don’t know. But those who tortured Michael Flynn should expect no forgiveness, and I hope his pardon enables him to cast these little blackened souls into the outer dark.

Drago said...

I wonder if LLR-lefty Chuck's massive deluge of behind the scenes messages to Althouse, perhaps threatening in nature (we've seen that from LLR-lefty Chuck on these pages before so its possible it occurs outside of our gaze as well) played any role in his posting at Althouse again.

We may never know the answer to that question.

In the same way that we can never know why someone shouting "alahu akbar" and cuts someones head off while calling the victim an infidel could possibly have done such a thing.

So many mysteries in our modern world.

Drago said...

Owen: "What McCabe and Comey and Obama and BIDEN did to Flynn; what Andrew Weismann and Robert Mueller and their prosecutor hacks did to him; what his OWN COUNSEL did to him (stealing his money while selling him down the river); what “Judge” Sullivan did to him; is a deep and lasting stain on our system of justice."

Owen, every single lefty on these pages understands precisely what was done to Flynn.......and why.....and how wrong and corrupt it was.

And here's the secret: that's precisely what they love most about it. They know how wrong it is, and they know you know how wrong it is. And what they really want is for you to know that they know and that they are going to do it again, while daring you to stop them.

We always knew we would eventually reach this point in the US as power at all levels is slowly aggregated behind a single force or party. I was simply hoping it would have taken another 10 to 20 years to get there.

But we are "there" right now.

They can frame anyone they want to. Without exception. At any time. And they've got the institutions of the law enforcement at the highest levels, the judiciary in key places (SDNY) and jurisdictions already lined up to send anyone who opposes them away for as long as they'd like.

Lurker21 said...

Willie Brown is actually younger than Dianne Feinstein. He ought to make a play for Kamala Harris's seat.

If this gets responses, it's clear what they're likely to be. Really, kids, it's better to just leave it hanging and let people fill in the blanks themselves.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

So, did anything happen in GA today? If anything big was filed there, I have so far missed it.

Lurker21 said...

"Competent is cool again" is this year's "the adults are back."
But really, who's to say Biden's picks really are competent?

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
n.n said...

Duck Dynasty

le Douanier said...

“If anything big was filed there, I have so far missed it.”

Sidney was supposed to drop bombs on GA today.

So far I’ve seen that she wants a Zoom meeting w/ GA. That’s from Newmax.

IOW, if that’s all that happens: the Zoom meeting request totally destroyed Biden.

If she has more to come: the more to come totally destroyed Biden.

Carry on.

mccullough said...

Sidney does not have a client.

Qwinn said...

You know how you can tell the lefties are completely aware that fraud happened, and are just gaslighting? That their responses have absolutely no principle behind them?

Their reaction to the PA judge today stopping certification.

Their response is universally: "Too late! Already happened! Neener!"

Now, haven't they been arguing that if Trump had a case, some judge would acknowledge it? That it is the fact that judges keep rejecting his case that proves that his case is weak?

Well, here we have a judge who looked at it and sees legal justification for delaying the certification.

And their only answer is "Too late! Haha!"

Shouldn't the fact that a judge sided with Trump concern them? If these judges are, as they insist, the ultimate arbiters of the truth of this whole thing, shouldn't what he ordered *still matter*? Shouldn't they be okay with reversing the certification until that judge gets the answers he wants?

No. Denied on a pure and engineered technicality. We ran out the clock on youse guys! Har har!

That's how much underlies their principle that we must all obey the judges.

Absolutely nothing at all, beyond partisanship and opportunism.

Lying scumbags, every single one of them.

le Douanier said...

“Sidney does not have a client.”


“We the People”


mccullough said...


If all signatures were verified in Pennsylvania, how much would Biden have won by?

Qwinn said...

Chuck is happy. Even a fraudulent win is a win, Right Chuck?

As long as my win -- fraudulent or not -- is Trump's loss, it's a win for me.

That one seriously needs to go into the never-let-him-forget Drago file for Chuck.

"Fraudulent or not, it's a win for me"

Every lefty here agrees. Chuck's just the only one dumb enough to admit it.

mccullough said...

In 2016 in Pennsylvania, under 1% of mail-in ballots were rejected.

iowan2 said...

I know its all election, all the time. But.

After more than a month of Iowa being in the top five of cases and positivity, in the last four days, Iowa is one of only two states that have decreasing cases, and positivity. Shouldn't the proper thing to happen is the increases lessen until turning negative? I dont know the answer. what bugs me though, is the experts dont know anything either, but lecture me anyway. Never being held accountable for their wild guesses.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"the experts don't know anything either, but lecture me anyway.

Truer words...

Jaq said...

"In 2016 in Pennsylvania, under 1% of mail-in ballots were rejected.”

Then looking at the ballot sleeves should just re-assure everybody. Let’s have at it.

effinayright said...

Chuck said...
Chuck is happy. Even a fraudulent win is a win, Right Chuck?

As long as my win -- fraudulent or not -- is Trump's loss, it's a win for me.
Your willingness to destroy the USA as a constitutional "Republic of Virtue", in order to act out your rage against Trump, marks you as an completely unserious person.

LLR my ass.

And who would ever want to deal with you in person, knowing that you would participate in fraud in order to "win"?

"Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus."

le Douanier said...

“"the experts don't know anything either, but lecture me anyway.”

Truer words...”

BTW, I think Althouse is an expert elitist.


1) Law Prof

2) Acute above the ‘e’ in ‘cafe’

Case closed = Guilty!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck's OK with Fraud - check.

Well Chuck - enjoy your new found party. The democrat party is corrupt, immoral, evil, toxic, cancerous, pack of lying liars who lie and cheating cheaters who cheat.
The party of pure evil.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Then looking at the ballot sleeves should just re-assure everybody. Let’s have at it.

They be in the shredder.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "As long as my win -- fraudulent or not -- is Trump's loss, it's a win for me."

"Harry Reid: No Regrets Over False Romney Charges"

“Well, they can call it whatever they want,” Reid said. “Romney didn’t win, did he?”

As noted previously, LLR-lefty Chuck is a democratical who has always been to the left of most democraticals.

Its irrefutable.

Qwinn said...

"Chuck's OK with Fraud - check."

No. Chuck actively supports fraud. There's can be no other honest interpretation of what he said.

Drago said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe: "Well Chuck - enjoy your new found party."

There is nothing "new found" about it.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Qwinn said...

As long as my win -- fraudulent or not -- is Trump's loss, it's a win for me.

I think Chuck just wrote the *actual*, bullshit-removed 2020 Democrat Party platform.

mccullough said...


Make a FOIA request in every county of Pennsylvania for a ballot sleeve and a registered voter signature card.

Then compare the signature on the ballot sleeve to the signature on the voter registration signature card.

Then get back to us.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Drago said...

Important Note: LLR-lefty Chuck approves strongly of Harry Reid and his smear of Romney, which also puts the lie to LLR-lefty Chuck's claim of having been a Romney supporter.

Which is a necessary fiction if one is attempting to establish a false conservative online persona.

This is similar to LLR-lefty Chuck's repeated assertions he was a big fan of McConnells...right up until the hoax investigations and hoax impeachment were exposed and overnight LLR-lefty Chuck turned on McConnell too and supported the Lincoln Projects attacks on McConnell in the hope that the dem would defeat McConnell.

Really, its astonishing how many times LLR-lefty Chuck's positiining as a conservative has been obliterated by reality.

John henry said...

Dick if you are here my offer for you to buy back our bet still stands. Price is now $25.

Why the $10 premium you may ask? Because this way you will never have to say you lost.

Cash, check or money order please to John Henry, po box 1128 Fajardo pr 00738

John Henry

FullMoon said...

Comment deleted

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Dang it! He was just slipping into the alcoholic induce titty twisting insanity that makes him so much fun.

Doug said...

Blogger mccullough said...
The Republican Governor of Vermont.

A New England Republican is just a democrat that doesn't like primaries.

Michael K said...

A malignant fucking lie. Hurting American democracy. And you wonder why we hate him? Seriously?

I hope that once the election and its reverberations is over that Chuck can be permanently banned.

Just consider it a matter of manners.

Chuck said...

At the Coot Cafe, not everybody can talk about what they want.

Chuck said...

Drago said...
Important Note: LLR-lefty Chuck approves strongly of Harry Reid and his smear of Romney, which also puts the lie to LLR-lefty Chuck's claim of having been a Romney supporter.

That's not true; it's never been true, and I never wrote anything like that. And you can't quote me or link to anything like that from me.

Shame on you. And shame on Meade and Althouse for allowing and even promoting this bullshit.

Chuck said...

John henry said...
Dick if you are here my offer for you to buy back our bet still stands. Price is now $25.

Why the $10 premium you may ask? Because this way you will never have to say you lost.

Cash, check or money order please to John Henry, po box 1128 Fajardo pr 00738

John Henry

That was in reference to a bet on who will be inaugurated as POTUS in January. I have already directed that my winnings from our bet be donated to the Althouse blog.

That's the sort of Althouse-menace that I am.

Keep deletin'!

rcocean said...

Surprising that "Coot" a bird, somehow ended up as "Old Coot" meaning a crotchety old person. But I've never seen a Coot. Maybe they're crotchety old birds.

Kai Akker said...

---Shame on you. And shame on Meade and Althouse for allowing and even promoting this bullshit.

11/25/20, 5:35 PM

So go elsewhere. What a tedious c*uck you are, with a martyr complex the size of the Pacific.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Learning and looking for alternative media. is interesting. Thanks, C!

rcocean said...

Trump has pardoned Flynn. The Appeals court told Sullivan to move with "Dispatch" to settle the case. Instead, Sullivan sat on the case since Sept 30, and showed no signs of issuing a decision.

Judiciary needs to be reformed, and it won't come from the Judges. Roberts could have stepped in, but of course, he was too busy helping Joe Biden win Michigan.

rcocean said...

Hopefully, Trump will now declassify EVERYTHING and pardon everyone else hurt by the Democrats and the corrupt Mueller and Federal Judges.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sullivan should be impeached? Can judges be impeached?

Rusty said...

Chuck the c#*t said,"Fraudulent or not, it's a win for me" Your lack of character shows through in everything you utter. But this one. Proud of yourself for being given a participation trophy. The c#*t appellation fits you to a T. The truly funny part is that you are so chuffed at being able cheat your way into a dubious win. Like every other passenger on the short bus. You will never measure up c#*t Chuck. You'll always be lacking.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "Shame on you. And shame on Meade and Althouse for allowing and even promoting this bullshit."

Banned commenter who was banned for being a disingenuous liar and admitted smear artist while attacking women and children has some thoughts about "shame".


Kai Akker said...

---Instead, Sullivan sat on the case since Sept 30, and showed no signs of issuing a decision. [rcocean]

Don't you think this was Democrat self-protection? That Sullivan feared what else might come out? S Powell was tearing the cover off the ball and he knew a major scandal sat dead-center of this whole story. Sullivan succeeded in keeping it out of the picture until after the election. I don't think he cared two bits about Flynn; that talk of him being outraged by him was just protective coloration. Loyalist Sullivan did not want lefty scandal getting exposure via his own courtroom.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
William said...

Further ruminations on Lily Collins' eyebrows....I have heard that primates don't like to be looked directly in the eye. "You looking at me, mister." The exception to this is babies. When you look a baby in the eyes, you feel happy and the baby feels happy. You both get a hit of oxycontin. Dogs are like that also. They like to look you in the eye and they're delighted when you look back at them......The dark heavy eyebrows that Lily Collins possesses draw attention to her eyes and you can't help but look into them. She has a waif like appearance that solicits care and concern. You don't feel challenged exchanging looks with her in the way you would if you, say, got caught staring at Bette Davis. If you met Lily Collins, you might be tempted to bop her nose. I'm not saying you would, but the urge would be there. I doubt very much if Bette Davis ever got her nose bopped even once in her long life......To recap my argument: Lily Collins has heavy eyebrows that solicit attention to her eyes. She has, moreover, a babe in the woods look that stimulates an oxycontin response in the viewer when he gazes into those eyes......This is my current theory on why Lily Collins eyebrows are so attractive. I'll keep this site posted if I develop any further refinements to the theory.

Howard said...

Rcocean is having multi-Trumpgasms. If it feels good, do it.

Jaq said...

"Can judges be impeached?”

Sure they can, then they run for Congress.

Alcee Hastings did it, believe it or not his slogan is “Tried and true!” It’s all I can do to not stop the car. and change it to “Tried and convicted” on his signs.

Inga said...

Old coots? Where is Michael K? I kid, I kid...sort of. Happy Thanksgiving, it’s going to be a great 4 years, don’t worry your little feathery heads none.

Drago said...

Kai: "Don't you think this was Democrat self-protection? That Sullivan feared what else might come out?"

Sullivan heard obama's directive loudly and clearly after obamas comments about Flynn were "leaked" (wink wink) and the Court of Appeals hacks, LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved far left activist "jurist" political hacks, got the same message: drag this out until after the election.

MadisonMan said...

Yes, Comrade.
Flynn's "crimes" always seemed to me of the "Show me the man I'll find the crime" type. Stone's as well.

Drago said...

Inga: "it’s going to be a great 4 years,"

In Beijing, Tehran and Brussels.

Kai Akker said...

Yes. And these games are so obvious. Yet they get away with them. Someday this will change. Trump was working on it; now others have to keep the momentum going forward. The majority of the public is on the verge of complete disgust. One good leader -- or, better, 55 good leaders -- could complete the task. Circumstances are going to make that more possible, not less.

Inga said...

Ah Drago, is your whole life nothing but Sturm und Drang? I heard this years turkeys were Chinese imports.

iowan2 said...

rcocean said...
Trump has pardoned Flynn. The Appeals court told Sullivan to move with "Dispatch" to settle the case. Instead, Sullivan sat on the case since Sept 30, and showed no signs of issuing a decision.

Its much worse than that. DoJ filed the motion to dismiss May 5, 2020. 6 months and no ruling. Sullivian is corrupt.

Drago said...

rcocean: "Hopefully, Trump will now declassify EVERYTHING and pardon everyone else hurt by the Democrats and the corrupt Mueller and Federal Judges."

The republic is just about over, and there is a very high probability that if Trump were to declassify all the relevant simply would not be done by the permanent praetorian guard state.

Which would be the final nail in the coffin of the republic.

Again, as expected but simply about 10 to 20 years earlier than previously thought.

Birkel said...

Great four years?
Nobody expects Biden to make it four years.
So I can only assume this references Trump's second term.

Birkel said...

In order for Trump to declassify everything, he would have to order specific things into his personal possession to be distributed widely from his own hand.

It would have to be delivered to members of Congress directly from Trump's hand.

iowan2 said...

Make a FOIA request in every county of Pennsylvania for a ballot sleeve and a registered voter signature card.

Then compare the signature on the ballot sleeve to the signature on the voter registration signature card.

The same would happen in Pennsylvania as Georgia. Signature envelopes destroyed.

John henry said...

More ass-slurping from Dick,

I have already directed that my winnings from our bet be donated to the Althouse blog.

That's the sort of Althouse-menace that I am.

Have you talked to Ann about this Dickish behavior?

John Henry

Drago said...

Birkel: "It would have to be delivered to members of Congress directly from Trump's hand."


And even then I suspect the mere directive to produce that information could lead to another "burst water pipe" near the White House scenario where the delivery of the documents were unavoidably delayed.

One other thing I would watch for: purposefully "bungled" language in the pardon order for Flynn which somehow, magically, leads to a DC court ruling in January, if you know what I mean, that the case can be continued.

mccullough said...


States have to keep the signature envelopes for two years under federal law.

Georgia is run by the GOP.

They can enforce the law against anyone who discarded a signature envelope.

The Georgia officials say that they saved the signature envelopes.

Drago said...

mccullough: "Georgia is run by the GOP."

Yep, but a particular variety of GOP-er.

A south of the Mason-Dixon line Gov Hogan type.

mccullough said...

So the Georgia GOP is now in on the conspiracy.

This is entertaining.

StephenFearby said...

From this, Flynn probably should still wait on Judge Sullivan's long-delayed decision before deciding to accept his pardon.


Federal pardons in the United States

"A federal pardon in the United States is the action of the President of the United States that completely sets aside the punishment for a federal crime..."

"...Acceptance by the recipient
A pardon can be rejected by the intended recipient and must be affirmatively accepted to be officially recognized by the courts.

George Wilson was convicted of robbing the US Mail in Pennsylvania and sentenced to death. Due to his friends' influence, Wilson was pardoned by President Andrew Jackson. Wilson refused the pardon and in 1833, the United States Supreme Court held in United States v. Wilson that his rejection—and consequently the pardon not being introduced to the court by "plea, motion, or otherwise" as a point of fact and evidence—was valid and the court could not force a pardon upon him.[5]..."

"...A pardon can be rejected by the intended recipient and must be affirmatively accepted to be officially recognized by the courts."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Considering the Bidens are crooked - Joe should be impeached.

Qwinn said...

So here's a fucking bombshell that came out during the hearing. No wonder it was completely blacked out.

A PA legislator informed everyone that the legislature NEVER authorized Dominion Voting Systems be used in PA. It was *mandated* by Democrat Governor Wolf. And he rejected the ballots having a bar code that would have proved their validity.

That makes AT LEAST THREE completely unconstitutional usurpations of the legislature's power to set election law by the Governor and judiciary of PA. It could not be more cut and dry.

Any judge in PA that threw out the Constitutional arguments presented by the Trump legal team needs to be tried and convicted as co-conspirators and thrown in prison for life.

le Douanier said...

“So the Georgia GOP is now in on the conspiracy.”

You’re way behind. It was days ago when the Kraken told us that the Rs in GA were controlled by the CCP and that’s why they elected Biden, but not the D Senate candidates. The CCP wanted to drag out the election for the Senators. For now the Kraken and I can’t tell you who the CCP has selected to win the Senate runoffs. But as soon as that result is known (whatever side ends up winning), we’ll have an explanation that proves DJT is awesome and should rule forever.

Try to keep up.

rcocean said...

"Conservative Treehouse" has a good write up and a video regarding the Pennsylvania's legislature meeting on the massive vote fraud. Seems that a Pennsylvania judge just entered an injunction against certifying the results.

In other news, its seems that Trump won 29 of the 30 "bell-weather" counties in the swing states, but somehow lost the election. just evidence of massive fraud. will the R's fight now?

rcocean said...

"Crowd Gasps, Laughs, as PA Legislature Learns of Ballot Upload With 600,000 Votes Biden and 3,200 For Trump…"

That's the headline at Conservative Treehouse.

mccullough said...

Under Pennsylvania’s election code, passed by the Pennsylvania legislature, its up to the Secretary “to examine and re-examine voting machines, and to approve or disapprove them for use in this State, in accordance with the provisions of” the Pennsylvania Election Code.

So the Pennsylvania legislature delegated its authority to the Secretary to approve the use of voting machines.

Now some Pennsylvania state legislators are doing Outrage Theater that the Secretary approved the use of Dominion in some counties.

What a fucking joke.

Jupiter said...

"Blogger iowan2 said...
"So we do have proof of fraud. The software is written for one reason. Facilitate fraud."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but all the analysis I have seen, including on this forium, is based on a set of JSON files produced by a private company called Edison Research. Those are the files that report (2- or 3-digit) percentages instead of actual vote totals. But those are summary files, produced mostly for TV reporters. There is no telling where Edison gets their numbers. It seems unlikely, to me anyway, that they have an inside line to every last bunch of vote-counters in the USA. So far, no one seems to be pressing them on the question, and I am not aware of any other source for election data.

As to whether the Dominion software is written to facilitate fraud, I would not doubt it. But I do not believe it has been made public, either, so there is no telling. There is a lot of very disturbing info about Dominion, including their sharing office space with Soros' Tides organization, and their chief security officer, one Eric Coomer, I believe, is an antifa organizer. Speaking as a professional systems analyst, this election setup is a grotesque travesty of computer system, and I am astonished by the things I am reading about the slapdash way all these local honchos have gone about procuring election equipment. I see no reason at all why any Trump supporter should accept a declaration that Biden won this election. There is no reason at all to trust any of these fuckers, and the statistical anomalies are glaring and inexplicable. We can and will sue the bastards over this shit forever. Fucking forever. I'm already preparing FOIA requests for Oregon counties.

Qwinn said...

mccullough: Link, please.

Drago said...

mccullough: "So the Georgia GOP is now in on the conspiracy."

Which conspiracy is that?

Drago said...

I have heard both what Qwinn relates as well as what McCullough relates.

If the PA legislature delegated their authority to the Gov as McCullough claims, where is that documented?

I'm happy to review it.

I'm just hoping McCullough has recovered from his earlier fit where he purposefully misrepresented what existed across the nation in terms of mass mail in ballots and the rules for mass mail in ballots.

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