October 14, 2020

"Nasty tenacity."


"Nyctinasty, Goldfinger as feminist critique, Trump losing to the worst candidate ever, the female Scalia, and agonizing over all those times you might have said 'sexual preference.'"

A podcast.

ADDED: I thought I was recording on my iPad with my AirPod Pros, but I was wrong. They were still paired with my iPhone. So the recording was done with the iPad microphone, and, quite unfortunately, there are a few times when I gently nudge the iPad and the resulting recorded sound is a godawful racket. Live and learn. 


rehajm said...


Besides making your pods professional quality it will look bitchin' on your desk....

tcrosse said...

Cast your pods and we’ll drop our eaves.

rehajm said...

They Yeti is available thu the Amazon portal...

Bay Area Guy said...

"...Trump losing to the worst candidate ever,..."

Correction, dear Professor.

Should read: ".. according to the same bogus polls we saw in 2016, Trump losing to the worst candidate ever."

We know you prize clarity of thought and precision in writing, so I thought I'd help you out there. Just a nudge, though.

Ann Althouse said...


I've looked at that already. It won't pair with my iPad or iPhone and I can't use my software on my desktop.

I already have a Blue Snowball mike from my old days of podcasting, but I would have to do my recording in 5-minute segments to use it, because I need to plug it into my desktop and that means I need to use Anchor as a website as opposed to using my device's memory.

You have to point me to something that work with iPad or iPhone. No USB connector. Either Bluetooth or whatever this thing on the iPhone/iPad is called.

Ann Althouse said...

I'm deleting comments that aren't about the podcast.

And that includes comments that say I am not surprised that you're not blogging X.


rehajm said...

The yeti mic is available used thru the Amazon portal...

Bilwick said...

"Round these parts, there seem to be five Biden ads for every Trump ad. We already knew Darth Soros had deep pockets; but what's interesting is the new barrage of ads, instead of offering Sleepy Joe as merely the safe alternative, is presenting him as Lightbringer II, who's not only get rid of the Kung Flu but create gazillions of jobs. How he's going to do that is unspecified; but Biden probably thinks there is some presidential Magic Wand stored in the White House and guarded by Top Men. Top. Men.

rehajm said...

I've looked at that already. It won't pair with my iPad or iPhone and I can't use my software on my desktop.

It will work with iPad and iPhone thru a dongle. What desktop software are you using that makes it incompatible? There are apps that you can use on all your apple hardware and your desktop so you upload for your podcast...

How it works with your iPad

lohwoman said...

USB-C to USB Adapter?

Dave D said...

As if the Althouse blog doesn't take up enough of my time already. Now a podcast? Thanks Ann!

Ann Althouse said...

I think I found the right adaptor cable to connect the Snowball mike to the iPad Pro.

Drago said...

I really think you would be better off with video along with audio.

Seeing your expressions, body language, visual aids if you like, etc, convey so much more interesting information than an audio recording alone.

Just a thought.

Of course, I suspect that it would take you a bit longer to prep for a video than it does for Scott Adam's, who basically just has to find a t-shirt that is "clean enough".

Original Mike said...

"… and agonizing over all those times you might have said 'sexual preference.'"

Not agonizing. I'm happy to call people whatever they want to be called, until they pull a switch and then harangue me for not "keeping up". At that point they lose my good will. See, I didn't really buy your strictures the first time, I was just trying to be polite. I expect my manners to be reciprocated.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Extracted emails & files from Delaware laptop show smoking gun email exchanges implicating Hunter Biden & his father in Ukrainian energy scandal. Additionally, there was a Hunter Biden sex tape where he smokes crack & engages in sex w/unknown woman.

Biden really is the worst candidate. International grifters - made rich with washed American tax dollars.

hey - as long as Hunter is having fun.

FAcebook will wash clean.

wild chicken said...

Hearing intermittwntent mic noise like a lavaliere makes when one moves.

Do you get up and move around while speaking? Like in class? Lol

wild chicken said...

Was going to ask why you don't get on the TV law pundit circuit.

But you'd probably have to pick a side.

Bad noise right around 50:00

Birkel said...

My understanding is that Hunter Biden will endorse this podcast for a measly $83,333 per month.
The money can come from anywhere.

Joe Biden will pretend he doesn't know about Hinter's endorsement if this podcast.

Great podcast, Althouse.

Ann Althouse said...

“ Do you get up and move around while speaking?”

I incorrectly thought I was recording through earphones mike but was recording through iPad mike. Just readjusting on my knee made that sound!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrat party operative admits he will "lie cheat and steal" to get Biden elected.

It's a moral imperative, you see.

Gregg said...

"As if the Althouse blog doesn't take up enough of my time already. Now a podcast? Thanks Ann!"

The podcast isn't new. There's been a podcast on this blog since the beginning, I think? Maybe it stopped for awhile. I think the podcast takes less time than the Blog. I can do other things while listening. The Blog requires more focus.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Biden wins he should be impeached for his criminal acts as VP under Obama.

Ann Althouse said...

The podcast has the whole text of the blog so you can audioread the blog while you’re doing things. You have to come to the blog to write comments.

The podcast also has a lot of extra spontaneous commentary.

Ann Althouse said...

BTW I can’t blog all the news stand hate the assumption that I am blogging things in the order of their objective importance. Where something is complicated, I often avoid it. I rarely put up a post to say there that’s in the news.

Ann Althouse said...

and hate

Ann Althouse said...

I put up a new post for the Twitter/Hunter Biden discussion.

Bay Area Guy said...

Where's Hunter?