— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 4, 2020
President Trump, wearing a mask, rides by his supporters outside Walter Reed while in the back of a Suburban. pic.twitter.com/nsCJyYXHdK
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) October 4, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 4, 2020
President Trump, wearing a mask, rides by his supporters outside Walter Reed while in the back of a Suburban. pic.twitter.com/nsCJyYXHdK
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) October 4, 2020
Questions loom!
No! Trump has defeated Death! Our Hero’s journey continues! On to Victory!
Trump’s the man. God bless our President.
God surely Blesses this man--and us in return for giving him to us now.
Questions loom, "Why aren't you dead?"
The sound of anti-trumpet's heads exploding is beautiful.
Looking forward to Trump's letter to Xi Jinping thanking for China for forgiving any and all US debt ..... stronger letter to follow.
Charlie Eklund said...
Trump’s the man. God bless our President.
Charlie Eklund said...
Trump’s the man. God bless our President.
WHY CANT WE SEE TRUMPS LUNG X-RAYS!! the lefties screamed towards the heavens, desperately seeking solace in the knowledge that certainly the republicans have been lying all along about Trump's case and he is on his death bed......
......while simultaneously arguing that Trump is faking it all to gain sympathy since he knows he is going to lose and there is no way he can win.....
....while simultaneously refusing to notice that every Biden campaign action and area of focus indicates the Biden-ettes knows he is actually behind in the swing states......
Such is the "life" of the lefties/LLR-lefties.
Much like one learns about the real influenza by experiencing 3 days of fever, chills, pain and labored breathing as I did when I was 28 and caught it. You understand how people die from "just the flu"
Get your flu shot.
I hope he comes out swinging!
I watched CNN cover Trump’s excellent adventure to wave to his supporters. They are truly loathsome people.
but, WAIT a minute! i thought that people were saying, that:
IF the governor of the state they live in (not the state they Say they're from), relaxes mask mandates.... THAT THEY ARE PERSONALLY BEING KILLING ( KILLED, DEAD!) by being exposed to Covid?
IF covid, is SUCH a Death Sentence, that people (that aren't Even from the state they Say they're from) KEEP whining on and on (and on and on (and On and on)) about how FATAL it is....
Shouldn't President Trump be dead by now?
And now comes the wave of comments from his enemies: "It was a body double"
What an epic trolling of the media.
I saw a tweet earlier from Maggie Haberman that was clearly frustrated with Trump and his doctors, but it was an odd tweet- she accused them of relentlessly lying about his condition, but she and her paper have publishing anonymous claims that Trump was deathly ill, and yet here he is making videos again today and going out of the hospital to greet his supporters. So you tell me- who was lying about Trump's condition- the doctors or the anonymous sources. Who, exactly, should Haberman be angry with? I ask because her sources are making her look like a drooling moron.
One of a kind. I have always hated showboats and self-promoters. It even reduced my opinion of Mohammed Ali, who was also wonderful at it. I've matured. It's not my style, but some people can pull it off if they really have the chops behind it. I see it now as a very rare talent that many attempt and few succeed at. Trump is one, and for American politics, maybe the only one, with Teddy Roosevelt a close second.
Offer identical treatment options to everyone with Covid. Monoclonal antibodies remdesevir and dex kicks corona to the curb, zinc and VD immune booster. Normal everyday flu treatment. Still waiting for the magic hydroxychloroquine zinc elixir to make an appearance. Maybe Trump will disclose.
CNN had an article about the Regeneron antibody therapy before Trump came down with SARS-COV-2.
Here is an interesting excerpt from that article:
She was also encouraged by the reduction in the amount of virus in people's throats, which could in theory reduce the risk of infecting others. "If it plays out and you could treat people early and actually reduce the viral load in the nasopharynx, and they might be less infectious, that would be hugely helpful," said Marrazzo.
I don't understand. Is Trump home from the hospital? Or was this just a lap around the hospital roads?
I'm voting for this dumb bastard, but he sure ain't one for the book-larnin'.
Blogger Howard said...
Offer identical treatment options to everyone with Covid.
As you know, aside from snark, no one can afford that treatment.
My wife had Wuhan flu in June and was very sick for about 5 days. She was taking HCQ for her rheumatoid arthritis and she, plus her internists, attribute her recovery to it. She has a chronic immunodeficiency, which makes her very high risk.
Trump did this for two reasons. One, he really appreciates his supporters who came out and stood vigil. Two, he wants to show that any media speculation that he's "deathly ill" "On Oxygen" etc. is completely false.
Mission accomplished. BTW, why someone would think this was "Showboating" is beyond me. And how do you "Showboat" by driving around to wave and acknowledge your supporters?
Trump goes home Tomorrow. This was just to show everyone he is not deathly ill and thank his supporters.
"Offer identical treatment options to everyone with Covid"
Exactly. We should also give everyone their own 5 man medical team. Lets see 300,000 people currently have CV-19, so we should assign 1.5 million doctors to help them out. Everyone should be treated like the President. Good idea.
some commenters may be surprised i get the same gazillion money appeals from Trump campaign as they do. Occasionally include sweepstakes to travel to meet him. (I can enter without contributing--"no purchase necessary" and all that). Thinking they should offer a ride with POTUS in the hermetically sealed Beast. "With 14 day mandatory self-quarantine we are running low on secret service agents; how would you like to ride with the president?"
Also Trump campaign store could run sale on masks issued to first family. "They don't use them, why have them go to waste?" Maybe the few used ones too. "No one has died wearing one."
Michael K: can you explain why you rejected reports of dex administering?
Reported FLOTUS won't visit hubby because of risk to accompanying secret service. Think about that.
By the way, shouldn't he have been holding up his Bible in the vehicle window? What, no one brought it to the hospital?
It was a victory lap Bill.
Such a inspiring President he is and he cracks me up, hilarious to see the media further self destruct.
He was so excited to go out in the video, like Christmas anticipation. His face behind the mask in the car looks happy. He must be the world's most extroverted person.
30 days ago my mid eighties YO Aunt lost her husband and then contracted Sars2 and became ill right after the funeral. Most of my cousins and their families also became ill. Her doc sent her home with an antibiotic and high dose prednisone before her + test on her history of bronchitis. She weathered the storm like a champ, never had to be hospitalized and is doing well today.
Did they have to toss him in the Suburban like a side of beef?
Donald Trump leaving the hospital
Good for Trump
People who HAVE Covid SHOULD be wearing masks. Since he knows he has it, now is a reasonable time to wear a mask
Humperdink said...
Looking forward to Trump's letter to Xi Jinping thanking for China for forgiving any and all US debt ..... stronger letter to follow.
Can't do that until we no longer need to borrow money from them
In related news, Democrats have been infected en masse by the virus called "Statism," which not only rots the brain, making it incapable of rational thought, but also has killed billions more than the Kung Flu ever could. (Google "Democide.") Sadly, those infected with Statism tend to resist the cure, round-the-clock doses of Locke, Bastiat, Von Mises, Hayek and Milton Friedman, with generous side orders of Aristotle's LOGIC.
" ... while simultaneously refusing to notice that every Biden campaign action and area of focus indicates the Biden-ettes knows he is actually behind in the swing states......"
Such as Drago? Where should he be devoting his efforts if not in the swing states?
I love this for nothing more than it pisses off all the right people.
steve uhr said...
" ... while simultaneously refusing to notice that every Biden campaign action and area of focus indicates the Biden-ettes knows he is actually behind in the swing states......"
Such as Drago? Where should he be devoting his efforts if not in the swing states?
If Biden's really up by 14 nationwide, then Alaska is the "swing state" Biden should be competing in.
If, instead, Biden is competing mainly in the States that swung from Obama to Trump, he's saying that all the polls are lies, and this race is just as tight as 2016
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