2012: https://t.co/dRe28WJR6r
— Christina Martin (@CMM123) September 12, 2020
Robin Williams didn't tweet it. But he said it very well.https://t.co/PtdK8C4HV7
— L (@SomeBitchIKnow) September 12, 2020
— L Hamlin (@walkingfree) September 12, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
2012: https://t.co/dRe28WJR6r
— Christina Martin (@CMM123) September 12, 2020
Robin Williams didn't tweet it. But he said it very well.https://t.co/PtdK8C4HV7
— L (@SomeBitchIKnow) September 12, 2020
— L Hamlin (@walkingfree) September 12, 2020
Well there is a difference between saying that Joe was not the sharpest tool in the box---guys like Hugh Hewitt have hung the moniker "Slow Joe" on Biden for at least 20 years or more; and saying that he was senile and mentally unfit to be President. That's of more recent vintage.
I honestly don't know. It is certainly a possibility that he thought he was the first, but I think that his main thing was really just get evidence out there that Joe Biden has dementia. Regardless it reflects badly on Joe and that is what I think he was after. Scott Adams strikes me more as the Sun Tzu kinda person in 'don't fight a battle unless you know you are going to win.' He probably thought I was probably one of the first people to say Dementia Joe has Dementia. But even if I am not, this still gets people digging up videos of him having Demenetia (or what can look like that through that lens). While I think Scott Adams has somewhat of an ego it is not in the sense where he really wants to hear people tell him he is right and smart. He wants people to tell him that because other people hear it and then buy his stuff.
"Biden has been a punchline for 40 years."
The biggest joke of all: "the resistance" acting like mental cases for four years, finally receiving Biden as their reward.
I suspect he asked the question to highlight just how long people have been worried about sloe Joe.
respectfully, it's not Jo Biden that is suffering from brain damaged dementia
It's the the people of The United States of America that have the brain damaged dementia
People are So Stupid now; that they think that Jo Biden could/should be President
Those were great.
Why is mental fitness >>>> dementia?
simple irrational thinking to me is mentally unfit + dangerous for peaceful society = political thinking that considers middlemen income as reward - from mediating between producers vs moochers and looters
Barack Obama allegedly cautioned another Democrat not to 'underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up'.
Biden dropped out of the race all those years ago "with incredible reluctance." Not clear what this means--why would the reluctance be incredible?, he was a very ambitious guy--but in a way this shows he was cognitively OK. It was always a bit weird how he would apparently forget he was speaking to a large crowd, or with TV cameras on. The lies about law school which could be checked even before the internet, "I am the son of a coal miner." I had forgotten about the ones Robin caught, "Barack America" and "FDR on TV."
i just got done spending the week with my liberal chicago relatives;
and i'd have to say dementia is rampant and spreading in America
my sister (an executive at a Fortune 500 company) believes that
a) ALL BLM protesters (IN THE COUNTRY) are urban black males
b) They are ALL looters, and should be shot!
c) This is ALL "trump's fault"
d) Jo Biden will FIX, EVERYTHING!!!!
my sister also believes that
a) covid is rampant in Illinois, and will kill EVERYONE!!
b) Illinois' massive lockdowns are, and have been, working
c) This is ALL "trump's fault"
d) Jo Biden will FIX, EVERYTHING!!!!
I suspect Scott Adams already has the answers, just letting others put them out there.
Hmm, Robin Williams. Was he "suicided"?
Slow Joe is an inept, but dangerous figurehead. He has no principles and very little accomplishments during his 47 years of DC swamp-dwelling.
He sniffs women's hair.
He sexually assaulted Tara Reade.
His Son Hunter is a grifter, who follows his Dad around the world making money off him and impregnatong strippers.
He supported NAFTA.
He supported the Iraq invasion.
From his basement campaign of 2020, he supported looting, arson, rioting in our major cities - and supported defunding the police.
The violent left will steamroll his sorry ass, if he ever gets power.
Be a good American citiizen, don't give Slow Joe Biden power over your lives.
I worry that we are now controlled by foreign entities. Maybe it's some agency inside of China that controls the Democratic Party. And Biden was chosen solely on the basis of who, among the many Democratic candidates, would be easiest to manipulate if he were elected.
Scott Adams is absurdly vain about claiming to be the first one to have noticed something and gone on record. I assume he intends the display of vanity as humor, but also that he really is proud of himself. He does predictions and then they're on the record and later, if it comes true, he brags about being first. I know from his podcast that his early detection of "dementia" is Joe Biden is one of his points of pride.
I agree with Adams point that Biden has always said dumb things. Not sure why so many suddenly began blaming that on dementia when it is his norm.
The governor of Michigan killed a whole bunch of people by banning HCQ, but that’s OK, because her heart was in the right place. She was bashing Trump.
These “lockdowns” sound pretty stupid to me, especially at this point, when we have better ideas on how to slow the spread without draconian measures, incidentally, a mask mandate is not draconian unless you have some kind of emotional issue, I guess. Maybe I am lucky to live in two states with Republican governors, Vermont, and Florida, so I don’t see the worst of it.
"Dementia" as defined by my mother's neurologist is "forgetfulness". Her's was suspected of being due to natural aging, but a pacemaker prevented any further testing.
With her, she was shrewd with her methods to handle her memory problems, but spending more time than a brief visit revealed her struggle. She could only function by adhering to a strict daily schedule, which led to confusion when broken. Short term memory was almost completely gone, and her long term memory remained clear.
Would I have called her insane? No, but as time progressed, I had to do more for her, and carefully watch for actions that could possibly endanger her - such as her driving.
Biden exhibits the behavior I saw with my mother. He has moments of lucidity, but it's apparent he's struggling, and can't be trusted with the job of President. With that in mind, and the almost insured severe problems when exposed to the stress of being President, anyone that is electing him strictly by his abilities is foolishly giving the job of President to his vice president candidate.
Punchline for 40 years. Best they got.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
if it comes true, he brags about being first.
Yeah I agree. Though I see that more as marketing than anything else.
Scott Adams is absurdly vain about claiming to be the first one to have noticed something and gone on record
I don't see him any more vain than any particular talking head. I really view it as marketing. I suggest you view Scott Adams like most other talking heads, he can sometimes have some interisting facts or ideas, but mostly he is trying to persuade you to think like he does.
Scott Adams has/is a brand so it’s not weird that he pushes things that both buttress and advertise it. It’d be odd if he didn’t, given it’s his livelihood.
SNL Biden debates:
v. Palin 2008
v. Ryan 2012
There is a discernible difference in the portrayals reflecting Ablow's observation.
Adams has probably got himself a big head after predicting a trump win, the adoption of the ‘two movies’ idea, and the all-round popularity of Dilbert - perhaps justifiably so.
I do recall, though, that it was during a podcast when a listener came up with the name for his new book ‘Win Bigly’.
He has enough followers (sic) that he doesn’t have to pander to anyone: maybe that he can transmit his stream of consciousness unfettered is interpreted as big headedness?
(I like the ‘big head’ phrase because of HBO ‘Silicon Valley’)
Joe is not supposed to win. Even the Dems know Trump is going to beat whomever they nominate.
Joe is an experiment to see just how deep the lies can go with the base accepting and repeating them.
So far it’s no problem: “Trump’s people are rioting” and “climate change” is responsible for the fires and blackouts.
It’s been such a success they’re moving on to phase two: how many fake votes can they push through before the base can no longer defend them?
They need the answers for the real revolution in 2024.
And if it happens they win this year? They’ve got demented Joe and ditzy Kamala running around telling everyone they’ll do whatever the “experts” tell them must be done.
They’ve got their bases covered.
Scott Adams is absurdly vain about claiming to be the first one to have noticed something and gone on record.
So he's pretty good at it?
From that thread, another example of google's autocomplete manipulations, in this case to benefit Biden:
Dems in 2020: Candidate without dementia reading pre-written answers to pre-selected answers off TelePrompTer— badly.
Dems in 2024: yes our last candidate was mentally incompetent to hold office but you must vote for our next nominee anyway.
---Maybe it's some agency inside of China that controls the Democratic Party. And Biden was chosen solely on the basis of who, among the many Democratic candidates, would be easiest to manipulate if he were elected.
The Guangdong Candidate.
But China itself may be controlled by whoever it was flying those hypersonic UFOs that can disappear in broad daylight.
And whoever those are, may be controlled by.... could it be Satan? Or the Trilateral Commission.
Dementia or not, Joe Biden is such a low character person, such a chronic liar, and corrupt individual, it's hard to believe that this is the best Dems have to offer. I know, I know- you're thinking: Well, the same thing can be said of Trump.
Trump exaggerates. He uses superlatives in every sentence. He creates adverbs out of thin air to add emphasis to his superlatives. It's not the same- in any way, shape, or form.
I love the old news clip at the end of the Johnny Carson bit. Biden giving a BS speech about how he's mad. He's mad at himself. This guy has spent half a century on the dole, making himself and his family immensely wealthy in the process- through corruption, bullying, greed, and lying. He has produced nothing. He has taken for years.
It's time to put him out to pasture. Along with Nancy, Chuck, and any other lifers who have bled this country as a career.
How did he return to politics after the 1987 debacle? People still voted for him???
Pretty sure Biden's dementia was discussed in comments on this blog before Adams ever said anything. For my part, while I don't know if I was first, I know where I got my tip: we had such a diagnosis in my family in last two years, of something that had been going on for years (it's never diagnosed early, always in the midst or grips of it), so Biden's mental meanderings and compensatory techniques were very obvious to me.
Thomas Lifson at American Thinker has an interesting piece on Biden's medication and incontinence. It's, as he notes, from an anonymous source, but if true, this is truly elder abuse.
2020 election: Punchline vs Punchline.
Find a modern pedo-wooder late night TV host brave enough to mock Joe or Hillary.
You can't.
"How did he return to politics after the 1987 debacle? People still voted for him???"
-- Delaware is a very forgiving state. I know. I'm from Delaware.
Whitmer "reversed course" because Whitmer had previously had a course that needed to be reversed.
Notice that the story is framed as "Republicans Pouncr" and that guarantees the story is manipulative.
Whitmer threatened administrative action against prescribing a drug that is useful.
And fopdoodles are notorious racists and liars.
biden has never been smart, but he's obviously senile. As Trump pointed out, he had to rush back to the basement and rest after flying to NYC for the 911 ceremony. Have we ever had a a POTUS since the introduction of Jet travel, who traveled less and made fewer speeches or objective interviews? Its insane.
rcocean: "Good post, don't care about Chuck or Robin Williams. I never thought Williams was funny, just incredibly frantic. A joke machine, with all the jokes being unfunny."
An incredibly frantic recitation of continuous pop culture "tie ins"/non-sequitors that pushed boundaries delivered in staccato fashion turned out to be a winning "pure silliness" formula for quite awhile.
We shouldn't neglect the uniqueness factor.
"Dementia or not, Joe Biden is such a low character person, such a chronic liar, and corrupt individual, it's hard to believe that this is the best Dems have to offer. I know, I know- you're thinking: Well, the same thing can be said of Trump."
"Trump exaggerates. He uses superlatives in every sentence. He creates adverbs out of thin air to add emphasis to his superlatives. It's not the same- in any way, shape, or form."
In addition to that Trump was and is hugely popular. Now I don't mean popular with everyone, but still a significant part of the electorate loves Donald Trump. There is no real mystery how Donald Trump became the Republican Party candidate in 2015.
But how do we explain Joe Biden? No one is enthused about Biden. I spend half my time in a very blue region, and I'm only now finally seeing a few Democratic presidential campaign signs in front yards. I have yet to encounter a single person that is actually excited about the Democratic presidential ticket.
"The general idea was to avoid a situation where providers were prescribing hydroxychloroquine in the way that President Trump claims to have taken it; as some weird prophylactic notion, in patients who weren’t sick or weren’t even diagnosed."
Except it's not weird, and it makes lots of sense. And in fact a great many medical doctors were taking hydroxychloroquine prophylactically at the time. And why would they be doing this? Well probably because they had actually read the medical literature on the uses of hydroxychloroquine.
In reality, Whitmer was threatening doctors with punitive action if they used hydroxychloroquine in ways she or other people in her administration did not approve of.
rcocean: "biden has never been smart,..."
The very basis for LLR-lefty Chuck's affinity with said Dementia guy.
Tough crowd!
That's not funny
"Be the First in Your precinct to recognize that in Joe Biden, you're voting for someone who is Just Not There!"
Dementia or not, Joe Biden is such a low character person, such a chronic liar, and corrupt individual,
This. 1,000x this. I can't believe his campaign slogan is "Truth over Lies." Even in his prime he was a liar, as you can see from the Johnny Carson clip. Like all chronic liars, he lies when the truth would suit him better. I bet he doesn't even know when he's lying, and didn't know when he was lying when he was in his prime. It's just plain stupid to lie about your class rank when it can be so easily checked.
And then, there's his supposed devout Catholicism. I know politicians of a certain age, especially Democrats, like to wear the mantle of Catholicism because they think it makes them Kennedyesque, but Biden is so removed from any Catholic belief in his public life, it's impossible to believe he has any understanding of the Catholic faith. Not only does he support abortion, but he bragged in his book about his son's death that he kept a priest from giving his son last rites because he didn't want his son to focus on the fact he was dying. No devout Catholic would deny someone last rites. Catholics receive last rites even if there's a chance of dying - like before surgery. How could you deny someone the chance to reconcile themselves with God for the last time? Unless you don't really believe that that's what it's all about.
what did Scott Adams mean by "crinkle"
...that lends the 4chan post veracity?
"How did he return to politics after the 1987 debacle? People still voted for him???"
If you weren't alive at the time, you probably don't remember the "Hey, our guy has seniority" messaging that was going around then.
You could vote for a new person, but they wouldn't be on TV or leading important committees like the incumbent, so you really had to hate the incumbent to "throw all that away" when you replaced them.
Now it's just "red/blue" and "I hate you!"
It has been noticeable to me since just after he announced for President in 2019- before that, he had been out of the public eye for over 2 years. The first clue to me was losing track of what he was talking about. That was reinforced by the not being able to remember basic words and phrases. The constant retelling of the same handful of stories was another- this is a result of short term memory loss- a normal person doesn't tell the same story over and over like Biden does.
I encourage any doubters to watch the primary debates- Biden always started out with soundbites early on, but after that initial point, he just starts to ramble, and then eventually makes literally no sense whenever he spoke- the aphasia is unmistakable. Add in all the instances where he misuses numbers by orders of magnitude, and you have someone that doesn't have a firm grasp on the reality he is standing in.
This didn't get large play at the time of the debates because of two things- there were 8+ candidates on the stage for all but the very last debate, and secondly, Biden was wasn't winning any delegates, and thus wasn't a target for the other candidates nearly as much as Sanders, Warren, and others. The only debate he participated in in which Biden was a serious contender was the very last one with Sanders, and at that point, Sanders knew he had already lost, plus the campaigns were being shut down because of COVID. Sanders could have wiped the floor with Biden if he had just tried, but he didn't.
There is a reason Biden spends nights at home- he simply isn't manageable in any other location.
maybe the Left's 25th A kerfluffle is equal-opportunity
...so as to flush anyone who may stand in the way
My father was put on Namenda about 3 years before his death. It helped some, but within a year he was back to where he was mentally prior to the prescription. I will note that if the story is true that Biden is on it, it is likely Biden's Alzheimer's is more severe than just mild since the medication has no measureable benefit in mild cases.
Trump has accomplished more in 47 months than Biden accomplished in 47 years.
If Biden knew all the answers to America's problems why didn't he tell Obama?
I’d wager, if anyone would take me up on it, that it’s a semantic dementia, because it’s not merely aphasia. It’s the kind of thing you can see on a brain scan: there will be degeneration in the Frontotemporal lobes, blank spots where brain tissue used to be. Trump should put out an MRI and ask the same of Biden. It is sad and pathetic that the Dems are running a demented cutout, but it’s also really evil and dangerous.
The people running Biden’s campaign are either soulless cynical scum or straight evil. I can’t think of another alternative. His wife too.
Sydney @ 11:47: [Biden] bragged in his book about his son's death that he kept a priest from giving his son last rites because he didn't want his son to focus on the fact he was dying. No devout Catholic would deny someone last rites. Catholics receive last rites even if there's a chance of dying - like before surgery. How could you deny someone the chance to reconcile themselves with God for the last time? Unless you don't really believe that that's what it's all about.
When my grandfather was in the hospital with prostate cancer, my pious grandmother called in a priest to administer the sacrament that used to be called “Extreme Unction” (the Catholic Church has preferred the term “Anointing of the Sick” since the 1970s). Historically, this sacrament was in practice reserved mostly for those at the point of death, and that’s exactly how my grandfather interpreted it. So the old WWII vet drove the priest out of his room, shouting “I’m not dying!” amidst a stream of profanities. Now, I’m not saying Biden’s choice to keep the priest away from his son was theologically correct (not being Catholic myself, I couldn’t care less), but the lay perspective it reflects is not unprecedented.
bbkingfish: "2020 election: Punchline vs Punchline."
The inevitable leftist retreat tactic.
No longer able to sustain their moronic lies, it suddenly becomes a pox on all houses.
Sorry dude. It's just you and yours.
Yes in comparison the simple dumpling has accomplished so much starting with the great infrastructure bill he promised, Mexico paying for the wall, and oh yes he safely led us through the Covid19 crises, why just ask Herman Cain and many others who followed his advice.
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