That's from "Anita Hill vows to vote for Joe Biden and work with him on gender issues" at CNN. She did an interview with CNN. Anita Hill is the person who most prominently brought sexual harassment in the workplace to the forefront of American culture, and she did this in the Senate Judiciary Committee when it was chaired by Joe Biden.
I'm not going to fault her for offering to work on the inside, after 3 decades devoted to her "outsider" approach, but I will fault CNN if it did not, in the course of its interview, bring up the charges of sexual harassment that have been made against Biden. Is the name Tara Reade in the transcript?
"Notwithstanding all of his limitations in the past, and the mistakes that he made in the past, notwithstanding those -- at this point, between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, I think Joe Biden is the person who should be elected in November," Hill told CNN's Gloria Borger. But it's not just because he's running against Donald Trump, she adds. "Its more about the survivors of gender violence. That's really what it's about."All his limitations and mistakes in his past? Is that including what Tara Reade says he did or does Anita Hill think Reade lacks credibility? Did Anita Hill hold back from supporting Bill Clinton, given all the allegations against him? It was disheartening, after Hill's Judiciary Committee testimony in 1991, to see so many purported feminists put Democratic Party power above the cause, and I hear echoes of that decision in Hill's "at this point, between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, I think Joe Biden is the person who should be elected."
Biden called her, seeking her support, all the way back in April 2019. Her support is strategically useful to him. She said at the time that he failed to apologize:
"An apology, to be real and sincere, has to take responsibility for harm," Hill told CNN. That's not what she heard when she spoke to him at the time. She wanted to hear him acknowledge the harm done to victims of sexual harassment. "He didn't take responsibility. He didn't hold himself accountable in any way, except that he was sorry that I felt I wasn't treated fairly. He didn't take ownership of his own role as chair of the committee." She called the conversation "unsatisfying." After that call, Biden told ABC's Good Morning America that he acknowledged his role as chairman in her treatment.He's "evolved" and she's "willing to evolve" herself. Whatever that means. Ostensibly, it means I will rearrange myself into what is politically effective.
"As the committee chairman, I take responsibility that she did not get treated well. I take responsibility for that," Biden told ABC in April 2019. Hill was listening. She now says she believes he's evolved.
Anyway, I'm not surprised in the slightest to find nothing about Tara Reade and the harassment allegations against Biden in this CNN interview with Anita Hill. Once again, women are expected to support men, and the interests of women are deferred because a man must advance. Alternatively, Hill really wants a job for herself within the Biden administration, and it is a case of a woman doing what she needs to do to advance her career.
Once again, women are expected to support men, and the interests of women are deferred because a man must advance.
The interests of women are getting the most out of their sexual attractiveness to men.
There's the grudge route and the friendly route. The former is feminism.
If women could do stuff on their own they would have done it long ago.
If there were no men, critical race theory would make even less sense than it does now. Pile any old feeling in.
I guess the idea is that at some point they will force sane people to give up trying to follow the bullshit they spew day after day and just shrug.
It is disheartening that they managed to buy out Drudge though. He was a weapon against this.
I owe reparations even though all my ancestors came to America after the Civil War. The sin of slavery is mine. Never allowed to be atoned for.
Democrats on the other hand, just evolve away their sins of yesterday.
Democrats have NO values. None. Only that which enhances personal power, matters.
I believe Anita!
Needs a better job.
Alternatively, Hill really wants a job for herself within the Biden administration, and it is a case of a woman doing what she needs to do to advance her career.
Didn't David Brock report Hill had previously followed her claimed abuser into a new workplace?
I will fault CNN if it did not, in the course of its interview, bring up the charges of sexual harassment that have been made against Biden.
What about Biden's reported altercation with the Secret Service agent while vice president?
Given your argument that their support of Bill Clinton set the women's movement back decades, what do you think will happen if they have to support Biden?
Golly, I've been somewhat "less than enthusiastic" about Biden up to now, but if Anita Hill is for him ...
I wonder if Anita is willing to "evolve" and apologize for slandering a truly good man.
The pubic hair on the Coke can was planted by Betty Friedan
The only think Leftist Collectivists care about is POWER.
Everything else is a pose to fool the voters.
The foolish voters.
The idiots.
The people unable to see consequences that will later be claimed unforeseen.
There is only one purpose for Democratics: POWER.
I wonder if she's dreaming that if Biden is elected, and Thomas retires, Joe would nominate her to replace Thomas in light of her new support.
Sorry if this is a re-post; I believe I got an error message on my first attempt.
"Once again, women are expected to support men, and the interests of women are deferred because a man must advance."
Once again, leftists close ranks, and justice is deferred because the election must be won.
I wonder what she thinks of how Clarence Thomas was treated.
She should let him sniff her hair.
She should let him sniff her hair.
Forget it, Jake. It’s Anitaville.
Strike while the iron is hot.
Anita Hill was a dim memory for most until this election. Apparently the "unsatisfying" contact didn't help either Hill or Biden.
So now she's willing to evolve herself. When did evolve become a synonym for prostitute?
It is such rank expediency on Hill's part. "Selling out" is now "evolving." Hill's complaint against Thomas was a nothing but coke can's worth of spit. Biden may have wronged other women. He never did a thing to wrong Hill. Why do we need to take people like Hill seriously at all?
Does anyone remember Anita Hill nowadays?
Joe is surely one AMTRAC stop from not being on the graft and corruption line anymore.
Best get on board while you can.
She looks a little like a younger Colin Powell in drag.
Anita Hill has always been an attention seeker. My objections to her original allegations were not that I didn’t believe them, but that they were so petty that it didn’t matter if they were true or not. Anita Hill was the first promoter of cancel culture. So now she’s found a way to get back in the news? What a surprise that she grabbed it. And all she had to do was pretend to reject the values she once pretended to embrace.
Biden apologized to her? Good for him. Where’s Clarence Thomas’ apology from her?
She lied to try to derail a conservative black man’a appointment the Supreme Court. In a way, she was successful because she so tarnished Thomas’ reputation that he is HATED and banished by the black community.
When her lies became shaky and it was clear the attack hasn’t worked - he was going to get confirmed - the Dems turned on and attacked Anita Hill.
Now, Biden needs her to protect him from stories from women like Tara Reade. And, Anita Hill wants power and a job.
This isn’t a deal with the Devil but the Devil is definitely mediating the negotiations.
I think she should look forward to working with Biden on women's issues- on CNN. He'll have plenty of time to bloviate after he loses in November. She'll still need work, though I'm not sure she'll be a key cog after the election. And Joe can continue to do talking head interviews on Zoom from his basement, offering up stories of how stopped a nuclear war with Lithuania or prevented a great banking crisis while we all slept, once upon a time, many years ago.
Set them up in the other alley. Maybe Anita is taking lessons from Joe’s veep candidate.
Who cares about #Metoo, when Orange Man bad???
Tara Reade interviewed by Megyn Kelly
Evolve = "Those are my principles, and if you don't like them, well, I have others."
"When questioned on why she followed Thomas to the second job after he had already allegedly harassed her, she said working in a reputable position within the civil rights field had been her ambition."
CBF is next.
Anita Hill says "I need another grift."
"Does anyone remember Anita Hill nowadays?"
Among progressives, there is no future, only Anita happening over and over.
Biden does not evolve. He revolves around the drain while muttering inanities. But cut old Anita some slack. The job market for Feminist Bullshitters is growing tight as the cadre of White Supremacy bullshitters is suddenly out and seeking sinecures for their uselessness.
I guess things are slow around Wal-Mart since the Covid started. That, and they're cutting back on greeters.
Democrats--More fictional tales than Disney.
Anita Hill... does she pass he sniff test? Another has been wannabees, poppin up to the surface like Koi at feeding time. Reiner, Cher, Bette Midler.... the lot of em'.
Did David Brock ever repudiate "The Real Anita Hill"? I realize he switched sides politically. But you would think he would be more outspoken and apologetic about it if he only wrote a false narrative. I'd love to ask him (or any Democrat with knowledge, including Biden), "What parts of that book were true, and what parts were false?"
The Thomas hearings were held while I was in college. I had an instinctive impression, as did most of my friends, that Hill was lying.
"I'm not surprised in the slightest to find nothing about Tara Reade"
Sorry, ladies, take a seat at the back of the bus. This is prog politics we're talking about. You didn't think Women's Lives Matter, did you?
Anita Hill was used as a marker for the team that had cast the preservation of Roe v. Wade as its first, last and only goal in selections for the Supreme Court. (That isn't the only goal, of course, but it remains the best one they have.)
The cynicism of a judiciary committee run by Joe Biden and with Ted Kennedy as a member calling out a Black man for behavior that, if true, was far less egregious than either of theirs still amazes. But it was so effective (?) that it was tried again with another woman who truly believed that she had been victimized by Bret Kavanaugh when they were in high school.
It worked out fine for the victims, enhancing Hill's career among right-thinking people and raising a lot of money for Christine Blasey Ford, but at the cost of making both look pathetic.
If I were Anita Hill, I would never, ever work for someone who had used me in that way.
"work with Joe Biden" sounds funny. Honestly, he's an empty shell. She'd be working for his puppet masters.
Blogger Phil 314 said...
Does anyone remember Anita Hill nowadays?
She is determined to attach herself like a parasite, which she is. What career ?
I'm still waiting for JudiciAl Watch to get those records about the Secret Service agent going after Joe for feeling up his wife in 2009.
"When he had no chance of power, I was heroically against him. Now that he has a chance at power, I am heroically for him!"
Hill is consistent, I'll give her that.
She lied about Justice Thomas, who had been good to her and helped her in her career, because she didn't want a conservative on the court. Now, Hill is perfectly happy to support Biden, even though he tarnished her reputation, because he is the alternative to another term by a conservative in the presidency.
What, it is supposed to be surprising that a woman who whored herself for political reasons once before is perfectly willing to do it again?
Breaking News"
Christine Blasey Ford just announced that she will support Joe Biden despite his history of inappropriate sexual behavior towards women.
"I will get death threats for this, but it is important to stand up for my convictions, for my truth"
In addition, she claimed that Donald Trump propositioned her through her internet connection, but her friends at Google could not capture the evidence.
She was full of shit then, she's full of shit now. A really contemptible person.
This is standard practice for liberal Democrats. They always rally around their Candidate, because no matter what the candidate has done in the past, the current election is TOO IMPORTANT, to care about that now.
Also, reading this makes me laugh because I remember the NYT/MSM/Nina Totenberg proclaiming that in 1991 Hill couldn't have a political motive for attacking Thomas. Why, Anita Hill was a "Reagan Republican" and a "Oral Roberts conservative". LOL!
the theme of the day seems to be:
When D's commit sexual harassment or crimes, we MOVE ON. No use dwelling in the past. been there, done that. That was then, this is now.
"Once again, women are expected to support men, and the interests of women are deferred because a man must advance."
Do you really imagine that what is in one woman's interest is thereby necessarily in the interest of all women? Send not to know, for whom the bitch lies. She lies for thee!
Christine Blasey Ford just announced that she will support Joe Biden despite his history of inappropriate sexual behavior towards women.
Joey Fingers appreciates that.
A pubic hair on a coke can is 'gender violence'?
Good to know.
"to evolve oneself"
Reflexive verbs in German. Middle voice in ancient Greek. Interesting forms. Bestir yourself!
Why wouldn't Anita Hill work with Joe Biden today? She was working for him 30 years ago when the two of them participated in a high tech lynching of a Black man named Clarence Thomas.
She's just ready to go back to work at her old job.
Democrats have pretty much killed #MeToo. When that torpedo turned and aimed at Biden, they abandoned that movement entirely for political expediency. To me, the real death of #MeToo was Biden meeting with Jacob Blake. He did not meet with the woman Blake raped and showed up at her house months later to assault her again and take the children (all in contempt of court orders), and that is why police were there at all. Not one word, and Biden declined to meet with her, nor would Democrats say one word about the woman Blake brutalized. She is totally forgotten and abandoned. No matter-- Democrats think it more politically beneficial to support her rapist than her. And the biggest proponents of #MeToo are all okay with this.
We have to care about Anita Hill again?
Awwwww! That's adorable!!!!
The allegations, if true, reveal that Anita Hill was the victim of a clumsy flirtation. She has parlayed that victimhood into a successful career and become, to some extent, the face of wronged women in America... Jacob Blake's love interest, by contrast, has a far sadder tale to tell, but she will never tell it. Maybe she'll get some of Jacob's lucrative settlement money, but she'll never get any of the sympathy and support that Anita has received.....Who victimized you is much more important than the extent of your damages. I'm reminded of all those Hollywood victims on McCarthy's purges. There are books and movies about their hard times. Some of them lost jobs! I wonder if any person in Hollywood can name a single person who perished in the Holodomor or the Cultural Revolution. You can smell the corpses, but the bodies are invisible.
"I will get death threats for this, but it is important to stand up for my convictions, for my truth"
So now we have to support the delusions of people with mental illness?
"Her truth..." What about my truth? I am Napoleon Bonaparte...kneel in my presence!
" ... willing to prostitute myself ...". There, fixed it for you.
Who/whom. That's not how you analyze history or inventory the victims. First you pick out who among the who's is truly evil and then you describe in detail and with sympathy the pains that whoever has visited upon his whomever. If the whoever is not on the official villains list, then his whomever can be safely ignored.....I'd like to see Rittenhouse's attorneys bring Rosenbaum's child victims to the forefront and detail the kinds of abuse that Rosenbaum visited upon them. I'm sure that in some ways their abuse might be considered even worse than the traumatic experience that Anita experienced when she heard that joke about pubic hairs.
Evolved? It depends on how you define the fitness function. The virus evolved, is less viable, and the disease has progressed exponentially.
Hill really wants a job for herself within the Biden administration
Another excellent reason to make sure Biden loses.
Anita Hill will gladly do a "golden shower" on Tuesday if it will get her a government job on Wednesday. (Apologies to Wimpy.)
But if Anita Hill lied about Clarence Thomas – which many people believe she did - why would anyone apologize to the bearer of false witness, for not believing their lies?
Biden apologized, sort of, but not really. Hill forgave him, sort of, but not really. Hill endorces Biden, but not really. What did Biden promise her for doing this?
Anita Hill is the worst kind of role model for women imo. She is the "rhhardin version of women." She benefitted greatly from her association with Thomas and was never threatened by him with any retaliation for not dating him. In fact she followed him as a special assistant when he was given the position at the EEOC. Eventually she publicly complained about being harrassed when it served the Democrats' political agenda to tank Thomas. Who knows what promises and offers were made in return? Did she really believe he did not deserve to be on the courty? Or that what he allegedly said was really worth exposing in a Senate confirmation hearing? Thomas was no Harvey Weinstein, insisting that actresses engage in sexual actions with him or they wouldn't get the contract for a film. In fact "She even testified that after leaving the EEOC, she had had two 'inconsequential' phone conversations with Thomas, and had seen him personally on two occasions, once to get a job reference and the second time when he made a public appearance in Oklahoma where she was teaching." testimony transcript
Meantime Hill has received so many honors and positions as if she did something truly great and inspiring. She's gotten awards for having gotten awards. I find her a pathetic role model. And now she wants to work for Joe Biden. Wow.
I'd rather hear from strong women who have done it all on their own. Such as two senior UK judges talking about how they dealt with challenges because they are women: Lady Justice Hallett and Justice Cheema-Grubb
I always suspected that Hill's real gripe with Thomas was that he had the audacity to choose a white woman to marry instead of her. Any interest that Thomas might have shown her was purely her own imagining, but she was able to hold on to that fantasy until he remarried.
Anita said...
I always suspected that Hill's real gripe with Thomas was that he had the audacity to choose a white woman to marry instead of her.
Absolutely. Now we know why Obama married Michelle. Can you imagine an angry Michelle pursuing you for 30 years ?
Of course she can go with Joe. Anita is, and was, all in for the party. She might even be willing to accuse Trump of sexual harassment.
Clarence Thomas's confirmation hearings happened in 1991 and the Tara Reade (alleged) rape by Biden happened in 1993. I don't have time to review tapes of how Biden didn't take Anita Hill seriously or with enough concern for her trauma, for which he has offered a lukewarm and unacceptable apology. Clearly he wants us to believe that now he cares about women and the #metoo movement, and distract us from the accusations by Tara Reade.
I've evolved too. I suspect that the Senators at the hearing, including Biden, had heard about or done much worse sexual harassment than what Anita Hill was reporting. I had no inkling whatsoever of their hypocrisy at the time. At that time I felt the choice was either to believe that what Thomas had (allegedly) done was horrible beyond the pale or that Anita Hill should not be believed. In reality the Senators probably thought the level of the accusations of sexual misconduct was a big joke, just political theater. A high tech lynching, in Thomas's words. Ironically, perpetrated by Democrats.
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