In 2 days, I'll reach the one-year mark in my ritual of the sunrise run. I intend to produce my definitive list of the 10 types of sunrises — on the theory that in a year, I've seen all the types. I've given a few numbers already. As I said last May:
I haven't assigned numbers to all of the sunrise types. I want to cover them all and only have 10. I'll figure it out when the year comes full circle on September 9th (my first day of doing the sunrise run).My favorite type has all-over wispy clouds with the sun showing through. Today's sunrise is unusual, with wispy clouds, almost all over, but a bumper of thick clouds at the bottom, right where they completely obscure the sun. I consider this sunrise quite beautiful but rather subtle. It's a sunrise for the sunrise sophisticates.
So far there's 1 & 2 (very cloudy days) and 3 & 4 (very clear days) and 5 (a distinctive Z shape of sunlight). All of the best sunrises are 6-10, but they are harder to classify. I know what 10 -- my favorite -- is, I believe. 6-10 has to do with broken up clouds -- partly cloudy situations that disperse the sunlight.
In 2 days, I'll reach the one-year mark in my ritual of the sunrise run.
Then can we get back to rats?
I've enjoyed the project. It speaks well of you.
We are all becoming connoisseurs of sunrises.
Great work
Since my mental cognition doesn't kick in till around 9 A.M at the earliest, I'll defer to your expertise on sunrises. However, I think sunsets are the best. Orange sky at night, sailors' delight.
One day you will see a three sigma sunrise. (OK, I haven’t done the math and don’t intend to)
I’ve been looking forward to the list.
Hopefully, you will still be missing sunrise 11: "Sunrise with mushroom cloud".
I can't wait to see the list of sunrise types.
Also I can't wait to get back to rats!
Looked forward everyday to your sunrise shot. I look forward to the list. Thank you.
In AZ most sunrises are 3-4. Would make for very boring blogging. But when we get the 6-10, watch out. We kill it. You're lucky to have such diversity in sunrises.
Was looking at Insty, and anybody who gets sucked into these testing numbers without knowing a lot more about how they are done than is ever reported is a fool. But both sides do it because sometimes they see propaganda value on one side or the other to pretend that they are more accurate and meaningful than they are. They are a useful tool to those who know how to interpret the results. Reporters and opinion writers left and right do not fall into this category.
byw- please do not come to co right now. our air quality is worse than Beijing.
Althouse said...
I consider this sunrise quite beautiful but rather subtle. It's a sunrise for the sunrise sophisticates.
"I thought I was the only one who felt that way."
Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing them with us. Congratulations on achieving the one-year mark.
We had a weird purple sunrise (not an LSD brand), followed by a red sun peering thru the thin cloud cover.
It's was pretty racist.
Ranking sunrises on a 1 to 10 scale: problematic!
Bruce Hayden, on another post, quoted Lincoln on U. S. Grant: "I cannot spare this man he fights". Reading that caused me to poke around a bit. The following are some excerpts from an article in the WaPoo Apr 24, 2014:
"He had unknown qualities that were just waiting for an opportunity to be revealed,”
"He earned his nickname, “Unconditional Surrender Grant,” at Fort Donelson in Tennessee when the opposing commander asked for terms of capitulation and he replied, “No terms except an unconditional surrender ..."
"Rebel general James Longstreet, who knew Grant well from their military adventures long before the great rupture, knew what was coming: “That man will fight us every day and every hour ’til the end of the war.”
“I think his secret was his utter unflappability and his ability to keep his eye on the ball no matter what else was going on,” said Gary W. Gallagher, a historian at the University of Virginia and author of numerous books about the war."
"Mary Lincoln called Grant an “obstinate fool.”
"Grant won a second term, handily, and in his second inaugural address said, “I have been the subject of abuse and slander scarcely ever equaled in political history, which today I feel that I can afford to disregard in view of your verdict.”
"In his farewell address, Grant said, “It was my fortune, or misfortune, to be called to the office of Chief Executive without previous political training. . . ."
You know where there are a lot of interesting descriptions of sunrises? In the novel Das Boot, when the narrator describes taking his turn at the watch in the conning tower of the Nazi sub at sea in the North Atlantic.
Huckleberry Finn has a few great ones too. Just read that again yesterday. That is one of the most brilliant novels written by an American right up to the part where Tom Sawyer shows up. Then it reminds me of Twain’s criticism of James Fenimore Cooper, where the hero finds the fort in the tangle of deep woods because a cannonball rolls right up to him in the woods, giving him direction. No more unlikely than Jim being sold back into slavery to Tom Sawyer’s uncle and right when things looked worst for Jim and Huck, Tom Sawyer himself shows up. It goes from being a beautiful, moving, and deeply meaningful novel to a farce and one long cruel prank on Jim. The right ending should have been Tom showing up, meeting Huck, being told about how Jim and he had run away, and how Jim was sold back into slavery and Tom should have said right then. “Jim has been freed, Huck.” instead of dragging it out with ridiculous Don Quixote style romanticized hijinks. Some people say that Twain didn’t really understand the novel he was writing, and it was largely a creation of his editor, William Dean Howells.
Very impressive. Smoke - Harvey Keitel.
I have really enjoyed them. Thanks!
I’d like to see a “best of” photo spread. Thanks! -willie
ridgway cam
click the bird
OCD much?
Don't worry, it's endearing : )
Will you post a photographic top 10? Or the best of each category?
It's not as constructive for humanity as cartoon mice, but...
My favorite sunrise is a kind you'll never see in Wisconsin. I used to live in a valley, at the base of Mt. Timpanogos. When the sun would come up over the top of the mountain, it would light the high clouds with gold, which would be reflected off of the mountain's snow capped peaks. It was as if the mountain itself was radiating light.
I've often wondered if that's how the Ten Commandments were formulated.
List of the top 10 types of sunrise. You won't believe number 4!
Sorry. I've been spending too much time on the internet.
I've often wondered if that's how the Ten Commandments were formulated.
The Lord Jehovah has given unto you these fifteen-CRASH!..TEN! TEN commandments!!!
Funny sentence:
"He shrugged his shoulders as he put a frybread and an elk sausage onto his plate. Then he made his way to a table where he sat down to take a bite with both hands."
I've loved this project of yours, and I really respect your sticking with it through all kinds of weather! I sit outside on my farm at approximately the same time every morning and I love seeing how the light changes with the time and the seasons. Unlike you I take the coldest months off and retreat to my desk to write, but in the spring I bundle up and sit on the front porch again. Thank you so much!!
Althouse - big kudos on doing your sunrise runs for one straight year. You are a really focused, organized, motivated and incredibly smart lady. Can you share some info with us on how the habit has cut your lbs,blood pressure, etc. Thanks
Cool, thanks for listing some of the types. Maybe go from clear to cloudy In your numbering? That way I know if it was clear or cloudy just by knowing the type. I know there are other dimensions too — drab to colorful, Keep posting these!
This fun YouTube video has been seen close to a million times. Got me in a good mood
that's awful. Is the smoke from local fires, or is it all blowing in from further west?
My phone just teased a CNN analysis: "Trump Likely Cannot Win Without Veterans' Support."
They are really trying admirably hard to make Fetch happen.
Paint it pastel.
Then can we get back to rats?
The dawn cedes ground to the twilight and the rats come out to cannibalize its remains.
"Can you share some info with us on how the habit has cut your lbs,blood pressure, etc. Thanks"
My blood pressure has always been ideal, but I haven't had it checked since the pandemic began.
I have had my fasting glucose tested, and that's the thing that I was most concerned about because in August 2019, it had gone over the line into "pre-diabetic" -- it was 103. Now, it's 98, so back in the normal range. As for weight... I've lost 21 pounds and consider myself to be at an ideal weight -- with a BMI in the middle of the "normal" range.
I've enjoyed the sunrises that remind me of JWT Turner. Etherial, watercoloresque. Don't know the number. But uplifting. Thanks.
those are some wonderful photographs, you really do have a talent,
Congratulations, Althouse, on your weight loss and improved health parameters! From the recent photos, you are looking great!
It's a bad fire season just about everywhere in the west! My daughter and SIL just moved to north Idaho and today there is a fire close to their house and wind has caused a power outage. :-( The Jackson/Yellowstone area is evacuating campers, too.
Congrats on shedding a stone and a half, Prof. That's pretty impressive. I've lost half a stone myself, and need to lose more.
My mother (who lived to 91) had all manner of things wrong with her, but her blood pressure was almost always perfect! I used to say she was only a carrier of HBP--she gave it to everyone else.
Patrick O'Brien has some extraordinary sunrise and sunset descriptions, some of them cribbed from HMS logs IIRC.
No numbers I think
Tim in Vermont: Is the novel, Das Boot as good as, or better than, the film? That was excellent.
Grant's cool was best seen at Shiloh, after the first day when he and Sherman had been surprised and almost were driving into the river.
Sherman came up to him smoking a cigar sitting under a tree. He said, "Grant, we've had the Devil's own day today." Grant said, "Yes. Lick 'em tomorrow though."
I prefer sunsets. Once, years ago, I showed a salesman at a surgical meeting, when we were out on a sunset cruise at Maui, the "Green Flash," which occurs just as the sun sinks below the horizon. I ran into him at a meeting 20 years later and he reminded me of it. Many people have looked for it and never seen it.
I've often wondered if that's how the Ten Commandments were formulated.
The Lord Jehovah has given unto you these fifteen-CRASH!..TEN! TEN commandments!!!
Where did you get such blasphemy, young man?!
The true explanation of the origin of the Ten Commandments came from now departed Jewish father in law, who told me the following tale:
One day was walking around looking to hand out the commandments. He first came upon a Mexican, and said "Hey, Mexican, you want some commandments?" The Mexican said "God, what's a commandment?" And God said "You know, like 'Thou shalt not steal'". The Mexican said "That's okay, God. We're good. Thanks but no thanks."
God continued along His way and came upon a Frenchman. He said "Hey, Frenchman, you want some commandments?" The Frenchman said "What's a commandment?" And God said "Oh, like 'Thou shalt not commit adultery'". The Frenchman replied "Oh, sorry God, I gotta return a book back to the library".
Then God comes upon a Jew. He says to the Jew: "Hey Jew, you want some commandments?" The Jew says "How much do they cost?" God says "They're Free!". And the Jew then says "In that case, I'll take ten!".
(My father in law told us this joke as we were driving around DC. I was impressed how, in one joke, he managed to insult the ethnicity of everyone in the car -- his Mexican-American second wife, my French heritage, and his & my wife's Jewishness.)
Thanks Althouse. I wish I had some of your daily resolve!
Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell
Video proof of @JoeBiden walking away from the concerns of our Veterans.
This isn’t an anonymous hit - this is video proof.
Das Boot is a pretty good novel. I don’t think I have seen the film. But if you are looking for a read, I recommend it.
...move it up here...
This man is supposedly leading in WI, ladies and gentlemen...
"Type 12: Sunrise with impacting asteroid."
I notice that, taking the dog out for a walk, distant tornado sirens are sounding. I wonder what it means. Two in the west and one in the south.
They're not all the same pitch, which seems like a defect in the effect to me.
Das Boot is a pretty good novel. I don’t think I have seen the film. But if you are looking for a read, I recommend it.
There are a couple versions of the film. One is better than the other but I don't remember which is which. They're both okay. German with English subtitles.
Season 5 of The Bureau (French with English subtitles) is coming out, so I'm rewatching seasons 1-4 to be reminded of the ongoing dilemmas so I can understand it.
Prime has season 1 free, 2-5 with some subscription or other.
There's a face - slightly left of center, about an inch above the shoreline.
Today’s sunrise is an amazing one. It is an “ominous” sunrise. Never thought I would see one like that.
The Climate Change folks need to pass a law against that type sunrise, since they claim to have power over the sun.
I like the photos. Traditionally there were 29 types of clouds listed by the NWS. These look like cirrostratus to me. A high blanket for the sleepy thoughts on the earth.
My wife of 30+ years asks me why I still stare at her when she is undressing. I tell her that we've seen thousands of sunrises and sunsets, but each new one is still wonderful. This is not original with me, of course, but I heartily endorse the sentiment, and the undressing.
Discipline equals Freedom
Speaking for myself I look forward to the big recap and reveal.
Both the book and movie Das Boot are excellent in their genre. The author had been a German war correspondent IIRC and made several voyages. The onshore drunkenness is well attested.
Can't say I blame them
"...move it up here..."
It's mind-boggling that leftist voters are going along with this, that they can't see they've been manipulated for so long.
Entirely off topic
There is something that seems very apocalyptic in our area right now (SE Portland). Lots of smoke obscuring the sun and high winds. Nothing in the news about a fire; where is it coming from?
Nice pix, way better than creepy leafless winter trees.
Our host is a Sunrise Sommelier.
Along these lines:
" We will only have peace with [the Arabs] when they love their children more than they hate us...”.
"Only will "Black Lives Matter" as a nation when they begin to matter in their own community"
graphic vid 1
Respect Yourself
The Staple Singers
If you disrespect anybody that you run in to
How in the world do you think anybody's s'posed to respect you
If you don't give a heck 'bout the man with the bible in his hand, y'all
Just get out the way, and let the gentleman do his thing
You the kind of gentleman that want everything your way, yeah
Take the sheet off your face, boy, it's a brand new day
Respect yourself, respect yourself, respect yourself, respect yourself
If you don't respect yourself
Ain't nobody gonna give a good cahoot, na na na na
Respect yourself, respect yourself, respect yourself, respect yourself
If you're walking 'round think'n that the world owes you something 'cause you're here
You goin' out the world backwards like you did when you first come here yeah
Keep talkin' bout the president, won't stop air pollution
Put your hand on your mouth when you cough, that'll help the solution
Oh, you cuss around women and you don't even know their names, no
Then you're dumb enough to think that'll make you a big ol' man
Respect yourself, respect yourself, respect yourself, respect yourself
If you don't respect yourself
Ain't nobody gonna give a good cahoot, na na na na
Respect yourself, respect yourself, respect yourself, respect yourself
Respect yourself, respect yourself, respect yourself, respect yourself
Respect yourself, yeah yeah respect yourself, respect yourself yeah, respect yourself
You oughta you oughta respect yourself yeah, respect yourself
There is an old joke about Moses coming down from the mount, holding two stones. He said to the assembled multitude: "I've got some good news, and some bad news. The good news? I mananaged to keep Him to just TEN!...."
And then of course, the rest of the joke.
Is the novel, Das Boot as good as, or better than, the film?
I read it after seeing the movie and still enjoyed most of it.
Stunning pictorial exploration of the beautiful state of California at night.
"Das Boot is a pretty good novel."
Never read the novel, but the movie was outstanding- one of the best movies I saw from the 1980s.
My daughter and her husband have had to evacuate their new home in N. Idaho due to a wind-driven wildfire.
The confession. From Turley:
“ In truth, Fox did not confirm that Trump called the dead buried at the French cemetery “losers” and “suckers.” Indeed, Fox reporter Jennifer Griffin said today that her source did not hear those references to those buried at the cemetery.”
Said TODAY. Didn’t say when the report came out. That makes her report a lie. Fox lied, she lied.
@Bruce Gee I like this version of the joke.
September 9 is also the anniversary of the death of Mao Tse-tung, 1976.
On that very day of his death I was a young Australian student in Peking (as it was then), walking down a Main Street in the centre of the city, when suddenly all around me people started crying. At that time I didn’t yet know any Chinese so it took me a while to figure out what was going on.
Since then I have. And I also would have said “good riddance, to a horrid tyrant”.
Who would have thought young Maoilings, in the shape of the acolytes of BLM, would be trashing the streets of American in fealty to Mao’s murderous policies.
For me that day was like a 9/11 or JFK assassination day. Never forgotten.
Prof Ann: I wonder if you can recall that day, 44 years ago tomorrow?
Good running and looking forward to your definitive sunrise classification.
Peter in Hong Kong.
Ken B: "Said TODAY. Didn’t say when the report came out. That makes her report a lie. Fox lied, she lied."
And with the on the record comments by Gen Kelly's personal aide, Fuentes, who was with Kelly throughout the trip to France, this means this latest hoax has collapsed as quickly as the Dan Rather/Killian memo hoax did in 2004.
Another complete moronic failure by the democraticals and their LLR-lefty lap poodles and the marxist media.
I second the rats.
The Biden election team is working? https://archive.fo/zPvDt Is the scheme devised to totally destroy America so that socialism seem the only way out for the masses? Whoops... answered my own question!
A mere year of sunrises is a woefully inadequate baseline from which to make any inferences about "types" of sunrises. Ten years minimum.
AA - can't wait for your results! When I read this I remembered an old article from Forbes on studying "Sunrises". Here it is - hope it helps you?
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