August 23, 2020

"Left-leaning Claudia [Conway] has been openly feuding with her parents on TikTok and Twitter all summer, bashing them for their conservative views."

"At one point she urged progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to adopt her. Saturday’s tweet ['I’m officially pushing for emancipation'] came alongside many more in which she penned her frustration over her [mother Kellyanne Conway's] work for the president, and over recent praise of her father, George Conway, for his work as co-founder of the Lincoln Project, a Republican anti-Trump group. 'As for my dad, politically, we agree on absolutely nothing. We just both happen to have common sense when it comes to our current president. Stop "stanning" him,' Claudia tweeted.... 'My mother’s job ruined my life to begin with,' she wrote. 'Heartbreaking that she continues to go down that path after years of watching her children suffer. Selfish. It’s all about money and fame, ladies and gentlemen.'... 'I’m a savage lol I’m aware,' read her last tweet...."

From "Kellyanne Conway’s daughter Claudia 'officially pushing for emancipation'" (NY Post).

I see she got a response — a wise response — from Marianne Williamson:

Claudia sounds like she is what she is — a 15-year-old kid. She's saying things that would only be shouted around the house if it weren't for social media and that would go nowhere on social media if her parents weren't famous.


rhhardin said...

Crying and slamming doors are needed.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

What am awful kid, and, judging by her profile picture, she’s looking for attention in all the wrong places.

Williamson’s advice is wise, I agree.

Daniel Jackson said...

Agreed. The more she rants, the more she appears what she is: another angry teenager bent on embarrassing her parents.

Rob said...

She should do what other 15-year olds do who want to be emancipated. Get knocked up, have a baby and go on AFDC.

wendybar said...

And Nancy Pelosi wants little bumbling babies like her to vote. Wake up.

wendybar said...

She'll do well as a stripper...Great attitudes like this will get you places!!

Limited blogger said...

Didn't think I could like KellyAnne Conway even more.

buwaya said...

The poor girl has a serious problem, and its not her social life.
Her parents are estranged. One would think they would be divorced by now - well, I'm not sure why not, but it may be for the sake of the kids, of which there are three others, two are younger.

The family problem, it seems to me, is that husband George can't deal with his wife becoming much more successful than he has ever been. She has been a very high profile political player for decades, he has been, relatively speaking, a back office schlub. Worse yet he was passed over for political appointments in the Trump administration.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

As always, the worst part about this 15 year old's public histrionics is the Twitter replies. The derangement of the leftists in this country is the scariest thing I've witnessed in my 58 years above the grass.

iowan2 said...

Wish I was 15 years old again.

To be that smart and all knowing was awesome sauce! Yaknow? Everybody was was soo stupid, they refused to see how, like smart I was, and like how I just KNEW stuff.

iowan2 said...

I repeat again.

The President of the United States only exercised the power, congress want him/her to exercise. Of course the Dems transfer that power to the executive when they are in power, because the actually believe Dems will forever hold the presidency, and will never have to govern through legislation. Dems are grooming the Office for a Dem Tyrant in Chief.

rehajm said...

It's children in politics again its promoted because she says what the left wants to hear. Gives Marianne an opportunity to look not batshit crazy too...

Kevin said...

There are reasons 15 year-old girls are so easily abducted.

Sebastian said...

"I’m a savage lol I’m aware"

Kids attacking parents: the old lefty tactic.

The dirty secret of commie campaigns: the kids enjoyed it.

A savagery now easily triggered in the age of social media.

RMc said...

She's saying things that would only be shouted around the house if it weren't for social media

Twitter is forever, kid.

Dave Begley said...

I met Williamson in Sioux City. She is something else. She loves talking about love.

Wonder why she wasn’t allowed to speak at the DNC. Biden plagiarized her.

jaydub said...

By the time she's 45 she'll be voting for some conservative politician, too. The only redeeming thing about 15 year olds is that they don't stay 15. Well, except for Howard.

Jamie said...

Gosh, I love when teenagers blackmail their parents.

Unknown said...

How old is that picture Williamson is using?

I bet its older than Claudia

traditionalguy said...

She is jealous of her mother’s successes. Talk about entitlement. She wants control over her mother’s successes so she will be the special one.Her mother better keep her career, because family hates her for being a strong woman.keep up the good work KellyAnne.

whitney said...

"jaydub said...
By the time she's 45 she'll be voting for some conservative politician, too. The only redeeming thing about 15 year olds is that they don't stay 15. Well, except for Howard."

30 years from now and you see the world as being similar to it is now. So optimistic.

MayBee said...

Wonderful, Marianne Williamson.

RNB said...

A Twitter-era Pavel Trofimovich Morozov.

Big Mike said...

Claudia sounds like she is what she is — a 15-year-old kid.

And a stupid kid at that. Glad I only had boys.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

By the way, it's ridiculous to refer to a 15 year old as 'left leaning.' I have three teenage daughters whom I adore, admire and respect, and I still feel comfortable regularly [privately] quoting the great Noah Van Der Hoff: "Kids know dick." This kid is going through a normal rejection of her mother and whatever her mother stands for; that is not the same thing has having thoughtful and informed positions on policy. If her mother were an expert in walnuts and walnut accessories she'd be described as 'pecan leaning.'

Leslie Graves said...

This is really really sad.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Oh and re urging AOC to adopt her: Every rebellious 15 year old wants to go live with her cool aunt who will let her stay out all night and buy her alcohol and commiserate about her like totally dickhead parents. It's not a political thing. It's just that we let social media masquerade as actual connection now.

Bob Boyd said...

Sounds like a case of white privilege coming into full flower.
Here she is bitching and moaning how her rich parents ruined her life.
When Cardi B was Claudia's age she was already luring men with the promise of sex, then drugging and robbing them. Today Cardi B's a big star, grabbing fat stacks, hobnobbing with high society and Brrring to presidential candidates on the TeeV.
Time for an agonizin' reappraisal, Claudia.

Laurel said...

I’ll bet KellyAnne Conway is regretting her school choices, now.

Liberals (and fools) are created, not born.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Again proving Marianne had far too much common sense under the new age weirdness to be in that field, too much real empathy to be a politician of the Left, where empathy is talked about but never shown to the other side.

Jeff Brokaw said...

It’s beyond weird that strangers know the intimate family struggles of a 15 year old kid who they don’t know personally because she shares it on social media. Social media is already poison for teenagers, especially teen girls, and causes tremendous pain, isolation, anxiety and depression. They invent drama for attention sometimes. Who knew, right?!

It’s another level beyond that level of weird that a news organization leverages that kid’s drama/pain for clicks and eyeballs. Whatever. Gross.

Whatever the underlying truth is here — we do not know and we cannot know — we do know for sure that political power players in the media and on the Left are using this kid. So are the bloggers who blog about it.

It’s sick and disturbing. Why call attention to it without offering withering criticism? What purpose is served? This is gossip, and all of us have better things to do than waste one nanosecond thinking about it.

Jamie said...

Pants nails it to the wall: AOC as the "cool" (and obviously childless) aunt.

2020 continues to bewilder - Marianne Williamson is a voice of reason?

Meade said...

George is the problem child. The daughter is just acting out the father’s unresolved emotional conflicts which block him from performing as an effective male parent.

Meade said...

Kellyanne would be wise to divorce him. For the children.

Mark said...

George is the problem child. The daughter is just acting out the father’s unresolved emotional conflicts which block him from performing as an effective male parent.

And his reward, deep down, is ultimately that the daughter has contempt for him too.

buwaya said...

Genetic-aesthetics comment -

George Conway is a Filipino mestizo, 50% I think (ask me about the shame we feel on this score).

Anyway, you can see the advantages of hybridization in the daughter. She is her mother, but finer-boned, as Eurasians tend to be. She will be beautiful when she grows up.

Kate said...

I stan Marianne.

Wince said...

Follow the Ramones method of child-rearing, the "US Festival" of 1982.

Beat on the Brat
Beat on the brat
Beat on the brat
With a baseball bat

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh oh
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh oh

What can you do
What can you do
With a brat like that
Always on your back
What can you lose
What can you do
What can you do
With a brat like that
Always on your back
What can you lose

Ken B said...

What are the chances this kid is being egged on by trump haters? I put it at 100%.

tim maguire said...

This is where twitter shows it’s true, vile, evil soul. Take a normal 15 year old having a normal tantrum, add twitter, and create a crisis she will regret for the rest of her life. Jack Dorsey should be held for crimes against humanity.

NYC JournoList said...

I feel slimy reading about a 15 year old’s tweets in the news. How low are they willing to sink?

cacimbo said...

Sad. I recall articles on how the Conway's were having trouble finding schools to take their children because of all the Trump hate.Considering how the left controls education she must have been subjected to brutal remarks by teachers and fellow students.Then at home she learns from her father this is how you disagree with family-publicly on social media.

cf said...

The early democratic party candidates offered some fresh and distinctly American Minds. At the time I fantasized that President Trump might invite Yang, Marianne and Tulsi into his White House to brainstorm, and as a kind of Office of Out-There Advisers.

wouldn't that have been great fun? Trump is in some ways so much more like them -- outsiders -- than these calloused, cagey "Suits" like Kamala, Warren, Biden etc.

LA_Bob said...

Well, good on Marianne Williamson for the sympathetic but on-point response (and not demonizing Kellyanne), and good on Althouse for seeing and stating the obvious.

I'm sure Claudia may have legitimate personal issues with her parents, not all of which arise from the fact of her adolescence. Most kids will. Just a fact of life. It's just too bad social media make it so easy to air one's dirty laundry on which the whole world can opine.

LA_Bob said...

buwaya said, "George Conway is a Filipino mestizo, 50% I think (ask me about the shame we feel on this score)."

buwaya, can you say something about the shame Filipinos feel over the mestizo issue? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I guess mom said no to the tatoos.

Michael K said...

. The derangement of the leftists in this country is the scariest thing I've witnessed in my 58 years above the grass.

Yup and I have 25 more years and still have seen nothing like it. The other problem is that they have allies on the supposed right that are really using them for purposes we don;'t kn ow. I worry about the military above O-6 who have careerism as a motive. No Afghanistan, no promotions. The old Royal Navy chant was for "Bloody wars and sickly seasons" as the key to promotion.

jaydub said...

"30 years from now and you see the world as being similar to it is now. So optimistic."

Sixty years ago when I was 15 I knew everything, had embarrassing parents and was somewhat left wing too - if one believes a 15 year old is capable of developing a political philosophy. Moreover, I knew that if my generation didn't change the world and the direction of the country, humanity could not survive, i.e., it was similar to what is is now. Since that time we have actually survived several hot wars and a thirty year cold one, one presidential assassination and one presidential resignation, several significant recessions, race riots, political divisions and (to date) even Face Book. In fact, we have not only survived but prospered to the point where we are now the richest and most privileged people who have ever lived. All that happened even though I can't think of a single thing that transpired on a national, macro level that would have been any different than if I had never been born. So, in reality, I am not only optimistic about the next 30 years, I don't think the country will ever have been more prosperous and strong than it will be in 2050, no matter what the current crop of fifteen year olds thinks or does in the intervening time. Just as is the case with me and my generation now as compared to thirty or sixty years ago. The only question is whether we take the most direct route, and that's primarily what this election is about.

RigelDog said...

Oh man...girls at age fifteen. Our wonderful, only now occasionally-irritating young adult daughter was just a freakin' trial in her teen years, and fifteen was the worst. It was like living with a bear with a thorn in its paw for about four years. At around age 18 it changed to living with a bear that regularly stepped on a thorn but at least it wasn't 24/7.

Skeptical Voter said...

The attitudes of 15 year old girls frequently change by the time they are say 23 or 24.
I agree with Pants.

Krumhorn said...

I would be mortified to have read my daughters tweets when she was that age. Those were the Dark Days and they lasted close to 9 months. Fortunately, social media was only in its early stages. She was definitely pecan-leaning in she was nutz. We’re back on track I’m happy to say.

This gal will regret this for the rest of her life if she doesn’t listen up.

- Krumhorn

LYNNDH said...

She also probably hates her younger sisters too. When they came along all the attention she was receiving as a only child suddenly disappeared. Lots of issues in her very young head.

Ice Nine said...

So emancipate her ass - with a foot and an open doorway - as soon as it is legal.

Krumhorn said...

“stanning” and “yaknow” in one thread, Ann!

I’m grateful to you for the efficiency you offer your readers in expanding vocab and the infinite flexibility of the English language. And let’s not overlook the introduction to Pavlik Morozov in the same thread. Damn! Time well spent this morning.

- Krumhorn

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I’d pay her to go away on her 18th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Inga said...

She sounds like a spoiled brat, however even spoiled brats tell the truth about their parents.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Wonder if the children of the famous feel like they too, by association, should be famous. She’s 15. She doesn’t know jackshit about anything. And yet she seems to think the world is dying to hear from her.

Roughcoat said...

If they didn't rebel, they'd never leave.

Glass half-full.

JaimeRoberto said...

The kid is probably getting bullied at school by classmates and possibly teachers because of who her mom works for.

Yancey Ward said...

At the core of the problem is the husband, not the wife. George Conway wasn't forced to like Trump, but if his wife has a job in his campaign and later administration, he should have bitten his fucking tongue and not have made a public spectacle of himself in opposing her employer the way he has. A real man would not have made his and his spouse's split politics a public thing at all. A real man wouldn't have done it even if the couple were estranged given they have non-adult children. George Conway is a world-class putz.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maryanne is the adult here.

George Conway and the daughter and worse than any caricature they paint of Trump.

George Conway and his daughter are children.

Joe Smith said...

Kick her ungrateful ass out of the house. She's cute enough to find another Epstein to teach her how to give massages in no time.

SGT Ted said...

I suspect "abuse" means holding her accountable.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

I, Claudia

how many hours of surreptitious recording has this brat logged?

Martin said...

And would go nowhere if her parents were Democrats.

Birkel said...

The daughter is 15 going on 30.
It's not unusual.
One hopes she finds inner peace at some point.

The Leftist Collectivists are fighting a Total War and there are no prisoners.
I see no peaceful resolution at a societal level.

Dr Weevil said...

Advice needed.
Someone I follow on Twitter, and will continue to follow, since she tweets a lot of interesting things on Greek and Latin literature, retweeted a Claudia Conway tweet. I immediately blocked CC. Should I have muted her instead? Which is better for a 15-year-old who really needs to get off Twitter: to know that people really don't want to hear from her (block) or not to know (mute)?

boatbuilder said...

A reliably lefty friend of mine says that Kellyanne and George are playing the Carville/Matalin game for financial gain. Makes sense except Carville and Matalin never got personally nasty about one another.

buwaya said...

"buwaya, can you say something about the shame Filipinos feel over the mestizo issue? Thanks."

None at all. Half the country is eager to claim some Spanish ancestry, which is usually negligible or non-existent. The rare bird who really and visibly is a Spanish mestizo has a sometimes embarassing visibility and status. Its a good basis to run for office. Even an American mestizo has serious social advantages. In global terms, comparing national traits, the Filipinos are notably xenophilic.

The shame is re George Conway, for those few who know who and what he is. He is in Filipino terms a rather despicable sort. To be jealous and resentful of your successful wife - that is NOT macho. That society is accustomed to successful women, its a thing. They were feminist before it was cool in the West. To be that way in public - that is worse, to air such shameful things in public brings your family into disrepute.

buwaya said...

Btw, it is a major, major macho status thing to have an American wife.

effinayright said...

bonkti said...
I guess mom said no to the tatoos.

And to the twerking.

ALP said...

When I saw Claudia's avatar image there I thought "blowjob position". Is that all the rage now, young women using bio pics that look like they are ready to insert a penis into their mouth?

Darrell said...

Imagine there's no Lefty teachers inculcating your children.

It isn't hard to do.

Kevin said...

I have three teenage daughters whom I adore, admire and respect, and I still feel comfortable regularly [privately] quoting the great Noah Van Der Hoff: "Kids know dick."

Thread winner.

n.n said...

To be jealous and resentful of your successful wife - that is NOT macho.

An indicator of weakness. A character flaw. A personal failing... on its own. There is one caveat, the wife and husband must reconcile to mutual support.

n.n said...

And to the twerking.

Eyes down here... should be an intimate experience.

hstad said...

AA - you could be on point but? "...Claudia sounds like she is what she is — a 15-year-old kid. She's saying things that would only be shouted around the house if it weren't for social media and that would go nowhere on social media if her parents weren't famous..."

I believe she's saying this to protect herself at the Lib School she attends. After-all, which 15 year old doesn't want to run with the 'right pack in her school'. She's 15 why do we care?

Well, maybe now we'll stop talking about 'Greta Thunberg' who's that wise greenie at 17 [another Einstein]. LOL! The MSM is trying to play us all! Propaganda 24/7!

Tom said...

15 year olds shouldn’t have national platforms. Whoever is encouraging her is abusing a child. Good for Marianne.

Michael K said...

That kid is going to be cutting herself soon from the sound of her. The people who are encouraging this are child abusers.

Oso Negro said...

Blogger buwaya said...
Btw, it is a major, major macho status thing to have an American wife.

God help them.

Mary Beth said...

She tweeted, "you know life isn’t fair when you wake up to your own mother speaking aside a homophobe and a rapist". Does this mean that Kellyanne is working for Biden now?

buwaya said...

Williamson, for all her eccentricities, would probably have made a more respectable candidate than the ones they are running. There were several better persons in the original candidate lineup.

Whoever was managing the Democratic selection process, and it was of course all predetermined, is not competent.

Michael K said...

Whoever was managing the Democratic selection process, and it was of course all predetermined, is not competent.?

It is interesting, isn't it ? I suspect these very rich think they know as much about politics as they do about getting rich. In the case of the widow Jobs, I'm not sure what talents she exhibited. Her husband shared quite a few characteristics with Trump.

Narayanan said...

Claudia could also be false flagging?! she could be spawn of macchivvelli (R)

Narayanan said...

Michael K said...
Whoever was managing the Democratic selection process, and it was of course all predetermined, is not competent.?

It is interesting, isn't it ? I suspect these very rich think they know as much about politics as they do about getting rich.
or farming - Biden could get Bloomberg to be Sec for Agriculture

Narayanan said...

boatbuilder said...
A reliably lefty friend of mine says that Kellyanne and George are playing the Carville/Matalin game for financial gain. Makes sense except Carville and Matalin never got personally nasty about one another.
in both those marriages woman is the sane partner!

Kelly said...

I see her on TikTok and it’s clear she thinks this is her way to fame. She’s always telling her followers that mommy is going to take her phone an social media away from her. Her followers than yell free speech! Some of her videos are borderline racy. I hate to see how this is going end up. Mommy really does need to take her phone and social media away.

Narayanan said...

She's saying things that would only be shouted around the house if it weren't for social media
hmmm ... imagine AA with blog at 15 - developing cruel neutrality!

Birdchaser said...

She'll make a great pile dancer, if she doesn't od on meth.

Martha said...

Kellyanne Conway will leave her job at the White House at the end of the month.
More mama. Less drama.
Claudia wins.

Mary Beth said...

Kellyanne has announced that she will be stepping down at the end of the month.

SensibleCitizen said...

Twitter is the most toxic product thrust upon the children of the world since thalidomide.

Rosalyn C. said...

I have wondered why George would work so hard to undermine his wife. Today I spent a little time listening to George Conway being interviewed by msnbc about his so called principles and the reason he opposes Trump, and I agree with Meade. George is a child and that marriage is burned.

You'd think a guy who is as smart as George Conway wouldn't be so stupid to be so threatened or resentful towards Trump. Especially when there are children involved. But I see that resentment a lot especially among very educated liberal guys who are pissed off that a guy like Trump has succeeded so much more than they have.

Aggie said...

Sorry Claudia, mummy and daddy aren't working anymore and I'm sure you'll understand that actions have consequences. We'll discuss later when we can afford an allowance for you again, and sometime after that we'll discuss resuming your driver's education. We need your cell phone back, as we are trimming unnecessary expenses.

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