Biden's answer is:
“Watch me. Mr. President, watch me. Look at us both. Look at us both, what we say, what we do, what we control, what we know, what kind of shape we're in.... I think it's a legitimate question to ask anybody over 70 years old whether or not they're fit and whether they're ready. But I just, only thing I can say to the American people, it's a legitimate question to ask anybody. Watch me”...On the one hand, that's a completely empty answer, which probably only reflects the complete emptiness of the question. What did you expect him to say?! Why did Muir devote time to that? What potential was there to bring out anything significant?
But Biden did say one interesting thing there, seemingly by accident: "what we control." What's that about? If he's talking about political power, it sounds sinister, but the question is about the decline of old age, so maybe he's referring to his bodily functions. What am I supposed to "look at"?
Also in the teaser: Biden answered "Absolutely" to the question whether it's possible that he will seek a second term. I suspect that's to reinforce the assertion that he's in fine shape to begin serving a 4-year term now.
ADDED: If Muir actually wanted an answer to the question whether Biden is "diminished," he wouldn't ask Biden directly, the way he did. He would ask hard questions about specific issues — probing into Biden's past actions and assertions — and give us a chance to see whether Biden could perform at the high level that's needed. If you want to find out if someone's drunk, do you ask them if they're drunk, or do you give them a sobriety test?
"I just hope it's a serious interview"
Why? What difference, at this point, does it make?
"what we control."
I would say, but I don't know for sure, so, I'll just guess and say: bowel movements.
So slow Joe will do some impromptu mental gymnastics to impress us?
Maybe he'll solve a Rubick's cube while we watch.
I just hope it's a serious interview that is arms-length and challenging.
You're adorable.
The problem with Biden isn't that he's demented but his corruption and sellout to pernicious dem programs. Demented is a plus in those circumstances. His ability to siphon off payoffs is diminished. Nobody's more honest than a small child, in the popular view.
We have been watching you, Joe. Hence the question.
Women and children is a cliche because of their common attention span. Immediate details only.
Van Jones acknowledged that Democrats everywhere when Biden made a competent speech at the DNC. So it isn't just Trump who is worried about him.
Joe wants you to watch him and look at what he and Kamala control.
They both do much better with the sound off.
Truly impossible to 'watch' him when he's sequestered in a basement for 8 months, coming out only for interviews with pre-approved interviewers and pre-approved questions.
It shows a lot. It shows fear of showing what he can...or cannot do, what he might say, and how he might say it. As for Kamala, she's delighted to have failed completely, yet been rewarded with the ultimate prize. The Democrats continuously reward failure.
Joe and Kamala control the media slander machinery. They can cruise along while the MSM torpedos Trump with wolf packs of Fusion GPS smears. And every friend of Trump will be attacked too. Biden as a Soros puppet can reign down insane fake news on Trump 24/7. The USA is going to rise or fall with its President that wants us to win against this Global attack.
Trying to put this in the best light possible, I suspect Biden was thinking, "Everybody knows that Trump lacks self-control and lashes out on Twitter. So if you watch me, you'll see that I do not lash out mindlessly on Twitter, and that is some indication that I haven't lost my mental faculties."
But I just, only thing I can say to the American people, it's a legitimate question to ask anybody. Watch me”...
Biden either confuses or conflates the interrogatory and imperative.
When you think about it, Biden's entire purpose is to allay voter fears about the left's demands for "control" by making them sound like benign requests.
"What we control."
I'm guessing regular bathroom visits and meal breaks.
I wonder who the ABC interviewer intends to vote for?
I wonder who the ABC interviewer intends to vote against?
"Women and children is a cliche because of their common attention span. Immediate details only"
This is why I come here. Epic. If I may, I would like to borrow this. Thank you, good sir.
I like to watch.
The quote I see spreading like a California fire is his answer “I’d shut it down” referring to the economy, when asked about what his COVID response is. Shut it down? That’s not even within a presidents powers we were told just in March.
So he admits he's in fine fettle for the Debates.
Oh that should say Democrats everywhere held their breath
"On the one hand, that's a completely empty answer, which probably only reflects the complete emptiness of the question. What did you expect him to say?! Why did Muir devote time to that?"
Muir gave it time as a way to forever take the issue off the table. Now the Democrats can say "That question has already been answered, let's move on". They are creating the basis for the "old news" come-back.
Ask a demented person and they will go on and on protesting that they are not, without giving any real substance.
And by now, Biden must be angry and frustrated at the question that just will not go away.
President Gary Hart could not be reached for comment.
The part that sticks with me is that is a legitimate question to ask anyone over 70 years old. I think that's a great answer. Generalize it, take it off Joe, specifically, and put a bit of it onto Trump. I might feel differently when I'm over 70, but now, at 54, I like it.
C’mon, counselor... to get fairness on ABC, one must watch li’l Georgie Stepson...
No different from Mika Bzezinski getting mad for people thinking for themselves because "OUR JOB IS TO CONTROL EXACTLY WHAT PEOPLE THINK!!"
In prep for the interview ABC could have said “We’ll discuss ‘Apple, table, penny”. Remember “Apple, table, penny.”
And then during the interview and out of the blue Mr. Muir should ask “What were those three objects I asked you to remember?”
(Or he could make it easier and ask Mr. Biden to spell WORLD backwards.)
One thing Joe, or at least his speechwriters, has not lost is his ability to plagiarize better politicians.
He does favor stealing quotes from foreign politicians, though.
In his final message to Canadians, the late NDP leader Jack Layton promised something quite similar.
“My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.”
NDP is the far left party that rules BC.
I would ask Biden and Harris why they keep 10 feet apart and whether they ever get closer. After Biden's acceptance speech, Harris came on stage and stood ten feet away. Then the spouses came onto stage, walking right next to one another, and then stood next to their respective partners. What sense does this make? If Biden is mentally fit he should have no problem answering this question.
Also, as long as Harris is along, we won't need to wonder what Biden sounds like with a laugh track.
“Watch me. Mr. President, watch me."
If people dislike Trump as much as I dislike Biden, then I can't blame them for being irrational. Oh wait, yes I can.
Why will Kamala be there?
h said, "Trying to put this in the best light possible...."
I like the way you put it, and I think you're right. Biden will run the "gentlemanly" campaign to contrast himself with the loquacious, lashing-out, all-over-the-map Trump.
But, Biden has a history of falling apart when he's flustered. Attacks someone's IQ. Challenges them to pushup contests. Calls them "lying, dog-faced, pony soldier." Etc. It seems fairly easy to knock Biden off kilter and watch the maniac emerge (think Captain Queeg in The Caine Mutiny).
If Trump can get under Biden's skin, especially in a debate, I can imagine (as Limited blogger suggests) Biden challenging Trump to see who can solve Rubik's Cube first.
“what we control”
I assumed this was about how his handlers “control“ him and he’ll just be a puppet for shadow-President Harris. So I think he’s saying his answering questions on his own without looking to Harris or his handlers means he’s controlling the ship, not them. Just my guess.
What are the chances ABC will ask tough questions or probe his weaknesses, like they do with Trump every press conference? We all know the answer. And why is Biden doing it with Harris? So he can take breaks? So, she can rescue him if he goes off the rails?
Also, I'm assuming the interview was taped and edited. So, once again we don't get to see Biden talk and take questions IN REAL TIME. Why isn't he holding live press conferences like Trump? What is he hiding?
Look for lots of "Trump did awful thing x, what do you think of that?" softballs.
Prediction: Zero questions on Antifa. Zero questions on Open Borders and Amnesty for Illegals. Zero questions on NAFTA, TTP, and globalization. Zero questions on Biden's Trillions for Climate Change.
Also Zero questions on Hunter Biden corruption, or Foreign Policy except why Trump "loves" Putin or the NK dictator.
Question. Did McCain ever do a dual interview with Palin? Just asking.
“Look at what we control” made me immediately think “riots.” It’s one of those many times Biden lets the behind-the-scenes knowledge out of the bag. He’s well known for doing this. Remember when Obama told bankers he was the only thing standing between them and pitchforks? Well, the Democrats are still at it with the pitchforks.
can we "watch" you, Candidate Biden, like Candidate Trump was watched?
... ie: spied on
I will watch the interview as it airs, but I predict nothing but softball questions from Muir given his politics, and that Harris ends up talking 95% of the time. I found it very, very odd that Biden's first "real" interview of this kind was a joint one.
If Biden really wants to put these questions to rest, he needs to interview with an unfriendly interviewer the way Trump does all the time. However, we don't actually have to guess at how Biden performs in such situations- we saw it abundantly last Fall and Winter when the media was anti-Biden. Go back and watch Biden's interviews and debate performances from before he was selected as the winner by the DNC in SC. If you put him in a situation where he doesn't know what questions are coming and is interrogated by someone who isn't wanting to suck his cock at the same time, I can guarantee you Biden won't be able to do it. I have watched every single video of Biden that he has produced in the last year- the evidence of his mental decline is literally overwhelming.
“Watch us both”
This is something I’ve seen the cognitively diminished do. Latch on to a human crutch and refer anything slightly challenging to them. They can remember to do that much if it’s been drilled into them. The problem for the Dems is that Harris isn’t terribly swift either.
He may be stupid, but Biden has already provided us with the two tell-tale quotes of the 2020 Democratic campaign: "what we control" and "it's not about your rights."
"what we control."
The left control a lot. and it is sinister.
"what we control."
The news media
The news media ignoring Biden's family graft.
There seemed to be a moment of panic in Muir's and Harris's eyes when Joe said, "watch me". It was like, "oh, no; What's he going to do!"
Regarding "watching Biden"
Film-maker Michael Moore offers this (2008 vs 2020) and if nothing else it shows the difference between amateur memes and the art of a professional.
I wonder whether Trump is working on pushups for when Slow Joe lays down the challenge. Wouldn’t that be great!
From the post:
"But Biden did say one interesting thing there, seemingly by accident: "what we control." What's that about? If he's talking about political power, it sounds sinister, but the question is about the decline of old age, so maybe he's referring to his bodily functions. What am I supposed to "look at"?"
Yikes! or Ewww! Either way, not good.
"Film-maker Michael Moore . . ."
The film-maker Michael Moore is @MMFlint, "Filmmaker. Writer. Citizen. . . ."
Your link goes to @mbracemoore, "dog loving golf pro."
“Watch me. Mr. President, watch me. Look at us both. Look at us both, what we say, what we do,
Except we aren't allowed to watch him. I can't watch him answer non-scripted questions from a real person, trying to get actual human responses to questions. I believe even his acceptance speech was recorded and heavily edited.
"Film-maker Michael Moore offers this (2008 vs 2020) and if nothing else it shows the difference between amateur memes and the art of a professional."
Wrong Michael Moore. The filmmaker is @MMFlint.
Someone nay have already posted this, but humorist James Lileks has come up with this phrase, describing how Democrats react like the father of a retarded child would if his "special" kid mastered the multiplication tables, when Slow Joe makes it through a speech without drooling on himself or calling Kamela Harris "his little colored girl," the "soft bigotry of Joe expectations."
Things ABC won't investigate will include Biden's relationship with China, what he knows about FISA warrants, accusations of sexual assault, how many grandchildren he really has, Hunter's 'career'.
Later if anyone manages to get close enough to ask these topics will be dismissed as answered and the inquirer will receive an insult for their troubles...
We should all recognize how this works by now...
Bet that Muir, from ABC, gave the question to Biden ahead of time. The MSM takes no changes with their narratives.
Regarding Film maker "Moore".
My bad. Sorry. I was confused. I meant ROGER Moore.
Biden says "...We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels..."
Great time to get rid of fossil fuels. Especially given our current experience in California which leads the way in green energy and rolling blackouts - now without notice.
@J Melcher — Oh! Roger Moore:
As a seven year old in about 1983, in the days before First Class Lounges at airports, I was with my grandad in Nice Airport and saw Roger Moore sitting at the departure gate, reading a paper. I told my granddad I'd just seen James Bond and asked if we could go over so I could get his autograph. My grandad had no idea who James Bond or Roger Moore were, so we walked over and he popped me in front of Roger Moore, with the words "my grandson says you're famous. Can you sign this?"
As charming as you'd expect, Roger asks my name and duly signs the back of my plane ticket, a fulsome note full of best wishes. I'm ecstatic, but as we head back to our seats, I glance down at the signature. It's hard to decipher it but it definitely doesn't say 'James Bond'. My grandad looks at it, half figures out it says 'Roger Moore' - I have absolutely no idea who that is, and my hearts sinks. I tell my grandad he's signed it wrong, that he's put someone else's name - so my grandad heads back to Roger Moore, holding the ticket which he's only just signed.
I remember staying by our seats and my grandad saying "he says you've signed the wrong name. He says your name is James Bond." Roger Moore's face crinkled up with realisation and he beckoned me over. When I was by his knee, he leant over, looked from side to side, raised an eyebrow and in a hushed voice said to me, "I have to sign my name as 'Roger Moore' because otherwise...Blofeld might find out I was here." He asked me not to tell anyone that I'd just seen James Bond, and he thanked me for keeping his secret. I went back to our seats, my nerves absolutely jangling with delight. My grandad asked me if he'd signed 'James Bond.' No, I said. I'd got it wrong. I was working with James Bond now.
Many, many years later, I was working as a scriptwriter on a recording that involved UNICEF, and Roger Moore was doing a piece to camera as an ambassador. He was completely lovely and while the cameramen were setting up, I told him in passing the story of when I met him in Nice Airport. He was happy to hear it, and he had a chuckle and said "Well, I don't remember but I'm glad you got to meet James Bond." So that was lovely.
And then he did something so brilliant. After the filming, he walked past me in the corridor, heading out to his car - but as he got level, he paused, looked both ways, raised an eyebrow and in a hushed voice said, "Of course I remember our meeting in Nice. But I didn't say anything in there, because those cameramen - any one of them could be working for Blofeld."
[End Quote]
[Story told by some guy named Marc Haynes]
Even if it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt on the debate stage that Biden's brain was jello, they would not care. Kamala would just take over on Day One in their minds.
This comment by me might be interpreted as 'hyperbole', but searching the Internet I'm have a real problem with what Biden has done in his 47 years in government. I can categorically state that Mr. Trump has done more in 100 days then Mr. Biden has done in 47 years. So forgive me for being skeptical about Biden's comments to Muir - "...“Watch me. Mr. President, watch me. Look at us both. Look at us both, what we say, what we do, what we control, what we know, what kind of shape we're in...."
@ Clark: Great story. Roger's a saint. I mean that literally.
One easy way to gain some insight into Biden's mental capacity. Just ask him a simple math question: What's 55 + 51? or 18 x 2? Or, ask non-math questions. What is a vertebrate? Or what was Obama's middle name? Or name 4 planets.
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