August 17, 2020

Democrats are hoping "rage moms" will boost them to power.

I'm reading "The ‘Rage Moms’ Democrats Are Counting On/As millions of American families face an uncertain start to the school year, the anger of women who find themselves expected to be teacher, caregiver, employee and parent is fueling a political uprising" by Lisa Lerer and Jennifer Medina in the NYT.
“Right now, I think women have just had it up to their eyeballs,” [Elizabeth] Warren said in an interview. “They no longer feel isolated and one-off in how they couldn’t figure out how to make the system work, and recognize the system is broken, and nobody’s making it work.... They’re fired up. And I love it.”...

[T]he backlash against Mr. Trump has been burning since the day after his inauguration, when millions of women joined protests across the country. Their fire has endured through #MeToo, waves of teachers’ strikes led by predominantly female unions, the outcry against school shootings, and Black Lives Matter demonstrations, a movement started largely by female racial justice activists. For the second election cycle in a row, a record-breaking number of female candidates are running for federal office. Mr. Biden’s selection of Ms. Harris was widely seen as a nod to the energy women have given the Democratic Party during the Trump era....
There's a lot in that article about the need for government support for those who are engaged in childcare. There should be rational policymaking in that area. Closing the schools because of coronavirus has highlighted our reliance on schools as childcare (as opposed to simply education). There's nothing more important that bringing up the next generation, yet it's something that's handled quite haphazardly. I'd like to see much more rationality. But somehow the discussion is about "rage moms" and Democratic Party power. That's so disgusting.

First of all, don't call women "moms." Women and men have a strong interest in raising children well. And women and men can and should form political opinions that take this interest into account.

And don't call women "rage moms." Rage implies irrationality, so you're trading on a sexist stereotype that women are irrational. Women and men are subject to rage, and it's not usually a good thing — especially around children!

ADDED: Another sexist stereotype inherent in "rage moms" is that the anger of females is lightweight and not dangerous. That's the same stereotype that lets people slough off the concerns of females. The pop-culture trope is "You're cute when you're angry."

When you were a child did you have a "rage mom"? I didn't, and I'm glad I didn't. If you did, tell me about it — Did you "love it" (to quote Elizabeth Warren, effusing about ginning up the anger of women for the aggrandizement of the Democratic Party)?

How many millions of women are out there in America trying to take care of their real children and hearing the message that they should be enraged because the government isn't helping them enough with their grueling labor? Would  you like to be a little kid with a rage mom?


Unknown said...

I wonder how many rage moms are the ones who have to figure out how to work and have kids home from school because teachers are playing politics?

MikeR said...

'And don't call women "rage moms." Rage implies irrationality, so you're trading on a sexist stereotype that women are irrational.' Oh, I think it's pretty irrational to be filled with rage at Donald Trump over a Democratic Party policy to favor teachers unions that don't want to reopen schools, when Donald Trump has said very clearly that schools need to open at all cost.

Mr Wibble said...

They call them "rage moms" because they're hoping that they'll be mad, as opposed to realizing that they prefer to stay home and care for the kids.

And the idea that the government should be taking care of your kids should frighten any responsible parent.

Howard said...

Another fourth order factor women's obsession.

Wince said...

Trump is not only putting "kids in cages" he's putting moms in rages!

What's next: putting dads in sads?

Iconochasm said...

This is some delusional wishful thinking. I'm a single dad, and currently disgusted with the idiotic plans for the coming school year from my local school system.

Why on Earth would I blame Donald Trump for the failures of an overwhelmingly Democrat industry?

The Elder said...

Nice take-down, Ann.

John henry said...

Are the actually moms of real live children?

Remember those moms in the partly violent/mostly peaceful in Portland 4-5 weeks ago?

A lot of them turned out not to me moms in any meaningful sense of the word.

Some of them claimed they eventually wanted to be moms (If they could do it with a turkey baster?) or had "furbabies" and were "moms" to their cats and dogs.

Sorry, the rage moms well has been poisoned. I'm going to want to see actual children and birth certificates from now on.

John Henry

rehajm said...

Classic...antiquated political strategy. Democrats need to cut off the momentum of black and 'latino' households breaking for Republicans but mysteriously riots funded and instigated by whites and a socialist European invalid aren't doing the trick. Let's try Soccer Moms 2.0!!! Or is it 4.0?

Maybe they don't realize they have the angry suburban white lady pretty much wrapped up already.

Tom T. said...

No one seriously thinks that rage over the schools refusing to reopen is going to drive white women voters away from the one man who is insisting that schools should reopen. This is nothing but spin control.

Rory said...

"And I love it."

Pestilence, rioting, hatred. The Devil loves it, too.

rehajm said...

I'm not seeing how they square the fact it is the Democrats that want to keep the public schools closed and fully funded, leaving moms on their own to take care of the rug rats.

Chris said...

Rage Moms? The ones that are outraged by the violence in democrat controlled cities?

Meade said...

"Women and men are subject to rage, and it's not usually a good thing — especially around children!"

Especially when those children become adults. Heinz Kohut contended that tantrums were narcissistic rages, caused by the thwarting of the infant's grandiose-exhibitionist core. The blow to the inflated self-image, when a child's wishes are (however justifiably) refused, creates fury because it strikes at the feeling of omnipotence.

Bob Boyd said...

Who wants to open schools and who wants to keep them closed hoping to fuel rage in moms?

Gusty Winds said...

Rage Mom's is perfect. So is AWFL (Affluent White Female Liberal). I never thought that the girls I chased in high school and college would someday bring down the country. I'm sure they think we all deserve it.

Their current rage is irrational. Is the GOP holding them hostage at home, or the Teachers Unions and Blue State Governors and Health officials?

MayBee said...

It also leads one to believe that those who most want the rage- the teachers unions, the Democratic governors- are happy to prolong the rage as long as they believe it will put them in power.

hombre said...

‘First of all, don't call women "moms."‘

Krikey! Who should we call “moms”, men? Feminist codswollop.

Second of all, shades of Orwell. It is the Democrats and their auxiliaries, the teachers unions, who are keeping the schools closed. Republicans don’t support it. Trump doesn’t support it. Science doesn’t support it. Democrats are counting on their Pravda to delude gullible women into believing school closure is “another” reason to vote for Bunker Biden.

Probably a good bet.

LordSomber said...

This reminds me of people on Facebook spending time telling everyone they have no free time.

madAsHell said...

Rage Mom, Missing Mail not a campaign platform.

MayBee said...

I'm interested to know if anyone is writing articles about governors not following Biden's command to make mandatory mask policies.

Kai Akker said...

--- There's nothing more important that bringing up the next generation, yet it's something that's handled quite haphazardly. I'd like to see much more rationality. [AA]

Too haphazard, needs "rationality." That is the argument of central planners everywhere.

Let people make their own haphazard plans. They only look haphazard because they are not all following one tailored pattern.

Schools, we should make MORE haphazard, via more choices.

Rory said...

"yet it's something that's handled quite haphazardly."

It's part of freedom. You handle it one way, I handle it another, we learn from each other. If it's all organized it becomes compulsory. Any misstep gets repeated endlessly because there are no counterexamples. And you create these enormous pots of money that gatekeepers skim from. The presumption should be that haphazard is good.

Craig said...

Brilliant post, Althouse.

Do "rage moms" have any viable solutions, or just anger?

Renee said...

The rage moms I know, are probably voting for Trump. Why? Teacher unions.

rhhardin said...

Women are a useful source of bad ideas.

Sebastian said...

"so you're trading on a sexist stereotype that women are irrational. Women and men are subject to rage"

To the same extent? Evidence, please, as Althouse would say. Or read Lee Jussim on stereotypes.

Anyway, rage moms is a good term: prog women are proud to rage, they are happy to exploit supposedly sexist mom-stereotypes when it suits them, and they are indeed the main pillar of the Dem party and its depredations. The MSM narrative that occasionally irks Althouse is designed above all to fuel that rage and keep white prog women on board.

mezzrow said...

"Heinz Kohut contended that tantrums were narcissistic rages, caused by the thwarting of the infant's grandiose-exhibitionist core. The blow to the inflated self-image, when a child's wishes are (however justifiably) refused, creates fury because it strikes at the feeling of omnipotence."

serving suggestion - "It's just this war, and that lying son of a bitch Johnson..."

I think we understand the kinds of emotions the NYT is trying to gin up, here.

bleh said...

Wait, remind me which party is advocating to keep the schools closed or on a ridiculous hybrid/remote learning schedule?

Limited blogger said...

I assume 'Soccer Moms' is also a derogatory term.

But this cohort, if it exists, is most concerned about the economy and Law and Order.

Those are things Trump has proven he can provide.

Quayle said...

Something strikes me as a little strange about parents who care so much about their kids that they’re upset that •someone else• isn’t taking care of them.

Spiros said...

Kamala broke a glass ceiling for women and minorities! But there's a glass ceiling for middle-aged white male managers as well. I wonder which one "rage moms" or "Karens" care about more?

Gusty Winds said...

The Dems figured it out. Make things impossible for suburban women. Get them to hate Trump. He’s the alpha-male they all slept with in college but couldn’t catch, so they resent guys like that. They will walk into the voting booth completely irrational and unhinged. A vote for Biden and Harris is a vote against every one of their one night stands. That’ll show ‘em!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I remember that in 1994 when Congress went GOP for the first time in decades, there were a lot of disapproving articles about "Angry White Men."

It's terrible for white guys to be angry, but "rage moms" are OK.

Except the women I know are angry at the Dems. They want their kids back in school.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

It goes without saying that decisions about schools, what streets need paving, refuse collection schedule, town zoning, just for example, are optimally made at the federal level.

Ken B said...

The NYT channels rhhardin. I am serious. Except for the emotional valence this is precisely the same thing Hardin has been several times saying daily for years.

Big Mike said...

Rage implies irrationality, so you're trading on a sexist stereotype that women are irrational.

Well these mothers have to be both irrational and STUPID not to realize that Trump is on their side. Do they expect him to order the US Marshals Service to each teacher’s house and bring them to their classrooms in handcuffs to teach the kids? I don’t think there are enough marshals.

DavidUW said...

Again. They didn’t vote trump last time so there is no change to electoral politics.

Doug said...

Rage implies irrationality, so you're trading on a sexist stereotype that women are irrational.

You know that there is a reason for a stereotype to exist - otherwise, it wouldn't.

Lucid-Ideas said...


"Women are a useful source of bad ideas."

...and a bottomless reservoir of rage.

Ken B said...

Leftists always call their anger “rage”. The use of the word is an almost perfect diagnostic of political affiliation.

And “rage” is what the Democrats are selling. It’s why the “fine people” lie is front and center in the Biden campaign, it’s why “hands up don’t shoot” and the Michael Brown tweets. It’s why Pelosi is recalling the house over mailboxes.

Meade said...

Then: The Mommy Party
Now: The Rage Mommy Party

madAsHell said...

None of the them are real Mom' with children.

My guess is Rage Women didn't poll well.

Fernandinande said...

“Right now, I think women have just had it up to their eyeballs... And I love it."

I enjoy the farfegnugen of Elizabeth Warren's reveling in the suffering of others.

female candidates

Shouldn't that be "candidates with a cervix"?

Unknown said...


Temujin said...

My wife is a rage mom. My sister is a rage mom. They are absolutely disgusted with the Democrat Party. One of them used to be a lifelong Democrat. Both of them worry about their grown up kids living in major cities run by Democrats that have turned into dangerous shitholes. Both of them think voting by mail is an obvious fraud waiting to happen. I have a daughter who is a far-left liberal. With schools closed and video schooling happening, she has gotten gotten a first-hand dose of what her kid is being taught. She has pulled her kid out of the public school system and will be homeschooling for a year while searching for another alternative.

How do Democrats not get what they are doing? I don't care what the polls are saying or what the paid Democrat Party operatives in the media are saying- we are losing the country and most people with functioning brains know where the problem lies.

I'm Not Sure said...

"There's a lot in that article about the need for government support for those who are engaged in childcare. There should be rational policymaking in that area."

No, there shouldn't be. I have a brother and a sister. When I asked my mom "Why 3?" she said "Because that's all your father and I could afford to raise." There's your rational policymaking right there. My parents' education ended with high school and they were able to figure it out. Are people that much stupider today?

How can anybody look at what's going on in government today and think "Yeah, I need those people to be telling me how to raise my kids"?

Gospace said...

All the pissed off moms I know are pissed off at Democrat governors and idiot restrictions and remember the “two week “ shutdown which most were willing to go along with.

Of course we all live in our own little bubble of friends and acquaintances.

traditionalguy said...

Dem propaganda giving women permission to blame Bad Orange Man,

Francisco D said...

Iconochasm said...

Why on Earth would I blame Donald Trump for the failures of an overwhelmingly Democrat industry?

Have you been paying attention the last four years?

After the Kavanaugh Inquisition, the Democrats have been creating crises one after another. It works with their voters.

Drago said...

rehajm: "I'm not seeing how they square the fact it is the Democrats that want to keep the public schools closed and fully funded,..."

Never underestimate the ability of a lefty/LLR-lefty to delude him/her/xerself.

We still have Howard and Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck swearing up and down that it was republicans who started slavery, the confederacy, the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation, etc and that Abraham Lincoln and Gettysburg are confederate symbols.

It's pretty amazing.

Kevin said...

They’re fired up. And I love it.

The Progressive Party wants you in a perpetual state of rage.

Rage implies irrationality

And their agenda depends on it. The slightest-thinking person can see the damage inherent in "one size fits all".

AMDG said...

The movement of Suburban woman Fromm Republican to Democrat is not policy based - it is based a visceral dislike of Trump because of how he acts.

In an era of Trump the one way to get them not to vote against Trump is to convince them a vote for Democrats is a danger to the well being of their children. Letting boys claim they are girls to play girls sports and thus deprive daughters an opportunity to compete is such an issue.

Gahrie said...

Rage implies irrationality, so you're trading on a sexist stereotype that women are irrational.

Wait a fucking minute. You have written many posts on this blog presenting and defending the idea that emotional irrationality is at least as legitimate as reason, if not more so. You're emotional irrationality (and that of many other highly educated women I know) is precisely why I call for the elimination of the 19th Amendment.

rcocean said...

So, let me get this straight, the Democrat governors close down the schools against Trump's wishes, and the "rage moms"are mad at TRUMP. Yeah, it all makes sense.

My suspicion is the "rage Moms" were all voting D BEFORE CV-19.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Used to be common knowledge that rage is a sign of mental instability. Rage over policy? What an exceptionally weak premise for losing control of your emotions and brains. Thank HDI this is in print so I don’t have to avoid the stench ofvdesiearstiln that must hang over the writer and it’s friends.

tim maguire said...

We let activists drive our conversations (such as they are). Only the activist has the time and determination to push for change where society is comfortable with things as they are.

No good will come of it. The activist has no perspective, has a short-term vision, and is focused on a single issue. They are incentivized to leverage every opportunity to advance their goal and generally follow a "by any means necessary" ethos. And because activist is a mindset, and not about the issue itself, they will never declare victory and go home. They are never happy, there will always be another issue.

Unless and until we learn to recognize the complaints of the activists, but otherwise ignore them, we will never achieve the goals of a just, peaceful, and affluent society.

Michael K said...

Why on Earth would I blame Donald Trump for the failures of an overwhelmingly Democrat industry?

My DIL knows who to blame as my son will be driving their daughter to Tucson next weekend so she can take the SAT. Every SAT in California has been cancelled and she is a high school senior.

Original Mike said...

"And don't call women "rage moms." Rage implies irrationality, so you're trading on a sexist stereotype that women are irrational."

There's a reason Karen is a female.

Jupiter said...

"There's nothing more important that bringing up the next generation, yet it's something that's handled quite haphazardly. I'd like to see much more rationality."

Sorry, Hon. They're called "women", and God made them that way. The original plan was that they would all have husbands, but the lawyers put paid to that idea.

MayBee said...

Are there any articles about rage small business owners and the governors who won't let them open?

Any articles about rage people living in cities watching the violence rise and the Dem politicians not caring?

wendybar said...

All Progressives have is RAGE!!! Their little Anfifas, BLM, RAGE MOMs ect are all angry because their party sucks, and Donald Trump is raining on their parade and they HATE him.....

Bilwick said...

They're raging against Trump, yet want to hand themselves and their families over to the Democide machine? Sure. But don't call them "irrational."

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Rage trumps love.

Kevin said...

I think I now understand the link between Kamala and Marge Simpson's disapproving, angry mom character.

henge2243 said...

These people with cervix are not 'moms' in the traditional understanding of the word. They have not given birth to or raised human children. They have given birth to rage. Unfortunately, no partner is required to conceive the rage which leads to more rage.

Paul said...

"Rage Moms"... what a joke. Dream on Democrats.

Fernandinande said...

This reminds me of people on Facebook spending time telling everyone they have no free time.

No doubt they're exhausted from all the womansplaining of their pain.

h said...

I believe, as does Sen. Warren, that all women agree with me. Sen. Warren is wrong about what they believe, but I'm right.

Sebastian said...

"the anger of females is lightweight and not dangerous."

Maybe progs think so, but none of us on the right do. There's nothing more dangerous to the country than the "anger of females."

"That's the same stereotype that lets people slough off the concerns of females."

Huh? Who sloughs it off? Those "concerns" have been at the center of public policy and the culture and the MSM narrative for decades now. Entire campaigns, mostly Dem of course, are built on ways to manipulate those concerns and get women to think a person or party meets those concerns.

Mr. T. said...

Angel Moms were the ones that boosted Trump into office. Is their justified rage not important?

NCMoss said...

Lizzie Warren took an axe...

MadisonMan said...

As I recall, the enthusiasm for Hillary!! by Moms (sorry, by women) was also going to put her over the top. Elizabeth Warren is still living in that bubble.

Kai Akker said...

stench ofvdesiearstiln

Oh, NO! Is that back??

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The only people I know who are growing enraged are the small businesses our stupid governor is trying his best to kill with outrageous unscientific stay at home orders. Note to The Party of Science: you’re doing it wrong and the facts WILL eventually come out. Consider dialing back the tyranny enough to conform to epidemiology protocols where the SICK and VULNERABLE are isolated and the rest of us live like free people who can deal with it. Safetyism is dumb and dangerous and kills more in the end.

OR just be consistent and apply your stupid safetyism to the RIOTERS and shut down those unauthorized spreader events to be consistent.

mandrewa said...

Rory said,

"You handle it one way, I handle it another, we learn from each other. If it's all organized it becomes compulsory. Any misstep gets repeated endlessly because there are no counterexamples. And you create these enormous pots of money that gatekeepers skim from. The presumption should be that haphazard is good."

Yes! I think this way also.

frenchy said...

How many men out there fret about being labeled "Rage Men?" Raise your hands.

Narayanan said...

Democrats are hoping "rage moms" will boost them to power.
moms = cervically endowed?
is that essential to the task or outsourceable - rage has been passed on to the children via D village-approved baby-sitters >>> schools academia media etc

Narayanan said...

MikeR said...
'And don't call women "rage moms." Rage implies irrationality, so you're trading on a sexist stereotype that women are irrational.' Oh, I think it's pretty irrational to be filled with rage at Donald Trump over a Democratic Party policy to favor teachers unions that don't want to reopen schools, when Donald Trump has said very clearly that schools need to open at all cost.
can trump go "air traffic controllers" on the teachers-unions? or tweet it at least

Gunner said...

Was Willie Brown's wife a rage mom while Camela was dating him?

MayBee said...

"Rage Moms" is supposed to be great, but "angry black woman" is a terrible stereotype. It isn't black women who are angry. It is women who are enraged.

JAORE said...

Rage implies irrationality, so you're trading on a sexist stereotype that women are irrational.

So the subset of women that blame DJT for.... well...everything, can not be irrational because it implies ALL women are irrational?

I get it. Speak no ill of women (or any group I happen to support).

Narayanan said...

why don't we have rage grand-moms? >>>> have families been successfully broken up already?

sparrow said...

What I don't get is anyone can sustain rage for so long? It's self-punishing.

Nichevo said...

I don't know why Warren went and got herself a beer, when she could have been drinking the pain of the people - that's obviously her favorite flavor.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

And don't call women "rage moms." Rage implies irrationality, so you're trading on a sexist stereotype that women are irrational.

Narcissistic as well. I read the whole thing as; "How dare you people do what's best for you! You're supposed to be doing what's best for us!".

I get the same vibe from Annalee Newitz in the previous post.

Todd said...

"The ‘Rage Moms’ Democrats Are Counting On/As millions of American families face an uncertain start to the school year, the anger of women who find themselves expected to be teacher, caregiver, employee and parent is fueling a political uprising".

Are they "expected" to forget it is Democrats that have done this to them? The Democrats are counting on moms being this stupid, gullible, and manipulable, are they right?

Kevin Walsh said...

When I was a kid my mother (a bank worker) was content to sit in the park and turn on Merv Griffin at 8:30, and this was in the 1960s, when everyone was enraged, except the people who weren't.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Seems to me antifa and BLM are the ones in a rage.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

And don't call women "rage moms." Rage implies irrationality,

Well, as the Democrat are the ones pushing the policies that screw families over, anyone voting from Democrats because of that IS being irrational.

So "rage moms" is the correct term here, at least so far as those voting for Biden

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden-Chi-Com Hillary Wuhan virus arrived just in time, didn't it?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We should celebrate all the horrible moms of Portland who raise their brats to be Antifa terrorists.

Amadeus 48 said...

Most of the eye-rolling and anger around here is at the teachers' union and their refusal to work. My cousin, who is 71 and a retired teacher, is looking at the dilemma of her daughter, a 40 year old single mother and main support of two, and is outraged at the Michigan teachers who won't go to school until mid-October. "Where's the professionalism?", she says. "I want to go back and teach if they won't."

Narayanan said...

Big Mike said...
Rage implies irrationality, so you're trading on a sexist stereotype that women are irrational.

Well these mothers have to be both irrational and STUPID not to realize that Trump is on their side. Do they expect him to order the US Marshals Service to each teacher’s house and bring them to their classrooms in handcuffs to teach the kids? I don’t think there are enough marshals.
you had a chance to make history and MAGA : in 1950's?
imagine a world where "school busing' means busing teachers and not children
for one thing - would you need so many buses?
for another - who would have been responsible for education?

a road not taken.

Jupiter said...

Kind of looks like we're all done with Elizabeth Warren, doesn't it.

Basil Duke said...

I was raised by a perpetually enraged (and often violent) mother. When I was five, she threw a coffee can full of pennies at my head - I can't recall what I'd done to provoke her - and I ducked about a half second before it whizzed over me and smashed into the wall against which I was standing. Had it struck me in the face - which is what she was aiming for - it no doubt would have killed me. Like I said, I was in kindergarten at the time. I could share dozens of similar stories about her, but will add only this: if she could pick up an object with one hand, I was assaulted with it - and vigorously. She shared an entirely different personality with the world outside my childhood home, and to this day, people gush about what a wonderful, loving woman she is.

Ann Althouse said...

"It's part of freedom. You handle it one way, I handle it another, we learn from each other. If it's all organized it becomes compulsory. Any misstep gets repeated endlessly because there are no counterexamples. And you create these enormous pots of money that gatekeepers skim from. The presumption should be that haphazard is good."

You're misunderstanding what I am saying. Rational policy includes the element of deciding what to leave to individual choice and to markets!

What I think is haphazard here is the way schools have become so important as childcare. I would like a better array of options that would activate individual choice. Having everyone pay massive taxes and funneling the money routinely into public schools that people have become dependent on because they need to go to work and have to have someone to watch over their children is a haphazard solution that we've been living with for a long time.

Ann Althouse said...

"You have written many posts on this blog presenting and defending the idea that emotional irrationality is at least as legitimate as reason, if not more so. You're emotional irrationality (and that of many other highly educated women I know) is precisely why I call for the elimination of the 19th Amendment."

Well, "your" wrong.

You don't understand what I have been saying, ironically, because you let "you're emotional irrationality" affect "you're" reading.

Shape up! Things that you "precisely" do are of very little interest unless you develop higher standards.

rhhardin said...

Stamping of tiny foot is characteristic of the female.

It's male interested in structure vs female interested in feelings.

rhhardin said...

Ragu moms. The spaghetti days.

Big Mike said...

I guess the Rage Moms would get REALLY pissed if you pointed out that they voted for the members of the school boards who are going along with the teacher’s unions.

Isabella said...

Why does she assume these so-called rage moms are enraged solely at Republicans? I know plenty of people who are seriously angry with the Democrats. The Democrats are the ones leading the charge to keep everything restricted.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Everybody in the working class has always known that school frees parents to work by providing free child care.
The American bourgeois is really stupid.

Sydney said...

I used to be a rage mom, when my kids were little. The things that I can recall getting enraged about were:
1) Being kept waiting to meet with the principal while she sat and yakked forever with the PTA moms. I left.
2) The school crossing guard who stood on the opposite side of the street from where the kids who were crossing to go to the school were. So she could chat with the woman who was watching the kids as they waited to go into the school. There was only one direction of kids across that street and she was on the wrong side for safety. I wrote an angry letter to the principal. It was ignored. (Different prinicpal from Number 1, though)

Would I be a rage mom in this situation? I don't think so. And if I were, I wouldn't be voting for a Democrat because I would be upset that the return to school is so unsettled and unpredictable in our community. You can go in person but you might get shifted to an all remote plan if our county gets put on the danger list by the governor, which can happen at any time based on his case parameters.

Fernandinande said...

Most of the eye-rolling and anger around here is at the teachers' union and their refusal to work.

The nyt article tried mightily to blame that on Trump.


It was a mostly peaceful beating.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Having everyone pay massive taxes and funneling the money routinely into public schools that people have become dependent on because they need to go to work and have to have someone to watch over their children is a haphazard solution that we've been living with for a long time."

Babies don't attend public schools. How do parents manage to keep them alive long enough to get them to the age where they do attend?

Fernandinande said...

And I got a peaceful easy beating
And I know you won't let me down
'Cause I'm already lying
On the ground

Kai Akker said...

---You're misunderstanding what I am saying. Rational policy includes the element of deciding what to leave to individual choice and to markets! [AA]

The first fallback argument of central planners everywhere.

I doubt many misunderstand your argument. Labeling the use of schools as daycares "haphazard" doesn't make it in any way haphazard. It's a rational choice.

What you mean by "haphazard" is, "I don't like it." Then don't use a school as a daycare center. Use a family member, if you must be elsewhere for work. We used one pair of grandparents; they loved it. So did our kids, at least mostly. But please don't imagine you are going to think rationally and come up with a better plan for others to follow. My wife and I can, and did, make our own plans, thanks.

Fernandinande said...

Any misstep gets repeated endlessly because there are no counterexamples.

That's a feature; it's job security for the missteppers.

the anger of women who find themselves expected to be teacher, caregiver, employee and parent is fueling a political uprising.

Three out of four of those things consist of being around their own children; they must really hate their own children, and miss the ability to slough them off on others.

It's time for the Federal Department of Babysitting to step in and take ovary, er, take over.

F said...

I see you're still reading the NYTimes. For the Sunday puzzle, I presume -- there's little else there that is reliable or comprehensive. The NYTimes used to be noteworthy for its comprehensiveness. Not it only prints what helps the Democrats. At least the puzzle is still fairly good.

Sebastian said...

"Rational policy includes the element of deciding what to leave to individual choice and to markets!"


You didn't by any chance leave out a word there, like, "not"?

No wonder Althouse starts crying around libertarians.

mandrewa said...

"Rational policy includes the element of deciding what to leave to individual choice and to markets!"

"What I think is haphazard here is the way schools have become so important as childcare. I would like a better array of options that would activate individual choice. Having everyone pay massive taxes and funneling the money routinely into public schools that people have become dependent on because they need to go to work and have to have someone to watch over their children is a haphazard solution that we've been living with for a long time."

I agree. That's all true. Child care, although it has probably always been a secondary goal, was not the main idea originally. Schools gained more of that function in the 1960s, since before then, ignoring the many exceptions, the role of the husband was to have a job and earn the money to support the family, while the wife was responsible for running the house and taking care of the children. And back in the nineteenth century that used to be a much bigger job. For instance, just washing clothes used to take a lot of time before the washing machine became the norm.

So schools have acquired that role, or more of it, and that role is essential if you are going to have two-income earners in a family, or if we have single parent households. It's hard to see what can replace it.

Now I think that there should be as much choice as possible in all of this, with money (coming from property taxes) attached to each child and going with the child, so the parent can choose something other than a public school, which are so often so absurdly bad.

Homeschooling is only an option for a small part of the population because for one thing it demands a lot of time and effort from the parent doing it.

Fernandinande said...

I got an idea. An awful idea. I had a wonderful, awful idea.

Take those kids, who are driving their moms into spittle flecked rages, and put them up in hotels under the supervision of transportation workers. Everybody wins.

Gahrie said...

You're misunderstanding what I am saying.

Apparently there is a lot of that going around, and it's all our faults.

Birches said...

The NYT is desperate for women to blame Trump for teachers' unions and to hate suburbia. This is obvious from Althouse's two posts. Will it work?

What propaganda!

Kai Akker said...

---It's hard to see what can replace it. [mandrewa]

Is it really hard to see what can replace using a school as a daycare center? 1. Family members. 2. Local baby-sitter daycare providers. 3. Larger after-school daycare programs. 4. Cooperative baby-sitting arrangements. 5. Church and religious after-school programs. 6. My personal favorite: the movies. ; )

If there is a need, people who care about it especially, because of their own interests and aptitudes, or because they have entrepreneurial inclinations, will come up with ways to fill it.

After-school programs within schools evolved naturally, as you say in your post. One can attack that evolution by characterizing it pejoratively as "haphazard," but there was nothing haphazard about it except that it was not centrally planned and forced onto people in a coercive method.

If Ann Althouse has better ways for children to be raised, she has all the opportunity in the world to set up her own program and market it to other families.

My sense is that the real problem here is the school part. Not school as daycare; public schools as schools. They've been diminishing in quality while increasing in cost for most or all of my lifetime. That they are sometimes used by parents as their best available daycare or babysitting option is very much the tail on this dog.

Gahrie said...

Most of the eye-rolling and anger around here is at the teachers' union and their refusal to work

I'm a teacher who is 55 years old and has pre-existing medical conditions. Yet I want to go back to normal. My colleagues, most of whom are female and Leftist, are quite simply terrified. I have no doubt that some of the leadership is playing politics, but the average teacher is reacting to the Democratic summer of terror.

Gahrie said...

Are they "expected" to forget it is Democrats that have done this to them? The Democrats are counting on moms being this stupid, gullible, and manipulable, are they right?

Why wouldn't they? It's worked for the last sixty years.

Fernandinande said...

The text says "My Children Don't Drive Me Into a Rage Because Rational Policymaking Allowed Me Only One Child And It Died".

Fernandinande said...

The NYT is desperate for women to blame Trump for teachers' unions and to hate suburbia.

Damn, I missed the probable fact that the nyt emitted their silly article about those awful suburbs in response to Trump saying something about preserving them.

Rick.T. said...

"...who find themselves expected to be teacher, caregiver, employee and parent is fueling a political uprising"
Defining which of these they do not wish to be would probably define who they are raging against.

Joe Smith said...

Can we please hear from the Rage MILFs so we can get the full picture?

Josephbleau said...

The Government needs to pay more childcare workers so that kids can go to daycare with other kids, because they can't go back to school and be around other kids. The teachers union is quite a thing.

Deevs said...

I'm trying to imagine a hypothetical article about "Rage dads" that would be celebrating said rage instead of lamenting it as an aspect of toxic masculinity.

Jim at said...

I wonder why they never talk to those women who are also angry, but not at Trump.

Like, well, my wife.

Joe Smith said...

Were any of these Democrat 'rage moms' worked up over the fact that Bill Clinton was great friends with a convicted pedophile?

Imagine, the one-time leader of the free world, and still one of the most powerful figures in American political history spending time on the private island of a pedophile along with underage girls, and nobody in the MSM is talking about it.

One of the biggest political scandals in history, along with the Russian nonsense, and there is dead silence from CNN, MSNBC, and the usual suspects.

This is a man who will speak at the DNC convention.

Isn't this something the moms should be enraged about?

Oh, sorry, Democrat. Sacrificing your daughters is a small price to pay.

hstad said...

The more I read AA citing articles from the NY Times the better I feel about Trump winning bigly in November. These articles are unadulterated nonsense! Cities are burning, riots, crime the pandemic and what are they writing about? "Rage Moms". Sure that's the ticket - AA - try 'deflection' by the NY Times. Bubble News!

hstad said...

The more I read AA citing articles from the NY Times the better I feel about Trump winning large in November. These articles are unadulterated nonsense! Cities are burning, riots, crime the pandemic and what are they writing about? "Rage Moms". Sure that's the ticket - AA - try 'deflection' by the NY Times. Bubble News!

Rory said...

"Unless and until we learn to recognize the complaints of the activists, but otherwise ignore them, we will never achieve the goals of a just, peaceful, and affluent society."

This is an area where culture has outrun evolution. The activist who sat around a campfire with his tribe 30,000 years would have been told to stop mucking in everyone else's business. In modern society, his squeals pick up support from people who aren't familiar with his true character.

Gahrie said...

Oh, by the way, just for the record, if I was paid as a teacher the same way child care workers are paid, my salary would triple.

stevew said...

My mother was always in charge of us six kids and the comings and goings of our father. There was never any rage. In fact, the quieter and more steely eyed her countenance the more we knew we had run astray of the rules.

Yelling, screaming, waving your arms and prancing about makes you look like an out of control lunatic - which, of course, you are. It is that sort of behavior that has Liz Warren on the outside looking in for this presidential election.

Rory said...

Just having the money follow the student is a fine idea, but will eventually end local support of education. A town taxes and spends to educate the town's kids, but they're also paying for the school buildings on public land, the sports teams and the band, and just the general continuity, "We went there, so now we support that." All of those ties are broken if you give cash to the kid to spend wherever, and eventually the taxpayer is going to ask, "Why am I paying anything to educate your kid?"

rhhardin said...

Here's Vicki Hearne, in a simple (she gets more sophisticated elsewhere) example of female insight applied to male reasoning. She accepts the method (that's the important thing) but adds a correction that undermines it. If you're going to talk to men, that's what a woman has to do to be taken seriously.

QUOTE [P]hilosophers like [R. G. Frey, Interests and Rights: The Case against Animals] are capable of quite extraordinary performances, such as the following:

INNER QUOTE: Now in the case of my dog, can anything like a ranking of rational desires be achieved?...When I put food before him, my dog eats it; when I throw a stick, he fetches it. Both he does unfailingly, unless he is distracted by some stronger impulse, such as, on occasion, sex; and in response to the question whether my dog desires or prefers eating to chasing sticks, I can ohly say he does both when the situations are to hand and no other impulse interferes. Several times, I have tried putting food before him and throwing a stick at the same time; each time he has sought neither the food nor the stick but stood looking at me. END INNER QUOTE

At first I thought this was some sort of irony, but it wasn't, it was just plain old lunacy and ignorance....

END QUOTE Vicki Hearne, Adam's Task, p.11

Drago said...

Oh my.

A CNN poll taken between August 12 and 15, three days immediately after Joe Biden chose Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his running mate, shows not only a tightening of the overall race, but a 21 point shift away from Biden with non-white voters.

Egads democraticals!

Inga and Beijing Boy ARM told me this was unpossible!

How could non-white voters in a cooked CNN poll show such movement away from the Confederate loving Joe Biden and slave owning running mate who are both encouraging "mostly peaceful protesters" to continue burning down the homes and businesses of non-whites and while saying they are going to take away all the jobs and give them to illegals all the while saying there should be no police protection in non-white neighborhoods!



Now that I read that again I think I'm getting it......

Iman said...

"Women are a useful source of bad ideas."

Thought provoking... so much so that I thought about sharing it with teh Mrs....

But then I regained my senses and realized that would be a BAD idea !!!!

Iman said...

Can we please hear from the Rage MILFs so we can get the full picture?

Bad idea, Joe Smith!

Nichevo said...

How many millions of women are out there in America trying to take care of their real children and hearing the message that they should be enraged because the government isn't helping them enough with their grueling labor? Would you like to be a little kid with a rage mom?

Every death, every stunting, every blighting, every immiseration of an abused child is a victory for your side, Ann. Or, if you prefer, the side of Howard, Inga, Freder Fredersen, readering, roesch/voltaire, anti-de Sitter space, sunsong, gadfly, victoria, pardon me if I have excluded anyone...oh yeah the LLR whatsisname...

But all the confirmed hate-blinded blood-maddened lefties here (and a NeverTrump is a lefty even though he doesn't know it or pretends not to) regard all such cases of acute or chronic abuse, the worse the better, as propaganda ammunition to be fired at PDT and his supporters (not to mention the undecided middle, their own constituency, and any other targets of opportunity), in order to destroy one and enslave the other.

Any "human cost" is all eggs for the omelet. The way I feel about the bombings of Japan is how they feel about their bombings of America as we know it. Minus any incidental regret or remorse or wishing it could have been some other way. At some point, like Garbage Howie or adSs, they just want to break eggs.

They will do anything, ANYTHING to GAMP. That's what BAMN means. There is no limit. They've devastated their own cities, their own states, just to get at the President! What will they do to us when they can?

Oh, that's too much? Well then Inga and the rest have been turned by the D Machine into rage commenters, rage voters, into political weapons themselves. They freely renoucne all human agency - it's true. Every ill is because "you made us do it."

And every once in a while one of them pipes up and says "nice bunch of horrible commenters you've assembled here, Ann!"

They don't know how right they are.

mandrewa said...

...eventually the taxpayer is going to ask, "Why am I paying anything to educate your kid?"

How is that different from the way it is now? We are all paying, most of our lives, for the education of other people's children. Someone might argue that when it's a public school the voter theoretically has a voice in what or how the children are being taught. But almost everyone knows that's not really true. You have zero voice in what is happening in the schools unless you are very unusual person.

So how is this different from when the parents are making choices? Doesn't parental choice mean that in reality the community has far more power to change things for the better than with the current situation? And if you don't have a child, well you don't have a voice, but then you don't have under the current system either.

As for why the community would want to educate children. Well, that is your retirement. That's where the money ultimately comes from. You can't actually save for your retirement, or you can, but what you are really doing when you save for retirement is buying shares in the future productive output of those who will be working when you are retired.

mandrewa said...

"...but they're also paying for the school buildings on public land, the sports teams and the band, and just the general continuity,..."

I know that public and private schools, but especially public schools, spend a lot of money on sports. I've never understood why that is necessary. There are a lot of sports that will give the child all the exercise they need, and basically all you need is the children is to get together and have a schedule for playing games. As for as physical fitness is concerned they hardly cost anything. Even for expensive sports like a football team, just think about it, you don't think that parents that are interested can't come up with the resources to sponsor a team?

Now the obvious complaint will be that not all children will have that opportunity because their parents may not value it. And therefore it will be unfair. But it's always unfair. Not everybody can be a football player now. It doesn't matter what system you use to allocate a scarce resource there will always be those that don't get to do it.

And it's the same situation with a band. Most parents could do it if they wanted to. Only some will want to. So there would be bands.

By the way, it's worth mentioning that in my area, where I homeschooled my two children, homeschool students were banned from being on the sports teams and the bands. Why? Well originally they were allowed, but they were dominating both. Even though the homeschoolers were only like 2% of the student population, they were the leaders. And after awhile the public schools decided not to let homeschoolers participate.

JAORE said...

"What I don't get is anyone can sustain rage for so long? It's self-punishing."

Four more years. Four more years.

rhhardin said...

Jesse (2011) free on Amazon Prime, is pretty good, in a Death Wish sort of way, though a bit better. Mom rage.

Joe Smith said...


What do you have against Rage MILFs? I think it's genius.

I saw Rage MILFs open for Bowie at the Coliseum in '74 : )

gbarto said...

How is the government supposed to do more to help? If it provided a place for kids to go outside the home, you'd be right back to the social distancing issue that's supposed to be such a problem. Or is it okay for poor women to supervise daycares even though it's too dangerous for our heroic teachers to spend time with groups of kids? Am I missing something here?

Gahrie said...

Even for expensive sports like a football team, just think about it, you don't think that parents that are interested can't come up with the resources to sponsor a team?

In Southern California the elite athletes play high school sports and in pay to play club team leagues.

Gahrie said...

Even for expensive sports like a football team, just think about it, you don't think that parents that are interested can't come up with the resources to sponsor a team?

In Southern California the elite athletes play high school sports and in pay to play club team leagues.

rcocean said...

Sending wives off to work, and children off to school, is what we've been doing for 40 years. Women wanted that world. So, now they got it Althouse may wonder if its good or not, but I don't see any other women wanting to change things, other than get more Government $$, so they can have even more childcare.

I'm always struck how people just accept things and I notice it most in college education. Why is college so expensive? Why do people need to go 4 years? Why not 3 years? What are students actually learning and why are we sending them to college to learn it?

Nobody seems to wonder. They just accept. Thus it is, now and forever.

Narayanan said...

Joe Smith said...
Were any of these Democrat 'rage moms' worked up over the fact that Bill Clinton was great friends with a convicted pedophile?

This is a man who will speak at the DNC convention.
any word on how much time has been allotted for private meeting between Bill Clinton and Kamala Harris ? or did they already do it?

Doug said...

I see Althouse is now firing back at her critics by mocking their spelling and punctuation errors. How wonderfully petty of you, Althouse.

Clues? said...

I see Althouse is now firing back at her critics by mocking their spelling and punctuation errors. How wonderfully petty of you, Althouse.

I think her point was, if you’re going to post an inflammatory opinion, you probably shouldn’t write it like a 6 year old

Clues? said...

Fernandinande said...
“And I got a peaceful easy beating
And I know you won't let me down
'Cause I'm already lying
On the ground”

Bravo, Sir!

Kirk Parker said...


Go ahead and quote the entire stanza:

Lizzie Warren took an axe,
Gave my paycheck forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done
She gave my net worth forty-one!