July 12, 2020

Summer paradise.


Lawrence Person said...

Dog thread!

mandrewa said...

What a beautiful scene. I liked watching that.

But I didn't like seeing this: BLM supporter shoots woman for saying "All Lives Matter" and the news media tries to cover up what happened

She was white, or maybe Hispanic, and she was shot three times, including in the head, by multiple black men.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

we decided against posting "Black Labs Matter"

...all dogs matter--please dont shoot us in the head.

RMc said...

Are these the same people who rate rooms? Would the dog get a negative review if he were wearing a TRUMP 2020 collar?

zipity said...

Careful of blue green algae blooms. Can kill dogs and people.

Wince said...

What is that across the river in the background @0:15?

Looks like an ancient stone city.

hstad said...

AA, I've got a copper lab who I take up to Arrowhead or Big Bear here in S.C. But I can't get him out of the water. He loves it - just like yours! Great looking animal beautiful smooth swimming stroke.

Mary Beth said...

I'm glad to see that the account is blue check verified. I would hate to click on a fake dog rater.

guildofcannonballs said...


Althouse's jealously ought be confined to lack of a certain commentator's ****.

Or, were the real people, not avatars with a blog, who spoke the truth for 40 years more accurate?

guildofcannonballs said...

I guess, Thomas Wictor might know?, it is akin to champing at a leg after having been freshly cut, with the rest of the soon-to-be corpse alive and expecting a magic cure quickly, any second now, to end the pain.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Awwwwww, otter dog!

reader said...

According to the breed standard, one of the significant features of the Labrador is supposed to be the breed’s “otter tail.” The tail is a working component of a working breed. The Lab uses their tail to maneuver in water as they retrieve birds. The water is often cold, and choppy. The tail acts like a rudder for the dog as she swims. Remember, this breed originated in the sea off the coast of Newfoundland.


rehajm said...

If he did that here the gators would get him. I don't know how people who own labs keep them out of the water here...

robother said...

Black Lab or trained seal? You make the call.

eddie willers said...

"Who's a good buoy?"

rcocean said...

Labs love to swim. ITs always a joy watching them.

Anonymous said...


JMW Turner said...


stlcdr said...

That otter sure has long legs.

Unknown said...

For those who appreciate relatively obscure facts of all kinds, this happy pup is actually a Flat-coated Retriever. (Having grown up with Flatties, it's always exciting to see one. No word in the breed histories as to whether there's any kinship with otters :))