Lost was always very interesting with the religion aspect.
Mr. Eko -- the drug kingpin posing as a priest because of the guilt at the death of his priest brother -- just got baptism wrong, at least he got the baptism of Jesus wrong. But the scene of him baptizing baby Aaron and mother Claire is simply beautiful.
I was talking to my father last week on our usual Sunday call. He is 91 years old. In great shape, sharp as a tack. Does the Wall Street Journal crossword puzzle in ink. One of the smartest men I’ve known, and I worked in Silicon Valley for forty years.
My father was a blue collar guy. He grew up on the east coast during the depression. My grandfather was an immigrant (legal). Nobody hired Italians back then for anything other than hard manual labor, so that’s what he did. He never finished 7th grade and dug ditches for a living. He trapped pigeons so his family could have protein to eat. My grandmother heated bricks in the oven and wrapped them in blankets to keep my father and uncles warm at night (they slept three in a bed).
My father didn’t go to college and never made more than ten or fifteen thousand dollars a year all the time me and my three siblings were growing up. Yes, we had a small house. My wife laughed when I told her it was 800 square feet (it was). My mom shopped at the day-old bread store and we drank powdered milk and ate ice milk for dessert…ice cream without the cream part. My dad cut our hair…I didn’t go to a barber until I was eighteen. We didn’t eat at a restaurant as a family until I was a junior in high school. We took 2 vacations that I remember; both road trips.
My parents didn’t have a credit card. If my father couldn’t pay cash he didn’t buy it. On one of the vacations we went camping and we needed a tent.They went to the army surplus store and there was a canvas tent that could fit six people. It was a hundred dollars. Later in my life my dad told me that my mom had to write the check because his hand was shaking too much.
He always stressed the importance of education, but told me I could go to any college I could afford to pay for myself. He said “Work with your brains, not your hands.”
But we had a great childhood. We didn’t know we were poor.
I was telling him about my son moving from one apartment in NYC to another apartment…bigger, with an elevator and a doorman. I joked, “He’s movin’ on up,” like “The Jeffersons.”
He paused for a long time and I wondered it the call dropped. And then he said, “Imagine that, both boys are doing great, and we started with nothing.” My boys sell software and make more in a month than my dad did in a year. Then he paused again and said, “And we never took a dime from anyone.” And I could hear the pride in his voice.
My grandfather? He ended up working as a gardener in a small city in California. He saved every penny and bought a house. Then he bought another one on eight acres in Napa Valley in the ’60s. He died a millionaire.
The point? White privilege is bullshit. Complaining about racism is bullshit. You either accept your lot in life and work hard, or you complain about everything and get nowhere. I’ve seen the good side of that equation. I’ve also seen the bad side as a volunteer at a women’s shelter in a big city.
It’s hard but at the same time not difficult. Work hard. Save your money. Don’t take charity. Things have a way of working out.
I hope he picks Warren. At the debate Pence can defend his handling of the virus from CHIIIna that has 19 names. Ha Ha. He can explains n why Trump is awol at task force meetings and hasn’t talked to the nations top expert on infectious diseases in months. He will melt into a blathering puddle on stage.
My son is taking a few college classes remotely to get electives out of the way. The following is the guidance for his next Anthropology assignment. I am becoming less and less concerned with grades versus his navigating the environment:
" The purpose of this discussion board topic is to get you to think about how the intersectionality of your sex/gender, race/ethnicity, and age positions you within society. Begin by sharing with the class "who you are" -- you should only include information you are willing to openly discuss (i.e. if you don't want us to know, then don't include that information). Focus on your age, sex, gender, race and ethnicity. Personality traits are irrelevant to this discussion. From your own personal experience, how does the intersectionality of these traits position you within society? Explain the life chances and opportunities you may have been afforded and/or denied based on these statuses. Does your personal experience support the US national myth of a "classless" society? Explain. “
I want to thank the SJWs for bringing Goya products to my attention. Since they predictably pitched a hissy fit about the CEO saying nice things about Trump and AOC urged her army of flying monkeys to boycott the company, I decided to buy some Goya products yesterday and used the Adobo seasoning on roast chicken today. It was quite tasty. I had never paid any attention to Goya products before but, thanks to the lefties, I am now a fan.
Joe Smith- I hear you. Similar story with my family; My mother's parents emigrated from Ireland in the early 1920's. Her dad was an orphan who was able to become a carpenter's apprentice at 14; good at math he was able to get a job at the British ship yards. Her mom was forced into domestic service as a pre-teen. They came to the states, stayed with other Irish families, got jobs and eventually married. Neither one completed high school, but they raised 5 children and took in borders to their tiny house during the depression. My mom was a good student, managed to finagle a scholarship to college where she met my father. She raised eight of us, worked full time and taught us the meaning of hard work and study. We all attended and finished college and six of my siblings have graduate degrees. My point? Forget about it, we're up against the New York Times.
Re: the charging and prosecution of the St. Louis couple who confronted the mob on their front lawn by brandishing their guns.
Not for them. They have my sympathy and will have my money when they inevitably do the gofundme for their legal defense, but they will probably be railroaded and the trial will be a BFD; they might get convicted and in any event it will cost them a bundle, cost him his law license, and they will be forever vilified by the much larger mob that is the MSM.
But good for the country. Good for Trump.
Those who have not seen the video will now see it. Most of the non-brainwashed who see it will see a couple seeking (somewhat ineptly, granted) to protect themselves and their home from a mob of trespassers who they had every reason to believe intended to vandalize their home and property and reasonable cause to believe that their own personal safety was threatened; nobody got hurt; none of the trespassers appears to have been in actual fear (which is part of the definition of assault) since none of them left. Mr. Homeowner never pointed his weapon at anybody; Mrs. could arguably have been a little more careful in that regard, but again the folks in the video--including the person doing the filming--don't seem to have been particularly worried.
The idea that they should be prosecuted for attempting to defend themselves will (I hope) strike most non-leftist citizens as absurd, whatever the law may say. And the lefties doing the charging, prosecuting and cheerleading will show the country what they really have in mind when they talk about "justice." This isn't Scooter Libby or Mike Flynn or Roger Stone or Paul Manafort being prosecuted for some mind-numbingly complex set of political/legal circumstances that can be interpreted only dimly, with the casual observer thinking that they must have done something wrong, or the prosecutors know what they are doing and we don't really understand what's going on.
Nope. It's all there on the video--mob breaks down the gate and shows up on the front lawn, during a week of unprecedented violence and destruction, visited on private property and innocent people by similar mobs chanting the same things all over the country, all broadcast on every TV channel. Who wouldn't be terrified?
And the people trying to save their home get charged. Loudly, publicly and with obvious political intent and bias.
Interesting story, Joe Smith. My father will be 100 next month. He grew up miserably poor on a small dirt farm in northwest Ohio. He somehow wrangled a partial scholarship to Ohio State, supplemented with ROTC and part time jobs. My mother's parents immigrated from Sweden because they were starving on their rock/dirt farm. My parents raised five successful, middle class children who are grateful for what they have. I am consumed with rage when I hear that my parents' lives, or their children's lives, are examples of White Privilege. It is sickening racism, and nothing else. None of the fat slobs protesting racism today has ever been as hungry as my parents were in their childhoods. Dad went to war and Mom worked in war industries to give us - all of us - what we have today.
Fuck anyone and everyone who utters the words "white privilege."
I'm just afraid that my boys might be the last generation to move up honestly. Even they are likely to run into the wall of creeping socialism and be knocked down a rung or two...
We used to call the orange flowers tiger lilies. I transplanted a lot of them years ago and they grew like crazy, invasive but that’s what I wanted to cover a large spot on our lot.
“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”
The news says it got to 113 degrees today in Vegas. My thermometer said 118 in the shade. We went to the lake. All the rental boats are booked for the next six weeks. I may have to buy one. I worked pretty hard around the yard all day yesterday in the heat and sun, and at about 2pm just dove in the pool clothes and all. That is a nice feeling, and then when you get out, it's like a sauna. If you have an escape, the heat is kinda soothing, and I can work in it just fine if I have a nice cold drink and some music.
On the lake today, plenty of people were out, and the heat plus the sun multiplied by the reflection off the water was incredible. It felt too hot for any animal to actually endure, but we did. Most of us here have lived in Vegas now for years, and you do get used to it. Newbies can't believe it, and I don't really understand it either. I keep the house at 80, which feels very cool here. The thing is, despite the 30+ degrees difference in temperature, we spend most of the time outside just sitting on the patio talking as if we have no choice. It's weird, but people seem to actually prefer the heat, or being outside is so powerful they happily endure it. I can't talk people into sitting inside in the air conditioning.
I don't understand how you can feel comfortable moving around in Greater Madison when the frat boys who attempted to murder Althea Bernstein with lighter fluid are still at large. What, are you fireproof?
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said... I want to thank the SJWs for bringing Goya products to my attention.
I ordered the ingredients for the pork shoulder roast. My only concern is that they get so busy they have no time for my small orders. Of course the heir to the Chick fil A fortune is busy destroying the brand. They discontinued the chicken salad sandwiches I liked anyway.
WK, I hope that elective was the lesser of evils, because..evil. But this is good general advice: "if you don't want us to know, then don't include that information"
exiled, My local grocer who repeatedly asks me at checkout whether I want to round up for charity du jour also has a donation basket/cart. I plan to buy a bunch of Goya products and try to make a point. Just trying to figure out how theatrical to make it. They have an old school bell you can ring near that cart, ostensibly for good service..but...
Sorry Joe Smith. That's all well and good about your family, but the folks who make the charge of "white privilege" have a completely different meaning and none of what you related here is relevant to that. You and them are speaking two different languages.
I am reading Michael K's book A Brief History of Disease, Science and Medicine ordered through Amazon.
Before ordering I did not know that it was written for medical students, but it is not hard to follow. I like his writing style. He gets to the point and provides a lot of historical information without fluff. I have probably read several hundred texts in my career and this is one of the most fun to read.
I just read an article on PJMedia about something or other, and it concluded with a little footnote about how the reporters there are "just killing it these days!" or something to that effect. My immediate response was, "Grow up."
Actually, my immediate response was "Grow tf up" and I think everyone knows what the letters stand for.
Over the course of this ... time... I'm noticing these two trends, more and more. First, childish behavior in print, where it's actually recorded and publicized and you can't deny that you said it. (For example, the ESPN "reporter" who emailed FU to a Congressman.) Second, the "profanitization" of America. It seems to me that everyone is swearing more these days, not just me. I've gone through phases (particularly when I was working in software development) where every sentence had at least one form of the F word. But now that I work as a junior high teacher (in a Catholic school, no less), I am more sensitive to it and usually don't talk, or even let myself think, using profanity. It's a bad habit and I don't want it to come back and bite me someday. But just the other day, Dan Bongino called someone an asshole on a Fox News program, and I was surprised. I guess you can say that, now? Didn't that used to be a "swear"? Are there any swears left? I'm pretty sure that "shit" gets a pass most of the time now, too.
There's so much profanity in the graffiti and in the protester/rioter chants that footage of them can not be aired without blurring and bleeping out the offensive terms. A lot of videos are simply not airable because if you bleeped all the swears, there would be nothing but one long bleep.
When I was a senior in high school, I took a creative writing elective class. On one assignment, for some reason I can no longer remember, at the very bottom of the page, I wrote:
Damn Profanity is so insufficient.
I do recall thinking that whatever was bothering me could not adequately be described using profanity. Then as now, people with limited ideas and even more limited vocabularies resort to profanity. The current epidemic says a lot about the failure of our education system.
End of story: The teacher liked it so much she put it into the school's annual literary journal as if it were an actual poem or something. My friends hassled me about it but no one argued the point. Swear when you stub your toe and it helps you handle the pain (apparently there's research backing this up.) Swear very rarely for emphasis and it will have the desired impact. But swearing all the time demonstrates to everyone listening you're just not very smart, or you're too lazy to take the time to think of other words to use instead.
WK said... ... Does your personal experience support the US national myth of a "classless" society?
Well, being black gets you scholarship offers when the same performance by a white gets them rejection letters. So I guess there is a privileged class.
On profanity: my father always told me that profanity was the sign of ignorant people who didn't know (read: lazy) how to properly use the English language. I never heard him curse until much later in his life and then only in an incident where a young commercial fisherman messed with my sister. He lifted the helpless man up outside his marina/restaurant building and pinned him to the wall, warning him to get lost and what the consequences would be if the miscreant interacted with my sister again. I won't repeat what he said. Once a commercial fisherman and him got into it outside with my mother (waitressing there at the time) next to them. The commercial fisherman cursed, and I saw my father position his feet, his face turning red (he had Turret's and his twitching got worse when he was angry or stressed), and position himself to retaliate if the fisherman did not immediately cease the cursing in front of my mom. The fisherman was much taller and bigger than my dad, but the angler had no idea my dad was a prizefighter in his youth. The fisherman saw something in my dad and as most bullies do, backed off and apologized. I was hoping for a fight (my dad led with a devastating left though he was righthanded; he surprised Rocky Graziano during the champ's vist to my dad's gym where Rocky took on all the club's fighters, one round at a time. My dad caught Rocky in the nose and the champ was non to pleased (read enraged) and he pummeled my dad who tried to cover up against the ropes. It was that incident, even though my father was undefeated as an amateur and won several pro fights under another boxer's license, that my dad came to the realization that no matter how good he thought he was, he wasn't closed to the league of Graziano. He left boxing and went to school studying electrical engineering at first). There was no fight that day. The Messerole Mauler had another "no contest" and he welcomed the fisherman back into the premises as long as he behaved and was respectful in his language. The irony of this story is many years later, due to the influence of my profane older cousin, my mom began dropping the "F Bomb" with regularity. My old man didn't challenge her.
He did occasionally reference someone as a "stupid bastard" but not until I was in later teen years.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... I feel worst for Drago. -- Meeting the barest minimum criteria to be classified as a post, ARM lamely works toward his quota.
Hello Brooklyn! Sometimes on Friday mornings I still get out to Acme Smoked Fish on Gem St just off Meserole Av for their weekly sale to the public. Right around the corner from Lucky's Real Tomatoes. Ah, Greenpoint! Ah, Williamsburg!
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“I believe they are, in order: Michigan lily, bee balm, Joe Pye weed, and some sort of mentha.”
I’d agree. Not sure what the last one is but the square stem usually points to a member of the mint family.
Lost was always very interesting with the religion aspect.
Mr. Eko -- the drug kingpin posing as a priest because of the guilt at the death of his priest brother -- just got baptism wrong, at least he got the baptism of Jesus wrong. But the scene of him baptizing baby Aaron and mother Claire is simply beautiful.
I have something to say about white privilege.
I was talking to my father last week on our usual Sunday call. He is 91 years old. In great shape, sharp as a tack. Does the Wall Street Journal crossword puzzle in ink. One of the smartest men I’ve known, and I worked in Silicon Valley for forty years.
My father was a blue collar guy. He grew up on the east coast during the depression. My grandfather was an immigrant (legal). Nobody hired Italians back then for anything other than hard manual labor, so that’s what he did. He never finished 7th grade and dug ditches for a living. He trapped pigeons so his family could have protein to eat. My grandmother heated bricks in the oven and wrapped them in blankets to keep my father and uncles warm at night (they slept three in a bed).
My father didn’t go to college and never made more than ten or fifteen thousand dollars a year all the time me and my three siblings were growing up. Yes, we had a small house. My wife laughed when I told her it was 800 square feet (it was). My mom shopped at the day-old bread store and we drank powdered milk and ate ice milk for dessert…ice cream without the cream part. My dad cut our hair…I didn’t go to a barber until I was eighteen. We didn’t eat at a restaurant as a family until I was a junior in high school. We took 2 vacations that I remember; both road trips.
My parents didn’t have a credit card. If my father couldn’t pay cash he didn’t buy it. On one of the vacations we went camping and we needed a tent.They went to the army surplus store and there was a canvas tent that could fit six people. It was a hundred dollars. Later in my life my dad told me that my mom had to write the check because his hand was shaking too much.
He always stressed the importance of education, but told me I could go to any college I could afford to pay for myself. He said “Work with your brains, not your hands.”
But we had a great childhood. We didn’t know we were poor.
I was telling him about my son moving from one apartment in NYC to another apartment…bigger, with an elevator and a doorman. I joked, “He’s movin’ on up,” like “The Jeffersons.”
He paused for a long time and I wondered it the call dropped. And then he said, “Imagine that, both boys are doing great, and we started with nothing.” My boys sell software and make more in a month than my dad did in a year. Then he paused again and said, “And we never took a dime from anyone.” And I could hear the pride in his voice.
My grandfather? He ended up working as a gardener in a small city in California. He saved every penny and bought a house. Then he bought another one on eight acres in Napa Valley in the ’60s. He died a millionaire.
The point? White privilege is bullshit. Complaining about racism is bullshit. You either accept your lot in life and work hard, or you complain about everything and get nowhere. I’ve seen the good side of that equation. I’ve also seen the bad side as a volunteer at a women’s shelter in a big city.
It’s hard but at the same time not difficult. Work hard. Save your money. Don’t take charity. Things have a way of working out.
we're all going to get a cushy 'jobs' at oversees energy companies!!
"Joe Basement" sez he will treat us all like his own fam if he wins
I hope he picks Warren. At the debate Pence can defend his handling of the virus from CHIIIna that has 19 names. Ha Ha. He can explains n why Trump is awol at task force meetings and hasn’t talked to the nations top expert on infectious diseases in months. He will melt into a blathering puddle on stage.
Great photos Althouse. Almost look like fine art paintings.
Great stories Joe. Too bad so few people don’t understand the American Dream usually takes a generation or two.
My son is taking a few college classes remotely to get electives out of the way. The following is the guidance for his next Anthropology assignment. I am becoming less and less concerned with grades versus his navigating the environment:
" The purpose of this discussion board topic is to get you to think about how the intersectionality of your sex/gender, race/ethnicity, and age positions you within society. Begin by sharing with the class "who you are" -- you should only include information you are willing to openly discuss (i.e. if you don't want us to know, then don't include that information). Focus on your age, sex, gender, race and ethnicity. Personality traits are irrelevant to this discussion. From your own personal experience, how does the intersectionality of these traits position you within society? Explain the life chances and opportunities you may have been afforded and/or denied based on these statuses. Does your personal experience support the US national myth of a "classless" society? Explain. “
I want to thank the SJWs for bringing Goya products to my attention. Since they predictably pitched a hissy fit about the CEO saying nice things about Trump and AOC urged her army of flying monkeys to boycott the company, I decided to buy some Goya products yesterday and used the Adobo seasoning on roast chicken today. It was quite tasty. I had never paid any attention to Goya products before but, thanks to the lefties, I am now a fan.
My day was at the ocean, but it felt as good as those photos look.
Joe Smith- I hear you. Similar story with my family; My mother's parents emigrated from Ireland in the early 1920's. Her dad was an orphan who was able to become a carpenter's apprentice at 14; good at math he was able to get a job at the British ship yards. Her mom was forced into domestic service as a pre-teen. They came to the states, stayed with other Irish families, got jobs and eventually married. Neither one completed high school, but they raised 5 children and took in borders to their tiny house during the depression. My mom was a good student, managed to finagle a scholarship to college where she met my father. She raised eight of us, worked full time and taught us the meaning of hard work and study. We all attended and finished college and six of my siblings have graduate degrees.
My point?
Forget about it, we're up against the New York Times.
Could this be child abuse?
Re: the charging and prosecution of the St. Louis couple who confronted the mob on their front lawn by brandishing their guns.
Not for them. They have my sympathy and will have my money when they inevitably do the gofundme for their legal defense, but they will probably be railroaded and the trial will be a BFD; they might get convicted and in any event it will cost them a bundle, cost him his law license, and they will be forever vilified by the much larger mob that is the MSM.
But good for the country. Good for Trump.
Those who have not seen the video will now see it. Most of the non-brainwashed who see it will see a couple seeking (somewhat ineptly, granted) to protect themselves and their home from a mob of trespassers who they had every reason to believe intended to vandalize their home and property and reasonable cause to believe that their own personal safety was threatened; nobody got hurt; none of the trespassers appears to have been in actual fear (which is part of the definition of assault) since none of them left. Mr. Homeowner never pointed his weapon at anybody; Mrs. could arguably have been a little more careful in that regard, but again the folks in the video--including the person doing the filming--don't seem to have been particularly worried.
The idea that they should be prosecuted for attempting to defend themselves will (I hope) strike most non-leftist citizens as absurd, whatever the law may say. And the lefties doing the charging, prosecuting and cheerleading will show the country what they really have in mind when they talk about "justice." This isn't Scooter Libby or Mike Flynn or Roger Stone or Paul Manafort being prosecuted for some mind-numbingly complex set of political/legal circumstances that can be interpreted only dimly, with the casual observer thinking that they must have done something wrong, or the prosecutors know what they are doing and we don't really understand what's going on.
Nope. It's all there on the video--mob breaks down the gate and shows up on the front lawn, during a week of unprecedented violence and destruction, visited on private property and innocent people by similar mobs chanting the same things all over the country, all broadcast on every TV channel. Who wouldn't be terrified?
And the people trying to save their home get charged. Loudly, publicly and with obvious political intent and bias.
This is how you get more Trump.
Interesting story, Joe Smith. My father will be 100 next month. He grew up miserably poor on a small dirt farm in northwest Ohio. He somehow wrangled a partial scholarship to Ohio State, supplemented with ROTC and part time jobs. My mother's parents immigrated from Sweden because they were starving on their rock/dirt farm. My parents raised five successful, middle class children who are grateful for what they have. I am consumed with rage when I hear that my parents' lives, or their children's lives, are examples of White Privilege. It is sickening racism, and nothing else. None of the fat slobs protesting racism today has ever been as hungry as my parents were in their childhoods. Dad went to war and Mom worked in war industries to give us - all of us - what we have today.
Fuck anyone and everyone who utters the words "white privilege."
@ I'm Full of Soup...
I'm just afraid that my boys might be the last generation to move up honestly. Even they are likely to run into the wall of creeping socialism and be knocked down a rung or two...
We used to call the orange flowers tiger lilies. I transplanted a lot of them years ago and they grew like crazy, invasive but that’s what I wanted to cover a large spot on our lot.
“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”
Matthew 6:28
The news says it got to 113 degrees today in Vegas. My thermometer said 118 in the shade. We went to the lake. All the rental boats are booked for the next six weeks. I may have to buy one. I worked pretty hard around the yard all day yesterday in the heat and sun, and at about 2pm just dove in the pool clothes and all. That is a nice feeling, and then when you get out, it's like a sauna. If you have an escape, the heat is kinda soothing, and I can work in it just fine if I have a nice cold drink and some music.
On the lake today, plenty of people were out, and the heat plus the sun multiplied by the reflection off the water was incredible. It felt too hot for any animal to actually endure, but we did. Most of us here have lived in Vegas now for years, and you do get used to it. Newbies can't believe it, and I don't really understand it either. I keep the house at 80, which feels very cool here. The thing is, despite the 30+ degrees difference in temperature, we spend most of the time outside just sitting on the patio talking as if we have no choice. It's weird, but people seem to actually prefer the heat, or being outside is so powerful they happily endure it. I can't talk people into sitting inside in the air conditioning.
I don't understand how you can feel comfortable moving around in Greater Madison when the frat boys who attempted to murder Althea Bernstein with lighter fluid are still at large. What, are you fireproof?
Does your personal experience support the US national myth of a "classless" society?
No, diversity (i.e. denial of individual dignity, denial of individual conscience, denial of life, color judgments) is a progressive condition.
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
I want to thank the SJWs for bringing Goya products to my attention.
I ordered the ingredients for the pork shoulder roast. My only concern is that they get so busy they have no time for my small orders. Of course the heir to the Chick fil A fortune is busy destroying the brand. They discontinued the chicken salad sandwiches I liked anyway.
I hope that elective was the lesser of evils, because..evil.
But this is good general advice:
"if you don't want us to know, then don't include that information"
My local grocer who repeatedly asks me at checkout whether I want to round up for charity du jour also has a donation basket/cart.
I plan to buy a bunch of Goya products and try to make a point. Just trying to figure out how theatrical to make it. They have an old school bell you can ring near that cart, ostensibly for good service..but...
He can explains n why Trump is awol at task force meetings and hasn’t talked to the nations top expert on infectious diseases in months.
Poor steve. It is hard to get over serious delusions. Good luck.
You do have quite a variety of fauna in your state as well as flora.
Sorry Joe Smith. That's all well and good about your family, but the folks who make the charge of "white privilege" have a completely different meaning and none of what you related here is relevant to that. You and them are speaking two different languages.
I feel worst for Drago.
I am reading Michael K's book A Brief History of Disease, Science and Medicine ordered through Amazon.
Before ordering I did not know that it was written for medical students, but it is not hard to follow. I like his writing style. He gets to the point and provides a lot of historical information without fluff. I have probably read several hundred texts in my career and this is one of the most fun to read.
I just read an article on PJMedia about something or other, and it concluded with a little footnote about how the reporters there are "just killing it these days!" or something to that effect. My immediate response was, "Grow up."
Actually, my immediate response was "Grow tf up" and I think everyone knows what the letters stand for.
Over the course of this ... time... I'm noticing these two trends, more and more. First, childish behavior in print, where it's actually recorded and publicized and you can't deny that you said it. (For example, the ESPN "reporter" who emailed FU to a Congressman.) Second, the "profanitization" of America. It seems to me that everyone is swearing more these days, not just me. I've gone through phases (particularly when I was working in software development) where every sentence had at least one form of the F word. But now that I work as a junior high teacher (in a Catholic school, no less), I am more sensitive to it and usually don't talk, or even let myself think, using profanity. It's a bad habit and I don't want it to come back and bite me someday. But just the other day, Dan Bongino called someone an asshole on a Fox News program, and I was surprised. I guess you can say that, now? Didn't that used to be a "swear"? Are there any swears left? I'm pretty sure that "shit" gets a pass most of the time now, too.
There's so much profanity in the graffiti and in the protester/rioter chants that footage of them can not be aired without blurring and bleeping out the offensive terms. A lot of videos are simply not airable because if you bleeped all the swears, there would be nothing but one long bleep.
When I was a senior in high school, I took a creative writing elective class. On one assignment, for some reason I can no longer remember, at the very bottom of the page, I wrote:
Profanity is so insufficient.
I do recall thinking that whatever was bothering me could not adequately be described using profanity. Then as now, people with limited ideas and even more limited vocabularies resort to profanity. The current epidemic says a lot about the failure of our education system.
End of story: The teacher liked it so much she put it into the school's annual literary journal as if it were an actual poem or something. My friends hassled me about it but no one argued the point. Swear when you stub your toe and it helps you handle the pain (apparently there's research backing this up.) Swear very rarely for emphasis and it will have the desired impact. But swearing all the time demonstrates to everyone listening you're just not very smart, or you're too lazy to take the time to think of other words to use instead.
WK said...
... Does your personal experience support the US national myth of a "classless" society?
Well, being black gets you scholarship offers when the same performance by a white gets them rejection letters. So I guess there is a privileged class.
Meet Joe Pye, surely among the last of the Mohicans.
It will be interesting to see what, if anything, comes of the SCOTUS decision on OK and the native American tribe.
On profanity: my father always told me that profanity was the sign of ignorant people who didn't know (read: lazy) how to properly use the English language. I never heard him curse until much later in his life and then only in an incident where a young commercial fisherman messed with my sister. He lifted the helpless man up outside his marina/restaurant building and pinned him to the wall, warning him to get lost and what the consequences would be if the miscreant interacted with my sister again. I won't repeat what he said. Once a commercial fisherman and him got into it outside with my mother (waitressing there at the time) next to them. The commercial fisherman cursed, and I saw my father position his feet, his face turning red (he had Turret's and his twitching got worse when he was angry or stressed), and position himself to retaliate if the fisherman did not immediately cease the cursing in front of my mom. The fisherman was much taller and bigger than my dad, but the angler had no idea my dad was a prizefighter in his youth. The fisherman saw something in my dad and as most bullies do, backed off and apologized. I was hoping for a fight (my dad led with a devastating left though he was righthanded; he surprised Rocky Graziano during the champ's vist to my dad's gym where Rocky took on all the club's fighters, one round at a time. My dad caught Rocky in the nose and the champ was non to pleased (read enraged) and he pummeled my dad who tried to cover up against the ropes. It was that incident, even though my father was undefeated as an amateur and won several pro fights under another boxer's license, that my dad came to the realization that no matter how good he thought he was, he wasn't closed to the league of Graziano. He left boxing and went to school studying electrical engineering at first). There was no fight that day. The Messerole Mauler had another "no contest" and he welcomed the fisherman back into the premises as long as he behaved and was respectful in his language. The irony of this story is many years later, due to the influence of my profane older cousin, my mom began dropping the "F Bomb" with regularity. My old man didn't challenge her.
He did occasionally reference someone as a "stupid bastard" but not until I was in later teen years.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I feel worst for Drago.
Meeting the barest minimum criteria to be classified as a post, ARM lamely works toward his quota.
The Meserole Mauler
Hello Brooklyn! Sometimes on Friday mornings I still get out to Acme Smoked Fish on Gem St just off Meserole Av for their weekly sale to the public. Right around the corner from Lucky's Real Tomatoes. Ah, Greenpoint! Ah, Williamsburg!
Is Ann on a road trip?
Francisco D said...
I am reading Michael K's book A Brief History of Disease, Science and Medicine ordered through Amazon.
Thanks. That must be the reason my Amazon deposit was over a dollar fifty this month.
Jupiter's question at 10:15AM made me LOL.
Thanks for that.
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