July 25, 2020

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 75% of American Adults think the term 'racism' refers to any discrimination by people of one race against another."

"Just 15% say it refers only to discrimination by white people against minorities. These findings have changed little in surveys for the past several years.... Eighteen percent (18%) say most white Americans are racist. But 25% believe most black Americans are racist. Fifteen percent (15%) think most Hispanic-Americans are racist, while nearly as many (13%) say the same of most Asian-Americans.... Blacks see themselves, whites, Hispanics and Asians as equally racist. Whites consider themselves more racist than Hispanics and Asians in this country but less racist than blacks."

Rasmussen reports.


5M - Eckstine said...

Travel. One would fine the USA is one of the least racist countries in the world. France has a serious problem. As does Germany. As does Nigeria. As does China. China may be the worst.

Mark said...

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 75% of American Adults think the term 'racism' refers to any discrimination by people of one race against another.... Eighteen percent (18%) say most white Americans are racist.

Obviously, actually 75 percent are racist if that is what they think. It's evidence of the systemic nature of racism.

Jeff Weimer said...

People aren't swayed by the CRT bullshit, no matter who and how much these grifters protest.

Birkel said...

75% are more normal Americans.

15% are committed Democratics and also racists.

RigelDog said...

The collective "WE" made a huge mistake when we allowed people who control the universities and similar organizations to unilaterally declare that the true/new definition of racism is only to be used as "power + control." They should have created their own frackin' term but of course that would not permit them to shore up their own definition by stealth. Who isn't against racism, amIright? Who believes that the only people who can be racist are whites? Not so many people, but that's the changeling idea that has all the power now.

Lucien said...

Well, I guess that’s better than thinking any difference in outcomes in which race is statistically significant counts as racism. It also means race based affirmative action is racist.
I wonder how many would agree that there can be no racism in a country without White people?
(So if we just get rid of racial discrimination we’ve licked racism.)

gilbar said...


as We ALL Know, Racism equals Prejudice plus power
this MEANS that ONLY Whites can be racist
let's compare two people
gilbar, a retired white fisherman; has NO power....This Means HE is RACIST
Oprah Winfrey, billionaire black; has Quite a Bit of Power...This means SHE can NOT BE Racist

See? it's Simple Math. Just as simple as 2+2=5

rehajm said...

The woke read that as a challenge...

mikee said...

One cannot redefine all the words all the time, without some people noticing.
"Racist" redefined to mean "White" was a step too far in Orwellian Newspeak, to be accepted by rational adults.

Bilwick said...

The definition has changed. It now means, "any idea or person the Hive finds objectionable." Get with the program.

rehajm said...

These polls aren't adding up. People aren't buying the new definition of racism, they nearly universally reject defunding the police, the plurality is afraid of a debt burdened government. Still Biden is ahead by 15 points and is winning Teaxs....

Not adding up...

JaimeRoberto said...

Everyone has their bigotries. It's part of human nature. We are tribal. So I'd probably answer yes to whether most people regardless of race are racists, or at least some kind of (fill in the blank)ists, to some degree. How they act on it is a different matter.

Sebastian said...

"75% of American Adults think the term 'racism' refers to any discrimination by people of one race against another."
"Just 15% say it refers only to discrimination by white people against minorities."

The re-education camps are going to be very full. Who said humanities majors have poorer job prospects?

n.n said...

Racism is a subset of diversity or class-based taxonomic system, process, and dogma based on low information attributes not limited to "race". In fact, some of the most diverse people share a common skin color, sex, social class, economic class, etc.

Rory said...

It's an interesting poll, because it avoids the reluctance for a person to admit to being a racist. It asks for respondents to look at the people around them and give an opinion as to whether they are racists.

I don't see the raw data linked, but the 2013 poll they allude to released more detailed responses:

Question: Are most white Americans racist? Answering yes:

All Americans: 15%
Conservatives: 12%
Whites: 10%
Blacks: 24%
Liberals: 27%

Question: Are most black Americans racist? Answering yes:

All Americans: 37%
Conservatives: 49%
Whites: 38%
Blacks: 31%
Liberals: 21%

So, more conservative and black Americans responded that most black Americans were racist than responded that most white Americans were racists. Liberals saw it the other way, with more saying that most white Americans are racist than were saying that most black Americans were racist.


DavidUW said...

There’s an entire genre of YouTube devoted to blacks and Asians fighting on the SFMuni.

Now there’s some racism straight up

minnesota farm guy said...

We are all members of one tribe or another and the natural reaction is to be leery of other tribes. I would tend to agree that blacks are equally as racist as whites could possibly be. I don't think that's prejudice I think it is a clear conclusion from listening to some of their "music" and watching the way they act toward other races and ethnicities.

It's odd that we continue to talk about racism and BLM when while watching videos of Portland's "peaceful protest" the crowd all seemed to be white folk.

Nonapod said...

So we have the concept of "racism", something that is somewhat vague and subjective from person to person. As we all know, what one person thinks is racist another person my find not racist. But most people agree that being racist is not a good thing. Probably most people don't want to be racist.

And now we have this poll that is asking people to infer how many of their fellow citizens fit whatever their idea of what racisism is. So basically this is a poll asking what people feel about their fellow humans. Do they think they're mostly bad people?

I find this whole thing to be pretty depressing not because I believe that lots of people are racist, but because a lot of people believe that most people are essentially bad people. In fact, I'd be curious to see if you replaced the term "racist" with "bad" what the results would be, if they'd be different. Or maybe it'd be interesting to ask both sets of questions for "racist" and "bad", since obviously some people may allow that someone can be racist but not really bad?

daskol said...

That right there, 75% of people believing that racism involves intent and animosity and can be perpetrated by anyone, is a yardstick of the inherent, systemic racism our social justice warriors must deal with. And you wonder why there is a need for protest, even violent protest: when you're dealing with an overwhelming majority of people do deluded, you need to scare them into submission, not persuade.

Birkel said...

This is where the racism charge gets us:

The Leftist Collectivists are using an information war ("every white person is racist" and "radicals are on the march") to try to win a propaganda victory. They want their Kent State moments. They want dead protestors. They want to foment a kinetic reaction.

What we get instead are dead black guys:

And stabbed black guys:

The police cannot protect.
All they can do now is collect the bodies and maybe arrest the Left Wing perps.

Oh Yea said...

Who answer any surveys these days?

narciso said...

across the pond


YoungHegelian said...

I guess 75% of the American public just forgot to read Foucault's Les Mots et Les Choses for their homework.

Of course, this what most people think, including most minorities, because it makes sense. If you want to put the commonsense understanding into hoity-toity philosophical terms, just think of it this way: Racism is the ideology that believes that race is the essential determinative of consciousness.

Nichevo said...

As a rule, while no racism may be truly wonderful, I think there are degrees of impact. In a word, hatred. If you hate the race you are racist against, that is more threatening than if you fear them, or if you hold them in benign contempt, though each of these has its own wrinkles.

Some racism might be beneficial e.g. hiring black dancers or singers or pornstars because of their stereotypical gifts or talents, Hispanics because of their hard work ethic and low pay expectations, Asians and Jews because math, ordinary whites because of good tempers or discipline or punctuality or whatever positives you associate broadly with whites.

But overall I think that people who hate me and want to kill me, are a bigger problem than people who won't hire me, or cross the sidewalk when they see me coming.

n.n said...

That right there, 75% of people believing that racism involves intent and animosity and can be perpetrated by anyone... systemic racism our social justice warriors must deal with.

That so deserves four clowns, jesters, really. Perhaps a sarcasm tag, too.

Bilwick said...

This, from "Slapout," was on the invaluable "IMAO" blog a few days ago:

"Being labeled a racist today is much like being labeled a witch in the Middle Ages. No evidence is required. It's simply a weapon to defeat peope you don't like. And the mobs of ignorant rioters never question it. As much as things change, things stay the same."

n.n said...

Question: Are most black Americans racist? Answering yes:

All Americans: 37%
Conservatives: 49%
Whites: 38%
Blacks: 31%
Liberals: 21%

Conservatives as in Declaration, Constitution? Conservative philosophy does not tolerate, let alone normalize, the exercise of liberal license to indulge diversity dogma (i.e. class-based taxonomic system, methods, and processes).

Drago said...

If you missed it, Howard took an extended period of time just days ago to write the most moronic and hilarious defense of the only whites can be racists philosophy based, apparently, on the hilarious notion that his own middle class suburban upbringing requires it.

Truly a classic and clearly the equal of any of Inga's ludicrous russian collusion whackjob conspiracies, ARM's over the top extended cultish praise of the Communist Chinese and LLR-lefty C****'s half-decade long pro-far-left democrat disinformation op at Althouse.

Drago said...

rehajm: "These polls aren't adding up. People aren't buying the new definition of racism, they nearly universally reject defunding the police, the plurality is afraid of a debt burdened government. Still Biden is ahead by 15 points and is winning Teaxs....

Not adding up..."

The democrats and LLR's long ago declared logic and reason tools of white supremacist patriarchal capitalist oppression.

steve uhr said...

Re-education counselors in high demand. Wonder what starting salary is

Rory said...

"...retired white fisherman; has NO power"

The "power" argument undermines nearly any historical argument of racism.. Basics like literacy and voting rights weren't very common until relatively recently.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Lincoln was right. They CAN’T fool all the people all the time.

Michael K said...

"I am so old that I remember when most racists were white." T Sowell.

Jersey Fled said...

These polls aren't adding up. People aren't buying the new definition of racism, they nearly universally reject defunding the police, the plurality is afraid of a debt burdened government. Still Biden is ahead by 15 points and is winning Teaxs....

Which is exactly why I believe these polls are bogus.

ga6 said...

Time to cancel Rasmussen cry the mob...

BUMBLE BEE said...

Used to be called "prejudice", but everybody knew what that described. Democrats/left had to make the racism definition to fit their needs, making it in effect the "N" word to be used against white people.

Anonymous said...

The first poll question is too narrow.

“ Does the term racism refer to any discrimination by people of one race against another, or does racism refer only to discrimination by white people against minorities?”

“ by people of one race against another” restricts racism to only being against another race form your own, when someone can discriminate against someone of their own race, which is what I observe the most, specifically white against white.

jimbino said...

Apparently, all Chinese are racist, or whatever the CCP demands they be. No complaints allowed.

Skeptical Voter said...

in these days of prog speak, both the words "racist" and "rapist" have lost almost all their substantive content. The words have been misused so much (and I will point out that "rape" in fact does occur--real rape, Whoopi Goldberg "rapey rape") that neither term means much anymore.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

skeptical voter - but really, we're all racist rapists...

David Duffy said...

When was the last time anyone of you heard someone tell a racist joke in private? I actually remember.

It was in 1989. I had a summer job as a gardener, working my way through college after military service. I was on my knees at an apartment complex planting summer flowers (marigolds?) when the apartment manager standing over us delivered a joke about blacks. The white guy knelling next to me planting the flowers ignored this jackass. I haven't heard one since.

I've had thousands of conversations since. I can't think of a single racist thing said. That was an outlier and it was 31 years ago.

whitney said...

Uh oh. Need more programming

stevew said...

rac·​ism | \ ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi- \
Definition of racism
1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2a: a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
b: a political or social system founded on racism
3: racial prejudice or discrimination

This is news to some people?

Balfegor said...

Whites being less racist than Blacks sounds right to me. But, ah, I think Whites are underestimating how racist Asians are, including about them. I don't know about Hispanics.

Francisco D said...

Let's get real folks.

Racism is the trump card used by woke idiots who cannot muster an argument or even listen to someone with an opposing point of view.

chuck said...

It's encouraging the 75% of Americans are above average :)

donald said...

What type of fishing did you do Gilbar?

California Snow said...

There is a lot of racism toward others in black America. 1st gen Asians are pretty damn racist too.

Josephbleau said...

If "w"hite and Asian people dissapeared then Hispanics would be racist, because they would be the only ones who out perform Blacks on IQ tests and average income.

stephen cooper said...

what birkel said at 2:52.

Carlos Osweda (mon frere, mon sembable) explains what the Alinskyite/Stalinist perpetrators of political violence are trying to do almost every day, if you are interested in more details.

Readering said...

Race dominates this blog. Unhealthy.

Gahrie said...

Race dominates our culture. Unhealthy.

Race dominates our media. Unhealthy.

Race dominates our politics. Unhealthy.

Michael K said...

Readering said...
Race dominates this blog. Unhealthy.

Yes, you leftists have introduced it. I agree it is unhealthy. Lots of examples.

Michael K said...

Francisco D said...
Let's get real folks.

Racism is the trump card used by woke idiots who cannot muster an argument or even listen to someone with an opposing point of view.

The present racist hysteria is evidence of how panicked the Democrats are that Trump might get 20% of the black vote.

Drago said...

Readering: "Race dominates this blog. Unhealthy."

Since you are busy lying again, dont forget to also blame the russians...and Steve Bannon...and the boogaloos!

Jon Ericson said...

LIFE IN DE BLASIO’S NEW YORK: FDNY official defends excluding famed 9/11 firefighter from procession for being white. “A top FDNY official says it’s ‘most definitely’ acceptable to exclude a white firefighter from a ceremonial unit based solely on his skin color, The Post has learned. Cecilia Loving, the department’s chief diversity and inclusion officer, is defending a decision to kick Lt. Daniel McWilliams — one of three firefighters in the iconic 9/11 Ground Zero flag-raising photo — off a color-guard procession so it would be all-black. . . . Loving said it’s okay to replace a white member with an African-American to ‘uplift our identities and our separate ethnicities in order to instill a sense of pride and community and support for one another.'”

It’s almost as if the real role of “Chief Diversity Officers” is to justify blatant racial discrimination.

Posted at 8:02 pm by Glenn Reynolds


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Is this guy really black?

effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Ericson said...

Thanks Readering.
Ms. Althouse will get right on it.

gilbar said...

donald said...
What type of fishing did you do Gilbar?

you caught me! i'm Not a retired fisherman.... I'm retired, and NOW a fisherman
i made my money being a database administrator (which paid good, and i hated)
before that, i was a Mainframe Computer Operator (which didn't pay great, but i loved)

NOW i am a Professional Trout Bum, and am living off the interest on my 401k
(or, WAS until This March : )

PM said...

Generally, the Chinese in SF dislike and avoid the hak gwei because they prey on their seniors. I guess that's racism based on experience.

Unknown said...

if people are smarter than the BLM alliance makes them seem

then Trump will landslide

robother said...

White Americans (and English) are the worst racists in the whole world. No other majority ethnic/racial group anywhere could ever be guilted into destroying its constitution and culture in the name of perpetually aggrieved minorities. The Chinese? The Japanese? Africans? Indians? Turks? Israelis? Russians? Hell, come down to it, I suspect even the Germans and the French have more survival instincts than that.

That's the reason why the very minority populations that are asserted to be the worst victims of racist white Americans (Africans, Asians, and Mestitos) are most eager to move here in great numbers. Down deep, all these more tribal races and ethnics see a wealthy successful culture that is willing, in the name of abstract ideals, to sacrifice its own prosperity and posterity.

Michael K said...

It’s almost as if the real role of “Chief Diversity Officers” is to justify blatant racial discrimination.<

What a shame that diversity officer was not stationed at the WTC stairwell to keep white FDNY men from running up to the scene of the disaster.

effinayright said...

wholelottasplainin' said...
Readering said...
Race dominates this blog. Unhealthy.

Much healthier to try to IGNORE people who are out to destroy your country, your culture, your life by labeling whiteness itself as a sign of irredeemable racism.

I mean, "Can't we all get along?"


The Godfather said...

This poll -- or at least the article describing it -- makes no sense. We are told: "Among adults who think racism refers only to discrimination by whites, 36% consider most white Americans racist versus 21% who feel that way about most black Americans." If "racism" refers "only to discrimination by whites" then it's IMPOSSIBLE for Blacks to be racist, because by definition racism (to this group of people) means ONLY discrimination by whites.

Josephbleau said...

"What a shame that diversity officer was not stationed at the WTC stairwell to keep white FDNY men from running up to the scene of the disaster."

That would be funny, to have Garret Morris at the back door to the WTC trying to find enough Black firemen to make 13% before he would let them in to save people.

Rusty said...

"NOW i am a Professional Trout Bum, and am living off the interest on my 401k
(or, WAS until This March : )"
My brother just sold his drift boat. Used on the PM almost exclusively. Gonna hit the UP in Aug. Visit the holy water. My first time out in two years.

n.n said...

“Chief Diversity Officers” is to justify blatant racial discrimination

Affirmative discrimination, yes. Diversity dogma is a class-based taxonomic system including color quotas, color blocs, which denies individual dignity, individual conscience. Diversity is a progressive doctrine not limited to racism, sexism. It forms the foundation of the Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic religion favored by progressives, liberals, and other left of center ideologues.

n.n said...

Race dominates this blog. Unhealthy.

Diversity (i.e. class-based taxonomic system, process, and belief) is a progressive... one step forward, two steps backward condition.

Annie said...

Personally, I have found Chinese to be incredibly racist or maybe too full of themselves. They are at the top of the heap and everyone else way below them with blacks getting most of their scorn. I see a lot of it on social media..facebook friends and groups. Quite a few apologists for their Chicom overlords. Though they might not want to wake up missing all of their organs

The Crack Emcee said...

75% of American adults are STILL mostly white people, so who cares?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Dwight Yoakam vid with Harry Dean STanton or something??

This is a link text uncomfortable for some.

Bob Loblaw said...

The collective "WE" made a huge mistake when we allowed people who control the universities and similar organizations to unilaterally declare that the true/new definition of racism is only to be used as "power + control."

Clearly we didn't, since nobody actually believes that.

gilbar said...

i think the Real Problem, is that amerians have NO IDEA what race is, anymore
so they can't have any idea what racISM is

don't see what i'm talking about? that's 'cause you're an american
and americans think that there are only TWO races Black and white

Are Chinese and Indonesians of the same race? Chinese and Indonesians don't think so
Were Saxons and Danes of the same race? They sure As HELL didn't think so
Here's one closer to home:
Did "Whites" think that Italians (or Poles (or Irish)) were white? Now you're getting it

We've reached the point,
that the 'correct' answer is that there are Only Two races; the Ins, and the Outs

gilbar said...

Rusty taunted me, saying....
. Used on the PM almost exclusively. Gonna hit the UP in Aug. Visit the holy water

i'm embarrassed to admit, that i've Still Yet to fish anywhere in Michigan; let alone the Pere Marquette :(

the Only 'known' water i've fished; is Yellow Breaches Creek, in Pennsylvania
Mostly i waste my time in the Driftless Area; with side trips out west
[North Platte, Tongue, Yellowstone, Madison, Snake, South fork, Henrys fork, Lees Ferry, San Juan, Sacramento, South Platte; to name a few]

Was 'planning' on Michigan (and then on over to New York) this year; but that fell apart

The Crack Emcee said...

gilbar said...

"i think the Real Problem, is that amerians have NO IDEA what race is, anymore
so they can't have any idea what racISM is"

I'm pretty sure most blacks would take one look at how light our skin is and beg to differ.

Jamie said...

The last racist comment I heard was in 1985 or so when I was a kid working at McDonald's. The assistant manager that day, a young woman a couple of years older than I was, was shooting the breeze with a couple of us, and said she thought mixed-race marriages were wrong, that the races should stay to themselves.

I pointed out that her

mom was Korean and her dad was white; she said yeah, and she thought they'd been wrong to get married, but what's done is done.

Before that it was a conversation between my (definitely racist Irish) grandfather and my (definitely racist but unrelated to my grandfather Irish) uncle, talking in what they thought was privacy, knowing I was in the corner reading but accustomed to my usual obliviousness as a tween. They were discussing how mad they'd be if any of their children had dated, or started dating, a "pickaninny." I had to look it up to be sure but the context was clear enough. That's it - two statements in my life.

Oh, wait, there was a white kid in my 8th grade class in small-town Illinois who called another white kid, one with a developmental disability, the n-word. Overhearing this, I told him that if what he meant by that was a person who was unwelcome among normal people, then "you're the [n-word]" - the only time I've used that word outside a quote.

Jeff Brokaw said...

When we start relying on polls instead of dictionary definitions to decide what words mean, this is a major clue that politics is behind it and we should absolutely pull the emergency brake on that train.

George Orwell warned the world about politics manipulating us by manipulating the language in “Politics and the English Language” in the late 40s. It’s a must read. Google it. 10 minute read, max. Then read it again.

Rory said...

"75% of American adults are STILL mostly white people, so who cares?"

It's interesting that in the 2013 press release linked above they reported the specific percentages related to responses by black Americans, while this time around they report the less precise, "Blacks see themselves, whites, Hispanics and Asians as equally racist."

The Crack Emcee said...

The meaning of this study (that American blacks are primarily the product of white men raping because men were primarily brought from Africa) should be reported everywhere, and seriously pondered, but, as expected, it's being treated as just another story. It's not just another story. It's profound in it's implications, reminding us why Americans are still willing to die over it, pro or con. Blacks had to watch. We're lied to about everything.

You sound like a nice guy, Jamie, but, as you're gathering, it's about more than "the n-word".

The Crack Emcee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

that American blacks are primarily the product of white men raping because men were primarily brought from Africa) should be reported everywhere, and seriously pondered, but, as expected, it's being treated as just another story. It's not just another story. It's profound in it's implications, reminding us why Americans are still willing to die over it, pro or con.

More whining bullshit from Crack. European DNA after the Indoeuropean invasion showed maternal DNA (Mitochondrial) from the indigenous people and the Y chromosome from the IE. Ditto for Mezisos in Mexico. I suppose you could make an argument that African blacks are smarter than American blacks because their genome is pure. They think so.

The Crack Emcee said...

I remember something, about some guy, trembling for his country because God is just, or some other wacky shit he said.

NOW we know what he was talking about.

The Crack Emcee said...

The House I Live In is a film by Eugene Jarecki, a filmmaker with a black housekeeper who he treated like family. Problem was, his side of the family progressed and hers - even with his help - didn't, so he wanted to know why. What he learned - when he got past that whole blacks have an 85 IQ bullshit - is in his film.

I bring it up because, towards the end of the movie, his maid confesses the only reason she left the South is because white men were raping women where she lived and the only escape was,...to escape. Now, if that was "America" for all that time - from slavery almost to the present - then I think y'all got to question the values, you value so much, because they they don't sound like shit to me. You're all covering for great crimes and should just accept it. You didn't commit them. I don't see what the problem is. Take the taint off yourselves by coping with it.

The Crack Emcee said...

Couple wears swastika face masks at Walmart in Minnesota

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K to the rescue - NOT.

RigelDog said...

The collective "WE" made a huge mistake when we allowed people who control the universities and similar organizations to unilaterally declare that the true/new definition of racism is only to be used as "power + control."

Clearly we didn't, since nobody actually believes that.}}}

Fun point--I appreciate the logic! The problem stands because the narrative is controlled by those who firmly advocate for the newer definition of racism, and they're in charge now.

Bunkypotatohead said...

I'd like to see a poll that asked "would you rather live in a White neighborhood or a black one?"

loudogblog said...

If the word "racism" successfully becomes redefined to only mean white people being racist against non-white people, we're going to have to invent a new word, or term, to describe minorities who are prejudiced against other people because of that other person's race.

The Crack Emcee said...

The new hotness:

Watching white people come to their senses about their racism.

You will notice no blacks have to change their racist names because, you know, we're so racist like white people.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bunkypotatohead said...

"I'd like to see a poll that asked "would you rather live in a White neighborhood or one of the ghettos whites created full of criminals and other types because whites can be social lowlifes with no regard for their country until challenged?"

The Crack Emcee said...

loudogblog said...

You guys keep on saying "minorities who are prejudiced against other people because of that other person's race" like there's no history of destroying our lives through murder, rape, exploitation, etc., to be pissed about - it's just that we can see your veins better and it creeps us out.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bunkypotatohead said...

I'd like to see a poll that asked "would you rather live in a White neighborhood or a black one?"

I would always say a black one because I feel more comfortable with black people. It's like what Christopher Hitchens said when asked if he'd feel better walking down the street after a group of atheists ended a meeting, or religious folks left their church or temple, and he replied that all he'd have to do is think of places he's been to that start with "B" - Beirut, Bagdad, Belfast, etc. - and he knows his answer.

I've seen blacks do some crazy shit, but I understand THEIR motivations. White people have chilled me to my core - I may never touch another woman - and I have NO IDEA why they do the things they do.

And even you guys say I'm smart, often, so there you go.

Bunkypotatohead said...

I just think the "which neighborhood" question would give a more honest assessment of everyone involved.
I live on the outskirts of Baltimore. You couldn't find a conservative in the 250 households here, and the white liberals would get indignant if you said they were racists. But they are all moving out as the blacks move in. Apparently there are some blacks who would rather live in a white neighborhood too...mine. But it won't be white much longer.

DEEBEE said...

Ahhh! Love the USA, especially when it reflects my sense. That to as a Transplanted brownie.

ken in tx said...

The idea that any sex between a white man and a black woman is/was rape, supposedly because he has power over her, is the same logic that radical feminists use to claim that all heterosexual sex is rape. It denies agency to women. Black women, no less than white women, are capable of using sex to benefit themselves. It is not unheard of.

BTW, in the segregated South, a white man who lusted for blacks would have been considered white trash and ostracized by anybody who knew about it.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bunkypotatohead said...

"Apparently there are some blacks who would rather live in a white neighborhood too...mine. But it won't be white much longer."

Blacks want to live somewhere nice, like anyone else, but whites - in their wisdom - screw that up, for us, every fucking time. They started out with redlining and have done everything else, since, to keep it going.

You guys ain't who you tell yourselves you are.

And you resent blacks who know - in our bones, because your blood runs through us, through rape - you ain't shit.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bunkypotatohead said...

"I just think the "which neighborhood" question would give a more honest assessment of everyone involved."

"A more honest assessment" - based on a lie - because whites restricted blacks in shitty neighborhoods.

Damn, you're dumb.

The Crack Emcee said...

ken in tx said...

"The idea that any sex between a white man and a black woman is/was rape, supposedly because he has power over her, is the same logic that radical feminists use to claim that all heterosexual sex is rape. It denies agency to women."

Dude, it was SLAVERY. You, trying to turn it into romance, is ludicrous.

Bilwick said...

Uncle Crack, Massa State's faithful water carrier, says "whites restricted blacks in shitty neighborhoods." You mean by using the power of the State to force them to stay in shitty neighborhoods? Is Oprah living in such a neighborhood? If not, how did she avoid the Segregation Police and slip into a good neighborhood? (Better, I would guess, than most of the ones this honky has ever lived in)? Do you think Thomas Sowell lives in a shitty neighborhood? Oh, I forgot: Sowell isn't a "real" African-American because he believes in "white" values. such as liberty, rational thought, and the laws of economics. Things obviously you know little to nothing about.

ken in tx said...

Crack, I wasn't talking about during slavery. I wasn't around during slavery and neither were you. I probably know as much about it as you do because I read 'Mandingo" paper backs. Your theory seems to be that light skinned African Americans are the result of slave owners constantly raping their femail slave property. They probably raped their horses and donkeys too. Because all slave owners were evil, evil, evil. Can't you just see George Washington doing that? Actually I read that 60% of American blacks have Native American blood. That could have led to some lighter skinned people. Maybe?

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