June 7, 2020

Sign posted in my neighborhood tells white people we "don't get to criticize" the choice of protesters to resort to rioting.

It's "white privilege," we are told, to express a desire for order and security:


A second sign attempts to convince us to abolish the police because they "uphold an inherently racist system" and "protect whiteness and capitalism":


ADDED: I anticipate that my post title will be criticized on the ground that there were a lot of peaceful protesters and we don't know whether any of them participated in anything that can properly be called "rioting." I want to keep the facts straight, and I want to know the facts. I agree that that those who broke windows and looted shops may have been an entirely different set of people from the people who were there to protest police brutality. I await the news reports and investigations that can bring these facts to light. I keep looking!

But that post title is just telling you what the sign says! It's one of the many problems with the sign. Whoever wrote that sign made no effort to separate the peaceful protesters from the rioters. It tells me to shut up about any objection I might have to the rioting because those in the oppressed group get to choose how to fight their oppression. This implies that the form of protest chosen was, in fact, theft and vandalism, and white people are not even allowed to criticize this expression.


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alanc709 said...

No one gets to tell me what I can say or think, and anyone trying IS the problem. Anyone who thinks they have the moral authority to destroy someone else's property is insane and a criminal.

mesquito said...

Fuck the rioters.

Temujin said...

Whatever happened to "Science!"?

Automatic_Wing said...

You can be sure of this - someone will step in and provide "order and security", eventually. Whether it's guys like this or guys like this.

Skipper said...

Abolish the police (until you need them, of course).

rehajm said...

Not part of the solution part of the problem yada yada yada

Temujin said...

Such childish shit. If you don't follow what we want, you are wrong. If we don't get what we want, we'll stomp our feet, then tear apart your business. Or maybe just club you over the head with a 2X4.

And if you complain, you're the problem. Got it!

Amadeus 48 said...

Those folks are thinkers. They just don’t think too well.

Thank a cop today.

Lash LaRue said...

The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

Kevin said...

The Democratic Party of civil liberties is dead.

Not even Ben can fix it.

We now interrupt this thread so Althouse can go through the grieving process.

alanc709 said...

Still think Antifa is valid?

Kevin said...

I’m so old I remember when nominating Bernie was too radical for the party elite.

stevew said...

Am I part of the problem if I am angry at the rioters AND upset by the murder of black people?

Is this defunding of the police idea meant to reduce or eliminate the police department? How will that help?

Who put up these signs? Who do they work for? Are they paid to do this?

John Borell said...

Never let the lunatics run things.

Never give into the mob

Rusty said...

The guy who defended his store with a chainsaw got arrested after the antifa group called the cops on him.
The Bridgeport neighborhood of Chicago was patrolled by residents with baseball bats. For those of you that don't know Bridgeport is the neighborhood that the Daleys came from. Mostly white, Irish and tough.The Ukrainian neighborhoods did the same.
Some town in California was protected by motorcycle gangs.
Like all preditors, antifa won't engage if there is a chance that they might get hurt. If they can't out number their victims.

whitney said...

I am all for abolishing the police. The law only applies to white people now which means we can neither say nor do anything to defend ourselves in a completely Lawless Society. Defund the police!

tim maguire said...

Peaceful protestors are like moderate Muslims. They exist. Lots of them. Probably even a majority of them. But like it or not, they have a special responsibility to denounce the violence being done in their name and, with few exceptions, they have failed. So if some people aren’t careful enough to distinguish between the two, well, that’s inevitable given the environment we are living in.

Leland said...

These are similar to flyers posted in Highland Village, TX that many agitators said were hoax false flags posted by White Supremacist. Yet the flyers ultimately said the same thing; the reader is the problem, the flyer was put in their neighborhood because they are white, you'll continue to get violence, unless you donate to their causes and agree to accept their demands.

MayBee said...

Whoever wrote that sign made no effort to separate the peaceful protesters from the rioters.

Is there a separation? I mean yes, riots took place at the beginning and the protests are getting more peaceful. So there's a difference in the groups and actions now. But there were riots in Baltimore and in Ferguson, so it isn't that riots don't accompany these BLM protests fairly regularly. The riots and the protests at the beginning of this George Floyd thing took place right away. Minneapolis Police Department burned right away. It wasn't like there were huge protests everywhere and the rioters moved in. The rioters were there to start it.

In my mind, BLM and Antifa are run out of the same shop somewhere. They have similar goals. Their organizers get called out to perform different jobs. You can tell me Antifa isn't organized, but I believe that like I believe the President of the United States never meets alone with the head of the FBI, or that Hunter Biden's corruption with Burisma has been debunked.

I do think its good for people to understand that BLM as a movement has goals that aren't just "lets all get along". It isn't just a slogan.

Fernandinande said...

"I can't think!"

Dave Begley said...

The police protect people and property and they maintain order. No police means chaos.

I’m guessing that houses in Ann’s neighborhood are valued at $250k - $500k. Those houses would be robbed or burglarized nightly if the cops were abolished.

jaydub said...

I was thinking this may be the solution to the whole problem of police brutality. Specifically, if there were no police, there would have been no one to answer the call about our hero old George passing bogus twenties, hence old George would still be alive today. Then, I got to thinking about how there would also be no one to call to prevent the thousands of Klan members that reportedly reside in Minnesota from stringing up old George, either. So, probably old George would have been dead either way, but we would at least have saved a lot of money on cop salaries, court costs, lawyers and judges, and instantly excised the systemic racism from the whole justice system.

Then I realized this won't solve the white privilege problem, though.

Never mind. I need to think this through some more.

Expat(ish) said...

I’ve heard this a lot since, but I first heard it from my dads dad: the police are here to protect the criminals from the citizens.

He’d also,say: be careful what you wish for.


Meade said...


Howard said...

More winning.

William50 said...

They said they were coming to the suburbs. These are your first warning. Take them very seriously.

Amadeus 48 said...

Hands up. Don’t loot!

Meade said...


rhhardin said...

The police system is set up to deal with the bad police. The right criticism is how the police system deals with the bad ones, not that bad ones exist. There's a million police, there's always bad ones turning up. Notice that these police were fired and charged. That's the system at work.

That said, this isn't obviously even a case of police brutality, mob reaction notwithstanding. I.e. the police system overreacted. Administrative leave would have been better while stuff was investigated.

If you teach resentment for a generation, you get mobs who are more nuts than regular mobs.

Karen of Texas said...

Y'all are missing it. This is propaganda. Mis- and disinformation and crap like this are being used to ratchet up emotions, illicit angry responses from "normal", law abiding people - people who are being manipulated, too. Consider there is a coordinated, subversive group - Antifa, anarchists, white supremacists, CPA, etc are all infiltrated by subversives, an organized, coordinated force with purpose, with a mission, with an agenda to overthrow our country. Insurgents.

This is a PsyOp. Who is orchestrating it?

Stephanie Toral said...

Skin color doesn’t matter. If you don’t agree, it’s racist.

mezzrow said...

[looks at signs] Here is the reality of June 6, 2020.

Will we abolish Newton's third law?

What will the reality of June 6, 2025 look like? We have watched this unfold, and we will remember. Perhaps some benighted progressive enclave will actually follow their dictates.

By 2025, we will know most of what there is to know about how that turned out. In 2025, how many grocery stores will be available for the residents of the most troubled areas of Chicago?

Humperdink said...

Meanwhile in Portland, OR last night:

"After what police said were demonstrators throwing projectiles including fireworks, glass bottles, blades, mortars, batteries, frozen water bottles and ball bearings, a civil disturbance and unlawful assembly was declared from about 11:30 p.m. to 2 a.m., and orders to disperse were given ....... The community board that oversees Portland police has denounced the bureau’s decision to use force against demonstrators." (The Oregonian)

Howard said...

Fuck the pigs. Second Amendment is all I need. Time for you Cucks to man up and take responsibility for your own security.

The bunker inspection is over.

rehajm said...

Election Interference Scorecard:

Couple hundred K in Russian SnapFace ads = Bad!

Soros billons funding riot starters = Good!

Heartless Aztec said...

Setting back race relations one riot and burned out store at a time. How did it ever to pass that me, a boomer liberal on the far left in 1968 would eventually travel over 6 decades to the libertarian right? What would cause that journey? What would guide me through decades of political realignment? Me, a public teacher of refugees and immigrants wholly versed in the history of Af-Ams and oppressed people around the world having met them first hand.
How did this come to pass?

rhhardin said...

A black guy shopping gets followed around by security. This isn't because the store likes to follow black guys - it costs them money to do it and they don't like to spend money. The problem is that it pays to follow black guys - not because this black guy is going to steal something but because enough black guys do, making it pay.

Equality would be black guys not stealing at many times the rate of white guys. Then it wouldn't pay to follow black guys any more than white guys, and no store would do it.

Shifty character judgment wouldn't factor in skin color any longer.

Spiros Pappas said...

The cities would still be burning if the police and national guard didn't crack down. These riots and the "indiscriminate" violence towards non Blacks are powerful arguments in favor of more policing.

mikee said...

Tuco's Rule applies to rioters.

Howard said...

I suspect it came to pass via dementia, heartless Aztec

Amadeus 48 said...

[Reposted from the Andrew Sullivan comments]

Rioting is disquieting.

Looting leads to shooting.

Defacing is debasing.

Stealing is self-revealing.

Broken glass up your ass.

Cops are tops.

Lose your friend is Howard’s end.

mezzrow said...

I’m guessing that houses in Ann’s neighborhood are valued at $250k - $500k. Those houses would be robbed or burglarized nightly if the cops were abolished.

I live in one of those neighborhoods, except the top end is in the millions for the waterfront properties. If the cops were abolished we'd have nightly armed perimeters in this neighborhood. It would take the space of a morning to get it organized, and about a week to hire enough unemployed LEOs to get it done. Money would not be an object. The judges live in this neighborhood, as does most of the local old money power structure.

Meanwhile, we could watch the smoke rise and listen to the gunfire in less privileged parts of my fair city.

Is that what they want? I posit that these folks have not sufficiently thought through this situation. We can hold out here for a long time.

BamaBadgOR said...

I fully support the cities of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, L.A., Minneapolis, Madison, Philadelphia, Baltimore et al defunding their police departments.

MayBee said...

Karen of Texas- are you saying it isn't the goal of BLM to "abolish the police"? Because it is.

rhhardin said...

It's not my impression that they resorted to looting. They aimed at it.

Kevin said...

Am I part of the problem if I am angry at the rioters AND upset by the murder of black people?

That’s entirely the wrong question.

The question is whether or not you’re white.

Meade said...

Howard said...
Fuck the pigs.

And then fry 'em up like bacon?

Laslo Spatula said...

They call for an end to systemic racism.

Pretty much by definition, that means dismantling the system.

What do they wish the system to be once it it is rebuilt to their satisfaction?

Look at the colleges.

Free speech rendered meaningless. Segregation. Violence against those who do not join. The self defined as a list of grievances. The Other defined as inherently evil.

Look at the current South Africa: it is the society that lives to those terms.

Look at the current South Africa: it is where we are headed.

The elite believe they are akin to Mandela.

But the Mandela we will get is Winnie, not Nelson.

Get fitted for your burning tire.

I am Laslo.

rehajm said...

Howard said...Fuck the pigs.

Of course it ain't true, but I want to make the son-of-a-bitch deny it.

alanc709 said...

Why troll Howard? That's like trolling a suckling infant. Expecting sense out of Howard is futile. He's more about his fantasy that he's witty. He's half-right in that regard, being a halfwit.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Step 1: Abolish the police.
Step 2: Loot the cities' stores, banks, ATMs, delivery trucks, freight trains, like they've been doing the past week.
Step 3: Rape the women.
Step 4: Carjack all the cars.
Step 5: Expand behavior to suburbs, because there's nothing left to steal in the cities.
Step 6: Suburbanites form posses and start catching/hanging looters/outsiders from trees and lamp posts.

I don't even want to think about step 7.

The left hasn't thought this through, but then the left never does think past their dim-witted 'good' intentions. They want to be free to loot, and in their short term thinking think the looted stores will be re-stocked for them to loot over and over again.

Fritz said...

The protesters are the swamp the rioting crocodiles swim in. Drain the swamp.

whitney said...

" If the cops were abolished we'd have nightly armed perimeters in this neighborhood. It would take the space of a morning to get it organized, and about a week to hire enough unemployed LEOs to get it done."

Exactly. But if you try that right now you would be accused of being a vigilante and be prosecuted but the real crime is you are white while non-whites are allowed to steal and destroy with impunity. As long as the police exist you were not allowed to defend yourself

Balfegor said...

Re: jaydub:

The country is a lot more diverse today. If we abolish the police, it probably won't be the Klan carrying out vigilante "justice." It'll be immigrant shopkeepers shooting Blacks they suspect of shoplifting/vandalism/whatever. Like the Korean shopkeeper who shot a Black girl and helped kick off the LA riots.

Life may be a bit more integrated in the suburbs and in the South, but in most of the urban US, Whites live quite separate from Blacks. But the shops in Black neighborhoods are often run by non-Black immigrants (or now, their children). The operative friction isn't Blacks vs Whites. It's Blacks vs non-Blacks, especially non-Black minorities. That's where you'd see the vigilanteism, if the police were abolished.

Stephanie Toral said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

"White people don’t get to criticize how an oppressed group chooses to fight their oppression"

Looks like progs are settling on a narrative.

For a while, they seemed uncertain: was rioting and looting a noble form of resistance, or was it the counterproductive result of white-nationalist manipulation to make blacks look bad?

So, resistance it is: looting black businesses, attacking food stores in minority communities, destroying the tax base of a city, strikes a blow against white oppression. Prog logic.

Still to be resolved: if Antifa is uninvolved and unfairly blamed, or if Antifa is operating effectively in solidarity with the oppressed. Complicating factor: Trump. Progs have not yet prevailed to the point where they can openly praise Antifa, but the logic of the flyer points that way: before long, they'll give credit--then damn Trump not for identifying Antifa co-instigators, but defending Antifa as part of the brave resistance.

wendybar said...

Embrace the suck. So progressive, it makes me puke.

MayBee said...

Chicago is having a record breaking year for shootings and murders. But yes, abolish the police. Close the schools for COVID. Health and Social Justice will prevail.

Quaestor said...

Now we are told that freedom of speech and the security of life and property -- two pillars of civilization and liberal democracy -- constitute white privilege. Furthermore, we have frequently been told by Hollywood celebrities, American's natural aristocracy, and Democratic politicians, their lackeys and grooms, that white privilege and racism go hand in hand, that one necessarily flows from the other. I've been offered a choice -- reject civilization and liberal democracy or be considered an enemy to be destroyed by the self-described anti-racists. Nice to know.

Therefore I choose capitalism and freedom of speech, and all those liberties this country used to hold dear, to hold worth oceans of blood to defend and preserve. If that makes me a racist, fine. I embrace it. Yes, Inga. Yes, Howard. Quaestor is a racist. It's better to be an upstanding racist than an anti-racist prostrate before barbarians.

jaydub said...

Balfegor, you may need to recalibrate your sarcasm detection meter. :)

rcocean said...

Again, its funny how that works. If its Antifa, we can't criticize without EVIDENCE. "Show us hard evidence or retract" - the MSM say. Further, per the MSM/liberals - the tea party and anti-lockdown demonstrators are racists and bigots. No reluctance to categorize everyone that way. No "Hey, those Trump supporters are OK, lets separate them from the few making mild racist remarks". Nope. Same with Charlottsville, where Trump was crucified for simply stating SOME of the pro-statue protesters were "Fine People" and NOT Neo-nazi.

So in summary. When its antifa and leftist - everyone is a peaceful fine person. Lets not smear them as law breakers, violent, or rioters. AND never call anyone a Communist. BUT if its Center-Right protesters, OK to smear them as Nazis, racists, and gun-toting rednecks based on a couple people. Because those few bad actors represent ALL those Trump deplorables.

Larvell said...

Has there ever been a conservative protest where there was an effort by the media or the left to distinguish between the peaceful protesters and the few people who acted violently? And to criticize anyone who suggested the former had some responsibility for the latter? The double standard is appalling, and is perhaps the main thing that enrages the right.

rcocean said...

We've had riots, looting and destruction across the country for almost a week. Has a single DC Democrat disavowed Antifa and the anarchists? Not that I'm aware of. Has the NyT/Wapo ASKED a single Democrat to Disavow antifa?

Barr & the DoJ has called Antifa a domestic terror organization. Has a single DC Democrat agreed, and called for action against them? Nope. BLM has a communist agenda, does any Democrat disagree with it?

IRC, Trump was asked about 500 times if he disavowed the KKK and Neo-Nazis.

rcocean said...

Yeah Howard is a Troll. You don't need to respond, EVERY SINGLE TIME.


MikeR said...

If someone isn't willing to do the hard work of convincing me - I probably won't be convinced. Own it.

jaydub said...

" If that makes me a racist, fine. I embrace it. Yes, Inga. Yes, Howard.... It's better to be an upstanding racist than an anti-racist prostrate before barbarians."

Inga and Howard are not anti-racists. Far from it. They are racist to the core, which is why they think Blacks cannot thrive or even exist without their benevolent intervention and condescesion.

Andrew said...

I wonder if it's possible for COVID-19 to read that sign.

Read this very balanced warning from a health professional about the protests and likely virus resurgence, and read the pushback he's getting in the follow up tweets. https://twitter.com/NAChristakis/status/1269033523354222592

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

Social justice via abolition of law enforcement will lead to vigilante justice.
Looking at the balance of forces in that equation, I don't think the left will like the outcome.

Bob Boyd said...

What is the alternative to the police?

Gangs of roving SJW's dispensing Social Justice on the spot, no doubt.

Karen of Texas said...

Maybee - Oh, it definitely is the goal of BLM to defund the police, among other things. Defunding the police will help create more chaos. It also will create a vacuum that must be filled. Wonder who that will be and how that will work...

BLM is a front for the true subversives, the insurgents. There are a lot of gullible, well intentioned people in the BLM movement. They protest for a narrative - false though it may be - with pure and good intentions. Many ARE victims of overt racism - by individual a$$holes. They are, however, being used and are totally clueless.

MayBee said...

rcocean- not only are they not condemning Antifa, Mara Liasson actually tweeted out the "Antifa Storming the Beach At Normandy" meme yesterday.

Am I mentally unstable? I've never thought myself to be, but I am feeling so incredibly gaslit these days.

alanc709 said...

Defund the police, and the rich will hire the ex-LEOs to secure their gated communities. There's no "white privilege", but there certainly is a "privileged elite".

Quaestor said...

What is the alternative to the police? Gangs of roving SJW's dispensing Social Justice on the spot, no doubt.

That but one aspect of America without police. Another is Quaestor and millions more like him hunting SJWs using AR-15s and lots of ammunition without fear of arrest or prosecution.

Without Leviathan the lives of rioters, arsonists, looters, and anyone who even offers me a dirty look will be nasty, brutish, and short.

I bloody well guarantee it.

mezzrow said...

George Floyd’s death and the violent aftermath has prompted questions about what sort of world we live in. If we live in a liberal world that Christianity makes possible, George Floyd’s death is a singular transgression, which law can and will punish. George Floyd was a person. So, too, was the policeman who killed him. Persons are protected by the law; and those persons granted policing authority by the liberal state have a somber responsibility to use their vested authority to protect persons rather than to harm them. That is why the death of a civilian by police hands will always attract attention. The same original sin that is the basis for establishing the category of persons is also the reason why a policing force must be vigilantly watched.

What if we do not live in a liberal world that Christianity makes possible? What if, under the pretext of liberalism and Christianity, America is still pagan? That is, what if America has always been a white nation, and still is? This is the position of many on the American left today. It is a position that holds that the black man, George Floyd, and the white police officer responsible for his death, are representatives of blood nations, not singular persons. The murder of one by the other is representative of the collective murder of one people by the other. American law cannot bring about justice, because each blood nation has its own justice, from which marginalized blood nations can never benefit. American law is white law. Street vengeance, therefore, is the only recourse—whether we call them protests or riots. White people must die, as a just exchange for the black people who have died.



Bruce Hayden said...

“Abolish the police (until you need them, of course).”

The very obvious cause of this demand is a desire for power for those demanding it, to step into the resulting power vacuum, and seize power.

Their problem though is that their strategy is implicitly based on centralization, which requires increased urbanization. But increased urbanization is deadly. It kills. We saw that with COVID-19,;and we are seeing it with these riots. I talk in another thread about our country’s narrative. It includes government through consent of the governed, backed up by the 1st Amdt protection of free speech and the 2nd Amdt protection of our right to remove tyrants at gunpoint. Why all the money going into gun control? Because they know that as long as there are hundreds and hundreds of millions of guns in private hands in this country, no one will ever be able to seize power internally. Back to urbanization - the denser the population, the easier they are to control. This sort of urban city breakdown is just going to accelerate the trend towards decentralization, where people can live more self determined lives.

gilbar said...

serious question
does anyone (anyone at all?) think that this was posted by a black person?

Jaq said...

"I anticipate that my post title will be criticized on the ground that there were a lot of peaceful protesters ...”

Very fine people on both sides.

It’s like they want the “boogaloo” and have approved of violence, which they call “direct democracy” as an alternative to the democracy that has created the world they live in that makes them feel so safe that they can call for the abolishment of the police.

No police means that any redneck militia (I am using their point of view) that so desires, can come downtown in their diesel pickup trucks rolling coal and armed to the teeth for a little sport. That’s the logical conclusion.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Jaq said...

"Am I mentally unstable? I've never thought myself to be, but I am feeling so incredibly gaslit these days.”

I am leaving the country. Seriously, no matter who wins, it’s not about that. This country is now officially the worlds premiere shithole.

Matthew Heintz said...

If all white people leave all of the cities, there won't be any need for police.They want the cities, they can have 'em, call it reparations.\

Jaq said...

"Another is Quaestor and millions more like him hunting SJWs using AR-15s and lots of ammunition without fear of arrest or prosecution.”

Ten weeks ago I would have rolled my eyes at this post.

Fernandinande said...

If we live in a liberal world that Christianity makes possible, George Floyd’s death is a singular transgression, which law can and will punish.

Floyd died from a heart attack, caused by his badly diseased heart in combination with a fatal level of fentanyl in his body.

Who should be punished for that?

walter said...

"Silence is complicity..now Shut Up!"
The call to abolish Police is the cow fart catcher level overreach of this manipulated virus.

h said...

The problem of racism in the US can never be solved until all White people make a donation to my go-fund-me account. Only a few dollars. Step up and show your commitment to improving race relations.

JAORE said...

They tell you how to act. They tell you what to say. They tell you how to vote. They tell you how to think.

Now both sides would like to do that. One side recommends what you do. Another side, YOUR side, uses threats, outing, and violence to enforce their demands.

And yeah, keep on waiting for the news to dig into this.

stevew said...

"White people don’t get to criticize how an oppressed group chooses to fight their oppression"

Ok. As Kevin so quickly deduced, I am white (and male and old). How am I supposed to overcome the Silence is Violence problem if I'm not allowed to speak. Oh, wait, this refers to criticism. Silence is Violence means I'm supposed to line up and show my support. With black images on my Instagram account, and a hefty donation (I am white, after all) to BLM, but mostly a hefty donation. Otherwise, STFU and get out of the way.

Quaestor said...

BLM is a front for the true subversives, the insurgents. There are a lot of gullible, well intentioned people in the BLM movement.

Enough. I apologize, Karen, but what we need is soup and you offer dishwater. Everyone is well-intentioned. The Bolshevik commissars who confiscated the food from the mouths of Ukrainian children did so firmly convinced they were aiding the advent of the Earthly Paradise. The SS man whose job was to pour Zyklon B pellets into the Auschwitz gas chamber believed he was helping aid humanity of a deadly parasite. The devout Buddhists who wage genocide against the Rohingya Muslims are likewise well-intentioned.

Everyone is fucking well-intentioned. Especially the most violent and destructive leaders of BLM. Especially the leaders.

narciso said...

That movement is transnational see australia france uk

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When a elderly black woman sees her community wrecked, ruined, destroyed, and there are no police to call. then what?

Inga said...

“I want to keep the facts straight, and I want to know the facts. I agree that that those who broke windows and looted shops may have been an entirely different set of people from the people who were there to protest police brutality. I await the news reports and investigations that can bring these facts to light. I keep looking!”

Me too. It’s a terrible idea to conflate or to include the rioters and violence mongers in with the peaceful protestors. It doesn’t help the cause of ending police abuse. Expecting everyone who is against police abuse to accept rioting, looting and arson as a legitimate form of protest is a mistake, I’d suggest that the leaders of the movement back away from that bad idea. Peaceful protest is a legitimate form of effecting change, violence only lowers the standard.

Defunding the police is not a realistic idea. It won’t happen, nor should it happen, but reforms must happen, obviously, or should be to most people who care about ending police abuse and violence.

narciso said...

They want you to give up


Jupiter said...

gilbar makes the relevant point. The person who posted that sign was white. That is a threat from one white person to some other white people.

So the question becomes, did Althouse take the sign down? Or have the rioters already replaced the police? I am going to guess that when Althouse walked away, the threat was still plainly visible.

chickelit said...


Q: What's black and white and red all over?

A: CNN and the media at large

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A nation of lairs in the press, BLM looters, Antifa sociopaths (ignored by press) and Boogaloo Hawaiian shirts/3-tooth militia.

Who wouldn't want to live the dream? Come on - life is grand!

Drudge pimped Trump, now Drudge is gonna destroy him and hand us the deep state puppets.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Amen - Stephanie T.

narciso said...



Jupiter said...

"Another is Quaestor and millions more like him hunting SJWs using AR-15s and lots of ammunition without fear of arrest or prosecution.”

You've got that wrong. We will continue to fear arrest and prosecution, because the police will continue to try to enforce the laws against white people. Because there is evidence that law enforcement works on white people. But yeah, my AR-15 came a couple weeks ago, and now I've got some ammo. I need to order more. More ammo. More ammo. I suppose I should get some rice and beans, too. But mostly more ammo. Once I saw videos of white people looting, I realized that I do not have anywhere near enough ammo.

Doug said...

Meanwhile, we could watch the smoke rise and listen to the gunfire in less privileged parts of my fair city.

Make no mistake - the push to defund police is meant to make YOU a more vulnerable target, wherever you live.

Michael said...

Shark. Jumped.

Jupiter said...

"Instead of alternative to the police, how about in addition to the police?"

Meade, you happy camper you! That poster was the announcement of the "addition to the police". That's why you left it up. You knew better than to take it down, 'cuz you don't want to end up like poor George Floyd. They know where you live. They can come and get you any time. You take that poster down, you're gonna need an AR and a lot of ammo, like Quaestor and me.

Matt Sablan said...

"Whoever wrote that sign made no effort to separate the peaceful protesters from the rioters."

-- That's deliberate. They want to be able to shift between the two groups as needed. From riots "being the voice of the unheard" to being "not part of the protesters and a separate group so stop grouping us together!" It's a deliberate gaslighting tactic that is effective because people on the right generally get the nuance. We've seen peaceful protests and gatherings get broken up by violent people, like Trump rallies in 2016. So, we grok that not every protester is a rioter.

The problem is that the people deploying this gaslighting will say things like "property destruction isn't violence, so throwing a molotov cocktail at a police car isn't violence."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" Progs have not yet prevailed to the point where they can openly praise Antifa, but the logic of the flyer points that way: before long, "

Oh, sure they can. The ridiculous effort to tie the rioters to white nationalist boogaloos in Hawaiian shirts failed despite the best efforts of Inga and other idiots to spread that stupid narrative. So Mara Liasson of NPR, a liberal I once thought had a bit of common sense, tweeted out yesterday that D-Day was the biggest antifa rally in history. Chris Cuomo made the same comparison a few years ago.

In the meantime, the "anti-fascists" are defacing WWII memorials and statues of Churchill. And a WWII vet was punched for wearing a MAGA hat.

Meade said...

"What is the alternative to the police?"

Why ya gotta be so binary? (as my kid would often say.)

Instead of alternative to the police, how aboutin addition to the police? Something like a Rapid Response Social Workers Department. Here in Madison, we already have the police mostly serving as social workers. That's too much to ask of them.

So, for example: an enraged young adult family member is looming over elderly you, yelling in your ear at 130 dBA because he's not getting the attention from you he feels he deserves. Used to be you had no alternative to calling 911 which would only lead to cops at the door, a police report. A real mess.

In the future, you would just call 119 and a SWAT team of social workers is at your door in minutes, applying cups of warm milk, praxis and oodles of empathy all around.

See the difference?

Meade said...

"You take that poster down, you're gonna need an AR and a lot of ammo, like Quaestor and me."

I know. That's why I took the posters down.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Your post certainly makes an unconvincing argument.

loudogblog said...

It's obvious that whoever wrote these signs is very well educated. (At least in writing.) The writing is very well structured. That tells me that they are smart and well educated. But if you look at the meaning of what they're saying, it's filled with inflammatory, logical fallacies and false statements. I suspect that this is an intentional attempt to just stir trouble up, and not make a logical argument. (Or try to actually make things better.)

OldManRick said...

Didn't the movie "The Godfather" explain what happens when a segment of the population doesn't believe it can get justice through the police and the law.

Watch it again and you'll see - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZiAO-WD5UI

"I said to my wife for justice, we must go to Don Corleone"

Inga said...

“Y'all are missing it. This is propaganda. Mis- and disinformation and crap like this are being used to ratchet up emotions, illicit angry responses from "normal", law abiding people - people who are being manipulated, too. Consider there is a coordinated, subversive group - Antifa, anarchists, white supremacists, CPA, etc are all infiltrated by subversives, an organized, coordinated force with purpose, with a mission, with an agenda to overthrow our country. Insurgents.

This is a PsyOp. Who is orchestrating it?”

I agree.

Whoever is orchestrating it, or even if it they are BLM ideas, they are bad ideas. To make real change the goals need to be realistic and benefit society as a whole. Extremism is a scourge on anything it touches. Look at the commenter Achilles, who sometimes has good ideas, but when his extremist side takes over, whatever good he just said gets erased.

Quaestor said...

...does anyone (anyone at all?) think that this was posted by a black person?

A black person with a degree in critical race theory... yes, possibly. If he's unemployed and living with his mother who is, in turn, living with her mother... possibly. If he's living on a Ford Foundation grant... very possibly.

If he's working and feeding his family by the sweat of his brow... flying pigs are more likely.

Clyde said...

You want Cambodia? That’s how you get killing fields. Those signs would look better with the words “FUCK YOU” scrawled across them. If some asshole were to put something like that up in my neighborhood, I’d do it. They are not interested in peaceful dialogue. They want to silence the voices of those who disagree with them, for starters, and I suspect their plans for us involve a lot more than silencing our viewpoint.

Laslo Spatula said...

"...a SWAT team of social workers is at your door in minutes, applying cups of warm milk, praxis and oodles of empathy all around."

Are they prepared for when the enraged young adult family member suddenly goes violent? Produces a weapon -- baseball bat, knife, gun?

The 119 call says he might be out of his mind on drugs. Still 119? Or does 119 have a protocol for punting to the cops?

Because I see a lot of social workers in over their head when events go sideways.

I am Laslo.

Jupiter said...

"I know. That's why I took the posters down."

Althouse, you made the right choice.

Bob Boyd said...

how about in addition to the police?

But they're defunded.

an enraged young adult family member is looming over elderly you, yelling in your ear at 130 dBA

They know better.

EdwdLny said...

Hmmm, well, fuck you, bugger off and kiss my ass. Oh, and you fucking idiots don't have a clue as to what you're proposing and even less understanding as to what it will wreak. Enjoy the consequences of your choices, I know that I will.

Jupiter said...

"Whoever is orchestrating it, or even if it they are BLM ideas, they are bad ideas. To make real change the goals need to be realistic and benefit society as a whole."

Ha! Igna just realized that she not only doesn't have enough ammo, she doesn't even have an AR-15! Turns out they'll be eating her first! The Revolution does have its moments of grim amusement.

walter said...

The Situation at Madison PD is Worse Than You Think

JAORE said...

The trolley problem was raised above. It might be instructive here, but in a way I've never seen.

The trolley problem is an easy one for me, at least in theory. Five to one is an easy call, although I'd likely be sickened at my decision resulting in a death.

But make the "one" a friend or family member I would cry, cover my eyes and not pull the lever.

Both actions (or inaction) would NOT depend upon the race of any of the six individuals involved.

Is that is not true for you, the problem is yours, not mine.

Meade said...

"Are they prepared for when the enraged young adult family member suddenly goes violent? Produces a weapon -- baseball bat, knife, gun?"

Yes. That's when they call 911. For backup.

And who knows—maybe in the future beyond that future, every kid will be born into a family with BOTH a mommy (social worker) and a daddy (cop) and the problem will have been nipped in the bud (toddlerhood.)

cacimbo said...

Those who talk about "whiteness" don't want to end racism, they just want to change who they perceive to be the privileged.

MadTownGuy said...

This is a theme with the Left these days:

- You don't get to express your opinion about a woman's right to choose abortion because you're not a woman...

- You don't get to disagree about climate change because you're not a climate scientist...

- You don't get to discuss COVID-19 because you don't understand [meme showing a melange of medical abbreviations].

Pretty much summed up by 'shut up, I explained.'

Inga said...

“So, we grok that not every protester is a rioter.”

No, not everyone understands this. That is apparent by reading the many comments here that conflate protestors with rioters since the protests and riots started. Despite all the efforts to uncover the subversion that is going on by outside agitators some here continue to just yell Antifa! I suspect in reality we’ll uncover subversion from from the extreme end of both left and right. To knee jerkingly deny that ANY of this subversion comes from the right and is entirely Antifa driven is just being willfully blind to the many many reports of seeing the right wing extremist groups embedding themselves in the protests.

JAORE said...

Social workers in lieu of cops?

For what police matters? The last few rounds of riots were triggered by people committing crimes. Is a social worker going to go up to a "gentle giant" selling loosies and ask him to stop? One suspects the outcome won't be death, but it won't stop the crime. So drop that law and forgo all tax revenue. Or the robbery and assault of the shop owner in Ferguson. Sure,let's let that level of crime go.

Or domestic violence cases. How many social workers will enter that home? Do they know that this is the single most dangerous thing a cop does?

So, please,someone tell me what a social worker will do that cops do now?

Ken B said...

Some cities are in fact abolishing the police, de facto, by making it plain that cops will be punished harshly. Many cops will just not respond in some places anymore.

Quaestor said...

Defunding the police is not a realistic idea. It won’t happen, nor should it happen, but reforms must happen, obviously, or should be to most people who care about ending police abuse and violence.

Inga gives not a fig for black lives. She weeps a sea of salty tears for a few and blithely ignores the thousands. What counts for her is who did the killing and why, and only if the who is white and the why is law enforcement. If the who is black, it's nothing, a non-event, a three-line obit -- not a tragedy, but a statistic, as Comrade Djugashvili sagely noted.

Meade said...

"So, please,someone tell me what a social worker will do that cops do now?"

Everything. Except law enforcement.

bagoh20 said...

Leftists always try to out-signal each other by ramping every position up to the next level, and that can't stop until it gets to be such a ridiculous position that there isn't anything beyond it. They inevitably get to irrational totalitarianism on every issue. The sickness proceeds like rabies, eventually dangerous, and fatal. We need to fight it like we would a rabid animal.

cacimbo said...

@mezzrow The entire article ignores the main problem - media provocateurs.

"that is why the death of a civilian by police hands will always attract attention."

Not true. Media consistently ignore police killing that don't fit their desire to promote whites as racist. The public is under the false impression that blacks are more often the victims of police violence because the media pushes that meme.

Big Mike said...

I want to keep the facts straight, and I want to know the facts. I agree that that those who broke windows and looted shops may have been an entirely different set of people from the people who were there to protest police brutality. I await the news reports and investigations that can bring these facts to light. I keep looking!

@Althouse, and you will keep looking a long, long time. I suspect you know this already.

It’s a terrible idea to conflate or to include the rioters and violence mongers in with the peaceful protestors. It doesn’t help the cause of ending police abuse. Expecting everyone who is against police abuse to accept rioting, looting and arson as a legitimate form of protest is a mistake,

@Inga, until I see evidence of peaceful protestors making an effort to stop the looting, much less stop the rioting (there being ample, though anecdotal, evidence that the actual instigators of the rioting were white), I will believe that the protestors either participated in the looting or were at least okay with it. You can stomp your feet, pull your hair, hold your breath until you pass out, and generally throw one of your signature hissy fits, but I am a long way from being the only person of any color who sees it this way.

Inga and Howard are not anti-racists. Far from it. They are racist to the core, which is why they think Blacks cannot thrive or even exist without their benevolent intervention and condescesion.

@jaydub, you broke the code!

Laslo Spatula said...

Evidently, some people have never been in a squalid room with a bunch of meth-heads when it all turns on a dime.

Those were the days.

I am Laslo.

Inga said...

“Inga gives not a fig for black lives. She weeps a sea of salty tears for a few and blithely ignores the thousands. What counts for her is who did the killing and why, and only if the who is white and the why is law enforcement. If the who is black, it's nothing, a non-event, a three-line obit -- not a tragedy, but a statistic, as Comrade Djugashvili sagely noted.”
Says the weirdo that just said what is quoted belowWhatever Quackster says that may be rational, gets erased when he says something like his comment below.

Quackster said...
“That but one aspect of America without police. Another is Quaestor and millions more like him hunting SJWs using AR-15s and lots of ammunition without fear of arrest or prosecution.”

He suggests that this “hunting” of SJWs is something he would do if the threat of arrest wasn’t there. Good way to make yourself sound like a rational human being Quackster.

Big Mike said...

That said, this isn't obviously even a case of police brutality

@rhhardin, you are echoing something I wrote on several threads back when the George Floyd case was first reported. What if Officer Chauvin was trained that the knee on the neck was not only acceptable but perfectly safe? No one has answered me.

pacwest said...

I await the news reports and investigations that can bring these facts to light. I keep looking!

Good luck with that. Sometimes you just have to accept that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is in fact a duck. News at eleven.

bagoh20 said...

If you want to see lots of murder, especially among Blacks, followed by ever increasing gun violence, then just eliminate cops. Lets be honest, if it wasn't for cops lots of us would shoot a few people. If you don't believe that you would, then are you sure about your neighbor, and his neighbor?

In the 1800's many new American towns were created, some didn't have a sheriff. That never lasted long. They had to give someone the right to legally use force and violence to prevent everyone from doing so. You still had the right to use violence, but only in self defense. The left never learns the lessons of history, no matter how recent.

Jupiter said...

"To knee jerkingly deny that ANY of this subversion comes from the right and is entirely Antifa driven is just being willfully blind to the many many reports of seeing the right wing extremist groups embedding themselves in the protests."

So no more denying knee-jerkingly, OK?

Igna appears to be secretly hoping that when the mob shows up at her door, it will turn out to be just Meade, Quaestor and me, with a few boogaloo bois, some flags, and plenty of ammo. Sorry, Hon, if you lived next door, I'd protect you, but I am not roaming the streets looking for trouble. Better call the cops.

Matt Sablan said...

"I will believe that the protestors either participated in the looting or were at least okay with it."

-- Not an unusual belief with people twisting themselves into knots saying things like "insurance will cover it" or "property isn't as important as lives" to justify it.

"That is apparent by reading the many comments here that conflate protestors with rioters since the protests and riots started. Despite all the efforts to uncover the subversion that is going on by outside agitators some here continue to just yell Antifa!"

-- Because if you have a bunch of people rioting, and there are a few people from group A that everyone condemns and face consequences for their actions, but group B has been vocal about the riots, have been providing weapons and training to people to act in the riots (as we learned from the latest Veritas video), have been saying for years that violence against the police is acceptable and should be carried out frequently and who one side systematically tries to protect and shield from consequences, just maybe, I'm going to give more of a damn about holding group B to account.

Hint: Group B is Antifa. No one has any sympathy for Boogaloos or White Supremacists where they're found. Now for the left to treat Antifa the same way and show some intellectual consistency.

Inga said...

“I will believe that the protestors either participated in the looting or were at least okay with it.”

Is it rational to think that every protestor was ok with the rioting, looting and arson? You seriously think that thousands of protestors were indifferent or even ok with it? Don’t you think that is an extreme position to take? Haven’t you learned at your age that there may be things happening that you don’t have complete knowledge of? As in the fog of war, in the fog of mass social upheaval, things aren’t always crystal clear until months or even years later.

mikee said...

Criticize your violence? Hell no, I won't criticize your violence. I don't argue with violent assholes, that is asking for trouble. I might try de-escalating techniques on your violence a little. But only from a safe distance, and not all that much, because you're being violent, and have declared in print your desire to continue doing so.

Do your criminal violence near me, however, in a manner threatening my well being or that of others nearby, and I'm gonna try stopping your violence, for my own good. That is called "self defence," and is enshrined in history, common law, the US Constitution and lotsa Supreme Court precedent as the proper way to handle violence not attended to by law enforcement officers.

Gahrie said...

This implies that the form of protest chosen was, in fact, theft and vandalism, and white people are not even allowed to criticize this expression.

There used to be a term that was used to describe people who believed that people had different rights based on their skin color.....

I eagerly await the Supreme Court decision that extends the idea of flag burning as speech to riots and looting.

Balfegor said...

Re:Jaydub --

Haha, fair enough. But while you may have been sarcastic, I'm quite serious. Switching from professional police -- even our sometimes corrupt and occasionally trigger happy police -- to community groups policing their own communities will lead to a lot more young Blacks getting shot by scared shopkeepers. At least in the medium term (not everyone has a gun yet, so I don't think this effect will predominate in the short term).

David Blaska said...

“Stop murdering black people, and your glass will be safe," Monica Adams, co-executive director for Freedom Inc.

DavidD said...

“...that has its origins in slave patrols.”

Citation, please.

mtrobertslaw said...

Strange, there was no mention in the posting in Ann's neighborhood of the recent cold-blooded murder of a husband and wife in the arboretum that left their children orphaned. It must have been an oversight.

mezzrow said...

Hmmm, well, fuck you, bugger off and kiss my ass. Oh, and you fucking idiots don't have a clue as to what you're proposing and even less understanding as to what it will wreak. Enjoy the consequences of your choices, I know that I will.

De gustibus non disputandum est.

Dude1394 said...

You mean there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville?

Quaestor said...

Some cities are in fact abolishing the police, de facto, by making it plain that cops will be punished harshly

1. St. Louis, MO
2. Detroit, MI
3. Baltimore, MD
4. Memphis, TN
5. Kansas City, MO
6. Milwaukee, WI
7. Cleveland, OH
8. Albuquerque, NM
9. Indianapolis, IN
10. Oakland, CA

chickelit said...

walter The Situation at Madison PD is Worse Than You Think

Thank you! So, it is true that Madison police are being ordered to stand down and to look the other way.

I ask: Who is suppressing information on exactly who is doing the criminal damage? Althouse, Inga et al. have been waiting for these truths to be set free.

Bob Boyd said...

So, for example: an enraged young adult family member is looming over elderly you, yelling in your ear at 130 dBA because he's not getting the attention from you he feels he deserves.

The last thing I'd want do in that scenario is call in more young adults who feel like they aren't getting the attention they deserve. Don't see that as a way to reduce the looming or the decibel level. I think at that point I'd be trying to choke myself unconscious.

DavidD said...

Karen of Texas said...
“Maybee - Oh, it definitely is the goal of BLM to defund the police, among other things. Defunding the police will help create more chaos. It also will create a vacuum that must be filled. Wonder who that will be and how that will work...

BLM is a front for the true subversives, the insurgents. There are a lot of gullible, well intentioned people in the BLM movement. They protest for a narrative - false though it may be - with pure and good intentions. Many ARE victims of overt racism - by individual a$$holes. They are, however, being used and are totally clueless.”

Useful idiots, you might say.

“Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.”

Original Mike said...

Inga said…"To knee jerkingly deny that ANY of this subversion comes from the right and is entirely Antifa driven is just being willfully blind to the many many reports of seeing the right wing extremist groups embedding themselves in the protests."

"ANY", "entirely", "many many". Inga's getting desperate. Her narrative is crumbling.

Lucien said...

Meade’s 119 idea is genius! To cut costs, you could have it staffed by the army of contact tracers blue states/cities will soon have. Of course they will have to be unionized, and get public pensions, but then you can always predict how they’ll vote, too — it’s win-win.

Dude1394 said...

Defunding the police is battlefield preparation for reparations, that will be their end position, the rest of this crap is foreplay.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Hurting people and destroying property now does nothing to change the past. Punishing people who did nothing to you is not justice. It's not even revenge. It's just violence.

This is why the classical liberals were correct: if you protect individual rights you automatically protect group rights. Since we live and die as individuals, you can't oppress a group without violating individual rights.

If you only protect group rights, you can exclude people from the group, and then they are targets with no rights. That's what the sign is saying. You lose your right to speak because you are not in the group that matters.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

When we had the giant women's march, the one with the hats, was there any rioting or other violence?

Quaestor said...

Althouse wrote: Whoever wrote that sign made no effort to separate the peaceful protesters from the rioters.

So what?

Imagine it's Berlin on the night of 9 November 1938. For every Brownshirt SA creep smashing the windows of a kosher Metzgerei, or torching a synagogue, or breaking the ribs of a rabbi there are ten thousand peaceful Germans deploring the brutal killing of Ernst von Rath.

"Who killed von Rath?"

"The Jew Grynszpan. The Jews are our misfortune."

"True, but I don't hold with this rioting, this looting, and the beatings. Terrible. But the Jews bring it on themselves."

"They need to be taught a lesson. German lives matter."

PubliusFlavius said...

Wisdom from the Walrus

"..help me by helping yourselves,

the militant revolutionaries...ask em
...to show you one revolution
that turned out to be what it promised...militantly"

John Lennon impromptu interview by teenage fan


hombre said...

ADDED: I anticipate that my post title will be criticized on the ground that there were a lot of peaceful protesters and we don't know whether any of them participated in anything that can properly be called "rioting."

Well, it’s clear that if it is okay to deem the police a bunch of racist thugs based on the action of a few, we should have no problem characterizing “demonstrators” as rioters and looters based on the actions of many.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Looks like our progressives have revived the concept of racial guilt.

n.n said...

Rabid diversity (e.g. denial of individual dignity) and progressive confusion (e.g. statistics, inferences, hopes and dreams). Lost your Pro-Choice religion.

Drago said...

Inga: "To knee jerkingly deny that ANY of this subversion comes from the right and is entirely Antifa driven is just being willfully blind to the many many reports of seeing the right wing extremist groups embedding themselves in the protests."

To this very day Inga believes Trump colluded with Russia, the hoax dossier has never been proven fake, Carter Page and Gen Flynn are russian spies and traitors, Bret Kavanaugh is a gang rape leader and so many many more.

And she believes it all in the most knee-jerking way imaginable.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Yes, abolish the police!!!

Sebastian said...

"I agree that that those who broke windows and looted shops may have been an entirely different set of people from the people who were there to protest police brutality. I await the news reports and investigations that can bring these facts to light. I keep looking!"

You are so nice. But you aren't looking at what is staring you in the face: that progs approve of violence, that "the people" agree with the "entirely different set of people."

And what you aren't seeing just yet is that all these different people despise you, your culture, your values, your white womanish ways, and your refusal to think of people as groups, defined by their collective identity.

At some point, "keep looking" becomes willful blindness.

Yancey Ward said...

I just love watching Inga trying her best to slither away now. It has been 10 days- not a single Boogooloo has been identified by anyone rioting or looting. The best anyone has come up with is a few heavily armed white men guarding other peoples' property since the police and their Democrat masters won't do their jobs.

We see you for what you are, Inga.

Walter said...

Just a quick note that if you are opposed to taking things without paying for them, the end of policing is available from amazon for under $10 on kindle.

Use the althouse link.

Hey Skipper said...

Defund the police.

Okay. A couple or so years ago, California effectively defunded the police with regard to thefts of less than $900.

How is that little experiment working out?

Lincolntf said...

The protestors who aren't actively destroying spaces and attacking or killing people know full well that they are providing cover for the rioters. They are one and the same at this point. If they really still don't recognize that, they are even stupider than they sound.

Drago said...

Last night we learned that another of the left's/dem's islamic supremacist allies attacked police with a knife and a gun and killed one of them while stabbing another and shooting and wounding the third.

This cat screamed alahu ackbar and is a Bosnian immigrant muslim.

All of that can only mean one thing in Inga/Howard-world: Guys with hawaiian shirts are in Bosnia and sending trouble-makers over to the US.

Narr said...

Those posters are the work of white grad students--gay-ron-tee.

It's boilerplate infantile leftism. The mention of the slave patrols and the free-floating factoid that "only" 35 LEOs have been whatevered since 2005 are dead giveaways.

How many LEOs "should have" been whatevered since 2005 anyway? How can we know?

I have trashbacks to 1971 when I see stuff like this

Drago said...

Lincolntf: "The protestors who aren't actively destroying spaces and attacking or killing people know full well that they are providing cover for the rioters. They are one and the same at this point. If they really still don't recognize that, they are even stupider than they sound."

This is a straightforward undeniable truth and the stupidity of those that deny it is on full display at Althouse blog amongst the usual lefty suspects.

Skeptical Voter said...

Let me see now. I need s color coded chart to figure out who is (a) a peaceful protestor, (b) a violence monger, or [c] just a plain looter. It will help me when I look at a video of say Long Beach or Santa Monica where people are running in and out of stores carrying boxes of shoes or bags of clothing and or jewelry.

If the person in the video is blacki, he or she is a peaceful protester. Doesn't matter that they have a crated wide screen TV in their hands.

If the person is white and has a fist raised in a power salute, or is maybe just throwing a rock or driving a fork lift through a window, why he or she is probably a violence monger.

If the window was already broken and the person is white, well then they're just a plain looter.

I think I've got that straight.

Big Mike said...

Is it rational to think that every protestor was ok with the rioting, looting and arson?

Every protestor? Of course not. The vast majority? Clearly so, or they would have made an effort to stop it.

You seriously think that thousands of protestors were indifferent or even ok with it?

That's where the evidence points, isn't it?

Don’t you think that is an extreme position to take?

No. The self-evident truth is never an "extreme position."

n.n said...

50 shades of the Third Reich.

n.n said...

Diversity: judge me by the color of my skin, not the content of my character. #Transpositional

Andrew said...

"I know. That's why I took the posters down."

Thank you, Meade.

I think it's likely that in the future, posters like this will have a streaming video focused on them. The purpose will be to silence any dissenter. Anyone who writes on the poster something critical, or who takes the poster down, will be identified and harrassed. Maybe they'll be doxed. Maybe they'll be physically threatened. Taking down such a poster will be an act of courage.

Ann Althouse said...

"Well, it’s clear that if it is okay to deem the police a bunch of racist thugs based on the action of a few, we should have no problem characterizing “demonstrators” as rioters and looters based on the actions of many."

I don't know who your "we" is there.

I was talking about whoever wrote the sign. They erased the line. So which side of the line were they on — the line that *I* am trying to respect, the line between peaceful protesters and rioters?

Ann Althouse said...

Perhaps the sign was written by people who want a violence and they are claiming the peaceful protesters as part of their force. Perhaps it was written by peaceful protester types who don't mind having backup from a much harsher crowd.

What I'm focusing on is the line itself. I want it to be clear, and I don't want people to erase it part of the time and rely on it part of the time. Either a line is kept or it's a con.

Yancey Ward said...

I don't know if you can handle the truth, but here it is:

The people who are, this morning, claiming that the protests can't have an effect without the rioting and the looting are actually correct. Without the rioting and the looting, no one would remember this last 10 days of protest by next month. The problem, though, for the protestors is that the effect will be the opposite of what they actually want. Normal people can see the effect of what the Left is advocating for this morning, and they are not going to be voting for it in November.

doctrev said...

Lincolntf said...
The protestors who aren't actively destroying spaces and attacking or killing people know full well that they are providing cover for the rioters. They are one and the same at this point. If they really still don't recognize that, they are even stupider than they sound.

6/7/20, 11:27 AM

More than "being heard," this is the true purpose of the protests. Break curfew, and rely on the police not being able to get past the protestors. There's a certain cynical savagery to it. As is claiming that "white supremacists" are the ones putting up posters containing BLM demands. Did Governor Walz find himself addressing white supremacists when he was booed for not abolishing the police? If the protestors were really not okay with it, they'd stop providing this cover, if not shut down the "tiny minority." They'd be the first calling for looters to be arrested. But the notion that violent looters are a small subset of protest is itself a lie. We see the results on our computers, because the corporate media refuses to let us see it for some reason.

The paper-thin cover leftie commentors give their BLM thugs is tattered in the Storm. Some of them embrace the Jacobin moment, of course, but most correctly realize that doing so will lift Trump into another 4 years of power.

Gospace said...

If police are abolished- lynching will become a thing again. And if blacks follow the examples of their South African counterparts, necklacing will become a thing for the first time here.

And whatever particular violence Mexican and South American gangs do will be added to the mix. We'll get true multi-culturalism. We'll have totally done away with all this Anglo-Saxon law and order crap.

Narayanan said...

what if the rioters are killing people?

defund the rioters? or defend the rioters?

langford peel said...

This why we need to go back to segregation.

Blacks will be able to live in a Utopia without the police or evil white people

Give them what they want.

hombre said...

I’m considering voting for Biden and other Democrat miscreants so they can abolish police, adulate black criminals, finish looting the nation, finish destroying the health care system, paint rainbows on all the sidewalks, kill babies and all the rest.

I don’t know whether tearing the country down like that will clear the way to build it back up. Certainly, not in the few years I have left. I’ll be sorry for my kids and grandkids, but it’ll be fun to watch the chickens come home to roost for the left-wingers and their dupes. I will need a good shotgun.

Caligula said...

"White people don’t get to criticize how an oppressed group chooses to fight their oppression"

Does that mean the 14th Amendment is hereby repealed? Or just the "equal protection" part?

Or, maybe, it's more of a "We'll say what's law and what isn't now!" assertion of power and authority?

Or, perhaps no rational interpretation of such racist nonsense is actually possible? If it's just a pure "Shutup or I'll hurt you!" type threat, it would seem the speaker is inviting a response that does not include discussion ...

buwaya said...

"The protesters are the swamp the rioting crocodiles swim in."

Oh come on! Crocodiles simply don't riot. We are an entirely orderly and predictable lot, and in our day jobs quite solitary - though in some places we are solitary all together. Do not be tasty in our presence, and you're good.

"Drain the swamp."

Now that is just mean.

hombre said...

I’m considering voting for Biden and other Democrat miscreants so they can abolish police, adulate black criminals, finish looting the nation, finish destroying the health care system, paint rainbows on all the sidewalks, kill babies and all the rest.

I don’t know whether tearing the country down like that will clear the way to build it back up. Certainly, not in the few years I have left. I’ll be sorry for my kids and grandkids, but it’ll be fun to watch the chickens come home to roost for the left-wingers and their dupes. I will need a good shotgun.

buwaya said...

Its a tribal assertion of dominance, a "we run this territory, and all your stuff is ours".

Its an expression of exaltation, of battle-lust.

It is the same as the old Roman custom at the start of the campaigning season, of throwing a spear into enemy territory, later civilized into doing the same at the Campus Martius.

You can of course surrender and pay tribute.

hombre said...

TiminVermont: “I am leaving the country. Seriously, no matter who wins, it’s not about that. This country is now officially the worlds premiere shithole.”

Me too. We have dual citizenship and are looking for nice rentals in New Zealand. It’s too expensive to buy in our former home there.

I don’t see a second term for Trump ending the sedition, only aggravating it. The lefties are bent on disenfranchising us.

Arashi said...

So someone added up the dollars spent on 'social welfare' since the civil rights act was passed and came up with the approximate sum of 22 trillion dollars. So the solution to the civil rights issues we are facing is to spend more money on failed 'social welfare' programs that obvioulsy do not work as they are described. A lot of people get rich (Al Sharpton and his ilk) but not a lot of real reform occurs.

Minorities see their families broken up (you get more bucks if there is no man\husband at home), their neighborhoods decimated, etc. The people making the most noise about making it better just want to grift as much money as possible.

As to the line betweeen rioters and protesters - if you are at a protest and someone in the 'group' starts throwing objects, breaking windows, etc. - you are no longer at a protest. You are now at a riot. It might be possible to stop it before it escalates, but since you are a simple protester and do not have the organization of the rioters, it most likely won't happen. So you now have a choice - get the hell away or stay and continue to be part of the escalated riot and looting.

The police are the difference between Mogadishu and Madison. De-funding them will accelerate the conversion. Sending social workers to calls in the neighborhood that would normally be handled by the police will just result in more mayhem as they are never going to be capable of handling the violence - and quite frequently, yelly shouty violnet people tend to not listen to reason, so the social workers will have to call 911 - but that won't work becuase there won't be anyone there.

Appeasement never works. Never. We either work at having a civilization worth living in for everyone or we get Somalia or Venezeula. If the law is bad - change it. If the police reponse to certain situations does not work well - train them better. Do not allow them to use any sort of choke hold. Investigate them if their actions do not follow the law and department SOP. But do all of this using the LAW and stop trying to make us a nation where MEN rule. Very few of us will be happy or satisfied when the LAW is abandoned and the rule of MEN takes over (see how well the parts of the world work where LAW no longer works, like Lebanon, Somalia, etc.

The mob does not want justice for George Floyd, they want retribution. THey want to be the oppressors and they expect the guilty white folk to pay for it all.

John Althouse Cohen said...

This use of "get to" has become common on the left, as in "White people don't get to criticize…" What does that mean? Who "gets to" decide what a whole demographic group "gets to" do? And who "gets to" decide that?

Related: my blog post on "the problem with telling privileged people to shut up and listen to marginalized people."

Jim at said...

If you're saying I'm part of a problem I have nothing to do with - and no control over - I'm not part of the problem.

You are.

Inga said...

“It has been 10 days- not a single Boogooloo has been identified by anyone rioting or looting. The best anyone has come up with is a few heavily armed white men guarding other peoples' property since the police and their Democrat masters won't do their jobs.”

According to authorities, Andrew Lynam Jr., 23, Stephen Parshall, 35, and William Loomis, 40, all met at an anti-lockdown protest in April and self-identified as “boogaloo” boys, a term used to describe those calling for a violent civil conflict. They were arrested on Saturday on their way to a protest in downtown Las Vegas, after filling gas cans and making Molotov cocktails in glass bottles. They face federal charges of conspiracy to damage and destroy by fire and explosives, and possession of unregistered firearms. They are currently each being held on $1 million bond, according to the Star Tribune. They have not yet entered a plea.

man with the Three Percenters tattoo is arrested for setting the Nashville Courthouse on fire

Sheriff: Videos lead to riot arrests; racists were in crowd.

Also disturbing to deputies were several white men in Hawaiian shirts milling in the crowd. In other places, the shirts are the signature of the “boogaloo” extremist anti-government movement which may be using the protests for their own racist agenda, Lott said.

The sheriff showed a picture of a man in a Hawaiian shirt standing beside him during the peaceful part of the protest. The sheriff said the man told him he was there as an American to provide security.

The sheriff then showed video of the man after he reached into the broken window of a police car and stealing a police jacket. He was identified and arrested several hours after the news conference, the sheriff's department said.

“They are a radical group Their mission is to create a new civil war. We saw it on Saturday,” Lott said.

Lott showed video of a man using an uprooted street sign to shattered glass doors. Another video showed a man punched without warning. There was the man using the walking stick the sheriff showed off to break windows on a police car and pose with his middle finger raised and another overturned patrol vehicle. And the fourth person arrested, showing off a lanyard stolen from an officer. That man was still wearing the lanyard when he was arrested, the sheriff said.”

Tomcc said...

I see an implicit "...or we will educate you" at the end of the "Educate yourself" statement.
I see the riots and looting as a part of a desire by a sub-population to change the overall arc of societal folkways and mores in the U.S. Traditional family groups, traditional sexual roles, respect for the work and property of others represent barriers to this group. They're unable to assimilate into the larger prevailing culture. (I also don't think that it's explicitly a racial construct.)
I would be enraged, growing up in such circumstances, too. Being poor while living in a wealthy country would seem like a cruel joke. (This is what the white middle class has been taught for the last 30 to 40 years, by the way.) Personally, I'd ask myself what "those" people are doing differently that allows them to succeed. But that's just me.

Inga said...

Addendum to my post at 1:41. In the case of the four men being arrested for the violence the Sheriff described, one was the Boogaloo and three were black men. The man breaking a store front window with a street sign was a white boogaloo. The same guy who stole the police jacket out of the police car, he was instigating others to smash into, this man’s name is Joshua Barnard.

Second man tied to Boogaloos arrested, sheriff says. Ex-EMS worker faces riot charge

“The Sheriff’s Department released photos Friday showing guns and ammunition clips confiscated when Barnard was arrested. The department’s photo shows two rifles and two pistols on the Hawaiian shirt the department said he was wearing Saturday during the events in Columbia.

Barnard is an ex-Marine originally from Florida. His Facebook page shows a picture of George Floyd. It also displays pictures and videos critical of police agencies.

Jail records show Barnard was still in custody Friday, as was Ackley.”

bagoh20 said...

A couple of us have made the point in a few different ways, and here's another:

The law, enforced by cops, puts law-abiding armed citizens at a disadvantage, so without cops, I would assume it's the good guys who will become much more dangerous to criminals, rather than the other way around.

Inga said...

Here’s a THIRD Boogaloo arrested in S.C. for rioting and other charges. Joshua Barnard, Kevin Ackley, and now this boogaloo Joseph Watson.

Earlier Friday, the Sheriff’s Department announced the arrest of Joseph Watson, 20, of Columbia. He is facing charges of inciting a riot and aggravated breach of peace. Watson is suspected of being the individual seen in a social media video helping destroy a public fence in the Vista.

Both Ackley and Watson were being held Friday afternoon at the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center.

Local law enforcement has made seven arrests since last weekend’s violence near the Columbia Police Department headquarters, some prompted by reviews of pictures and videos from social media. More arrests are likely as evidence is reviewed, according to Lott.

Conserve Liberty said...

Who will be the first white person to file an HR complaint because this kind of speech violates my right to fell safe at work? Who’s will be the first white person to file a Hate Speech complaint. Who will be the first person to claim the right to identify as a white person when clearly a person of color? Who will be first to disavow thought policing?

They’re doing all the systematically prejudicial things they claim to want reparations for having been done to them.

I’m not going to listen. I’m just not going to listen. It is all a false narrative.

Drago said...

Inga's new chant: Russia Boogaloo Russia Boogaloo Russia Boogaloo!

Nobody knows what Mueller will know in the future about Boogaloo!

bagoh20 said...

I applaud the arrest of any right wing group taking advantage of the left wing riots by adding to the violence and destruction, or even trying to. In fact, I was on the street in downtown Vegas Saturday night and would not want any asshole of any persuasion showing up with bombs.

Be nice if you didn't support the other 99 percent doing it, based on partisanship.

jg said...

flyers like that are vilest pro-war propaganda
this color revolution would have put down years ago if trump were anything they say they're afraid he is

Drago said...

Quick lefty statue vandalism update: Now, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and WWII memorials are no longer acceptable to our violent marxist radical lefties who now control the democrat party as well as just about every dem/lefty controlled institution.

This should be a problem for the lefties since they had been teaching kids that Lincoln was a democrat and the confederates were "conservative republicans" so now they will just cut to the chase and toss Lincoln over the side along with Churchill.

Needless to say, there are already strong movements to remove Washington and Jefferson statues as well.

Did you know there are lefties arguing Washington DC should change its name?

They'd probably prefer Che Guevara DC.

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga assures is there are good people on both sides of the riots and looting.

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