June 10, 2020



... it's your turn to howl.

Talk about whatever you want.


Ken B said...

I told you so: get used to the fist.

If you live in a blue city, move.

Merny11 said...

No comments on the last four posts??? Me or ?

Kai Akker said...

Apple shares made their all-time high on Friday.
Amazon made its new high on Monday.
Microsoft made its new high on Tuesday.
Today was Tesla's turn, going over 1,000.
How much left for these stargazers? Very little to nothing. TSLA could put on another 50-70 points because it is the least tethered to reality of any of them.
A giant Nasdaq top.

Saint Croix said...

Meowing vandalism is what happens when you take out McGruff the Crime Dog

MountainMan said...

Obama to the Rescue

Confirms what I have thought all along.

narciso said...

Escape from seattle with duke raz, winning the future.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

fist-grabbed pussy cries

..."Let meow!"

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, I’m wondering whether you have gotten over your notion that Hawaiian shirts = right wing militia member? You don’t have to answer.

Stephen Taylor said...

I posted the below comment on the Lileks blog this morning.

"...Silence is violence, but the wrong kind of speech is also violence...." James Lileks, June 10th, 2020

And this is true. A minor politician in a suburb of Austin fought back on Facebook, stating that she would not kneel, and in so many words shouted her defiance of the current narrative. I thought that I would write her a letter of support. My wife asked me not to write. My wife was concerned that the letter might be made public, and if that happened an attempt to cancel me would be made, and, given the entity with which I am employed, the attempt would almost certainly be successful. I'd lose my job, and that would be that; I'd be unemployable for the foreseeable future, and given my age, I'd probably never work in my industry again.

Hell of a note. I never thought I'd live in such a place. I'm sitting here now about to start weeping with rage and disillusionment. Hell of a note. I don't blame my wife at all; she was merely being prudent. I have to adapt. I have to reorder my thoughts and get my attitude right.

Later.....And I did weep. No, I cried. Cried with tears of impotent rage at what my country has become. How we're all just names on a list in some fusion center someplace. How, soon enough, it won't be enough to cancel someones livelihood, but there will also be a knock on the door; a knock at midnight. You think this can't happen here? Open your eyes; it's already happening.

I want everyone to know that what is happening is wrong, and it's not just happening to celebrities and other prominent figures, but to little people everywhere. Little people like me, a person who grew up with free speech, is now finding that speech constrained by fear of cancellation. J K Rowling can stand on principle, as she can well afford it, but most of us can't. I find myself just a few years away from retirement, and I can't afford to lose my job. Where does that leave me? I have to sit still and be quiet and just take it. Be a good salaryman. Be a good citizen. Think the right thoughts, and hold the correct beliefs.

This won't end well. This can't end well.

Louie the Looper said...

Is this our sunrise picture for today?

Matthew Heintz said...

If ANTIFA is a designated domestic terrorist organisation, how is BLM not? Time for an upgrade, FEDGOV.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dem House candidate Kim Olson: ‘If people loot, so what? Burn it to the ground’

any wonder why mainstream democratics and the hack press support Antifa?

gadfly said...

Meow ... It your turn to howl.

By definition, a howl is a long, loud, doleful cry uttered by an animal such as a dog or wolf - so cats have a difficult task ahead in turning a "meow" into a "howl" - but poets have possibilities.

Jon Ericson said...

I am Inger, hear me roar!

MayBee said...

Three weird opinions from me:

I think the two young cops are found not guilty. They were brand new and Chavin was training them.

I think Chauvin killed Floyd for some personal reason. Or at least completely disregarded his life for completely personal reasons. He just is so uncaring that Floyd had passed out.

I think there's something on the body cams. Ellison hasn't released them yet and just said "we're working on it" or something to that effect. Today when George's brother was asked about whether George had resisted or done anything to show he needed to be restrained, he said he was too emotional to talk about that and asked his attorney to answer that question.
It could be nothing, but it seems like something.

In none of these comments am I saying Floyd deserved to die, or deserved to die in the way he did, or that Chauvin is anything but a cold blooded murderer.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

roadgeek, yes.

It's one thing for the retired, for the independently wealthy, for those with fuck-you money. It's quite another for the rest of us.

I feel like shit for going along to get along, for pretending like I don't see the gaslighting, for keeping my mouth shut and staying off social media and just concerning myself with my kids and my cooking and my gardening and my reading list. But what else is there to do? My husband is the breadwinner for a family of eight and he's prominent in his field. He cannot do or say anything against the narrative and remain employed, and it's unwise for me to say anything either under my own name, and honestly I've thought about retiring my handle after 8+ years of commenting at Althouse because can you be too careful these days?

I try to talk to my teenagers about this, about being aware of gaslighting, but they are poorly educated (my own fault; I didn't realize the public schools are as bad as they are until it was rather too late) and they are constantly pummeled with The Narrative so it's an uphill battle.

All we can do is do our best to keep our minds straight, and if we can't speak the truth, at least refrain from speaking lies. As much as we can.

StephenFearby said...

The Federalist

Zoom Deletes Activist’s Account After Hosting Event Commemorating Tiananmen Square

'...“We are outraged by this act from Zoom, a U.S company,” Zhou said to Axios. “As the most commercially popular meeting software worldwide, Zoom is essential as an unbanned outreach to Chinese audiences remembering and commemorating Tiananmen Massacre during the coronavirus pandemic.”

This is not the first time Zoom has run into trouble over its discriminatory policies and ties to China. In a report published by the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, researchers found that “while Zoom is headquartered in the United States, and listed on the NASDAQ, the mainline Zoom app appears to be developed by three companies in China” which all share the same name. The study also found that encryption and decryption information was being carried through servers in Beijing, China which “presents a clear target to reasonably well-resourced nation-state attackers, including the People’s Republic of China.”...'


Move Fast and Roll Your Own Crypto: A Quick Look at the Confidentiality of Zoom Meetings - The Citizen Lab


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

roadgeek said...
" J K Rowling can stand on principle, as she can well afford it, but most of us can't. I find myself just a few years away from retirement, and I can't afford to lose my job. Where does that leave me? I have to sit still and be quiet and just take it. Be a good salaryman. Be a good citizen. Think the right thoughts, and hold the correct beliefs."

We are not the Silent Majority. We are the Silenced Majority. (I think and hope we are the majority.)

Yes, most people cannot risk their jobs. They don't have that luxury. I myself have had to attend any number of bullshit "Diversity Workshops."

But did they change my mind? Did I start thinking The Right Thoughts and the Correct Beliefs? Hell no. I went from being a reluctant Trump voter in '16 to being willing to crawl over ground glass to vote for him in November. His style still grates. But the alternative is insanity and the end of our country.

Ironically, the Leftists, who have led the anti-bullying campaign in recent years, have showed themselves to be the biggest bullies ever, as intolerant and hate-filled as the Nazis they claim to despise. And I am hoping and praying that there will be a huge backlash to this - because Americans do not like bullies. And we are not yet serfs, unless we lose heart and permit ourselves to become serfs.

YoungHegelian said...

City Journal on the Seattle Commune.

When the first shot is fired, it's Fort Sumter all over again, isn't it?

This has to met by an expression of force on the part of the governing authorities. Has to, even up to Federal if the lower levels will not act.

No matter how this goes, Seattle is wounded, perhaps mortally. It won't be the Lefties on the barricades who did it in. It'll be the moderate incompetents who let all this shit happen on their watch. Who's going to trust these guys for anything?

Perhaps we should give the Lefties their dream of dying on the barricades. Then, Seattle should build a large Catholic shrine downtown to expiate the sins of bloodshed. Hey, it worked the first time.

walter said...

Imagine there's no Poh Poh.
It's crazy if you try
Such hell among us
Embers in the sky
Imagine all the people..killing for the day

walter said...

Hang in there.
Your THOUGHTS are yours.
Blow up your future and the idiots win.
Find anonymous methods and recruit friends in safe places.

Krumhorn said...

Well, first Cops and now the rabid mob has forced A&E to cancel Live PD. This now gives the lefties the field to themselves about the evil police since the general public will no longer be able to see for themselves what the police actually face out there.

The Cultural Revolution is upon us. We'll be forced into redukation kamps soon in order to examine our white privilege.

- Krumhorn

hawkeyedjb said...

Roadgeek, you are right, it won't end well, certainly not for people like you. What has this nation become? Prominent people, elected leaders, politicians all over the country have gone berserk with self-flagellation, apologizing for ever having praised the police, for ever having praised their own country. It's awful beyond words. The hatred for this nation, for people like you and me, is now tangible and carried out with vengeance and violence. I don't think for a minute that people like the mayor of Madison or the mayor of Seattle have any end-game in mind, they just want to go along with wrecking and apologizing for their own society's existence. Perhaps they are utopians, but utopias are always built on stacks of bones.

And for those who think "This is how you get more Trump," you could not be more wrong. This is how you get more leftism, more power for the Democratic party and whatever comes after it. Riots always result in more power for Democrats - look at every city that has experienced riots. Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Newark, Chicago, Seattle, Minneapolis, Detroit - they have all become more firmly Democratic following riots. There probably isn't an elected Republican in any one of those cities.

All you can do is sit and watch as the project continues to its end, whatever that is. But you don't have any control over it.

Jon Ericson said...

Donald J. Trump✔

Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!

8:01 PM - Jun 10, 2020

Psst. Tip for Inger...
Point out the misspelling so you and all your lefty frens can get all agitated.
Spread it far and wide.
Might even get to see it on CNN.

Yancey Ward said...

"TSLA could put on another 50-70 points because it is the least tethered to reality of any of them."

I looked at the September 18th call options at 1885 for Tesla today- a strike price 860 dollars/share above today's close. You could have sold that option for $2000+ today. I was sorely tempted to try to sell 50 of them uncovered. The volume was kind of thin at that level, so I probably would have had trouble selling 50 at that price.

Decided against it- I have watched one dead body after another carted off trying to short Tesla. I don't think there is any real chance Tesla gets to 1885 by September, but if I was wrong and it hit 2500, then I would be fucked with 50 uncovered calls.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

from the June 8th Sunrise Cafe:

Plywood should cover from the horizon line up

...and a mural of inspirational wokeness should painted on.

Let the enlightenment begin. A new day has dawned.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is a link everyone everywhere knows is true, bar none.

narciso said...



Guildofcannonballs said...

This is a link proving right once again forever.

wildswan said...

The way I see it, looking at Seattle and Madison, is - there is a one two punch. First, they get the lefty mayor to refuse to support the police. Then, Antifa or someone else invades city hall and calls on the mayor to resign or a group secretly does whatever they did to the mayor of Madison - and the mayor can't call on the police and then it's over. So quick. But people aren't looking at this and saying "Great, love it." They are thinking (I hope) "If your mayor attacks the police, then your mayor will soon be resigning control of the city to a un-elected group." And it's a big country.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Clarence Thomas could have withstood what Donald Trump has.

I can think of few others.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

A Black Power sign from the Black Pussies.

William said...

The Pyramids were constructed with slave labor. Even beyond that they were built not just as mausoleums but as monuments to men--and they were all men--whom the Egyptians worshiped as gods. These so called gods not only owned slaves but sent slave hunting expeditions into Nubia to enslave free born African tribes. I would think that pious Muslims would join hands with BLM activists to destroy these monuments to a past that is best forgotten.

William said...

Emma Watson and Daniel Ratcliffe have both chosen sides against Rowling. Besides making these two actors rich and famous, what has Rowling ever done for them. Their loyalties truly belong to transgendered people who have enriched their lives in so many ways....Honestly, you'd think that they would both remain quiet on what seems like a rather ridiculous controversy.

Pianoman said...

I'm hoping the current 2 Minute Rage will burn itself out, the cities can return to normal, and then the voters can reject the Left in droves in November.

Trump will be able to run on Law & Order plus the economy. There's too many red states out there for voter fraud to swing the election. Should be a slam dunk.

Note to Dems: You shot your wad too soon. Shoulda waited until October.

Mr. Forward said...

Japanese news reader identified Wile E. Coyote as a "bunny going over a cliff."

Mr. Forward said...

The governor was not aware
The mayor has a hostage stare
Do we even need to ask
Why it is they wear a mask?

Howard said...

The more great Ideas you people feed to the Trump administration, the better I feel about Unka Joe's prospects. So please keep it up because Donald listens and then adopts and promotes the grass roots deplorable agenda. I especially like the recommendation to declare BLM a terrorist organization.

stevew said...

"If I can't tell you you're wrong, you are not my equal."

Eric Weinstein

Ann Althouse said...

"Emma Watson and Daniel Ratcliffe have both chosen sides against Rowling."

They are doing what is good for their career. There's no courage in it at all.

wildswan said...

One fact to keep in mind - this year Walmart is selling Hawaiian shirts for men as one of their main offerings. So a Hawaiian shirt means Walmart shopper, not white nationalist. But maybe that's who the Bolsheviks want to identify for future social distancing.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Japanese news reader identified Wile E. Coyote as a "bunny going over a cliff."

I think Chuck Jones acknowledged at one point that his character design for Wile E. Coyote did have ears as long as Bugs Bunny.

Mr. Forward said...

There's a 14 day waiting period for Hawaiian shirts in Hawaii.

cacimbo said...

A major American city had multiple blocks taken over by Antifa four days ago - NPR has yet to report on the issue.CNN mentions the "occupation/protest" briefly in one paragraph in a story on how the Seattle Mayor is criticizing Trump.CNN also states there is no evidence Antifa is behind the occupation.

Yet media truly believe Trump is the reason the public hates them.

cacimbo said...

Sorry, please delete last comment - made on wrong post.

n.n said...

A black hole, a singularity.

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