... you can talk 'til dawn.

And because those are 2 views of a Type #6 sunrise, you may find you'd like to use the Althouse Portal to Amazon, an incredibly easy way to show appreciation for this blog.
The photos were taken at 5:22 and 5:24, this morning — a day when the "actual" sunrise time was 5:20. The curfew was only off at 5 a.m., so the city was putting pressure on us sunrise runners.
BLM protest in Waukesha today went very well.
they told us, that IF we stopped the lockdowns,
by June 1st; we would be seeing 3000 deaths a Day, here in the United States
Today was June 1st, Where are the other 2270 deaths?
June 1 (GMT)
22,153 new cases and 730 new deaths in the United States
Beautiful, but looks like what I’d imagine a nuclear power plant meltdown might look like from a distance.
In other news
In other sham news
Via Facebook, I saw at least 100 cops and national guard in Omaha’s Old Market.
The screws squeeze the residents of Madison. Number 2 sends a rover for Ann. Ahhhgh!, a prisoner of Madison.
Althouse! A propos of nothing in particular, bearing in mind that we commenters are not always in sync with your expectations for this blog, I just want to thank you for keeping this forum open, especially in these times. It means a lot.
As if 2020 wasn't sufficiently insane, Ebola is now making a comeback in the Congo. That's what we need, another virus.
Maybe Trump should institute a travel ban for the whole continent of Africa. Why not? Will anyone then accuse him of not taking Ebola seriously enpugh?
Then next month, RBG will pass away and make the year even more exciting.
This is the year I turn 50. I thought it would be a better year.
DC troops used tear gas to disperse protestors so Trump can go over to St.John’s for a photo op to hold a Bible up after declaring himself Supreme Leader and how he’ll sic federal troops on Americans. Where was the bolt of lightning from the Heavens? The Episcopal Bishop was PO’d to say the least.
Episcopal Bishop ‘Outraged’ Trump Tear-Gassed Protesters to Use ‘Our Church as a Prop’
I think some context is in order. My fiancée is Brazilian. She is not mixed but she is highly-educated with a PhD from the Universidad Catholico in Brazil in psychology with and undergraduate degree in history. I have - though her bibliography - read quite a bit about slavery in both Africa and from Africa to the New World and within Africa itself.
No person currently alive (except Arabs...yes, they still practice slavery) could possibly justify the institution of slavery. It is archaic. It is barbaric. I demeans both the slave and the enslaver. It is not a civilized thing to do to any homo sapien and it is a CRIME. As an institution it was common in the past, but the past is over. People like myself would never allow such an institution to exist nor would we pass over its occurrence anywhere to be allowed to survive, or thrive. The institution of slavery was - for eons previous - an economic necessity, nor is that argument justified in the minds of modern, rationalist men and women.
However, we must make a distinction. An American distinction. I defend at all times and in all places and under any circumstances the right of any American, white, black, pink, polka-dotted, woman, man, any origin, any creed to hold vouchsafe their property or their life - earned by pluck or application - in perpetuity and by the arms of the neighbors and myself. This is the fundamental problem.
Feelings? I wish not George Floyd was dead, but I also wish not for people to undermine the will of the people nor the sanctity of their property rights (of which 'currency' is a property) - white, black, yellow, red, pink polka-dotted - that they have worked hard, in some cases for years, to achieve.
This is the crux on which the entire issue turns. Should people like George Floyd be allowed to pass fake $20s for his own good at the expense of all of us, or should we sacrifice his passing of the fake $20 for his own good at our expense. Whose effort was greater and whose was lesser? Whom shall we reward? Some desire that Floyd should be the innocent victim and that all of our toil, under ANY system, should be in vain. Why should you follow any rules? Why should I? Why shouldn't I print my own money...lord knows I can. These accounted-for-things are easy to reproduce for the stupid.
Go ahead. Pull my finger.
No Birx! No Brix!
Don't You Play Your Deep State Trix!
i wish I were sitting on that bench in the second picture - so peaceful
Way better than creepy pic from same spot end of March.
If you want a 'feel for the flavor' of what factionalism and fractionalization feels like within a nation, I highly encourage you to watch "Queen Margot" (La Reine Margot) with Isabelle Adjani. Specifically the re-enactment of St. Bartholomew's Night - where over 4000 protestants were slaughtered in Paris - as a very apt representation of what can happen here, anywhere, any time.
'La Reine Margot' was a masterful film that doesn't spare your proclivities. This is where we're headed, lest we come together on the issues of substance that unify us.
If we can't, it's best we divide now. It would be far less bloodshed that way.
George Will right on the money!
The person voters hired in 2016 to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed” stood on July 28, 2017, in front of uniformed police and urged them “please don’t be too nice” when handling suspected offenders. His hope was fulfilled for 8 minutes and 46 seconds on Minneapolis pavement.
A political party’s primary function is to bestow its imprimatur on candidates, thereby proclaiming: This is who we are. In 2016, the Republican Party gave its principal nomination to a vulgarian and then toiled to elect him. And to stock Congress with invertebrates whose unswerving abjectness has enabled his institutional vandalism, who have voiced no serious objections to his Niagara of lies, and whom T.S. Eliot anticipated:
We are the hollow men . . .
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
or rats’ feet over broken glass . . .
with the (chinese?) Fentanyl in Floyd's system,
and Minnesota allowing knee-on-neck-to-induce-unconsciousness--
...will the officer be acquitted? If so, then what?
Downward trend of victims of lethal force by police
Went to the Madison Apple store in Hilldale this afternoon. Wish I had a method to post my picture. The entire store front was covered with 4x8 sheets of particle board, spray painted black. From the paint marks on the grass, it's clear this was done in the last day. There was no entry point. It will take a screwdriver to get into the store.
Lefties sure are fucked up. The store was barricaded from its customers.
A Type #6 sunrise on a Class M planet.
its oungent
Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "DC troops used tear gas to disperse protestors so Trump can go over to St.John’s for a photo op to hold a Bible up after declaring himself Supreme Leader and how he’ll sic federal troops on Americans."
Inga writing this on a day when the entire lefty firmament is screaming at Trump for NOT doing more.....to see if they can goad him into doing more so they can claim he is a dictator!
Inga is also very upset her antifa allies will face more police officers tonight which will keep them from defacing the Lincoln Memorial and WWII Memorials.
Don't worry Inga. There will be lots more opportunities for your Storm Troopers to beat on ole white women with 2x4's tonight.
BTW Inga, we are all still waiting for that long, long, long list of names of white supremacists and Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo svengali's that are hypnotizing lefties/dems/LLR-lefties across the country into committing terrorist acts.
Protester in SUV runs over cops..
So, as a law professor, how would you grade Judge Sullivan’s lawyer’s response time the appeals court that he was directed to present? What I’m reading in other places indicates it should receive a failing grade for failing to answer the asked question.
George Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose. Anyone with any sense will simply avoid all Blacks from now on, and not just six feet apart. This includes Blacks.
It would seem unresponsive in my view,
Instant karma. This is a few second long video, but it will make you chuckle.
PURE EVIL: Police Chief Breaks Down After Describing How Richmond Leftist Rioters Torched Home with Children inside Then Blocked Fire Department (VIDEO)
Gospace: "So, as a law professor, how would you grade Judge Sullivan’s lawyer’s response time the appeals court that he was directed to present? What I’m reading in other places indicates it should receive a failing grade for failing to answer the asked question."
On the contrary. Sullivan's lawyer's response makes perfect sense.......once you consider Sullivan's act here is not to advance any valid or coherent legal position (he has none), its to lay down a political talking point for the dems moving forward.
The dems want to say Flynn is guilty despite the released documentation proving that is a lie.
Now, there are plenty of Inga's around who, even after the truth is established, are happy to keep up their lying. Gleeful in fact.
But Sullivan's ploy is intended to give the the rest of the dems a basis to say Barr cut off Sullivan from finding out the "real" Russian-y truth about Flynn.
It's all about keeping the lying dems russia collusion hoax alive so they won't face a political cost now that the documents have been released which obliterates the hoax.
A Twitter account claiming to belong to a national “antifa” organization and pushing violent rhetoric related to ongoing protests has been linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa, according to a Twitter spokesperson.
The spokesperson said the account violated the company's platform manipulation and spam policy, specifically the creation of fake accounts. Twitter suspended the account after a tweet that incited violence.
16 feet high of black particle board with a giant Apple logo on top. Somehow reminded me of their 1984 ad.
So who is coordinating and paying for all the pallets of bricks that keep getting mysteriously dropped off where planned “peaceful protests” are supposed to occur? For some reason the press has no interest in investigating.
with America as our rooftop
...we are all Koreans now
Inga: "A Twitter account claiming to belong to a national “antifa” organization and pushing violent rhetoric related to ongoing protests has been linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa, according to a Twitter spokesperson."
"A Twitter account claiming......."
I've seen some hilariously pathetic Inga responses before, but this one just might be the most pathetic of all time.
It's certainly in the Top 3.
PURE MADISON CRINGE:The white people have formed a perimeter around black people to “protect them for when the police come,” one protesters says in Madison.
Well that would interfere with the narrative. Cant have that.
AustinRoth: "So who is coordinating and paying for all the pallets of bricks that keep getting mysteriously dropped off where planned “peaceful protests” are supposed to occur? For some reason the press has no interest in investigating."
Why are you asking such questions about protesters being bussed in and pallets of bricks mysteriously appearing where antifa terrorist actions are taking place and cities being burned by Inga's heroes?
That's a waste of time! There is a Twitter account out there! Where someone claims to be something!
I mean, sure Inga's heroes are beating old women with 2x4's and laughing about it, but there is a rando Twitter account!
Let's keep our eyes on the ball here.
Next up for Inga: Ugly rumors of things being said at a quilting bee.
200 anarchist/antifa Inga-heroes arrested in NYC tonight, and they're just getting started.
That may sound bad to you but as Inga can explain, rumor has it that an 11 year somewhere snuck a popsicle out of the freezer after brushing his teeth, so, you know, white supremacy and Breakin' 2-Electric Boogaloo.
A Twitter account claiming to belong to a national “antifa” organization and pushing violent rhetoric related to ongoing protests has been linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa, according to a Twitter spokesperson.
And Twitter knows this exactly how? How does Twitter know that the "fake" Antifa site was really a front for Indentity Evropa? You notice the article doesn't say?
They don't say it was paid for by a credit card linked to a IE activist. They don't say that it came from an IP address from a known IE site. We've reduced to taking Twitter's word for it, something that I can't imagine any sane person doing, considering what a mess corporate Twitter is on subjects like this.
It's very difficult to accurately trace things back to "real owners" on the internet, especially when someone who's experienced in doing so wants to hide their tracks. The fact that no description is given of the tip-off most likely means that Twitter was getting embarrassed by a lefty site instigated violence & found a politically useful way of dumping it, i.e. that it was a right-wing false flag operation.
Inga, you America-hater,
Nobody here cares about your lying propaganda.
24 hours ago lefties: OMG Trump is afraid to come out of the White House!
Today lefties: OMG Trump came out of the White House so that means he is a dictator!
Tomorrow's lefties: OMG 48 hours ago Trump didn't come out of the White House and 24 hours ago he did! He doesn't know what he is doing!
Inga writing this on a day when the entire lefty firmament is screaming at Trump for NOT doing more.....to see if they can goad him into doing more so they can claim he is a dictator!
Anyone with an ounce of experience and a few ounces of brains knows that this whole mishigaas is about getting Trump (or other government agents) to overact and make them martyrs. Thus will the Revolution be born.
It 'aint rocket science folks. It is not an original movie. The script is as old as humanity.
Didn't you get the memo, Inga? It's the Russians again.
BLM protest in Waukesha today went very well.
Baby Lives Matter?
George Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose.
Fentanyl is a drug that can be severely harmful, or even fatal, with death usually caused by respiratory failure.
Law enforcement officers need to be aware of the symptoms and that this drug can result in excess deaths.
#BLM=Baby Lives Matter
Inga said...
A Twitter account claiming to belong to a national “antifa” organization and pushing violent rhetoric related to ongoing protests has been linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa, according to a Twitter spokesperson.
The spokesperson said the account violated the company's platform manipulation and spam policy, specifically the creation of fake accounts. Twitter suspended the account after a tweet that incited violence.
Nobody believes you anymore Inga.
You are a liar.
You are a piece of shit.
It is over. Antifa and the rest of the violent leftist shitheads are going one way or the other.
The nation is sick of you people.
From Ingas NBC link above. Antifa the good guys..
The antifa movement — a network of loosely organized radical groups who use direct action to fight the far-right and fascism — has been targeted by President Donald Trump as the force behind some of the violence and property destruction seen at some protests, though little evidence has been provided for such claims.
Inga, please explain.
Are you suggesting the very people who literally claim to see fascists and white supremacists everywhere are susceptible to being beguiled by actual fascists and white supremacists, and that is why these otherwise "peaceful protesters" are looting and beating people?
Inga said...
Beautiful, but looks like what I’d imagine a nuclear power plant meltdown might look like from a distance.
That's not your imagination, it's a hallucination. Not even Chernobyl looked like that when it blew. And it had an unprotected reactor core, not the many tons of concrete and steel surrounding all commericial American nuclear reaqctos.
But it's nice (and predictable) that you've added "Luddite" to your resumé. As if we didn't already know.
Inga writes: ...[it] looks like what I’d imagine a nuclear power plant meltdown might look like from a distance.
Ignorance coupled with ungoverned emotion.
I encourage everyone to watch this by Tucker Carlson. Sure to disappear quickly from Youtube.
Despite rampant looting, nothing was poached at EggSlut™
National Guard
Forms Protective Shell Around Curiously Named Eatery
The Episcopal church in the U.S. now has divorced, gay, and lesbian bishops. So the real question is- is the Episcopal Church in the U.S. a Christian Church? I think a very good argument can be made that it isn't.
So, Inga, I don't really give a crap what any Episcopal Church ordained anything say about any social issue until they clean up their act. They have no, zero, not any, moral authority, and PTL, no temporal authority.
And a further entry in the annals of These People Are Completely Unhinged.
Seriously, where do they get these people?
“Ignorance coupled with ungoverned emotion.”
Oh lighten up Francis.
Relax Inga, only 4 1/2 years to go.
Which Sex Position You Should Try, Based on How You Like Your Eggs
Mayor Lightfoot requests overtly mobile pro-x Chi-town participants self quarantine for 14 days.
"The antifa movement — a network of loosely organized radical groups who use direct action to fight the far-right and fascism..."
By beating the elderly and burning down Black businesses and neighborhoods, and stealing stuff from posh stores. Yea, that's the ticket.
Yancey Ward said...
I encourage everyone to watch this by Tucker Carlson. Sure to disappear quickly from Youtube.
That's it.
Fuck these people.
People who support democrats after this day are my enemy.
now what about that Hillary line
"No civility unless Dems win congressional control"?
Would the MSDNC incite and push division unless Dem control established?
Would Blue State Dems order police to stand down to create safe zones for Antifa?
Would the FBI really spend more time investigating Team Trump than Antifa?
Isn't it fake news to photoshop 'World War Z' trailer footage and pass it off as real?
And if Cuomo really thinks protesters are going to cause a 'second wave' of Covid, shouldnt he be cracking down on them like he does with church-goers and other nefarious types?
Would calling the National Guard make him look bad, as it's better to let NY get destroyed rather than be seen as caving in to becoming a Trumpish bully?
Is law and order just a 'white'/right wing concept that is intrinsically oppressive?
I thought that the government’s brief in favor of dismissing the case against Gen Flynn was impressive. I don’t think that he DC Circuit panel that asked for a response by the government ever expected a brief signed by the Solicitor General, several of his top assistants, as well as the acting USA and his top staff. This means that it wasn’t just the voice of rogue AUSAs, as was the case when the case was originally filed and was prosecuted until just recently, but by the DOJ itself. They are speaking for AG Barr, himself. And the importance here is that the brief argues that Sullivan is violating both Articles II and III by his attempt to bring in essentially his own prosecutor. This is the Department of Justice asserting its Constitutional supremacy in charging and dismissing criminal cases. They are asserting the DOJ’s, and therefore the President’s, power under the Constitution about as blatantly and visibly as they can. My expectation is that te only question for the Writ of Mandamus is whether the panel votes 2-1 or unanimously with the sole Democrat signing with the two Republicans.
For those watching AG Barr’s attempts to clean up the DOJ, I think that this is a strong sign that he is very serious about it, and isn’t just going trough the motions. He is trying to right an egregious wrong, propagated by elements of his department hostile to the president, who have thus operated extra Constitutionally. Notably, (corrupt, highly partisan) former lead prosecutor Brandon Van Grack was apparently summarily removed by the DOJ from all of his current cases, when he was removed from this case. That is the sort of extraordinary staffing move made only when egregious wrongdoing on the part of a prosecutor is discovered that is likely to affect all of his cases active in court.
Getting back to the brief. I noted that it asserted that Judge Sullivan was trying to violate both Articles II and III. I essentially alluded to the Article II argument. The decision whether or not to prosecute is a core Article Executive power, and also implicates the President’s Pardon power. The Article III argument is that for the most part the Judiciary Is limited to Cases and Controversies. Once there is no controversy, the district court has no Constitutional power to hear (or continue to hear) the case. It no longer has jurisdiction. And once the two parties to this case (Flynn and the government) agree that dismissal (with prejudice) is proper, there. Is no longer a controversy. (The courts can interfere in rare cases in order to prevent injustice to a defendant through repeated prosecution for the same crime, but that is impossible in this case with the motion to dismiss being with prejudice).
This story in the WSJ: Coronavirus Patients Lose Senses of Taste, Smell—and Haven’t Gotten Them Back made me think of Althouse.
I can't remember, in her discussion of her anosmia, she mentioned this:
"She separately worries she might eat something rotten because she can't smell or taste it."
From a different paragraph earlier on:
'Dr. Dalton believes biology plays a role in triggering negative emotions, too. When people are robbed of the ability to enjoy the food they love, or smell a loved one, it leads to less serotonin -- the feel-good molecules -- flowing to the brain. "So, what they're feeling is not just psychological," she said.'
Seems to me that the effects of serotonin [or lack of it] are psychological, but I know what she means. She means that we can trace it to particular chemical pathways, and not have to resort to any higher-level explanations using theories of mind and emotion not involving them.
has been linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa, according to a Twitter spokesperson.
What fresh fuckery is this? Unnamed sources at twitter? As I type, I realize I'm smiling. I can't even gin up a little tut-tutting, scolding school marm, disgust. Its all theater now. Very bad theater, still, theater. Nobody believes this, bad trolling. You should be ashamed at such an effort.
h said...
Instant karma. This is a few second long video, but it will make you chuckle.
I like the viral one of the guy angrily shaking the pole with the two stop lights on top of it, and then one of them breaks off and klonks him right on the head! I watched that one several times and laughed every time.
Francisco D said...
Anyone with an ounce of experience and a few ounces of brains knows that this whole mishigaas is about getting Trump (or other government agents) to overact and make them martyrs. Thus will the Revolution be born.
At this point, I'm willing to see them get a few Horst Wessels.
Bruce Hayden, thanks for your analysis. The corrupt deep state getting their wish. Lots of other news to drown out this travesty. Leftist sites are ignoring this, in order to deep dives into the constitutional crisis of President Trump walking over to the church.
I got banned over at patterico. They are pretty much living full time in their psychosis now. But so far lots of things more interesting than the Solicitor General slapping back Sullivan's hired attorney trying to defend his corruption.
Amusing that gadfly quotes George Will who has been a rabid Never Trumper all along,. He is one of those responsible for killing off the Weekly Standard and for the coming demise of NRO. Will is one of those "Manner Conservatives" who care more about flaccid losers than winning.
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