June 1, 2020

Rush Limbaugh talks about George Floyd — and white supremacy — with Charlamagne Tha God.

It's a bit stressful! To put it very briefly: Rush wanted to express solidarity with everyone who's outraged over the killing of George Floyd but he was never ever ever going to agree that America is a system of white supremacy.


rhhardin said...

Limbaugh on the first day told off a caller who doubted the cause of death should be taken as what it's represented as in the video. Apparently deceptive films in support of the usual narratives are not possible in Limbaugh's new universe either.

I can't wait to see what the defense attorney does with this case.

Then there's the tedious new round of riots, and the resulting Federal retrying of the whole ritual.

lane ranger said...

There seems to be almost universal condemnation of bad cops, and perhaps a new willingness to hold bad cops accountable and not let them be shielded by the other police or by the police unions, and possibly even a willingness to hold supervising politicians accountable. The fact that the supervising politicians in most of the cities where there are problems are Democrats may make it impossible to impose political accountability.

rhhardin said...

American is a system of American supremacy. Try identifying as American rather than black and see how you do.

The only white supremacists are blacks living in Africa. They want to get to a white-run country.

elkh1 said...

He will not agree America is a system of white supremacy because America is not a system of white supremacy. There may be pockets of white racists and black racists, but the system is not a white supremacy system.

rhhardin said...

Scott Adams today has an excellent tip for blacks, that I long ago suggested in accounting for blacks saying they only wanted dignity.

My version:

You give dignity to yourself, or withhold it from yourself. The only way to get it is to do something for somebody else. That works racially too. The day that blacks take up a collection for poor whites, I said, is the day blacks find they have dignity as a race.

Adams's version is reciprocity, as a magic trick that whites always respond to.

tim maguire said...

So Rush wants to make sense? I can see where that would a problem these days.

Maybe he can agree that America is a system of white supremacy if Charlemagne can agree that the term “white supremacy” has no meaning and is just activist nonsense?

Mark said...

he was never ever ever going to agree that America is a system of white supremacy

Do you?

mandrewa said...

It's a long time since I've heard Rush Limbaugh. His voice sounds very different from the last time I heard him.

But he's admirable. He's an honest man.

Oso Negro said...

why on earth should he agree that America is a system of white supremacy?

wild chicken said...

Whites come out on top for the very reasons they are boring: better future time orientation. Live in the moment, or for that imminent trip to LV, you're going to be broke. Plenty of whites live that way too.

Dumb people are credulous.

Kurt Bermuda said...

Blacks will be worse off and policed more after this.

The simple reality is that Democratic politicians, journalists, and pundits are petrified of questioning any of the dogmatic ideological assumptions underlying these protests/riots. Because they will be immediately ripped to shreds. Don’t even try to pretend this is not the case.

Covid-19 already pushed aside as soon as one of the left’s/media/academia’s favorite narratives rears its head again. Keeping everyone safe. Yea right. These A-holes are wreaking havoc. The bill from the past 10 weeks will be too large. Don’t be surprised if people won’t pay and it triggers another round of social unrest. How much more will people tolerate?

Get armed, get skilled. The times are getting real. Remember, the cops aren’t allowed to police anymore.

Joan said...

Rush needed to acknowledge that he's never been racially profiled and never will be. He has experienced discrimination and persecution because of who he is and what he believes in, but it's not the same.

I think the push back to the white supremacy charge is: most of these places that are burning now are actually governed by people of color. Are the people of color white supremacist? I don't understand it.

We also need to get better data out in front of this story. There are literally MILLIONS of police encounters every year, and very few of them result in a police office killing someone. In 90-95% of the cases, the person who is killed was attacking the officer or someone else. Most importantly, blacks are NOT disproportionately killed by police, but that's the narrative and it's not getting any pushback.

As I said to my anarcho-communist (explain that one to me again?) daughter, saying ACAB is just as bad as saying "all men are rapists." There are 800,000 police officers in this country. If there really were systemic racism, white supremacy, and targeting of blacks, there would be vastly more cases than we're seeing now. It's the same problem as always, the media taking one horrific event and using it demonize all of society.

Unknown said...

> that America is a system of white supremacy.

Number of unarmed Americans killed by police - washington post database (thanks Michael Tracy)

White - 19
Black - 9
Hispanic - 6
Other - 4
Unknown - 1

Virus and cops are below bathtub and terrorist threats.

Cops are biased against troublemakers. Chris Rock - how not to get your ass beat by the cops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQLCF4Tiqg4

complicated story

George refused to get in the car, probably memories of prison.

Howard said...

It's not White supremacy. The racist dirtbag white trash cops and their deplorable cheerleaders are responsible. It's the fact that these cops are so low on the totem pole, their inferiority complex causes them to take it out on the unarmed poor minority because trying to lynch their white betters is too dangerous from financial and legal aspects. A classic double bind.

Temujin said...

I listened to it as it happened. It took some courage for him to ask to do this. He put himself out there to offer a hand in peace. And overall, though they talked past each other at points, it was a start. This is how these discussions have to happen. It has to come in bits. Each side has things to learn. Everyone has things to learn about others.

Except for me, of course.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

No appeasement will ever be enough.

bagoh20 said...

They want to blame people, millions of people, who had no hand in this or any other similar police brutality. They want to blame a system and an entire nation that has done more for Africans than any other nation ever. I agree with Rush. That does not make sense, and it's not true. I suppose it's some part of human nature that is unsatisfied with blaming the individuals who actually are to blame, but the truth matters, becuase if you try to ignore the truth to get your satisfaction, you will never get there, and you will produce nothing but strife in the effort.

All the episodes of assumed police brutality are different, and some are simply not brutality at all, but something else, and the police are not wrong in many of the cases, despite the fact that many people never accept the truth. Ones like Michael Brown where the police did noting wrong and were given no choice by the suspect are still counted wrongly as part of the whole thing, consciously or subconsciously. That makes your opinion about the entirety of the problem less than valid.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is anything that can be done about that, since people are thoroughly invested in that entire narrative, and are afraid or unwilling to admit any of it is less than an indictment of the whole system. No ground can be given, and you can tell by this and many similar discussion that try to bridge the divide that nothing will be accepted other than complete capitulation to the entire narrative. There are no gray areas, no other possible perspectives. Macro level race relations cannot really heal now, becuase too many people have accepted two many lies for too long, and there is no policy or change possible that can ever meet the impossible demands.

We can only find peace and acceptance at a personal level with people close enough to really know our hearts and minds beyond the caricatures. We are stuck with that as the best we can do. Maybe with enough of that, and someday a new generation not so poorly educated, we can take a bigger step.

Fernandinande said...

he was never ever ever going to agree that America is a system of white supremacy.

It's a ludicrous notion; blacks are given every preference in education and hiring but they, as a group, can't take advantage of those preferences. If you go by crime rate and the number of interactions with the police, they're less likely to be shot than whites.

whitney said...

Calling himself Charlamagne is cultural appropriation

Big Mike said...

Well, we do not have a system that explicitly supports white supremacy so much as a system to keep inner city black people down. It’s not the same thing! The system for keeping down inner city black people consists of equal parts black leaders anointed and sustained by the news media and Democrats, at the expense of lesser known but more effective black men and women, combined with K-12 educators schooled to deliver the “soft bigotry of low expectations,” and the whole edifice created and maintained by Democrats.

RichAndSceptical said...

Rush knows better. Their story is many years of both real and imagined racial discrimination. Their beliefs are based on emotion and Rush was trying to be factual. I don't think either side got anything from the conversation, but at least Rush made the effort. Maybe the seed was planted.

mandrewa said...

But after listening for longer I don't see much basis for an agreement.

I don't know what a white person can say to a black person that blames white people for everything bad that happens to the black people and selectively and only sees bad things happening to black people.

You can talk. You can listen. You can continue to express your own ideas. All these things are potentially constructive. But practically speaking it seems kind of hopeless.

Limbaugh is trying hard not to offend. But of course he really doesn't agree with what Charlamagne and company are saying and the more he clearly he voices his disagreement the more likely they are to take offense.

Rosalyn C. said...

Rush was right. Something like what happened to George Lloyd did happened to a white man, Tony Timpa. We never heard about it at all. See the video Bad cops don't discriminate. "Police responded to his 911 call for help. He died. What happened to Tony Timpa?"

Achilles said...

This is not an isolated incident.

It is constantly happening in places where democrats are in control of everything.

Minneapolis: Democrat Governor, Police Chief, DA, Union, Mayor.

Democrats killed George Floyd.

Achilles said...

Colin Kapearnik is a piece of shit.

Spiros Pappas said...

Not the place for it, but I hope the looters' names and addresses get published. We need some vigilantes to head over there and tear apart their homes and break their car windows. Let's see how they like it.

Sebastian said...

"It's a bit stressful! To put it very briefly: Rush wanted to express solidarity with everyone who's outraged over the killing of George Floyd but he was never ever ever going to agree that America is a system of white supremacy."

Didn't listen, but this sounds like common sense. No?

In particular, how do black-run cities with black-run police departments reflect "white supremacy"?

SGT Ted said...

That's because America isn't a system of white supremacy.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Did Rush tell Chalamagne he wasn't black since he wasn't agreeing with a white man?

Achilles said...

If george floyd was was white nobody would give two shits.

rcocean said...

Stressful? I found it boring. Basically Rush constantly saying "I was discriminated against. Other White people have suffered too - that's life" and the blacks saying "You don't understand what black people go through - its different."

I'm not too sure what Rush expected out of it. It will probably win him points with his sponsors who are always scared he will be too hard on the black rioters. IRC, one of them dumped Rush after the "Obama the magic negro" parody - and then came back when it finally explained to them. But it shows how skittish they are.

Achilles said...

The muslim didn't accidentally kill the white woman.

Achilles said...

The people who voted for complete Democrat control in Minneapolis for 50 years killed George Floyd.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
It's not White supremacy. The racist dirtbag white trash cops and their deplorable cheerleaders are responsible. It's the fact that these cops are so low on the totem pole, their inferiority complex causes them to take it out on the unarmed poor minority because trying to lynch their white betters is too dangerous from financial and legal aspects. A classic double bind.

The double blind is douchebags like you pretending these cops don't live and work in one party democrat areas protected by politicians like Amy Klobuchar who is directly and personally responsible for that cop still being on the police force.

You and all the other democrat voters killed George Floyd.

Achilles said...

As long as these people continue to vote for democrats there is no reason to take them seriously.

They don't want anything to get better.

They want to be victims forever.

RK said...

Is there any minority, in any country of the world, that does so little for their own well-being as black Americans?

Narayanan said...

he was never ever ever going to agree that America is a system of white supremacy.
would reformulation help ?

blacks are trapped by Democratics in a Narrative of White Supremacy and promise of life without effort

David Begley said...

Tonight VDH and Tucker had very good analysis; mostly VDH. As a country, we need to get rid of this tribalism. It is a total dead end. Sounds simple, but we are all just Americans.

Drago said...

Howard: "The racist dirtbag white trash cops and their deplorable cheerleaders..."

Howard is just angry he couldn't be with his antifa brethren as they violently assaulted an old woman with 2x4's in Rochester. You know, it was only about 6 or 7 with 2x4's against one small older woman. Howard showing up could have really made it a fair fight.

chuck said...

Scott Adams thinks Floyd passed out from fentanyl and suffocated because of his position. Apparently suffocation is a common way to die from fentanyl, the user passes out, their head falls forward, and they can't breath. Experienced users make sure they are in position where their head fall back if they pass out.

Michael K said...

It's not White supremacy. The racist dirtbag white trash cops and their deplorable cheerleaders are responsible.

Pretty clear you know no cops nor have worked for a living in anything like their dangerous lives, you asshole.

rcocean said...

The only person who seems to know less about black people than Scott Adams is RH. I like Scott Adams but he seems to have a real problem understanding people who are NOT (1) individualistic (2) Money driven or (3) logical thinkers.

Scott Adams seems to think everything is a "problem" and it can be "Solved" if only we get all the smart people together and find a "solution" that's good for all Americans. Of course, he could just be taking this stance because it sells the most books and is the most popular. But its not reality.

stephen cooper said...

Most black people know that, in the USA today, there are more unprovoked assaults on white people by cowardly blacks than unprovoked assaults on black people by cowardly whites.

There are celebrities who do not know that. One day, they will repent for their evil and prideful statements, and their lack of concern for all victims of violence.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The Breakfast Club is very clear they need power at all levels to murder sans consequence anyone who disagrees with them like Obama's pals had, puppeting "peace, love, peace" like the devil himself.

I hope they end up surrounded by like thinkers. And I do mean "end" literally.

I hope they boycott everything white, including radio and computers and Rush. Oh wait, blacks invented everything including radio and computers and Rush, didn't they? But whites stole it from them? Because all things white are bad and all things non-white are good?

At least these people aren't divisive!

Gahrie said...

White supremacy is one of the most minor and inconsequential problems facing Black people in the United States today. That's why they have to keep committing racial hoaxes to keep passions stirred up. There are about 1,000 White supremacists around, and half of them are undercover government agents.

The biggest problem facing the Black community today is the behavior of Black people. 75% of Black children are raised without a father. Single mothers with multiple children by multiple fathers is common. Men with 10 children by six mothers (none of whom he supports) is not unknown.

We need to find a way to restore the family. (25% of White kids are raised without a father) Once we restore the family, the irresponsible sexual and criminal behavior can be addressed. It worked with the elephants, it can work with humans. How? I don't know. I'd begin by changing welfare rules so that they rewarded two parent families instead of punishing them. I'd look at the tax code for the same reason.

I'd bypass the Jacksons, Sharptons and Wrights, and go to the working Black churches, and ask them what they need and for their help. I'd ask the Black cultural elite for their help.

Francisco D said...

Howard said... The racist dirtbag white trash cops and their deplorable cheerleaders are responsible. It's the fact that these cops are so low on the totem pole, their inferiority complex causes them to take it out on the unarmed poor minority because trying to lynch their white betters is too dangerous from financial and legal aspects.

I guess the ex-Marine persona has departed.

Howard puts himself as a very disturbed person.

Skippy Tisdale said...

The problem isn't white supremacy, it's black inferiority complex. I work with lots of black professionals from lawyers to executive VPs and what sets them apart from the folks in my getto neighborhood is that thay do not suffer from that.

Gahrie said...

Tonight VDH and Tucker had very good analysis; mostly VDH. As a country, we need to get rid of this tribalism. It is a total dead end. Sounds simple, but we are all just Americans.

The problem is, the Left depends upon it in their endless quest for power. It is the basic defining characteristic of the Left today. Why? It works.

stevew said...

Is this THE Conversation so many have been insisting we, as a nation, need to have?

I haven't thought the word "systemic" is appropriate to describe the situation for blacks in America. Then I read about this cop that kneeled (knelt sounds too genteel) on the neck of Floyd. This cop has a long history of misbehavior on the job. Several complaints have been filed, and he was sanctioned in the past. His fellow cops at the scene never intervened to stop or even complain about his behavior. Those actions and failures to act might reasonably be described as systemic.

But the greater majority of cops do not act this way. And the broader America society is appropriately repulsed by the action of this cop. The protests are legitimate. The riots, looting, and destruction of property are not.

Anne-I-Am said...

Why does no one seem to notice that only one of the four officers involved is white? One Somali, two Asian, I believe. Hard to argue that this is racial animus at play, I guess, if you observe that a veritable diversity and inclusion cabal took part in this.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Why wouldn't "tha God" not just smite all his enemies and create superior-to-all-other-races black-only communities? Obviously with no whites around blacks would be amazingly, insanely better off, so why not forcefully remove all whites around or go find a better spot with no current white inhabitants?

People do it all the time if they ain't black, works well. I live close to the Asian part of Denver, love it. But that option isn't available for "tha God" I guess. Maybe he is a shit god and not "tha God?"

Maybe power excites him, not justice? Maybe his pay derives from subtraction and division, not addition/multiplication/calculus?

Anne-I-Am said...


I don't know about that. I notice in my industry that the blacks all list their credentials, however meager they may be. They insist on being called "doctor," when they are not MDs. The only white person I know who does that is Jill Biden. On fb, a black person will parade the fact she went to Harvard. I have never seen a white person do that.

Is that confidence and security? It could simply be a cultural difference, but I don't know. Seems strangely insecure to me.

Michael K said...

My brother-in-law was a Chicago cop for 30 years and never made sergeant because of affirmative action. No white cops were promoted for a decade. He had an MA in public administration and I told him he should go to a small city downstate but he didn't.

A family friend was a well known honest cop in Chicago.

Meanwhile, Howard was hiding in his office job with a doorman to keep the baddies out.

n.n said...

America is not a diversitist country, not color or sex. Well, it's not in principle, or wasn't, but there has been progress.

chuck said...

[Adams] have a real problem understanding people who are NOT (1) individualistic (2) Money driven or (3) logical thinkers.

I think he understands people who don't think logically, where I think he goes wrong is that he is too optimistic about human nature and doesn't relate to violence as a basic aspect of humanity. His optimism, I think, is cultivated because he wants to live that way, but the simulation has a dark side and Adams could use a streak of pessimism.

FullMoon said...

Scott Adams thinks Floyd passed out from fentanyl and suffocated because of his position. Apparently suffocation is a common way to die from fentanyl, the user passes out, their head falls forward, and they can't breath. Experienced users make sure they are in position where their head fall back if they pass out.

Well, that is pretty stupid, even if correct. Doesn't really matter if the guy od'd or not. Big bad ass muscular guy starts crying for his Mamma, something is going very wrong. Like I said, standard procedure, bad luck. Cop obviously should have got off.

It's like average guy taking that 35mph off ramp at sixty every day after work, until the one time tire is a little bit low and he flips the Mustang and kills himself, sop, bad luck.

FullMoon said...

Good news is, govt allowing places to open up ahead of time. Might as well pretend it is due to "science" and not riots, right?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Rush is old. A young person would have brought up all the proven true again and again stats about, in America, blacks insane level of violence toward each other, and most unfortunately others including Asians and Hispanics and, oh yeah, whites too.

And then talked about how racist Charlamange is for claiming American systemic racism is the problem when blacks have the same reputation world-wide, same problems worldwide. You can hate on America, and boy oh boy oh boy when you win you can then forever control every utterence here, and after that there will be no more "there," but what of all that anti-black feeling worldwide? America could have been a beacon worldwide, with a 13% minority getting elected for two terms to the most powerful position in the world.

How could "tha God" not care about all the other racism in the world against blacks when that, and proggiism, are what draw them together in the first place.

Crack tried for years, but he slipped, God bless him. It's because it's true. We can use data worldwide to show the peculiar claim America is racist is bullshit agitation for money or amusement.

n.n said...

the supervising politicians in most of the cities where there are problems are Democrats may make it impossible to impose political accountability.

That's a problem that has festered and progressed while obfuscated under a layer of privacy managed by "minority" leaders.

n.n said...

Sounds simple, but we are all just Americans.

One country, one community. Don't begrudge your neighbors success nor covet his wife. Old fashioned wisdom from our ancestors. That said, diversity breeds adversity. #NoJudgment #NoLabels #NoPC #HateLovesAbortion

PluralThumb said...

If the system was for white supremacy, then why are majority of white folks complaining ? I agree with R. Limbaugh, but Rush is too addicted to jump in after his battle with lung cancer. He may need the neutrality or not, his call. Can the planet just implode already. The system may only go as much or as far as mortality. We are crammed and overpopulated. The solution is one massive interracial orgy, but age, morality and law are a major issue. Also competition of repetition. I need a cup of noodle. Taco bell was destroyed and shut down. I was too lazy to enter an open one. My privilage.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Tupac sang/said "And they tell me it's the white man I should fear, but it's my own kind doing all the killin' here. Can't lie, ain't no love for the other side, jealously aside."

Great lyrics. Was Tupac just sellin' out CtG? Bullshit. Spend your next 6 decades makin' bullshit excuses why Tupac was a White Supremecist.
"Only God Can Judge Me"
(feat. Rappin 4-Tay)
Only God can judge me (that right?)
Only God can judge me now
Nobody else (nobody else)
All you other motherfuckers get out my business (really)
Only God can judge me now
Perhaps I was blind to the facts, stabbed in the back
I couldn't trust my own homies, just a bunch of dirty rats
Will I succeed? Paranoid from the weed
And hocus pocus, I try to focus, but I can't see
And in my mind I'm a blind man doin' time
Look to my future, 'cause my past is all behind me
Is it a crime to fight for what is mine?
Everybody's dyin', tell me what's the use of tryin'
I've been trapped since birth, cautious 'cause I'm cursed
And fantasies of my family in a hearse
And they say it's the white man I should fear
But it's my own kind doin' all the killin' here
I can't lie, ain't no love for the other side
Jealousy inside, make 'em wish I died
Oh my Lord, tell me what I'm livin' for
Everybody's droppin', got me knockin' on Heaven's door
And all my memories of seein' brothers bleed
And everybody grieves, but still nobody sees
Recollect your thoughts, don't get caught up in the mix
'Cause the media is full of dirty tricks
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me, only God
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me, only God
Only God can judge me now
Only God can judge me, only God
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me, only God
Only God can judge me
I hear the doctor standin' over me, screamin' I can make it
Got a body full of bullet holes, layin' here naked
Still I can't breathe, something's evil in my IV
'Cause everytime I breathe I think they killin' me
I'm havin' nightmares, homicidal fantasies
I wake up stranglin', tangled in my bed sheets
I call the nurse 'cause it hurts to reminisce
How did it come to this? I wish they didn't miss
Somebody help me, tell me where to go from here
'Cause even thugs cry, but do the Lord care?
Try to remember, but it hurts
I'm walkin' through the cemetery, talkin' to the dirt
I'd rather die like a man than live like a coward
There's a ghetto up in Heaven and it's ours
"Black Power!" is what we scream
As we dream in a paranoid state
And our fate is a lifetime of hate
Dear Mama, can you save me? And fuck peace
'Cause the streets got our babies, we gotta eat
No more hesitation, each and every black male's trapped
And they wonder why we suicidal running 'round strapped
Mr. Police, please try to see
That there's a million motherfuckers stressin' just like me
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me, only God
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me, only God
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me, only God
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me now

Guildofcannonballs said...

"That which does not kill me can only make me stronger
That's for real
and I don't see why everybody feel as though
that they gotta tell me how to live my life
You know?
Let me live, baby, let me live

[Rappin' 4-Tay:]
Pac, I feel ya, keep servin' it on the reala
For instance, say a playa hatin' mark is out to kill ya
Would you be wrong for buckin' a nigga to the pavement?
He gon' get me first, if I don't get him fool start prayin'
Ain't no such thing as self-defense in the court of law
So judge us when we get to where we're goin wearin' a cross
That's real, got him, lurked him, crept the fuck up on him
Sold a half a million tapes, now everybody want him
After talkin' behind my back like a bitch would
Tellin' them niggas, "You can fade him," punk I wish you would
It be them same motherfuckers in your face
That'll rush up in your place to get your safe
Knowin' you on that paper chase
Grass, glass, big screen and leather couch
My new shit is so fetti, already sold a ki or ounce
Bitch, remember 2Pac and 4-Tay
Them same two brothers dodgin' bullets representin' the Bay
Pac, when you was locked down
That's when I'll be around
Start climbin' up the charts, so sick, but they tried to clown
That's why they ride the bandwagon
Still be draggin' sellin' lies
Don't think I don't see you haters, I know y'all in disguise
Guess you figure you know me, 'cause I'm a thug
That love to hit the late night club drink and buzzed
Been livin' lavish like a player all day
Now I'm bout to floss 'em off, player shit with 4-Tay
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me, only God
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me, only God
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me, only God
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me
Only God can judge me, only God
Only God can judge me now

[2Pac (Rappin 4-Tay):]
(Only God, mane)
That right?
(That's real)
(Fuck everybody else, you know what I'm sayin'?)
Man, look here, man
My only fear of death
Is comin' back to this bitch reincarnated, man
That's for the homie mental
We up out"

narciso said...

What difference does it make


Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Disband the police.

We’re past the point of clinging to a broken system.

FullMoon said...

Holy smoke! Just saw crazy Leo on Hannity say Trump is right.

buwaya said...

Oh #%$$%$, I am up much too early.
Probably because of being awakened by dghtr in Santa Monica yesterday.

Anyway, the US is a white nation, historically.
Blacks were irrelevant as creators of actual American power.
The US became exceptional as a global industrial and commercial and military power through the activity solely of its white population, especially in the 1860's - 1940's.

This is mainly industrial history, which is rarely taught, but is vastly more significant historically and personally (as in determibing peoples conditi on and quality of life) than "civil rights" or law or politics. Most of humanity, through the distortions of its mass media and the obsessions of its ruling classes, is hopelessly deluded as to the nature of reality.

You can go into detail here, of a multitude of cases where the US became world-dominating in one thing or another. Henry Ford's River Rouge complex of 1917 for instance. South Bend Lathe. Curtis-Wright. Baldwin Locomotive. General Electric. Standard Oil. In THAT direction is where you must look for your history, your power and glory. In hot steel and sparks and coal dust and black oil. Everything else is trivial frippery.

Not "rights", or laws or politicians or honky tonk. And in that sphere, of hardest reality, it was all white people.

buwaya said...

Your tribalism is now permanent, and permanently hostile.
And it is a fight between white tribes. The rest are either along for the ride or a pathetic annoyance, serving mainly as fodder for the white caste war.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"This cop has a long history of misbehavior on the job."


He has a long history of criminals filing complaints against him. It's what those bitches do. The complaints against him average about one every two years. Ain't none of 'em never dindu nuffin.

Go fuck yourself.

Sebastian said...

If racism is systemic, systemic racist police are not doing a very good job, considering that they so rarely kill blacks without provocation and end up killing twice as many whites per year on average.

Gahrie said...

I haven't thought the word "systemic" is appropriate to describe the situation for blacks in America. Then I read about this cop that kneeled (knelt sounds too genteel) on the neck of Floyd. This cop has a long history of misbehavior on the job. Several complaints have been filed, and he was sanctioned in the past. His fellow cops at the scene never intervened to stop or even complain about his behavior. Those actions and failures to act might reasonably be described as systemic.

Now discuss the fact that the chief of police in Minneapolis was fired, and a cop arrested and put in jail, for killing a White woman three years ago. Next discuss the fact that Minneapolis, and Minnesota have been solidly Democratic for generations, so they've been designing, implementing and running all of those racist systems.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Gahrie wrote: I'd ask the Black cultural elite for their help.

6/1/20, 8:08 PM

I think your analysis is generally spot on, but I doubt you'll get much help from the "black cultural elite" since many of them, from Ta-Nehisi Coates to LeBron James, are too invested in the Oppression narrative and the race card to change. It pays handsome dividends and there is no downside for them personally or professionally.

Any black who steps out of line and asks blacks to behave like adults with moral agency instead of the eternal victims of whitey immediately gets labeled an Uncle Tom and an Oreo - and not only by blacks.

bagoh20 said...

I'd like to know:

1) Why did Cauvin pull Floyd out of the car?
2) Why did all three cops stay on top of Floyd after he stopped struggling?
3) Why did the other cops defer to Cauvin, a cop with a bad record, and I expect a bad reputation among other cops?

If any of those those three things were eliminated, Floyd likely lives.

Dude1394 said...

They want reparations.

Lyle said...


If Rush has been to Asia... he's been racially profiled. They even special pejorative words for white people.

walter said...

You just have to believe that after said system dismantling, a more just system will be put in its stead.
They know what needs to done.
Just trust them.

bagoh20 said...

I think the systemic reaction of America to this death is appropriate and even admirable for any government, to the point of being exceptional in the world. The four cops were immediately fired, the real culprit was charged with murder. It may not stick when the facts get litigated, but that legal response was appropriate considering the completeness of the video record available. For this reason, the response of the protesters is not appropriate and is really just people acting out their emotions and social self-advertising. The authorities did exactly what the protesters would have demanded if they had not immediately done it, of course after they did, the protests have to demand more, even if it's not warranted by the facts. The Rodney King riots were a direct result of the officers being clearly over-charged without the facts to convict. It's damned if you do and damned if you don't. There is no response that would satisfy some people. None. That's the context.

William said...

I am not offering this as a defense of Officer Chauvin. He's clearly a bully and he clearly did something criminal. That said, he's not Dr. Mengele. People, even Limbaugh, vie to heap abuse on him....Cops are instruments of brute force. They're paid to be bullies. It's easy to get caught up in the power. Maybe that's what happened to Chauvin....Counterpoised against the demonization of Chauvin is the beatification of Floyd. I am not offering this as an indictment, but Floyd is somewhat less saintly than Mother Theresa. He has a checkered past, and he apparently did pass a counterfeit bill. One way to avoid bullies like Chauvin is not to engage in crime. If you have too many interactions with cops, you're bound to run across someone like Chauvin eventually.....Okay, Chauvin was in the wrong and Floyd did not deserve to die, but Floyd was never going to die a natural death.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Some law chick: Oh Michael Moore is way more successful than Rush Limbaugh.

Me: Really? By what measure.

Slc: His movie grossed ....

Me: Oh. Well Rush is worth a couple hundred million easy. That is the gross of Moore's movies before a lot of things are deducted.

Slc: Duh do you want to bet?

Me: Okay how much?

Slc: $100.

Me: Okay what's the bet?

Slc: Michael Moore is worth more than Rush Limbaugh!

Me: Okay.


Slc: so you never proved me wrong about that Limbaugh bet. lol.

Me: Okay.

h said...

replying to stevew at 8:12. "Those actions and failures to act might reasonably be described as systemic." The failures to act were failures by individuals who have names. The actions (such as those by the fellow cops) were actions by individuals who have names. The assertion that the problems are "systemic" or "Institutional" is a copout that has the effect of diminishing or excusing the individuals who have names, described above. And the underlying message of whites asserting "systemic" or "institutional" racism is: "I'm not racist. It's someone else who disagrees with me that is racist."

JAORE said...

An exchange I had on FB tonight. This woman was all about the protests are justified. The arson is a refletion of justifiable anger. Looting was due to how capitalism has held the black man back.

Then protestors said they were moving her direction:

Her:"...when they come to your hood a person kinda gets weirded out.

Me:" True words, sister. True words. Now that the riots are moving into suburban and rural areas I see a change. Those that can sit back and support the protests, even as they become riots and looting no longer feel safe. Good. Yep. People are angry. I get that. And they somehow twist that anger to say it's OK to burn someone's home, business or car. And they have destroyed neighborhoods as if that somehow helps. Ferguson is still a wreck as are parts of Baltimore. Watts has not fully recovered over 50 years. So, here is a thought. To those that truly believe 1) Your anger is real and justified, and 2) that burning and destruction somehow helps overturn the tragedy of Mr. Floyd, then the answer is simple. Burn your own house. Burn your mother's house. Burn your friends house. Torch your car,your mother's car, your friend's car. If burning a stranger's property shows commitment to the movement, just think how much commitment you will be showing.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

As if calling himself Charlemagne isn’t over the top grandiose, nobody who calls himself Tha God has any room to chastise anyone else for being a supremacist.

bagoh20 said...

My tribe, as I know it so far, is not racial. It is about as diverse as the general population, but it is exceptionally well armed, loyal, tolerant, libertarian, clear-eyed, and determined to protect itself.

My stepson and his friend just came back from the corner convenience store where the clerk was a woman who, rather than waiting on them, was on her phone loudly talking with someone about where they might go this week to find freshly broken windows and free stuff. My tribe members openly laughed at her, and she said she was going across the street to get some money from that bank tonight.

These are not smart people, and they will get hurt, if they don't wise up. I pity them, because people like that will likely never have anything but disappointment. At least she has a job ... for now.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Full Moon: who is crazy also?

Butkus51 said...

Just curious. In any discussion of race, is bringing up the fact that scores of blacks are murdered by blacks daily..is that allowed? If not, end of discussion, Sorry.

bagoh20 said...

I listened long enough to hear Rush propose that they on the show were examples of how America gives minorities plenty of opportunity to succeed, but I didn't hear them explain why they are doing so well, while men like Floyd are not, but rather are encountering police on a regular basis. Did they ever explain that?

buwaya said...

Black people in the US are largely irrelevant other than as a bone of contention between white factions. The last time they mattered was when they constituted much of the capital stock in the southern states pre-1860. That was simply a capital trap as it turned out, an asset that could be legislated away overnight.

Right now they seem to simply exist as part of the general consumer market, but there is no net contribution from them to production. Whatever they produce of value is probably negated by the burden they add to public services and what they detract from private property valuations and private costs, like for liability and security.

Gahrie said...

I think your analysis is generally spot on, but I doubt you'll get much help from the "black cultural elite" since many of them, from Ta-Nehisi Coates to LeBron James, are too invested in the Oppression narrative and the race card to change. It pays handsome dividends and there is no downside for them personally or professionally.

The current Black cultural elite is tied to identity politics and victimization. But there are some voices of reason out there. Morgan Freeman for instance.

I want to be clear, I am not ascribing evil intentions to all the people currently pre-occupied with race. Many of my friends are Black school administrators. These are intelligent, accomplished individuals. They see the world far differently than I do. For instance, when I see the police, I see governmental power and force. Police misconduct in my mind is one more argument for limited government. When they see the police, they see a systematic system designed to harass and imprison Black people. But they do not associate the police with government. They see the government as a protector and provider. When you point out to them that the systems they are calling racist were designed, implemented and administered by Democrats, they deflect. Minneapolis and Minnesota have been solidly Democratic for generations. They were the only state that voted against Reagan in 1984. Three years ago the Minneapolis police department had a major controversy when a White woman was killed by the police. After eight months, the officer was fired and arrested and the police chief fired. The mayor, city council and police commission are all totally Democratic. They had the chance to fix things. But here we are.

None of that matters to these Black friends. They see LeBron ask "Why don't you love us?" and nod their heads. I ask "How much more love do you want? You get paid hundreds of millions of dollars to play a game because we love to see you play. You get paid hundreds of millions of dollars to sell things because we love you and value your opinion. Millions of White kids are running around in LeBron jerseys wishing they could grow up to be him because they love him. How much love will be enough?".

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Blogger buwaya said...
Your tribalism is now permanent, and permanently hostile.
And it is a fight between white tribes. The rest are either along for the ride or a pathetic annoyance, serving mainly as fodder for the white caste war.

6/1/20, 9:13 PM"

Sure sure it's tough. We break others b, we don't get broke. Thought you were smart? Why didn't you figure that out?

Guildofcannonballs said...

It is not always, but now in America is, pretty safe to sit back and profit.

Because the world will take millenium to realize what America needs to do now.




Anne-I-Am said...

I have a question. If there is no god; if everything is only material; if the human mind creates reality...

Then why is racism bad? *I* am god. I create my reality. I do not have to accept YOUR reality. My world is whatever I say it is. There is no higher ground, no transcendent power to which one can point for meaning and direction. There is only me and my will-to-power. I may die at the hand of a more powerful human, but that is the nature of life when we are all only animals. Nature bloody in tooth and claw.

I choose my tribe. If my tribe excludes black people, who cares? Who is telling me I am wrong, and why is their opinion important?

This is where we are in this world where the satisfaction of our animal appetites is the apotheosis of being human. Where there is only the gnostic, secret knowledge of my mind. You do you; I will do me. And doing me may mean celebrating my superiority.

Not that I believe any of this. But I find it rich that someone who believes that a man is a woman because he thinks he is a woman, that all sexual impulses are good and must be satisfied, that feelings trump duty and obligation, wants to tell me that MY feelings of superiority and disdain are wrong and cannot be acted upon.

walter said...

bagoh20 said...Did they ever explain that?
Are you sitting down?
Answer is no.

buwaya said...

But Guild, who is this "we"?

You are fighting each other. One of your factions will "break", certainly, and I don't know which one. The breaking process will be traumatic.

I did figure it out, which is why we are out of there, and so is most of our money.

buwaya said...

Gun sales up 80% this May (year on year), or so it seems.
Anecdotally, dealers cant keep guns and ammo in stock.
Partly lockdown, partly riots probably. June figures should also be interesting.

Gun sales are I think a general social anxiety metric.

FullMoon said...

I'm Full of Soup said...

Full Moon: who is crazy also?

Anti white, anti police. My impression from seeing him as a regular on Hannity years ago. Interesting to me because I have not watched much Fox since Krauthammer died and quit Hannity before that.


Lurker21 said...

People mean different things by "racism." For many it means discrimination against individuals and groups based on race or color. For others, inequality between races, disparities of income and opportunity between groups, is itself "structural racism" or "systemic racism." So most of the time, people are talking past each other and don't understand what they other side is talking about. Add to this the ambivalence about assimilation and it's hard to talk about race for very long and get very far. The country functions best when it has work to do that requires us to put aside all the concerns about identity and hegemony and assimilation and inequality and get on with the task at hand.

n.n said...

Diversity politics is a progressive condition.

n.n said...

they so rarely kill blacks without provocation and end up killing twice as many whites per year on average

Sometimes diversity matters, sometimes it doesn't. The protestors have made a warlock judgment and are on a witch hunt. So Pro-Choice.

Rt41Rebel said...

I listened to the Rush/Charlamagne discussion live. My takeaway is that Rush missed an opportunity to point out to Charlamagne that the reason that white people thrive and black people don't is that black people are determined to live in the paradigm world that liberals have created for them in the last 50 years, a world that doesn't actually exist. I hate to be terse, and I really hate to say it because it's considered racist, but as a previous poster upthread may have said, old white men are successful because they live like old white men, i. e. they work hard all of their lives, they take care of their women and children, and they generally use intoxicants in moderation.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is a link showing how ignarant uneducaded whiye suppremesist be controlling all Dem cities and states.

Earnest Prole said...

Rush was hassled by The Man for having a harmless addiction to heroin, and if that doesn't make him an honorary African American I don't know what else would.

wildswan said...

Charlamagne tha God kept asking how would you "dismantle white supremacy?" I would reform the schools.

This year 40 % of the black guys in the class of 2020 in the major US cities where the black community is concentrated did not graduate. And the public schools in the black inner city community are so beset by discipline problems and have so softened the curriculum that many of those who do graduate are not equipped to do a competent job in the better paying professions. Yet charter schools have shown that people in those communities can do well, graduate from high school with a good preparation and go to college in large numbers. Yet the Democratic leadership in the these same large cities opposes and tries to shut down charter schools and all alternatives to the public schools. I call the state of public school education in the black community "liberalism's failure", not "white supremacy." But doesn't giving a community a poor education guarantee a poor outcome in life for its citizens? You cannot rise if you cannot spell, whatever you call it? So this is an area where we could co-operate. But I think that Charlamagne and his friends will not dare take on the educational establishment or the Democrats in the cities. This has been going on a ling time and no significant leader in the black community dares stand up and criticize the education the children of the community are getting. When it all over and done with and another generation miseducated 40% of its members - then talk about "white supremacy" when you mean "the schools you voted for didn't teach your children enough to hold their own and still you look the other way." (Of course, the leaders, like Obama, have taken their own children out of that situation and their children are doing well, so there's that.}

Gahrie said...

This year 40 % of the black guys in the class of 2020 in the major US cities where the black community is concentrated did not graduate. And the public schools in the black inner city community are so beset by discipline problems and have so softened the curriculum that many of those who do graduate are not equipped to do a competent job in the better paying professions

What you failed to mention is that the vast majority of Black students attend schools and school districts run by Democrats, and usually Black Democrats.

You also failed to mention the fact that those kids who went to the charter schools and did learn are accused of "acting White" by the other neighborhood kids.

Kirk Parker said...


Re your last paragraph: Fen's Law.

Unknown said...

I listened to the interview and was struck by the BC groups' inability to express what exactly they want changed other than outcomes. They had either had absolutely no idea or refused to express how to get the desired outcomes. 'Disparate impact' is vague and useless (and needs to be removed from law and language) but seems to be THE driving force for discontent.

wildswan said...

There's protesters by day and there's a different group, rioters, by night. The rioters are led by Antifa whose goal is anarchy. Big city mayors stand the police down before the rioters and anarchy ensues. These same big city mayors, all Democrats, belong to the party that has controlled most of the big cities for most of the last sixty years. Mistreatment of members of the black community, "systemic racism", is on those big city mayors and their party, the Democratic party. A focused discussion of the grievances of the black community would have exposed the relationship between the Democrats and the legitimate grievances of the black community. Instead the mayors have encouraged looting by standing down the police and enabling Antifa. Thus they imply that the black community is in a state of anarchy due to general sins of all Americans. Thus they avoid a reckoning between the Democratic party and their most faithful voters.

I think we all know that whatever goes wrong in America hits the black community hardest. In America a rising economy was struck down by covid and in America the Democratic party is prolonging this damage by restoring normal conditions as slowly as they can. The black community is the Democrat run big cities is the hardest hit. In America education is absolutely necessary for prosperity and in the big cities 40% of the 18 year-old young men of the black community are failing each year to get a high school education. Moreover for those who do stay the education they are getting in the public schools is more and more a worthless knockoff, a thing that looks like an education but that rips and crumbles in the strains and rains of the real world. Real education is available through charter schools, vouchers, school choice, and home schooling. All of these the The Democrats oppose and cripple as far as they can within their big city jurisdictions. Again it is the children of the black community that are hardest hit.

I call it failed liberalism, you call it systemic racism. Whatever we call it, it is worst in the big cities, mainly run by Democrats for the last sixty years or more; and it hits the black community hardest. Anarchy and looting are what the big city mayors are now proscribing as the best medicine for their own failed policies. The best way to hide their own ruinous failures is to create a heap of bigger ruins, visibly on fire. But failed liberalism hiding itself in anarchy and looting aren't what the black community wants, it's just what they get in return for their loyalty.

How many times can a man turn his head/Pretending he just doesn't see? .