May 24, 2020

"The multimillion-dollar 'Forget Stoner' push featured a diverse cast of models posing in photos with the label 'Stoner' crossed out at the bottom."

"Other identities, like 'Grandmother,' 'Queen,' and 'Entrepreneur' were scrawled in instead. One image featured a uniformed police officer. Because of weed’s legal status, internet platforms like Google and Facebook, as well as most television stations, generally reject ads for it. So MedMen’s campaigns, which earned national recognition, relied heavily on billboards and radio spots... [In one ad, directed by Spike Jonze, an] interracial couple walks up their suburban driveway, carrying reusable canvas totes filled with groceries and a red MedMen shopping bag. The narrator toasts the blissful scene with the slogan, 'Here’s to the new normal.' The makers of Comedy Central’s 'South Park' [made] a parody version of the ad for an episode of the show about the arrival of recreational weed in Colorado. In Trey Parker’s and Matt Stone’s reimagining, a police officer shoots an old woman in the head, a man violates a pig in a corporate boardroom, and unmistakable cartoon depictions of Modlin and Bierman appear on-screen while the narrator intones, 'Fuck those guys.'"

From "Lavish Parties, Greedy Pols and Panic Rooms: How the ‘Apple of Pot’ Collapsed/MedMen was the country’s hottest pot startup—until it flamed out. Its fall has exposed the gap between 'green rush' hype and the realities of a troubled industry" (Politico).


Sebastian said...

So, Karens, is weed safe?

Temujin said...

Gotta love Parker & Stone. Hilarious.

Aggie said...

Wow. You know, I've got nothing against weed in moderation. I think it probably ought to be carefully decriminalized and eventually legalized, taxed, etc. I think its use medicinally has clearly proven its benefits. And I have the same concerns I would have for any recreational drug when abused, but this little spot here: It makes me want to puke. Insidious enough to make my skin crawl with its carefully crafted wrongness.

Tommy Duncan said...

I'm glad I grew up in the 50's and 60's in flyover country.

I wish coke was still cola
And a joint was a bad place to be
It was back before nixon lied to us all on tv
Before microwave ovens
When a girl still cooked and still would
Is the best of the free life behind us know
And are the good times really over for good

Are we rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell
With no kinda chance for the flag or the liberty bell
Wish a ford and a chevy
Would still last ten years like they should
Is the best of the free life behind us know
And are the good times really over for good"

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Rich are always funding leftward movement of the overton window

wild chicken said...

Welp, I don't know what all that was about. But I got muh medical weed here, and I don't really like it the way I did when I was 17. Too psychedelic.

Is opium legal yet?

rcocean said...

A lot of Media Hollywood types were in on the ground floor of the "Pot" industry. Its why you rarely hear anything bad about MJ - which is a dangerous drug - in the Media or in Movies. Hollywood used to promote liquor and cigs - making them seem glamours in the 30s and 40s for the same reason. The first movie about the "evils of drink" didn't come till 1945, with "Lost Weekend".

Big MJ wants to expand the customer base, and is willing to tell people its healthy and fun. Don't worry about any health risk, its just like a glass of wine. Haha. How many Emergency room visits because of Pot in Colorado? quite a few.

Wince said...

Notice the spin Politico tries to put on the story.

MedMen stands as a cautionary tale of American Wild West capitalism...

MedMen, cannabis insiders say, is just the most colorful illustration of what happens when a young industry groping toward the world of legitimate big business is forced to exist under an uncertain regulatory regime that no other sector has to contend with.

“I hate to say it,” lamented the former executive. “You’re dealing with regulators who are just kind of making it up.”

Is MedMen really an example of unfettered capitalism?

Or is it one more example of a politically connected "green" business -- like solar energy before it -- embraced by politicians that was only brought to earth by the discipline of the market?

Sam L. said...

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
not bummed about this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Great post, Ann.

Worth reading the link.. watching the vids.

Fernandinande said...

Last night some guy posted a fake news article about "cannabis" (it wasn't), so I looked up the definition before commenting and the first hit, so to speak, was:

Scientists believe cannabis [CBD] could help prevent and treat coronavirus"

"The results, printed in online journal Preprints, indicated hemp extracts high in CBD may help block proteins that provide a “gateway” for COVID-19 to enter host cells."

gilbar said...

So, medmen was just a pipedream?

Wince said...

"The buying and selling of dope in this country may be the last vestige of free enterprise left."

Big Mike said...

Once a stoner, forever a stoner.

MD Greene said...

Marijuana can be legalized, but it refuses to be housebroken. Two (or is it three) generations of potheads refuse to pay more for a taxed product. The Green Triangle of plantations in Northern California still operates, like so much of the state, entirely off the books. Oregon, authorizes growers whose products leak to other states, ended 2018 with a million pounds of surplus weed. Neiman-Marcus, which is liquidating inventory in the run-up to its bankruptcy hearings, will sell you any number of CBD creams at 60 percent off.

Zach said...

Interesting question: Was Reefer Madness anti pot, or was it a proto exploitation film?

A lot of code era "public education" films were stealth endorsements of their subjects.

Mr Wibble said...

Lies. This is all a conspiracy by the lizardmen and big tobacco to prevent the achievement of utopia through the adoption of a weed-based economic system.

Anonymous said...

There are people who hope the pot industry forms into a business that is respectful of the culture that has long existed for pot smokers. The way its been ( e.g. on the side, discreet) is, of course, not the way a "legalized" business will be run. Absent a detailed testing program its very imprecise what will do what, pay your money, take you chances. "Everything you think do and say, is in the pill you took today"

Narr said...

South Park is a national treasure, and Spike Jonze has some talent.

Those are brilliant. Like LOTR and BOTR!

Thanks for the morning . . . smiles.

Mellow mellow smiles

MayBee said...

Nancy Pelosi's latest pandemic act has provisions to make sure women and minorities get to jump in on the weed trade. So we've got that going for us.

wild chicken said...

OT wow, Insty's on cspan3 talking free speech case law.

Never seen him in action before.

Yancey Ward said...

Sorry for the multiple posts on this- still learning to use all the sharing options for the spreadsheet, and I removed all the data from the shared file accidentally in trying to create the state by state file with the same data. I was under the mistaken impression that the shared file wasn't changed at the same time the copy I had made was.

This should be the right file with the datat intact.

wild chicken said...

Insty: "...typical leftist boilerplate, which remains the same a hundred years later.. ".


The Crack Emcee said...

The New Normal lost me at the mention of the word "Wellness"

Zach said...

Suppose you wanted to become the Philip Morris of legal weed.

Is vertical integration the way to go? I'm not sure.

The advantage is that you're capturing all of the large markup between producer and consumer.

The disadvantage is that if the business ever does become completely legalized, that markup is going to disappear. Discount cigarette shops are not buying anyone Hollywood mansions. At some point, the actual Philip Morris is going to enter that market and crush all the little boutiques.

It seems like Randy Marsh (who's always a buffoon in South Park) has a better approach: he's creating a brand name and not bothering with retail.

tcrosse said...

Call it the Enron of pot.

madAsHell said...

The actress Rosario Dawson, now known in Washington as Cory Booker’s girlfriend

Cory Booker has a beard. Film at 11.

Hmmmm......I wonder. Did someone take photos at the bathhouse?

Tomcc said...

Yancey Ward: Huzzah! Thanks for compiling that info.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

tcrosse said...

Call it the Enron of pot.

Enron? More like Theranos.

wild chicken said...

I saw some Canadians on reddit bitching that ftheir legal Aurora weed was dried up and weak. The latest med pot here is the same.

Apparently the local bootleg stuff is much better. Plus it's half the price without all the taxes and regulation.

Who coulda seen that coming.

tcrosse said...

I imagine Frito-Lay has plans to form strategic alliances with the Legal Pot Biz.

Tomcc said...

There's a definite limit to any business plan that does not include access to (legitimate) banking services.

YoungHegelian said...

I never could see how the pot market could live up to its hype. The most obvious problem I saw was "Is there really that much pent-up demand for legal weed?". It seemed to me that anyone who wanted weed could obtain it with little difficulty on the illegal market. These customers were not just going to swap over their business to legal shops because the states wanted all that tax revenue.

In the major shopping district near me in the MD suburbs of DC, there are now multiple weed boutiques in the Rockville Pike area. Unless 80% of the local population becomes stoners overnight, there's no possible way that they can all stay in business.

BTW, it's now routine for me to smell weed coming form other cars on the road as I drive around doing my errands & business. Just one more unintended consequence, I guess.

Yancey Ward said...

Harder to create the state level data spreadsheets. Not sure I can do it the way I want to. To do it right, I have to be able use the COVID tracking data updates automatically, but then I lose the sorting and column changes every few seconds.

Paco Wové said...

...American Wild West capitalism..."

The reflexive loathing that media types have for "capitalism" shouldn't surprise me anymore, and yet it still does. It's one of those key tropes that lets you know the utterer is engaging in doubleplusgood proggy duckspeak.

Unknown said...

I nominate Matt Stone for President of the USA, with Trey Parker as Executive Producer! -willie

Narayanan said...

I am surprised that MedMen did not include "Choom Gang" in their New Normal montage.

nor did South Park to contrast with George Washington et al.

That would have locked in O'Legacy for The Ages

Rick.T. said...

"I imagine Frito-Lay has plans to form strategic alliances with the Legal Pot Biz."
Indra Nooyi's product marketing strategy has been:

Fun for you
Better for you
Good for you

Wonder which one this fits into?

Rick.T. said...

"I'm glad I grew up in the 50's and 60's in flyover country.

I wish coke was still cola
And a joint was a bad place to be...
Down here in TN I'm making Rainbow Stew with the leftover BBQ ribs tomorrow and washing it down with Bubble Up,

Rick.T. said...

To each their own but I think there's a reason they call it "dope."

eric said...

I love how Marijuana is in some sort of weird place legally.

Well, I don't love it, I love how we're all playing pretend.

Marijuana is illegal. Because Federal Law says it's illegal and Federal Law supersedes state law.

But it sure is fun to pretend like it's a grey area, isn't it?

YoungHegelian said...


But it sure is fun to pretend like it's a grey area, isn't it?

Actually, it's not fun. It's one of the reasons these pot boutiques are failing as businesses.

Since sale & possession of marijuana is illegal under federal law,none of the business expenses of running a marijuana dispensary can be deducted as expenses on federal corporate taxes. This imposes yuuuuuge additional expenses on the business.

I can't imagine how a business can be run without federal business deductions. Just pulling a number out of my ass, I can't imagine covering the additional tax burden without a profit margin of 700+ per cent on every sale.

John henry said...


What part of the constitution gives the feds the power to regulate an activity that takes place entirely within a state?

I know, I know, penumbra and emanations, right?

It took a constitutional amendment to ban booze. Why is put different.

John Henry

Lewis Wetzel said...

Why would anyone believe that a guy who changed his name from Adam Spiegel to Spike Jonze would be involved in anything inauthentic?

J. Farmer said...

I used to like Mark Kleiman's old idea of legalizing marijuana for low-level distribution or a small number of plants for personal cultivation but keeping large quantities illegal to discourage widespread commercialization.

narciso said...

any improvement on the island of misfit toys, john henry,

J. Farmer said...

@Paco Wové:

The reflexive loathing that media types have for "capitalism" shouldn't surprise me anymore, and yet it still does. It's one of those key tropes that lets you know the utterer is engaging in doubleplusgood proggy duckspeak.

This is a legitimate critique. And there is a fairly substantial critique of capitalism within the conservative tradition. Patrick Deneen's Why Liberalism Failed covers some of the history.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

From pot heads to greed heads.
Med-Men: Taking it all up front, based on the celebrity glitz veneer. That it failed, is good. Capitalism works best when applied with morals and ethics. not greed.

Most elite wealthy democratics are the most uncharitable people on earth.

Howard said...

It seems like a lot of you people think that spreading the 'Rona to families, friends and strangers is your G_d given right, but toking a little chronic is verboten.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Some people live capitalism, some people must read it in a book. Most people don't understand that it's basic freedom and commerce and like anything, it can be abused.

Hey! lets apply socialism to Med-Men. Someone call Paltrow or AOC -> and get them to goob on that one.
I'm all ears.

Some people are greedy fucktards who buy their mansions before the check clears, and the investors get their money back.

DEEBEE said...

Only a matter of time before a few lines of the white powder are a panacea for the lines that reality creates on your forehead. The newer normal. Always follow the money....

John henry said...

Has anyone ever seen any studies showing that smoking pot is a driving hazard?

I mean a study along the lines of driving an obstacle course with no pot as a baseline then with increasing levels of pot testing reflexes.

John Henry

John henry said...

Not me, Howard.

I don't think mj is a good idea but I am against any laws making it illegal.

I would restrict kids younger than 18. Not sure how, as a practical matter. But I'm OK with it if it can be done.

Otoh, I am at the age where I am starting to get some joint pain. I've been thinking about trying some cbd oil.

I don't really know if it works but it doesn't seem to do any harm.

What have I got to lose?

John Henry

Ray - SoCal said...

Wow - badly managed business, similar to the tech unicorns.

I thought a lot of legalization funding came from a co founder of progressive insurance, no mention in the article.

Increased Paranoia seems to happen for d sad one with marijuana use,

In Ca high taxes have made legal dispensaries a hard business to be in. Along with other red tape nightmares.

n.n said...

Diversity breeds adversity. They should avoid employing liberal license to indulge color judgments. People... persons are not that green.

frenchy said...

Pot has been legal in Oregon since a 2014 ballot measure that was passed by the voters. Before that, it was legal for many years under as "medical marijuana," which was mostly just a ruse to legalize it, because medical marijuana cards were VERY easy to get, but it was on the expensive side (out-of-pocket doctor exam plus the annual fee for the card itself all amounted to about $600 per year).

The point is it's been around on a "legal" basis and widely used as such in Oregon since 1998, and over those 22 years it has shown itself so far to be nowhere near the social problem that alcohol is. In fact, there are no "social problems" associated with it, other than the ubiquity of cannabis shops and the siting of them in neighborhoods, near schools, etc., but even that doesn't amount to much of a problem.

One thing that is there's a lot of money changing hands behind the scenes, and many people appear to be getting quite wealthy from it all.

The Crack Emcee said...

frenchy said...

"medical marijuana," which was mostly just a ruse to legalize it

Yep - I was there when Dennis Peron and friends came up with THAT one in San Francisco.