May 12, 2020

How better to react to disrespect than to turn and walk away? And yet, it's Trump's usual way to stand his ground and fight.

Notice the effort to drag Trump into a new racial controversy.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The effort to cast Trump as a racist began in 2016.
before that, everyone loved Trump. Clinked glasses with him at parties. all that.

rehajm said...

As others here have observed long gone are the days when The White House press corps was a plum assignment. Now the job is delegated to a bunch of twentysomethings fresh from their campus agitator 'jobs'.

MayBee said...

I watched yesterday. There are a bunch of reporters who ask questions only to stir something up. They aren't looking for information about the virus, or policy, or the FBI problems, or infrastructure. They just want to get a Twitter problem going.
I understand the press is supposed to challenge POTUS, but this isn't even that.

gspencer said...

Amusing that the masks muffle lefty voices to the point that removal is necessary at which point they're in violation of COVID-19 protocols insisted upon by Democrats.

Ha ha.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trump can never win with the media and the left.

If he walks away from uncomfortable or stupid questions, they will say.."See see, he admits it" or "Look, what a liar/coward/...he is evading the question. Won't even answer."

If he stands his ground and calls out the stupid. Then "Trump us a boor, Hitler, uncouth, erratic." "Look at how mean/belligerent/combative he is." Or best yet. "Trump is attacking the (sacred holy and untouchable) Media" Then they look for their fainting couches.

If you can't win with either tactic, you might as well just go scorched earth. Take no prisoners and salt the earth behind you.

MayBee said...

Also....Trump blames China for this mess. Wouldn't it be more racist to avoid saying "China" to the asian woman? Like "you can't handle hearing what I would usually have to say because I notice you look Asian?"

Leland said...

Has any publishing company halted their printing systems and started to use them to make masks?

Darkisland said...

gspencer said...

Amusing that the masks muffle...

Muffle or muzzle?

I know you mesnt muffle but one of the NA boys pointed out that the look like dog muzzles.

Is the purpose of the masks to keep us muzzled?

Also, that West Virginia/Chinese woman was not wearing her mask. She was merely holding it over her mouth while she was talking.

Why doe she want to kill my grandmother?

John Henry

Readering said...

Doesn't take much effort.

MayBee said...

Trump can never win with the media and the left.

If he walks away from uncomfortable or stupid questions, they will say.."See see, he admits it" or "Look, what a liar/coward/...he is evading the question. Won't even answer."

Earlier in the press conference, Trump was saying the same thing about testing. They are testing every day at the White House, after the press complained Trump didn't take it seriously. Yesterday the complaint was, how can you test every day but tell the American people they don't need tests every day.

He said they complain about whatever he does.

John Borell said...

I watched that presser.

Good God, the press is like a bunch of unruly children.

Browndog said...

Trump lost his footing a month ago. I see no sign he's regaining it.

As far as the reporters go, that's on him. He invites the trolls to dinner, and tries to feed them for as long as it takes to satisfy their insatiable appetite.

Get it together.

Howard said...

The most powerful man in the world gets bullied off the podium by a couple of Karen's. His bones spurs must be acting up

Big Mike said...

Trump can never win with the media and the left.

John Borell just explained how he is winning.

Birches said...

I can't understand how anyone could try and make that racist. The press is just pissed that the new press secretary is eating their lunch. Seriously, the last few days she's been going viral, not them so they had to make sure they stayed in the spotlight.

Let's note that none of their questions are relevant to us regular people trying to navigate the current situation. Jackals.

AZ Bob said...

She pulled off her mask only after he said to ask China. Interesting.

Why should Trump say we are doing better than other countries? Because you wouldn't know it listening to the press. In fact, eliminate NYC from the stats and we are doing much better.

Browndog said...

Hard cringe when Trump said anyone that wants to be tested can get tested. Reminded me of being able to keep my doctor.

Not much has changed in testing in Michigan. Need a doctor to sign off on a test, and some won't. They tell people to assume they have it, and self-quarantine.

Testing at this stage is pointless, so make the case instead of being dishonest. Also, Trump's go to line of "we conducted more tests than any other country" is complete garbage. Not adjusting the numbers for population is dishonest.

Again, get it together.

Andrew said...

I enjoy Trump giving it to the press as much as anyone, but it's long past time to pull the plug on these gatherings.

There are thousands of people at home, with little to do, who could ask Trump legitimate, significant questions, and his answers would be informative. Any commenter at Althouse could do a better job than these fools. Heck, there are journalists in my city who ask respectful questions of our governor, which lead to a beneficial exchange. These same local reporters could ask questions to Trump via Skype or Zoom, without the ugly hostility of the DC press. Why do we need to keep this charade going?

Serious question: Is there any obligation towards the White House Press Corps to hold a conference? Is there a contractual mandate? My understanding is that the ball is entirely in Trump's court. Why should he bother with these any longer, when their modus operandi is no longer in doubt? Maybe he feeds off their hostility, but I don't think it's healthy for the country.

Readering said...

His answers would be informative!

MayBee said...

Hard cringe when Trump said anyone that wants to be tested can get tested. Reminded me of being able to keep my doctor.

Right. The truth is, anyone who needs to be tested can be tested. Anyone who wants to be tested is untrue and most likely always will be, because there are some people who would be tested every day or multiple times a day if they could.

The testing is important because of the implications that come along with it, right? And those are more political or government-enforced implications. You either have it or you don't, like a million other things you can get that make you only a little sick or end up putting you in the hospital. But unlike all the other things, you getting it can shut your family or your business down, or keep your state locked up for another month.

Trump only kind of skirts around the idea that we're going to have to take risks, some people are going to get it, most people will be ok. COVID 19 is bad but maybe as a disease it isn't bad enough to shut everything down anymore.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

One chink in the Press’s armor is the extremely thin skin most if these bullies have, along with their impulsive need to see race in every fucking word Trump utters. Screaming garbage babies aren’t just for colleges anymore!

chickelit said...

Some of the union guys I deal with daily have snazzy masks that bear either Teamster logos or else the the logo of the company they work for. I like the branding and always compliment them. I myself wear a herringbone pattern mask that my mother in law made for me.
Do the TV journalists wear masks with corporate logos? If not, why not. We need to plainly see who is muzzling them.

Mary Beth said...

My idea of a journalist is someone who is curious and wants to find answers. These people think they have all the answers already and just want to make sure we know it.

Dave Begley said...

Trump constantly gets worthless and repetitive gotcha questions. The Fake News is the Enemy of the People.

Seriously, America hates the Fake News and that's 90% of the Press. When I attended Trump rallies, the biggest cheers was when Trump pointed at the cameras in the back of the room and he called out the Fake News.

wendybar said...

The Media may as well consist of Democrat Congresscritters, since that's exactly who they sound like when all they see is race and color. Grow up Trump has been bitching about China since before he was President and he is 100% right. These activists should just join the CCP....Chinese Communist Party since they are using their propaganda to go after the American President!!

Browndog said...

Trump needs to move off of reiterating how many lives he's saved during the lockdown, and move to how many lives are being lost due to the lockdown.

It just reinforces the false notion that lifting lockdowns is a death sentence.

That's it, going to cut grass for the first time this not yet spring.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Our media is a pile of hot garbage.

tommyesq said...

Browndog said... Trump's go to line of "we conducted more tests than any other country" is complete garbage. Not adjusting the numbers for population is dishonest.

I disagree that it is garbage. We, like everyone else, started with zero tests and zero ability to conduct tests (because there was no test). Our ramping up quicker than other countries has significance, perhaps even more so because our larger population requires more testing.

RMc said...

As others here have observed long gone are the days when The White House press corps was a plum assignment.

It's a lot better than covering water commission meetings in Terre Haute, which is what these reporters will end up doing if they don't give Trump a hard time. Resist!

n.n said...

Diversity breeds adversity. Good for him to avoid normalizing these artifacts from a progressive era.

Howard said...

Store bought masks are shity and weak and ill fitting the homemade ones are fabulous especially if you have a pocket to put a non woven paper material add extra filtration.

you can tell the woman was a Chai Commie plant when she pulled her mask down because that's what the Chinese want the Americans to do: un-mask so we infect ourselves into a depression

Howard said...

Nobody covers water commission's until they publish a final plan to build a new water source then environmental wackos go completely ballistic and the press then is forced to cover the shitshow. With the Trump presidency there is no shortage of shitshow to cover. Therefore media needs to have all of their people assembled around the prodigious asshole

Chuck said...

I know that many people are focusing on Trump's walking away, and Trump's alleged (racial?) disrespect for the CBS reporter. And, that the last two questioners were women.

For me, the far more important exchange involved Philip Rucker's straight, no-gotcha question about what Trump tweeted on Sunday about there having been a major crime committed by Obama. Rucker simply asked Trump what he meant, what the crime was, and whether the President hopes to see a prosecution.

And Trump had no sensible answer. Trump said essentially that everyone knew about "Obamagate," and then went on to insult Rucker and the Times.

I've been drilling my Trump-supporting friends about that exchange and none of them have a good answer.

rcocean said...

Love how Trump now has Biden the Democrats defending the Chi-Coms. "Hey, don't be mean to the Chinese Dictatorship that's Raccisss".


MayBee said...

Chuck- My good answer is it was a way to say "wait and see". You think Trump is going to name a crime so Barr then has to answer a million questions about whether he is doing Trump's bidding?
Trump was answering as an observer. What crimes do you think Obama could be charged with? What crimes do you think Obama, Comey. Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Strozk, and Page committed?

rcocean said...

Trump has shown the MSM to be the biased left-wing hacks they are. Now, even the stupidest Moderate and/or RINO understands they aren't "objective journalists" but an unpaid arm of the DNC.

Just like Trump showed us that National Review, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, David French, etc. were all liberals in Conservative Clothing. All aboard the "Conservatives for Biden" train.

roesch/voltaire said...

That will teach those uppity women who want to challenge a fake news narrative from the President--take that China lovers.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Maybee said Chuck- My good answer is it was a way to say "wait and see". You think Trump is going to name a crime so Barr then has to answer a million questions about whether he is doing Trump's bidding?

I love Trump's noncommittal "wait and see"...or "we'll find out"..."We have to see what happens".....type of answers

It reminds me of when you have little out of control children who whine and clamor for an answer or a decision.

"I want a puppy!! Can we have a puppy?!!?!?? Why can't we have a puppy?? Susie has a puppy? Do you hate puppies? When can we get a puppy?? You don't love me if I can't have a puppy!! Everyone else has puppies......." Insert ice-cream and the conversation is the same.

Until you want to smack the living daylights out of the kids. So instead you say..."We'll see and walk away to retain your sanity.

Works with the husbands too.

Him "What do you think about us buying a couple of Harley Fat Boys, selling the house and taking a year long road trip?"

Wife "We'll see" or "I'll think about it" ...for about 2 seconds

LYNNDH said...

ChinaChuck - my answer is BO committed treason, along with the rest of the gang. Is that straight forward enough for you?

Birches said...

Spying on a presidential campaign and transition team seems like it would be illegal if Trump did it to Biden....

Michael K said...

uppity women who want to challenge a fake news narrative from the President--take that China lovers.

The script for the China lovers. I see the memo went out on time.

Original Mike said...

"Trump said essentially that everyone knew about "Obamagate,""

That was silly of Trump. Why would he expect journalists to know about Obamagate?

RMc said...

Chuck said:

I've been drilling my Trump-supporting friends

Is that like when kids have imaginary friends?

Matt Sablan said...

"For me, the far more important exchange involved Philip Rucker's straight, no-gotcha question about what Trump tweeted on Sunday about there having been a major crime committed by Obama. Rucker simply asked Trump what he meant, what the crime was, and whether the President hopes to see a prosecution."

-- Well, I know of a few. Such as using a pseudonym to conduct official business on Clinton's illegal, secret server. His administration also spied on journalists and Congress, if you recall. That's before we even get into what he knew when about the blatantly illegal investigation and spying on the Trump campaign. Any one of these three things, done by a Republican administration, would be "worse than Watergate," instead we get people like Philip Rucker pretending to have no idea that the Obama administration ever did anything illegal.

steve uhr said...

Question 1 - has trump asked other reporters to “ask China”
Question 2 — if yes, what were their ethnicities

The question is capable of objective analysis.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...


Matt Sablan said...

Also note, of those three examples, one is still waiting for final proof. We don't know. Maybe, as usual, Obama's administration just did immoral or illegal things without checking with their boss, like with the gunrunning to Mexico or the IRS's actions against conservative political groups. It's entirely possible that Obama was such an ineffective executive that his team ignored him routinely and went behind his back in unethical ways. We know for sure Clinton did, and several other people in his administration or hold overs from his administration appear to have admitted that Obama was too inept to keep track of them. The spying on Congress and journalists may not be illegal, but I'd be surprised to find out it was. We'll never really know though because, as usual, no real investigation was ever done to find out why or how it happened. So, you could maybe argue those two aren't proof of crimes, just incompetence.

There is no denying that Obama sent classified information on an unsecure system using a pseudonym to discuss official business with Clinton though; that is flagrantly illegal.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Why compare the US to other countries instead of to the utopian ideal in my mind that you will always fall short of?

Original Mike said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
"Question 1 - has trump asked other reporters to “ask China”
Question 2 — if yes, what were their ethnicities "

You'd think a federal prosecutor would recognize entrapment when he sees it

steve uhr said...

McConnell said, apparently with a straight face, that it was classless for Obama to criticize Trump. Trump calls Obama a criminal of biblical proportions and Obama shouldn’t respond? Why is that?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

uhr, has any other reporter asked that same stupid question in the same stupid way? Has Trump ever been afraid to call out China, no matter who is listening/asking?

Matt Sablan said...

Is anyone making the argument Trump ISN'T "classless?"

hstad said...

Blogger Browndog said...
Hard cringe when Trump said anyone that wants to be tested can get tested. Reminded me of being able to keep my doctor.5/12/20, 8:16 AM

Really, your analogy is "...being able to keep my doctor...?" First of all I got tested and live in California, quite a few more people here, versus where you live. It did take me 6 weeks buts what's so unusual about that - everyone wants to be tested. The Que for testing is still high today and will be for a some time. Trump is 100% correct. He can't control what local Doctors/Administrators do, but eventually you will be tested if you're persistent enough. But "Browndog" you don't care, every comment from you today is already infected by the other virus "TDS". Give us a break!

Clyde said...

The mainstream press is garbage. As far as Trump just abruptly ending it rather than pig-wrestling in the mud, well, good for him. It was the right choice, and hopefully it will happen more often.

Never mud-wrestle with a pig. You'll just get dirty and the pig enjoys it.

LA_Bob said...

Yes, Trump all too often says and tweets stupid things (I recall one time Temujin said he often wished Trump would lose his phone).

But, I will not judge the entirety of Trump's presidency on the unfortunate portion of his rhetoric which amounts to "lashing out" and making stupid claims. There are reasons enough for me to vote for him this year.

Likewise, I did not judge the entirety of Obama's presidency on "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" nonsense. It's a pity many of his supporters refuse to acknowledge what nonsense it was. But there was no shortage of reasons for me to prefer someone else.

Trump may lose in November. I truly hope he wins, because winning will be a big fat middle finger up the asses of those whose sole raison d'etre is to goad him into talking smack.

Bob Boyd said...

Never mud-wrestle with a pig. You'll just get dirty and the pig enjoys it.

In my experience, they don't like it...not the way I do it. Makes 'em...anxious.

Howard said...

Coward runs away from cunty hairpies and his cucks cluck approvingly.

The Godfather said...

"Good Morning America" had a clip of the presser this morning, but it didn't show the question the reporter asked, just Trump's "Ask China" response, and a shot of the Asian-looking reporter. The editing was intended to give the impression that there was no reason for Trump to mention China, other than that the reporter looked Chinese. But the questioner said "every day Americans are losing their lives, and we're still seeing more cases every day", so Trump's "ask China" answer was right on point: You want to know why people are dying? China is the reason they are dying, because China let this plague loose on the world and failed to give timely warning.

Dave64 said...

The White House press corp has become nothing but a clique of shit stirrers looking to get some air time by asking "gotcha" questions. This journalist had to pull her mask down trying to make the President look like a racist. He did the right thing by just walking away, He should do this more often unless it's Acosta the Diarist. Then it's "foot in the ass" time.

Yancey Ward said...

Did Obama commit a crime? Ask yourself this question- given the exact same evidence, but put Trump in the Oval Office and Joe Biden running against Trump while being simultaneously investigated and surveilled- what would the NYTimes and and other media outlets be saying?

Don't all of us know the answer to that question, whether we want to admit or not?

Michael K said...

Howard, you apparently got the memo just now. Trump has more press conferences than the times Obama said "I" and you are sniveling.

John henry said...

Why is she called "Asian-American"?

Asian-AMerican applies to groups of people with different Asian backgrounds in the mix. Or perhaps one does not know whether the "Asian-American" is Chinese, indian, Korean, Japanese etc.

But in this case it is a specific person with a known ethnicity.

Why not call her "Chinese-American"? Since her ancestors are from China. You know, where the kung flu originated.

John Henry

Gusty Winds said...

Best is when the reporter pulls off her mask to show her face to suggest Trump was being racist. Demonstrates how masks are bullshit virtue signals.

John henry said...

What the Hell are you doing here, Chuck?

Have you no sense of decency? You have been banned, repeatedly. Your comments are routinely deleted. Our hostess has to resort to moderation, a giant pain in the ass to commenters and her alike.

Just go fuck yourself and stop commenting here.

What an asshole you are. Or a "dick" as our hostess calls you.

John Henry

Lurker21 said...

Question to wrestle with: Was Don Rickles a racist or did he just like yanking people's chains? Trump likes to yank chains, but he has to keep his wits about just whose chain he's yanking and what's going on, or it's going to get him in trouble.

Jim at said...

Just once I'd like Trump to respond with: FUNQ.
Each and every time. Until they stop.

Browndog said...

hstad said...

But "Browndog" you don't care, every comment from you today is already infected by the other virus "TDS". Give us a break!

You disapprove of my comments?


Oh, who is "us"?

bagoh20 said...

"I've been drilling my Trump-supporting friends about that exchange and none of them have a good answer."

Really? That's some terribly interesting and compelling event that you think anybody cares about, and should have an answer for you? Sure if are looking everyday for something, anything to critique Trump about, maybe, but trust me, your friends who do not have TDS probably see you coming and sadly announce. "Dammit, here comes Karen."

narciso said...


bagoh20 said...

So Andrew Cuomo calls the virus "a European virus" today.

Imagine if Trump said that. They wouldn't call it racist, although it's more racist than "Chinese virus", becuase it's mis-attrributing it to a certain group on purpose becuase of their perceived race. There is no other reason for it. They would however call it "crazy, "lying", "stupid", and well yea probably "racist" too. They would be right, but it was Cuomo, so it's not even covered.

Iman said...

I think the press covering the WH should be made to wear badges with their names and employers. Or identify themselves with that same info when called upon.

Banjo said...

I think the Mean Girls of the White House press corps (or corpse, as Obama had it) says it all. It makes you long for the old days when that witch-like Helen Thomas could be counted on to make a bitter fool of herself. You have to be gorgeous or close to it these days, so she wouldn't make past the front door.

rcocean said...

I love all the idiots here telling Trump he's "losing it" and "Needs to do this" or "do that". When you become a paid press secretary, give us a call, otherwise you're just a nobody with an opinion.

rcocean said...

If Trump had listened to all the Little Lord Fauntleroy's and Moderates, he'd be selling Real Estate right now.

BTW, the use of all these black, asian, female, reporters at the WH Press Conference is deliberate on the part of the MSM. They want to call Trump a sexist/racist for not taking shit from their brain dead reporters. Its not about the Nice Network/Press Execs loving "diversity".

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