... we're open late. You will notice the social distancing: Moderated comments. The old back-and-forth is not happening. You can see that as an opportunity if you are an optimist.
And do consider doing your shopping — if you've got any — through the Althouse portal to Amazon.
The photograph of the relentlessly Type #1 sunrise was done at 5:37. The "actual" sunrise time was 5:29.
Is this thing on
You can see that as an opportunity if you are an optimist.
An opportunity to go to bed.
Why does the GOP throw members to the legal wolves, and Democrats don’t?
GOP does not pay / provide legal defense.
Democrats do.
Which forces the accused GOP to use personal finds, even against frivolous suits, where the process is the punishment.
Examples off the top of my head:
1. Michael Flynn
2. KT McFarland
3. Sarah Palin
4. Zinke
1. Aswan Brothers
That brings back memories. Setting out across a windy, wet crossing of a big lake for an unknown portage on the far side.
Best wilderness trips of my life. You can travel so far in a canoe.
Now some of those had legal defense funds, no 3 as her perkins and coie appointed ethics supervisor pointed out a defense fund against bogus ethics charge was unethical
Good news!
Covid Patients Testing Positive After Recovery Aren’t Infectious, Study Shows
Researchers are finding evidence that patients who test positive for the coronavirus after recovering aren’t capable of transmitting the infection, and could have the antibodies that prevent them from falling sick again.
Scientists from the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studied 285 Covid-19 survivors who had tested positive for the coronavirus after their illness had apparently resolved, as indicated by a previous negative test result. The so-called re-positive patients weren’t found to have spread any lingering infection, and virus samples collected from them couldn’t be grown in culture, indicating the patients were shedding non-infectious or dead virus particles.
Mnuchin says employees who reject offer to return to work are ineligible for unemployment benefits
Hey, what's this?
From Daron Acemoglu et al., you know, like, fancy MIT economists:
"Our main result, however, is that better social outcomes are possible with targeted policies. Differential lockdowns on groups with differential risks can reduce both the number of lives lost and the economic damages significantly. We also find that the majority of these gains can be achieved with a simple targeted policy that applies an aggressive lockdown on the oldest group and treats the rest uniformly."
Which just happens to confirm what the sane commenters have been arguing for a couple of months now.
“ One policy deserves more attention due to its immediate and devastating costs is Whitmer’s executive order requiring nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients.
On April 15, Whitmer signed an order mandating that nursing homes and other long-term care facilities accept COVID-19 patients from nearby hospitals.”
This is exactly the sort of tough it out “cull the herd” approach Typhoid-Mary-I-am admires.
Of course, Susan Rice's CYA by-the-book email to herself on 1/20/17 shows that the O administration was trying to railroad Trump, that O was deeply involved, and that Comey was one of the bad guys. That's not news, though to see it in black and white is still amazing.
But the most remarkable thing about the full declassification is that the key paragraph had been classified for so long to begin with. The deep state had its claws in that one.
“COLUMBUS, Ohio — Annie Glenn, the widow of astronaut and U.S. Sen. John Glenn and a communication disorders advocate, died Tuesday at age 100.
Glenn died of COVID-19 complications at a nursing home near St. Paul, Minnesota, said Hank Wilson, a spokesman for the Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University.”
Here's a hypothetical chain of events. Not saying it will happen, and with apologies to Rudyard Kipling, but here goes.
If the country continues to slowly reopen; and
if the folks slowly return to work; and
if the economy improves by October; and
If Trump is reelected ; and
If the GOP retains the Senate; and
if Trump replaces 1 or 2 Justices on SCOTUS; and
If SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade, just as they overturned Bowers v Hardwick,
will the Dems freak out and try to discredit the Court or calmly abide by its decision and go on with their lives?
I'm not even saying necesarily this should happen, but it is a definitely possibility. Perhaps, they see this and are freaking out about things now.
It took 20 years for edwin wilson (the real life remington) to doscover the truth.
Agree on the declassification - just amazing how it took so long.
Grennel broke the logjam of declassification.
Amusing how fast Ratcliffe is getting confirmed as DNI on his 2nd try.
Now if Wray would resign or be fired, may be Grenell could be appointed there, temporarily as fbi Director.
Good news Trump is finally cleaning out the biased inspectors, Obama hatchet men.
Amusing on the Biden quid quo quo.
States they required admission to nursing Homes of covid 19 patients:
Not sure which other states also required admittance.
Speaking of COVID-19, today two A-fib procedures were set up for me, one on 3 June and one on 8 July. In both cases I will be tested for C-19 on the Sunday before, and quarantine myself until the day . . . my wife will be driving so she'll need to do the same.
She had a flu-like crud in early January, but I haven't had a bad cold-flu season at all.
Knock on wood
This is beginning to look like such hubris. 'FBI, DOJ, don't talk to the incoming administration'. Who the fuck do these people think they are? Their power, just as with the new guys, stems from the Constitution and the voters, not from their (nonexistent) brilliance.
Of course, you are right, Ken B.
I say lock those old, frail people up with a bunch of hamsters who have been given the Chinese Lung Pox. Turn on a fan and blow the hamsters' exhalations all over the GOMERs.
If that doesn't work, get Cuomo and Whitmer together to stick those old farts into windowless cells with rats carrying bubonic plague. Kill 'em all, that's what I say.
You are such an asswipe. If you weren't misrepresenting someone's arguments, what would you do? Sod off, Swampy.
Ken B--You have such admiration for grandma killers! Have you thought this comment through?
Actually, we got this phenomenon in tight lock-down states (New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, etc.) where those compassionate, know-it-all folks who run public health couldn't figure out that if you require nursing homes full of old people to take COVID-19 cases, you are probably going to get a lot of transmission in those nursing homes.
But, live and learn. Better luck next time, right, Ken B?
By the way, I see there is a new outbreak in Ontario. You better get right on it.
NY Post
May 19, 2020 | 7:46pm
[Cuomo's] Non-eviction order [for renters in NY State] leads to squatting in style in the Hamptons
Some unscrupulous tenants in the tony Hamptons are using the state’s non-eviction order to squat in style, local landlords and real-estate brokers claim.
'The short-term renters moved into their beach-town pads on Long Island before the coronavirus struck and Gov. Andrew Cuomo enacted a moratorium on evictions till at least Aug. 20 to protect those financially struggling amid the pandemic.
The tenants are now allegedly twisting the non-eviction order to their benefit, refusing to vacate their prime summer pads even though their leases are up — and exasperated local landlords say there is nothing they can do about it.
“We’re not talking about poor people,” a frustrated homeowner said of his tenant, who began paying $3,600 a month in October to rent the Sag Harbor property — and then claimed he didn’t have the money to pay for April, and just never left.'
'...A female landlord in Watermill said she began renting several rooms of her home to a “very nice” woman and her teenager in the fall for $1,600 a month.
Her tenants stopped paying rent in March, after Cuomo said there would be a freeze on evictions, the homeowner said."
'...The landlord said she has cancer and has to start chemotherapy again and doesn’t know how she’ll get through it.
“It’s too stressful,” she said of the situation. “I was struggling, so I decided to rent her … rooms. Now I’m afraid I’ll lose my house.”'
"...Andrew Saunders, founder of Saunders & Associates, a top Hamptons brokerage firm, was one of several real-estate professionals who told The Post that such scenarios are playing out across the area.
"...Some of the hold-out renters are even refusing to allow brokers into homes to show potential buyers when the properties are listed for sale, Saunders said."
The more video I see of Ahmaud Arbery, the more I’m convinced he was the best and brightest of his genetic cluster.
Harambe didn’t kill himself.
The Susan Rice email is so weird. The phrase "by the book" is repeated three times.
Is she trying to explain why they didn't share intelligence with the incoming administration? Because they were going to get it sometime. Unless they were going to have people in the new Trump administration hiding info from the new president at the order of the former president.
I've been working since before the lockdown on trying to understand how some land my family owns was transferred from the Indians. There's no records of any transfer so I have to go by general New England history. Starting then with Plymouth - the land was transferred because the section of the Wampanoags living in Plymouth had all died of smallpox or some other disease between 1614 when Squanto was kidnapped and when he returned. By accident, the Pilgrims settled on the particular deserted village site which Squanto came from and when Squanto learned of their presence he came and showed them how the village had functioned as an economic unit. There was a brook to catch alewives in the spring run. There were cleared fields for corn and if you used "old fields," you put a fish in each hill you planted. Squanto got the Pilgrims seed corn adapted to New England's short growing season and to Plymouth's rather poor soil. He showed them where migratory birds came down in an adjacent marsh. He showed them the routes to other tribes up in Maine who would trade furs for European trade goods. In short, he showed the Pilgrims how Indian villages were carefully sited for farming and hunting and trading and how Indian crops - though similar in name all over the US, corn, beans, squash - were adapted to the region they were in. The Pilgrims passed this fact about Indian villages onto the Puritans in England. When the Puritans came over, they sought out these village sites which intrinsically oriented them to living in America. In each village, they bought the some of the village land from the few remaining members of the village in the areas devastated by smallpox, measles and flu and settled down beside Indians. Within six years 20,000 Puritans were living and prospering in New England scattered across Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut in areas depopulated of Indians. This overwhelming presence alarmed or interested other tribes depending on the coalition they belonged to and this, in turn, led to war with the Pequods in 1636 and with most of the tribes in New England including tribes in New Hampshire in 1676. When the Indians lost they withdrew from their territory going west to the Dutch in 1636 and north to Maine or Canada in 1676. As a result of this process, central New Hampshire had been abandoned by the Penacook tribe since 1677.
Beginning in 1740 the area was then settled by people coming north from from Massachusetts along with groups from England and Ireland. Their title was based on grants from Massachusetts without reference to the Penacooks who had been gone for fifty years. In Canada the Penacooks who had lived in New Hampshire lost their identity as a group. Some from the town they settled in went with LaSalle down the Mississippi. Some were in the party involved in the Deerfield massacre. Deerfield was a town sited on a part of a former Penacook village which was purchased from remaining villagers when the village collapsed after a Mohawk massacre. Some of the Penacooks were fur traders dealing with English at Albany. Some went west with French fur traders and became part of the Metis on the Red River and from there these Metis fur traders went further west and founded the first European settlements in Oregon, sending back to Manitoba for a Catholic priest. That was the Penacook history as I now understand it.
Many Puritan farmers in New Hampshire went west after the Civil War and sold their land to Irish Catholics in America, fleeing the potato famine. In that third wave of social change the land my family owns became "ours." We are only "summer people" now but the covid upheaval may substantially alter the pattern of living. Perhaps we'll be overrun like the Penacooks by strangers with strange technologies, waving money and buying land.
They type sunrises!?
My hair is getting so long now, I'm starting to sing Jefferson Airplane in the shower:
When the troof iz found
To beeeeeeeeeeeee 'live
When all the joy
within yoooooooou dies
Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you want somebody to love
You better find somebody to luuuuuuu--uuv
Very dussappointed. I had things, very very numerous.
Instead I allowed via robot vacuum CHina my soul.
They hqe smart win, i lose.
China right; Trump never protected anyone from anything.
Karen B: "This is exactly the sort of tough it out “cull the herd” approach Typhoid-Mary-I-am admires."
It didnt take long for the lefties to go from praising the dems and their ChiCom flu policies to transferring responsibility for those policies to republicans/conservatives, did it?
Congrats Ken B. That might just be a new record.
I like jazz and if you like it too reread the Sonny Rollins quote from yesterday,
I bought a record player recently and one thing about having a record player is it makes you realize
Jazz drumming is an art form that almost no drummers understand
a few of them do
CDs just don't represent when it comes to the jazz drummers who are drummers like drumming is not a foreign language to them
Question for the room, when this comment gets approved. I seem to remember at least a couple of commenters had a medical background. What is the situation regarding the use of HCQ in other countries? Online there are numerous arguments that countries using HCQ more regularly have a lower COVID-19 death rate. (Malaysia for example.) But obviously that's hard to verify. I would be very interested in whether HCQ has a good track record abroad regarding the virus. I don't trust journalists to accurately investigate the issue, now that Trump is the embodiment of its use.
In the morning, when this gets posted, I hope nobody has commented on how shitty the lady parts are treated by Karen B.
Democratics kills old folks with atupid policies instead of protecting the high risk groups.
And that is the fault of people arguing we should spend our resources protecting high risk groups?
So cwnty it deserves two u's.
Meanwhile, Sebastian continues to carry the torch on sanity.
Isn't it crazy how common sense ain't common?
I blame Canada.
"Does Your Comment Lose It's Impact
On The Blogpost Overnight?
To the tune of "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose it's Flavor
on the Bedpost Overnight" (Apologies to Lonnie Donegan)
Does your comment lose it's impact
On the blogpost overnight?
If the monitor says "Don’t post it"
Do you hit 'publish' just in spite?
And you watch for it til mornin'
And didnt heave all of what you write
Does your comment lose it's impact
On the blogpost overnight?
I see K(ar)en B is again libeling people.
You will notice the social distancing: Moderated comments. The old back-and-forth is not happening. You can see that as an opportunity if you are an optimist.
You can but you won't.
Too bad there is no Kafka in the Age of Blogging.
Sebastian @ 8:49: I am loving the fully unredacted version of Susan Rice's memo. What a gift to the prosecution. Whether or not the Lightbringer himself ever stands trial; whether or not any of the people in the room at that time ever stand trial; this memo is one for the ages. I foresee very rich teaching and historical materials drawn from this and other memoranda and marginalia of those busy few months. Example: the Strzok-Page texts (wonderfully unguarded). Example: the Priestap pencil notes on why FBI wanted to meet with Flynn.
The Flynn story is going to be at the very heart of the history of Obamagate.
Pass the popcorn.
Astonishing virtuosity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDFFUIGoBUc
The deep state had its claws in that one.
I've read that email-to-herself over and over, and I cannot detect even the thinnest of excuses for the redaction other than as part of a Watergate-scale coverup.
Re: narciso's link
Almost incomprehensible.
UniversalNews.org boasts its the "world's #1 trusted news source". Somehow I doubt it.
I have been trying to understand why San Francisco had such a low death rate. It should be New York west. Dense city, allowed a major Chinese new year parade. A large chinatown with much travel from China. Nancy P. going to the SF Chinatown and telling people to come. Subways. Mass transit. Yet with a population of just under 900,000, as of today, only 36 deaths total.
There may be a very important reason that applies around the country. San Fran has a large care facility for elderly and infirm called Laguna Honda. 750 patients, all in danger from this virus. A virus that killed so many in rest homes elsewhere. The latest report is NO DEATHS in the facility. As of May 11th, only 21 test positive, (at least 15 care givers), but only a few patients, with no deaths. In New York, 100 deaths likely in a facility of this size. On May 11th, KQED, the local PBS station, did a story about the facility, https://www.kqed.org/science/1963794/laguna-hondas-covid-19-outbreak-offers-lessons-for-other-long-term-care-homes, that may explain how they did it.
This lesson has even wider applicability. Rest homes kill. They have been doing it because they are only residences, not truly care facilities. So when flu comes each year, people die in rest homes. When norovirus comes, people die in rest homes. Because these deaths occur to people expected to die, no one cares. In this case, the efforts of the left to crash the economy and get rid of Trump, has accidently shined a light of truth about how this countries care facilities are death traps, and no one cared. The 3000 who die each week of flu and pnemonia like symptoms are just one of Stalin's statistics. Perhaps something good can come from this panic, if the lesson of Laguna Honda is learned by those who make decisions.
Perhaps Althouse pines for the control she had in the classroom.
"The [ProgLibDem] Michigan governor was too busy restricting constitutional rights
...to manage her most basic duties."
"Saginaw and the DOW chemical plant is being evacuated at this time. Within the next couple of hours downtown midland may be under 9 feet of water."
"The real cover-up is that evacuations started 26 hours ago and nobody knew about it. They hid it as much as they could until the last, catastrophic moment this evening to shield the "woman" from national media. Unmitigated disasters and VP spots don't mix well."
"#Michigan flood is an unprecedented disaster. Entire Saginaw river valley is about to be contaminated. That drains into lake Huron."
"Whitner is about to preside over the biggest chemical spill in MI history which will contaminate as far as Detroit."
(eyewitness accounts)
ProgLibDems must be grasping that the tide is turning against them,
so have apparently given up on 'winning hearts & minds', going full
'scorched earth' out of spite, enacting/allowing unprecedented, hurtful,
disastrous policies/events.
"But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” Rev12:12
"It's sick," Biden says of Donald Trump Jr. "He is his father's son."
Hey Herr Pluggs von Schtuppfinger--
...where's Humper?
@ Sebastian said...
Of course, Susan Rice's CYA by-the-book email to herself on 1/20/17 shows that the O administration was trying to railroad Trump, that O was deeply involved, and that Comey was one of the bad guys.
ButSusan Rice's email doesn't say that at all. It reads as follows
On January 5, following a briefing by IC leadership on Russian hacking during the 2016 Presidential election, President Obama had a brief follow-on conversation with FBI Director Jim Corney and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates in the Oval Office. Vice President Biden and I were also present.
President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book”. The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.
From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.
Director Comey affirmed that he is proceeding “by the book” as it relates to law enforcement. From a national security perspective, Comey said he does have some concerns that incoming NSA Flynn is speaking frequently with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. Comey said that could be an issue as it relates to sharing information. President Obama asked if Comey was saying that the NSC should not pass sensitive information related to Russia to Flynn. Comey replied, “potentially.” He added that he has no indication thus far that Flynn has passed classified information to Kislyak, but he noted that “the level of communication is unusual.”
The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would.
We were told the spread of the virus early on was "exponential", how should we refer to the abandoning of the quarantine?
Quarantine Fatigue Intensifies
As people go out and discover that they don't get sick, the social distancing regime, as practiced by individuals, will relax. This behavior will spread and the rate of the spread will increase over time.
Ohio Coronavirus Restrictions Voluntary
A perfectly good letter, perfect.
I think one should learn how to be good, what is good - this poem is about Marriage which, it seems, is hated - I think not - those sacred vows mean everything to me - but, more, Marriage, is how we meet:
(For Oliver and Barbara)
The rails of fate which run assuredly on
You think mechanical until, rusty turns
Of metal, they suddenly end, the grass
Stands tall, the flowers are indifferent
And what’s left of a forest creeps up:
But, no, you’re not alone, the main station
Ushered you to a seat and a stranger
Who became a friend. And now, as the driver
Has nothing to do and cannot turn back,
Beneath all your discomfort, you find
You’re holding her hand. A miracle!
Was it you who unconsciously fumbled for safety,
Unsure of direction and afraid of derailment
(yet you knew you would end here, were happy
And loved it) or was it an accident of grace,
Perhaps that bit of sunlight deifying
An ugly day, suddenly some word (which you later
Realise you misunderstood) made the Other not so far
Or you were just thinking of your mother?
Never mind how or why, it became
And now lasting for ever – and who knows whether
She be that especially designed one or is it
Only the forced meeting that makes us dear,
That all of us (not being lunatic or bad)
Could love all of us of which marriage is a token?
Such questions we leave to philosophers,
Analysts and other buffoons – for us the effort
And the pleasure of a good deed done, of a
Love and a fidelity that makes us happy,
Of that constant light we can steer by,
Turn to and call a home. And if scoffers
Insolently shout that fidelity and all good things
Are dead, that childhood is hell, that mother
Is always beating us and daddy always
Turning away, that the one you love always
Loves another and will leave you for him and that,
Anyway, life ‘ain’t perfect’, it would be silly
To disturb them by a reply. A happy smile,
Maybe, and, long after one has stopped listening,
The thought recurring of the love and the marriage,
Wholesome, good, that’s Barbara and Oliver.
The first note, is Rice's cya, note to self, starts with a bald face lie. Yates' testimony under oath, does not include Rice as being present. Exactly how does she know what was said? It goes down hill from that high point of corruption, Such as, exactly what would lead Comey to his concerns? We know from FBI documents, in depth investigations found zero derogatory information as late as January 4th, 2017. There is lots more, but pointing that out to person of an incurious mind, driven by leftist ideology, is a waste of time.
PresbyPoet said...
I have been trying to understand why San Francisco had such a low death rate
here's My short answer
San Fran never gets cold (cool, yes; cold: NO!)
San Fran NEVER gets dry
Covid thrives in cold, dry conditions; it DIES in Warm, humid conditions
Inga relays: "Glenn died of COVID-19 complications at a nursing home near St. Paul, Minnesota, said Hank Wilson, a spokesman for the Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University.”
Was Glenn even tested for ChiCom flu in her nursing home residence?
Or is this like how the 35 year old guy in Colorado drank so much he died of alcohol poisoning with a blood alcohol level of .55, twice the deadly limit....but was labeled a ChiCom flu "victim"?
Autumn of 1885 - Nietzsche
A book for thinking, nothing else: it belongs to those for whom thinking is a delight, nothing else---
That it is written in German is untimely, to say the least: I wish I had written it in French so that it might not appear to be a confirmation of the aspirations of the German Riech.
The German of today are no thinkers any longer: something else delights and impresses them.
It is pecisely among the Germans today one thinks less than anywhere else. But who knows? In two generations one will no longer require the sacrifice involved in any nationalistic squandering of power and in becoming stupid
( Formerly I wished I had not written my Zarathrustra in German)
Slyly, secretly, gingerly, how much the hand is so much - your hand next to his, your little finger twitching, that touch, electricity, you thought your heart would die, each brush of the finger a sonnet.
I'ts very hot, here, difficult to think.
Blogger Inga said...
Good news!
"....so-called re-positive patients weren’t found to have spread any lingering infection, and virus samples collected from them couldn’t be grown in culture, indicating the patients were shedding non-infectious or dead virus particles."
Meaning the test is can't tell the difference.
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