Today, the fever is raging. It looks like this:

From the transcript:
Bill Bryan [head of the science and technology directorate at the Department of Homeland Security]: We’re... testing disinfectants readily available. We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes. Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing....He did say "something like that." Not: go ahead and put bleach or isopropyl alcohol into your bloodstream. I immediately thought of ethyl alcohol. People put that stuff into their bloodstream all the time. And there's a folk belief out there that alcohol is a treatment. I've seen that quite a few people in Iran have died trying to use alcohol this way.
Donald Trump: .... I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see....
Later in the briefing, a reporter said to Bryan: "The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?"
Bryan brushed off the question: "No, I’m here to talk about the finds that we had in the study. We don’t do that within that lab at our labs."
Trump stepped in: "It wouldn’t be through injections, [inaudible] almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object."
I have the feeling Trump talks to his experts like this a lot. He gets ideas. He experiences what we call lateral thinking. And he just blurts out his idea. He doesn't self-censor, so he comes across like a child. And he gives his antagonists rich raw material to use against him.
ADDED: There has long been a theory out there in social media that drinking bleach is a defense against coronavirus. Here's a Politifact debunking from all the way back in January:
We came across the claim in a Jan. 28 tweet by Twitter user "Chief Police 2" that urged their followers to buy "20-20-20 spray" to ward off the virus. The spray is also known as MMS, or Miracle Mineral Solution, a bleaching agent that’s been touted by anti-vaxxers and QAnon theorists as a "miracle cure" that can treat everything from autism to cancer. The same account tweeted about MMS in relation to the coronavirus multiple times, saying that drinking the solution will instantly "kill the deadly virus."...So it's bad for Trump to give any lift to this kind of theory. I suspect he's deliberately trying to signal to the alternative medicine/anti-vaxxer crowd that he gets them. He loves them like he loves that bikers for Trump who need to get back to the tattoo parlor. In the past, he's shown an affinity for the anti-vaxxer crowd. Here's something he said in one of the debates, when he was running for President:
While some Clorox cleaning agents have been found to be effective against prior coronavirus strains when used on surfaces to stem the spread of the virus, the products should never be ingested. This alarming theory is full-on Pants on Fire!
“If you take this little beautiful baby, and you pump … I mean, it looks just like it’s meant for a horse, not for a child, and we’ve had so many instances, people that work for me, just the other day, 2 years old, 2½ years old, a child, a beautiful child, went to have the vaccine and came back, and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.”He's pro-vaccine now, and maybe his previous skepticism helps give him credibility with ordinary people who resist the opinions of medical experts.
Anyway, Trump will surely be back for another briefing this afternoon, and he'll surely be grilled by the reporters about his supposed idea of injecting disinfectant. I've been watching all of these briefings, so I should be good at predicting what he will say. See how much of it I get right:
1. He'll say it's "fake news": These reporters are so dishonest. They said I recommended injecting bleach. Injecting Clorox bleach! Who would say that? They said I said inject Clorox. Who would inject Clorox?
2. He'll rephrase his idea so it's situated in a context that makes some sense: The expert yesterday was talking about how easy it is to kill the virus when it is on an inanimate surface, so that makes you wonder why we can't kill the virus when it's inside the body. We're talking about avoiding getting the virus — by social distancing and someday with a vaccine. But how feasible is it to kill the virus once it does get inside the body? What would it take? If somebody gets the bubonic plague, we put an antibiotic inside the body and it kills the disease. Why can't we have that for the coronavirus?
3. He was just asking the question of the expert, drawing him out. He wasn't saying, go, use your resources and work on something that I just thought up. He was setting up the expert to explain here's why it's not so easy. Here's what the virus does inside the body that's different from what it does on a tabletop. Unlike a tabletop, you have to worry about damaging (or killing) the human body. We should get all that spelled out by the experts today.
And let me add this, though I don't think it's something Trump will say:
Most people hold their tongue when they don't know what they're talking about. They are afraid of looking stupid. In 30+ years of teaching law students, I heard so many questions that began with "This might be a stupid question, but..." and that was the person who overcame the inhibition to say nothing at all. In recent years, the expression "explain it to me like I'm 5" has come into vogue. People really do crave a very simple explanation from the expert. I think Trump is — with charming (or, for non-fans, frightening) disinhibition — playing a part that so many of us identify with. The 5 year old who just asks the question.
I had a dream about Trump on August 3, 2015, a dream I've told you about a few times and I've remembered and thought about many times. In the dream, I hugged Trump and thanked him. I was thanking him for speaking freely and straightforwardly, accepting the risk and showing us that it can be done, and it can work.
That dream was more than a year before he actually won the election, which was truly an amazing thing. It continues to amaze me as the new election lumbers toward us through a haze of aerosolized virus.
1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»Who first wondered if we could eat mold to cure an infection.
Trump brainstorms. He says shit. He’s not telling people to do shit.
People put (alcohol) into their bloodstream all the time.
Especially after watching certain press conferences...
Scrolling through headlines over at Memeorandum, I could've sworn I saw one that said: Fact Check: No, Trump Didn't Hire a Labradoodle to Inject People with Disinfectant.
But it disappeared. Just like Christopher Steele's dossier documents seem to have disappeared. Just like Hillary's damn emails Bernie was sick and tired of hearing about disappeared. Just like bacon disappearing from grocery shelves vegetarians are sick and tired of hearing about.
Someone must've slipped me a mickey mantle.
And he gives his antagonists rich raw material to use against him.
That he does, sometimes.
I have the feeling Trump talks to his experts like this a lot. He gets ideas. He experiences what we call lateral thinking. And he just blurts out his idea. *He doesn't self-censor, so he comes across like a child. And he gives his antagonists rich raw material to use against him.*
That's part of the package. Accept it or reject it. Weigh it in the balance. I view the understanding that "he gives his antagonists rich raw material to use against him" to be, shall we say, inoculatory, inoculative?
If he saw fit to self-censor, he could self-censor. Other POTUSes have self-censored so tightly they squeaked when they walked. He doesn't, and it doesn't bother me, even if I do raise an occasional eyebrow.
What I like is him expanding the universe of the possible. I myself have been wondering how to treat COVID survivors with severe lung damage. One "gold standard" treatment for such things is, I think Dr Kennedy will bear me out on this, bronchoscopy or in layman's terms, lung-washing. (My father had this done during recovery from 3x CABG, years ago, which included a sternal wound dehiscence amid nosocomial infection.)
In any case, I've been wondering if some novel application of respiratory therapy, whether via some type of external device like a nebulizer, or intensively a la lung-wash, might either have an effect on the course of the disease, or on recovery afterwards.
Remember, Semmelweiss got sent to the madhouse in his time, but now you'd pretty much shoot any doctor who didn't wash his hands between patients.
Ultrasound, maybe, to break up those ground-glass formations?
Massage, palpation? Depends what the ground glass actually consists of.
We talk about slow Joe, but here Trump talks like he is unaware he is at a global press conference and just says whatever comes to mind.
Sure, that might work sometimes .... but one would think self control would be part of a high intelligence but clearly it is not in his case.
We will see this in campaign ads.
Do reporters have any experience in the real world? As an entrepreneur or a good problem solver you throw s*** against the wall and see what sticks. 99% might be useless BS, but one good idea will produce 1000 times more than the rest put together costs.
Look, politicians have in my lifetime all been sort of the same in the way they present themselves to public. Scripted, rehearsed, focus group tested, teleprompter dependent, cautious and generally bland. Trump is about as opposite those things as it's possible to be, and for just about anyone else his approach would result in gaffs so huge he would have buried himself long ago. But he hasn't, and in fact has only gotten more popular as he's gone.
He has figured out how to be Donald Trump better than anyone else, and uses his off the cuff riffing to manipulate the subject at will, even with experienced reporters who have carefully crafted questions to trap him. He also very cunningly will insert deep and well thought out policies, ideas, traps for his opponents, etc. during one of his seemingly off the cuff riffs, stated in such a provocative way his opponents can't help jumping in them and making them the national story, allowing his hidden message to get out.
Consider his first use if this ploy. Coming into the first GOP debate as a joke/unknown, he had a reputation as a disrespector of women. He blurts out "Only Rosie O'Donnell!" Borrowing from Scott Adams here, but suddenly it wasn't a vague charge of misogyny, but a fight between him and one person, uber Liberal O'Donnell who made herself a pariah to millions of core GOP supporters through her anti gun stances. The mainstream press, assuming he gaffed, made that quip the story of the debate, getting his message and the image he wanted to convey out far more effectively than a million dollars worth of adds. "I am like you. Your enemies are my enemies. I am your defender in a world where everyone is against you."
At first it seemed like luck, but he's done it for years and it obviously isn't. It's simple genius.
PDT can say or not say whatever it is that he wants to say. He can decide what he wants to say, and say that.
Biden literally has no such control. He cannot govern himself if he wishes.
Quod licet Jovi non licet bovi.
Please Do Not Bathe In Clorox Like Cristina Cuomo Has Been Doing
The real kicker is how Cuomo hopes to offset all of that: "Both days, I added 1/2 cup of Clorox to my bathwater to combat the radiation and metals in my system and oxygenate it."
Anyone that has worked in a corporate environment over the past 40 years, as I have done, has probably participated in a planning session intended to solve some sort of problem or address a vexing situation. You are invited to contribute ideas, be creative. Often the rules are written on a whiteboard at the front of the room (and the tables are arranged in a U or circle. Just two rules are required:
1. There are no bad ideas.
2. Criticism of an idea is not allowed.
The facilitator then describes the problem to be discussed, often tossing out the first idea or prodding someone in the group, usually a senior person, and writes it on a sticky note and puts it on the whiteboard or wall. Once the wall has many ideas posted, discussion of the merits of each can take place.
We can argue about the effectiveness of this approach, but it is broadly used. Given his background is it any surprise Trump would toss out ideas in such a way? I find it kind of refreshing in a politician.
Its called brainstorming and it's something that is done in business all the time. You see something that works and you think outside of the box on how that concept could be used in a way that works for your operation/company/project. For our brain-deficient media (and some academics), this is sometimes a bridge too far.
They all like to think of themselves as nuanced thinkers, but they are always taking Trump so absolutely literally that if he said "we'll run an idea up the flagpole", I'd expect to see some of them outside staring up at the nearest pole.
I heard the comment. I knew what he was thinking. He does think outside the box, all the time. It's hard for a mere Journalist! (or Democrat, but I repeat myself) to keep up with this manner of thought. It makes it hard for a nation to communicate.
Obama says: You can keep your doctor. The media hears and is OK with we're going to wipe out your doctor choice and charge you triple the price for that pleasure.
Trump says: we see that disinfectant or bleach work on surfaces. Would that we could come up with that concept of wiping clean the inside of our lungs or body? The media hears: Inject yourselves with bleach, my people.
Unbelievable. And there will be weeks of breathlessness over this.
He doesn't self-censor, so he comes across like a child.
...or a high functioning, creative, problem solving adult. It's odd to attribute the behavior only to a child...
Dan in Philly said, “...even with experienced reporters who have carefully crafted questions to trap him.”
So you’re saying that Trump is like Jesus? :)
I'd ask whether the nursing homes and jails that became hot spots were unusually dirty and whether Clorox the cleaner could be used to scrub them down and whether anyone has checked to see if they are unusually dirty (with many invisible virus particles, I mean) or clean. I've been in jails for short periods during the prolife wars and the floors of the city jails were cleaned daily by slopping down harsh disinfectants which were then swirled about with dirty mops. The air burned your eyes but, on the the other hand, it was healthy for the roaches judging by their activity. Don't even ask me about the shower floors. One form of prison reform would be to study and recommend a better and more effective cleaning regime where needed.
The same with nursing homes. Older people have had the worst time with covid. The trend now is to talk about isolating them (us, me) into nursing homes or similar institutions when the economy reopens or when the world get another virus pandemic courtesy of China. I consider it very possible that older people died in large numbers BECAUSE they were in nursing homes. I think some of those homes were dirty and unhygienic or, at least, were not taking precautions against viruses. And I think that possibility should be studied by the CDC so that the CDC is sure it is not recommending death camps for the over-seventies in the next pandemic or in the fall season for this one. I don't feel like taking one for the Greens.
Good luck finding bleach!
It doesn't matter WHAT he says, the press will spin his words anyways. Joe Biden on the other hand actually says weird things, and the press ignores. This is the world we live in now. We have a Propaganda left wing press that will make up anything they want about the people that don't agree with them and crush them if they can.
The Cuomo Protocol?
"Mark said...
We talk about slow Joe, but here Trump talks like he is unaware he is at a global press conference and just says whatever comes to mind."
We should not be talking about Slow Joe we should be talking about the fact that the Democrats are nominating a dementia patient to be president of the United States. On top of that being just absolutely it's elder abuse.
“Trump taken as far out of context as possible” is an evergreen headline in these times.
Even Althouse knows it drives clicks.
Did Joe Biden say his rope lines must be virtual to ensure he keeps his hands off little girls?
He did say something like that.
Yeah, it is called brainstorming. It is not what anyone in the corporate world does in public in front of cameras and reporters.
Sure it is common and we all have done it. Usually it is in a specific environment, with a specific goal, and includes a white board.
The fact Trump just spouts this verbal diarrhea at any time without is not a sign of brilliance, it suggests impulse control issues common in the aging brain.
I dumped Drudge as a news source when he/it/they went into non-stop cootie-panic mode.
Shining UV lights on people and stuff in hospitals and nursing homes might be doable. Get a mini one for your throat, like in a horror movie.
Blogger rehajm said...
He doesn't self-censor, so he comes across like a child.
...or a high functioning, creative, problem solving adult. It's odd to attribute the behavior only to a child...
AA can't do it, so she doesn't value it.
Mark said...
Yeah, it is called brainstorming. It is not what anyone in the corporate world does in public in front of cameras and reporters.
Mark the whichever: President Trump can't have a private conversation. Anything he says, anything said to him, has an excellent chance of being leaked. So hiding is pointless. You've made a free man of him, by giving him nothing to lose.
The usual creative thing is that you blurt something and then analyze it.
It's coming up to 5 years of President Trump being in the public spotlight.
5 years and the media/dnc still has no idea who this man is.
The media/dnc still is lying to itself, believing they have the power to peel supporters away from Our President. Fun Fact: There are no ex-supporters of Our President.
It will be another 5 years and still the media/dnc will not know who President Trump is.
Notice everyone is talking around the fact that everyone needs to go the fuck OUTSIDE, not locked in your house as these asshat governors mandated?
I saw the headlines this morning and refused to believe the write-ups without watching the press conference.
It was blatantly obvious Trump was referring to his science lead who said "injecting" first. Further, he talked about whether they could disinfect the lungs - that's an interesting brainstorming idea.
Should the President be making casual poorly formed sentences in a press conference about potential medical treatments in brainstorming mode? Probably not.
Did he say people should inject clorox? No.
I literally find the U.S. major press, overwhelmingly, an evil force today. They actively seek to twist, to misinform, to promote a personal view of how to think about someone.
They no longer engage ideas.
In addition to this, Morning Joe is going nuts on a Vanity Fair story that the WH wanted to “flood NY and NJ with HCQ.” To the Left, it is a SCANDAL that Trump wanted to save lives.
I heard the presser. The BIG NEWS is that UV light, heat and humidity work to destroy the virus.
Two movies on one screen.
We don't ingest isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol unless you want to kill someone. As we don't inject methanol (a tasteless cheaper adulterant that will blind you). Ethanol is the only stuff in that regard you can drink without too many negative consequences.
And you don't but bleach in bathwater to "remove radiation and metals" like Cuomo's wife is writing - THAT is what should ridiculed.
Drudge has gone for clicks - sad.
The search string is UV-C sanitizer. Use the Althouse portal. UV-c has been in use for a long time to sanitize objects. Back in shop class, (last century), our safety glasses stored under UV-C lights. Health clinic's HVAC systems use them to sanitize air handlers. P.S. Do not look into the light.
rehajm said...
He doesn't self-censor, so he comes across like a child.
...or a high functioning, creative, problem solving adult. It's odd to attribute the behavior only to a child...
I know!
If he would use sophisticated word salad, spending 5 minutes to say nothing at all, he'd be a much more effective President like Obama.
Dan in Philly said...
As an entrepreneur or a good problem solver you throw s*** against the wall and see what sticks. 99% might be useless BS, but one good idea will produce 1000 times more than the rest put together costs.
The rule of thumb in venture capital is, out of 20 investments 15 will fail, losing all the investment.
3 will more or less break even, recouping investment but not much more.
2 will be barn burners making up for the other 18 and making the vc wealthy.
75% of all new products fail.
75% of all new restaurants and retail stores fail.
95% of all new drugs fail between lab and market.
Ray Kroc failed in half a dozen businesses before meeting the McDonald brothers
That's why bringing up donald Trump's bankruptcies, as some commenters keep doing is stupidity on stilts. Yeah, trump the entrepreneur failed in a lot of ventures. Sometimes spectacularly as inthe 4 bankruptcies (in which no creditor lost a nickle)
But he started around 100 businesses. His failure rate, compared to the norm has been spectacularly low.
The successful man or woman gets an idea and instead of just internalizing it, puts it out there. Many will fail. But enough will succeed, some spectacularly.
John Henry
Ladies with ill wishes toward your husbands, this is your chance! Not only can you claim Trump "told" you to make your man inhale straight bleach, but you can point to Christine Cuomo as evidence that it's a good topical anti-... um, anti-radiation-and-metals treatment.
It might be hard to get him to stick his face in a bowl of bleach and inhale, though, so probably best to prepare your claim that you weren't too clear on human anatomy and thought that drinking it would get it down into his lungs.
And you don't but bleach in bathwater to "remove radiation and metals" like Cuomo's wife is writing - THAT is what should ridiculed.
Her stated purpose sounds lame, but does 1/2 cup of OTC Clorox in a bathtub produce a higher chlorine level than you'd find in a cee-ment pond, er, a swimming pool?
Soapy water is still a much better sanitizer if you want to be, like, absolutely positively sure that you got it. is ultraviolet light works maybe black lights will work too. I've got a couple of those leftover from the 60s
Jamie said...
Ladies with ill wishes toward your husbands, this is your chance! Not only can you claim Trump "told" you to make your man inhale straight bleach, but you can point to Christine Cuomo as evidence that it's a good topical anti-... um, anti-radiation-and-metals treatment.
I had the same thought. Dems searching for someone willing to off their husband for the cause.
I was thinking about the trauma technique of lowering body temperature into, what is it, the 80s? To slow everything down and give docs time to work. Might that not have come about in a similar way?
"We've found that we can, sometimes, bring a profoundly hypothermic patient back without ill effect. It's as if their bodies don't actually stop functioning - just slow way down. The challenge is to bring them back up to speed the right way." "You know the biggest problem with trauma? Everything is just happening - failing - so fast. If only we could slow it all down so we can address the failures." And then, in unison: "Heeeyyy..."
Ralph L said...
Shining UV lights on people and stuff in hospitals and nursing homes might be doable. Get a mini one for your throat, like in a horror movie.
UV light is a known and effective sterilant. Its widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. Most bottled water is run through uv light. Sometimes bottles and caps as well.
AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) with powerful uv lights are used in hospitals for disinfection. They are like a Roomba on steroids with a uv tower on top.
High intensity Uv light can be dangerous to humans causing burns like a sunburn. There might be some uses for lower intensity or spot treatments.
The uv in sunlight is a powerful disinfectant.
John Henry
The media/dnc is not going to run the earlier comments from President Trump when this all started, and he opined, that when things warmed up, the virus situation would improve, into spring and summer...when the temperatures and humidity go up.
I shared on the overnight thread I have been through dozens of viral epidemics. With Swine. Some new virus would hit in December, lose lots of pigs, come spring and summer, the virus would wane, and disappear. Lots of cultural things were implemented to address the issue. Drugs developed to treat, and live cultured vaccines were created is days, to vaccinate herds.
The point is President Trump was right is early February, and he is on the right track today.
Also, Iowa pig farmers could teach nursing homes a thing or two about keeping facilities pathogen free.
Also, Iowa pig farmers could teach nursing homes a thing or two about keeping facilities pathogen free.
A good starting point would be not shipping covid patients to nursing homes, like the governor of Michigan has been doing for a month.
Maybe you people should try dry cleaning fluid. You know the old school stuff Perc. Not that weak ass green s*** they used today. Brainfarting is so much fun
Maybe the UV thing (which, yes, my church in PA ran all its water through a UV sanitizer because it was on a well; it's well known tech) could be developed by airlines? I don't know how you get the light into every space where it's needed, but certainly if they could find a way to do it, it would be less toxic than a disinfectant fog. And either would be better than the current method, I think.
But airline prices will have to go up.
The bleach talk is dangerous. People start getting logical. Bleach is a good cleaner/disinfectant. Ammonia is good cleaner/ logically mixing the two together will be twice as gooder.
WARNING: Never mix bleach and ammonia. Be extremely wary of mixing two cleaners until you check to see what is the active ingredients of both.
Or take radiation therapy for cancer. What genius (initially pronounced sarcastically) came up with that idea? Didn't they know the story of Marie Curie? Turns out the idea was solid; it was the method that had to be worked out - how to focus and target it.
If you can inject radiation into the body to kill cancer cells, finding a similar therapy to kill the virus is not beyond the realm of possibility.
Unless you're a modern "scientist", that spend all their time proving each other right instead of proving each other wrong.
How stupid or disingenuous do you have to be to believe this is what he meant?
Example: Formaldehyde is a disinfectant and prevalent in vaccine production.
Google: "Formaldehyde has a long history of safe use in the manufacture of certain viral and bacterial vaccines. It is used to inactivate viruses so that they don't cause disease (e.g., polio virus used to make polio vaccine) and to detoxify bacterial toxins, such as the toxin used to make diphtheria vaccine"
As someone else noted, a half-cup of clorox in a bathtub of water is probably like a swimming pool. It might actually not be a bad idea to disinfect the entire body. I don't know if it is necessary but doubt it would be harmful.
That's not ms Fredo's dumb idea and not why she is doing it. She says:
Both days, I added ½ cup of Clorox to my bathwater to combat the radiation and metals in my system and oxygenate it.
Now that there is some world class stupidity.
She also had a vitamin therapist treat her with:
magnesium, NAC (a precursor to glutathione, said to be very helpful against COVID-19), vitamin C with lysine, proline, and B complex, folic acid, zinc, selenium, glutathione and caffeine (to combat the headache).
I used a “body charger,” which energy specialist Randy Oppitz suggested I borrow from a friend. It sent electrical frequencies through my body to oxygenate my blood and stimulate the healthy production of blood cells to fortify my immune system. It also rebalanced my energy, which was gravely off from the stress of caregiving
But we should listen to people like her because otherwise we are science deniers or something.
John Henry
If you want a really nice cleaning solution that is low odor pH balance and relatively non-toxic mix ammonia and vinegar together until you can no longer smell the ammonia.
It is clear to me that Trump is posing it as a question. "is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside" and then he defers to "medical doctors".
Here's what I expect will happen next. Because the media has now put this out, someone will try it. Then the media will blame Trump, without ever mentioning the lack of using a medical doctor or that Trump never said it should be done. And most people wouldn't have known about it without the media hyperbolic headlines.
a reporter said
Only the ineducable are left paying any attention to those sources now.
Wait I an answer my own question above. The education system Kindergarten through PHD has indoctrinated at least two generations with propaganda and removed all critical thinking skills.
So yes, there are a lot of stupid people that will be believe this. The "intelligent" one's are either disingenuous or....evil???
Can't write cursive anymore....can't decipher the context of the English language. Good job. Educators must be proud. They accomplished their goal.
We need a new media induced panic. I'm already tired of COVID-19.
Of course, the Dems flogged Russia collusion for 3-1/2 years and they really had nothing to work with. So they'll flog COVID-19 and try to sabotage the economy at least until the election.
I'm going to go out right now and sneeze on some geezers.
Crystal Meth makes the virus' teeth fall out they can't chew through your nostrils and get into your blood stream. Some people tolerate meth much better than bleach.
Meth can also make the virus paranoid and violent though, so be careful if you blow your nose after. Don't, like, look in the Kleenex. Just wad it up and throw it straight in the waste basket right away. Or even better, flush it.
The doctor who treated ms fredo, Dr. Roxanna Namavar, is a psychiatrist.
Her specialties per her web site are psychiatry and psychotherapy. Nothing about her qualifications to administer chemical sou nasally
It sort of makes sense now
John Henry
FYI, one cup of bleach in a standard bathtub will give you approximately 40 PPM of free chlorine. Public pools are kept at 1 to 2 PPM and hot tubs 3 to 4 PPM so this is a guarantee for an overdose. Also remember bleach can combined with natural organic material to form toxic and mutagenic halogens
So it seems to me that the problem is, a good idea can come from anywhere - including the lips of Donald Trump. But because of TDS, anything that is reported to have originated with him is automatically dismissed, to the point that he could express the germ of something utterly brilliant, something that would take just one visionary scientist to develop into something life-changing, and no one would take it up.
In my ideal world, he would therefore do all his brainstorming behind closed doors, and would present no idea other than straight-up policy stuff as his own - would have others float the other ideas publicly. But that's not Trump. And it's not the waters in which he swims, either - as was pointed out up-thread, he can't count on privacy anywhere, and he can't count on loyalty from anyone.
Can there be much doubt that if Obama had suggested lung-disinfecting as an idea to explore, every major university would have immediately commissioned a panel to study it?
WARNING: Never mix bleach and ammonia. Be extremely wary of mixing two cleaners until you check to see what is the active ingredients of both.
Amen. It forms a toxic gas that will kill you dead in seconds.
John Henry
If you want to supercharge UV disinfection combined it with ozone
The context was a discussion of how UV light kills the coronavirus. President Trump was asking about the possibility of inserting a UV light source into the lungs to act as a disinfectant. He was not suggesting injecting disinfectant. #FakeNews
Thanks John Henry, I buried the lead, didn't I?
I only had the draft in my Twitter feed last night. Thank goodness! The pictures out of Mike Vrabel's house kept me laughing for quite awhile. Much better than angry outrage.
John Henry is right mixing bleach with ammonia turns sodium hypochlorite into chlorine gas.
And, in a properly ordered world, someone would be experimenting with a effect of a strongly focused UV light source on infected lung tissue. But no, Trump exists and said something, so it must be denounced. Denounced, I say!
Imagine if you hate Trump, like the media, and are actually intelligent enough to understand what he said and what he meant. You understand Formaldehyde is a disinfectant. Radiation used for cancer. Chemo kills people….
And you put a Clorox Bleach Bottle on the front of your newspaper/web page to mislead the masses. What is actually wrong with you?
As a Catholic…. I’m leaning toward demon possession.
Speaking of pigs, this story got a little play last year but not a lot. I wonder if there is any connection to the kung flu? I've not seen anything.
Notice, not 1/4 of china's pigs, 1/4th of the world's pigs
WULONGQIAO, China — A devastating disease spreading from China has wiped out roughly one-quarter of the world’s pigs, reshaping farming and hitting the diets and pocketbooks of consumers around the globe.
China’s unsuccessful efforts to stop the disease may have hastened the spread — creating problems that could bedevil Beijing and global agriculture for years to come.
John Henry
Okay putting a UV light source in the lungs it's going to fry your lungs. It makes more sense to try and wash your lungs out with soap and water.
Dr. Don may be good at promoting steaks and vodka, but he should keep his medical ramblings, lateral thinking , behind closed doors with his medial team, but I know he just loves to announce game changing cures and new products that end up changing people’s lives for the worse.He just can’t help himself.
Can Gov. Evers and other Democrat Gov's outlaw UV light now? Cover the sun? I would imagine that if Trump says sunlight kills the virus, Democrats are going to make the lock downs more restrictive.
Imagine if you hate Trump, like the media, and are actually intelligent enough to understand what he said and what he meant.
It must get exhausting to defend every stupid thing Trump said. Why can't you just admit he said a really stupid thing, because he was speaking off the cuff, and move on.
The problem is not that we don't understand what he says and means, it's that you Trump fans are unwilling to ever admit that he sometimes speaks before he thinks.
I have experienced the following numerous times the past 3 years.
1) Trump says something bizarre.
2) I think, "C'mon, Trump. Be more circumspect. Learn to hold your tongue."
3) Leftists and journalists go insane.
4) I think, "Thatta boy, Trump. Do it again!"
This has happened so many times that I usually go from 1 to 4 without even noticing. I've now watched three separate TV news shows warn that people should not inject disinfectants. This is better than a Mel Brooks movie.
It's amazing to me. Trump is still dominating the news cycle by one flurry of words. Meanwhile, where's Biden? In the basement of a house somewhere, not moving.
Piers Morgan is being hysterical. Trump no longer has sufficient credibility to influence anyone's behavior or opinions regarding the virus (not you Drago).
PIERS MORGAN: President Trump's batsh*t crazy coronavirus 'cure' theories are not just shockingly senseless and stupid - they're going to kill people
MarK: "Yeah, it is called brainstorming. It is not what anyone in the corporate world does in public in front of cameras and reporters."
I completely disagree. They do this all the time when they want a talking point out there, or a 'slip' that they hope the press will run with. "There is some talk that 'so and so company is working on a new ________(fill in the blank)." Yeah- that kind of brainstorming is put out there to see the public or press reaction and know how to proceed. Watch CNBC some time. Or consider the company Theranos.
And of course, there are some politicians who use the press regularly to 'leak' what they want out there and to create a breathless talking point. Trump on the other hand has always said what was on his mind, in front of whomever, wherever. That is precisely what made Trump...Trump. He's run his own empire for so long he's never had to put a governor on his speech. Never considered it. And he's not about to start now, good or bad.
The press is used to hearing things from politicians that should not be said out loud. It's how they get their leaks and how they work to get 'one up' on everyone else. The only difference is that they usually get it on a background phone call or text, not handed to them in a press conference with everyone else hearing it as well. There is no question Trump is bizarre, but at this point you'd think the press would pause and think over the larger picture before hyperventilating over his next sentence.
At this point, with the press being wrong about Trump so many times, and so single minded about carrying the Democrats water for them, you'd think they'd get a little cautious sometimes that maybe, just maybe, Trump is manipulating them from time to time. Instead they keep doing the same thing over and over and over again.
Or you can go ahead and think that he's encouraging people to inject themselves with bleach. But you tell me: which one sounds crazier to you?
it's that you Trump fans are unwilling to ever admit that he sometimes speaks before he thinks.
How does that work? Involuntary speaking? Sounds very sciency.
I'm going to go with 'Trump speaks as he thinks', not before.
I think Unka Joe Biden his time and out of the news is a feature not a bug.
You can always count on browndog to lap up every last drop con gusto
Howard said...
I think Unka Joe Biden his time and out of the news is a feature not a bug.
When your opponent is determined to shoot himself in the foot each and every day it is best to stay quiet.
The criticism of the president is that his job is that of governance, not solutions to a problem. Spitballing is not his responsibility to the public. In this matter, I believe his critics have a point.
Maybe the liberal application of vodka is what has kept the covid cases numbers down in Russia. If I said that in front of President Trump, what are the odds he would mention it in his next press conference? I’m thinking someone in the White House won the office pool on the disinfectant thing.
Ann is like a dog on a bone. You are going to get this from her until election day. She will dig deeply into any perceived character flaw , throw it out to her audience which will all retort in some way to defend Trump and she sits back and laughs her ass off.
First and foremost she is a 60s liberal to the core and will never vote for Trump or any other conservative. Secondly she never talks policy but just style.
You ask why does an old women sit in front of a computer and blog all day long? She likes to be in control and set the narrative. Don't forget she was a professor for over 30 years and she was in control of her class.
I just shudder to think how she controlled her classes with her 60s liberal doctrine.
Blogger Jupiter said...
"And he gives his antagonists rich raw material to use against him."
Yeah, they've got him right where they want him, this time.
Actually, I didn't find that dialogue Althouse quoted particularly opaque or alarming--Trump was just spit-balling, as he does. Big deal.
I was amused to see that Chris Cuomo's wife, who has the virus, adds a half cup of Clorox to her bath water as a treatment.
If Donald Trump loses in November, it will be because of Donald Trump. But we haven't had the campaign, yet.
Let's see what happens.
Off to the sweat lodge.
It wouldn't hurt to bleach your finger before you pick your nose.
Come on. When radiation was first used to combat cancer, it made things worse more often than not. Ditto chemo. Everyone knows that with chemo, it's still a race between killing the cancer and killing the body that's unfortunately harboring it.
So yes, put an industrial UV sanitizer down into someone's lungs and you're serving lung steaks. But - tiny radioactive pellets carefully placed can kill cancer cells while leaving the surrounding tissues relatively healthy. Can we say that there is no method of introducing UV into living, infected tissue that could be similarly effective?
Viral pneumonia, for instance, is deadly and terribly hard to treat, right? And UV kills viruses, right? What if someone, ignoring the fact (or factoid) that the words came out of Trump's mouth, found a way to target viruses in situ and in vivo using UV? It could be a treatment that went well beyond COVID-19. But no, Trump said it, so best to ridicule it without further consideration.
Yes, Howard, I do wish he wouldn't throw so much stuff out there. But I do not make the error of discounting every word he says just because he says it.
I have the feeling Trump talks to his experts like this a lot. He gets ideas. He experiences what we call lateral thinking. And he just blurts out his idea. He doesn't self-censor, so he comes across like a child. And he gives his antagonists rich raw material to use against him.
True. He's brainstorming, tossing out ideas and waiting for responses. It can work well in private, but doesn't look good in public. Morning Joe was trumpeting poll results showing that even Republican voters don't trust what Trump says about the covid virus, and treating it as a bad thing for Trump. But most of those voters may recognize that the president isn't an expert and understand that he is throwing ideas out there that have to be weighed against other opinions. They may take into account that his role is more to keep morale up than to give detailed factual advice, and not be turned off by that.
When I see Joe ranting like the other day, I have to wonder what's behind all of this. He was one of Trump's biggest promoters early on. It seems like -- whatever Trump's flaws -- there is something deeply personal behind Scarborough's rage, and also that he has to ramp up his already strong distaste to signal to his audience that he really means it and to atone for having been a Republican at one point.
No no - Trump said "Inject Nancy with Bleach!"
no wait- I said that.
Do it. For the children.
"Fun Fact: There are no ex-supporters of Our President."
Be careful of that. I wish it were true, but it's not. I know a few people in Ohio who are becoming disenchanted with him. They would probably never vote for Biden, but they're capable of just staying home, or voting for a viable 3rd party candidate if one arises. I also know several apolitical people who liked Trump solely because of the economy. If they think the Dems can do a better job...
In other words, we shouldn't get cocky. Trump could still lose this. Biden could still win. Remember GHW Bush, who was a sure thing to get reelected. Trump is a much better campaigner than Bush, but he's not infallible, and he's still up against the same forces who are even more eager to take him down. That's why, all things considered, I wish he'd let Pence handle the virus, while he handles everything else. The guy is brilliant, but he needs to learn how to delegate and step out of the way.
I was, at first, very concerned about the Trump administration's chaotic, incoherent and botched response to this virus. Then I learnt a labradoodle breeder was in charge and it all began to make some sense.
Progs getting their mojo back:
“tens of thousands of deaths projected from the virus, demographic shifts alone could be enough to swing crucial states to Joe Biden in the fall”
Will prog governors pay a price for trying to save deplorable lives at the expense of young women and minorities?
When your opponent is determined to shoot himself in the foot each and every day it is best to stay quiet.
How is it you don't notice that you keep losing and Trump keeps winning?
You work for Acme Co.?
iowan2 said... The bleach talk is dangerous. People start getting logical. Bleach is a good cleaner/disinfectant. Ammonia is good cleaner/ logically mixing the two together will be twice as gooder.
People who collect fountain pens (like me) often use an ammonia solution to clean out old ink. Bleach is sometimes used as well. Fountain pen experts constantly warn people not to mix the two because the gas created is toxic.
The Cuomos’ Corona Protocol, Week 3
1/2 cup of bleach in her bathwater.
Sad, but wise. Don't do it Drago.
The Makers of Lysol Issue a Warning Against Drinking Bleach After Trump Said It Might Cure Coronavirus
This is proof of the old adage 'it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and be proven one'.
Sometime Trump needs to stop being the focus of these press conferences. God I miss Spicer being the one saying stupid shit, not the President.
Middle America knows the boss type who won't shut up, who 'brainstorms' idiotic ideas acting like he is a savant. It might have been funny to vote for him last time, but now have seen too much.
A number of my family in that boat, my brother in law among them.
different strokes,
Freder Frederson said..."The problem is not that we don't understand what he says and means, it's that you Trump fans are unwilling to ever admit that he sometimes speaks before he thinks."
But I'll bet whoever Freder is in real life: is also promoting the idea that Trump suggested injecting Clorox among the virtue signaling elite.
So Freder: If you're smart enough to know what he said, and meant...why promote it as something else?
Mark said...
Middle America knows the boss type who won't shut up, who 'brainstorms' idiotic ideas acting like he is a savant. It might have been funny to vote for him last time, but now have seen too much.
We are now all living in an episode of 'The Office'.
It was a stupid statement. It was said off the top of his head and in the enthusiasm of the moment, but it was, nonetheless, a dumb remark. I give him more credit for spontaneity and for sincerely wanting a way out of the pit we're in than for making an ill considered remark....Most of the press ask premeditated, carefully considered stupid questions.
The Cuomos’ Corona Protocol, Week 3
1/2 cup of bleach in her bathwater.
But wait, there's more!
"Clorox is sodium chloride—which is technically salt."
Interesting, there's a link to the Mayonnaise Clinic, which says:
"Add 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of bleach to a 40-gallon bathtub filled with warm water." (to treat chronic eczema)
Lysol maker warns against internal use of disinfectants after Trump comments
Just to be clear, "Clorox is sodium chloride" was expressed Ms. Cuomo, not by the Mayo clinic.
And he just blurts out his idea. He doesn't self-censor, so he comes across like a child.
Leaving aside the condescension there, worthy of a White House reporter, here we go again, going on and on and on (again) about something the President never said or did. All the while ignoring the (hush-hush) of what really did happen -- and was bragged about. Chris Cuomo's wife bathing in bleach, which I mentioned last night and was briefly mentioned only a couple of time above.
As for "Mark" -- you guys figure out who is who. If it isn't obvious, I can't explain it to you.
To keep on keeping track, from Power Line:
"hang in there for the update provided by Minnesota Commissioner of Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm to learn that 20 of the 21 new deaths occurred among residents of nursing homes or residential care facilities with compromised physical conditions. That means some 75 percent of total deaths to date in Minnesota have occurred among this subpopulation.
Malcolm noted that six of the 21 were in their 90’s, 9 were in their 80’s, three were in their 70’s, two were in their 60’s, and one was in his 50’s. The median age of decedents remains 83 with an age range from 54-104.
What is going on in the nursing homes? Governor Walz responded (at about 01:12:00 of the video), “We ask ourselves that question too.” Malcolm added that “you’ll see the same patterns with influenza and the like.”"
Old and sick people dying! 75% from nursing homes! Same patterns with influenza and the like!
Don't tell the alarmists.
"In this matter, I believe his critics have a point."
Yeah, sure. And when he stops looking for solutions, his critics will be all over his lack of leadership.
Heads I win, tails you lose.
"Mark" -- This is proof of the old adage 'it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and be proven one'.
He probably doesn't even comprehend how much that applies to him.
(Normally, I don't get into the personages of people here. And have commented against others in the practice. But come on -- you gotta give me an exception in this case.)
“It must get exhausting to defend every stupid thing Trump said. Why can't you just admit he said a really stupid thing, because he was speaking off the cuff, and move on.
The problem is not that we don't understand what he says and means, it's that you Trump fans are unwilling to ever admit that he sometimes speaks before he thinks.”
"It wouldn't hurt to bleach your finger before you pick your nose."
Likewise, after you pick your nose, sniff your finger before bleaching your anus.
Dan in Philly re Trumps message -
"I am like you. Your enemies are my enemies. I am your defender in a world where everyone is against you."
Exactly so. The funny thing is that the normal, professional reposite to this on the part of Trumps opponents is to make love to Trumps base. Making rhetorical love is cost-free. But they don't try that. Its an odd situation that I have been puzzling over for four years.
Meade said...
"Scrolling through headlines over at Memeorandum, I could've sworn I saw one that said: Fact Check: No, Trump Didn't Hire a Labradoodle to Inject People with Disinfectant."
Was it this?
No, Trump did not put a Labradoodle breeder in charge of COVID-19 response
There are a lot of "very high IQ" folks who are complete suckers for urban Trump legends like this. It is hilarious in a WTF way.
Note: You don't "BleachBit" your anus. Any more than you hammer your "hard drive."
Use common sense, people!
brylun said...
Please Do Not Bathe In Clorox Like Cristina Cuomo Has Been Doing
The Mayo clinic recommends exactly what she's doing - 1/2 cup Chlorox in a bathtub - to treat eczema.
Everyone should know better than to believe anything written in the Puffington Host.
I am interested in the equivalency being drawn between the President of the United States and a NYC housewife.
From Reddit:
"We're getting dangerously close to a Trump led Tide Pod challenge."
"(Normally, I don't get into the personages of people here. And have commented against others in the practice. But come on -- you gotta give me an exception in this case.)"
There's no taboo against talking about yourself.
You aren’t every going to get to sleep with Melania.
Give up.
Years ago I actually took Clorox baths for eczema as prescribed by my dermatologist.
Nobody understands this virus and its interactions with the natural and human/social environment sufficiently to plan anything. Even the ICU infrastructure and practices so many people think vital are very likely to be reconsidered in time. All conventional aporoaches to this could in retrospect be judged as entirely wrong.
Much of what everyone has been doing could be best described as authority theater, meant more to reassure the masses that someone is in charge and knows what to do. It is very likely to be the wrong thing, but at least it offers comfort to some.
The only way out of this in reality is chaos. Local, ad hoc, empirical, working off the fastest feedback loops possible. In other words, muddling through. If you want a fancy term to sell this under the rhetoric of authority, consider the French "debrouillage".
It also wouldnt hurt to hang out at the beach and catch a lot of UV.
By all accounts, neither does the Donald.
By all accounts, neither does the Donald.
You’re so consumed with jealousy, ARM. You’ve even imagined he doesn’t get any.
And, oddly, it’s a point of pride with you. You’re even consume with jealousy in relation to me. I can understand.
Go back to your job at Acme Co., where you’re convinced you’re winning.
Sorry, didn't mean to trigger you.
I’ve never understood guys who are so totally consumed by jealous hatred the way you are, ARM, although I‘ve been dealing with them my entire life.
I know how to do things. I’m disciplined. I produce.
All my life I’ve been dealing with guys like you who assume I do these things to make them look bad.
Trump has been dealing with that in spades. And he keeps on going, right past the glorious workers of Acme Co. The amazing thing is you don’t even notice.
"The Mayo clinic recommends exactly what she's doing - 1/2 cup Chlorox in a bathtub - to treat eczema."
That worked very well for someone I know.
But I think anyone wanting to combat radiation and metals will be disappointed.
Let me point out the obvious, ARM.
Trump was CEO of a corporate holding company of 500 entities. He’s president of the U.S.
You don’t have anything to do but sit on a comments board all day and all night.
Trigger thresholds are always so difficult to judge.
I've got a couple of those leftover from the 60s
I'll bet you do, hippie scum!
Nobody understands this virus and its interactions with the natural and human/social environment sufficiently to plan anything.
I mostly agree, and take it to indicate that a shut-down would be a bad idea; others take it to mean that a shut-down would be a good idea, just in case.
It also wouldnt hurt to hang out at the beach and catch a lot of UV.
Just about every afternoon I spend about an hour outside with a convenient amount of skin exposed to the sun, along with a joint and a margarita.
Likewise, after you pick your nose, sniff your finger before bleaching your anus.
I'm not an anus bleaching kind of guy, but if I was, I think I sub it out, not try to do it myself. Seems to me, anus bleaching would be kind of like hanging drywall, it looks easier than it is and if you screw it up you'll be staring at it and shaking your head for a long time.
Leave drywall and anus bleaching to the pros, is my advice. It's worth what you paid for it.
The problem is not that we don't understand what he says and means, it's that you Trump fans are unwilling to ever admit that he sometimes speaks before he thinks.”
It would be interesting to see Obama have daily press briefings instead of Trump, if no teleprompters were allowed.
No one mention Paul Ehrlich.
I was, at first, very concerned about the Trump administration's chaotic, incoherent and botched response to this virus. Then I learnt a labradoodle breeder was in charge and it all began to make some sense.
Eat your Corn Pops and stfu...
Trigger thresholds are always so difficult to judge.
You'll still be here at 2 a.m. ARM.
What else to you have to do?
"It also wouldnt hurt to hang out at the beach and catch a lot of UV."
I did that when I was younger but be aware that comes with it's own set of problems, as my dermatologist has explained to me.
" It's worth what you paid for it."
I see what you mean — when was the last time I heard of someone offering to hang my drywall or bleach my anus for free? Answer: never.
Nobody cares about Chris Cuomos wife. Probably not even Chris Cuomo. Trump needs to stick to politics and shaddup about medical stuff. Immigration ban was good. Must be other stuff he can push now.
Trump was speaking in his usual manner. Without notes or a teleprompter.
He's clumsy - yes - and awkward, but I cannot find where he said to drink Lysol or inject bleach.
Good news- there's a Democrat somewhere, willing to sacrifice her husband with fish tank cleaner - just to make Trump wrong.
Cuomo's wife reminded me of a conversation I was in recently where one of the people described being "tested" for food sensitivities by some quack who held up vials of different substances and looked at how they affected her energy vibrations. While listening to this, I could feel rays of contempt (bad vibrations!) emanating from me, so I excused myself.
@ Meade
I was talking about my advice, but yeah, you'll have to pay. And don't just go with the lowest bidder. Drywallers charge by the square foot. I don't know how anus bleachers figure up their time and materials. They probably have to use π, I would imagine.
One could, I suppose, simply expose ones anus to the sun, bleaching it with UV.
That could work quite well. We await word on results from the more experimentally minded. Or perhaps one may just end up tanning the general area and blending colors better, effectively achieving an acceptable result thereby. Nature is a treasury of simple, practical solutions.
Granted people will look funny doing this. Perhaps human ideological ingenuity will serve to overcome the social stigma. As it happens the local Fascist anthem is "Cara al Sol" (Face to the Sun), a catchy tune. Perhaps an ideology will arise where one can, with pride, sing about exposing the other end to the sun.
Idea men are strange to liberals who only have a mind for rhetoric, it's a masculinity thing and the effete liberals can't comprehend that way of thinking. Effete liberals are good at deconstruction, never construction except for a sentence.
All the MSM does is lie about Trump and play "Gotcha". You saw that at the briefing yesterday. Once trump talked about "cleaning people's lungs" in a brainstroming sort of way and made a JOKE about moving the oval office into the rose garden, the Press immediately jumped on it to make it seem like Trump was SERIOUSLY playing Doctor and proclaiming that you could inject cleanser in people. Another reporter tried to imply that Trump seriously wanted everyone to move outside.
Trump is doing what we WANT a POTUS to do. Brainstorm. Ask the Experts "What about this?" Probe. Ask questions. But the press just wants to play "Orange man Bad".
BTW, I don't believe in the "Don't give them ammunition". What ammunition did Mittens give them in 2012? The fact is, you don't get 92% negative coverage for 4 years, because you've given the hostile MSM "ammunition" - you get it because they are hate filled cocksuckers in the tank for the Democrats.
Blogger Otto said...
Years ago I actually took Clorox baths for eczema as prescribed by my dermatologist.
Did it remove harmful radiation and metals?
That's why the psychiatrist has Ms Fredo doing it.
Nothing about eczema.
And you can drink Clorox, provided you do it in very dilute quantities. They used to, but have since removed it, even say on the label how many teaspoons to the gallon to purify iffy drinking water.
I have 3 150 gallon water storage tanks in my basement. Since we don't use the water in them very often, every 6 months I pour a half cup of Clorox into each. I would not drink it, more for foulness of taste than because I think it would harm me. It's fine for washing and toilet flushing when the water goes off though.
John Henry
"And when he stops looking for solutions, his critics will be all over his lack of leadership". No, his critics want him to efficiently get tests, and required medical and testing equipment to the states,without petulant "you have to be nice to me", rather than playing scientist.
Someone could look up the Transcript and note how many times Trump said "I'm not a doctor" or asked the experts what they thought.
One could, I suppose, simply expose ones anus to the sun, bleaching it with UV.
Yup. that's a thing.
"Seems to me, anus bleaching would be kind of like hanging drywall, it looks easier than it is and if you screw it up you'll be staring at it and shaking your head for a long time."
I can't even touch my toes. I doubt I could manage this maneuver on my best day. (I suppose that means that, if I were to undertake the project, I'd be safe from the regrets that more flexible people might suffer...)
And not to put too fine a point on it but here's a little piece of free advice: never hire a drywall guy to do your anal bleaching nor an anal bleacher to hang your drywall. Totally different skill sets.
Is any state wanting for tests or equipment? Had the federal government been denying needed supplies for capricious reasons? Is petulance being directed at governors or coming from them?
If Trump can get away with shooting people on Fifth Avenue, I don't think his fans will desert him for a clumsy remark.....That was good news about UV light and temps during yesterday's briefing. Trump was a cheerleader for the good news. We might have a summer. This good news, courtesy of the media, has been completely obfuscated by a few offhand remarks by Trump.
But S Baraban,
At this point you don't lack tests or medical equipment.
Your officials are currently getting rid of an excess of facilities and equipment.
You (and the rest of us) actually lack a sufficient understanding of this illness and of effective mitigations and cures.
Your criticism is tendentious.
It'd be like hiring a tower builder to be your PO... well, no, that analogy doesn't work.
never hire a drywall guy to do your anal bleaching
Yeah, I mean, unless he's got it painted on the door of his truck or something, probably not a good idea.
And if your drywall guy grins at you and offers to bleach your anus, well...I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go runs some errands or something.
We're back to, seriously, not literally.
If it turns out that the actual mechanism of mortality of this illness is that it creates masses of blood clots, then most of the conventional treatments used so far have been of little use, not much better than using leeches.
Hey, who needs more ventilators?
Think of all the tanning booths, just sitting around idle when they could be knocking out the virus!
The Press could have reported the most important thing from the briefing which was the DHS Undersecretary report on the research being done on the virus and his charts which show the massive impact that sunlight, heat, and humidity have on the virus' half-life. At 75 degrees increasing the humidity level from 20% to 80% decreased the Virus Life from 18 hours to six hours. The impact of ultra-violet light was even more spectacular.
It was extremely important and interesting, but of course the Press was more interested in "Gotcha" and "orange man bad".
So anybody else here ever work as a dishwasher in a small cafe or restaurant? We always put a little bleach in the rinse water (we had to hand wash as we could not afford a machine) to help sanitize the dishes. If the amount of bleach is small enough it won't harm person, just kill a bunch of germs. Easy peasy. Also, bleach was the recommended sanitizer, in dilute quantities, for folks sharing needles in the big cities awhile back - they even put out blurbs on the TV news about how to do this. Of course, this was back in a time when the press was actually engaged in reporting the news and not in pushing 'The Narrative'.
You have to admit though that anal bleaching services are a natural alternate sideline for drywall hangers during slow spells in the construction business.
This also serves as a telling illustration of a critical weakness of classic Marxism, which assumed implicitly that consumer demand was finite. But no, demand is open ended, there is an endless market for new goods and services.
Cristina Cuomo:
"I used a “body charger,” which energy specialist Randy Oppitz suggested I borrow from a friend. It sent electrical frequencies through my body to oxygenate my blood and stimulate the healthy production of blood cells to fortify my immune system. It also rebalanced my energy, which was gravely off from the stress of caregiving, catching the virus, fearing my kids would get it, etc. The key to healing the human body is directly related to the body’s ability to allow energy to flow through it. “I discovered in my 40-year career as a personal energy specialist that every person I ever worked with has blocked energies. The Body Charger is a device that transfers energy, breaks up, and pulls out the low frequency while replacing with a higher rate,” Oppitz told me."
lacking anything better to do, I could do some work but.... I decided to look up Randy Oppitz who is Ms fredo's energy consultant. What a piece of work he is!
Only work experience is district manager of JoJo's restaurants but his decades of research have led him to incorporate quantum physics into healing. He makes scientology look sane and rational. From his website:
Is the cure for disease already within you?
We are not our physical body. We are beings of light – with a very high frequency, having a human experience – with a much lower frequency. As we step into the physical body at birth, with a mission to heal the Emotional Memory (EM), the accumulation of the incomplete EM keeps drawing us back to earth, in order to complete our experiences, as well as our soul group’s experiences.
The soul, the ‘real you’, is about the size of a baseball and is light energy centered in the upper chest area of the body. This ball of energy, which at times can be seen as a light, enters the body within minutes of the first breath and assumes the position of passenger until it completes its purpose.
The soul’s Emotional Memory (EM) draws you to the events your soul needs to complete, in order to release energy held in the EM. For most, the EM is repeated until the soul has completed the experience. The EM draws old events from the pain body to present time for the soul to experience once again. This allows the soul to approach old experiences, often with the same souls it has encountered in the past (while some or all “players” have a new bodies, minds and personalities) allowing the old experience to be re-experienced and re-examined with a new opportunity for the soul to grow and evolve while clearing the EM.
To top it off, he is in the town of Athol NY. I grew up near there and we used to call the town residents "atholes"
I sure hope the governor of NY isn't taking science advice from his sister in law. I am scared he might be. That could be the reason 25% or so of all Kung Flu deaths are in his state.
John Henry
So P.T. Barnum was right, it seems.
"Hey, who needs more ventilators?
Think of all the tanning booths, just sitting around idle when they could be knocking out the virus!"
True, there are too many ventilators at this point. An excess in the US certainly, if not in Italy and Spain.
But UV is underrated. In Manila its a season of sun, temperatures constantly in the 90's. Total deaths in the Philippines in the two months of this Covid business amount to one day's mortality in Spain, still struggling out of winter. We here are looking at an overcast and temps in the 50's-60's for at least another week. Summer can't come too soon.
It's Ok if someone else says it, but not Trump.
Isn't that the message?
If hydro-quo-whatever helps relieve symptoms when combined with other meds - NOT GOOD - because Trump said it might be so!
Anyway, it's too late. I just drank me some bleach. That was after my morning Russian-propaganda download.
Oddly - today's Russian download was an effort to convince me to bleach my anus with drywall mud.
Millennial immune from covid due to Tide pod consumption?
just spitballin'.....
today's Russian download was an effort to convince me to bleach my anus with drywall mud.
If it will increase its allure...what the hell.
Exposure to UV degraded the virus in a droplet on a surface in 90 seconds, according to the DHS research guy.
That’s down from 4-6 hours, a pretty significant finding.
All commercial airliners need to add UV sanitizers to their air circulation equipment immediately, and thus be able to reassure the public they won’t be sitting in a Petri dish for the duration of their flights. Something like that will be needed to help the public regain confidence.
Years ago I read an article about a UV light therapy that worked like dialysis, except instead of filters, the blood was run through a UV light “tunnel”. Don’t have time to look for it now, but I thought of it immediately when I heard the press conference yesterday.
He’s talking about UV light as a fast disinfectant.
Lysol maker warns against internal use of disinfectants after Trump comments
Not sure why nobody has thought of putting warning labels on chemical products. They should look into it.
"As someone else noted, a half-cup of clorox in a bathtub of water is probably like a swimming pool. It might actually not be a bad idea to disinfect the entire body. I don't know if it is necessary but doubt it would be harmful."
Wouldn't her skin be bone dry? She'd have to counteract this with a lot of moisturizers.
Meade said...
" It's worth what you paid for it."
I see what you mean — when was the last time I heard of someone offering to hang my drywall or bleach my anus for free? Answer: never.
4/24/20, 9:51 AM
Google can be your friend, you just need to know how to word the search...
"40-year career as a personal energy specialist"
So she started her PES career as a 10-year old?
"And not to put too fine a point on it but here's a little piece of free advice: never hire a drywall guy to do your anal bleaching nor an anal bleacher to hang your drywall. Totally different skill sets."
I think you've just discovered a market inefficiency.
Blogger Todd said...
Google can be your friend, you just need to know how to word the search...
Google is never your friend and cannot, by their very business model and company culture, ever be your friend.
Use Duck Duck Go. Or even Bing.
Friends don't let friends use Google.
John Henry
"The problem is not that we don't understand what he says and means, it's that you Trump fans are unwilling to ever admit that he sometimes speaks before he thinks.”
I've learned not to care what anyone in charge says. Ever. It's all meaningless and changes on a whim. Politicians since the beginning of time have taught me this.
It's what people end up doing that matters.
"So she started her PES career as a 10-year old?"
The 40-year career belongs to "energy specialist Randy Oppitz".
Jamie: "Is any state wanting for tests or equipment?"
Actually, no.
Take anything the alarmists ever claimed. Then realize in the real world the opposite happens.
Some Test Theater will be needed, of course, to deal with the Karens, so theoretically we could be "wanting" for tests that way.
Maybe UV treatment for Kung Flu is not such a dumb idea after all:
Aytu BioScience Signs Exclusive Global License with Cedars-Sinai for Potential Coronavirus Treatment
from the release:
“Our team has shown that administering a specific spectrum of UV-A light can eradicate viruses in infected human cells (including coronavirus) and bacteria in the area while preserving healthy cells,” stated Dr. Pimentel of Cedars-Sinai. Ali Rezaie, MD, one of the inventors of this technology states, “Our lab at Cedars-Sinai has extensively studied the effects of this unique technology on bacteria and viruses. Based on our findings we believe this therapeutic approach has the potential to significantly impact the high morbidity and mortality of coronavirus-infected patients and patients infected with other respiratory pathogens. We are looking forward to partnering with Aytu BioScience to move this technology forward for the benefit of patients all over the world.”
John Henry
Turns out there may be something to hitting blood with UV. Need more research.
John Henry
"We are now all living in an episode of 'The Office'."
This made me laugh. Yes, in a way, Trump is Michael Scott. But he reminds of the episode when he took the prospective client to Chili's against corporate (Jan Levinson) wishes. After crass and awkward conversation and jokes, he ends up sealing the deal anyways.
Whitney said: Good luck finding bleach! }}}
The first time I consciously shopped with a potential pandemic in mind was late February. The household cleaner aisle was already stripped of antiseptic wipes and other convenient ways of disinfecting. I went there for bleach and it was completely stocked; I bought several gallons and wondered why no one else realized that bleach is always good at killing everything, and a few gallons will last for months and months if not years. Meat was also well-stocked and I bought enough chicken, ground turkey, beef, and pork to completely fill our refrigerator's freezer. In hindsight I would have bought more chicken breasts and ground turkey because those items turned out to be in short supply by the following week. Also should have gotten isopropyl alcohol.
Ethanol is the only stuff in that regard you can drink without too many negative consequences.
Propanol, which has exactly the same atoms as isopropyl alcohol (just arranged in a different order), is like super ethanol. It has the same effects as ethanol, but at 4x the magnitude.
UV-c has been in use for a long time to sanitize objects. }}}
Isn't it January, in anticipation of our daughter's April birthday, I bought one that's made to sanitize phones. Had barely heard of Wuhan virus at the time and that's not why I got it. But because of Hunkering, we've had no opportunity to see her and give it to her.
So hey, is anyone else wondering how many more months or years it's going to be before we can see our children again? I have to stop myself from "going there" in my mind; despair follows when I do.
on a more serious note, that makes this pantomime macabre
Yes, this is case of the media completely putting words in Trump's mouth. Someone who actually believes that Trump was thinking of injecting bleach or iso-propyl alcohol just shows how stupid such a person is.
Darkisland said...
Use Duck Duck Go. Or even Bing.
Friends don't let friends use Google.
John Henry
4/24/20, 11:18 AM
I actually only use DuckDuckGo myself but was not sure if Mead would get the reference and if he didn't, he might not have gotten the joke. You got to "play to your audience"...
The Red Cross says to use bleach when purifying water:
When I got a food handling permit a jillion years ago, the WA State Dept of Health specified bleach for cleaning food preparation surfaces - 1 tbsp per gallon of water, or if cleaning blood, a 1:1 mixture of bleach and water.
This is proof of the old adage 'it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and be proven one'. - Mark
Physician, heal thyself.
So I should be putting about 8 cups bleach to my 150 gallon tank.
But I think that is for making a cleaning solution instead of purifying potable water.
I forget where I got the 1/2 cup per 150 gallons but it was the internet so who am I to question it?
It is still plenty strong. The odor puts me off before I can get the glass to my mouth
John Henry
Poor ARM and Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck and the rest of the moron lefty brigade.
I think their time would be better spent looking up Far UV Light for interior lighting and for use inside the human body to combat viruses (and bacteria, interestingly) along with Oral Chlorine Dioxide studies that are already under way.
This is what the CEO's of the advanced R&D firms have been talking about directly to Trump and so Trump lets the nation know this stuff is being worked on.
And why shouldn't he?
Just because the dems/lefties/LLR-lefties want our R&D firms to fail to hurt OrangeManBad should not mean Trump should stop talking about these amazing developments driven by US firms.
Here's the link to the clinical trials, now underway, on oral chlorine dioxide:
There are about a thousand links that can be found on the use of Far UV (short wavelength light) delivered via fiber optic instruments to different parts of body to combat viruses and bacteria.
Everything Trump mentioned is real and in advanced stages of research, which is why the R&D CEO's mention them to Trump and the Task Force.....and the lefties/LLR-lefties really seem to hate that.
But tell the lefties that the WHO (wholly owned by the ChiCom's) claims something, and they rush to embrace it.
Things like: no known human to human transmission of coronavirus on record....months after they knew it was a lie. Every single lefty/LLR-lefty bought that one hook, line and sinker.
Just for the record:
Sodium hypochlorite aka Clorox was used by my dentist as a disinfectant when I had a root canal done about five years ago.
So, its use as a disinfectant IN humans is not unheard of. At least in the concentration and amount involved in my case, swallowing it would apparently be OK.
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