April 20, 2020

At the Orange Glow Café...


... you can talk all night.


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Drago said...

Farmer: "What I deny is that you can then extrapolate from that that Obama must've been sympathetic to the revolutionary politics Ayers advocated 20 years earlier."

You can deny it all you like. What is clear is that the radicals saw something they liked very much in obama and cultivated him.

There is also no denying the extraordinary radical nature of what obama did in weaponizing our law enforcement and intelligence services against domestic political opponents.

Interestingly enough, an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power for which you seem to give obama a pass.

J. Farmer said...


Interestingly enough, an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power for which you seem to give obama a pass.

Not sure what it means to give him a pass in this context. But frankly, I take skulduggery and corruption pretty much as a given in our system. It probably wouldn't make my Top 10 list of complaints. The escalation in Afghanistan was worse. Supporting guerrilla fighters in Syria was worse. Overthrowing Gaddafi was worse. Obamacare was worse. The DACA executive order was worse.

But I should add, one of the deficits in our system I think is the undue attention we pay to the president and a tendency to overestimate the amount of power they have in moving the gigantic system they're put at the top of. It also tends to obscure the systemic forces at play in our country. At least since the time of Reagan, and certainly since Clinton, broad trends have continued with some movement within that broad trend. The left and right essentially define the boundaries of permissible opinion, and a lot of debate is permitted within those boundaries.

PluralThumb said...

Here goes full circle nothing.
First; please stop making fun @ Inga or I may actually end up a white wicker chair in my reincarnated life. Igna, please do not tempt white boys, too many Russian muslims in my area of Brooklyn, New York.
Thanks !
Making fun of Robert Dylan is a guilty pleasure I mind, but I will accept the release of negative energy as just that, a needed release. That may be a prime example of white on white hate.
Things, stuff, money, expensive or large things, I denounce. I fear success. Success is an illusion with much responsibility. I have lost too many close to me in different monetary class brackets.
That being said.
I am not in any hurry to reach my grave, if I can afford a casket and a grave digger. I do regret not having any kids, whom are also of great responsibility.
Bob Dylan to me is very responsible compared to my wish washy/loose/vague/ellusive/coward self.
Now there I go beating myself down more.
Condos for redirecting spite unto Inga rather than Dylan. Like kindergarten kids pulling hair.
The pic is very beautiful and may make some jealous. Please do not put the blame on Dylan. Blame China !!!

PluralThumb said...

* Kudos, not Condos.

I will accept any blame for any other grammar error(s).

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

JOURNALISM: Headline: Kentucky sees highest spike in coronavirus cases after lockdown protests.

Article: “It’s unclear whether the protests had any impact on the surge of deaths reported Sunday in the state.”

Since the protests were Sunday, and the deaths were reported Sunday, it isn’t actually “unclear.” It’s clear that the protests couldn’t have contributed to the deaths. The headline is just another blood libel.

Interesting bit: Dem. Gov. Andy Beshear is now hiding behind the “White House guidelines.”

via Instapundit

jaydub said...

I hate to beat a dead nurse, but, Inga, did it ever occur to you that if a protest happens on Sunday and if the incubation for Wuflu is not instantaneous, then the protest on Sunday could not have possibly caused the additional infections that were reported for Sunday?

Original Mike said...


stevew said...

Joe Biden is a nasty bit of business that has treated people poorly for the entirety of his adult life and political career all for the worst of possible reasons: to advantage himself in some way. The story that he tells about the death of his first wife, and the driver of the other vehicle involved in the crash, is obscene and a window into his essence as a human being.

Ronin includes the greatest car chase in movie history IMO. I bought an Audi because of it. Never drove it the way they did in the movie, but loved that car until the catalytic converters failed costing about $4k to repair.

Inga said...

“Since the protests were Sunday, and the deaths were reported Sunday, it isn’t actually “unclear.” It’s clear that the protests couldn’t have contributed to the deaths. The headline is just another blood libel.”

The protest they speak of was on WEDNESDAY not Sunday. The spike in cases were reported on Sunday.

Inga said...

The deaths are not attributable to the protest on Wednesday, as it’s been know to take at least a week or two to make someone sick enough to die of Covid that has been infected.

Some folks need to read more carefully.

Original Mike said...

Ronin was a great movie, though I thought the plot kind of fell apart at the end.

Meade said...

"Le Creuset... her arthritic hands couldn't manage their weight anymore."

I call this The Paradox of Le Creuset: By the time you're old enough to own it, you can no longer lift it.

Big Mike said...

But frankly, I take skulduggery and corruption pretty much as a given in our system. It probably wouldn't make my Top 10 list of complaints.

@Farmer, that’s an interesting take — Obama’s corruption should get a pass because corruption is “pretty much a given in our system,”. Untrue, of course, but “everybody does it” has long been the bullshit excuse when the corrupt get caught, given both by the corrupt and by their enablers.

jaydub said...

Inga: "The protest they speak of was on WEDNESDAY not Sunday. The spike in cases were reported on Sunday"

So, the protest was on Wednesday, 99 people at an outdoor venue were exposed, all those people incubated the virus in 3 days, then all got tested to confirm the virus, then they multiplied to 150+ people on Sunday.

I was wrong - some dead nurses deserve a beating.

Francisco D said...

I never saw much to the Obama-Ayers connection. Bill Ayers was part of the counterculture and the youth movements of the 1960s. Obama didn't even finish high school until 1979 and came of age in the Reagan era, which was a quite different period of American history than the 1960s. Obama's preferred policies were much closer to George McGovern than Bill Ayers.

A group of Chicago Community Psychology professors (DePaul and UIC) were involved with Ayers and Dohrn in grooming Obama to become state senator in the 90's. I know two of these people well and heard that from them. They are definitely socialists, in a well meaning (rather than angry) sort of way.

Anthony said...

LA County: Death Rate 0.14% to 0.28%
Based on results of the first round of testing, the research team estimates that approximately 4.1% of the county’s adult population has antibody to the virus. Adjusting this estimate for statistical margin of error implies about 2.8% to 5.6% of the county’s adult population has antibody to the virus- which translates to approximately 221,000 to 442,000 adults in the county who have had the infection. That estimate is 28 to 55 times higher than the 7,994 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported to the county by the time of the study in early April. The number of COVID-related deaths in the county has now surpassed 600.

By my count that's three studies so far that have found similar rates of infection and deaths, all far higher and lower, respectively, than what we have been lead to believe.

Michael K said...

Will the oral live polio vaccine block the Corona virus ?

For anyone seriously interested in what a vaccine would look like. It could also block influenza. Podcast on nonspecific effects of vaccines.

walter said...

John Roberts asks Dr Birx about serology report April 20

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