"... I think he’d be a better candidate than sleepy Joe. I wouldn’t mind running against Andrew; I don’t mind running against Joe Biden. I think probably Andrew would be better. I'm telling you right now, you know, I want somebody [for] this country that's gonna do a great job, and I hope I'm going to win."
Trump said, this morning, quoted by NBC News.
I like the acknowledgment that he could lose, and if he does, he wants a good President for the country. He doesn't want a weak opponent. I mean, maybe he does, but that's not what he's saying, and I like that.
Trump cares for the country more than he cares for the fortunes of his political party. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for a lot (probably most) of the senior Democratic leadership.
I can run against Joe. I can run against Andrew. If it’s a hippo I’ll run against the hippo. I know the hippo. He’d be better than Joe at running the country and he’ll run hard... hippos are tough. They’re tough! Hippo will run a tough campaign. They come at. They come right at you. They’re tough. But you know I’ll run hard too. I can run hard against the hippo. Yeah so he’d be tough but I can be tough too. I’ll run a hard campaign if they nominate the hippo.
I agree Cuomo would be better than Biden. I just don't know how you can possibly get there unless the DNC is just going to drop democracy all together and simply appoint their ticket.
Althouse already covered the issues of switching horses midstream, so I think is just padding for networks. Talk of the coronavirus is old. They destroyed the primary. And the media desperately wants to talk about someone other than Trump and really not talk about Biden or Sanders. They can't even talk sports right now or the latest movie.
... I think he’d be a better candidate than sleepy Joe.
heh -- the understatement of the year. Figurehead Joe doesn't know what century he's in, Jack!
By the way, what are his test results from coronavirus?
"At least the country will get run by a fellow New Yorker, and not some hick from Delaware. But, jeez-loueez, it could be worse. He could be from Jersey!"
While I’ll undoubtedly vote for Trump over Cuomo or Biden, I think the obsession with who’s president is vastly over emphasized.
I'd like to see Cuomo run, but he can't as long as the crisis is going on. Only way he'll get the nomination is if Biden drops out during the summer because of health problems.
I thought Cuomo was going to be a candidate way back when the selection process started. There was very little mention of him, even when light weights like DeBlasio and Gillibrand were talked about with promise. Strange.
Amazing how he has now floated to the top.
Hope he does get involved cause that means the 'Rona will have subsided as the only thing that matters.
Albany, NY is more corrupt than Springfield, IL, and Cuomo has his hands in all its dirt. It seems apparent that New York leaders messed up HUGE in early February. Most Americans don't want to be New York in any way, shape, or form.
Trump is gaslighting the Democrats. He knows Cuomo can't run, or even express an interest in doing so.
Trump, paying respect in light of Cuomo defending some of Trump's actions regarding the virus.
It's been said before, but it is amusing to think of what the Democrats could've got if they simply worked with him in a fair and even manner.
Maybe the Dems need Hillary's Russian Restart button.
I am Laslo.
What Joe Biden should do right now is come out for quarantining the NYC metropolitan area, including shutting down public transportation except for healthcare and other essential workers. That would give cover to Trump, Cuomo, and de Blasio, all of whom seem to know that this needs to be done but can't bring themselves to do it.
"I like that."
He knows (part of) his audience. He is a salesman. He is good.
In the short run, building up Andrew helps to put down Slow Joe and complicates Dem plans.
Say, Althouse, what do you like about Andrew, apart from his hard-core support for abortion?
I'm suspicious. Trump sounds a little too much like Brer Rabbit.
I just don't know how you can possibly get there unless the DNC is just going to drop democracy all together and simply appoint their ticket.
1) Biden drops out, endorses Cuomo.
2) Biden's delegates (and superdelegates) nominate Cuomo.
And you're done.
Lead, Left Bank? You want Joe to actually lead for a change? He can’t. He’s a natural follower, a herd animal, a grifter, not an Alpha. Not a beta. More like an Omega man. Cmon man.
Cuomo is not just what many of you have seen for the first time over the last 10 days. He's got a long history. And a state that has been tanking financially before this ever hit. He's getting a pass on all that now because he's showing up strong-voiced at the daily press briefings.
There has been a huge population outflow from the State of New York over the past 5 or so years (or longer). As they say in New York, "not for nothing".
Laslo: Yeah, pretty much. We (the marital we, not the royal) were amazed last week to realize that the Democrat Party managed to find someone worse than Hillary to run against Trump, ofter years of talking about the desperate urgency of defeating him.
All this wishful thinking that some white knight is going to emerge to save Democrats in November is just a dream. By the end of this crisis the Media, Democrats, "Experts", and elite credibility will be at its lowest point ever.
Boarders will be popular. Decoupling from China as a National Security Issue will be HUGE.
Shouting Thomas said...
While I’ll undoubtedly vote for Trump over Cuomo or Biden, I think the obsession with who’s president is vastly over emphasized.
3/30/20, 11:14 AM
That is what the founders intended at least. The "will of the people" and about 100 years of a lazy congress have gotten us here. The most influential politician in your life was supposed to be your state Governor followed by your local Mayor (maybe vis versa). It was NOT ever meant to be POTUS. Federalism, the ONLY "ism" I can get behind!
Putting aside how difficult and awkward it would be to get Biden out and anoint Cuomo as a fill-in candidate ahead of Bernie, et al, Cuomo has this major obstacle in his path: He can't really run unless and until the corona crisis has been successfully resolved in NY; and even then, there's not much opportunity for him to gain electoral popularity RELATIVE TO TRUMP. NY constitutes such a big part of the pandemic in the U.S., if it all turns out okay in NY, it will almost certainly turn out well in the U.S. generally. Therefore, Cuomo would gain, but so would Trump. It's unlikely that things will go really well in NY but really badly in the U.S. as a whole, such that Cuomo gains relative to Trump. Also, currently, both men are generally complimentary of the other's efforts, so it's going to take some dramatic turn for either one to use the other's record on this issue to create a stark contrast.
Trump frequently acknowledges self evident truths. It helps his credibility. The media could learn something from this......Cuomo gives an impressive press briefing. I have positive feelings about him. I can't say that DeBlasio, Gillibrand, or Schumer have engendered any positive feelings.
I like hippo. Hippo has treated me fairly. I like him. We get along. But he can’t debate me. Have you seen hippo debate? He can’t. He just it’s not there he’s a little slow getting to the point. He’s smart. I didn’t say that. He’s smart but he’s not quick on his hooves. Have you seen his news conferences? Can he debate? I don’t know. If they nominate hippo then I hope we have a whole month of debates. The ratings will be yuuge.
What Joe Biden should do right now is come out for quarantining the NYC metropolitan area
I wonder if that good idea has occurred to him or his people.
I wish there was a Democrat just like Trump so I wouldn't have to vote for Trump and still pretend the Party I have aligned with my entire adult life, still has some redeeming value.
Cuomo did not do a good job preparing for a pandemic, and to some extent he has been picking unnecessary public fights over COVID19 for political reasons, but otherwise he's done a good job of managing the crisis so far and his approval ratings are deservedly rising. However, it should not be forgotten that Cuomo declared a fake emergency a few years back in order to suspend the normal state legislative process and ram through extensive gun control legislation before opposition had any time to organize. He is what real authoritarianism looks like, and he should not be permitted anywhere near the Presidency.
This is funny. I'm thinking, god I love this guy, while DH next to me is ranting about him on the phone.
But he's hated every president since Reagan, so that.
"What Joe Biden should do right now is come out for quarantining the NYC metropolitan area"
To do this would be to admit that Trump was right in thinking about it. In other words, this is something that is impossible for Biden to do.
Cuomo and Trump are both stereotypical New Yorkers in the eyes of the nation. But Trump has crossover appeal that crosses the Hudson while Cuomo does not.
Tell me, oh wise guys, what Cuomo has said or done that appeals to people outside of NY?
Dems still don't get it.
Pretty much the reverse of what the Althouse Trumpkin Choir has been singing.
Good for Trump.
Leland said...I agree Cuomo would be better than Biden. I just don't know how you can possibly get there unless the DNC is just going to drop democracy all together and simply appoint their ticket.
The Dems greatly admire the Chinese system, so it makes perfect sense that they would mimic their politics.
Ah the troll arrives
I tremble to think what nickname Trump will come up with for Cuomo if he does run. Most of the ones I can think of wouldn't play well with Italian-Americans.
Why aren't the major newspapers disabling their paywalls during the epidemic? Just disable it for April and May. Everyone who currently has a subscription gets 2 months added on in the end.
Don't they oppose walls? Isn't a paywall a form of "darkness - are they trying to kill Democracy? Don't they want poor people to have the truth about this pandemic???
Donald trump has always seemed like he enjoys a good challenge, tussle, fight. Where is the fun in beating someone like Biden?
The other problem is that, when Trump wins, people will say "Yeah, but he beat Biden. My dog could have beaten Biden and I don't even have a dog."
If he beats Cuomo, as I think he would, he at least has a worthy opponent and can't be accused of beating an eggplant. Or of elder abuse for taking him on in a debate.
John Henry
Not original with me and I forget who said it but I would love to see it.
Apparently Biden has suggested that he will not debate PDJT in the fall. PDJT should come out and say, in some informal setting, that he really doesn't want to debate Biden because he is so mentally dilapidated.
Just to make Biden deny that he is dilapidated and to lock him into a debate.
Debating Biden will be tricky. How can he do it without seeming like some 9th grader taking the 4th grader's lunch money?
John Henry
Laslo saud:
It's been said before, but it is amusing to think of what the Democrats could've got if they simply worked with him in a fair and even manner.
I agree. Trump was a NY Democrat, and was mostly centrist. One key personality trait of his is that if you are his friend he is your friend. If you are his enemy he is your enemy. Dems missed a golden opportunity to co-opt Trump because all the Republican Never-Trumpers would have alienated him and the Dems could easily have filled the void. But they let he haters and the demagogues. Define who Trump was rather than looking at his history and how he worked.
I really expected Trump to govern like a moderate Democrat. Turned out I was, pleasantly wrong.
Of course, maybe they could not have worked with him. He actually loves the country and ALL the people, and they can't have their guy loving the deplorables and straight, white, christian, Nascar-loving, males.
I'd like to see Cuomo run, but he can't as long as the crisis is going on. Only way he'll get the nomination is if Biden drops out during the summer because of health problems.
With the talk of Coumo, I am having vague feelings of sympathy for Joe. For his legacy. It is one thing to lose an election. At least you were in the game. But to be pulled at the last minute because your team has no confidence in you is a tough pill to swallow. No matter the excuse,legitimate history will provide constant humiliation as long as he lives and for several generations. His family will be ashamed, no matter what ego defending lies they tell themselves.
Examples of Biden looking stupid and clueless abound but I have seen a couple of times during the debates when he seemed relatively normal.
With help from the media he may be able to lose with some sort of dignity. Media editing and spin can make Trump look incompetent while making Joe look like he is alive and well.
Everybody, including his fans, knows Joe is not especially bright but in the past he seemed at least average. What I personally find peculiar is that a man who presents himself as an up to date modern guy is so clueless about computers, internet, current tech and social media.
In an age when two or three year old children can manipulate a tablet to play games, take pictures with a cell phone, use a remote control for TV and speak with Siri or Alexa, poor Joe definitely could not set up an email account or do a simple internet search.
The powers need to leave Joe in there. Let him be like DeNiro's Jake LaMotta character in Raging Bull. Beat almost to death by Sugar Ray Robinson, the ref stops the fight, and Jake proudly says "I didn't go down, Ray, I didn't go down". He was destroyed but at least he stayed in the fight.
Will be interesting to see if Joe's lifetime Democrat friends stand by him and let him continue, or discard him like an infected rubber glove in the grocery store parking lot.
Pelosi and her criminal gang are polling daily, I guarantee it. They care as little for Mr. Biden as they do for the average suffering American citizen.
Cuomo would be very unwise to take the nomination if they offered it to him. He can only have one shot at it and if he thinks he should be president he would be smarter to wait 4 more years. He is too much of a boorish New Yorker to have any appeal outside of his home state, and he could use the next 4 years trying to improve his image as a statesman and not a mafioso style thug. Do you think the man who declared that pro-lifers are not welcome in his state, the same man who tried to wage law-fare against the NRA and the firearm industry is going to have a lot of broad appeal between the NJ/PA border and California stateline?
All of his corruption since he's been in the governor's mansion is essentially unknown to the electorate at large, but would quickly become common knowledge should he get the nom.
Most of all, the only thing he has done for his state in crisis thus far is bitch about how the responsibility for his failures vs the WuFlu should be blamed on the president. That might resonate well with Trump hating dems, but he will need more voters than that to win the White House. How many people excited about the possibility of Coumo pushing SLo-Joe out of his dream job are aware of how he had the opportunity to specifically address the NY ventilator shortage in 2015, but elected instead to use that funding on some solar panel scam which succeeded only in expanding his corruption portfolio? His administration instead created new triage protocols to overcome any shortage of critical care hardware. A pre-emptive bureaucratic death panel?
Think it over carefully Dims
Trump is trying as hard as he can to act more Presidential, but he hasn't quite got the hang of it yet.
Trump vs Cuomo - Two New York Democrats running as opponents. Somewhere in all this daydreaming, the guy with dark fake hair, Andrew Cuomo, has never said he would run for president.
In a March 2019 interview, Governor Cuomo response to [Atlantic reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere on] the question was as follows:
“Would you like to be president?” He dodges it over and over by talking about how much he wants to do his job as governor well. Finally he says, Well, Joe Biden is running anyway.
So: What if he doesn’t?
“Call me back,” Cuomo says, and puts his hand out immediately to shake, ending a conversation that lasted through a bathroom break and a theatrical phone call with his daughter, in which he begged her not to try cooking him dinner because she’d make too much of a mess of the pots.
My parents, having just watched the latest Cuomo presser, report that that he emphatically and repeatedly stated that he was not running for president and did not want to be president. Subject to change in the future no doubt but it would seem to rule out 2020.
I like being right but I won't dwell on it. Who else can replace poor Biden once they have led him away?
tcrosse said...
I tremble to think what nickname Trump will come up with for Cuomo if he does run.
Sonny, Fredo's brother?
At least in 1996 Bob Dole wasn't senile and Ross Perot was running as well. So if Senility Joe doesn't get the nomination, who does? Bernie the Bolshevik? Or are the Dems going to run Hillary one more time?
"1) Biden drops out, endorses Cuomo.
2) Biden's delegates (and superdelegates) nominate Cuomo."
So, all primary ballots for Biden actually read "Joseph Biden (or a Player To Be Named Later)"? If so, that would actually increase my respect for Democrat primary voters.
I honestly believe Trump cares more about the future of our country than about his reelection.
Mike[MJB Wolf] @11:40: Nicely done. ;-)
“Of course, maybe they could not have worked with him. He actually loves the country and ALL the people, and they can't have their guy loving the deplorables and straight, white, christian, Nascar-loving, males.”
According to Trump, he decided to run right after the 2012 election, based on the direction of the country, and immediately coined MAGA as his reason for running. This wasn’t a focus group slogan, but the other way around, essentially crystallizing his reason to run.
Trump’s real life’s work has to be suffering. It was a low blow for Pelosi’s assholes to exempt his businesses from relief particularly given the state of the Democrat swamp.
I don’t think it’s just ego that keeps him at it. I think he is trying to do what is best for the country. This cannot be said of the Democrats on his horizon or, for that matter, any Democrats I know. (I cite the Green New Deal, open borders and abortion/infanticide on demand in support of that last. There’s more.)
I’m surprised he doesn’t chuck it. A side benefit of his staying is that Ivanka and Jared will continue to behave as God intended his chosen people to behave to the benefit of this nation and Israel.
Cuomo would have been a ripe target during the debates. New York sucks. Now that they’re over, he might be viable.
What Joe Biden should do right now is come out for quarantining the NYC metropolitan area, including shutting down public transportation except for healthcare and other essential workers.
Maryland and Virginia have now essentially done just that with their "stay at home" orders.
Maryland is directing residents to not travel outside the state.
Cuomo sounds like he's having a fillibuster.
Guy needs to stand back and delegate some.
It is very difficult to beat an incumbent President. The first string of the opposing party knows this, and most or all of them don't even try. They let the party pick a sacrificial lamb from the second-stringers, like Biden.
Nothing has changed.
tcrosse said... "I tremble to think what nickname Trump will come up with for Cuomo if he does run."
DrSquid said... "All of his corruption since he's been in the governor's mansion is essentially unknown to the electorate at large, but would quickly become common knowledge should he get the nom."
How about: Quid Pro Cuomo?
"Trump’s real life’s work has to be suffering. It was a low blow for Pelosi’s assholes to exempt his businesses from relief particularly given the state of the Democrat swamp.
I don’t think it’s just ego that keeps him at it. I think he is trying to do what is best for the country. This cannot be said of the Democrats on his horizon or, for that matter, any Democrats I know. (I cite the Green New Deal, open borders and abortion/infanticide on demand in support of that last. There’s more.)
I’m surprised he doesn’t chuck it. A side benefit of his staying is that Ivanka and Jared will continue to behave as God intended his chosen people to behave to the benefit of this nation and Israel."
With Chuck Todd saying Trump has blood on his hands, Pelosi and gang saying he bungled response, lie after lie, after lie about him while he gives credit to the team and others trying to do their best, one might suspect the democrats are trying their best to discourage him from running.
I know everybody here and in the rest of the country disagrees , but this virus is not living up to it's European and Asian reputation.
Of course, the worse is still to come, we are told. I hope not.
Gonna ask every time, any links to entire household or neighborhoods dying? Have seen a couple of assisted living places in the news and one New Jersey family.
DrSquid said... "All of his corruption since he's been in the governor's mansion is essentially unknown to the electorate at large, but would quickly become common knowledge should he get the nom."
Really? How? MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, Cnn<, Fox, NYT WaPO Yahoo news, Huffington, etc, etc gonna educate the country?
Same MSM and left that lie every day about Trump will spill the beans (Biden colloquialism) on Cuomo?
I think Trump's campaign has sufficient resources to spend enlightening the electorate regarding Don Cuomo's corruption. Sure wouldn't count on the media at large to do it, but they would quite readily sell enough of their airtime to Team Trump to make up the slack
Cuomo rambles as much as Trump does in his news conferences.
Cuomo wants no part of Trump. He's settin' sights on 2024 and will have an excellent chance if he can stop himself from acting like a bent nose thug. Which he won't because he can't. Michael Corleone he's not. More like take the cannoli Clemenza.
Clint suggests: How about: Quid Pro Cuomo?
I like it!
How about Quasicuomo? or Qui bono Cuomo
Ed Koch said that in 1983 when he was running for governor against Mario Cuomo, there were sound trucks going around Brooklyn and Queens saying "Vote for Cuomo, Not for the Homo".
"Yeah, but he beat Biden. My dog could have beaten Biden and I don't even have a dog."
True, but he still gets to fill Ginsburg’s chair. Since a rout would increase the chance of keeping the senate.
“ True, but he still gets to fill Ginsburg’s chair.”
Maybe more than one. Not hard to name an older Supreme Court justice with health issues.
He does care about you and your well being and that of the country.
Joe Biden 2020 is Bob Dole 1996.
It is very difficult to beat an incumbent President. The first string of the opposing party knows this, and most or all of them don't even try. They let the party pick a sacrificial lamb from the second-stringers, like Biden.
True, it's hard to beat an incumbent President. But who are these "first-stringers"? Cuomo, maybe, but who else? Newsome? Pritzker? Polis? Doubtful. Newly elected governors, who haven't demonstrated much ability. The average White governors and senator from the Western states? They got nowhere in the polls. No, I think Warren, Harris, Booker, Bernie, Biden really did look like the A-team when they started to run. It's only because they've stumbled that they look like second raters.
Valentine Smith: "Cuomo wants no part of Trump. He's settin' sights on 2024 and will have an excellent chance if he can stop himself from acting like a bent nose thug."
Cuomo will need all 4 years to rehabilitate himself given his explicit dislike for and hatred of the people and values of the midwest and key parts of the South (upstate and panhandle Florida, for example). States he would need to win.
The most important priority for Trump now is to sustain his rising popularity by getting the nation through this crisis. CENTRAL to that is the successful containment of the virus in New York City. CENTRAL to that is Trump and Cuomo being able to work together harmoniously to bring that off. I suspect Trump sees it is in his interest to keep Cuomo happy both in terms of the help the feds provide him and in his being seen as a state leader rising to the challenge. Are Cuomo and Trump adversaries. Absolutely. But also it is following that lesson (from "The Prince"?), which is to "keep your friends close but your enemies closer."
mockturtle said, "Clint suggests: How about: Quid Pro Cuomo?
I like it!"
I had, word for word, the same thought.
Trump undoubtedly wants what's best for the country and Cuomo is certainly preferable than Biden on that scale. But Trump is also playing with the Dem's weird tendency to mistake online enthusiasms for the real world. He knows that they know that Biden is a pathetic candidate, a guy way past his never-very-good prime. So just for fun, Trump hits the exposed nerve, just to make them scream -- how did we do this to ourselves and end up with a loser like Biden! It's also a way to jab Cuomo at the same time -- he's a guy who completely believes he's God's gift to an undeserving and unappreciative public but also knows he will never get the prize. Having to fall in line for Biden must really drive Cuomo crazy.
The first Trump rally I helped cover was during 2016 bid.
I remember him saying perhaps the most lasting and important thing he might leave there was an anti-drug/alcohol abuse message.
You'd have to be there to realize it, but it was a pretty outside the box moment that hinted of ability to rise above self..even given the inherent narcissism of running for POTUS.
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