March 30, 2020

"Hey, team Biden is Joe and I’m sitting here in Wilmington, Delaware. It’s a scary time. A lot of people out there confused things are changing every day, every hour."

"So I wanted to have this conversation with you now if we could, why am I doing this? Well, first so we can keep talking with each other or we can’t hold rallies anymore, but we’re not gathering in large public spaces.... And a, the second reason is I think this podcast could offer some really helpful information. I’ve seen these kinds of crises before and uh, and I’ve sat in the situation room in the oval office and we’ve grappled three crises from Daniel outbreak to the Iran nuclear deal to the auto industry rescue. And, uh, during that time I’ve been able to work with some pretty accomplished experts, women and men who have steered us through epidemics and demic.... [T]he young people who think they don’t have to worry about social dissonance distancing I should say. You know, do it for older people in your life.... You know, I have overwhelming faith in the American people when the American people have never, ever, ever, ever, ever let their country down when faced with a challenge. Never. And they’re smart. I am so darn proud. It sounds corny to be an American. How, look how we’re pulling together.... And, uh, you know, my heart goes out to all those folks who have lost somebody or have someone in the hospital who’s suffering. It just, it’s an enormous, enormous burden. And, uh, but, uh, we’re thinking about you. I really mean it and I, all Americans are pulling together, so we’re going to get through this... And, uh, in the meantime, everybody stay healthy, stay safe, and, uh, I’ll be talking to you regularly. Thank you so much."

That's Joe Biden, from a transcription of a podcast from the Joe Biden for President Website. I've added ellipses where I've taken things out, but I haven't changed anything else. You can also listen to the audio at that link.


Rick: "What is a Daniel outbreak?"

Original Mike: I figured he meant a hurricane, but there doesn't seem to be one that fits the bill.

Lurker21: "Your guess is as good as mine, but I think the "Daniel outbreak" is Ebola, though how Biden got from one to the other is hard to say.

Rick: I don't think "outbreak" describes hurricanes. Google was no help. I presume it's some sort of mis-transcription but I can't think of any close homophones which fit. An outbreak of denial is almost there but not close enough to make sense.

Crimso: 'I think the "Daniel outbreak" is Ebola, though how Biden got from one to the other is hard to say.' He's just complying with the recent edict that we can't names diseases after places, e.g. everyone is now calling Lyme disease "Gladys."

Kevin: Is Daniel, Sandy? That's all I can think of. He must have Daniel on the brain because he spends his days watching reruns of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.


Bay Area Guy said...

Wow, it's just like FDR's fire side chats:)

chickelit said...

"It sounds corny to be an American."

When and how did that sentiment start? That is one striking difference between Trump and Biden. Trump would never say that. The fact that Biden needs to say that tells me about his supporters.

Lurker21 said...

Yes, when the stock market crashed FDR got on the Internet and assured everyone that things would be alright.

Sebastian said...

Full quarantine would serve him better.

Limited blogger said...

It's a good thing he says "I really mean it", or else I would think he was just posturing.

Rick said...

we’ve grappled three crises from Daniel outbreak to the Iran nuclear deal to the auto industry rescue.

What is a Daniel outbreak?

Also note he's comparing a pandemic to political and economic events. Will any of the people criticizing Trump for mentioning the politics criticize Biden for understanding this primarily in political terms?

Lurker21 said...

Most compatible running-mate: Caroline ... like ... um ... ya know ... Kennedy.

Chris of Rights said...

I don't see that he rambles any less than Trump. But the difference is that this is clearly a pre-planned event with a prepared "speech".

Buckwheathikes said...

Maybe Donald Trump should ship Iran's terrorist leaders a few billion in cash on pallets like Biden did. I'm sure they'll spend the money on N95 masks.

Now let's take a stroll down the memory hole and see how Obama/Biden's Cash For Clunkers program worked out:

USNews: The program harmed the industry it was trying to help.

"According to the careful empirical analysis carried out by the three Texas A&M economists, it did not(work). Car sales went up during the program, but they went down by enough during the subsequent seven to nine months that the total number of vehicles sold within a year of the start of the program was not affected. And it gets worse than that: because of the environmental agenda embodied in some of the rules of the program, “folks” used their credits to buy smaller, cheaper cars. As a result, total spending on new cars actually went down in 2009-2010, at the height of the recession. The federal government spent $3 billion on Cash for Clunkers, and by doing so it reduced spending on new cars by, you guessed it, $3 billion."

Don't even get me started on the Daniel Outbreak (whatever the fk that is.)

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Platitudes and repeating what other experts have already said with nothing new, no original thought or advice. If he was sleepwalking and saying the same things would we even know the difference? It is fascinating that the person who makes absolutely NO CASE for a Biden presidency is the man himself.

“I sat in the situation room for other crises.” Really? Did you DO ANYTHING in that sitch room Joe except be there? Omega man again making the car that he’s always been superfluous.

Ken B said...

It is a scary time. It will be scarier still if Biden really becomes the nominee.

narciso said...

can I by a vowel, h1ni, ebola, mers,

Original Mike said...

"What is a Daniel outbreak?"

I figured he meant a hurricane, but there doesn't seem to be one that fits the bill.

Ann Althouse said...

"It's a good thing he says "I really mean it", or else I would think he was just posturing."

Go one post down and you've got Trump saying "I'll be honest..."

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

If this is team Biden putting it's best foot forward, just imagine the harsh reality.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Making the CASE that he’s always been superfluous. Oops.

Limited blogger said...


Lurker21 said...

They put the transcript online and didn't prettify it. So that's something. I would have thrown it in the trash if I couldn't get away with fixing it up.

Trump rambles from topic to topic, but he's not as incoherent as this and doesn't swallow his words in this way. Your guess is as good as mine, but I think the "Daniel outbreak" is Ebola, though how Biden got from one to the other is hard to say.

320Busdriver said...

Corny to be an American?

He’s a lost soul

Rick said...

I figured he meant a hurricane,

I don't think "outbreak" describes hurricanes. Google was no help. I presume it's some sort of mis-transcription but I can't think of any close homophones which fit. An outbreak of denial is almost there but not close enough to make sense.

Buckwheathikes said...

"I don't see that he rambles any less than Trump. But the difference is that this is clearly a pre-planned event with a prepared "speech".

Biden:"... The second reason is I think this podcast could offer some really helpful information.

Proceeds to ramble on for a few minutes about how President Trump is bringing the country together. Doesn't offer any really helpful information.

I don't know who the hell is handling Joe Biden, but I thank God they keep handing that doddering old idiot a microphone.

Limited blogger said...

I assumed 'Daniel' referred to an imminent hurricane?

Crimso said...

'I think the "Daniel outbreak" is Ebola, though how Biden got from one to the other is hard to say.'

He's just complying with the recent edict that we can't names diseases after places, e.g. everyone is now calling Lyme disease "Gladys."

Kevin said...

Is Daniel, Sandy? That's all I can think of.

He must have Daniel on the brain because he spends his days watching reruns of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.

Equipment Maintenance said...

"Daniel outbreak" should be a tag in case we suffer from it in the future, we'll have some info at the ready from the getgo.

Openidname said...

Thanks, Grandpa. Time for your nap now.

tim maguire said...

Sounds nice and cozy, like a rainy Sunday morning with NPR.

Jack Klompus said...

Maybe Joe really likes the Elton John song. I prefer Rocket Man, myself.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Original Mike said...

"What is a Daniel outbreak?"

I figured he meant a hurricane, but there doesn't seem to be one that fits the bill.

There was a hurricane Daniel in 1979 that hit Puerto Rico. My first. Not much damage.

He was a senator then. Perhaps this is what he meant?

John Henry

narciso said...

Hes a stargate fan,

Sebastian said...

I would wager that all but one or two of the regular commenters here could do a better, more coherent job, spontaneously, than Slow Joe did with advance planning and a team to help him.

By the way, one of the main things Althouse has accomplished over the last several years is to deconstruct, in the proper sense of the word, Trump's speaking style, leading to a fresh understanding and appreciation, way ahead of the MSM. It helped me.

Trump was worth the effort, and that is in fact one of the things she made clear to me. I don't think Joe is.

Kevin said...

Daniel's got to be Sandy. That's the only crisis that was at that level.

Kevin said...

What is a Daniel outbreak?

There was an Abundance of Katherines that broke out right before Obama took office.

Available through the Althouse Amazon portal.

Kevin said...

For people who can't stand to hear Trump talk, read them this transcript in your best Biden voice.

Then remind them this is most assuredly the highly-edited version.

NYC JournoList said...

I listened to the intro ... he clearly says Ebola and not Daniel. Transcription is not perfect.

Limited blogger said...

Biden is self-deprecating because he knows the media will lavish praise on him later.

Trump must lavish the praise on in real time.

Meade said...

"What is a Daniel outbreak?"

If he meant the hurricane Sandy, then, well, an outbreak of wind and rain and storm surge. But then how does one "grapple" wind, rain and storm surge. If you're not Superman, I mean.

n.n said...

This is not a scary time, and with the available information, we can take rational and reasonable, prudent and bold, steps to limit infection, respond to the disease, control social contagion, manage resources, and mitigate collateral damage.

Gk1 said...

Sounds like he has a terrible case of Malarkey. You know this would be a perfect opportunity for Team Biden to use some of that fabled Deep Fake technology CGI to produce a perfectly, locuted speech without mispronunciations and garbled syntax. If they can do it with Francis the Talking Mule, they should be able to pull it off with Slow Joe.

Earnest Prole said...

If Biden is looking to match Trump's meandering lunacy, he'll need to up his game.

Rick said...

NYC JournoList said...
I listened to the intro ... he clearly says Ebola and not Daniel

Thanks for doing to work - I couldn't find this section in the linked transcript at all and I can't hear the audio.

Achilles said...

The only reason Joe Biden would be the nominee is because the democratics have given up on 2020.

I don't believe they will.

TreeJoe said...

I remain fairly pro-trump because of the outcomes he has driven since election and pretty anti-democratic party due to the ridiculously blatant levels of corruption & mismanagement allowed (Oh I'm sorry did alot of the DNC leadership need to resign 4 years ago? Does anyone remember that?)...

But I don't want our country governed by a President who wins because the opponent is an idiot. I want two outstanding, tested folks running against each other who both offer good leadership and different perspectives on the vision and resources this country should deploy.

I was thinking what Trump said earlier today: I'd rather see a strong, well-known executive leader like a Cuomo replace Biden and actually be a test between:

1. Stay the course with the known President
2. Switch to a different leader, competent and known within an executive leadership structure.

I've got nothing against Biden and right now I'm sitting not far from where he and his family vacations. But he's not right for a serious presidential candidate.

Ironically, Cuomo would probably be the most federalist-respecting democratic candidate given COVID-19. If ever there's a guy I would say would come in from the democratic party and believe in states rights, it's him at this moment.

rehajm said...

Biden should just talk like Henrietta Pussycat- Meowmeow meow meow meow meowmmeowmeow meow! Just as unintelligible but with plausible deniability...

Bay Area Guy said...

If you have to rely on Grandpa Simpson to save you from an apocalyptic, global viral epidemic, well, it's time to either get those last rites from your local priest or buy a shotgun

gspencer said...

"You can also listen to the audio at that link"

Seriously, AA, you expect anyone, even in Joe's own family, to do that?

SteveB said...

"Godfry Daniel, pesky redskins!

Which way's Goshen?"

Biden channeling the Firesign Theatre.

YoungHegelian said...

"Daniel Outbreak"

I bet that in his dementia Biden just let slip what the press tried mightily to cover up: that at a state dinner in the last year of the Obama administration a floating hand appeared and wrote "mene, mene, tekel, parsin" on the wall.

I wonder if Alex Jones is in the market for some new conspiracies...

cubanbob said...

n.n said...
This is not a scary time, and with the available information, we can take rational and reasonable, prudent and bold, steps to limit infection, respond to the disease, control social contagion, manage resources, and mitigate collateral damage."

You sir are an optimist. Just look at who are the leaders and leading lights of the Democrat Party starting with Senility Joe and then contemplating the very real possibility that the America people might put them in charge of all the executive and legislative branches of the federal government and look at the idiocy of some many Democrat officials and the state and local levers.

Barry Dauphin said...

Maybe it's Daniel Ellsberger and he meant break in.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He said “the Nile outbreak” and the stupid AI transcription maker wrote it wrong. It happens to closed captioning all the time with live TV. Or the teleprompter had nonsense and he mindlessly read it.

cubanbob said...

Ironically, Cuomo would probably be the most federalist-respecting democratic candidate given COVID-19. If ever there's a guy I would say would come in from the democratic party and believe in states rights, it's him at this moment."

I would not even begin to consider him until he shows some real respect for the US Constitution.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Which means his team should have edited the transcription for accuracy. A well run campaign would.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rocketeer said...

The thing is, the transcript is very similar to word-for-word transcriptions of Trump speaking in its seeming incoherence on the printed page. There is an interesting difference though in that Trump's words make sense when listened to rather than read in a way that Biden's do not - Biden's incoherence comes across both in spoken and written form. I don't think I'm giving Trump latitude in my listening that I'm not giving to Biden.

Paul said...

Daniel outbreak means when Biden laid down with the lions (he was there, honest!)

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I wondered why they let him do that awful "livestream" from last week, instead of sitting him down, rehearsing something and getting a good take. Apparently *this* is what happens when they *do* do that..

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

"...and I’ve sat in the situation room in the oval office and we’ve grappled three crises from Daniel outbreak to the Iran nuclear deal to the auto industry rescue."

There is a "situation room" in the oval office?

What executive or administrative authority did Biden have as he sat and grappled?

To the extent that the Iran nuclear deal and auto industry rescue were "crises," the crises were the Obama administration handling thereof.

Achilles said...

TreeJoe said...

Ironically, Cuomo would probably be the most federalist-respecting democratic candidate given COVID-19. If ever there's a guy I would say would come in from the democratic party and believe in states rights, it's him at this moment.

Cuomo would be a federalist while he is Governor and would be anti-federalist while President.

For obvious reasons.

Believing he holds any principles whatsoever other than personal power is silly.

hombre said...

The Iran Nuclear deal was only a crisis because they were planning to break the law.

gerry said...

If this is team Biden putting it's best foot forward, just imagine the harsh reality.

It is their best foot, and there's fungus under every nail.

Dan said...

I've listened to the first minute of the audio, and this transcription is TERRIBLE. It makes him sound so much more incoherent than he actually is. And it's on his own site! It's like their trying to undermine him.

It's very clear from the audio that he says "Ebola outbreak", not "Daniel outbreak". In the first line, he says, "it's Joe", not "is Joe". Other words are missing, just in the transcript, not from him.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Daniel is a river in Egypt, isn't it?

Tomcc said...

It's odd, but I'm looking forward to the next one!
It reminds me of that "bad lip reading" thing.

D.D. Driver said...

I had a Daniel outbreak once. Penicillin is a hell of drug.

hombre said...

Wait! “It SOUNDS corny to BE an American.” There is something wrong with that sentence, not just the sentiment.

Are we so inured to Biden’s stupidity that we now ignore his ignorance?

Dave Begley said...

How was the Iran nuclear deal a crisis?

It was a disaster for American foreign policy and never ratified by the Senate.

Biden is out. Cuomo is in.

Biden will make Cuomo his VP nominee. Then before Labor Day Joe will tell the nation that his doctors told him he couldn't do the job. Much crying. Beau's name will be invoked. Hunter and Jill get paid.

Kevin said...

It's Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, not Mr. Roger's.

I'm so ashamed, I know better than not to be painstakingly precise on Althouse Blog.

Martin said...

'Social dissonance distancing'??? In the campaign's own transcript? When Obama flubbed a line you never heard of it again, leats of all from his own staff.

rhhardin said...

It's corny to be an American. Forget the pride part. Pride is a sin.

Francisco D said...


If you click at the link, it connects to a Biden campaign donation site.

I could not get beyond that page without giving money and personal info.

rhhardin said...

It would go well on an improved Saturday Night Live.

Banality improvement segment.

Anonymous said...

He clearly says "Ebola", not "Daniel". Listen to the audio at; there is a transcription error.

rhhardin said...

Better than Quayle. What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind at all. How true that is.

rhhardin said...

It's unfair to put in uh's since it's part of natural speech. The listener doesn't really hear them as part of listening. In fact it takes many relistenings to get them all in, because the transcriber doesn't hear them either.

Gk1 said...

This: "Biden will make Cuomo his VP nominee. Then before Labor Day Joe will tell the nation that his doctors told him he couldn't do the job. Much crying. Beau's name will be invoked. Hunter and Jill get paid."

This is the same party that had no trouble exploiting Paul Wellstone's funeral or very recently held up Trillion dollars worth of relief checks all for petty politics. I'm just wondering when the average Democrat voter will get tired of being fucked in the ass by the DNC. Clearly their primary votes have no meaning. You'll do what you are told!

Openidname said...

I've listened to the audio, and I think he's saying "Yanni," but my friend thinks he's saying, "Laurel."

Wince said...

Rick: "What is a Daniel outbreak?"

Well, Spain has been hit pretty hard.

Daniel is traveling tonight on a plane
I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain
Oh and I can see Daniel waving goodbye
God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes

They say Spain is pretty, though I've never been
Well Daniel says it's the best place that he's ever seen
Oh and he should know, he's been there enough
Lord I miss Daniel, oh I miss him so much

FullMoon said...

I listened until the typical lies about Trump started. Joe sounds normal while obviously reading from a printed script.

Anybody anti Trumper herelisten long enough to believe any of the podcast was impromptu or adlibbed?

Any deviation from same ol'same ol'? Any fresh insightful or encouraging info? Has Biden yet taken credit for potential success of Hydroxychloroquine?

Two-eyed Jack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Two-eyed Jack said...

I tried to follow the link to the podcast, but I am blocked by an ActBlue demand for money and information. This page informs me that "Joe's momentum in SKYROCKETING."

I struggle to think of something clever to say in response.

FullMoon said...

It's unfair to put in uh's since it's part of natural speech. The listener doesn't really hear them as part of listening. In fact it takes many relistenings to get them all in, because the transcriber doesn't hear them either.

Trump does not do it. No uhs or umms.

FullMoon said...

If you click at the link, it connects to a Biden campaign donation site.

I gave 'em a hundred bucks, well worth it.

Just kidding. Upper right corner is link "continue to...."

D.D. Driver said...

I'm also getting sick of Biden's Ebola analogies. Its apples and oranges. Ebola is much more easy to contain because it is much more deadly. People get sick fast and die fast.

Trying to contain something where the contagious walk around for weeks spreading the disease without even knowing it is much harder.

Besides, basically every presidential administration since the 1970s has had a foreign Ebola outbreak on its watch. WHO declared a global heath emergency related to Ebola last summer. I don't think for a second that the media would credit Trump with "preventing" Ebola in the US the way that Biden seems to want credit.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

They did play Elton John's "Daniel" on the radio a lot when it was released in 1973. It was a little annoying but I didn't think it constituted a crisis or anything.

FullMoon said...

"Ron is an outside advisor to my campaign, the Ebola response in president Obama’s and my administration in 2014. And so he’s going to talk to us about a few things first about how president Trump downplays this crisis, uh, how he has rattled public confidence and delayed our country’s response."

and then:
"I, uh, I’m determined that this should not be political. This is not about partisan politics. "

FullMoon said...

I'm also getting sick of Biden's Ebola analogies. Its apples and oranges. Ebola is much more easy to contain because it is much more deadly. People get sick fast and die fast.

Have noticed Wuhan not living up to it's rep here.

Aside from the New Jersey family, any info about entire households seriously ill o dead from this super contagious bug?

Grade school kid brings a cold home, everyone in house seems to get a cold. Covid kills a resident, everybody else in home ok.

Lurker21 said...

Now that sports betting is off, the online office pool will be about how long it will be before the transcriber gets fired (or shot).

Yancey Ward said...

Daniel isn't traveling tonight on a plane
I can see the crematorium plumes coming from Spain

JaimeRoberto said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JaimeRoberto said...

What was the name of the reporter Biden locked in a closet at his fundraiser? Was it Daniel?

Yancey Ward said...

I listened to the entire podcast. The rest of it wasn't any more coherent.

Mary Beth said...

You can hear that he clearly says "Ebola", but it's his own website that has the transcript with "Daniel". Couldn't they manage to get it right? How lazy/incompetent do you have to be to let that go?

MD Greene said...

What the world needs now is a Biden Decoder Ring.

Kevin said...

First off, it's hilarious that it's simply "ebola" and so few of us dared to listen to it to actually find that out. That's not a bullet I was willing to take!

Second, wtf did they do about ebola? There were a couple of incidents, the system worked, the thing was contained. The end. The same thing would have happened if there was a Magic 8 Ball as president. It's like bragging that you massacred a few unarmed peasants, so that makes you qualified to run the entire Soviet front in WWII.

Birches said...

Ted Cruz started a podcast during impeachment. It was excellent. On the second or third episode, I told my husband that Cruz still wanted to be President and the podcast (as well as the beard) were going to go a long way in getting him there. I guess I wasn't the only one who saw a podcast as an electoral advantage. Problem is, you have to be able to say coherent thoughts. A Biden podcast is such a terrible idea.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well maybe Joe Biden was a new Demosthenes on the audio--I didn't listen. But if the claim is that the transcriber screwed up---either Joe transcribed it himself, or he hires idiots to help him. Neither alternative makes me want to vote for him.

He's a nice old guy--he should be given a couple of digestive biscuits and a glass of warm milk and put to bed. He'll feel better in the morning.

But God forbid he wakes up in the Whitehouse late next January!

mezzrow said...

Oh oh, Daniel my brother you are older than me
Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal?
Your eyes have died, but you see more than I
Daniel you're a star in the face of the sky

Lucien said...

“Kung Flu”? “Loved that show. Keith Carradine was terrific. I didn’t know before that he was the Green Hornet’s chauffeur.” “Man that guy had great smelling hair — no joke!”

h said...

It's Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, not Mr. Roger's. Shouldn't that be Mr. Rogers's neighborhood? Form the possessive of a singular noun by adding "apostrophe, s". Except for exceptions like Jesus and Moses. Happy to take instruction on this from those (like me) with nothing better to do with their time.

Mike Sylwester said...

Maybe Biden's campaign is being sabotaged by its own staff members.

Rory said...

Daniel is the Golden Retriever who everyone wanted to win at Westminster. Biden let slip that he knows the fix was in.

MadisonMan said...

Biden could be mocked so very very well on SNL. If only.

robother said...

According to Wikipedia:

"The Book of Daniel is a 2nd-century BC biblical apocalypse combining a prophecy of history with an eschatology (a portrayal of end times) cosmic in scope and political in focus."

Ann Althouse said...

“ I could not get beyond that page without giving money and personal info.”

Look closely. There’s a place to click in the upper right corner. That’s how I got in. I never give money to politicians.

Huisache said...

I listened to the audio. As noted above, "Daniel" is obviously "Ebola." Some other errors, e.g., "demic," are from transcription, too. Couldn't his staff be bothered to check what they're posting on his site? Do they *want* him to look demented? It couldn't take more than an hour to fix all that.

I do like the idea of dealing with a Daniel outbreak, though.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Hello, World, I’m exactly what the 25th Amendment was meant for....

Francisco D said...

Ann Althouse said: I never give money to politicians.

I should know better, but I sent Trump money during the Impeachment hoax.

After you send them $50 they spend it all on trying to get more from you with non-stop texting, emails and mailings.

I have been a registered Independent since 1971, but my wife is a registered Democrat. She never sends money, but they must have her name on a list because she gets frequent Democrat mailings from both Iowa(where she lived the last 20 years) and Arizona.

Susan said...

I do like the idea of dealing with a Daniel outbreak, though.

3/30/20, 4:21 PM

I have known too many Daniels not to be concerned about an outbreak.

Francisco D said...

Check out Breitbart. There is a clip of a recent interview with Biden about the pandemic.

His confusion is painfully obvious.

Unknown said...

It's unfair to put in uh's since it's part of natural speech. The listener doesn't really hear them as part of listening.

It's, uh, like, one of those, uh, things, that, like, some of us do hear, you know, and we, uh, find it, like, really distracting, you know?

If someone were to talk in that way during an interview, I would walk out; perhaps saying, "thank you for your time," but probably not.

Amadeus 48 said...

This is going to be epic.

Remember, no matter what happens this summer and in November, I still love America, and there is nowhere else I'd rather be.

The Demmies are about to put the voters' choice, Biden, together with the curious charms of Nancy and Chuck, and tell America "This is what we offer" and then whoever comes out of the cage after the convention runs for POTUS against Trump, who by then will have conquered the corona virus (he was probably right about the drug cocktail and Big Pharma and little pharma are all over a vacine and other treatments) and be bragging that the death toll was kept down to 70,000 Americans! OMG!!!

If Joe collapses completely, the Demmiess really should go with an Adam Schiff/ Kamala Harris ticket, just to clean things up.

Josephbleau said...

“I really mean it” translates to “I know it sounds like bull spit, but I am sticking with it.” “Let me be honest” means “I am going to make a reveal of my bargaining position.”

Amadeus 48 said...

"There’s a place to click in the upper right corner."

There is always a trapdoor, isn't there?

MayBee said...

Crimso: 'I think the "Daniel outbreak" is Ebola, though how Biden got from one to the other is hard to say.' He's just complying with the recent edict that we can't names diseases after places, e.g. everyone is now calling Lyme disease "Gladys."

This is striking me as so hilarious right now.

Doug said...

Ann Althouse said: I never give money to politicians

If you think you're such a hot shot, influential blogger, just consider the value of the in-kind contributions to zerobama.

MayBee said...

Dan said...
I've listened to the first minute of the audio, and this transcription is TERRIBLE. It makes him sound so much more incoherent than he actually is. And it's on his own site! It's like their trying to undermine him.

It's very clear from the audio that he says "Ebola outbreak", not "Daniel outbreak". In the first line, he says, "it's Joe", not "is Joe". Other words are missing, just in the transcript, not from him.

I'm assuming your name is Daniel?

Doug said...

The only reason Joe Biden would be the nominee is because the democratics have given up on 2020.

Dems are not giving up on 2020. To do so would be to resign to a Conservative Supreme Court for their miserable lifetimes.

Doug said...

Should be : "should resign themselves ..."

Bay Area Guy said...

Reason Magazine: Why Are the Mainstream Media Ignoring Tara Reade's Sexual Assault Accusation Against Joe Biden?

Gee, I wonder why?

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MadisonMan said...

I never give money to politicians.
I gave $25 to Mayor Dave once. That's the sum total of my contributions to politicians.

Drago said...

I'm surprised LLR-lefty Chuck is watching Trevor Noah, as Trevor Noah is far and away more conservative than Chuck.

Drago said...

From earlier today:

“We have to depend on what the president’s going to do right now. And first of all he has, uh, .to tell…uh…uh…wait til the cases before anything happens — look, the whole idea…he’s got to get in place things that were shortages of.”

---Joe Biden

Jill Biden, not a real Dr, ought to be ashamed of herself.

But then again, maybe they aren't that close given Slow Joe was, uh, hmmmm, doing something with the help....uh....hmmmm...I can't quite "put my finger on it"........

Jamie said...

So. I listened to about half before my battery gave out. I didn't note so much incoherence as others are talking about. What I noted was:

1. Some pretty obvious set pieces with his guest. I mean, really obvious.

2. Some pretty obvious cuts - which of course you'd expect in a recorded podcast, but it does call into question why the transcript is so bad. (It was never "Daniel," clearly "Ebola." And agreed, when you're on the person's team, you don't allow the transcript to be peppered with "uh" and "um." Sloppy.)

3. Standard-issue political duplicity. Both Biden and his guest say a bunch of words empty of content such as Althouse's "deal with" and "make sure," and when talking about what Trump should have done or what Biden would have done, it's always big on broad statements like "I would have made sure we had enough ventilators" or "It's unforgivable that the president didn't get hospitals the equipment they need," and entirely bereft of details about how Biden's approach would be different and better. (I should say "would have been different and better," since nothing Biden or his guest said Biden would have done was something Trump wasn't already doing.)

Jamie said...

I should point out that my two examples at the end of my last post were just examples, off the top of my head, not quotes.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Ann Althouse said: "I never give money to politicians."

Even as they give yours to others.

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