March 29, 2020

How we live now.


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Josephbleau said...

Yes, correct answer, as someone said, the 7 th amendment has not been incorporated and also part of the 5th in regard to grand juries. However in 49 state constitutions these rights are enshrined in state constitutions so the states can’t violate them with impunity because of their own constitutions. So the answer to my question is that the only case where a state may violate the bill of rights is in Louisiana, due to recognition of its Napoleonic derived justice system. PuertoRico and Samoa can also but are not states.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
Thomas, I'm not panicked at all. I'm just being very careful because I don't want the coronavirus to spread like wildfire.


Too late.

And if you go to the supermarket or doctor at this point you have been exposed.


Rusty said...

"Actually as Althouse observed, it’s the denialists who are panicking. "
That makes no sense. If they are denying there is any danger then why woulf they panic? They are not denalists. Just over reacting.
Aldi near me is nearly back to normal. Plenty of TP. The sliced bread was bare though. Well, with the exception of the carb free shit. They did install sneeze guards at the checkout stations to protect the checkers.

Static Ping said...

I enjoyed my stroll. Only had to avoid people a couple of times. It helped that it was raining.

Marcus Bressler said...

A clerk at Publix (grocery store chain) in Boca Raton FL tested positive today. Dominoes?


Many locals have become coronavirus commandoes, telling us in not-so-nice terms how to conduct ourselves. Feck 'em. Live and let live

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