March 23, 2020

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has an advantage McConnell lacks. She can pass a bill through her chamber..."

"... without any votes from the opposing party. McConnell cannot — his Senate bills need 60 votes. McConnell is trying to depict his bill as the only alternative, pressuring Democrats to support it. But Pelosi can turn this trick back on McConnell easily by passing a Democratic bill and demanding he do the same. It is odd she has yet to exert this source of leverage, instead waiting for McConnell’s Senate to take the lead."

Writes Jonathan Chait in "Democrats Should Vote Down Trump’s Corrupt Stimulus Slush Fund" (in New York Magazine).

It is odd, so find an interpretation of the facts that makes it not odd. I'm thinking the Democrats want distance from the McConnell bill. They want to say they opposed it, but they also need it to go through. The opposition is political theater. Pelosi is standing back, allowing that to play out quickly, because they all do know what a dire emergency this is, and there's the practical need to get some solution in the place as well as a political need not to look as though you put your politics above the the welfare of the people.

Back to Chait:
It is imperative that [Democrats] offer good-faith proposals to alleviate the economic emergency, rather than hoping to tank the economy and profit from the ruin.
Hoping to tank the economy and profit from the ruin!? I think, in context, Chait means that he thinks that's "what McConnell would do, were the circumstances reversed." He points to the way congressional Republicans behaved during the 2008 financial crisis.

Chait calls Democrats to "a higher standard of patriotism." He then proceeds to observe that the Republicans will deserve all the blame for "economic collapse," so the Democrats have leverage that they can use to get a bill balanced more toward Democratic Party ideology.

I think this kind of pressure on Pelosi can work. Quite recently, she opposed impeaching the President. She knew it was a bad idea, but she gave into pressure and allowed impeachment to go forward.


Fernandinande said...

"She can pass a bill through her chamber..."


narciso said...

who wrote the bill, did the ceti alpha brainslugs consume chaitred,

tim maguire said...

I'm not interested in reading the full article, but if your excerpts are fair, this is quite possibly the most cynical thing I have ever read. In my life. Here Chait exemplifies why so many so hate the media. It's because they deserve to be hated. They deserve worse.

Oso Negro said...

Oh, yes! That same Nancy Pelosi and same Democrats whose obsession with impeachment ended only February 5th? Surely that caused no distraction of the President or White House staff from other pressing matters (cough, cough. cough, cough, cough, cough)

TreeJoe said...

Yes, nothing says congressional leadership like the house majority leader passing an economic rescue bill on straight partisan lines during a national emergency.

This is the type of stupid analysis you get from professional political hacks and don't know the difference between wartime and peacetime. The type of folks who worry about Joe Biden's home ceiling height to get proper lighting as a justification for why he's not present during a national crisis when he has the potential to be president-elect in 7.5 months.

Say what you will about Trump: he's showing actual leadership. As-is Cuomo. People know leadership when they see it - they know weakness and cowardice in crisis too.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame we have to have these over-dramatized Omnibus pork-barrels. If Congress gave a damn about the people, they's just pass individual packages they actually agreed on, which is 80% of the Porkulus and then hash the rest out as needed.

But this is congress so it's STILL all a political game to them. Tar. Feathers. Pitchforks. Escalate further as needed.

Gusty Winds said...

She wants the worst possible outcome without leaving the solar system. This is nothing more than Pelosi and Schumer wanting the market to tank this morning.

We will have a lot of information by the end of the week on the trials of Hydroxycloroquine out of NY. Cuomo is all in with Trump. Dems fear a Trump victory more than they want to help Americans. Cuomo and Trump have to save lives, and the economy.

It's been that way for three years now. Anybody really expect a change?

narciso said...

chaitred, was in the vanguard of the journalist, that pushed Obamacare on us, even when we made it clear we didn't want it, what was the taarp but a slushfund to take over car companies, which insurance tax cheat steve rattner headed, as auto czar,

Kai Akker said...

It's the Fed. It's always been the Fed, and it's still the Fed. This intricate analysis of what are, in the end, legislative minutiae and their presumed political ramifications, which will last a good 2 and a half hours in people's minds, is for those chained to a desk and forced to regurgitate.

Darrell said...

Why can't Senators--and Congress for that matter--work from home?

Sebastian said...

"they all do know what a dire emergency this is, and there's the practical need to get some solution in the place"

For Dems, the emergency is that Trump is president. The practical need is to make life as difficult as possible for him.

Kevin said...

Is this helpful?

Anonymous said...

I hate her. Period.

narciso said...

Cuomo wants to nationalize the supply chain, while squirreling all the hcg for himself,

LYNNDH said...

The Senate bill bipartisan, until it wasn't. I think the B's hatred of Trump has is so deep that she willing to destroy everything. I hope that this grandstanding by her will cause her deep harm. But I doubt it.

mockturtle said...

Oh, you can bet Dems are feeling the pressure. And the longer they continue to play games with this legislation the angrier people will get. At them!

And most certainly the physical presence for the vote needs to be waived in light of the pandemic and the demand for social distancing. That's a no brainer.

Kevin said...

“It is imperative that [Democrats] offer good-faith proposals to alleviate the economic emergency, rather than hoping to tank the economy and profit from the ruin.”

Bullshit civility.

narciso said...

so does Pritzker and newsom, if they were the tools of the pla ruling council, would they do anything different,

rhhardin said...

If dems vote in lockstep, then you can't vote for a dem no matter how moderate and well meaning an individual dem appears to be. They'll vote in lockstep.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You’re thinking too hard. The plain meaning is what he meant: Democrats plan so far was to tank the economy and profit (win the election in the Fall) from it with electoral gains, while blaming Trump for ruining the economy. Why are you trying so hard to not see this?

Gusty Winds said...

Imagine being Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Bill Mahar. Rooting for and economic collapse, and now here the Chinese might have handed you one. You just need to put a spike in the road and let it happen. Yeah people will die, starve, lose but you'll have finally burned Trump. Sick. Evil.

Although you didn't count on a malaria drug flying out of nowhere to screw up your wishes. And a Dem Governor who has no choice but to go along with Trump's "what do we have to lose" strategy....which my well work.

wendybar said...

They've been sitting on their asses for a week. To hell with them. They don't really care about us. The Democrats are still trying to make Trump look bad, even if it brings America down. They don't care.

Sebastian said...

Meanwhile, the insane devastation continues.

Mrs. X in the cafe thread:

"I’m in NYC and my veterinarian just laid off 80% of his staff. We have an old, sick dog who requires much care and our vet had a thriving practice until a week ago. The vet will probably go out of business"

I mean, hurting healthy people and imploding the economy is one thing; now we are hurting doggies too. If that doesn't bring us to our senses, I don't know what will.

narciso said...

they shut down the economy in the east coast, along with murphy, on the west coast, although Inslee isn't going along, although brown is,

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trusting a writer like Chait should be difficult, since he is The Godfather of BDS, having dared to write the brave essay declaring his unending HATRED of GW Bush. What an objective journalist!

Sebastian said...

"If dems vote in lockstep, then you can't vote for a dem no matter how moderate and well meaning an individual dem appears to be."

But that's been the case for a long time. Making a mockery of voters claiming to vote for the "best person," someone "serious." Voting dem means voting Dem, whole hog.

rhhardin said...

Will women buy it, is always the question in political analysis.

narciso said...

evers is, that William hickey zombie, their motto is Leninist 'the worse the better'

Lance said...

But Pelosi can turn this trick back on McConnell easily by passing a Democratic bill and demanding he do the same.

The U.S. Constitution requires that all spending legislation originate in the House. "Stimulus" implies spending, so why are McConnell and the Senate doing anything ahead of Pelosi and the House?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Maybe I should state the obvious and point out that Nancy did get this bill passed in the House. That’s why the Senate voted on it after the House members fled for their home districts last week.

Michael said...


Sebastian said...

Some new data to put the panic in perspective:

"Meanwhile, data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that – when measured by date of onset rather than the day officially reported — the number of new COVID-19 cases peaked on March 9 at 194, then dropped to 172 on March 10. It was 174 on March 11. It plunged to 122 on March 12, although the CDC cautions that there may be onsets that day that haven’t been reported yet. In any case, all this was before the most draconian restrictions were put in place.
. . .
On Thursday, the journal Nature Medicine reported findings out of the University of Hong Kong that the death rate in China’s Wuhan province, where the disease originated, was 1.4%. That’s several percentage points lower than previous estimates, and far below the World Health Organization’s horrifying pronouncement in early March of a 3.4% death rate.

The Hong Kong researchers also found that the risk of dying was heavily concentrated among older people. For those over 64, the fatality rate was 2.4%. For those under 64, it dropped to 0.5%. For those younger than 15, the researchers found the fatality rate was zero."

Zero! But keep those kids out of school.

MayBee said...

If Nancy does press to put her pet projects in, is it unreasonable to think the National Emergency has been--- hyped---to help those who want to use it to push policies they've wanted all along?

Birkel said...

Alternative Theory:
Nancy Pelosi does not care about the health of the economy or the country so long as her personal power is expanded. She is a bad actor intent on the accumulation of her power OVER OTHERA. She would rather rule the wreckage than watch others prosper.

Prove me wrong.

Gusty Winds said...

If the hydroxychloroquine proves effective quickly we'll know for sure that God is on Trump's side. And maybe like Moses, he doesn't get to see the promised land (re-election), but he will have delivered his people from the wilderness.

But I would imagine God wouldn't lead us all back into bondage with the Democrats.

MayBee said...

I want to know- is there someone out there noticing if the parties in Chicago during St Patricks Day lead to an outbreak.

Are the spring breakers we are all dunking on causing any outbreaks?
What about any of the Trump rallies?
Or basketball games before they were called off?

There are things we can learn from people who were in crowds lately.

traditionalguy said...

Nero Nancy fiddles while America burns.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Unfortunately for the Dems, Trump has the bully pulpit, and Americans have the time and motivation to listen to him on a daily basis without the media filter. He has been generous in praising political opponents who are working with him. He will not hesitate to attack political opportunists who will make the problem worse.

narciso said...

I doubt it, chaitred, is like the mutants worshiping the cobalt bomb.

M Jordan said...

Mitch should call Nanzi’s bluff: reject whatever comes out of the House. Stand at an impasse. See who blinks first. I believe Mitch holds upper hand because he acted first, in good faith, with bipartisan support until Nanzi came along.

The rules of the games is politics, politics, politics. Purists lose every time. Play politics, Mitch.

wild chicken said...

WHY would Republicans want to tank the economy in 2008 when Bush was president?

It happened and it didn't help the GOP at all. Far from it.

GingerBeer said...

The Dow at this moment is down 3%. We'll know how exactly how much leverage Pelosi and senate Ds have at noon when the senate vote is scheduled. The markets can apply pressure too.

rcocean said...

Voting for any D is a vote for Pelosi and Schumer since they all vote in lockstep. Further if you think Biden - if elected - will side with the R's against Schumer or Pelosi is laughable.

The biggest fake in the country is "Senator Moderate Joe" from WV. He's voted with Schumer on every important issue, and didn't vote for Kavanaugh till the R's had 50 votes.

Gusty Winds said...

And meanwhile....back on planet earth...the presumptive Democrat nominee for President is obviously in hiding.

Can anyone imagine Biden, in his current mental state and being seeded with China's dirt, being President at this time?

There is a God.

deepelemblues said...

Democrats getting slammed in the press last night and this morning.

Brilliant advice, Chait. More too clever by half stupidity from our Best and Brightest.

GatorNavy said...

This Chait chap would rather see America burn to ashes than to see the Trump presidency succeed. I am neither a republican or a democrat, but I am certain of my vote this November. I side with America

rcocean said...

This is just a setup for McConnell to fail again. He'll claim that he just HAD TO give in to Pelosi FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY. The real reason is he doesn't care about anything except pleasing the Big donors. Once they get their Bailout money, McConnell is happy because Big Business is happy.

Birches said...

Run away from any analysis by Chait. I don't think anyone who thinks for a living has any idea what voters will think about this partisanship and dithering.

narciso said...

then vs now biden turned from his paste jar, to endorse Pelosi's filibusters

rcocean said...

People need to start thinking long haul on their investments. We're going to get through this and the economy will reve up again. Don't panic and take unnecessary losses. If you can tolerate risk, this is a buying time.

Todd said...

Blogger NickLevi86 said...
It's a shame we have to have these over-dramatized Omnibus pork-barrels. If Congress gave a damn about the people, they's just pass individual packages they actually agreed on, which is 80% of the Porkulus and then hash the rest out as needed.

Ah, but that it the rub! If they did not shove an omnibus package through, how could they all hide their pork? That is the "standard". ALL the congress critters loves them the pork!

narciso said...

has there been a recurrence of sars, hini or any of these other pathogens, in the last 10 to 15 years?

Sebastian said...

Contra Althouse, this is not political theater, and solving the dire emergency is not Dems' priority. Instead, as always, they fight:

"On a Thursday conference call featuring more than 200 members of the House Democratic caucus, lawmakers one by one laid out a sweeping wish list of provisions they want to see included in the nascent package, including a boost in infrastructure spending, an expansion of Social Security benefits and funding for states to set up an all-mail voting system in the event the pandemic extends into November’s elections.

“This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision,” Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told lawmakers, according to a source on the call."

They don't want a crisis to go to waste. They value power more than anything.

rcocean said...

Went to the local store for my coffee and found all the TP gone. Everyone with a shopping cart had some TP, even though its rationed to 1 package per customer. Per the clerk it all got cleaned out in 30 minutes. But that's better than last week, when people lined up at 630 AM to get their bottled water and TP.

It seems there's less panic, but most people are still idiots.

rcocean said...

Here's a question. why don't the R's use the bill as a opportunity? The D's always do. Lets get the Border wall funded. Lets increase funding for ICE by 100%. Lets increase Defense spending.

doctrev said...

The Jonathan Chaits of the world are more than willing to support Iraq Wars, but can't support bipartisan bills to save American lives. I wonder why? To his credit, Chuck Schumer managed to cobble a bill together with Mitch McConnell, but then Nancy Pelosi swooped in and ended it. Hmmm, one wonders why! Could it be that the man who owns the Democrats, Mike Bloomberg, wanted them both to know that saving Americans was against his true interests?

I support Chait's disgusting brinksmanship, of course, because the notion of the President acting unilaterally to save Americans and destroy our INSANE, piece of shit Congress will increase dramatically if a bill isn't signed at noon today.

Maillard Reactionary said...

That sounds like a bad cough, Oso Negro. Maybe you should get tested for COVID-19.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Mike (MJB) Wolf asked: "Why are you trying so hard to not see this?"

Some questions just answer themselves, Mike.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

I think he was against the Iraq War, because Rove, the memory is hazy.

Tommy Duncan said...

Trying to jumpstart a campaign that’s been suspended in time for nearly a week due to the coronavirus outbreak, former Vice President Joe Biden plans to deliver Monday the first of his own briefings on the global pandemic.

On Sunday evening, the all-but-certain Democratic presidential nominee held a virtual fundraiser from his home in Wilmington, Del., and he told donors, “They put in a new high-speed line into my home, they've converted a recreation room, basically, into a television studio. So beginning tomorrow, I guess tomorrow, I'm making the first presentation.”
--Fox News

Birkel said...

Let's achieve all the Democratics' priorities without even winning the presidency.

What will a possible President Cuomo do after this bill? Perhaps he will prolong the second Great Depression like another New Yorker did during the previous Great Depression. The first step toward a Depression is federal control of all the things.

President Trump has an awful lot on his plate. Let's hope the old adage remains true:

"God watches out for little children, fools, drunks and the United States of America."

Darrell said...

My local grocery stores were picked clean. I have an Instacart order out now, but I won't know what they will actually have when they fill the order later this afternoon (the earliest time available.)

TreeJoe said...

"People need to start thinking long haul on their investments. We're going to get through this and the economy will reve up again. Don't panic and take unnecessary losses. If you can tolerate risk, this is a buying time."

Correct. Market buying is as simple as plugging a few numbers into a spreadsheet and saying "How long do I think the economy is going to be supressed from a global outbreak?"

The market is discounted aggregate future cash flows against the current risk-free rate of return.

Right now is literally a bet on when the economy will get back to producing. My bet is 6-12 months and then back to it's former glory in 2-3 years.

Browndog said...

On a Thursday conference call featuring more than 200 members of the House Democratic caucus, lawmakers one by one laid out a sweeping wish list of provisions they want to see included in the nascent package, including a boost in infrastructure spending, an expansion of Social Security benefits and funding for states to set up an all-mail voting system in the event the pandemic extends into November’s elections.

“This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision,” Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told lawmakers, according to a source on the call.

How crazy is it that less than 24 hours ago Schumer was talking about how *delighted* he was with the “bipartisan cooperation” on Coronavirus aid negotiations.

Then Pelosi got back into town, Schumer immediately flipped, and Democrats unanimously voted to block a critical bill.

-The Hill

Howard said...

You people need to listen to your President who said that the economy can be rebuilt quickly while people are not easily replaced.

Amadeus 48 said...

Any time spent reading this nonsense and not reading the classics in your field of interest is time wasted. The die is already cast for November.

See you around.

Dave Begley said...

The Dems need to pay a steep, steep price for this stunt in November. I'm just worried that most Americans won't get the facts on this from the Fake News.

The Dems hate Trump more than they love America. Their political power is all they care about. They are saying "fuck you" to the American people.

doctrev said...

narciso said...
I think he was against the Iraq War, because Rove, the memory is hazy.

3/23/20, 9:01 AM

No, no. He definitely started out for it, and unlike Andrew Sullivan didn't even have HIV-related toxoplasmosis and 9/11 fugues to fall back on.

Drago said...

rcocean: "This is just a setup for McConnell to fail again. He'll claim that he just HAD TO give in to Pelosi FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY. The real reason is he doesn't care about anything except pleasing the Big donors. Once they get their Bailout money, McConnell is happy because Big Business is happy.
3/23/20, 8:52 AM"

Perhaps not this time.

In fact, perhaps just the opposite. Apparently McConnell is going Full Brinkmanship by calling for ANOTHER vote today at 2pm ET on the same Senate bill voted down yesterday.

That is some serious "right back" in your face activity that I don't believe I've ever seen before.

But as Trump would say, "lets see what happens...."

doctrev said...

You people need to listen to your President who said that the economy can be rebuilt quickly while people are not easily replaced.

3/23/20, 9:03 AM

That's an interesting variation of "I don't believe in your religion or values, but maybe you witless rubes will do what I want if I appeal to my version of it."

Lurker21 said...

I don't quite understand the argument here. Is doing the right thing passing a bill that addresses the crisis or holding out for one that has all the partisan goodies for one's own side? So far as I can make out, Chait is saying that McConnell will have to make some concessions and encouraging Pelosi to hold out against concessions. Is that really good for the country - or for the Democrats?

rehajm said...

Democrats plan so far was to tank the economy and profit (win the election in the Fall) from it with electoral gains, while blaming Trump for ruining the economy

The political notion a poor economy will be favorable to Democrats in the fall feels like a peace time notion that won't hold true during war time...

narciso said...

does he have a quorum for that, it's convenient she did this when rand tested positive, and scott is self isolating,

Darrell said...

There are two types of Sars-CoV-2 going around. One is not that threatening. No word whether surviving the mild one gives you immunity for the other. But that would be ironic, given the virus history of smallpox and cowpox.

Michael said...

You can bet that the vast and dying hotel industry with its millions of unskilled and now unemployed workers will not get bailed out because Trump owns hotels. Litmus test to prove what we already know about their hatred of Trump. Maids can learn to code.

narciso said...

the restart is the key, asap

Not Sure said...

Been watching Mad Men recently, so a Don Draper quote comes to mind:

People will show you who they are, but we ignore it because we want them to be who we want them to be.

Michael K said...

narciso said...
has there been a recurrence of sars, hini or any of these other pathogens, in the last 10 to 15 years?

Good point. SARS and MERS did not spread widely and have not recurred.

Howard said...

I don't care what you do doctrev, it's a free country. In any event, I'm not trying to sway true believers, just see what kind of logic and sophistry knots you twist in response.

Drago said...

The lefties/LLR-lefties 2 days ago: OMG Trump is stupid and thinks HC+Azithromax might be an answer to the Chinese Bat Soup Virus!!!

The lefties/LLR-lefties today: OMG Cuomo is so smart and aggressive and caring he quickly gathered up all the HC+Azithromax he could and is beginning to use them in NY TODAY!! He is so Presidential!! We love him!!

Browndog said...

In fact, perhaps just the opposite. Apparently McConnell is going Full Brinkmanship by calling for ANOTHER vote today at 2pm ET on the same Senate bill voted down yesterday.

Here is Sen. McConnell on the Senate floor following the vote yesterday. He makes it clear towards the end that this relief package must be passed no later than tomorrow.

narciso said...

I try to use logic, not base things on an umproven model, like imperial college, which is dubious in many respects, I posted adhanom's thesis, which right off the back, denies the derges role in the 1984 famine,

Drago said...

You wanna know how badly the dems are screwing up right now?

Even Mitt-the-milquetoast Romney is criticizing them.

I might be mistaken, but that just might be the very first time since he was elected to the Senate in order to help overthrow Trump that he, Romney, has actually criticized a dem.

narciso said...

it's like norman the android, facing kirk,

Gahrie said...

The Democrats are putting people's lives at risk for political reasons.

traditionalguy said...

One good thing for the country is that by the time Biden is sworn in on January 20, 2021 he will not remember any of this crisis. We get us a fresh start. And if Joe then has brain problems revealed and his VP Hillary gets arrested, then it will be Nero Nancy who will ascend to the Female Presidency.

Dave Begley said...

I heard Jim Cramer interview Sec. Mnuchin today. Mnuchin is a hero.

Cramer tried to get him to bash Schumer, but he didn't do it. Mnuchin is so, so good. Our best Secretary of the Treasury since Hamilton.

narciso said...

this is the thesis

MayBee said...

Dave Begley- yes, I heard Mnuchin speak last week and I was so happy he's in there.

narciso said...

that was via the apelbaum piece, that shows what a tool adhanom was of the Chinese, from the time he was health minister in Ethiopia,

Bruce Hayden said...

@Lurker - it very much is looking like the House’s bill includes everything that any Dem in her caucus wants, and little that th3 Republicans want. We are talking re-funding Planned Parenthood, college deb5 cancellation, in order to protect universities and bring Bernie Bros to the polls in November, etc. Pelosi is demanding the right to pick which companies are aided and which ones are destroyed, as the Dems did in 2009 - such as when car dealerships were being consolidated, and Democrat donating dealerships survived, while Republican ones were being squashed. She is demanding that this be completely controlled by the House.

Her political bet right now is that the Trump and the Republicans have to come to her to save 5he economy, and this gravy train could be better than twice as big as the last one, that allowed so many Dems to become centimillionaires, and maybe even billionaires. This may be her last chance at a big score.

The reason that you know that Chait is a slimy partisan hack, is that he has precisely inverted reality. There is a saying that if you look at what the media claim that Republicans are doing, you will see what the Democrats are really up to. Last week we were talking a $1T Wuhan Coronavirus relief bill. Now Pelosi and the Dems have almost doubled it. They are throwing every wet dream any Dem has in, knowing that it’s size will likely tank the economy. But that is good for them, because they will have their loot, and Trump will be running for re-election in a recession. Win/Win. And Chait and the other mediaswine are running cover for Pelosi and the House Democrats, lying through rtheir teeth the whole time.

narciso said...

this piece

Sebastian said...

"She knew it was a bad idea, but she gave into pressure and allowed impeachment to go forward"

And then defended the "bad idea" vigorously.

Nancy is a prime promoter of "bad ideas." As in the Wuhan package case.

She fights for power, she fights for Dems. Occasionally, she miscalculates, but she has her political priorities straight.

Looking for glimmers of goodwill and good faith among Dems is a fool's errand.

Iman said...

Pelosi is standing back, allowing that to play out quickly, because they all do know what a dire emergency this is, and there's the practical need to get some solution in the place as well as a political need not to look as though you put your politics above the the welfare of the people.

Even when you clearly are.

Cynthia Colvin PhD said...

This piece is the most constructive and realistic that I’ve seen. It addresses both health and economics. How do we get the Executive and Legislature to focus on it?

Browndog said...

Blogger Dave Begley said...

I heard Jim Cramer interview Sec. Mnuchin today. Mnuchin is a hero.

Cramer tried to get him to bash Schumer, but he didn't do it. Mnuchin is so, so good. Our best Secretary of the Treasury since Hamilton.

Another perspective:

Phil Elliott
‏Verified account @Philip_Elliott

Schumer and Mnuchin have met four times today alone. There is still work being done privately.
7:19 PM - 22 Mar 2020


‏Verified account @MZHemingway

Mollie Retweeted Phil Elliott

From a GOP perspective, I'm hearing this is the problem. Dems have figured out they can get Mnuchin to cave and so they naturally want to keep pushing for more and more of their pet projects to get codified in a "relief package.

rightguy said...

Good news from Germany, yesterday :

"While the pandemic has hit Germany with full force, with Johns Hopkins University noting 22,364 confirmed infections by Sunday morning, only 84 people are so far reported to have died.This means Germany currently has the lowest mortality rate of the 10 countries most severely hit by the pandemic: 0.3% compared with 9% in Italy and 4.6% in the UK."

narciso said...

(a href="">remember he was the organ grinders monkey,that kept the peach mint going

OldManRick said...

This is all that it is.

Nancy Pelosi is trying to use a national crisis to try to pass democratic wish list items that would never be passed under normal circumstances.

And they call Trump supporters deplorable.

rehajm said...

Dems have figured out they can get Mnuchin to cave and so they naturally want to keep pushing for more and more of their pet projects to get codified in a "relief package.

Part of the problem is while 'negotiating' the GOP is reluctant to expose the crap the Dems want in.

gspencer said...

"as well as a political need not to look as though you put your politics above the the welfare of the people"

But of course that's what she's doing and will probably get away with it because of the MSM.

Nichevo said...

Howard said...
I don't care what you do doctrev, it's a free country. In any event, I'm not trying to sway true believers, just see what kind of logic and sophistry knots you twist in response.

3/23/20, 9:16 AM

Meadehouse, if we are shitcanning the professional blog sadists, please give Howard a look.

Garbage Howie freely admits he's here to hurt and bully people. Eddie Haskell-ing Emerita on her photos should buy him no more traction than Chuck, but it does demonstrate that he can straighten up and fly right when he's not playing sad sack.

By all means warn him first. After you addressed us directly, I've tried to swallow my bile and possibly even ARM has tried to up his game a notch.

No, Howie. I don't want to limit your freedom of speech. What I want to do, I won't say here.

TJM said...

Pelosi needs offerings to Moloch to kill more babies before she will help American families with real aid. She is evil personified.

narciso said...

mmuchin is good at negotiating financing deals, but in Pelosi and co, you are dealing with parademons, (from one of his less successful ventures)

Nichevo said...

Darrell said...
There are two types of Sars-CoV-2 going around. One is not that threatening.

What is your fact basis for this? Link? I don't deny it, but am not aware of what you say.

narciso said...

the bill includes more sky dragon warding (fuel emission standards for the airlines) collective bargaining, et al, everything unrelated to the ostensible objective,

Francisco D said...

Unfortunately for the Dems, Trump has the bully pulpit, and Americans have the time and motivation to listen to him on a daily basis without the media filter.

I was somewhat shocked yesterday when my (life long Democrat) wife was watching the POTUS press conference on Fox News and she had no criticism of Trump.

It appears that Trump is gaining some measure of credibility among moderate Democrats. Pelosi and Schumer need to address that, but this effort isn't the answer they think it is.

Melissa said...

I just got an email from my employer—a small business--saying they are furloughing everyone as of today. They are based in a state that has shut down all non-essential business and they wrote that they were hoping the senate bill would be passed to help them stay afloat. But nope, it’s more important for the Dems to get a ‘win’. I’m not sure if they will be able to reopen when this is all said and done. Just infuriating that the Dems are playing politics with people’s livelihoods—this will impact many people on a very personal level.

donald said...

“You people”. You are one big piece of shit champ.

Browndog said...

New York Times:

1 article, 3 different headlines

1. Democrats Block Action on $1.8 Trillion Stimulus

2. Democrats Block Action on Stimulus Plan, Seeking Worker Protections

3. Partisan Divide Threatens Deal on Rescue Bill

narciso said...

I told you 1984, is a how to manual for them, not a cautionary tale,

Darrell said...

The SARS-CoV-2 Has Mutated Into Two Different Strains The study shows that there are two types of SARS-CoV-2: the L type and the S type. The L type is a new evolution from the ancient S type. It is also more lethal as it transmits faster and replicates faster in humans.

Btw, recovery from the mild type WILL give immunity to the L-type.

The solution is obvious now, like my Smallpox/Cowpox analogy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Just about everything the D party does is corrupt and self-serving. Which, of course, is why the D-=hack press must mirror their frustrations and lies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yes - Dems - VOTE IT ALL DOWN. All while the D-party insert planned parenthood bailouts.

Brian said...

all-mail voting system in the event the pandemic extends into November’s elections.

Hillary proposed something similar on twitter last week. Ballot security goes out the window with a all mail balloting system.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ including a boost in infrastructure spending, an expansion of Social Security benefits and funding for states to set up an all-mail voting system in the event the pandemic extends into November’s elections.”

I saw pictures of deserted streets in Manhattan yesterday. The one I saw looked horrible. Democrats just don’t seem to fix their roads very well. When I was up near Tahoe a decade ago, driving west on I-80, the CA border was obvious. There was a big bump and then a bunch of other bumps accompanied by rattles, caused by the horrible state of the roads on the CA side, causing traffic speed to drop almost immediately at least 10 mph. This was worse than from WV to PA on I-70 in the late 1970s when I used to drive back and forth between CO and DC. The Dems, of course, want the rest of us to fund them bringing their roads back into drivavable. They likely technically have enough money to repair them themselves, but chose to divert the transportation money they do have to other things, like CA’s Bullet Train to Nowhere. How do Dem politicians get so rich in office? Infrastructure spending.

WTF would you expand SS payments right now? The system is already on shaky grounds. This is just going to hasten it’s collapse. And for what? Legitimate SS recipients (like many here) are the last demographic that needs financial assistance right now. We aren’t losing our jobs, since we are mostly retired already. Sure, send me more money. Most of us will gladly take it. But it would be much better spent extending unemployment benefits.

As for mail-in balloting - this is just too convenient. Of course the Dems are drooling over that. It facilitates industrial level ballot fraud. The states that avidly adapt mail-in voting seem to immediately take a violent lurch to the left, never to return, because it invariably means that corrupt partisan county officials can easily introduce extra ballots into the system with little chance of detection, and none of the bipartisan checks and balances typically in place with using physical voting places. (Though we did find a number of boxes of ballots being counted in the last election supposedly from precincts, that had no chain of custody, and thus were outside the bipartisan checks and balances). To summarize - this is in the Dems’ wish list because it facilitates their recent push to institutional level voter fraud.

narciso said...

they put the d in dinosaur

Bob Smith said...

Lemme see, we elected Bush and he didn’t change much, so we tried the Tea Party and Obama weaponized the IRS to squash that. From that we got Trump. If that doesn’t work I’m not sure I want to be around for what’s next. I’m just not sure it’ll involve an election.

Browndog said...

But of course that's what she's doing and will probably get away with it because of the MSM.

Which is why she's doing it. Because she can. Because the MSM will pin this on Trump/republicans.

Pelosi could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and she wouldn't lose any support in the media

doctrev said...

No, Howie. I don't want to limit your freedom of speech. What I want to do, I won't say here.

3/23/20, 9:54 AM

I don't want to influence the moderators, I'm fine either way. In an era where Americans are rallying to the President, claiming that only true believers are buying into the executive management of coronavirus strikes me as... a very true believer thing to do.

You do you, Howard, by all means. I hope Chait's reckless and all-consuming selfishness consume him and all his kind, along with the Democrats in general, so I still hope his prescription is adopted. New York is burning while the Democrats fiddle, and it'd be nice if the fallout included the whole state violently rejecting Democratic governance.

Nichevo said...

Darrell said...

Thanks Darrell! Say hi to your brother Darrell for me. 🙂

Darrell said...

The brothers on Newhart are named "Darryl."


virgil xenophon said...

You know, looking back on my combat tour in Vietnam, I'm starting to think I was dropping my bombs on all the wrong people..

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MikeR said...

I think the comparison to 2008 is ridiculous. There was very considerable disagreement then among economists whether a stimulus would really help at all. There was no clear problem with the economy that the stimulus was designed to fix.
Now is very different. We know exactly what is wrong, and therefore we should be able to take concrete steps to help the people and businesses most affected. We shouldn't be trying to fix the economy - it's on bed-rest right now and will be for weeks at least. We should be trying to keep things hanging together so they can come back to life once we let it out of bed.

gspencer said...

Well, Mitch could do the last nuclear blast. Do away with 60-vote rule on cloture. Let all bills rise or sink on majority rule. It's what's done in the House.

chuck said...

Pelosi is a deranged Democratic partisan, not the cool, calculating politico of legend. I don't think she gives a f*ck about the greater good, it is a foreign concept to her.

Kevin said...

Nancy is a prime promoter of "bad ideas." As in the Wuhan package case.

Bad ideas from the Democrats: The San Francisco Virus.

Nichevo said...

Darrell, I'm sorry if I offended you. I did thank you; I wasn't aware of the proper Newhart spelling, as I only watched the show a few times and did not read the scripts; and when people make extraordinary claims, I do like them to source up, for various reasons I think are good reasons.

As I meant no offense, I take it you are merely anxious, fed up, whatever, and are lashing out reflexively. FWIW I wish you may also feel better soon. Things are not good now obviously. But your info is terribly interesting, in a positive way, and after I finish the article I'm sure I'd march right out for my inoculation, if they had them.

Nichevo said...

Blogger gspencer said...
Well, Mitch could do the last nuclear blast. Do away with 60-vote rule on cloture.

Good here-but I guess you'd have to put Paul, Lee, and maybe Romney in spacesuits to get them into the chamber to vote.

Romney and Lee...both UT Senators...and someone pointed out Mia Love's D replacement in the there something going on in Utah?

Drago said...

Browndog: "New York Times:

1 article, 3 different headlines

1. Democrats Block Action on $1.8 Trillion Stimulus

2. Democrats Block Action on Stimulus Plan, Seeking Worker Protections

3. Partisan Divide Threatens Deal on Rescue Bill"

Prepare yourself for Headline #4: Republicans Pounce!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“It is imperative that [Democrats] offer good-faith proposals to alleviate the economic emergency, rather than hoping to tank the economy and profit from the ruin.”

Whoops. This is what happens when you allow your commissars to take naps. I doubt anyone will notice ‘cause Chait is very much an echo-chamber practitioner but still, that’s a remarkable slip of the keyboard.

Browndog said...

All McConnell has to do is change the Senate rule to allow for remote voting in this one instance.

Harry Reid showed him the way.

hombre said...

Chait’s “Orange Man and Republicans bad, Democrats good” drivel is incessant, journolista ignorance.

Here’s an example: “Its requirements that bailed-out firms protect their workers are too weak. (Protecting the workers is the whole rationale for bailing them out, after all — at least from the Democrats’ point of view.)“ He’s right that this kind of political posturing and economic illiteracy typifies seditious Democrats and their ponces in the media.

The rationale for bailing out firms, large and small, is that the economic well-being of the country depends on their survival as functioning entities, not the continued employment of their current workers. Democrat pandering to labor unions and the mindset of socialist morons is a tactic the country can’t afford.

This is the same crap they pulled to delay the ratification of the USMCA.

PB said...

She's Lucy holding the hell for Charley Brown. Charly should aim for her keister instead of the ball.

Meade said...

"By all means warn him first. After you addressed us directly, I've tried to swallow my bile and possibly even ARM has tried to up his game a notch."

We have noticed and we value your efforts. Thank you.

pacwest said...

Good idea Nancy. How'd that impeachment thing work out for you?

Temujin said...

This will not play out well for Democrats for years to come. I'd say 2 generations would be sufficient.

narciso said...

they might need the hazmat suits that Arthur hill used in the andromeda strain,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump had to be impeached using corrupt methods. Trump had to be impeached over Biden's crimes.

That's your modern D-party. The entire D-hack press in bed with it, and cool with it.

Gulistan said...

This is the kind of analysis that keeps me coming back to Althouse. I’m constantly amazed that this blog is pretty much the only place I find it:

“It is odd, so find an interpretation of the facts that makes it not odd. I'm thinking the Democrats want distance from the McConnell bill. They want to say they opposed it, but they also need it to go through. The opposition is political theater. Pelosi is standing back, allowing that to play out quickly, because they all do know what a dire emergency this is, and there's the practical need to get some solution in the place as well as a political need not to look as though you put your politics above the the welfare of the people.”

Temujin said...

Jonathan Chait, of JournOlist. One of the originals. He's been skewing news to please his party for years now. Too bad. But once you know who was a part of JournOlist, it's hard to take them seriously on any matter since.

Buckwheathikes said...

"The Democrats are still trying to make Trump look bad, even if it brings America down. They don't care."

They can be made to care, very easily. They don't care because their millionaires and have power, but pandemics don't discriminate.

They can be made to care.

Nichevo said...

It'll be funny, for certain values of funny, if Congress can't operate because so many members are sick or in isolation that they can't meet quorum rules.

What then, does PDT rule alone?

Tommy Duncan said...

I watched a few minutes of Biden's COVID-19 briefing today. He struggles to read and articulate the words on the teleprompter. By the end of the 15 minute speech his voice was quiet and exhausted. Someone needs to end this. Putting him in front of a camera is a form of elder abuse.

Iman said...

One ting certain. China is asshoe!

Static Ping said...

It has become evident that the Democratic Party is too far gone. If a global pandemic is not going to get them to find unity with their fellow Americans, what will? They have zero interest in America other than as a means to an end. If WWIII started, they would be holding up bills in Congress for abortion funding or whatever nonsense they consider more important.

It has also become evident that a good portion of our media are either paid stooges of Red China or are true believers that do it for free.

It has become more than obvious that Trump, for all his failures and vices, is a better person than all the "elites" that we are supposed to respect.

Browndog said...

Our great Michigan governor just issued a State-wide shutdown.

She blamed Trump, even repeated the lie that he said governors are on their own.

The partisanship seemed to have subsided, then Nancy Pelosi showed up in Washington.

Crazy World said...

Nasty Nancy -will cut your head off and you won’t even know you are bleeding- that attention whore?

Achilles said...

Birkel said...

"God watches out for little children, fools, drunks and the United States of America."

Could you imagine President Hillary?

We have given state governments dictatorial powers after a few thousand deaths in China.

Hopefully God is protecting us because we damn well aren't doing it ourselves.

Apparently we can't be trusted with freedom.

GingerBeer said...

Pelosi's plan includes: An increase in collective bargaining power for unions,
Heightened fuel emissions standards for airlines,
An expansion of wind and solar tax cuts, Same day voter registration, Early voting. Well, in that case, who needs Hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin?

narciso said...

kent brockman, said as much, before he surrendered to the ant overlords,

narciso said...

the Fujimori protocol, although after this weekend, yeltsins mortaring of the Russian parliament seems promising,

hombre said...

All is going as the ChiComs planned and Pelosi, the Dems and the mediaswine longed for.

Darrell said...

My Instacart store has milk! Yay!

MayBee said...

Browndog- Whitmer embarrassed herself with that blaming of the Feds. It sounds so weak.

Gk1 said...

Tommy Duncan. To be fair we are supposed to keep the elderly indoors and away from open windows or exposure to people. Joe Biden is part of that at risk group. It becomes clearer by the week the Democrats will opt for the Torricelli gambit and bring in a ringer at the last minute. All the democrats can do is hope this black swan event brings down Trump. Their struggle is to not be so open about it.

Temujin said...

Is this true?
Pelosi's requests

GingerBeer said...

Gk1: I'm expecting Biden to name Gov. Cuomo as his VP, then after an appropriate pause Biden withdraws. Cuomo in turn names grieving widow Sen. Klobuchar as his VP.

narciso said...

from all indications, although the news doesn't print the particulars,

Christopher B said...

Michael K said...
narciso said...
has there been a recurrence of sars, hini or any of these other pathogens, in the last 10 to 15 years?

Good point. SARS and MERS did not spread widely and have not recurred.

3/23/20, 9:15 AM

Not true. These bugs mutate and multiply like f'ing rabbits.

The current China Lung Rot is a variant of SARS, officially from WHO (

Virus - severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)

I don't have a link but have seen comments that MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) reappears periodically as well. However, because the places where camels and people mix closely enough to allow the cross-species jump also have small populations it can usually be controlled before it's a big problem.

hombre said...

Temujin said... “Is this true?”

In addition to Crenshaw, Red State and others have reported this or similar. Even Chait conceded the “protection of workers” bit. And, of course, to Democrat Chicken Littles, climate change is more compelling than the CCP virus.

Is there anything about it that does reflect what we know about Pelosi and Schumer.

hombre said...

More Democrats acting in good faith:

I’m changing to a new conspiracy theory: “All is going as planned by the ChiComs, the Democrats and the mediaswine.”

Bruce Hayden said...

“Virus - severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)”

SARS-CoV-2 is not SARS. It is considered SARS-like. They are related, but diverged a number of years ago (part of why it is thought that SARS-2 was not naturally occurring is that the split from that end looked to have been maybe 260 years ago, based on natural mutation rates, but much shorter from the point of view of the naturally evolved SARS-1, suggesting a lot of forced evolution with SARS-2).

narciso said...

as Stephen crowder say 'change my mind'

FullMoon said...

Pelosi and Schumer Block $1.6 Trillion Emergency Economic Bill – DOW Futures Collapse…

GingerBeer said...

Absent from yesterday's senate procedural vote was Bernie "I'm dealing with a fucking global crisis" Sanders. Instead, he was in VT to do a live-stream campaign event with Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar. He again missed today's vote. What could his excuse be today, house-hunting?

stan said...

Democrats are very foolishly playing from an old playbook. Before Trump wrecked the news media, Democrats knew that the GOP would always be blamed for gridlock -- always.

But there's a new sheriff in town. The grab bag wish list that the Democrats are lusting for is going to go over like a lead balloon. And the news media will not be able to keep the truth from getting out. It will. Already is.

This will hurt the Democrats in Nov. even more than impeachment. Could very well cost them the House in Nov. Should cost them.

Gk1 said...

Cuomo is the flavor of the month because he's actually being effective during this crisis but i think he will be happy to stand back and watch Biden take it in the gonads. I think what is happening is the democrats "front porch" campaign using Slow Joe is a non starter. They are afraid to get Joe out there in front of an open mike and their hands are being forced.

Narayanan said...

Q: why in hell did McConnell try and put together in Senate?

Fool me x times etc.

Professional lady said...

Browndog, I agree, Whitmire blew it by starting off the press conference with naked partisanship. I'm sick of it. I want our so-called leaders to work together to effectively deal with this situation. Whitmire came off like she was positioning herself to be Biden's running mate. Which had the effect of reminding me how unqualified Biden would be to deal with this health crisis or any other crisis.

Narayanan said...

All the democrats can do is hope this black swan event brings down Trump. Their struggle is to not be so open about it.
Does it not same as for GOPE-Republican too?

Sgtpepper said...

As a Canadian watching this horrible tragedy unfold, I am truly shocked how evil the Democratic party has become. Pure evil.

If you guys collapse, we collapse. Guess you have about 3 weeks left to restart the economy, then it's over.

Birkel said...

To be fair, if the US economy collapses... every country in the world will collapse.

chickelit said...

Instead, he [Sanders] was in VT to do a live-stream campaign event with Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar. He again missed today's vote.

Political suicide.

dreams said...

Just remember this, Trumps wins and so does McConnell. Trump and McConnell care.

FIDO said...

I'm thinking Cocaine Mitch asked Rand Paul, Romney and Lee to take a sabbatical to tie up the voting. Not because he is against his bill, but to force the Dems to vote or not vote on it in a contested election. More Republican senators are on the docket, but I'm guessing that there are a few weak Dem senators who can't take the heat that not crossing the line is going to bring them.

ken in tx said...

"Well, Mitch could do the last nuclear blast. Do away with 60-vote rule on cloture. Let all bills rise or sink on majority rule. It's what's done in the House."

To do that Mitch needs 51 votes. Because of quarantine and other absences, he only has 47 votes. He might get some Democrats to vote to allow remote voting of Senators, but I bet not.

Terry Ott said...

Sure, Ms Pelosi can pass a bill through her chamber; but the Senate bill was developed through bipartisan “teams”, was it not? And it was all but signed, sealed, and delvered before Witch Nancy flew in on her broomstick and shamelessly upset the apple cart. But is it not logical that there are a handful of Democrats in the Senate who will come to their senses and realize that the Speaker’s obstinance, and the resulting delayed relief to real people and small business owner/voters will boomerang against their party? After all, their national constituency is not really made up of AOC types. They are Democrat voters who are more like Biden and are still Obamaists and Clintonistas. Not that those two wouldn’t try to dilute/pollute potentially needed legislation, but they’d do it opaquely. The victory cigar she is ready to light might just be of the exploding variety, and I would hope that there are a few Dem Senators who would prefer not to get their eyebrows singed.

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