March 1, 2020

"Donald Trump is the worst person to possibly ease people’s fears. Trump’s whole thing is that he whips arenas into a frenzy of anger and bloodlust. "

That's a line from "SNL"'s "Weekend Update." The topic is, obviously, coronavirus. Here's the clip, which I didn't watch. I just read the text (at the NYT), and I don't even think the text is good enough to copy and paste. The part after what I quoted above is:
Hoping Trump can calm people down is liking hoping cocaine can fight insomnia. And I don’t really trust Trump on medical issues because, remember, this is what he had to say about Ebola. [Plays clip of President Trump saying, “Ebola, you disintegrated. You got Ebola, that was it.”] You disintegrated? Does he think that Thanos was named Ebola?
I think "Ebola, you disintegrated. You got Ebola, that was it" is an excellent, vivid depiction of Ebola.  That would be a good occasion to admire Trump's rhetoric, but they slotted in the usual Trump-is-an-idiot idea and followed up with a joke that relies on the viewer's familiarity with comic-book movies — that is, movies at the lowest level of mass-market entertainment.  But Trump is the idiot.

The rest of the text is worse, but I want to talk about the quote I put in the post heading. This too relies on something the audience is assumed to know: "Trump’s whole thing is that he whips arenas into a frenzy of anger and bloodlust." You know about Thanos by watching the movie "Thanos," but you know about Trump whipping arenas into a frenzy of anger and bloodlust by never watching a Trump rally.

I've watched a lot of Trump rallies, and what I see are smiling faces and lots of laughs. Trump is jovial, telling jokes and comically enacting the foibles of his antagonists. Everyone seems to be having a good time. Trump likes to open his arms wide and ask, rhetorically, "Is there anything more fun than a Trump rally?"

Those who believe those rallies are "a frenzy of anger and bloodlust" — or something that works as a basis for that hyperbole — are more mystified about Trump than their imagined Trump is mystified about Ebola.


Marcus Bressler said...

I missed my chance to go to a Trump rally in my state. But I'll have over four years to enjoy him as president.


Happy March, everyone!

rhhardin said...

The NYT is an offer of a fictional world to live in, not an analysis.

rehajm said...

They are lefties. They know Trump rallies are like antibodies to leftie rhetoric. I can appreciate why they think of bloodlust. Trump is killing them politically.

They should think about hospice care...

exhelodrvr1 said...

Death rate of Ebola prior to development of treatments vs death rate of corona virus so far.

Which one occurred while Obama was President, and which one occurred while Trump was President?

rehajm said...

You want dumb? Liz Warren is dumb...

Jimmy said...

the left has been using the same playbook for decades. In the late 80's they said the same thing about Rush.
willful ignorance and a narrative based on falsehoods is what they do best. they have learned nothing, and seem content to exist in a self righteous bubble.
I think that many of the old believers are leaving the church of leftism, as even the high priests don't seem to believe anymore.

Curious George said...

"Marcus said...
I missed my chance to go to a Trump rally in my state. But I'll have over four years to enjoy him as president."

He came here to Milwaukee and I had tickets, but that's no guarantee you'll get in. People were lining up the day before, in Winter.

Quaestor said...

That would be a good occasion to admire Trump's rhetoric, but they slotted in the usual Trump-is-an-idiot idea and followed up with a joke that relies on the viewer's familiarity with comic-book movies — that is, movies at the lowest level of mass-market entertainment. But Trump is the idiot.

The D in Trump Derangement Syndrome also stands for Dementia. Even the owner with such an obviously beta-amyloid plaque damaged brain as SloJo Biden doesn't lose his smarts as fast as has the typically TDS-afflicted basket case who visits here and writes disordered screed after incoherent rant.

Today his theme will be the first coronavirus-related death here in the United States. (Mark my words. You read it here first.) As soon as the influence of that rot-gut rye he guzzled last night wears thin he'll be here with bells on like a prancing unhinged morris dancer with slogans and shibboleths cribbed from Markos Moulitsas.

About the only way to explain anything to a TDS-sufferer is to phrase it in the lowest cultural terms available — a comic book (or more accurately a movie based on a comic book, no actual reading involved) for example, or a preschool reading primer, as in the following:

See drowning Ritmo. See Ritmo flail in the deep water. Flail, Ritmo. Flail. See Ritmo clutch at straws. Clutch, Ritmo. Clutch.

Bart Hall said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jamie said...

Maybe they meant the "arenas" as an illustration of how many people are being whipped into a frenzy of anger and bloodlust? Because he certainly does have that effect on his opponents, who are certainly numerous enough to fill arenas.

Nah. Just another way of spelling "deplorables."

Bart Hall said...

Trump was not my choice in the 2016 primaries, but he's vastly exceeded expectations. With each passing month I like him better and better, because this particular President is truly growing in office. And he's accomplishing a LOT of good stuff -- restoring some balance to the courts, eliminating 13 old regulations for each new one, resetting previously distorted trade arrangements, clarifying foreign policy, stanching the inward flow of illegal immigrants, revitalizing the military, and facilitating America's vault into energy independence.

That is one hell of a lot for any President to accomplish in three years, let alone in the face of continuing rhetorical and legal assaults, to say nothing of repeated quasi-criminal attempts by entrenched bureaucrats to undermine him at every step in order to force him out of office one way or the other.

And he's quite obviously not only having fun, but also enjoying a genuine connection with America's long-abused and ignored heartland people. Not bad for a brash cad from Queens.

Trump's is **already** a tremendously consequential presidency, the most important in over a generation.

Tank said...

Anger and bloodlust.


The left always projects.

It's like a rule.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Bart Hall said:
"Trump was not my choice in the 2016 primaries, but he's vastly exceeded expectations. With each passing month I like him better and better, because this particular President is truly growing in office. And he's accomplishing a LOT of good stuff -- restoring some balance to the courts, eliminating 13 old regulations for each new one, resetting previously distorted trade arrangements, clarifying foreign policy, stanching the inward flow of illegal immigrants, revitalizing the military, and facilitating America's vault into energy independence.

That is one hell of a lot for any President to accomplish in three years, let alone in the face of continuing rhetorical and legal assaults, to say nothing of repeated quasi-criminal attempts by entrenched bureaucrats to undermine him at every step in order to force him out of office one way or the other.

And he's quite obviously not only having fun, but also enjoying a genuine connection with America's long-abused and ignored heartland people. Not bad for a brash cad from Queens.

Trump's is **already** a tremendously consequential presidency, the most important in over a generation."

Come come, now, Bart. Yes, of course, everything you said is true. But did you not hear that Trump once allegedly used the phrase "sh*thold countries" in a private meeting (which alleged comment would never have seen the light of day were it not for the fearless Democratic Senator Dick Durbin who ran to the press to trumpet it to the world)? Fortunately, we have fearless citizens, some who have spent their whole lives as Republicans, to doggedly pursue important stories such as this, who repeatedly demand that President Trump be put UNDER OATH to answer the burning question: "Did you use the phrase 'sh*thold countries' in a private meeting?" Look at the big picture, Bart, the big picture.

stevew said...

The Left's lies and mischaracterizations of Trump ring true for, and comfort, the intended audience: true believer anti- and never-Trumpists. Me? I'm over here just smh.

Sydney said...

exhelidrvr1 said:

Death rate of Ebola prior to development of treatments vs death rate of corona virus so far.

Which one occurred while Obama was President, and which one occurred while Trump was President?

Exactly. The double standard does them no credit.

Browndog said...

I have yet to see one instance where this doesn't hold up:

Liberals accuse conservatives of what they themselves are doing.

Hence, the frenzied anger and blood lust is what liberals do in response to a Trump rally.

Browndog said...

I heard Trump's speech at CPAC yesterday was pretty good.

CSPAN used to carry the major speeches at CPAC. No more.

clint said...

Expect more of this. The Democrats' main campaign pitch this year is that Donald Trump is so awful, we should prefer an actual unrepentant Communist with a heart condition or a corrupt old stalwart who isn't all there anymore.

Since President Trump isn't actually awful, they're going to have to make up a lot of things.

Chick said...

Certainly not anger and blood-lust, Trump does Stand-up. Note the red Rodney Dangerfield tie. If he would only add a cigar to his act, it would more obvious.

narciso said...


Chuck said...

I've watched a lot of Trump rallies too. He's a sociopath.

Danno said...

I've watched a lot of Trump rallies, and what I see are smiling faces and lots of laughs. Trump is jovial, telling jokes and comically enacting the foibles of his antagonists. Everyone seems to be having a good time. Trump likes to open his arms wide and ask, rhetorically, "Is there anything more fun than a Trump rally?"

When Ann can see this reality even with her long history of marinating in the faculty lounge, you know these media folks are beyond clueless.

donald said...

I've watched a lot of Trump rallies too. He's a sociopath.

You are one big gaping vagina boy.

narciso said...

Its like that line on the post 9/11 return , 'can we be funny again' were you before.

Chuck said...

It's really ironic, Althouse, that in defense of Trump rhetoric, you would want to defend Trump on the "Ebola" front.

What I remember best from the 2014 Ebola outbreak was actually Bill O'Reilly on the Fox News Channel. O'Reilly led the American Xenophobes' campaign to close borders, not admit any patients, and generally wall ourselves off from the outside, Ebola-infected world.

In hindsight, that was precisely the wrong suggestion. Obama rejected it; he devoted large American resources into Africa, along with CDC staff and expertise. We utilized all of our abilities to fight the outbreak, and we beat it.

At the time, nativist Trump slipstreamed in behind O'Reilly and went on one of his early Twitter tears into Obama. Trump was worse than O'Reilly.

Vox has an excellent writeup of that history, here.

So yeah, Althouse; when it proved to knowing the least about Ebola, when it came to making the exact wrong judgment about Ebola at exactly the wrong time, Trump was there on Twitter, doing it.

Again I say that what is needed in the era of Coronavirus is a quarantine of Donald Trump. Only by stopping his daily factless screeds can we contain the spread of anti-Trump ridicule by eliminating the source; Donald Trump's own constantly writing and saying idiotic things.

Fernandinande said...

The federal general surgeon speaks:

"[Face masks] are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if health care providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!"

Don't bother buying face masks because they don't work, but "health care providers" need them you won't be able to recognize them?

Browndog said...

Ali A. Rizvi
‏Verified account @aliamjadrizvi

What to do if you have coronavirus:

1. See your healthcare provider — make sure you call ahead.
2. Separate yourself from family and friends.
3. Wear a face mask.
4. Cover all coughs/sneezes.
4. Attend every Trump rally in your area.

(Do all steps in reverse order)

Browndog said...

Only by stopping his daily factless screeds can we contain the spread of anti-Trump ridicule by eliminating the source;


I say we let Chuck speak freely.

Big Mike said...

An alleged Republican reads Vox and believes what he reads?


Big Mike said...

Next Chuck will explain to us how the wise Obama did a picture-perfect job of rolling out the Obamacare web site, because Ezra Klein says so.

Fernandinande said...

Verified account @aliamjadrizvi

He's a Canadian interfering with U.S. federal elections.

Chuck said...

Big Mike said...
An alleged Republican reads Vox and believes what he reads?


The Vox story consisted largely of reprinted Trump Tweets. Were any of them misquoted? Exactly which part of the story do you not believe? And exactly how did the Vox writers and editors get it wrong?

My friends on the left do the same thing with me; I cite them something from National Review or the Bulwark or WSJ and they won't accept it because it is right-wing news. I say, "Well have you at least read it? What did they get wrong?" TrumpWorld has gotten even worse. A story comes out of NPR or the New York Times or the Washington Post (or National Review or the Bulwark or WSJ!), and the TrumpCult reaction is immediate rejection, because of the source.

That is how dumb people remain dumb.

And how authoritarians rise.

Kirk Parker said...

Tank beat me to it: projection pure and simple.

pious agnostic said...

Re Health Care providers and masks:

Health Care providers put on a new mask when they see each patient. It protects the provider from droplet and (depending on the mask) airborne contagions, and also protects the vulnerable patient from the smell of onions and sardines the doc had for lunch.

The general public puts a mask on in the morning and takes it off at night; the mask is rendered useless after 15 minutes or so.

So, yes, save the masks for docs.

Browndog said...

Vox: Explaining the News.

Vox-explaining Trump tweets.

You know where else you can find Trump tweets? His twitter account. If you need Vox to "explain" them, you might have a problem.

If you want Vox to explain them, in the worst possible light to reaffirm a preconceived notion that everything Trump says is bad, you might be a liberal. Probably. Assuredly.


Mattman26 said...

“ You are one big gaping vagina boy.”

You sure you don’t mean vulva?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your admiration for The Citrus Fruit in Chief notwithstanding, let's talk medical. Trump actually is addicted to amphetamines. He chronically scarfs down decongestants, and was described by a producer on his show as habitually requesting deliveries of cocaine and Ritalin. He snorts and sniffs, his pupils are dilated, and he slurs his speech. His Twitter picture on the "Hispanics love me for my taco bowls!" entry shows drawers and drawers and drawers of his office desk filled to the brim with British Sudafed.

We've got a junkie in the house. One dependent upon energy enhancing drugs designed to feed and provoke his psychologically delusional, starvation-level of hunger for personal "greatness."

Mattman26 said...

“His Twitter picture on the "Hispanics love me for my taco bowls!" entry shows drawers and drawers and drawers of his office desk filled to the brim with British Sudafed.“

Went and found the photo. It’s one drawer, and I can’t make out enough detail to identify the packages. But credibility blown with the multiple drawers thing.

Sam L. said...

That's why I've given up on TV, except for two shows that are definitely NOT political.

pacwest said...

And how authoritarians rise.

C'Mon Chuck. Say it. Trump is Hitler. You know you want to.

Automatic_Wing said...

Who can blame a guy for stocking up on real Sudafed. The crap they try to pass off on us now doesn't do anything to decongest your sinuses.

Krumhorn said...

I seldom comment on Chuckles since his presentations here are generally uninteresting, but he has truly revealed himself in this thread as a Frederson squeeze-off masquerading as a dissenting LLR.

- Krumhorn

Ralph L said...

Chuck commented at 7:43 and still no Drago. I hope he doesn't have coronavirus.

Krumhorn said...

close borders, not admit any patients, and generally wall ourselves off from the outside, Ebola-infected world.

C’mon Chuckles. Call him a racist. I know you want to.

- Krumhorn

Sebastian said...

"Trump’s whole thing is that he whips arenas into a frenzy of anger and bloodlust."

This is what we deplorables mean by the D in TDS.

"I've watched a lot of Trump rallies, and what I see are smiling faces and lots of laughs. Trump is jovial, telling jokes and comically enacting the foibles of his antagonists."

Of course, if you open your eyes, and believe your lying eyes.

"Those who believe those rallies are "a frenzy of anger and bloodlust" — or something that works as a basis for that hyperbole — are more mystified about Trump"

I wonder if "mystified" is the right word. Sure, progs have no clue, and have no interest in seeing what your eyes see. We are the Other that needs to be Othered. But mystification suggests a passive syndrome, whereas progs eagerly fabricate the caricature, the contempt, the smears.

Frenzy discourse is a tool. And, as always with progs, a bit of projection: their anger and bloodlust appeared on Inauguration Day and haven't let up since.

Krumhorn said...

We could do around here with less Chuckles and Inga and more Laslo, Cook, and Young Hegelian. Also more Freeman Hunt and Mockturtle.

- Krumhorn

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

late night tv is DNC propaganda.

Drago said...

Ralph L: "Chuck commented at 7:43 and still no Drago. I hope he doesn't have coronavirus."


Others are doing Yeoman's work on that front.

And lets face it, its very clear to everyone, even the far left commenters, what our FakeCon is up to.

Krumhorn said...

I understand the anger and bloodlust thing. Trump goes for the jugulars of his political adversaries and the lefties. It must be VERY triggering for them since no Republican since a former much-maligned Wisconsin senator has done that before.

- Krumhorn

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Went and found the photo. It’s one drawer, and I can’t make out enough detail to identify the packages.

That's what photo experts are for. Go look them up, the packaging in the photo is identifiable as British Sudafed.

I'm entitled to some hyperbolic fun in making fun of the biggest liar to occupy the Oval Office. Either way, there's still enough evidence for the other medical and psychiatric observations of Trump, as well as eyewitness accounts, for your own credibility to be blown if you think you can just dismiss reports of his substance abuse out of hand.

Either one drawer or many, that's a lot of boxes of Sudafed to keep lying around - just in case. Especially given their foreign import. Who does that? Someone with a problem. I know you love him for his inability to be normal, but that's a kind of abnormal that's a little bit more incriminating than you pretend.

Kate said...

"He's a hand cougher!"

That was genuinely funny.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt said...

I think "Ebola, you disintegrated. You got Ebola, that was it" is an excellent, vivid depiction of Ebola. That would be a good occasion to admire Trump's rhetoric, but they slotted in the usual Trump-is-an-idiot idea and followed up with a joke that relies on the viewer's familiarity with comic-book movies — that is, movies at the lowest level of mass-market entertainment. But Trump is the idiot.
I'm being completely serious when I say that insight like this is why I come here. That's a great point, succinctly stated, that pops the unending bubble of pompous superiority from these douchebags.

Big Mike said...

Hey, Krumhorn, what about meeeee???

SGT Ted said...

Trump opponents always speak in terms of Rorshach Trump.

Automatic_Wing said...

Photo experts, lol.

Do they take off their shades David Caruso style when they say "Let's......zoom in"?

SGT Ted said...

The Authoritarian fantasies are another component of Rorshach Trump.

But, then again, leftards routinely call the most milquetoast Republicans "Hitler".

SGT Ted said...

It's hard to ease the fears of insane people who see Russians and Nazis everywhere.

Ken B said...

Pious agnostic corrects Fernandistein’s confusion about masks. There is an important point lurking here. *The public health system is good at this*. Let it operate, don’t try to “improve” it with improvised, panic-driven ideas.

Joan said...

Nit-picking since no one else has, the “Thanos disintegrating” bit was a reference to what happened to the big baddie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s previous phase of movies in their culmination, Avengers Endgame. In Trump-speak, that movie was huuuuge, it’s the third highest-grossing movie of all time, so expecting people to get that reference isn’t particularly unrealistic.

Other than that your analysis is spot on.

Ken B said...

Sgt Ted: “Trump opponents always speak in terms of Rorshach Trump.”

That is excellent, and I am stealing it.

Ann Althouse said...

"so expecting people to get that reference isn’t particularly unrealistic."

I didn't say it was a hard-to-get reference. I said it was "at the lowest level of mass-market entertainment." So you are reinforcing my point.

There's a sort of reference that, when you get it, you feel that you are sophisticated or cool or in the know. "Thanos" is not that type of reference. "Thanos" is what will nearly everybody get.

For me, I don't care about comic book movies, so I only get it in the sense that I know it's over there in that pile of cultural crap that I think I think I'm sophisticated and cool for not looking at.

Big Mike said...

*The public health system is good at this*

Except I would have more confidence in America’s public health system if the CDC didn’t initially get the gender of the deceased coronavirus patient wrong. I have also seen a report stating that the CDC chose not to use WHO’s test for COVID19 and developed their own, more complicated test, except the CDC’s test appears to have a higher false negative rate. I hope that report turns out to be wrong.

hombre said...

I had breakfast yesterday with a PhD who unbeknownst to me was a TDS sufferer and a “Russia collusion” truther. It was an eye-opener. Somehow I had come to think that the illogical, delusional nonsense about Trump and “soulless” Republicans was confined to internet trolls, Dem pols, universities and the leftmediaswine.

This guy is a computer nerd who lectured me nonstop on the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, the fallacies in the Mueller Report, corporate welfare and, most absurdly, the law and the Constitution.

He had not a single question for me. I took his incuriousness as a means to avoid cognitive dissonance. I have jokingly, well maybe not jokingly but at least hyperbolically, referred to such thinking as lunacy only to discover that it is not hyperbole at all.

And yes, I do have sane, if misguided, friends who will not vote for Trump. This was something altogether different. He is the NYT audience.

Matt Sablan said...

Even when the rallies get angry, I get why they're angry . I remember when they got so many threats even Trump canceled one; I remember the constant egging and police standing back while ushering people through lines of protesters.

Republicans tried to play nice with Romney/McCain. Even Trump was fairly willing to reach across the aisle on things like gun control and even immigration. The Tea Party tried to play nice and got illegally harassed by the IRS. Since being nice didn't work, the anger is a natural consequence.

JAORE said...

We don't have to actually LISTEN to Trump to know what he's like. That's what we have the NYT, MSNBC and SNL for.


Pookie Number 2 said...

Since being nice didn't work, the anger is a natural consequence.

It’s also become obvious, as Chuck demonstrates (unwittingly, as he does most things, witless tool that he is), that these bad-faith interpretations of what Trump says and does are only possible if one has no interest in being fair (which is to say, honest).

Howard (not that Howard) said...

Chuck, the issue with any article written by the leftist media you cite is that the language used is biased. When you write something that may be (somewhat) factually based but you use words that denigrate any opposing views you are doing nothing but catering to your side. Not a good method of persuasion. And yes, I know that Trump does this all the time. No one suggests he is doing much to bring lefties to our side. It's as you folks like to say, you're deplorable.

hombre said...

Chuck at 7:55 and 8:24 verifies his Democrat troll credentials first with Obamaworship and then with psychological projection.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He had not a single question for me.

That's not unusual for you, hombre. You never have a useful answer for anything or anyone. Just over-lawyered courtroom convictions and prosecutorial personal attacks. Am I wrong about that? Are you someone others would trust for non-professional advice?

As for your term of art, "leftmediaswine," I am very impressed. The derivation of the right's time-honored attacks on the press has a prestigious and noble lineage, promoted with a similar anti-liberal term beloved by such politically right aficionados of accuracy and honesty as Joseph Goebbels and Richard Spencer.

But adding the term "swine" on at the end is a very nice touch, possibly paid in homage to the German tendency of adding the related word schwein to similar objects of disgrace, degradation and disrepute. This was done often in WWII, as you can imagine, and continues today with pejoratives such as schweinhund!

So if nothing else, you certainly have your language usage cut out for you. ;-)

Narr said...

I think the drug consumption of all aspirants to the Presidency should be public knowledge; in fact, it might be a good idea to eliminate all privacy when it comes to such persons. Something like that Big Brother show, only more intrusive.

Come to think of it, how much different is that from what's been going on since Jan 2017 and before? Millions of dollars and some of the sharpest knives in the DS drawer combing through a person's life and associates to come up with bupkis?

Prof, you're sophisticated and cool for many reasons, not merely because you share my opinion of comic-book movies

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We don't have to actually LISTEN to Trump to know what he's like.

Didn't his own boosters discourage any attempts to seek factual truth in what he said, and advise everyone to look to some religious "deeper truth" that he was getting at instead?

That's what we have the NYT, MSNBC and SNL for.

Or Scott Adams, the self-appointed Tony Robbins of Trump Interpretation.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

President Toilet Paper Shoe's Cooked-Up Drug Deal said...

Shouldn't you be writing your term paper, puppy?

Matt Sablan said...

Trump's Vox tweets look like they're just insensitively stated quarantine procedures. Note that one of the very first ones states to get the people the treatment they need, but to not expose a bunch more people by flying them around the world.

Also, Trump was completely right that the CDC was wrong about things, and that they didn't admit it even after it was obvious they were wrong. In fact, if you look at sources at the time, like that Politico story, even though it tries to couch in some jabs at Republicans, the Obama administration DID fail.

The belief that the ebola response was effective or good is bad history.

Matt Sablan said...

In fact, the CDC was warned, on multiple occasions, that they were wrong, that their procedures were lack and exposing more people than necessary, and all of that turned out to be true.

frenchy said...

Chuck at 7:55 and 8:24 verifies his Democrat troll credentials first with Obamaworship and then with psychological projection.

"Chuck" is a particular variant of troll known as a moby

Limited blogger said...

"something that could never possibly destroy us...."

Stay Puft marshmallow man

Big Mike said...

I moved my family to Reston,VA, in the 1990s, when my job assignment was changed to our HQ in Tyson’s Corners. Then Robert Preston’s Hot Zone came out and I wondered whether I had made a serious mistake. For those of you who missed the made for TV series, the book is about an outbreak of a strain of Ebola that burned through research monkeys quarantined in a building in Reston, then an outer suburb of Washington. The disease spread throughout the building, even though the rooms were isolated from each other, and the monkeys which could not be euthanized died in pain. The disease jumped to the human keepers, but maybe the people who say “God is an American” are right, because Ebola Reston is close to asymptomatic in every human who has tested positive for it.

Scary anyway, to a resident of Reston. For instance the book mentions a McDonalds close to the building (since torn down) where the Ebola outbreak happened — we regularly ate at that McDonalds! Preston has been criticized for over-dramatizing Ebola’s effect on the human body, but much of that reads like nit-picking to this lay person. For instance Preston claimed that Ebola makes internal body organs dissolve while CDC scientists say that no, the organs are technically intact. No one whom I have read disputes that the Ebola victims bleed out through every body orifice, including around the eyes. The mortality rate from Ebola Zaire hit 90% in spots, though Wikipedia claims an average mortality of only 70%. Only.

Against my better judgement I took up Chuck’s challenge and followed his link to the Vox article. I had figured it would be a hatchet job, and I was not wrong. Aaron Rupar, the author, and by extension Ezra Klein, his editor, and Chuck, his reader, seem to have taken the position that everything worked out in the end so Obama’s policies were wise and noble and Trump’s tweets were hysterical scare-mongering. I read the same recitation of events and think that US dodged a bullet.

I do want to contrast the Democrat’s complaints about Trump’s stronger response to a disease — COVID19 — with a 2% mortality rate as not being enough, versus their implied acceptance of Obama’s weaker response to a disease — Ebola — with a 70% mortality rate.

Darrell said...

Chuck said--
I've watched a lot of Trump rallies too. He's a sociopath.

Stop looking into the mirror! Idiot!

Yancey Ward said...

That SNL bit is written by someone who have never watched a single Trump rally.

SGT Ted said...

"I've watched a lot of Trump rallies too. He's a sociopath." -Chuck

Rorshach Trump

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

That SNL bit is written by someone who have never watched a single Trump rally.

And SNL is watched by people who have never watched a single Trump rally.

But leftists think knowing less about something makes them smart.

Ann Althouse said...

For me, I don't care about comic book movies, so I only get it in the sense that I know it's over there in that pile of cultural crap that I think I think I'm sophisticated and cool for not looking at.

Achilles said...

SGT Ted said...

"I've watched a lot of Trump rallies too. He's a sociopath." -Chuck

Rorshach Trump

Trump has pulled the masks off.

The only people left in the Democrat party are the ones that can accept open corruption and obvious greed.

Ralph L said...

"Thanos" is what will nearly everybody get.

I thought of Theranos until Althouse said movie. So who or what is Thanos?

Michael K said...

The only people left in the Democrat party are the ones that can accept open corruption and obvious greed.

No, there are quite a few crazy people. Delusions like Chuck's , anger like Ritmo's, Ignorance like Inga's and Freder's.

Paco Wové said...

"So who or what is Thanos?"

Some comic book garbage.

rcocean said...

"What I remember best from the 2014 Ebola outbreak was actually Bill O'Reilly on the Fox News Channel. O'Reilly led the American Xenophobes' campaign to close borders, not admit any patients, and generally wall ourselves off from the outside, Ebola-infected world."

What a moronic comment. Yeah, lets let sick people into the country to spread Eobla! How fucking stupid can you be?

Lets be "welcoming and opening" to people with contagious disease, because we don't want to be a"Xenophobe". Fuck, you left-wingers are mentally ill.

Joan said...

I was trying to say the movie is called Avengers Endgame, not “Thanos”. I understand your attitude towards comic book movies, but getting the title wrong and letting it remain that way is atypical for you.

Yancey Ward said...

The odd unexplained cases of "confirmed" COVID-19 being found suggests that the disease has been present in the US since some time last year, at the latest. Tests are only finding it now because it has finally been identified and can be tested for. I suspect the CDC is, or should be, testing any old samples it can locate where people died of respiratory failure during 2019 and 2018. If they do this, it wouldn't surprise me if they find dozens or hundreds of such cases.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Charlottesville, Russian collusion, obstruction of Pelosi, use of lawful authority, third-hand ear-witnesses to a phone call, guilt by propinquity to process crimes... all their bombshells have been duds, but they got him THIS TIME with ChiCom flu! With any luck it will crash the economy, cause widespread civil unrest, and wipe out vast swathes of Deplorbles before they can get to the polls.

SGT Ted said...

People who think closing borders to an infected population is some sort of xenophobia are anti-science idiots.

Jim at said...

The only frenzied anger and bloodlust I'm seeing is from the left and their pals in the media hoping and praying for a pandemic so they can blame Trump.

Bruce Hayden said...

It does say something that the most successful Republican candidate of the last 32 years is one of the best stand up comedians around today. But it turns out that that was what was needed to break through the formidable, almost monolithic, wall that the Dems and the left have built against Republicans getting out their side of the story. His comedic timing is almost uncanny. He is right - his rallies are more fun than most stand up comedian shows. And much better attended - by orders of magnitude. They may be right that, any intelligent person with an ounce of self respect wouldn’t go within a mile of one of his rallies. But what would you rather be, that self righteous self respecting intelligent person moaning about the Neanderthals attending one of those rallies, or one of the rally goers who experiences on of his epic performances, and can tell their grandchildren about how epic it was? Kinda like being at Woodstock, but not needing to be too stoned or wasted to actually remember it, but knowing that it had to have been epic because everyone told you it was. And joining the millions who have experienced his rallies, and pitied the self righteous self respecting intellectual leftwards too stupid to attend.

Paul Snively said...

And I don’t really trust Trump on medical issues because, remember, this is what he had to say about Ebola. [Plays clip of President Trump saying, “Ebola, you disintegrated. You got Ebola, that was it.”] You disintegrated? Does he think that Thanos was named Ebola?

Serious question: who is this idiot? Can I please recommend to them that they read The Hot Zone? "Ebola, you disintegrated. You got Ebola, that was it" is an extremely apt description of what happened to Ebola patients. USAAMRID had four different containment levels, and the people who worked on the containment level with Anthrax thought the people who worked on the containment level with Ebola were crazy and had a death wish. The ultimate point of "The Hot Zone" was that "Ebola Zaire" is a nightmarishly lethal organism that broke out in Reston, VA...

...and spontaneously mutated into "Ebola Reston," which is not harmful to humans.

Seriously. If I didn't already believe in a merciful God, I most certainly would after reading "The Hot Zone."

alanc709 said...

Never underestimate the power of ignorance: see Chuck.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The odd unexplained cases of "confirmed" COVID-19 being found suggests that the disease has been present in the US since some time last year, at the latest. Tests are only finding it now because it has finally been identified and can be tested for. I suspect the CDC is, or should be, testing any old samples it can locate where people died of respiratory failure during 2019 and 2018. If they do this, it wouldn't surprise me if they find dozens or hundreds of such cases.”

My gut reaction is that I don’t find that scenario credible. I think that it is just too contagious and too lethal to hide that long, then suddenly explode right next to the Chinese BSL-4 Wuhan virology lab. We have seen what happens if hospital professionals don’t practice COVID-19 safety precautions - the hospital staff get infected, and they then pass it on to other patients. That was why the refusal a week or two ago by the CDC to test someone who had been out of the country and was showing coronavirus symptoms (and turned out to be COVID-19 infected) was so significant. False positives are fine. False negatives are not, and one of the problems that the Chinese had until recently was that their testing was giving them far too many false negatives (I believe because they were concentrating on upper lung testing via X-rays, instead of lower lung imaging by MRIs). All of those false negatives gave Chinese hospital staffs a false sense of security, which soon translated into infected hospital staff, and that was a factor in the explosion of the virus in China.

Which is a long way of saying that I think that the COVID-19 outbreak would have happened earlier if circulating undetected in the general population in this country.

Even as late as mid January, when I took my partner to the ER to check her out for pneumonia, the procedures in place would have allowed the virus to easily be transmitted to at least the hospital staff. We were sat in chairs right in front of a nursing station, that most of the staff utilized. They all walked by, mostly without gloves and masks, and only donned them when actually examining her - not even masks when changing her IV contents. All within easy reach of the coronavirus if she had been infected with it. That used to happen every day, in ERs all around the country. Hopefully not so much - esp for someone possibly presenting pneumonia.

narciso said...

I read the hot zone and emerging plagues in college, that wasn't a fitful week for a paper,

Ken B said...

“ There's a sort of reference that, when you get it, you feel that you are sophisticated or cool or in the know. "Thanos" is not that type of reference. "Thanos" is what will nearly everybody get.”

I did not get the Thanos reference. I often miss pop culture references. I got the Brecht allusion is the opening lines of The Satanic Verses though.

Ken B said...

I read The Hot Zone long ago. Excellent book. Tempting to reread it ...

Gk1 said...

Lets turn this around. At what point will democrats finally accept Trump is the president for good or ill? Culturally they continue to double down on resistance at all cost, poisoning any well or destroying any possible bridge to come together and work against a common problem. Continually flyspecking everything Trump says or does must be exhausting. How about giving it a rest until we get our arms around this virus?

Big Mike said...

@Paul Snively, @Ken B., you might want to read my comment at 10:53.

If you can find it, Virus Hunter by C. J. Peters is a great companion volume, though I think it’s out of print now. Peters comes across as an Asperger syndrome genius who has devoted his life to tracking down killer viruses. He makes an appearance in Hot Zone. Unfortunately for Peters he comes across has having no instincts whatsoever for bureaucratic political infighting.

hombre said...

“That's not unusual for you, hombre. You never have a useful answer for anything or anyone.“

Oh, oh, oh! Ritmo lashes out. Well, I used the word “incurious” and he apparently took it personally. Small wonder.

Crazy World said...

Only half way through the comments and oh boy the lunatics are raging, it’s beautiful.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I read "The Hot Zone", and I also enjoyed watching Patrick Dempsey disintegrate in Outbreak. So far, ChiCom Flu has been boring.

Yancey Ward said...


If COVID-19 is supercontagious, spreads easily and rapidly, and is more lethal than influenza, then these odd singlets are going to have already spread the illness in cycles to several hundred people already who are unidentified and unquarantined and spreading it as I write.

I hope the CDC has instituted some random sampling studies just to demonstrate that their RT-PCR test is valid and to develop the necessary confidence levels- this would prove/disprove my hypothesis- if a random sample started producing positives, and you could show the positives aren't false, then COVID-19 has been in the US and spreading for many months and possibly more than a year.

Yancey Ward said...

Like I have written in several comments in the past few days- 50,000 people/yr die of pneumonia in the US. In China, it is probably 200,000-300,000/yr. Once an emergency is declared, anyone with a respiratory illness like pneumonia is going to show up at a hospital claiming they have the new illness, and we are making a lot of assumptions based on the Chinese being able to firmly distinguish the causes of such illnesses. I don't have confidence in their ability to do this at all- it needs to be proven. Additionally, the people showing up at the hospital are self-selecting based on severity- in short, the people making that trip are already the sickest of the bunch.

Right now, the best chance at a good data set are the people quarantined in the US- we can get reliable data on the RT-PCR test, and reliable mortality data.

Bilwick said...

The modern, Bloomberg-Sanders Era Deomocrat's worst fear: a free society.

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