From "If You Think It’s Bad for Mainstream Democrats Now, Just Wait" by Jonathan Chait (in NY Magazine).
"Unless one of the non-Bloombergs can somehow get off the mat..." How is Buttigieg on the mat? He's surging in the New Hampshire polls. Bernie has been expected to win New Hampshire for so long that he needs a clear win not to lose momentum to Buttigieg.
Have the Democrats decided to act panicked? I'm just speculating that they are desperate to stop Bernie and that acting panicked is a way to motivate people to get out there and vote for Buttigieg. Quick! Before it's too late!
But Biden isn't backing off and letting Pete take the lead. Here he is 2 days ago disparaging Pete:
"I do believe it's a risk — to be just straight up with you — for this party to nominate someone who's never held a office higher than mayor of a town of 100,000 people in Indiana." (You have to listen to that 15-second clip so you can hear how he says "Indiana." My Indiana-born husband reacted strongly to what felt to him condescension and disdain.)
ADDED: The freeze frame on that video makes it look like Buttigieg is wearing a strawberry earring. No disparagement intended! Just an observation made necessary by the clarity of the image.

1 – 200 of 219 Newer› Newest»The Democrat Party is in the process of determining if they will give the old guard one more go or if the kids take over the candy store. The funny thing is is the oldest guy in the selection is the one leading the kids. Someone say a pied Piper waiting lemmings off The tarpeian Rock
Please please please God, if you're listening, all in on the 'best-case' scenario. Please put the billionaire up against the Burnie. I ask for very little, except just this once. It would be like matter and anti-matter meeting to vaporize the most hypocritical political ideology in the world, live on CNN.
How are we supposed to pronounce "Indiana?" Is it like "Eye-o-way" in "The Music Man?"
Pete is like the teenager in the old joke.
“Become President now! While you still know everything!"
"In time, we liberals may look back at this moment as a high point."
From "If You Think It’s Bad for Mainstream Democrats Now, Just Wait" by Jonathan Chait (in NY Magazine).
WE liberals? Is Chait a reporter or an opinion columnist? Sincere question since I have never read NY Magazine.
The Democrat Party has a fever, and the prescription is more Bernie.
Hillary will be President before Buttiplug.
Bernie still has a black problem. He'll lose in SC. March 3 and 10th seem like the key dates. Lots of Southern states coming up.
Angry Socialist, Wall Street Tycoon and a Gay mayor walk into a bar. Bartender says, "what it this, some kind of joke?"
That thing in back of Butti's ear appears to be a horn growing out of his head. Usually, horns grow up, but not in this case.
Howard: "The Democrat Party is in the process of determining if they will give the old guard one more go or if the kids take over the candy store."
The last time the democrat "kids" took over was the 1972 dem primary campaign (Gary Hart(pence) was McGovern's campaign manager, remember that?) and we see where that went.
McGovern offered what? $1,000 to every family and a brand new arrangement with Fidel down south, plus the usual mixed bag of socialist/socialist-lite (you could only get away so much of that nonsense in 1972) and the result was precisely what you'd expect
Very different country now of course.
I just don't get socialists.
If I hated cold weather and loved warm weather yet was living in the
north, I'd pack my bags and relocate to the south.
Likewise, if I found myself living in a socialist country yet yearned for the free market, I'd pack my bags and relocate (assuming I'd be permitted to leave) to a country with a free market economy.
If you're a socialist, why torture yourself by remaining in a free market economy? Why not do yourself a huge favor and relocate to the socialist Paradise of your choosing? For less than $1000 for a plane ticket out of this free market hell hole you could be much happier, and no one here would stand in your way.
Last Hoosier President?
Harrison. Defeated for re-election.
The gay Obama will come in fourth in SC. Maybe 5th. Big problem!
Amy will agree to be Bernie's VP before Super Tuesday.
Biden had a shot.
Then Nancy rolled out impeachment.
Trump went up.
And Biden went down.
Oh, my God, Butti is Rosemary's Baby. No wonder we don't know much about him.
Bloomberg will just have bring down the boom: Bernie is not, never has been nor will ever be a Democrat. He's a Socialist, straight up, leaching off the Democrats organization because he's to lazy to start his own party. So spare me the crocodile tears.
Nothing that happened in Iowa is to be believed. If you have an IQ larger than your shoe size, it must be disqualified.
Earlier this week it showed up that I-love-mayo Pete has personal ties with Shadow Inc., staffed by Obama and Hillary politicos, owned by Acronym, which has as its single largest contributor (at $2.4 million) George Soros.
Taken to its extreme conclusion, you would logically have to concede that no primary process at this point is to be believed. What is happening in the Democratic party is prima-facia undemocratic.
or perhaps this move is to help boomerang the momentum back to Biden, the stable geniu... lol I can't say it.
The international money whore.
I'm surprised our host did not mention it, but does anybody want a president who says "A Office"?
"How is Buttigieg on the mat? He's surging in the New Hampshire polls."
Unlike Sanders, Buttigieg has almost no support in the primaries after NH.
At this point, FiveThirtyEight shows Sanders leading in nearly every upcoming primary (including every primary on Super Tuesday other than Alabama)!
Elizabeth Warren represents the absence of color.
Try as I might I can't see a good path for the Democrats here. All I see a field full of misfits and weirdos who dwell in negativity and pessimism during one of the most hopeful times in our modern era. I see a collection bad ideas that have been buoyed by children and the mentally feeble going up against demonstrably positive results. Honestly in a sane world where the media hadn't been endlessly beating the #OrangManBad drum for years and years, Trump would win in an absolutely crushing landslide that would perhaps even dwarf the Regan's '84 defeat of Mondale.
To concur, those people discounting Bootie are looking past IA and NH and not seeing him. Just yesterday a SC poll showed him with a whopping 4 of support. Single digits in NC and nationally...
It could change. Could, but...
"to be just straight up with you"
If Joe was a Republican, his usage of the word "straight" would be compelling evidence of his homophobia. It would be called a dog whistle.
I'm darker than Satan.
A strawberry earring is a little known virtue signal often worn by those who favor same sex marriage.
Not need for worries, Dems. The solution is simple. Biden will soon launch a "No Malarkey" whistle.stop train tour through the Amtrak corridor between Delaware and DC. It will generate tons of excitement, just like Harry Truman in '48, Buster!
I’m not ready to conclude the aforementioned best case scenario for liberals is also the best case scenario for Republicans.
Bernie could win.
Don't be surprised if Ann votes for Sanders if he is the Dem presidential candidate. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Like father like daughter.
Wait until low information Iowa voter who can't see voting to send a married gay guy to the White House finds out that Bernie honeymooned in the Soviet Union.
"My Indiana-born husband reacted strongly to what felt to him condescension and disdain."
But, as I'm sure your husband knows, the condescension and disdain aren't limited to Indiana.
It's just that Dems sometimes try to hide it a little better.
Joe’s malarkey (and sizeable corruption) have caught up to him.
“Doctor Biden, Doctor Biden. Paging Doctor Jill Biden”
“Husband needs your curative powers immediately – Code Blue – Code Blue”
“But, but I’m not a real doctor. I only have a EdD in so-called ‘educational leadership,’ a degree considered by many, myself included, as a phony credential. Despite that, Joe and I pretentiously insist that people address me as ‘Doctor.’ In truth I’m really only qualified to lead 4th graders to play areas for recess. But it’s also qualified me to lead Joe to his favorite chair after dinner so he can look at the big letters on Wheel of Fortune.
“I’m as phony as Joe”
Watch this, can't get no lower...
My 5th great grandfather was Nayyaytahwub (Sitting Alone).
Meanwhile, here in NV there was a lot of hard feelings last time that Bernie was treated unfairly. Let's see how that plays out this time.
If Butty wins NH, he gets Klobochar’s votes, Biden gets Warrens. and Butty get’s Biden’s votes. THat’s what would make sense if their were no identity politics in play. But these are Democrats.
Trump is licking his chops over Cheatin’ Peat because his callousness towards blacks in South Bend plays into Trump’s strategy.
Sanders is probably doomed because the Democrats are a top and bottom agains the middle coalition, and the top just might side with the middle if the bottom starts running things, instead of just providing votes for the crumbs the top takes from the middle to give to them.
Sanders is saying to them, we are tired of golden eggs, today we are having goose! Well the goose (the top) might not like that message.
On the other hand, when everybody thinks something, it’s usually wrong.
Is Pete really gay or did he become gay to check an identity group box?
Serious question.
I love how they are mostly running on a tax cut for the rich too, repealing SALT deduction.
Even lower still ---
My 4th great grandmother was Shodeyea (Eagle Totem) Songgegahboweak.
You have to listen to that 15-second clip so you can hear how he says "Indiana." My Indiana-born husband reacted strongly to what felt to him condescension and disdain.
I don't think it's how he pronounced Indiana, so much. It's the fact that he felt that he needed to include it as a qualifier to his assertion. It shows his disdain for the flyover states, he'd never make a similar statement and include Delaware as a justificaton, would he?
Even lower still ---
My 4th great grandmother was Shodeyea (Eagle Totem) Songgegahboweak.
Blogger didn't even like that, so let me try again.
When I saw Pete's ear, my first thought was "Oh, how elfin!" Second guess was, "Earring." But I still like my first thought.
No. The race is over. It was decided by a series of coin tosses in Iowa. Three cheers for President Bootiboi!
AllenS said...
Oh, my God, Butti is Rosemary's Baby.
"What have you done to its eyes?"
"He has his father's Ideologies."
As a lifelong Hoosier I just want to remind Slowhand Joe that Indiana folks are known for more than slappin' hogs and slurpin' Slurpees at the local Wal-mart...
Here are a few notables:
Anne Baxter, Actress and Granddaughter of Frank Lloyd Wright
Violinist, Joshua Bell
Basketball legend, Larry Bird
Garfield creator, Jim Davis
James Dean
11-time Grammy winner, 'Babyface' Edmonds
Astronaut, Gus Grissom
23rd US President, Benjamin Harrison
David Letterman
Shelley Long
John Mellencamp
Steve McQueen
Modern Jazz legend, Wes Montgomery
Jane Pauley
Ernie Pyle
Comedian, Red Skelton
Kurt Vonnegut
Poet, James Whitcomb Riley
UCLA coaching legend, John Wooden
Inventor, Wilber Wright
“Is Pete really gay or did he become gay to check an identity group box?
Serious question.”
He’s legally married to another man, I guess that would make him a true gay man. Maybe the Veritas program can follow him and his husband into their bedroom with hidden cameras.
"How is Buttigieg on the mat?"
Ass up and face down in a pillow. But that's just a guess.
Oh, my God, Butti is Rosemary's Baby.
He does look a lot like Damien in The Omen.
Allen S... Some little freckle-faced girl is begging you to pull on her pigtails. That means she thinks you're cute
I think this theory from Bannon about Bloomberg is likelier than Bloomberg's actually having a shot at the nomination.
Bloomberg is investing a small fraction of his fortune (Bannon says it is now $70 billion) in a "leveraged buyout" of the party, installing himself as the oligarch who calls the shots, including the selection of the candidate to win the presidency.
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people, and these ones are not nice...
If Mayor Pete gets the nomination it’ll be interesting to see to which level the homophobia rises here on these threads. I’m pretty sure that if Althouse eventually comes out and says she will vote for Buttigeig she’ll be getting more insults directed at her son//sons.
In case you're wondering about whether to click on the link, there's a lot about AOC in that piece.
A Bloomberg/Sanders ticket? The Odd Couple: Felix and Oscar?
Will they play up the ethnic angle?
"Bloomberg/Sanders: What's not to like?"
"Bloomberg/Sanders: Enough with the Trump already."
"Bloomberg/Sanders: Schlimazel, Schlemiel."
with the Sanders movement claiming at every step of the way that the party is rigging the race against them,
with the Sanders movement pointing out,at every step of the way that the party IS rigging the race against them,
fixed it for them!
Since Bernie has never actually joined the club, why does he think the club owes him anything?
At least Trump joined the club. He never went through the double secret initiation, took the oath to Globalism, or learned the secret handshake. But he did join.
remember the Olden days? Back when Democrats used to go on and on (and on and on (and on))
about How: The Important Thing; was the Poplular Vote
I can remember those days,like they were a week ago!
Bloomberg is buying the Democrat Party, and he's using the twin populist specters of right-wing Trump and left-wing Bernie to scare people into making it happen. It's creepy, creepier even than Bernie and AOC.
ButtyJig looks like one of the Keebler elves.
"Unless one of the non-Bloombergs can somehow get off the mat..." How is Buttigieg on the mat?
How's he doing in South Carolina?
How's he doing nationally with black Democrat voters?
He was Democrat mayor of a small city with 100,000 people, and essentially none of the racial minorities from there support his Presidential campaign.
That's the kiss of death when you're a Democrat
And that's his failing, no one elses
No, he looks like Alfred E Newman.
@ Inga
I'm not homophobic. I'm cynical about Buttigeig. But you can't question him because he's a member of a protected identity group. You get called homophobic. Just like with Obama, if you didn't support him, the only possible explanation was racism.
Pete has rebranded his campaign with prominent liberal blacks to capture the African American voter. Smart.
Actually, South Bend is the fourth largest city in Indiana, to give some further perspective. It is behind Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, and Evansville, and just ahead of Carmel (a suburb of Indianapolis), Fishers (ditto--but I have never heard of Fishers and I have lived 192 miles away from it for 50 years), and Bloomington (home of IU).
I always say that municipal government is a great place to start a political career. You learn to ignore the concerns of taxpayers (they really don't know much, do they?), cover up goofs (oops!), and learn to provide government services (no garbage pick-up for you , wise guy). And, in fact, a close look at Buttafuoco's record shows that he didn't really do very well as mayor of Indiana's fourth largest city. He is now out of office, so he'll never have a chance to improve his performance. The logical thing to do, if one is a Democrat, is elect him POTUS.
That Mayor Pete is anything other than a punchline is significant. It signifies how completely out of gas the Demmies are. It could be that Biden is the best they have. Bloomberg has yet to be put through the strainer, but the fact that he is backing away from most of his achievements as mayor of the largest, richest, most complicated municipality in the world (and all of his common sense) indicates that he, too, has a glass jaw.
All I can say to my Demmie friends is, I have been there. My party gave me a choice in 2008 of John McCain, whose standard m.o. was to sucker-punch his friends to gain the applause of his enemies, and Mitt Romney (ditto). In 2008 we had McCain who really didn't want to win, and didn't. In 20012, we had Mittens (ditto). Democrats, abandon all hope.
Joe Biden had no problem with electing a candidate whose only experience was as a part-time state senator in Illinois and part-time first-term US senator from Illinois (recall that the candidate in question began running for president during his US Senate campaign, when he delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic convention).
Admiral Inga: "If Mayor Pete gets the nomination it’ll be interesting to see to which level the homophobia rises here on these threads."
Republicans notice certain democrat voting blocs do not like or support or even tolerate homosexuals lifestyles.
Republicans then wonder what the effect of that lack of tolerance of certain democrat voting blocs means in terms of dem candidate electability.
Admiral Inga proclaims conservatives and republicans "homophobic" for noticing the above facts.
Well, at least she hasn't been spewing her "russia/Putin lovers!!!" lies nearly as often as she has over the last 4 years.
So that's something, I guess....
Admiral Inga: "I’m pretty sure that if Althouse eventually comes out and says she will vote for Buttigeig she’ll be getting more insults directed at her son//sons."
Important Note: Inga literally cursed at Althouse.
GingerBeer asked..
How are we supposed to pronounce "Indiana?" Is it like "Eye-o-way" in "The Music Man?"
Wrong Song, Here's a video of Mayor Pete singing Gary Indiana
In this scenario with Bloomberg as the Dem nominee I think Trump wins easily, as the only energy and enthusiasm left will be the anti-Trump vote, which is substantial, but far short of a wining number. Bernie voters are not going to switch to a billionaire, and would Bernie actually endorse one?
Inga, what's the new shiny thing that's gonna destroy Trump?
Very soon the “anyone-but-Bernie” Democrats will have to unite behind a single candidate. If black support for Buttigieg is as bad as reported then my guess is that they’ll try to coalesce around Bloomberg. But I predict that he also will have poor support among black Democrats (his signature “stop and frisk” policy was characterized by black New York City residents as “walking while black”).
There are people who assert that black voters dislike Buttigieg’s sexual orientation, and perhaps they do, but I believe that had Pete been regarded by his black residents as having done a good job for them and addressed their concerns, he’d have plenty of black support. But his black constituents hate him, and that goes way beyond qualms at his sexual orientation. The question is whether their reasons for disliking him have been communicated to black voters in other states.
You left out my favorite Hoosier, Hoagie Carmichael.
For those not familiar, he invented the hoagie. Often called a Sub sandwich.
Noodle a few Tues along the way too.
I have a bunch on my phone. Very nice.
John Henry
Tunes not tues
John Henry
’Bernie voters are not going to switch to a billionaire, and would Bernie actually endorse one?’
I think his voters would mostly back Warren, but Bloomberg is a non-starter. Last time the Bros were suspicious of the fix; this time it’s being done in plain sight. That’s gonna leave a mark.
Butt Gag will not be on the ticket. Period.
Bloomberg has been reported to have shown up in Richmond to help goose through his anti-AR legislation. It may be popular within the Democrat party, but across the country it will be a boat anchor not just to his candidacy, but down the ticket as well.
Everyone is suddenly realizing Trump will win again, easily.
This was actually known long ago.
Dems are looking to 2024. They don't want to damage Pete if he is their hope for 2024. But they probably don't want Sanders, as they will then be more closely tied to socialism. They also don't want a woman losing to Trump again.
Leaves only Biden and Bloomie.
Big Mike said...
There are people who assert that black voters dislike Buttigieg’s sexual orientation, and perhaps they do, but I believe that had Pete been regarded by his black residents as having done a good job for them and addressed their concerns, he’d have plenty of black support. But his black constituents hate him, and that goes way beyond qualms at his sexual orientation. The question is whether their reasons for disliking him have been communicated to black voters in other states.
They don't have to. Because in politics, "absence of evidence" really is "evidence of absence." The black Democrat voters of South Carolina, and the US, are asking themselves: "where are Mayor Pete's South Bend black supporters? There aren't any? Guess he really sucked as a Mayor."
"Sanders Honeymooned in the Soviet Union!" will make a great bumper sticker.
Daskol counters: No, he looks like Alfred E Newman.
You're right. He does. But AE Newman looks a lot like one of the Keebler elves. ;-)
A few random thoughts:
1. Trump is NOT a shoo-in to win. There are too many Dem voters in NY and Cali and blue states. However, because of his stellar work and a great economy, I'd say he has 60% chance at winning. The final popular vote will be 50-48 Trump.
2. Mayor Pete is young and has a future. But Not ready for 2020.
3. Biden is old, and will be out soon.
4. Pocahontas is old and will be out soon.
5. Bernie is old, but determined. He has a loyal army of young, energized, clueless leftists. It will be interesting to see who he taps as his "heir." It might be AOC, who is really young (30), and has captured the pulse of the Dem Party.
6. Bloomberg is old, but so rich he could fund the ENTIRE Dem party, if he so chose. Have no idea how it plays out, but it does look like Bernie's troops v. Bloomy's billions.
The Dems suck. The moderate middle has collapsed.
Bob Boyd explains: I'm cynical about Buttigeig. But you can't question him because he's a member of a protected identity group. You get called homophobic. Just like with Obama, if you didn't support him, the only possible explanation was racism.
Exactly. These groups are sacrosanct.
Alfred E. Newman is related to Damien Thorn on his father's side.
And many of the Keebler elves as well.
The Dems suck. The moderate middle has collapsed.
Even though now a Republican, Trump is actually 'moderate middle'. He could have run as a Democrat or Independent. And still won.
The Panic, The Vomit of Chait
AllenS said, "Elizabeth Warren represents the absence of color."
Au contraire! Lizzy is paleface pink with golden locks and a voice reminiscent of fingernails on a chalkboard.
"My Indiana-born husband reacted strongly to what felt to him condescension and disdain."
Biden just can't help himself. Soon he'll question Pete's IQ and challenge him to a pushup contest.
I'd love to see Meade follow Biden around and razz him a bit. Does Indiana have caucuses? A primary?
Naming a state"Indiana" is a carryover from the white privilege of the early American settlers. Why hasn't it been renamed in accordance with today's realities? I suggest the new name be Potawatomi in honor of an indigenous tribe! Or Kickapoo! Or even Delaware (though that might be confusing as there's already one of those)! Someone should tweet AOC and Nancy!
Suppose you were a Democrat who wanted to see his/her party return to the mainstream, who would you want the 2020 nominee to be (knowing that Trump will win)? I’d pick Klobuchar.
I don't give a toss about Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson, but when you make a list of Famous Hoosiers and leave Michael Jackson out, you really are erasing history.
Has Pete shared his playlist?
I predicted a month ago that Bloomberg would buy the nomination. Possibly a Bloomberg/Klobuchar ticket.
Bernie voters are not going to switch to a billionaire, and would Bernie actually endorse one?
True, and of course he would. If the price is right.
Vice President Joe "No Malarkey" Biden is having a bad week.
New Hampshire Poll:
Sanders 24
Pete 23
Warren 13
Biden 11
4th place finishes in Iowa and NH when you are the most "electable" establishment candidate? Umm, No.
Also, he's got money problems.
What it looks like to me, is that although the media has ignored and minimized the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden corruption problem, the voters see it and are rejecting him. True, I could be wrong, and they are rejecting him for other reasons, but regardless, they are no doubt rejecting his ass.
Now, we know why President Obama has not uttered a favorable word about his VP during this entire campaign. Perhaps, Obama knew Joe was destined to fail (or caused him to fail) from behind the scenes.
So, outta curiosity, who is the Dem establish candidate now?
Bloomberg will have a problem being more popular than crazy old Bernie, no matter how much money he spends on propaganda. And if Bernie looks at Bloomberg and says, "All your base are belong to us!" well, the Dem primary will be over and done with.
The number of votes Trump loses in NY and CA do not matter. The Dem. gets the same number of those Electoral votes no matter if they win by 1 or 20 million. That's how Hillary won the popular vote and lost anyway. Extra votes in lost states just don't count.
He wore a strawberry earring.
The kind you find at a second hand store.
"Blogger Limited blogger said...
Everyone is suddenly realizing Trump will win again, easily."
Yeah, don't buy into that mindset. Four years ago everyone knew that there was no way he could win ever. Trump shifted the paradigm, and it ain't done shifting. Crazy things can happen with that backdrop.
If Trump needed more votes in NY and Cali, he'd go and get them.
Why waste time there now?
You're right. There was that one season of American Idol when everybody knew Chris Daughtrey was the best, so everybody assumed everybody else would vote for him. He was eliminated.
@Greg, I think you’re right.
As my lady likes to say: "The man was born with a horseshoe up his ass." What a week for Trump:
* Acquitted of impeachment
* A gang of new judges added
* 225,000 jobs added - way above estimates
* The emoluments case is dismissed:
"A three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that the 215 congressional Democrats who brought the suit — which deals with the Constitution's foreign emoluments clause" The courts said: "... their claim is based entirely on the loss of political power."
* And appearantly the left has simply run out of bullshit bullets for now.
If Americans don't reelect this man, we are idiots.
There’s not a single candidate in the field that the Dems can coalesce behind. At least as announced. Drago sez: Michelle in the Convention with the Superdelegates.
Bernie voters are not going to switch to a billionaire, and would Bernie actually endorse one?
If Bloomberg is serious, he will but Bernie off and Bernie will definitely endorse him and rationalize to himself and his gang.
Melania will be heading up a fundraiser for Trump in California.
"4th place finishes in Iowa and NH when you are the most "electable" establishment candidate? Umm, No."
"C'mon Man!"
The only reason Delaware exists at this point just because the banks are incorporated there. The only other thing it’s good for is a pitstop between New Jersey and the DC metro area. I don’t think they even have 1 million people in population anymore.
"Extra votes in lost states just don't count."
Au contraire, mon frere
True, they technically don't count, but they count politically. Trump seeks a majority of EV and Pop Votes to claim vindication.
The appropriate question is who is the DNC backing at this point? I think they were behind Biden until Monday night, but that 4th place finish and the likely 4th place finish in New Hampshire is going to have them rethinking this.
I put the following comment in an earlier thread, but it helps outline my thinking on this question:
"I have been studying all the worksheets that I can find online from the Iowa caususes, and there is a pattern overall- there are numerous incorrectly assigned SDEs- the metric that Buttuvwxyz supposedly "won". The overwhelming trend in those is that Sanders is consistently losing SDEs that he should have been awarded just on basic math. The secondary trend, not as strong, is that those Sanders SDEs were awarded to Buttuvwxyz (a few were awarded to Biden and Warren). There are only a couple I have found where it is Sanders that benefitted from the mistakes (there are about 20 "mistakes" I have seen so far, but there are reports of several dozen)."
My feelings right now is that the DNC hasn't given up on Biden just yet, but they needed to blunt Sanders. My opinion of the "mistakes" made in Iowa is that they couldn't stop Sanders from winning the popular vote in Iowa, and they couldn't do anything to make Biden look better in that caucus, so the focus was to try to steal Sander's thunder by boosting Buttuvwxyz in two different ways: first, the voters from non-viable candidates were encouraged to support whoever was 2nd in the first alignment in each precinct, and this turned out to be Buttuvwxyz more often than any other candidate by a wide margin; then, secondly, the counters very carefully made "errors" that repeatedly hurt Sanders' collection of SDEs and that more often than not were transferred to Buttuvwxyz. The goal was to muddy the waters just enough that Buttuvwxyz could claim victory in Iowa, while the DNC dribbled out the vote totals slow enough that no one noticed that Sanders had more voters in the state. In short, the goal was to try to boost Buttuvwxyz enough before New Hampshire that he might possibly win New Hampshire, thus stopping Sanders' momentum cold.
To all appearances, this plan is working- this morning Buttuvwxyz is pulling close to a victory in New Hampshire, and I think if Sanders doesn't win on Tuesday, he has no chance at the nomination- really, where can Sanders win if he can't win in New Hampshire? He needs that three state sweep going in the South Carolina. The DNC will only abandon Biden if Biden can't win in South Carolina.
Beasts of England: "There’s not a single candidate in the field that the Dems can coalesce behind. At least as announced. Drago sez: Michelle in the Convention with the Superdelegates."
Remember my one caveat: If Trump successfully exposed the full extent of obama's complete corruption of law enforcement and intelligence agencies as well as US foreign aid funds laundered to democrats, then a Michelle candidacy would be rendered inoperative.
* The emoluments case is dismissed:
"A three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that the 215 congressional Democrats who brought the suit — which deals with the Constitution's foreign emoluments clause" The courts said: "... their claim is based entirely on the loss of political power."
Darn, I was hoping to see Larry Tribe and Adam Schiff try to impeach on Emoluments! just for for the sheer joy of writing Emoluments! a lot.
Gonna be sweet tonight to see Biden pushed off to the side of the debate stage. Think he'll keep yielding his time to the others like past debates?
Mayor Pete front and center!
"The Democrat Party is in the process of determining if they will give the old guard one more go or if the kids take over the candy store."
And so the world turns. What category does Bernie and Bros fit into in this description? Old guard, or kids?
Chris Matthews wins the pool for stupidest suggestion of all. At a brokered Democrat convention Adam Schiff is awarded the presidential nomination. You go Chris--Schiff on the ballot would bring hordes of crazies--on both sides--out of the ur woods of insanity--to vote.
"If Americans don't reelect this man, we are idiots."
Heh -- half our population are idiots:) The question is, which half:)
"WE liberals? Is Chait a reporter or an opinion columnist? Sincere question since I have never read NY Magazine"
Once upon a time, Chait was a very readable and reasonable old-school liberal. BDS stole his judgement and TDS has blinded him to reality. He isn't alone, obviously.
Now, I think Buttuvwxyz has close to zero chance at the nomination- now or in the future. The man has zero support of ethnic minorities- it shows itself in polls where the state isn't monolithically white. Even if Buttuvwxyz wins in New Hampshire, he will finish with single digits in South Carolina and most of the states on Super Tuesday I and II.
Two weeks ago, I was about 100% confident Biden wins South Carolina, and I have't really changed that opinion yet- blacks make up over half the Democratic vote in the state, and they aren't going to vote for Steyer, Buttuvwxyz, Warren, or Sanders. I think Biden will win the state with the biggest margin over 2nd place of the first four states, and his bleeding will stop, at least for a while, setting him up for a comeback on Super Tuesday.
Now, if Sanders wins New Hampshire and Nevada, he has a path if he can either beat Biden in South Carolina, or he can finish a close second (like losing by 5% or less). If Sanders can then stay even on Super Tuesday and win a state like California, he could be the nominee. Lose New Hampshire, though, and Sanders isn't going to win the nomination.
I think you’re right, Drago. However, I see that revelation years from now, if ever; not before the election. The first layer of that onion has yet to be peeled.
Here's a hilarious interview of James Carville by Vox: "We're Losing Our Damned Minds"
Carville: "We have candidates on the debate stage talking about open borders and decriminalizing illegal immigration. They’re talking about doing away with nuclear energy and fracking. You’ve got Bernie Sanders talking about letting criminals and terrorists vote from jail cells. It doesn’t matter what you think about any of that, or if there are good arguments — talking about that is not how you win a national election. It’s not how you become a majoritarian party.
For fuck’s sake, we’ve got Trump at Davos talking about cutting Medicare and no one in the party has the sense to plaster a picture of him up there sucking up to the global elites, talking about cutting taxes for them while he’s talking about cutting Medicare back home. Jesus, this is so obvious and so easy and I don’t see any of the candidates taking advantage of it."
Berries of all kinds are popular ear-rings in Indiana. Birch Bayh frequently wore raspberries.
"Trump seeks a majority of EV and Pop Votes to claim vindication.”
Which means knock and drag operations in Texas, Oklahoma, Upstate New York, Parts of California, etc. Places Republicans take for granted. If Trump goes for a knock and drag operation nationwide, which he might have the political machine to do, then taking back the House would be child’s play.
The guy from Delaware condescends to the guy from Indiana? Who's he think he is, the Governor of Massachusetts?
It may be because he is younger and relatively inexperienced, but I find Buttigieg earnest and sincere. Biden just comes off as a crusty and cynical lifelong pol - which he pretty much is.
Not having a dog in this fight I find it amusing.
The Democrats really screwed the pooch in Iowa because now the Bernie voters have a bloody shirt. Had it all gone down fair and square, it would be a lot easier to coalesce behind the winner.
I live in upstate NY
In a very conservative county.
We are completely forgotten by national politicos
Via Insty:
Meghan] McCain: So if a woman wanted to invoke infanticide after a baby is born, you’d be comfortable with that?
Buttigieg: Does anybody seriously think that’s what these cases are about? If this is a late-term situation, then by definition it’s one where a woman was expecting to carry the pregnancy to term. Then she gets the most perhaps devastating news of her life. We’re talking about families that may have picked out a name, may be assembling a crib, and they learn something excruciating and are faced with this terrible choice. And I don’t know what to tell them morally about what they should do. I just know that I trust that her decision isn’t going to be any better, medically or morally . . . because the government is telling her to do it a certain way.
2-5 years ago, I read something somewhere that said the true abortion radicals want the right up to age 2.
This is vile. I'm not interested in the contortions one has to go thru to support a candidate who supports this.
If Trump is going for the popular vote, he will be all over Western Massachusetts, rural Virginia, the big states would all be treated like swing states.
That’s the contest that the Democrats pretend happened, but it was a different game. I think Trump needs the popular vote to take back the House, or reallly clip the Democrats’ wings, as the voters did Republicans when they impeached Clinton.
>What's the new shiny thing that's gonna destroy Trump?
That's an interesting question.
My assumption is that the Dems will impeach Trump again before November, while they still can.
I'd bet money on it. Not a lot, but I'd bet. :)
The D's have announced that the "investigations" will continue. They will likely find something, or another someone who will say what they need said.
Uh-Oh, Carville goes full Russian Hoax to slander Jill Stein!
People will say anything. And first of all, Clinton won the popular vote by almost three million. And secondly, the Russians put Jill Stein in front of Clinton’s campaign to depress votes. And thirdly, the New York Times a week before an election, assured its readers that the Russians were not even trying to help Trump. And then they wrote 15,000 stories about Hillary’s emails.
Methinks, 'Ole Serpent Head has lost a step....
We are completely forgotten by national politicos
Trump appeared in Plattsburgh twice during the 2016 campaign. Maybe one of the reasons Elise is so loyal. She will always be “Elise” to me because that’s what it says. on her yard signs.
mockturtle said...
Daskol counters: No, he looks like Alfred E Newman.
You're right. He does. But AE Newman looks a lot like one of the Keebler elves. ;-)
2/7/20, 11:23 AM
My thought was Howdy Doody.
>>My feelings right now is that the DNC hasn't given up on Biden just yet
If Biden finishes higher than 4th, the MSM will instantly label him "The Comeback Kid", and say he has all the momentum...
Because that's what they want to be true. Not because it is true.
"And secondly, the Russians put Jill Stein in front of Clinton’s campaign to depress votes."
So Inga's the one who voted for the Russian agent?
"Remember my one caveat: If Trump successfully exposed the full extent of obama's complete corruption of law enforcement and intelligence agencies as well as US foreign aid funds laundered to democrats, then a Michelle candidacy would be rendered inoperative."
Just the fear of that is enough to keep Barack quiescent and Michelle out of politics. For all we know, that understanding may already have been reached. Considering how popular he is in the Democrat party, he's been remarkably lethargic, politically, the last three years.
Bay Area Guy said...
A few random thoughts:
1. Trump is NOT a shoo-in to win. There are too many Dem voters in NY and Cali and blue states. However, because of his stellar work and a great economy, I'd say he has 60% chance at winning. The final popular vote will be 50-48 Trump.
Trump played Hillary, hard, in 2016, getting her to focus on the popular vote the final weekend, rather than on the EC.
And she lost.
Trump is not going to be stupid enough to care about the "national popular vote" this year.
2. Mayor Pete is young and has a future. But Not ready for 2020.
Mayor Pete has no connection to minority voters. he's no longer Mayor. So, what job is he going to get where he can actually build that connection?
Even if Trump pulls off his desired "Great Realignment", Dems are still going to be getting, and needing 50%+ of the minority vote for some time to come. Until that goes away, Pete has no national career.
And no Democrat has a Statewide career in Indiana, any time soon.
The Dems suck. The moderate middle has collapsed.
Trump IS the "moderate middle." He's a Jacksonian, not a conservative.
The only reason he hasn't been cutting deals with the Democrats is because they went insane after he won
How did we arrive at a point where a candidate's results in Iowa and NH make or break a campaign? There are 48 more to go at this point.
That's not an earring. It's the lower right hand corner of the second N in the CNN logo on the screen behind him.
The strategy I think is just to get to South Carolina with Sanders on a losing streak.
Biden does have a chance to finish third in New Hampshire, but it requires Warren's support to collapse at this point. She is in the death throes, true, but her core support won't abandon her before New Hampshire votes, only after.
If Biden finishes higher than 4th, the MSM will instantly label him "The Comeback Kid", and say he has all the momentum...
Because that's what they want to be true. Not because it is true.
2/7/20, 12:49 PM
I don't think so. His stumbling and bumbling and bizarre outbursts can't be ignored any more, not even by the media. He doesn't seem able to control his temper, and it's easy to imagine him losing it during a debate with Trump and actually making Trump look like the voice of calm reason.
To be a viable Democrat Presidential nominee in this century, you have to be able to demonstrate contempt for Deplorables. See, e.g., Clinton, HR, Obama, B and Kerry, J.
"How did we arrive at a point where a candidate's results in Iowa and NH make or break a campaign? There are 48 more to go at this point."
Iowa and New Hampshire sort the candidates from strong to weak, and South Carolina usually anoints the leader in both parties' nomination process. We arrived at this point decades ago.
Carville on fire -- defends LSU football, hammers the snarky elitist NYT:
"I want to give you an example of the problem here. A few weeks ago Binyamin Appelbaum, an economics writer for the New York Times, posted a snarky tweet about how LSU cancelled classes for the National Championship game. And then he said, do the “Warren/Sanders free public college proposals include LSU, or would it only apply to actual schools?”
You know how fucking patronizing that is to people in the South or in the middle of the country? First, LSU has an unusually high graduation rate, but that’s not the point. It’s the goddamn smugness. This is from a guy who lives in New York and serves on the Times editorial board and there’s not a single person he knows that doesn’t pat him on the back for that kind of tweet. He’s so fucking smart.
Appelbaum doesn’t speak for the Democratic Party, but he does represent the urbanist mindset. We can’t win the Senate by looking down at people. The Democratic Party has to drive a narrative that doesn’t give off vapors that we’re smarter than everyone or culturally arrogant."
Blogger Aunty Trump said...
The Democrats really screwed the pooch in Iowa because now the Bernie voters have a bloody shirt. Had it all gone down fair and square, it would be a lot easier to coalesce behind the winner.
If the Dems were willing to dump Biden for Buttplug, they utterly screwed themselves in IA.
A clean election night with Bernie 1 and Buttplug 2 would have made Butti the the "breakthrough wonder kid!"
Instead, the BerniBros feel robbed, and when former 1 "Mayor Pete" actually ends up in 2nd, it's a disappointment.
Corrupt, evil, and stupid is a really bad combination
stevew said...
How did we arrive at a point where a candidate's results in Iowa and NH make or break a campaign? There are 48 more to go at this point.
Because the rationally ignorant LIVs in those 48 states don't want to waste a lot of time getting to know a bunch of politicians. So they've farmed off the job to the voters of Iowa and NH, who actually DO take the time to meet, talk to, and listen to the whole clown ca of candidates.
Both States are small enough that you don't have a carpet bomb the State with ads to win, and even someone with a low budget, but a good message, can break through and do well.
So the other LIVs look at who made it past those States, and focus on them
Carville is right, but he has an accent so they'll ignore him.
"Trump seeks a majority of EV and Pop Votes to claim vindication."
Some would say the country's robust economy, low unemployment, new found energy independence, booming stock market, tax cuts, productivity gains, significant wage growth, 16 year high in voter economic optimism, etc, etc also count politically and just might support a claim of vindication, whatever that means.
Bay Area Guy said...
Here's a hilarious interview of James Carville by Vox: "We're Losing Our Damned Minds"
Carville: "We have candidates on the debate stage talking about open borders and decriminalizing illegal immigration. They’re talking about doing away with nuclear energy and fracking. You’ve got Bernie Sanders talking about letting criminals and terrorists vote from jail cells. It doesn’t matter what you think about any of that, or if there are good arguments — talking about that is not how you win a national election. It’s not how you become a majoritarian party.
Carville has a good point. Also, along those lines, via Mickey Kaus, Sanders, and really all of the Democrat candidates, sure sound a lot like the Koch brothers as they lie their asses off about open borders.
Just want to mention the weather in New Hampshire since I'm here at the moment and it's having some impact. It snowed yesterday and it's melting today but after sunset the temp goes into the 20's so water will turn to ice. Saturday it stays cold, Sunday it warms up, Monday and Teusday it snows and intermittently above freezing by day and always below by night. Predictions. This will probably affect turnout especially people living up on the high sides of hills and mountains. But it's like Wisconsin, if people pay attention to snow they'd never get anywhere, though this is going to be ice as much as snow.
The only reason he hasn't been cutting deals with the Democrats is because they went insane after he won
This is a (deliberately) lost point. Trump was ready to work on immigration, healthcare and more if he had someone willing to work with him...
Aunty Trump said...
The Democrats really screwed the pooch in Iowa because now the Bernie voters have a bloody shirt. Had it all gone down fair and square, it would be a lot easier to coalesce behind the winner.
If Bernie can’t get his followers to vote for the globalist in the general the globalists will have to find some way to get the marxists to vote for the nominee.
Recent heart attack victims make motivational martyrs.
Does Bernie seem like the pressure is getting to him?
And Cocaine Mitch wanted nothing to do with health care. I think his response was Trump can do it.
doesn’t matter what you think about any of that, or if there are good arguments — talking about that is not how you win a national election. It’s not how you become a majoritarian party.
Lie lie lie. Or don’t talk about it, just do it. See Birginia. At this rate Western Virginia might actually secede from the state. Insty has the new law they’re going to pass—it won’t be worth it to have a business there.
The pursuit of the most electable candidate could lead moderate Democratic voters to conclude that none of the Democratic candidates have much chance to beat the economic high tide that Donald Trump is riding right now. Then the question becomes: Who is the best candidate to lose to Donald Trump?
By that standard, Bernie Sanders might be the best candidate to lose. Moderate Democratic voters wouldn't need to vote for Bernie in the primaries to cause that to happen. They can sprinkle their votes among the other candidates.
In retrospect, it's too bad that moderate Republicans in 2012 didn't allow Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich to get the nod, or even Ron Paul or Sarah Palin, instead of to Mitt Romney.
"In retrospect, it's too bad that moderate Republicans in 2012 didn't allow Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich to get the nod, or even Ron Paul or Sarah Palin, instead of to Mitt Romney."
No, it turns out Mitt Romney was the perfect candidate to lose to Barack Obama. And Hillary Clinton was the perfect candidate to lose to Donald Trump. But I agree— Sanders will be the perfect candidate to lose to Donald Trump this November. My friendly advice to Democrats? Don't stop thinking about 2024. Soon will be here.
"The Democratic Party has to drive a narrative that doesn’t give off vapors that we’re smarter than everyone or culturally arrogant."
Well, since the only reason a significant part of their base votes for them, is from the utterly unearned sense of superiority they get from doing so, it's pretty much impossible for them to do that
"So they've farmed off the job to the voters of Iowa and NH, who actually DO take the time to meet, talk to, and listen to the whole clown ca of candidates."
There was a Dem lady in Iowa who voted for Mayor Pete and then wanted to take her card back because she was just informed that he is gay. She hadn't heard that, although basically, that's the only reason anybody is taking the ex-mayor of South Bend seriously.
That kind of wrecks the idea that caucus voters are more well-informed than other Americans.
rehajm said...
The only reason he hasn't been cutting deals with the Democrats is because they went insane after he won
This is a (deliberately) lost point. Trump was ready to work on immigration, healthcare and more if he had someone willing to work with him...
Yep. That's why i didn't vote for him in 2016, because I expected him to "reach across the aisle" and screw us over.
But the Democrats chose war, and Trump chose to fight back. So I will be voting for him in 2020.
Because I don't believe the Democrats will be capable of swallowing their bile and working with Trump after he wins in 2020
In 2018, we went to bed with the R's holding the house. The corrupt D-cheat machine knew what they needed to cheat to win.
We must overcome!
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said, "My thought was Howdy Doody."
This is Pete's Big Problem. He might speak well, he might think well, but he just doesn't look like a president. Nothing in his appearance or demeanor screams, "Follow me, folks".
Speaking of newspaper columns from 30 years ago: I recall a Time magazine article from 1982, when the press was still puzzling over the Reagan phenomenon. Part of the article went something like this:
"We like our presidents to look like presidents. Roosevelt did. Supremely so. So, did Ike, Kennedy, Reagan. Others, through no fault of their own, did not."
Sorry, Pete. Not Howdy Doody, nor a Keebler Elf, nor Alfred E. Neuman will ever be President of the United States!
Bay Area Guy,
"Carville on fire -- defends LSU football, hammers the snarky elitist NYT:"
SOme good quotes in that column, but of course Carville says that he will vote for Sanders if he is the Democratic nominee.
Slow Joe Biden is taking the day off from campaigning -- so his wife, Dr. Jill is hitting the trail in his stead.
Here's Jill in a NH home -- with an audience of 10.
And, that's No Malarkey!
This just in: Senator Bernie Sanders (aka "Breadlines Bernie") mysteriously commits suicide while in police custody. . . .
oof that video of Bernie responding, more like avoiding a response, to the question of why he flipped on immigration is brutal. For all those who think Bernie is a strongly principled, consistent and brave ideologue--which even many of his detractors believe--that video ought to be required viewing. Whatever claim to principle and political courage he once had, he burned on the bonfire of his vanity. Let him win the nomination, and let him get humiliated in the general.
A strawberry earring? Not that there's anything wrong with that!
How Biden said Indiana is how he feels about all the commoners. It's how all our elites feel about 'the people.'
Blogger Limited blogger said...Gonna be sweet tonight to see Biden pushed off to the side of the debate stage. Think he'll keep yielding his time to the others like past debates?
Not before the push-up contest.
Biden will come out on fire tonight, but will be asleep by half-time.
Did you forget Cole Porter? He was a native of Indiana and was definitely one of the greatest American song writers of the 20th Century
Huh? Mayor Pete: 'The Shape of Our Democracy Is the Issue That Affects Every Other Issue'
We don't like you so we're going to change things so we always win, cos' we're the smartest and bestest.
Especially after this past week.
Via Insty:
On behalf of my fellow Hoosiers, I'd like to apologize for Pete Buttigieg. This annoying little hall monitor and red-diaper baby has stuck around a lot longer than I thought he would. He got on my bad side right from the start by defining "freedom" as government handouts and abortion on demand. Now that Pete has left his closest rival Beto in the dust, he's squaring off against Bernie Sanders, a much more seasoned and experienced communist. So it's time for Apparatchik Mayor Pete to present himself as the reasonable, moderate, non-threatening alternative. It's time to say things that sound good but mean nothing. It's time to pander, blandly....
its a short trip,
and strike three:
Strawberry earring? Well . . . he is a fruity guy after all.
I think the DNC and the professionals will end up circling wagons around either Klobuchar or Bloomberg. They are not stupid and know that Warren and Buttigieg are not strong candidates. Klobuchar is the “i hope bland sells” candidate, and Bloomberg is the stopper. Just speculation. I don’t rule out a player to be named later.
Just speculation. I don’t rule out a player to be named later.
A player whose name we dare not speak.
Meade is right. There is no reason to add “in Indiana” except to emphasize you mean podunk. Being the mayor of a small town is bad, but it’s even a town in Indiana.
Actually, I don’t think it will be that player. Is there the reverse of buyer's remorse? I cannot imagine many a Trump voters deciding they picked the wrong horse in 2016.
They should draft Romney.
For all those who think Bernie is a strongly principled, consistent and brave ideologue--which even many of his detractors believe--that video ought to be required viewing.
You don’t need a video to demonstrate Bernie is a fake, but it sure makes it obvious.
He should be showing us how to be independent right now. He is not an independent.
Bernie is doing the same thing to the marxists that Mitt has done to republican voters.
The funniest thing I've seen about Grandpa Gulag on the Internet was, I think, on the "IMAO" blog. It's a photo of Bernie looking sadly at the viewer, with the caption: "Please don't bring up the enormous body count associated with the ideology
I advocate."
I don't think Biden had any support. All those polls that rocketed him to the front runner after he announced were push polls.
Butt-guy with momentum and a groundswell of grassroots support is also fake.
Bernie and lizzy still make up for most of the support among dems. The not-so-communist moderate to take them on is yet to be determined.
well that's interesting,
Just for the picture of Schiff and Nadler at the SOTU.
“They let you look up their skirt” - Mini Mike
I have a lot of respect for the Munchkins, so forget that joke.
Benjamin Harrison was born in North Bend, Ohio. I expect that this has already been pointed out. We sons of the Old Northwest take pride in our presidents, in spite of their flaws.
LCol Vindman escorted out of the White House.
The lefty/LLR-lefty cabal takes another hit.
Back to the Pentagon for I-Am-In-Charge-Here Vindman, where he, and soon his brother as well, will wait to be passed over and exit the Army.
Perhaps Vindman can go back to Ukraine to lobby for the job of Defense Minister role there that he bragged he was offered (wink wink).
If only Hillary had been elected....
"The Dems suck. The moderate middle has collapsed.”
It’s a top - bottom vs the middle coalition. Anybody in the middle who is still a Democrat is just a masochist or a public employee.
I believe Trump will win easily.
We do, however, have a potential black swan situation happening before our eyes. The coronavirus outbreak in China. It's already affecting multiple supply chains and world trade. Hyundai had to cut back production in South Korea due to critical parts shortages, parts that come from China that aren't arriving. I think it was Chile I read where seafood and fruits meant for export to China are piling up because China isn't accepting shipments. Just how bad are things there? No one knows. Our CIA has spent more time trying to take down Trump than develop intelligence resources in China.
That pretty basically all of China is in lockdown is worrisome. And in another month is actually a real health problem will have an as yet unknown effect on the U.S. election.
If Mayor Pete gets the nomination it’ll be interesting to see to which level the homophobia rises here on these threads.
The only reason the clown is even running is because of his sexual orientation. If that's the only thing he's known for, we can certainly mock it.
And it has nothing to do with 'homophobia' or any other bullshit words you make up.
"I’m pretty sure that if Althouse eventually comes out and says she will vote for Buttigeig she’ll be getting more insults directed at her son//sons." - Inga
Maybe so. But I seriously doubt any of us can top this beaut:
Althouse got from me the respect she deserved, which was none. She routinely insults her commenters, yet demands that they apologize to her when they retaliate. It is a point of view deletion and banning and she was insulted that I didn’t accept her vast knowledge on the subject. She IS a lazy thinker, I’ve seen it many times over the years. What she deleted was me telling her that as a law professor she should know better and be embarrassed. I also called her a stupid woman, which is not unwarranted.
I think that the law students she “taught” via text book lesson plans should demand a refund from UW. As for Althouse treating women commenters differently than the male commenters, indeed yes she does. I’ve seen it happen numerous times over the years of commenting here. Demanding respect from commenters for providing a forum in which to express one’s opinions does not warrant abuse from the blog owner. Commenting here isn’t worth the abuse, from Trump Cultists and from the clueless blog owner. There have been numerous liberals/ leftists whatever floats your boat that have left and haven’t returned. This blog has always been Althouse’s little shrine to herself. Her narcissism is sometimes revealed itself as it did yesterday. Not commenting here is NO loss to me. - Inga the Insulter
A progressive non-profit (probably Soros) is backing Bernie, and doing great oppo research, Pete being the target:
WATCH: @PeteButtigieg inserts artificial audience applause into #PeteOnCNN videos
Did you see our first exposé of @PeteButtigieg campaign altering a #PeteOnCNN video to fake more voter support?
Well here is a second!
This time, Pete Buttigieg really wants to fake being funnier!
There was a Dem lady in Iowa who voted for Mayor Pete and then wanted to take her card back because she was just informed that he is gay. She hadn't heard that, although basically, that's the only reason anybody is taking the ex-mayor of South Bend seriously.
I've not read otherwise and so will presume that the woman was being straightforwardly honest etc etc-- but I recall wondering, Monday night or Tuesday morning or whenever I saw that video, if Mr Buttigieg's opponents weren't being crafty.
Mayor Pete wasn't elected as a gay candidate, he didn't come out till after he was elected. Although I imagine gaydar was red lining when ever he walked in to a room.
"I think it was Chile I read where seafood and fruits meant for export to China are piling up because China isn't accepting shipments.”
Sounds like there are going to be specials on sea bass into the foreseeable future. Yum!
Jim at said...
"I’m pretty sure that if Althouse eventually comes out and says she will vote for Buttigeig she’ll be getting more insults directed at her son//sons." - Inga
Maybe so. But I seriously doubt any of us can top this beaut:
Althouse got from me the respect she deserved, which was none. She routinely insults her commenters, yet demands that they apologize to her when they retaliate. It is a point of view deletion and banning and she was insulted that I didn’t accept her vast knowledge on the subject. She IS a lazy thinker, I’ve seen it many times over the years. What she deleted was me telling her that as a law professor she should know better and be embarrassed. I also called her a stupid woman, which is not unwarranted.
I think that the law students she “taught” via text book lesson plans should demand a refund from UW. As for Althouse treating women commenters differently than the male commenters, indeed yes she does. I’ve seen it happen numerous times over the years of commenting here. Demanding respect from commenters for providing a forum in which to express one’s opinions does not warrant abuse from the blog owner. Commenting here isn’t worth the abuse, from Trump Cultists and from the clueless blog owner. There have been numerous liberals/ leftists whatever floats your boat that have left and haven’t returned. This blog has always been Althouse’s little shrine to herself. Her narcissism is sometimes revealed itself as it did yesterday. Not commenting here is NO loss to me. - Inga the Insulter
2/7/20, 3:56 PM
Not sure if this tops it, but it is another funny:
Inga said...
LOL. What a dumb bitch you are Althouse. I’ve been restraining myself from saying that for a long time. How’s that for lack of restraint?
Naturally, followed by this apology:
Inga said...
Althouse, you are so transparent. You respond to Chuck and now to myself in this fashion while ignoring Drago and others who you are aligned politically with. Ugh, what a disgusting forum you provide and contribute to.
Ugh disgusting place. Yes it’s time I removed myself
All in fun, though
Klobuchar?? Stick a comb in her-- she's done
Warren will always be just 'Bernie-Lite'
Mini-Mike is coming up short in the polls
'Clueless Joe' Biden runs cuz he's hidin'
Bernie will never be allowed to be the face of the Dems
(that would just be too honest, and they dont do honesty)
Buttsexex will be pushed by Tech/Hollyweird-- Obama in whiteface
(cue the ominous music)
...but Cruella dePantsuit waits in the Shadows with jaw unhinged
to swallow the nominee whole
you ask for a miracle theo,
Mayor Petite's "We are the ones we've been waiting for"
Before we embark on a lovely winter weekend, let us recap the week:
Mon -- Iowa Dem Caucus debacle. No results
Tues -- SOTU Trump shreds it, Nancy rips up speech
Wed - Impeachment - Acquittal!
Thurs -- Iowa Caucus results dribble in, Liz Warren comes in 5th in Pocahontas County, Iowa
Fri -- Colonel Kent "The Dorf" Dorfman and his brother are fired from NSC.
Have I missed anything?
Good weekend, all.
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