Watching some super early returns.
“Klomentum,” Meade says.
UPDATE: At 6:46 CT, Gloria Borger said “Klomentum” on CNN.
UPDATE 2: “Klomentum” has been around since before Meade independently coined it. Not trying to claim first.
UPDTE 3: Michael Bennet and Andrew Yang have dropped out.
AND: Steyer is out. ADDED: I heard that on tv, but I am not seeing it in print, so I doubt it.
ALSO: My son John looks back on the Yang performance in the debates.
1 – 200 of 310 Newer› Newest»Klobucharge!!
Big doins at the Conservative Treehouse! Looks like fun!
Told ya'll so.
Biden may pull off a respectable 5th place finish...
All the way with Amy K!
That was her campaign slogan in grade school.
Will she be Klobbered in SC?
Biden has negative votes?
Vote Amy - she's kinda sorta not OK with socialism!
Klobbered, Yang, Gabbard-
They don't sound quite as nuts as the rest of the field, so people want to believe they're moderate.
Policy wise, they're just as commie as the rest.
Note that Trump has not given her a brand nick name carrying with it her defect.She is actually a good verbal performer with a sharp wit. And her ancestry is Slovenian like Trump's first and last wives. I think he likes her. And she has been smart enough to position herself as the only Dem opposing Socialism which she knows would be the kiss of death in the Midwest.
Did I mention Amy has a Midwestern base...Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania Midwestern.
The Democrats have finally admitted they have a VD.
Is this the Oscar's?..........Shoot I missed it.
Perhaps she's the cunt whom can rip the mysogenist arsehole a new bungholilo.
Bernie Sanders 7,613 29.06%
Pete Buttigieg 5,869 22.40%
Amy Klobuchar 4,781 18.25%
Elizabeth Warren 2,756 10.52%
Trump can call her Amy Karbuncle.
Klobuchar is so happy she’s only throwing soft cover books at her staff!
There were ~275k votes in the Dem primary in 2016, with Bernie earning 60% of the total.
Biden is done. Stick a fork in him...
Thanks Beasts.
I'm really curious about turnout.
hey, does her name sound like Frau Blucher?
No points for second place.
Time for Bernie to go to Liz and say you can be my VP nominee. She’d jump at it. Bernie could drop dead at any time. Same with Biden.
Mayor Pete is going to have to go after Klobuchar. He did a good job on Biden. Now go after Angry Amy for prosecuting blacks, etc.
Klobuchar Name Meaning
Slovenian, Croatian, and Serbian (all Klobucar): occupational name for a hatter, from the vocabulary word klobucar ‘hatter’, itself derived from klobuk ‘hat’.
Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press
Jeff Stein
Verified account @JStein_WaPo
🚨WAPO EXIT POLL: 6 in 10 New Hampshire Democratic primary voters support eliminating all private health insurance in favor of a single-payer plan for everyone.
Clearly the GOP is going to wait until we have government run healthcare to make the case it's not a good idea, and actually really, really bad.
Sanders is still doing very well tonight, I really think that any one of the top four, Sanders, Buttigeig, Klobuchar, Warren could win against Trump. Sanders is doing good even with older voters in NH. Even with Klobuchar rising, she’s not taking away Sanders’ votes.
I'd like to see the term "sleeper" replace "dark horse" candidate.
You’re welcome, Bill. I won’t be surprised to see a higher turnout, given that Bernie has a legitimate shot at the nomination.
She’s our new NBC affiliate darling. Joe Who?
So, the dems didn't really need Beto and Avenatti after all?
I really had high hopes for those two kids....
Blogger bbear said...
"Klobuchar Name Meaning
Slovenian, Croatian, and Serbian (all Klobucar): occupational name for a hatter, from the vocabulary word klobucar ‘hatter’, itself derived from klobuk ‘hat’."
Aka: Hair helmet.
Trump would klobber her
I truly wish no Dims drop out until past Super Tuesday. And hopefully beyond that. This shitshow is comedy gold.
The Althouse-Borger mindmeld.
Be very afraid, Althouse. Be afraider, Meade.
I'm glad to get Inga's insights. It is helping me get my bets down.
bbear said...
Klobuchar Name Meaning
Slovenian, Croatian, and Serbian (all Klobucar): occupational name for a hatter, from the vocabulary word klobucar ‘hatter’, itself derived from klobuk ‘hat’.
As in mad as a hatter!
Let the mad scramble for Biden's black voters commence.
Martha is a bit heavy on the eye-liner tonight.
Bernie Sanders 15,028 28.78%
Pete Buttigieg 11,308 21.66%
Amy Klobuchar 10,019 19.19%
Elizabeth Warren 5,411 10.36%
Joe Biden 4,442 . 8.51%
I'm curious about turnout since they said, and then buried, that Iowa's turnout was much below expectations.
So much im curious about NH and SC.
Not sure what that means to the general election.
They combing through the election results,
Dem Primary: So White.
Klobuchar is, so far, significantly outperforming the final NH polls.
Yang is out. Forgot to zip up.
“Dem Primary: So White.”
Trump: So Orange.
Tommy Duncan: "Yang is out"
This is a Whites Only primary race, as expected once Boss Bloomberg joined in.
Inga: "Trump: So Orange."
The White House lighting, where Trump lives, because he won the race against Hillary which you said was impossible, can sometimes affect the hue of one's skin when on camera.
With Joe on his way to assisted living, moderates needed somewhere to go. Bernie's a Commie, Buttafuoco is a red-diaper baby who was mayor of Kenosha for a while, and Amy might be able to get Vikings tickets. The choice is obvious. Let's not over-think this.
Admiral Inga: "Trump/Pence
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, creamsicles.....
I think we are about 15 minutes away from Inga telling us Trump has no path to 270 in 2020.
what a sorry bunch of losers
Dem Primary: So White.
Yeah, so many people... persons, all interchangeable, exchangeable, and, in fact, disposable. A dress here, a tux there, a scalpel applied with liberal abandon, and all that remains is a bag of mostly water.
Bloomberg is dating scraping everything. He'll be ready when he's ready. He's not ready yet.
I'm just glad we finally have a democrat field that Looks Like America.
Quick Note: The final 6 candidates in the republican field in 2016 included 2 hispanics and an African-American distinguished neurosurgeon (who was insulted by a racist LLR commenter at Althouse blog).
Bernie Sanders 22,359 28.19%
Pete Buttigieg 17,795 22.43%
Amy Klobuchar 15,226 19.20%
Liz Warren 8,320 10.49%
Joe Biden 6,585 8.30%
Tom Steyer 2,644 3.33%
Tulsi Gabbard 2,392 3.02%
Andrew Yang 2,308 2.91%
Other 1,114 1.40%
Deval Patrick 312 0.39%
Michael Bennet 265 0.33%
Trump has no path to 270 in 2020
Trump leads Bloomberg, notably on Obamacare reform, progressive prices, not cost, and other Democrats are falling... following after.
Nooooooo! Not my freedom dividend:( Yang giveth, and Yang taketh away.
As usual, NeverTrump "Republicans" are a day late and a dollar short.
Embittered “Never Trump” Republicans tied to former Ohio Gov. John Kasich have secretly schemed to assist Joe Biden’s campaign — because they think he’s the only Democrat who can beat the president and help them get “revenge,” The Post has learned.
Emails obtained by The Post show that two top staffers from Kasich’s failed, 2016 primary campaign and Ohio’s former GOP chairman, a Kasich ally, were among those involved in efforts to boost support for the former vice president in last week’s botched Iowa caucus and Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary.
Funding for the plan came largely from two deep-pocketed Democratic donors — former Microsoft president Jon Shirley and his wife, Kimberly —
Whoops ! Missed that time.
Inga: "Trump: So Orange." Wait until she figures out Trump is the only POC now in the race.
Sorry to hear that Yang is dropping out. I rather liked him, although I wasn't going to vote Democrat, anyway.
Bernie Sanders 24,540 27.37%
Pete Buttigieg 20,341 22.69%
Amy Klobuchar 17,830 19.89%
Elizabeth Warren9,180 10.24%
Joe Biden 7,454 8.31%
"the plan"
Project Acme.
I dropped in at Conservative Treehouse. That Sundance is one strange dude. He is doing a war-dance about Bill Barr. Bill Barr!
It takes time to find all the rats, particularly when the rats have friends. The DOJ needed a thorough fumigation, and it isn't done yet. That stunt that the Mueller heirs pulled with the Roger Stone sentencing recommendation was a corker. Shea went into the US Attorney's office in DC just the other day, and they snookered him. Those guys should be prosecuting poaching violations on Native American reservations in South Dakota before February is over.
Blogger cubanbob said...
Inga: "Trump: So Orange." Wait until she figures out Trump is the only POC now in the race.
Pete is good for Althousian rationalizations, being gay and all, but Amy is better. "Serious!" "Competent!" "Expresses American values!" "Boring!" "Pragmatic!" "No chaos!" Y'all know the drill.
I don't count her out. But Dems have to make up their mind: who's gonna be the anti-Sanders? And what will the anti-Sanders do--leave borders just a little bit open? devastate private health insurance just a little bit? go for a Greenish New Deal? favor abortion just up to a month before delivery?
Anyway, question for Althouse: since you opposed the impeachment charade, do you also oppose Amy for supporting it?
President Karen
Is this the thread:
Bernie might go for a VP pick before the convention and nail down the black vote. I'm thinking Kam Harris.
Looks like all of Biden's voters went over to Klochblob. Makes sense. A "safe" bland establishment type and a woman. Lets see if black folks respond to a karen from Minnasota.
I'm trying hard, really really hard, to conceptualize a Klobuchar supporter. The image I keep coming up with is librarian mixed with 50+ yo mid-level HR executive and a dash of city/court clerk. You know, the kind of process minded people that would support a study to determine whether or not Iran actually fired rockets at our air base in Iraq.
I can't even imagine a male supporter of Klobuchars except to imagine that if such a person exists and didn't know what erectile dysfunction was before today, they are now very aware of it and Viagra's inability to resolve the issue.
narciso--It's this one. Read below the break.
NH seems like a homogeneous state and the candidates all are Leftists. So, I wouldn't' expect the results to change much.
Odds of Nancy receiving a Biden family Christmas card in 2020?
"I can't even imagine a male supporter of Klobuchars except to imagine that if such a person exists and didn't know what erectile dysfunction was before today, they are now very aware of it and Viagra's inability to resolve the issue.:
Mayor Pete has the Gay vote nailed down. Klobblob has the pajama boy vote.
BREAKING: President Trump Withdraws Nomination of Jessie Liu…
If Klobuchar stalls in South Carolina will it be Klomentum Interruptus?
Hillary trained her fire on Tulsi and Sanders, so everyone else must have the Establishment's blessing. Warren is now talking about how "we all must come together and soon" - fishing for a VP?
Lucid-ideas: "I can't even imagine a male supporter of Klobuchars except to imagine that if such a person exists and didn't know what erectile dysfunction was before today, they are now very aware of it and Viagra's inability to resolve the issue."
A certain LLR-lefty who posts here at Althouse has already expressed support for Klobuchar.
So, what you've written makes alot of sense.
rcocean: "fishing for a VP?"
But she's out.
Huge News! Michael Bennet has just dropped out!
Dems destroyed Bidens chances. Everybody knows that. Question is, was it Machiavellian, or just stupidity?
34% reporting and Warren and Biden are both in single digits.
MSNBC talkers are saying Klobuchar will have no money to compete on Super Tuesday.
Bernie versus Bloomberg.
Bernie wins as the non-Republican in the Democratic Party race.
Huge News! Michael Bennet has just dropped out!
No f'in way!
rcocean: "Bernie might go for a VP pick before the convention and nail down the black vote. I'm thinking Kam Harris."
Kamala does not have big time support in the black community, particularly after Tulsi took her down.
A ticket balance-er doesn't have to be a current candidate.
Feb 22 is Nevada Caucus. That gives the DNC only 11 days to rig the election against Bernie.
Bernie Sanders 30,100 27.44%
Pete Buttigieg 25,052 22.84%
Amy Klobuchar 21,685 19.77%
Elizabeth Warren10,688 9.74%
Joe Biden 9,286 8.47%
36% reporting
bernie-booker sounds good. Bernie needs a young black person as VP. Bernie Michelle Obama would rock the D party.
Maybe Bernie should select Mickey Mouse as his running mate since Slow Joe said Mickey Mouse could easily beat Trump.
If not Mickey, how about Pooh?
Booker wins the gay vote too.
rcocean: "bernie-booker sounds good."
Ugh. Booker doesn't really help either.
Unfortunately for the dems/LLR-lefties, Barbara Jordan is no longer available.
Sorry Yang had to drop out but he will be a great cabinet member in Amy’s administration.
Looks like Sanders has won unless the DNC brings in the Iowa Caucus teams to do the counting.
Warren is finished- fourth in NH says she not only can't win, but the only delegates she gets from here on out is in Massachussetts on Super Tuesday, and her campaign may be over by then.
If Klobuchar had finished 3rd in Iowa, she likely would have beaten Buttuvwxyz tonight, but a third place finish tonight, even outperforming the polls, isn't enough going forward. Can she somehow finish 2nd in Nevada? I doubt it, but that is what she will have to do.
Amy did very timidly and at the last minute rase her hand agains socialism.
The wife and I are disappointed that Yang is out. We were looking forward to $2,000 a month.
Birkel: "Booker wins the gay vote too."
No Way!!
Booker is Severely Heterosexual and, like, totally cannot relate to gay's. At all. I don't care what the rumor mill is saying. He's totally straight I'm telling ya. Totally! Why, just look at his Girlfriend Of Convenience Who Lives Thousands Of Miles Away For Whom Corey Pines Terribly!
I mean, how much proof do you need?
Well, I just hope Biden doesn't win. Even watching him campaign would be loathsome and hearing him debate even more so. He's almost as repulsive as Beto or Steyner.
I would vote for Winnie the Pooh.
Christopher Robin for Secretary of State.
Eeyore as Secretary of Offense.
T-I-Double-Grrrr for Labor Secretary.
Piglet for Education.
This looks better than the Democratic field.
Poor Sanders. The DNC and media are going to play down and ignore his win tonight. All we'll hear is Sanders disappointed and Klobochar Cinderella story!
Butt now just 1200 votes ahead of Klob.
Liu should never have been nominated. Good to see it withdrawn. I think the last straw was what happened with the Roger Stone case.
I just watched a bitter Sen. Warren yelling about how Roger Stone needs to die in prison.
I didn’t even think Roger needed to be prosecuted.
But, has Warren considered that she could have been prosecuted for fraud by misrepresenting herself as Native American in order to land a job. Maybe they both need die in prison.
Or, maybe we don’t need hyperbole.
how about Pooh?
Xi got his hands full with the Coronavirus.
YW: "Warren is finished-"
However, on the way out it sounds like Li'l Tomahawk is attempting to advance the latest Lawfare Sham-peachment ploy by referencing the Stone case prosecutors who resigned today in a very contrived manner after having lied to the DOJ about their sentencing intentions and then offering up something very different in the courtroom in order to precipitate a situation the dems will attempt to exploit.
"Did I mention Amy has a Midwestern base...Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania Midwestern."
Guess Iowa isn't in the Midwest anymore. Also, re PA, how does she feel about fracking?
I don't think Michelle O is ever going into retail politics. She will attend ceremonies to be honored, to have Barack honored, and to boost to pet causes. In other words she will be content to do what other former First Ladies have done.
She doesn't like having her life dictated by others. She gave up a lot of personal freedom to keep Barack going. She did her part.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But that is the way I read her.
Amadeus 48: "I don't think Michelle O is ever going into retail politics."
Hillary remains tanned, rested and chardonnay-ed.
"Klobochar Cinderella story!"
Yes, with Lizzie on the way out, the Althouses of America need to keep hope alive, something to latch onto.
I don't think you are wrong- literally nothing about Michelle Obama strikes me as politically ambitious, or even talented in that way. Politics isn't the interest of pretty much anyone for all practical purposes. We commenters always forget how unusual we all are.
Is that what we're doing now?
Matching up tonight's top winners with their token black running mate?
I've had just about enough of this pseudo psephology -- isn't Sanders still "winning" this thing?
Turnout in Durham is down. UNH is there. Thinking residency requirements caught a bunch
Who online has the most up to date vote totals? I am just using CNN's online site right now.
With 23% of the votes in Joe Biden has 4% of the total. Dead meat and I don't think SC is going to rescue him. Klobuchar is only doing well because she is a woman and not a screaming harpy whereas the other woman is. Klobuchar is essentially an empty suit.
Interesting. On the day I read Buttgig got the most delegates in Iowa when Sanders got the most votes.
I saw an ad for Buttgig saying he wants to abolish the electoral college.
Anyone ask him if he is going to give his extra delegates to Sanders, and if not, why not.
Things are getting serious! My idea for a go-girl Klobuchar ad:
Need a female candidate that's less of cunt than Warren but more ethical than Hillary? Klobuchar! The other other white vagina!
I'm getting good fast results here.
I like Joe, but he was supposed to have run four years ago, i like Warren, but she seems to strain at her agenda, and will a great add in the next administration, and Pete is smart and rational but young, and that leaves Amy and ?
Moments later at 28% joe has 8% and is close to catching Warren. Look forward to the final results.
Yancy Ward at 7:46. That's the way I read it, too. Tim Shea just walked into a snake's nest, on February 1, and they bit him. Liu should have cleaned it out or at least quarantined it. Why would anyone from Team Mueller be left on any file involving that ridiculous witch hunt? They found nothing. I think Trump, Barr, and Shea just got a lesson in how far wrong things have gone.
Bernie Sanders 37,343 26.75%
Pete Buttigieg 32,164 23.04%
Amy Klobuchar 26,648 19.09%
Elizabeth Warren13,509 9.68%
Joe Biden 12,018 8.61%
47% reporting.
Considering MSM had Joe Biden as the national front runner by a mile 1 week before the Iowa..thingy..
Sean Davis
Verified account @seanmdav
26m26 minutes ago
Joe Biden has run for President three times. In 1988, 2008, and again in 2020.
He is yet to win a single delegate in a Democrat nominating contest.
I don't think Warren is going anywhere. The DNCe needs her there to siphon votes from Sanders so they can slip in their billionaire savior.
Absurdity defined
I'm sad about Yang.
Why do you think Trump will give Warren a job in his second administration?
and that leaves Amy and ?
Bloomberg. The white racist billionaire who is the savior of your party R/V. Sucks to be aligned with such a corrupt organization.
Where is America's Politico when we need him? We need some utterly self-confident and completely wrong pronouncements from someone who knows nothing.
Raj--are you out there? Anything to say?
The actual next primary is the Nevada caucuses on Feb. 22 where the Dems will again use ShadowFlubber, that special technically advanced app we last saw in Iowa. I have a feeling there won't be much of a focus on Nevada though it could tell us something about how Hispanics feel about Klubbie and Buttxzfdg.
"how does she feel about fracking?"
You mean, like, policies matter? To her target audience?
"I'm sad about Yang."
Me too. I was looking forward to a load of dosh.
Bill, after tonight, Warren's ability to siphon anything other than 1-2% is over with. Her potential voters will select their second alternative starting in Nevada.
Bye-ku for all the dear departed:
Run for president
Garner some fame and fortune?
No, blow through your dough.
I am counting coup on you. I said Klobuchar third or higher, and well ahead of Biden.
Fifth for Biden is pretty satisfying personally. I have friends who were big on him. I await his speech. Can an entire state be lying dog faced pony soldiers?
Well...Amy, Petey, Amy, Petey, Amy, Petey.
The press is all....Amy!! Petey!! Woman!!! Guy Guy with possible First Husband!!!
I'm looking at this and seeing that Bernie is winning. Comfortably. He's still winning. Everyone needs to remember that, except for you New Englanders who will run up there for summer getaways, the rest of the world will forget all about New Hampshire in about 2 weeks. In 2 months this primary result will mean NOTHING.
The Dems (and by Dems I mean the media) are going to have to get behind either Amy! or Petey! to arrange the overtaking of Bernie. And if they play this right, we could have a ticket of Amy/Petey, Woman and Gay Guy vs Hitler. How good would that make the Dems feel if Woman & Gay Guy beat Hitler?
On the other hand, how crushed would they be if....Well...let's assume Trump beat that ticket. How many people in fetal positions in November?
In the meantime, I'm going to be proactive. I'm still betting on Bernie being the pick. And with that in mind I've started up a little company I'm calling Gulag Your Neighbor. We'll specialize in making bad people disappear in an eco-friendly manner.
"I like Joe, but he was supposed to have run four years ago"
Shelob showed Biden the dossier they had on him in late 2015.
People do not like Elizabeth Warren.
She is Hillary without the drinking problem.
Glad to see Warren down there in Biden land. I find her particularly loathsome.
Klobuchar's record in the Senate is pretty much limited to naming Post Offices.
Biden will drop out after he gets clobbered in SC. He will then give his endorsement to the highest bidder.
Last number I saw had Mayor Pete's approval at 4% with African Americans.
I actually though Deval Patrick would be the dark horse (no pun intended) who got the nomination after everyone else crashed and burned. Is his vote tally up to four figures yet?
I recently watched the Fantastic Four movies with my family (RiffTrax audio added). It made me think "It's Klobbering time!" To see if this was stupid (the family was divided), I did an internet search and found the same thing on Reddit today as well. Jury is still out on whether it's stupid. appears to be available as a domain name ... (send finder's fee to
Deval Patrick is running behind "Other".
Overall turnout appears a bit lower than the 2016 levels at the moment. Maybe the larger precincts have yet to report...
Premature byeku
A Cherokee just can’t get
A break —
Nor a ten twenty fourth of one.
Here is Klobuchar's problem- from whom can she draw voter support (as in the other candidates)? Warren and Biden are the only answers here that matter, but Warren's policy plans are nearly identical to those of Sanders- I think Buttuvwxyz is more likely to pick up Warren's voters than is Klobuchar. Biden, on the other hand, is still viable until South Carolina votes- we won't have a definitive answer on his candidacy until then. However, even if Biden craters in SC, there is the little matter of Bloomberg coming into almost all of the Super Tuesday races- he and Klobuchar will be filling the same ideological lanes, or trying to.
I am reminded that Sanders won NH bigly in 2016. This year it is much closer, top three are getting about the same % Bernie got all by himself back then.
Wide open for anyone, except Joe, and maybe Liz. Their campaigns appear to be dead.
“The other other white vagina!”
Trump, the orange teeny weenie.
Nevada will be key as it will give us a clue as to which of the big three is leading.
Bernie Sanders 42,381 26.39%
Pete Buttigieg 37,148 23.13%
Amy Klobuchar 31,811 19.80%
Elizabeth Warren15,274 9.51%
Joe Biden 13,557 8.44%
Tom Steyer 5,660 3.52%
Tulsi Gabbard 5,177 3.22%
Andrew Yang 4,534 2.82%
Other 3,928 2.45%
Deval Patrick 598 0.37%
Michael Bennet 556 0.35%
About 55% reporting.
Ken B,
Yes, I thought Warren and Biden would both do quite a bit better than they actually did today. Warren needed to finish 3rd or 2nd to have any slim hope of continuing as a viable candidate, Biden didn't.
It would appear vote totals are lower than they were in 2016.
Iowa was down.
New Hampshire is down.
I'd love to be the fly on the wall at the DNC.
In case anyone cares Deval Patrick is running for President.
Klobuchar might pick up Joe votes, and get the Democrat professionals and super delegates. Also Warren voters, whom you over estimate by thinking they care about policy more than sex. The DNC cannot rely on Sanders for their graft, so they need an anti Sanders. It won’t be dog face pony soldier. They know Buttigieg will be weak in a general. That leaves her and the gazillionaire.
Birkel: "It would appear vote totals are lower than they were in 2016."
Special bye-ku for Andrew Yang:
All make promises.
I was ready to be bought-
Where's my thousand bucks?
Patrick is trailing "other" by a considerable margin.
By the way, these were the predictions I made yesterday:
(1) Sanders 31%
(2) Buttuvwxyz 27%
(3) Warren 16%
(4) Biden 13%
(5) Klobuchar 11%
I think Joe is dead. He's like Giuliani: inevitable until the bubble is burst. Althouse asked why he wants to be president. There is no answer. No answer for him and so none for voters, except democrats looking for the strongest horse to run against Trump, and now all can see he isn’t that. He might not quit but he's dead.
YW: "Yes, I thought Warren and Biden would both do quite a bit better than they actually did today."
You have simply got to head over to Ace of Spades to read up on John Kasich's pathetic and losing efforts to gin up support for sad sack mentally incapacitated Slow Joe in both Iowa and NH.
Naturally, this "lifelong republican" and NeverTrump hero was using wealthy democrat donor cash for the operation!!
Lefty cash funding pro-dem anti-republican activity and led by "lifelong republicans".
We've seen that quite a bit over the last several years, havent we?
Biden destroyed by the impeachment. Voters made aware of Hunter.
Blloomberg rising, without allowing himself to look stupid by answering ridiculous questions in any debates.
Was Bloomberg financing Schiff?
Bloomberg is stealing from everybody- even the communists.
Bernie almost one 2/1 last time
Jersey Fled: "Patrick is trailing "other" by a considerable margin."
Sometimes Nuthin' can be a real Cool Hand....
Pre-ku for Joe Biden:
Dog face let me down.
I thought it was in the bag-
Must go sniff some hair.
Look at narsisco's link. The fourth Mueller rat to quit misspelled his own name in his resignation.
Now that is some high quality lawyering!
Fewer candidates last time. And the others were all Hillary Clinton.
Biden disappointed but energetic, looking forward to kickin' ass in the near future.
Only two states down, 48 (or so) more to go..
I am simply in awe of the current Democrat Political Consultant Full Employment Campaign.
Gabbard is beating some candidates the DNC let debate isn’t she?
Awesome Former CNBC reporter Michelle Caruso Cabrera is running to challenge AOC!!!!
I might join her campaign...
Joe biden just said 99.9% of Black voters have yet to make their voice heard. Yep. That's Biden's only hope.
It's a Fiasc-Joe!
NH doesn't seem to like their Massachusetts Neighbors very much. Trump is picking up 85% of the vote and getting more votes then Bernie.
rehajm: "Awesome Former CNBC reporter Michelle Caruso Cabrera is running to challenge AOC!!!!"
AOC will simply whip out a few choice Milton Keynes quotes and send her back to CNBC.
Bernie Sanders 45,632 26.26%
Pete Buttigieg 40,816 23.49%
Amy Klobuchar 35,082 20.19%
Elizabeth Warren16,543 9.52%
Joe Biden 14,769 8.50%
Tom Steyer 6,250 3.60%
Tulsi Gabbard 5,644 3.25%
Andrew Yang 4,930 2.84%
Other 2,798 1.61%
Deval Patrick 668 0.38%
Michael Bennet 631 0.36%
60% reporting. I'm off to catch the second half of Star Trek.
Warren killed herself with some bad debate performances. She should stay in though, bernie is 78 and has a bad heart. You never know.
Amy told pro-lifers she wanted them in the party. She said she would work with them to reduce abortions and increase adoption while keeping abortion legal. The rest of the crew told the pro-life people they were not wanted.
Elizabeth Warren can go back to her job as a Playground Supervisor.
BTW, one key aspect of the Lefty-funded pro-dem "lifelong republican" John Kasich NeverTrump effort is: Suppression of conservative votes.
It seems to me that Althouseblog might have been experiencing just that for the last handful of years as well.....
Patrick's second scheduled public event since announcing his candidacy, a speech at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia on November 20, 2019, was cancelled when only two people showed up.
I'm off to catch the second half of Star Trek
The one where Kirk is split into two halves.
Amy is a quick learner with no problem being what the voters want, not what the Marxists command. She can then stand her ground. That flexible strength is a masculine trait. So what she gets angry with incompetence. That is Trump’s style, and voters love it. They have nothing on her. Think Trump, think.
It’s an Amylanche!!
From now to election let see how cleverly Ann posts for her Democrat choice. You can bet she will never talk about issues. "Weird" for a law professor.
Well, "pro-life Democrats" have always found a way to justify continuing to vote for candidates in favor of the slaughter of babies in the womb, so they might buy what Amy's selling.
"we could have a ticket of Amy/Petey"
Perfect for Althouse. This can be rationalized so many different ways. Endless blogging material, if nothing else. Ample opportunity to yank the deplorables' chains a bit, for the sake of cruel neutrality, of course. Amy even allowed that being gung-ho on abortion up to month 9 wasn't required to be a Dem: how much more moral can a liberal get?
She owes Trump royalties. She is tearing his schtick on a movement.
Holy shit. Elizabeth Warren is *singing* to her supporters!
I remember when
I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place
Even your emotions have an echo in so much space
And when you're out there, without care
Yeah I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
The exit polls nailed it pretty well, it looks like.
Interesting fact- Buttuvwxyz beat Klobuchar among female voters- Sanders tied Klobuchar.
Interesting fact#2- Sanders dominated with men over both of the other candidates. My takeaway when you look at the gender breakdown of Warren and Biden voters is this- Buttuvwxy and Klobuchar are likely to fight each other to a draw for the female supporters of Biden and Warren while Sanders walks away with a larger margin of the male supporters. This will also apply to the race when Steyer and Gabbard give up the race. Sanders is well positioned to claim a good margin of the male voters for every non-Buttuvwxyz and non-Klobuchar candidate.
Don't think she can get the pres nomination, but Amy is positioning herself well for a VP slot.
Stealing his schitik
Amy told pro-lifers she wanted them in the party. She said she would work with them to reduce abortions and increase adoption while keeping abortion legal. The rest of the crew told the pro-life people they were not wanted.
Amy's pledge to pro-life Democrats is nonsense. It's like saying something should be hot and cold at the same time. But it typical of Amy. She plants her feet firmly on both sides of every tough issue.
Gnarls barkley lol, but yet fitting
I want to watch some returns, but my choice is between CNN, MS-NBC or Sean Hannity.
Three plates of crap.
Blogger Mark said...
I'm off to catch the second half of Star Trek
The one where Kirk is split into two halves.
It's like the Yin and the Yang, which means it Bye-ku time for Andrew Yang:
The Yin and the Yang
Ancient Chinese secret, huh?
We need more Calgon!
Will check back in later. Going to go have a late dinner.
Bye-ku for Steyer
A billion dollars
Doesn't buy votes anymore
For straight white rich dudes
Oh, Amy’s mother was born in Milwaukee! Amy has a good story and she has a cute sense of humor and she seems fearless. She presents herself as a real, a decent, a smart woman. She’s easier to listen to than Bernie, she could be good uniter of the left and moderate Democrats.
House of self-loathing, all rise together in unity.
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