February 22, 2020

I liked the 2 times at yesterday's Las Vegas rally when Trump talked about computers — first, to say what's wrong with movies and second, enacting a scene between him and Barron.

1. Explaining his "Bring back 'Gone with the Wind'":

"What I say is: Make great movies. Not this computerized crap. Computerized garbage."

2. Talking about the bad $5 billion Obamacare website:

"I have a son at home — he's a genius with computers" — mimes typing on a keyboard, does his Barron voice — "'Hi, Dad. What's up, Dad? Get outta here'/'Hey, listen, I'm the President of the United States, Barron, don't talk to your —'/'Dad, can't you see I'm playing with my computer?' The guy talks to me, he's working with his computer. These guys are genius. You know, they grow up with that. It's like walking. But he's looking at me. I could have given him their health care site. He would have done it for nothing, and it would have been better than what they have there..." — mimes typing and does the Barron voice again — "'Come on, Dad. I'm busy, Dad. Whatdya want? Whatdya want, Dad?'" — the crowd cheers, chants "Barron, Barron!" — "Whoa! Wow!... He's gonna like — he's a good boy. He's a tall boy. He's up there. Just turned 13. I say" — looks up — "'Hi, Barron. How ya doin'?"

I love the father-son interaction where the father tries to use his I'm the President of the United States,  in the classic don't talk to your father like that format.

And I totally agree with him that computerized movies are crap.


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FullMoon said...

Guess it evens out, right, mr. scientist?
Earth’s rotation to speed up

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What's with all this "drop out" talk? Just because you couldn't get your GED or finish high school doesn't mean other people couldn't do what they wanted to in life.

It's ok to admit that you don't know shit about science without getting angry over the fact that others do. After all, I don't know as much as you do about installing toilets.

Get over yourself already.

FullMoon said...

Make up your mind, Mr.Drop out Scientist. Which of your peer reviewed colleagues is lying?
East Africa to get less rain
East Africa to get more rain

FullMoon said...

Don't beat yourself up about dropping out of med school. Plenty of smart people don't have what it takes.
I have a couple in the peripherals. One became a veterinarian, one became a dentist. Both doing great, very wealthy.
You, on the other hand, doing what, exactly? Nothing to brag about, obviously, or super important secret work..
Great Lakes less snow

FullMoon said...

Hey, remember when science dealt with facts, not opinions?
Great Lakes more snow

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh I see! You're confused over there being shades of certainty and variable predictions in science! How distressing that must be for you.

Never fear, Mr. T Square. Jut because science deals with a lot of the unknown, in pushing the frontier and envelope of the unknown it can still say what's much more certain than not. Like gravity, for instance. Or earth being warmer than space because of carbon in the atmosphere, the same carbon that's being increased.

Nothing you cited, whether to broken links or not, 15-years out of date or not, changes that.

Fun fact: If you jump out of a 4-story building, science can't say whether you'd die or not either. Maybe on one day you might but not another. But you're always welcome to try and see what happens. You just can't push other people out of it in pursuit of that "knowledge."

Make sense?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Plenty of smart people don't have what it takes.

OH I see! What you're saying is that you don't have what it takes to do really much of anything (other than measuring drywall dimensions - something a monkey can do), but still think you're smart. Or want to think you're smart.

Ok. Good for you. Yawn.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Money makes people important?

Ok. Then why does your hero exaggerate how much he has for his crowds, but then under-report for tax purposes?

Can we assume you're just as dishonest and concerned what people think of you?

FullMoon said...

I report, you decide. Those first six months in Med school sure were tough, eh?
Gulf stream slows down

Gulf stream speeds up a little

FullMoon said...

Money makes people important?
Apparently you think so...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

The states with the most populations, California and Texas, boasted the most job opportunities for general contractors in 2011. The latter had 13 percent of the jobs at a mean $39.09 per hour, or $81,310 per year, followed by the former, with 11 percent of the jobs at a mean $51.81 per hour, or $107,760 per year. As for states with the highest-paying employers, New York topped the list with averages at $61.62 per hour, or $128,170 per year, followed by New Jersey with mean wages of $60.48 per hour, or $125,790 per year.

Yep. I make more than that, too.

FullMoon said...

More peer reveiwed from genuine scientists. Not drop-outs
Indian monsoons to be drier
Indian monsoons to be wetter

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You're not "reporting." You're posting links to articles that you pose as contradictory, as if to say that science cannot provide an answer to anything.

If you're anti-science, just say so. And if you think medical training is superior to science, there are a lot of doctors who should apparently stop admiring Einstein and Galileo.

ANother fun fact: While most people think Trump's full of shit for talking about "windmill cancer" and believing in vaccination conspiracies, they definitely think a lowly contractor who lives for nothing other than following Trump is even more full of shit for pushing the same agenda.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Apparently you think so...

That's not obvious from what you quoted. It's not even "apparent."

What's the matter? The local bar is closed down tonight and you have no one left to fight with?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So how many "pages not found" and "404 errors" does that make it?

Maybe you're better at figuring out what you want to parrot when you're less drunk and at least able to get the URL right?

FullMoon said...

Med school drop out. do you agree with this peer reviewed paper by five legit scientists?Indian rice yields to decrease

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You go girl. Surely the answer to your anti-science quest will be found in the rice.

It's interesting. An anti-science contractor who doesn't even know what he wants to say or what his point is, has posted the most comments on this thread. As in like one every minute.

You really must have a strong need to feel important. What things in your life are preventing you from feeling that and making you think you'll find that here, doing... whatever it is you're doing?

Anonymous said...

Oh Ann we all know your pulling for Bloomberg and attempting your tired impartiality act. It's so old. Just come out.

FullMoon said...

I am beginning to see a pattern here. Brilliant scientists claim something. Brilliant scientists claim the opposite. AGM is like magic.Now you see it, now you don't.
Indian rice yields to increase

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Moonie's such a distressed guy that he doesn't even know what he's fighting for. Or who he's fighting against.

Anywho, have you gotten down to LA yet to rebuild all those houses you'd like to see burnt down? Maybe drive on through with a bumper sticker saying, "AGW's phony and windmill cancer is real!"

Or a bumper sticker saying, "Vaccines and Autism... Look into the evidence."

Or how about this one... 'Read the transcript."

A guy like you, the jokes just write themselves.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Apparently cherry picking is an important life skill for making drop-out contractors feel important despite all the logic they fail at.

FullMoon said...

Have you noticed these links are in alphabetical order? Plenty more to go. And you have yet to agree or disagree with a single one. This may be why you could not handle med school. Indecision
Latin American forests may decline

FullMoon said...

Make a decision. Pick one. Commit yourself.Latin American forests have thrived in warmer world with more co2

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No need to read a single one of the cherries you've picked - you either understand why the earth is warmer than space and what that means or you don't.

As far as indecisive.. you're the one posing to say that there are too many controversies in science to ever conclude anything. Well, how do you propose to re-do the medical curriculum that you think is the holy grail of knowledge if you want to make them anti-scientific?

Listen - I know you must finally feel like the total asshole you are to promote policies that lead to more fires burning down your states nice big houses and mansions. But you don't have to desperately rapid-fire machine gun post to compensate for that. Your neighbors will continue to all think you're an idiotic asshole who should die in one of those fires either way.

And I have nothing to do with that, loser. You only have yourself to blame.

FullMoon said...

Well, I gave you two and a half hours to come up with something interesting, or at least original.
Your originality consists of "vaccines/autism, homes burning, windmill cancer, Trump".
Gee whiz, seems vaguely familiar, at least as far as your comments are concerned. You may be smart, but you sort of dull.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, at least I'm not a liar. And if it's interesting that you want, pick a less boring wife. At least you don't have to go to school to enjoy that.

FullMoon said...

Good one ! Now you are displaying that famous wit!

Hey, ya know what was funny? That time you were flirting with Inga and she was absent for ten minutes and you assumed she ditched you? Remember how pissed off you were and was all about disrespecting her and insulting her for leading you on?
Then she comes back from her phone call and she is like "HuH?"

I may be able to find it if you would like to share a laugh with me ..

FullMoon said...

Nuclear. Clean. Safe. Affordable.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is why everyone hates you. Including your wife.

Whatever you're so resentful about, I didn't do it.

And I didn't make those houses the people of your state are being burnt down in, either.

You should look at yourself. Humor isn't funny when you're just using it as a shield for all the things everyone else hates about you, including the things you hate about yourself.

Enough time wasted.

FullMoon said...

Run away. You always do. Because you are a lying med school drop out and a big snot nose.

FullMoon said...

And, that comb over looks stupid. Be a man, own it.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Fun is done.

levinjames said...








levinjames said...








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