February 22, 2020

Nevada caucus results.

I'm not seeing anything worth linking to. The results just aren't in yet. Bernie is winning big, that's the projection. But how big? And how much panic will ensue? I'm avoiding the chatter on TV, and I have some pity on the talking heads tasked with keeping it up for hours on end. But here's my post, where you can chat all you like.


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David Begley said...

CNN just declared Bernie the winner.

Praise God!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I stopped looking at the results when they were stuck on 1.24% reporting for an hour. It look like another Iowa.

AllenS said...

This is the 40th anniversary of "The Miracle on Ice." This year will go down as "The Destruction of the Jackass Party".

Limited blogger said...

Biden declared he's not dead yet, and predicted he'd win SC

Limited blogger said...

Buttijudge is somehow saying he won? I can't listen to this guy anymore, he is full of shit.

Jaq said...

As I said in the other thread, the Biden campaign is being kept alive by heroic measures, namely union discipline in the caucus. That can only go on for so long.

Ann Althouse said...

Something like 4% is in.

That Bernie would win was known before any actual reports, so "declaring" him a winner is just a theatrical choice. The question is: How big was the win? Was it *more* than the polls indicated? If not much more, then the heads will act like it's not anything at all. Move on to the next state. But I think it's going to be so big they can't use that script. And it will be interesting to see how desperate they become and what they try to do about it. "They" = Democratic Party insiders and the MSM.

Bay Area Guy said...

Obviously, Putin must have meddled in the Dem Nevada Caucus

Jaq said...

"Buttijudge is somehow saying he won?”

I just think of that line by Slim Pickins in Blazing Saddles when Pete talks “You can do purdier things with your tongue than a twenty dollar whore.” Of course none of it makes any sense when applied to the real world.

Limited blogger said...

I give Sanders credit. He is just plowing ahead, sticking to his message, getting the job done.

Jaq said...

A couple prominent Democrat talking heads, Chrissy Tingles and one other, have already averred that four more years of Trump would be better than Sanders winning.

But don’t worry, everybody will line up behind the winner (which the DNC will ensure is not Sanders)!

If Sander happened to have a second heart attack (God forbid) nobody will believe it. When they killed Epstein, they broke something in the illusion they were running.

Beasts of England said...

‘Congratulations Bernie, & don’t let them take it away from you!’

Is there any need for attribution?

Jaq said...

Republicans sent a wrecking ball to Washington, now Democrats appear to want to do the same thing. It will be pretty strange when the deep state has no candidate. They can’t let that happen, but I think that the #Russia gambit has backfired. Face it, the Democrats know it’s bullshit, they just can’t admit it.

Tommy Duncan said...

Biden declared he's not dead yet...

Joe has joined the walking dead. The vultures smell the rotting flesh.

Limited blogger said...

Sanders heading for the nomination is surreal. I can't wrap my head around it.

Never gave him a chance in 2016, even though some think he should have won.

Have to adjust my thinking now. What does this even mean?

robother said...

Fox News had been stuck on 6% counted forever. The other news networks are showing even less. but they are picking The Bern as the winner! Is there anything Putin can't accomplish? If the network guys are Talking Heads, what are we who are commenting on this blog called? Magic Fingers?

Jaq said...

If I had to put money down on who will win the nomination, it would have to be on Bernie. We will see how effective Perfidious DNC can be preventing it. But they may take the loss against Trump in order to keep the House, by that I mean they may torpedo Sanders and put up the sacrificial lamb knowing that they Bernie voters will not climb out of bed on election day due to the slow recovery from the knife wound in their backs.

Inga said...

What is exceptional in Nevada is that Bernie is winning the biggest percentage of the minority vote of all the candidates. Black people in Nevada went with Bernie, which makes me think that Biden may not do as well as he thinks in SC. Well, that’s what the talking heads are saying tonight.

“Never gave him a chance in 2016, even though some think he should have won.”

He would’ve.

Josephbleau said...

"Suppose They Gave an Election and No One Came." Don't kid yourselves, the cool hippies went on to great financial success leaving the dumb true believers behind. Then later they laughed at the true believers. Now the true believers don't listen to the smart kids. They listen to dumb Bernie. Bernie is not low IQ, but Bernie is crazy dumb. So dumb that the Democrats did not want him to be a Democrat.

Yancey Ward said...

Not having actual numbers is frustrating- not sure what the county delegate counts mean with 4% of the precincts in. Is that 4% of the county delegates awards? Seems like the numbers reported right now are for a pretty good fraction of the state.

In any case, just based on the talking heads, Sanders won an overwhelming victory today. If he can follow this up with a win a South Carolina, he may be unstoppable. The notable thing to me is that he seems to be doing well with the minority voters that bothered to show up- if this hold outside Nevada, and I don't see why it wouldn't, then Sanders will win across the South and Southwest, and will like do really well in California in two weeks- quite possibly getting the entire delegate count in that state.

Beasts of England said...

Bernie should take a $50M payoff from Bloomberg to drop out. :)

Jaq said...

"He would’ve”

I would have voted for him. I won’t now, but I would have then.

rehajm said...

And it will be interesting to see how desperate they become and what they try to do about it. "They" = Democratic Party insiders and the MSM.

It's easier to run with the not important narrative as long as the other candidates are collecting delegates, mostly because it's true. When Biden wins SC and Bloomberg becomes competitive on super Tuesday the first ballot math start to look tough for Bernie.

Big Mike said...

Will the 15% rule be in effect? If so then only Bernie and Biden appear to have won any delegates.

Amy is now in sixth. New Hampshire was a fluke.

todd galle said...

Criminy, Sanders? End of the Republic really. What damage he could do in the government even without an accommodating House or Senate is infinite. I fear for my country, honestly. Down to the loading bench.

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, stick a fork in Klobuchar.

Limited blogger said...

So you're saying Bernie drove the DNC convertible right to the edge of the canyon?

Now the brakes will be stomped by Bloomberg and Buttigieg?

Feels like we're headed over the rim.

Jaq said...

Black and Latino turnout are down in Nevada.

dem caucus electorate

2016: 19% latino / 13% black
2020: 17% latino / 10% black

this is despite the state becoming more diverse

it’s consistent with other data showing both falling support and enthusiasm for democrats among non-whites (esp latinos)
Quote Tweet


The white left is MOTIVATED, but the rest of the Democrats?

mockturtle said...

I'm hoping Sanders wins the nomination. He was robbed of it in 2016. We need to have a national debate on Capitalism, Prosperity and Freedom vs. Socialism, Poverty and Totalitarianism.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

This is the 40th anniversary of "The Miracle on Ice."

Then this is the 40th anniversary of that ass Bill Bonds announcing in a commercial break in the middle of the game that the U.S. had won, news at 11 (it was aired on tape-delay).

Limited blogger said...

mockturtle, you may be right. It doesn't even matter that it's Trump v. Bernie, it's bigger than that!

Marshall Rose said...

Anecdotes are not data...

I am a union member. IBEW.

My union reps are all dem and bought and paid for.

My fellow members are about 80% Trump.

Heavy on hunting and blue collar values in our area. Trump understands and can relate to working men and women.

Bernie doesn't connect, he can draw the college educated barista with a man bun, cargo shorts and Birkestock sandals. That won't be enough to win back the blue wall.

Toss in a fracking ban and you start to see the writing on the wall.

Jaq said...

Enjoy your win Inga. I am not going to rain on it tonight.

Except this one nugget: "54% of democrats would like their party to become more moderate.”

n.n said...

this is despite the state becoming more diverse

More racist, more sexist, and other classes of bigotry?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Who am I to stand in the way of history? My family and I will be casting four votes for Bernie in Washington State's open primary. I'm thinking Limbaugh's 2008 dream of sowing chaos in the Democrat Party is finally coming to fruition.

Amadeus 48 said...

Hmmm...this is fallout from the 2010 election, which wiped out a generation of Demmie leaders.

The next generation are out there now, getting some experience and building records, but they are not in the picture this year. The governors of Illinois, California, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Colorado, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Minnesota, and Michigan are all Demmies. They have their training wheels on, but we'll hear more from them down the road. I'd add Virginia to that list, but there are obvious problems.

The interesting thing is that while the press is busy covering the Squad (sheesh), Spacey Abrams (a loser by 50,000 votes), and Bernie (the Mad Bolshevik), Demmie governors in the states have a real chance to build solid governmental records. Warren Harding, JFK, and BHO to the contrary, the path to the Presidency has not run through the US Senate. Most POTUS's since 1900 have executive office experience. Obama would have been a better president if he had four years as governor of Illinois behind him.

So Trump wins in 2020, then there is a real dogfight in 2024 with some new Demmies to contend with who are not obviously from another planet.

Shut off your TV. You know more and better than those blow-dried nitwits do. Enjoy the win in 2020 and hope that Trump is both sane and successful. I'm not worried.

Limited blogger said...

yes, congrats, Bernie

Let's go to the 'Palmetto state'!

Josephbleau said...

"Inga Says...What is exceptional in Nevada is that Bernie is winning the biggest percentage of the minority vote of all the candidates. Black people in Nevada went with Bernie, which makes me think that Biden may not do as well as he thinks in SC. Well, that’s what the talking heads are saying tonight."

To Inga racial minorities are all the same no matter where they live.

Jaq said...

"Heavy on hunting and blue collar values in our area.”

Sanders represents Vermont, and to win there, he shared those values, but he has abandoned them. He used to give speeches off of loading docks and had shaken the hand of many a working man with blue collar values. He was good on 2A, good on immigration, supported the F-35 based in Burlington, even getting rid of ethanol, which sportsman hate because it gunks up small engines and boat engines, or at least making ethanol free an option everywhere.

Gillibrand completely reversed all of the positions that got her elected to an extremely rural district where deer outnumbered people certainly, and bears, maybe.

Inga said...

“Except this one nugget: "54% of democrats would like their party to become more moderate.”

Moderates are voting for Bernie too. And as we go along, even more will come aboard, because Democrats know what the alternative is. This is still a huge anti Trump election, as was 2018.

Yancey Ward said...

That fact the Democrats are holding up the numbers should make Sanders nervous. They are probably trying to figure out what to do- try for a stall until next weekend's SC primary to slow Sanders down- keep people from knowing how big his victory was.

Like I wrote in a previous thread- these people aren't above assassinating Sanders, though they would probably rather infiltrate his computer and put kiddie porn on it.

Wince said...

‘Congratulations Bernie, & don’t let them take it away from you!’

Makes sense for Trump to be nice to Bernie and particularly his more moderate populist supporters, at least up until either Bernie gets the nomination or has it stolen.

Jaq said...

"This is still a huge anti Trump election, as was 2018.”

OK. You better tell Chrissy Tingles.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beasts of England said...

’This is still a huge anti Trump election, as was 2018.’

When Republicans picked up seats in the Senate?

Drago said...

Aunty Trump: "Enjoy your win Inga. I am not going to rain on it tonight."

Are you kidding me? Inga has gone thru more of "her" candidates in the last 6 months than Bill Clinton had cigars in the oval office.

In serial fashion, she adopted each one of these losers in turn, proclaiming them the best choice to take on Trump, Trump was deathly afraid of him/her, some Pres/VP combo of flavor-of-the-month was THE answer to Trump, etc etc etc.

It's been hilarious!

Inga actually claimed Trump was afraid of Avenatti and Beto!! (remember them? Yep! Trump killers all!)

And now its Sanders, and Sanders just went on record again for open borders, no enforcement, medicare for all, free everything including for illegals, confiscation of guns, post-birth abortion, and on and on and on.

It's like a dogs menu of insane far left stuff.

But, but, he does advocate for ending the endless wars and not buying into the deep state lies that have turned their guns on him as well as on Trump and in the most obvious way possible.

For those keeping count: the dem/media/deep state/LLR-lefty establishment updated list of Russian agents and assets include the following:

Jill Stein
and a host of others.

Just so you know.

Yancey Ward said...

Here is James Carville on tonight's results.

Only 75 seconds long, so worth your time. He is basically telling the other non-Sanders candidates to choose one to go forward, but I think he realizes that isn't going to happen.

Drago said...

Beasts: "When Republicans picked up seats in the Senate?"


Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Inga's on a roll.....

Original Mike said...

Blogger Aunty Trump said..." I think that the #Russia gambit has backfired. Face it, the Democrats know it’s bullshit, they just can’t admit it."

The politicians know it's bullshit; they were the ones running the scam. But I believe the foot soldiers believe it.

Jaq said...


He and Romney should commiserate.

I can’t explain it, but I am kind of happy that Bernie won, and not from a point of view of making it easier for Trump to win. He knows that the #Russia shit is all bullshit.

Inga said...

Yancey Ward said...
“The notable thing to me is that he seems to be doing well with the minority voters that bothered to show up- if this hold outside Nevada, and I don't see why it wouldn't, then Sanders will win across the South and Southwest, and will like do really well in California in two weeks- quite possibly getting the entire delegate count in that state.”
Inga Said...What is exceptional in Nevada is that Bernie is winning the biggest percentage of the minority vote of all the candidates. Black people in Nevada went with Bernie, which makes me think that Biden may not do as well as he thinks in SC. Well, that’s what the talking heads are saying tonight."
Josephbleau said...
To Inga racial minorities are all the same no matter where they live.

Jaq said...

Bernie tweets he’s gonna win Texas. He’s feeling it tonight!

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "Moderates are voting for Bernie too. And as we go along, even more will come aboard, because Democrats know what the alternative is."


Oh yeah, everybody is just going to jump on the socialist train!!

Even better will be the commercials run where Bernie claims Denmark and Sweden are "socialist" only to have Trump run commercials with the current and former Prime Ministers of those countries saying No We Are Not Socialist!

As they've already done. Multiple times.

That will be a fun little diversion for a few days.

walter said...

Yancey Ward said...Yes, stick a fork in Klobuchar.

Not surprised a gambling mecca would like the sound of free stuff.

Inga said...

“This is still a huge anti Trump election, as was 2018.”

“When Republicans picked up seats in the Senate?”

When Democrats won the House. I guess you forgot about that.

bagoh20 said...

This comment section includes at least one person with the predictive skills and record of Paul Krugman, and I for one trust that to near 100% reliability.

Jaq said...

You kids have fun.

chuck said...

The election is going to be entertaining, not least because the result will really matter.

Drago said...

AT: "I can’t explain it, but I am kind of happy that Bernie won, and not from a point of view of making it easier for Trump to win. He knows that the #Russia shit is all bullshit."


Even better will be hearing Inga's excuse for why the deep state lies about Bernie are Totes Wrong Dontcha Know! but the proven deep state lies about Trump are Totes Correct!

Meanwhile, the Eastern European nations are certainly enjoying the lethal arms Trump is providing to stand up to Russia Russia RUSSIA!!

Mark said...

What is exceptional in Nevada is that Bernie is winning the biggest percentage of the minority vote of all the candidates.

So they are voting the same way as the white folk. And this after they loudly complained that Iowa was so unjust and unfair (and racist) because the state is so very very very white.

Of course, New Hampshire is even more so.

Inga said...

OCDrago is getting wound up.

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "When Democrats won the House. I guess you forgot about that."

How many seats did obambi lose in both the Senate and the House in 2010?

It was funny the other day watching Inga avoid that question like she was a vampire confronting Crucifixes and Holy Water!

Birches said...

Bernie vs Trump will be interesting. I think the map might change in interesting ways. I can't imagine all the oil and gas workers in Colorado voting for Bernie.

Drago said...

Inga: "OCDrago is getting wound up."

This is Inga's way of saying she has nothing to back up her nonsense and she doesn't even know what to cut and paste to fight back.

bagoh20 said...

In 2018 thirty eight Republicans retired from Congress, 20 more than the Democrats lost, and the most retirements since 1992.

Yancey Ward said...

I have for some time thought Sanders was the most dangerous candidate to Trump's reelection, and I see no reason to change that belief. I think Trump will beat him, but I think Sanders could definitely bring enough voters that the Democrats hold the House and at least reduce the Republican majority in the Senate by a vote or two. I would guess Trump beats Sanders 50-47 and wins at least 300 electoral votes as he did last time.

Mark said...

Of course, the blacks aren't voting for the gay guy.

Of course, the MSM will refuse to draw any conclusions as to why.

Bay Area Guy said...

The knives are gonna be out for Bernie at the next Dem debate on Tues. Should be fun.

Jupiter said...

"Have to adjust my thinking now. What does this even mean?"

It means a bunch of college-educated, unemployed, white Communists have taken over the Democrat Party and are dragging it over a cliff. I just wish there was some way they could take Bill and Hill with them.

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders will do well with Hispanics in Texas who vote Democratic, and well with those in Florida, Arizona, California, and New Mexico- at least as well as he did today in Nevada. African-Americans, on the other hand are a bit different in the rural deep South vs any urban area- they tend to be very socially conservative, and Sanders will have a harder time connecting with them. However, here is the thing- the only candidate that compete with him for those voters is Biden, and Biden might not survive South Carolina. None of the other candidates have any chance of beating Sanders with minority voters- only Biden can.

Beasts of England said...

’When Democrats won the House.’

And which tangible results has your side received from that win? Expanding the Senate made it easier for the Reps to deliver scores of new originalist federal judges. Seems like an extraordinarily hollow victory for the left, unless you can regale me with a few legislative victories...

Drago said...

Birches: "Bernie vs Trump will be interesting. I think the map might change in interesting ways. I can't imagine all the oil and gas workers in Colorado voting for Bernie."

Hard to see how Trump wins in Colorado given how many Californians have relocated here and brought their politics with them.

The big tech firms (google, Apple, Twitter, etc) have built large offices in Boulder and have brought in and continue to bring in thousands of employees. There is a reason a far lefty was elected governor.

Gardner is in trouble particularly with Hickenlooper running, even though Hickenlooper has alenated some of more radical environmentalists and socialists.

Inga said...

“I have for some time thought Sanders was the most dangerous candidate to Trump's reelection, and I see no reason to change that belief.”

Indeed he is. He would’ve been so in 2016 too.

Bay Area Guy said...

I think it would be charming if Joe Biden were to continue his "No Malarkey" Bus Tour, even after he gets crushed on Super Tuesday and drops out. Maybe, just a month or two of leisurely driving.

bagoh20 said...

When union members have to face Bernie's promise to take away their hard-earned high-end private health insurance and get in line with everybody else for crappy Medicare, the Dems will lose a big and formerly reliable voting block, along with the Black vote which is walking away from them with each passing day. It's gonna be McGovern 2.0.

Ambrose said...

He's the William Jennings Bryan of the 21st century.

Original Mike said...

"And which tangible results has your side received from [winning the House]?"

Impeachment! Trump's been impeached forever, dontchaknow?

Inga said...

“African-Americans, on the other hand are a bit different in the rural deep South vs any urban area- they tend to be very socially conservative, and Sanders will have a harder time connecting with them.”

Maybe so, but I think we will be surprised to see African Americans even in the Deep South coming over to Sanders, as Democrats they too want a candidate that can win against Trump and they are smart enough to know it’s Bernie, my opinion anyway.

Mark said...

When union members have to face Bernie's promise to take away their hard-earned high-end private health insurance and get in line with everybody else

There have always been exceptions for Party members. Here, there will be exceptions for those covered by CBAs.

robother said...

For most of the 20th century, Democrats are socialists on the installment plan. They have mostly vigorously disputed that designation, based on a calculation that Americans would never vote for that if presented with a clear choice.

Trump has had a wonderful knack of clarifying many realities, both directly in his speech, and indirectly, in forcing his opposition into the open. Revealing the socialist core of the Democrat Party may be one of the most significant of his accomplishments.

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, the debate next week before SC should see a change in dynamics, but Sanders has been the main target in the earlier debates in the Summer and Fall. I think the main attacks have to come from Biden and Bloomberg (if Bloomberg shows up). I suppose Klobuchar could join in, but she is now running for VP only, and so may not want to antagonize the clear front-runner. Attacks on Sanders by Warren and Buttuvwxyz would just be laughed off by Sanders since they are just as crazy as he is.

Of course, Sanders may upend all of it by going for jugular and take Bloomberg out.

Marshall Rose said...

I would love to see Trump vs Sanders put before this country as a choice, a fork in the road.

Which direction shall the USA take?

Shall we become another future failed socialist state or retain our freedoms?

Make no mistake, that fork in the road has implications for many generations to come.

One of the parties will be destroyed....

Bleachbitandhammer said...

But! The corrupt corporate Hillary press deep state Know Russia is on board with helping the not-hillary

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "Indeed he is. He would’ve been so in 2016 too."


It's like we are just supposed to forget how Hillary was the Most Accomplished Person To Ever Run For The Presidency and was going to wipe the floor with Trump and Trump had no path to 270.

But now?

It's time for another History Re-write with Your Host, Inga!

Too funny.

I'm actually beginning to believe she literally cannot remember anything that happened more than 15 minutes ago.

Just last night Inga was using debunked hoax collusion articles from Sep of 2018 as if they were current and real.


bagoh20 said...

What states that Trump won in 2016 are going to go for Sanders? He can get 100% of the votes in States like CA and NY, and it doesn't change anything.

Yancey Ward said...

"I think it would be charming if Joe Biden were to continue his "No Malarkey" Bus Tour, even after he gets crushed on Super Tuesday and drops out. Maybe, just a month or two of leisurely driving."

Joe might continue on just because he forgets he dropped out.

Inga said...

“When union members have to face Bernie's promise to take away their hard-earned high-end private health insurance and get in line with everybody else for crappy Medicare, the Dems will lose a big and formerly reliable voting block...”

Culinary Union members seem to have broken from their leaders to back Sanders

Beasts of England said...

Keep tabs on the primary / caucus turnout. Dems have been lackluster so far. Trump has been setting records.

Marshall Rose said...

How long before Hillary is denounced as an agent of Russia?

Because everyone but the most ruthless dictator is eventually up against the wall...

Yancey Ward said...

"What states that Trump won in 2016 are going to go for Sanders? He can get 100% of the votes in States like CA and NY, and it doesn't change anything."

That's a good question- here is how I see it- I think Sanders would run better vs Trump in those states he beat Clinton in the primaries- this includes Michigan and Wisconsin. I think Sanders will run worse vs Trump in those states that Clinton won the primary in 2016. So, I would predict that Trump wins Virginia, Nevada, and New Mexico- loses Wisconsin and Michigan.

Beasts of England said...

With 11.3% reporting: 44% Sanders, 25% Biden, 15% Pete.

Drago said...

Inga: "Culinary Union members seem to have broken from their leaders to back Sanders"


Yeah, because that Joe Biden, who just months ago Inga was telling us could wipe the floor with Trump, is a political force of nature (LOL) that the workers defied their bosses and voted for Bernie over That Most Impressive Political Specimen Joe Biden.

Sounds like defying their bosses to not vote for Joe Biden was not really that hard of a choice.

Remember: In now his 3rd Presidential campaign, Joe Biden has literally never won either a primary or a caucus.


I wonder if there is a reason for that?

Could it have been the Russians back then as well?

Bleachbitandhammer said...

Sanders is a soviet fraud. I prefer the Soviet fraud who will tax the middle class long before he taxes the billionaires, than to the government whores who make up the establishment of the d party. It’s a schit show.
Pray for karma.

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "That's a good question- here is how I see it- I think Sanders would run better vs Trump in those states he beat Clinton in the primaries- this includes Michigan and Wisconsin. I think Sanders will run worse vs Trump in those states that Clinton won the primary in 2016. So, I would predict that Trump wins Virginia, Nevada, and New Mexico- loses Wisconsin and Michigan."

I disagree.

Trump in 2016 was a blank sheet. Voters in many locations took a flyer on him to see what would happen.

In 2020, we have the results and the results are outstanding.

Which voters in battleground states who went for Trump in 2016 are disappointed with the results, particularly coming on the heels of a complete weaponized federal bureaucracy fighting him all the way?

That's the question to ask: which voters and voter groups who voted for Trump in 2016 will abandon him?

I've yet to meet even one.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

So who will be the Never Sanders in the Dem party? Will there be Never Sanders?

J. Farmer said...

Putin wins again. It’s so delicious seeing the establishment in meltdown mode.

Inga said...

“Yeah, because that Joe Biden, who just months ago Inga was telling us could wipe the floor with Trump, is a political force of nature (LOL) that the workers defied their bosses and voted for Bernie over That Most Impressive Political Specimen Joe Biden.”

Liar. I was never a Biden supporter. That you feel you must so blatantly lie tells me you are sweating and spittle is flying from your mouth as you frantically type your staccato “LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL” every few minutes. Careful don’t break a blood vessel.

Beasts of England said...

’I've yet to meet even one.’

Not only that, but I’ve read hundreds of online comments from people who didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 but will crawl to the polls in 2020 to vote for the guy.

Inga said...

“So who will be the Never Sanders in the Dem party?”

Probably no one.

Will there be Never Sanders?”

Highly doubtful.

Mark said...

There will never be any Never Sanders party members. The Dems have never found a completely autocratic nutcase that they didn't cave into. Look how they have been lock-step to rush to the extreme left on issues.

narciso said...

Thats pretty much true, the tale of thrscorpion and the frog is born out again.

Mark said...

The days of the independent thinking Dem following his own conscience are over. Look at that tease Manchin.

They are all firmly chained to the plantation.

Jaq said...

The Never Trumpers are NOT happy.


Bay Area Guy said...

Interesting article in Vanity Fair about how MSNBC hates Bernie, and how Bernie hates MSNBC.

Bernie's campaign manager - "The constant diminishment of Bernie Sanders on MSNBC,” he added, “hurts his case for electability.”

Hard to understand the source of this acrimony. The Bolsheviks v Mensheviks?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Probably no one.

That's what I thought.

narciso said...

Doesnt make such theyve beem slurping wvwrtleft wing cause for 17 year, now they have reservations.

h said...

It's not just that Bernie is winning big, it is that so many others are not cracking the 15%. So Bernie can win 45% of the vote and 70% of the delegates. By super Tuesday Bernie will have way more than half the delegates, and he will look like the inevitable candidate.

Beasts of England said...

Time for some live music and cold beer, but on behalf of future Associate Justice Ted Cruz, I’d just like to say: Bernie! Bernie!! Bernie!!!

Bill Peschel said...

Bernie is the left's version of Trump.

A lot of people voted for them in 2016 because they were uniformly sick of the uniparty, the coalition of Democrats and RINOs that gave us the repeal of Glass-Stegall, Don't Ask Don't Tell, the gay marriage ban, and the giant sucking sound that was NAFTA.

There are a lot of people who hate these politicians.

Those on the right didn't want Hillary, because she's a Clinton, because she's a horrible campaigner, because she toppled Gadaffi and unleashed illegal immigrants on Europe, because she's a grifter, because she called us "deplorables," etc. etc.

Those on the left who didn't want Hillary because they wanted more government control of health care, they bought into the "climate emergency", because they believed that $15 an hour minimum wage would be a good thing, etc. etc.

The Dems fended off Bernie in '16, but they couldn't do that now.


Jimmy said...

Big win tonight for the Bolshevik wing of the party. Antifa must be happy. with official government backing, they can finally clean up all the fascists. Make people finally 'think good thoughts', and be happy in the workers paradise.

FullMoon said...

Putin and Trump on the hotline yukking it up..

Trump hi-fives Vlad for his practical joke in Nevada

BTW, Bernie was notified a month ago that Russia was interfering in election to helphim but never mentioned it. Guess his tough talk yesterday was not honest..

Ken B said...

Farmer:” It’s so delicious seeing the establishment in meltdown mode”

Unlike their calm and deliberate response to Trump?

Inga said...

“Antifa must be happy.”

Just like White Supremacists were happy when Trump was elected President?

Limited blogger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Josephbleau said...

Blogger Inga said...

“So who will be the Never Sanders in the Dem party?”

Probably no one.

Will there be Never Sanders?”

Highly doubtful."

Very true, the Obama Democrats will become never Bernies.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Buttigieg said that Sanders “believes in an inflexible ideological revolution that leaves out most Democrats, not to mention most Americans” and that Democrats can choose between “either ideological purity or inclusive victory.”

It's nice of Buttgig to help Trump write his general election ads.

Jimmy said...

Inga weighs in. heavily. to make a point about, um, not sure, but it sounds so witty. Let me know when people supported by Trump start shooting Congress people. Or taking over city centers, supported by the government.

FullMoon said...

Reddit guy said:

You think most people are anti socialism? You're wrong

There are legions of dumbshit kids, and basically every poor demographic everywhere lining up for their free shit

It's like a commie revolution. Promise free shit for illegals, free student debt, free free free

Then other dems will vote Bernie because blue no matter who.

stevew said...

Other than the free stuff, which he'll never be able to deliver on, what is it about Bernie that recommends him?

Original Mike said...

"Just like White Supremacists were happy when Trump was elected President?"

Yeah, all five of them.

Limited blogger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ken B said...

Bernie's appeal rests on
1 free stuff
2 screaming, red faced anger

He cannot really deliver on the first, but he can try. The second though is a promise he can keep.

Bay Area Guy said...

Ok, Eureka, I got it!

Here goes:

Bernie is easily the front runner, and will wrap up a majority of delegates en route to the nomination. No brokered convention.

Bloomy is trying to stop this, but got absolutely knee-capped by Fierce Warriors Princess Liz Warren. Don't be calling us "Fat Broads & Horse-Faced Lesbians", you rich little twerp!

So. What does Warren do for an encore? She's broke in 5th Place - what has she got to lose?

Well, at the Tues debate, Liz hammers Bernie for the "Soft Porn Pamphlets" he used to write in the 70s.

Some of Bernie's quotes:

"A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.
"A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.
"The man and woman get dressed up on Sunday — and go to Church, or maybe to their 'revolutionary' political meeting.
"Have you ever looked at the Stag, Man, Hero, Tough magazines on the shelf of your local bookstore? Do you know why the newspaper with the articles like 'Girl 12 raped by 14 men' sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?"

A bit weird and creepy, no? Why are the male Dem candidates so weird?

I say Liz tomahawks Bernie on Tues, like she tomahawked Bloomy this week.

J. Farmer said...

Unlike their calm and deliberate response to Trump?

That was delicious, too.

Inga said...

“When dems say 'white supremacist', they just mean a white person”

Oh really? I’m a white person, I’m certainly not a white supremacist. You sound like an idiot. First you say Antifa is happy with Bernie without even stopping to think that such a comment could be said about white supremacists and Trump. Just what is YOUR point? Why are you so upset about Bernie? Shouldn’t you be celebrating and thinking that Trump could win handily over Bernie? Or are you worried?

Jimmy said...

Sanders appeal is two fold. First, we can finally get rid of those obnoxious billionaires, and the mean corporations. Everyone else can live a middle class life style, with rent control, free college and free free free. that is usually the extent of that type of thinking. AOC will be the economic czar. YAY!
the real reason is that the left thinks that sanders can beat Trump. They are willing to destroy this country to do so. And hidden in such deep thinking is the hope, the prayer, that THIS time, we will finally get Socialism done the right way.

Known Unknown said...

"a huge anti Trump election, as was 2018."


John henry said...

I had mixed feelings about Obama in 08. Had McCain picked anyone other than Palin, I would have been all in on Obama. But I really really liked Palin and was willing to live in hope that she might inherit the Oval.

In 2012 I was all in on Obama. Not because I thought he had done a good job or was likely to better. Just the opposite.

Worse is better. Worse will lead to people rising up and selecting a Trump. I never thought it would be Trump, just that it would be someone who would rattle the dishes as PDJT has done.

I suspect that many dems are voting for Bernie because they believe as I did in 16 and Lenin did 100 years earlier "worse is better"

Perhaps a decent Democrat party will arise from the rubble. Probably not but whatever happens, it can't po be worse.

John Henry

Known Unknown said...

I’m a white person, I’m certainly not a white supremacist

White = supremacist. You don't need the extra words. They are synonymous.

Original Mike said...

"I’m certainly not a white supremacist."

Neither are 99% of the people your fellow travelers fling that charge at.

Inga said...

‘"A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.
"A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.
"Have you ever looked at the Stag, Man, Hero, Tough magazines on the shelf of your local bookstore? Do you know why the newspaper with the articles like 'Girl 12 raped by 14 men' sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?"”

A fantasy for Bernie, a reality for Trump, lol. Just kidding, don’t get mad.

J. Farmer said...

White supremacy is a pretty dead ideology. It has basically been a scare term against white nationalism, which is a very different ideology. White nationalists have zero interest in ruling over non-whites. White nationalists, by and large, want to be left alone. It is the government that insists on rubbing diversity in their faces.

Mark said...

I’m a white person, I’m certainly not a white supremacist.

We all know how the game is played. Your denial is only PROOF POSITIVE that you are a white supremacist.

narciso said...

Ditto john henry, i quickly discovered that mccains propensity to throw women under the bus carried over. She was very prescient about putins threat but was ignored.

Rimney rubbed me the wromg way, i voted against him in the florida primary against my better judgement i voted for him in the general.

Mark said...

The more you deny it, the more you convict yourself.

Mark said...

Voting against Romney is never against good judgment.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I’m a white person, I’m certainly not a white supremacist.

Check your privilege. Inga needs a round of re-education from her party's brethren.

Original Mike said...

Those are Bernie quotes? Wow.

Inga said...

“Rimney rubbed me the wromg way,”

Oh, so it wasn’t pleasurable eh? Sorry, just trying to lighten the thread up a bit.

narciso said...

This is what is being taught in the schools farmer with the 1619 project as over arching framework.

narciso said...

Romney was eager to attack his primary opponents but was a basenghi when it came to obama,
i didnt like obama, because i took what he wanted to seriously, unlike his supposed opposition.

Josephbleau said...

Farmer, that is so.

narciso said...

That someone like a sanders would succeed is a terrifying prospect, this is why parents left cuba, and go (redact) yourselfif you minimize this.

J. Farmer said...

Those are Bernie quotes? Wow.

They're from an essay he wrote about gender roles in society. A pretty basic Freudian analysis.

Inga said...

“Those are Bernie quotes? Wow.

They're from an essay he wrote about gender roles in society. A pretty basic Freudian analysis.”

Oh why ruin their fantasy about Bernie?

J. Farmer said...

That someone like a sanders would succeed is a terrifying prospect, this is why parents left cuba, and go (redact) yourselfif you minimize this.

Oh, get over yourself.

robother said...

Inga: "as Democrats they too want a candidate that can win against Trump and they are smart enough to know it’s Bernie, my opinion anyway."

You just keep thinking that way right up through Nov. 3. Demand that every Democrat candidate in the Senate and House declare his support for Bernie and the socialist program. That way Bernie will have a mandate for open borders, free healthcare for the every human being and socialization of the means of production.

mockturtle said...

Bill Peschel notes: Bernie is the left's version of Trump.

Yes, he is. And the Dem establishment hate Bernie in the same way the GOP establishment hate Trump. They aren't playing by the unwritten rules of swamp politics.

Mark said...

I do have to question the perennial strategy of candidates investing so many resources in Iowa and New Hampshire to the near or total exclusion of other states. They should want a good showing in both, but at some point, they reach their reasonable maximum and any additional spending is wasted. Money and time and resources that could be saved and better used in places like Nevada and S.C. and Super Tuesday states.

As it is, too many of them shoot their wad in Iowa. It leaves them too limp to compete elsewhere.

Mark said...

Yeah mock, but at the end of the day, if not by supper time, the Dem establishment will all rally around Sanders and proclaim him a complete centrist.

Mark said...

We've already long had people tell us how we are already a socialist country because the government provides for things like roads and the mail.

J. Farmer said...

As it is, too many of them shoot their wad in Iowa. It leaves them too limp to compete elsewhere.

I think they reason they do this is because the winner of the first primary gets a huge media boost, which is basically free advertising. And they can usually parlay the win into campaign donations.

J. Farmer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Farmer said...

I'm hoping Sanders wins the nomination. He was robbed of it in 2016. We need to have a national debate on Capitalism, Prosperity and Freedom vs. Socialism, Poverty and Totalitarianism.

Right, because that will totally be the choice we face in 2020.

Bay Area Guy said...

Yeah, Bernie was quite the Vermont pamphleteer in the 70s. I reckon he had a lotta free time, you know, not working, not raising his kids...

We need to scour Bernie's soft porn publication library. Might find a "grab 'em by the pussy" or "horse-faced Lesbian" bombshell.

Hey, I don't make the rules!

Original Mike said...

"Oh why ruin their fantasy about Bernie?"

Yeah, right, cuz you'd let these slide if they were Trump's.

narciso said...

The purges would come not in the first wave, but in time like millions who were not vlasovites or social revolutionaries would discover in the gulag archipelago.

John henry said...

One difference between Bernie and pdjt (of many)

Donald Trump has always been in the Republican party, however tenuously.

Bernie has Never been a member of the Democrat Party. Not even tenuously.

The Dems screwed the pooch well and properly when they let him run in their party in 15. He could have been stopped then.

Once they accepted that he could run as a Democrat, the was nothing they could do. They did this to themselves.

John Henry

mccullough said...

With all the Latino support Bernie’s getting, maybe they’ll start moving to Vermont soon.

I’ve toyed with the idea that the US should just create caravan routes to Canada for the Mexicans and Central Americans

mockturtle said...

Mark thinks: Yeah mock, but at the end of the day, if not by supper time, the Dem establishment will all rally around Sanders and proclaim him a complete centrist.

More likely, Bernie will end up dead from a 'heart attack'.

narciso said...

Indeed they let the scorpion ride them, the protestations from matthews and co rong hollow.

mccullough said...

I think the fatal heart attack is likely, too. After he’s seen up the nomination but before the convention,

Bay Area Guy said...

Tues night's debate is gonna be 5 on 1 against Bernie....

When establishment Dems attack!

narciso said...

Canadians arent really that keen on a massive influx, there was just a pathetic opposition to challenge trudeau.

Original Mike said...

"I think the fatal heart attack is likely, too. After he’s seen up the nomination but before the convention,"

He needs to hire a taste tester. Just sayin'.

Mark said...

There is a good chance that a VP Klobuchar would end up being president after Comrade President did have a heart attack, no quotation marks needed.

mccullough said...

It would be hilarious if like 3 million whites just started a caravan into Canada if Bernie got elected.

chickelit said...

mockturtle said...I'm hoping Sanders wins the nomination. He was robbed of it in 2016. We need to have a national debate on Capitalism, Prosperity and Freedom vs. Socialism, Poverty and Totalitarianism.

Your terms may be a bit too 20th century, but the established deep staters on both sides are not going to allow us to have that debate. I predict that they will resort to outright crime to prevent it -- whether that be real or character assassination. There is just too much at stake in the present power struggle.

mccullough said...

The Dems need a minority VP if Bernie’s the nominee

mccullough said...

Gavin Newson will pardon Sirhan Sirhan before the California primary

narciso said...

Yes but sirhans a little long in the tooth at this point.

Mark said...

When Sanders goes down to his dacha, that is when the coup plotters will strike.

mccullough said...

Sirhan is younger than Bernie, Bloomberg, and Biden

Rory said...

Hillary Clinton was/is such a massive shit storm. Everything that's playing out here in both parties is an incidental result of her trying to be elected President without actually going to the voters and convincing them of her ideas. It might be 500 years from now, but some historian is going to write a great book.

Michael said...

Stacy Abrams

Kathryn51 said...

Just returned from my "family" book club meet-up - Since I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary, I am cordially welcome (because "family"). Politics avoided (because I'm the lone GOP) but at the end. . . after a few glasses of wine. . . .conversation turned to a bit of politics. Every woman - "suburban moms" to the core - said that if push came to shove, they would vote for Bernie. Their hatred of Trump is all consuming. They are well off enough economically that they don't believe Bernie could ruin their lives.

Those that say suburban moms would vote for Trump over Bernie. . . I'm not so sure.

Michael The Magnificent said...

The Dems screwed the pooch well and properly when they let him run in their party in 15. He could have been stopped then.

I think the strategy was to take him out in the primaries, rather than have Bernie run third party in the general and splitting votes between the moderate left and the commie pinko left a la Ralph Nader or Jill Stein.

narciso said...

And they thought the cigar store indian would get them, or failing peter pumpkin eater?

narciso said...

Then again most outlets suppressed what the would be commissars in south carolina and iowa were planning.

Original Mike said...

"They are well off enough economically that they don't believe Bernie could ruin their lives."

He doesn't have to take their money. All he has to do is tank the market. And he will.

mccullough said...

Suburban moms only matter in a few states. Just like most voters.

Inga said...

“Every woman - "suburban moms" to the core - said that if push came to shove, they would vote for Bernie. Their hatred of Trump is all consuming. They are well off enough economically that they don't believe Bernie could ruin their lives.

Those that say suburban moms would vote for Trump over Bernie. . . I'm not so sure.”

So right. And middle class and working poor Democrats will vote for Bernie to try to improve their circumstances.

mccullough said...

I agree Original Mike.

But that’s why they are Wine Moms.

They’ll be drinking the screw cap wine soon

Inga said...

“Suburban moms only matter in a few states. Just like most voters.”

Those white women suburban voters left Trump in droves in 2018 and were instrumental in Democrats winning the House.

Big Mike said...

Right, because that will totally be the choice we face in 2020.

No one could possibly doubt that. Make that "no honest person of at least nominal intelligence."

narciso said...

And they got bupkis for it, didnt they.

Ken B said...

I won’t vote for guys who praise Hitler and say real nazism has never been tried. Doesn’t matter to me that they won’t get anything done as President, I still won’t vote for them. Nor for guys who praise communists and say real socialism has never been tried.

Original Mike said...

I have slowly started divesting just because of my age. If Bernie gets anywhere near the Oval Office, I'm selling most of it.

mccullough said...

Bernie will make it worse.

But people will deserve him. Just like the blacks who voted for Obama deserved the high unemployment, the continued increase in out of wedlock births, the continued racial achievement gap, and the increased homicide rate.

If Trump loses, its best if Bernie wins.

Big Mike said...

If the latest numbers hold up it looks like Bernie gets 24 delegates, give or take, and Biden gets the rest. Klobuchar will be sixth, or perhaps fifth by a hair.

mccullough said...


Always good to lock in gains. Do it soon.

mccullough said...

Trump didn’t run in 2018.

Trump will have an opponent in 2020. If it’s Bernie, the difference and consequences will be stark.

Their husbands will explain it to them.

Inga said...

What do the suburbs want? The suburbs abandoned Republicans in 2018, and they might not be coming back.

chuck said...

Their hatred of Trump is all consuming.

I absolutely believe that. The Democrats and the media have been cultivating Trump hatred for Four years and it has infected a significant part of the population. Add in the lack of experience with socialist society and anything is possible. As a (Kazakhstani) Russian told me, "You can't imagine it if you haven't experienced it."

Original Mike said...

It's definitely on my mind, mccullough.

When Krugman writes the column that Bernie will be good for the market, I'm selling it all.

Inga said...

“Trump didn’t run in 2018.“

2018 was a referendum on Trump and 2020 will be even more so.

mccullough said...

Bernie is on record as saying that only White People Socialism works. That’s why he moved to Vermont. White People State. Bigly

Guy finally ditched Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Of course there is a lot of video and audio of a middle age and older Bernie praising these shitholes.

Amadeus 48 said...

Lots still to happen. It's a long time until November.

By the way, the correct pronunciation of the phrase is:

"Womney wubbed me the wong way."

All Romney voters know what that means. We let out our inner Elmer Fudd and voted for that doofus. Now we regret it. Or maybe now we wegwet it.

Inga said...

“Their hatred of Trump is all consuming.”

Trump was hated long before he ran for President.

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