January 19, 2020

"Nothing like this has ever happened before"... okay, you got me BBC. I'll click.


It's Harry and Meghan.

Really, is there any reason why I need to keep up with this story.

I did notice this guy the other day. I'm forgetting about BBC and would like this viewpoint to stand for what I think:


rehajm said...


Darrell said...

All BBC comedians have to throw in a line about Climate Change--"Meanwhile the world is on fire." That's how propaganda works.

gspencer said...

Water always seeks its own level.

Tommy Duncan said...

He expresses himself in a more civil tone than I do when I talk about American progressives.

Bob Smith said...

Fascinating how so many people who profess their love of republics have a royalty fetish. Maybe it’s the fancy duds.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The British so love their royals!

David Begley said...

I hate the Royals. Grifters. Celebrities.

We fought a war to get away from those losers.

Big Mike said...

Really, is there any reason why I need to keep up with this story.

No! But Jonathan Pie, on the other hand ...

J. Farmer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J Melcher said...

"We fought a war to get away from those losers."

Well, yes, and to hang on to our balls, muskets and powder in Lexington when the losers wanted to impose waiting periods, background checks, and open carry.

Maybe the dispute was a bit more complicated than objection to the concept of royalty?

J. Farmer said...

FYI...Jonathan Pie was co-created by Andrew Doyle (aka Titania McGrath). Brilliant.

Yancey Ward said...

Stripped of titles and inheritance if I understand things. So, they truly are on their own. Good luck to them.

rehajm said...

"Meanwhile the world is on fire."

I think he’s a wombat...

tcrosse said...

Grandma showed who rules, and why.

Ann Althouse said...

Follow Jonathan Pie on Twitter here.

Chris Lopes said...

@J Melcher

Those other issues were part of the main issue of whether or not we should be ruled by England.
The British troops at Lexington and Concord were there to enforce Royal edicts. The Patriots were there to resist that.

Amexpat said...

All BBC comedians have to throw in a line about Climate Change--"Meanwhile the world is on fire." That's how propaganda works.

I think the reference was to the fires in Australia, which is a much more important story than the Royal families troubles.

Gahrie said...

When the BBC can't remember British history....does the name Wallis Simpson ring a bell?

Marc in Eugene said...

The res publica can be governed by any of several different regimes, right? I don't see why allegiance to and loyal participation in the one we Americans utilize (for less than two and a half centuries) should exclude speculation about the potential goods the others ('monarchy' being a multimillennial form of government) might provide. That said, I'm very little concerned, myself, about the melodrama being enacted by that English princeling and his spouse.

Gahrie said...

Stripped of titles and inheritance if I understand things. So, they truly are on their own. Good luck to them.

Stripped of titles, yes and stripped of inheriting a title, but not family wealth or property. He is still quite wealthy and will receive an inheritance when his "grandmother" and "father" die.

Gahrie said...

The British troops at Lexington and Concord were there to enforce Royal edicts.

And the edicts were to arrest revolutionaries and confiscate arms and ammunition.

rehajm said...

Netflix is worth more than the royal family. Woke Wallis and the Indie Ginger will start there...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - this stuff is needed.


F the corrupt democrats, too.

tcrosse said...

This doesn't cut Harry out of the succession, sixth though he is. The Smart Money says he'll be back in a few years, without her.

Bay Area Guy said...

She is the American Yoko Ono - except she's breaking up the Monkees, not the Beatles.

Sebastian said...

"is there any reason why I need to keep up with this story"

Yes. The deroyalization of Harry and Meghan is an episode in the prog Narrative. They are now unleashed to do Good, and progs will make you care. They'll try, anyway.

They know that with Althouse, for all her protestations of neutrality and all her self-regard as an independent thinker, they have a chance: they may yet win her over, if support for abortion by itself won't do the trick.

BarrySanders20 said...

The Royal VaJiner. Great name for a band or pub.

William said...

I pretend to be above it all. Loftier, as it were, than the actual royals.....He's pretty funny. That's the other pose. They're all a bunch of entitled toffs and they should all fuck off. Some people like to celebrate the Royal Family with hostile jokes. Ever since court jesters, hostile comedians have been part of the royal entourage. He's part of the scam......I've earned some things with appreciable effort. It takes all the fun out of things if that's how you acquire them. I like the concept of being born into the royal family. Among the commoners, you have to wreck your life trying to achieve status, significance, and some down time on the weekends. The odds are you won't succeed and, even if you do succeed, you're halfway calcified when you do. How much better to be born into it.....One of my best moves was being born in America in a mostly peaceful and prosperous era. Anything I might have achieved in life was secondary to that. Not as good a deal as being born into the royal family, but pretty sweet nonetheless.

ken in tx said...

Hereditary limited Monarchy has provided more people with more freedom and stability that any other form of government in history. Pure democracies always devolve into dictatorships, which in turn devolve into new monarchies, usually absolute monarchies.

Allison said...

no, we had a revolution nearly 250 years ago so we'd never have to think about this story.

John henry said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...

Stripped of titles and inheritance

My understanding is that they were only stripped of royal titles. I don't think wassername even had one.

My understanding is that they are still Duke and Duchess of whateverthefuk. That would entitles them to be called "your grace" by people who care.

Or shithead by people like me who don't.

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger Amexpat said...

I think the reference was to the fires in Australia, which is a much more important story than the Royal families troubles.

I heard the line as sarcastic, not serious. But he may have really meant it.

Funny how we don't hear much about those fires anymore after the arrest of 95 climate activists who apparently set the fires in a coordinated effort.

John Henry

Two-eyed Jack said...

I prefer the Steely Dan album to this Royal Scam.

Seeing Red said...

They’re not stripped of their titles. They just can’t use them. Harry hasn’t lost his place in line.

J. Farmer said...

@ken in tx:

Hereditary limited Monarchy has provided more people with more freedom and stability that any other form of government in history. Pure democracies always devolve into dictatorships, which in turn devolve into new monarchies, usually absolute monarchies.

I basically agree with this. And I think Robert Michels' "iron law of oligarchy" is basically correct.

Ralph L said...

Pure democracies always devolve into dictatorships

Constitutional monarchies have only been around a couple hundred years, too, so give them a little more time.

tcrosse said...

Charles is going to bankroll the kids for a year, then we'll see.

mockturtle said...

Doesn't it matter that Charles isn't Harry's real father? Or is that irrelevant in these circles?

traditionalguy said...

It's past time for Kate to rule as the new soap opera Queen.

Seeing Red said...

I saw a photo at the daily mail. They do look alike. Their lips and part of their facial structure.

Ralph L said...

Kate will have to eat some actual food if she's going to have enough energy to create drama for us.

Darrell said...

I think the reference was to the fires in Australia, which is a much more important story than the Royal families troubles.

It's probably both considering the Lefty-Liars are saying that Climate Change--not the hundreds of arsonists--are responsible for the Aussie fires. But I watch a lot of BBC and the Climate Change and Lefty narratives have made Brit comedy extinct. This year's bunch of Cunk (& Other Humans) specials were unwatchable, when they used to be funny and clever. They worked Climate Change and Brexit (and Trump) into each of the seven five-minute episodes.

svlc said...

That dude summed up my feeling exactly. Though, unlike him, I live in Vancouver and now have to deal with them here. Bloody hell.

FIDO said...

I have said it before: the reaction of the press and literally everyone should be 'forget this couple exists'. Royalty and Celebrity comes at the cost of people watching you and you being accessible to the hoi polloi. Spend an hour cutting a ribbon at a hospital.

They...want the money...and the access to posh jobs...but they don't want to pay the price of celebrity.

So don't give it to them. They are now no more remarkable than Joe Plumber. No headlines. No mention if she tries to start a clothing line. No discussion of their day to day life. Never mentioned even in news stories with other royals to ARE paying the price. "William and Kate meet with some commoners at Wimbledon this week"

Like the man who lead the Persians around the Spartan position, their names should be forgotten.

JAORE said...

Funnier by far than anything I've seen on SNL in the past decade or so.

jimbo@35 said...

Remember this:


From Jonathan Pie

Focko Smitherman said...

Don't think anybody's mentioned Pie's fine rant just after the 2016 election. The left did not take it to heart.

Unknown said...

“The planet is on fire” but he’s “freezing his jankers off”?