January 14, 2020

Let's talk about Joe Biden's new "Why are you so obsessed with me, Mr. President?" ad.

Some random thoughts:

1. Who is that music supposed to be for? Does it cheer some people up? Make them feel "pumped"? To me, it's so aggressive that I could barely pay attention to the voiceover, and it just seems ludicrously bad, like somebody without musical talent was trying to recreate the MTV theme from the 80s:

2. With my mental space occupied 85% by how irritating the music was, what can I remember without rewatching? It seemed to be a bunch of clips of Trump saying "Biden" and an assertion that Trump is "obsessed" with Biden and that this obsession exists because Biden is the one candidate that Trump believes will be able to beat him. But I'm sure a montage of Trump saying "Sanders" or "Warren" or "Boot-edge-edge" could be assembled. The saying of the name doesn't prove the obsession.

3. Trump is so tricky that if he were sending out the signal that Biden is the one opponent he fears, I would suspect that he doesn't fear him.

4. There were various words on screen and statements by the voiceover telling us Joe Biden is experienced and ready to go on Day One. Basically, he's qualified and he can win. Lukewarm material. Maybe that explains the addition of the distracting, annoying music.

5. We're shown poll numbers indicating Biden would beat Trump in some key states, including Wisconsin. But I remember the most recent Marquette poll showing only one candidate beating Trump in Wisconsin. That person was Cory Booker.

6. I'll rewatch the ad after I put up the post and update with any new impressions.

ADDED: I rewatched. It was very unpleasant. We see lots of pictures of Trump and hear his voice yelling "Biden," "Biden," "Biden," "Biden," "Biden," "Biden," "Biden," "Biden." I think Democrats imagine that there's a successful political move known as "getting under Trump's skin." They've been trying to do that and claiming to have done that for the entire Trump presidency. I think they are deluding themselves. Trump gets energy from opposition. Nothing wears him down. He's not losing it, and the idea that Biden as his opponent would drive him into some sort of self-destructive frenzy is at best silly.


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tim maguire said...

My initial reaction was, Biden must not think much of his own candidacy if he finds it weird that Trump notices him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's illegal to campaign against any democrat. Cannot say their name.
It is illegal to point out Biden's clear as day brag about forcing the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired for looking into corruption at Barisma - the energy company paying his son 50,000 a month.

Anonymous said...

Have the Dem candidates hired a bunch of middle-schooler consultants who've convinced them to splash out on an "I know you are but what am I" strategy?

Michael K said...

A great example of how Trump lives in the heads of the left.

Frank Luntz told a joke about how he asked Trump what his middle initial, J, stood for and Trump said "Genius." Cute, huh ?

The left went nuts thinking it was a true story, Biden has no idea.

wendybar said...

Maybe because corrupt Biden and his son did everything that Trump is getting accused of, yet the Democrats say you can't investigate him because he is running for President??

CJinPA said...

Nice little ad. The Dem base wants nothing else but to BEAT TRUMP and Biden says Trump is concerned that polls show he can BEAT TRUMP.

Tommy Duncan said...

I guess that's the kind of ad you run when your record sucks and you don't have any policy positions. Content free...

mccullough said...

Biden isn’t running on a third Obama term. And he isn’t running on Progressive Mania.

He’s just floundering. They all are.

It’s tough to run against a good economy in which all income groups and races and genders are benefitting.

The candidates would need to embrace Trump’s economic policies. And they aren’t doing it.

No one wants the Obama era wages and labor participation rates, least of all Obama.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Trump is like Kelis.

Trumps taunting brings
All the dems to yard
And they're like
Pay attention to us!
Damn right
Obsess about us!
He'll teach them
But he has to charge

tim maguire said...

CJinPA said...
Nice little ad. The Dem base wants nothing else but to BEAT TRUMP and Biden says Trump is concerned that polls show he can BEAT TRUMP.

Good point. This is a primary ad. It is not aimed at the general public, it is aimed at Democratic primary voters. Maybe it will be effective against TDS sufferers.

Curious George said...

"...helped make ObamaCare the law of the land..."

They still think that's a good thing? I guess it's better than "made my son, who is a brother's widow fucking, crackhead, father to some stripper's kid, rich by strong arming Ukraine.

Nonapod said...

I can't watch the ad right now, but my impression from the description is that Biden (or whoever composed the ad) is attempting to out-Trump Trump by taunting him. I'm not convinced that particularly strategy will be effective with critical swing voters. My reasoning is that these hypothetical swing voters are the sorts of people who probably dislike Trump's taunting and mocking, that's why they're persuadable. I imagine that such a group of people may like some of the things that Trump has done, but dislike him personally due to his public demeanor. It seems odd to try to appeal to them with taunting and mocking.

Chris N said...

My grandpa saw ol Union Joe stand up at Finnerty’s and speak for an hour about People n Blacks n Fair Wages n Corn Nuts. Trains and Coal and Teapot Dome too. Ya can’t buy that at the Company Store.

He kissed a dog and kicked a baby.

Tom said...

Joe, you spelled “Department of Justice” wrong.

madAsHell said...

Bite me!
Bite me!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

An ad so bad it could only have been made at a Russian troll farm. Maybe that's the best Joe can afford.

Derek Kite said...

Two things going on here. I think the primary target here are Democrats; look, I am a threat to Trump, he is afraid of me. I'm the one who can beat him.

The second is what I think a catastrophic error. Trump will paint Biden as corrupt, running a family influence peddling operation. It ran so deep that Washington tried to impeach him for pointing it out. This is an attempt to counter that. It is arguing on Trumps terms by his rules. A bad idea.

There is an air of desperation to this.

Bob Boyd said...

"Why are you so obsessed with me?"

Biden channels his inner high school girl.

Chris N said...

This is BEFORE Babs McLanahan got rode outta town and Chesty LaRue took over the gal show at Finnerty’s Saloon.

Fernandinande said...

Bite me!
Bite me!

As they say in China, "Please to be self-biting."

Hunter said...

That song is on the tape Biden likes to listen to while washing his Trans Am.

Beasts of England said...

I agree with your follow-on comment, professor. By the end I was hoping never to hear ‘BIDEN’ again, and I don’t think that’s the message they were trying to send.

Fernandinande said...

Joe has a grand-kid whose mom is a prostitute, right? So Joe's like regular people!

Ken B said...

There is an effective montage of Maddow saying “Putin” hundreds of times, with a dozen or so “Russia” thrown in. It’s effective because it’s from one show. All of it, one single show. This ain’t that.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I've said before that high-school in the USA really is the developmental high-mark for so many people emotionally.

Trump is BMOC (Big Man On Campus). Being BMOC is all about having everything be about you. Even when it's not about you, it becomes about you. The girls want to get with you even though they've got no chance. The guys want to be you. Haters gonna hate. But they hate you, and they can't stop talking about you. An equivalent example for women would be the hen-house talking about how 'Becky's butt is sooooo big'. When you go on Spring Break, everyone asks what you did. Everyone's interested in who you might be dating. And the big secret? They all secretly adore the idea of being the focus of your attention. Even if negatively, at least you're focusing your attention on them for once. They love the hate, it shows you care.

I think Biden has a secret bro-crush on Trump. He's not saying 'why are you so obsessed with me?' He's really saying 'Thank you for paying attention to me and boosting my status as de-facto front-runner'.

robother said...

Should've used "You Were Aways on My Mind" as the background music.

Tommy Duncan said...

"Why are you so obsessed with me?"


Ken B said...

Indeed. But no Willie or Elvis for the sophisticated Democrats. Too, too deplorable. Pet Shop Boys.

readering said...

It's a Democratic primary. AA not target audience. (Nothing would get me to vote Biden.)

Nonapod said...

I think the primary target here are Democrats; look, I am a threat to Trump, he is afraid of me. I'm the one who can beat him.

Yeah, I hadn't considered that. I was still assuming that Biden is definitely gonna be the nominee and this ad was targeted at a more general electorate. So I guess the taunting is supposedly going to appeal to primary voters who need to be reassured that Biden can go toe to toe with Trump is the schoolyard tough guy arena that they imagine Trump fully inhabits. Maybe that'll work then, I don't know.

Big Mike said...

3. Trump is so tricky that if he were sending out the signal that Biden is the one opponent he fears, I would suspect that he doesn't fear him.

Oh no. Joe Biden’s formidable campaigning skills utterly terrify the entire Republican Party. Trump spends his nights praying to God that the Dems don’t nominate Joe Biden. Those pictures of Joe with his hands on the front of a little girl’s chest will have voters flocking to his cause!!

narayanan said...

Blogger Hunter said...
... while washing his Trans Am.
He has tattoos on both arms - anybody know what they are?

right one looks like hula-girl

ga6 said...

Unpleasant ad reflects on an unpleasant candidate, who is staffed with unpleasant people; all of whom wish to rule me/run my life...

Bob Boyd said...

Biden's been listening to Mariah Carey.

rehajm said...

That's 80s movie montage music...

Biden wanted something snappier like Everybody Loves My Baby. Twentythree skidoo!

Jaq said...
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Dave Begley said...

I can't take Biden seriously. He's very dumb. And this new book (Profiles in Corruption) is going to destroy him.

Joe should be in jail.

Jaq said...

Biden to Western PA. All of these jobs that you guys have that Hillary had promised to destroy by banning fracking? Don’t worry! We will make you better ones bolting on Chinese made solar panels!

It sounds like a killer message to me! All of the candidates are on record demanding the destruction of the backbone of PA’s economy.

Jaq said...

PA is becoming like it’s neighbor West Virginia. Old style Democrats who have woken up to the fact that the Democrats don’t want them anymore.

Dave Begley said...

Biden is *owned* by the Chinese. He sold out his union buddies and they know it.

traditionalguy said...

Trump approaches politics like a wrestler. He waits for a move to be made by his opponent and then counters that move and turns him onto his back for the pin.

All Biden offers is that he is an old time politician who has experience in stealing our money for 50 years. And poor crack addicted Hunter is his cutout bagman. Elect Joe and you get Hunter in the deal.

Jaq said...

All Biden has to do is get Hillary to explain to the American people that there is nothing wrong with anything the Bidens did.

Beasts of England said...

’Those pictures of Joe with his hands on the front of a little girl’s chest will have voters flocking to his cause!!’

And you know Trump will ‘go there’. I’m pre-laughing about it now. The clip of Joey groping the SecDef’s wife will be the highlight.

Dave Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

I think Trump should stay away from the “little girls” thing not out of respect to Biden, but to the girls who are innocent in the whole matter. Doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be a meme though. No stopping that in a free country.

NCMoss said...

Zappa's "St. Alfonzo's pancake breakfast" would have been a good reach-out to the Bernie and Catholic voter.

Jaq said...

I am not sure it is in China’s interest to ban fracking, they buy oil on the world market, but it is greatly in the interest of Putin, who sells it.

Roger Sweeny said...

I think the primary target here are Democrats; look, I am a threat to Trump, he is afraid of me. I'm the one who can beat him.

As an old white male, Biden has an unchangeable disadvantage in today's Democratic primaries. Warren is a woman and Sanders is "real" and "honest". If Biden can't find some "unique selling proposition", he is destined to fade. The ad is trying to make his USP both practical--"I'm the one who can beat him"--and emotional: "The more Trump dislikes someone, the better that someone must be; he dislikes me more than any other candidate."

AllenS said...

A good response from Trump would be an ad of Creepy Joe fondling young girls. Don't fuck with Trump, Slow Joe, you Pervert.

jaydub said...

"Joe has a grand-kid whose mom is a prostitute, right? So Joe's like regular people!"

So is the grand-kid's dad. He just prostitutes himself for a lot more money.

Chuck said...

3. Trump is so tricky that if he were sending out the signal that Biden is the one opponent he fears, I would suspect that he doesn't fear him.

Huh. "Tricky." I'm trying to think of an example of "tricky." Because I can think of lots of examples of, "I could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes, okay?"

But nothing particularly "tricky."

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Temujin said...

I'm probably the last to say this, but someone could clearly put together a montage of Creepy Joe hugging women, touching women inappropriately, nestling his head into the ears or hair of other women, while a variety of women's voices proclaim: Biden! Biden! Biden Biden!

Too easy.

Achilles said...

Derek Kite said...
I think the primary target here are Democrats; look, I am a threat to Trump, he is afraid of me. I'm the one who can beat him.

This is what the Biden campaign team was trying to convey.

But there is no way to paper over the policies Biden supports or the fact he has a room temperature IQ.

pacwest said...

Did Inga write that ad?

AllenS said...

I see others beat me to it. As far as the innocence of the young girls, yes, so, fog (I can't remember the word) their faces out of the ad.

Leland said...

I think the ad is very good. Always number 1 for campaigns is name recognition. Repeating the name over and over builds that recognition. Find some nice people working rudimentary jobs, and they don't obsess over political news. Ask them who they will vote, and they'll mention names they know, and they'll typically vote along family history party line. That's who Biden is aiming this ad, and it will work for him.

That said, I think point 3 is accurate. Biden was Obama's VP. Trump has destroyed Obama's legacy. Running against what Trump destroyed along with the success America has had with the destruction of Obama's legacy; Biden is an easy win for Trump. Not because Biden will turn voters away (like Hillary), but he won't inspire many to even get out to vote.

Francisco D said...

I think Democrats imagine that there's a successful political move known as "getting under Trump's skin."

Trump has fooled people into thinking that everything is off the cuff with him. Thus, getting under his skin is a strategy aimed at eliciting verbal errors. People who have worked with Trump know that he is very calculating - almost the opposite of this image.

The result of all of this is that his enemies become obsessive idiots like Chuckles and Adam Schiff. Would anyone here trust either one to even walk their dog?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

banning fracking? Don’t worry! We will make you better ones bolting on Chinese made solar panels!

It's even worse than that. Biden literally told them to learn to code!

chuck said...

Biden is leveraging Trump for support? Trump ain't Corn Pop.

stevew said...

Democrats do not understand Trump. They don't understand what motivates him. They don't understand how and why he does what he does (hint: he is not losing it and he is not angry and he doesn't act irrationally). They don't understand why his supporters support him.

So we get these sorts of ads (Steyer and Bernie run similarly misdirected attacks). Major fail.

Jaq said...

A little Inga goes a long way guys. Sort of like Roth said in Portnoy’s Complaint about mustard, "a little of it on your sandwich can be good, but too much mustard and whatever else is on it, it’s still a mustard sandwich."

Xmas said...

"Trump is obsessed with Joe Biden".

Trump is being impeached because Trump started to look into Joe Biden's son cashing in on his father's position as the point man in negotiating with at least two foreign countries, China and Ukraine.

Either Joe knew about it and did nothing to stop it, or Joe is too incompetent to question why his drug-addicted, stripper-humping son was suddenly working in the same countries he was negotiating trade and security deals.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

dont let the Dorrs hit ya on the way out, Pluggs

Well, I just got into town about an hour ago
Took a look around, see which way the wind blow
Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows??

I sniff your hair, I'm burning
Pants are filled with fire
If they say I never loved you
You know they are a liar

Mr. SloJo Bi- den!
Mr. SloJo Bi- den!
Gotta keep on Bi- den!
Bi-den! Bi- den !
Gone Bi-den, Bi- den!
yeah, woooo!

Gk1 said...

Xmas what's funnier still is how the MSM thinks it can somehow keep Trump from asking this 24/7 if Slow Joe does get the nomination. It's so flagrant and easy to understand by voters you have to wonder how thick their bubble is.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"3. Trump is so tricky that if he were sending out the signal that Biden is the one opponent he fears, I would suspect that he doesn't fear him."

This. Biden has been in government a long time. He has a long trail of slime. Does anyone seriously think that the POTUS wouldn't have access to at least some of the details of that history?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats demand they run UN-apposed.
They have the hack press. they need illegals voting and more.

Sebastian said...

"It was very unpleasant."

And since women's emotions are a prime factor in the election, I'll count this ad a fail.

So, Althouse, ad aside, is Joe "serious" enough for you? Or are you still waiting to "see what happens"?

Jaq said...

"Trump is being impeached because... “

Trump was impeached on the precise anniversary of the Clinton impeachment. It was a double message that amounted to the same thing, “DO NOT go after a Democrat no matter what he or she does.” It was revenge for going after Clinton, who was caught on tape suborning perjury: “Deny, deny. Deny.” and it was for going after obvious corruption of the Democrats who were a big part of Ukrainian corruption, determining who did and didn’t get prosecuted.

gspencer said...

He's not obsessed with you, Joe. He's softening you up.

Suggest you give yourself over to "Doctor" (but not a real doctor) Jill who'll fix ya up pronto. Her Rx = more Hollywood: more hair plugs, more chi-chi clothing, more white to the teeth, moree Botox, moree aviator sunglasses, and more Amani shirts with the two buttons undone.

Jaq said...

"Does anyone seriously think that the POTUS wouldn't have access to at least some of the details of that history?”

A lot of it is in the New York Times!

Known Unknown said...

OT: I'd like to offer my condolences to Inga about the unfortunate passing of her son. Terrible stuff.

Kevin said...

I think Democrats imagine that there's a successful political move known as "getting under Trump's skin."

I think they know that what Trump says is more impactful than what Biden says.

So they're trying to using Trump to get Biden's name into your subconscious.

Of course, in typical Dem fashion, they screw that up with the music...

Kevin said...

You know who's obsessed?

The Dems with impeachment.

Jaq said...

I think that the anniversary part of the Trump “impeachment*” shows that Hillary is still running the show through the Clintons’ network of donors, people like McCaulliff whom they have made fabulously rich, etc, and their network in the press, and the people they have salted into the FBI, CIA, IRS, FEC, etc.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"But nothing particularly "tricky.""

Still waiting for the specifics on the hugely consequential misstatements.

Jaq said...

Even the Democrats know that most of the country, even Democrats, out in normal land, meaning outside of the DC-NYC-Boston megapolis think that what Biden did stinks to high heavens, as a deplorable might put it.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

“OT: I'd like to offer my condolences to Inga about the unfortunate passing of her son. Terrible stuff.”

Thank you.

Inga said...

“It's a Democratic primary. AA not target audience. (Nothing would get me to vote Biden.)”

I agree ...mostly. If Biden is the Dem candidate, I will have to vote for him. I won’t squander my vote on a third party candidate, did that last time and look what happened. If Althouse could vote for Hillary, I can vote for Biden if I have to.

And the ad is awful.

Chuck said...

exhelodrvr1 said...
"But nothing particularly "tricky.""

Still waiting for the specifics on the hugely consequential misstatements.

Let's find some place to do that, that is not on the virtual/digital property of Althouse, okay?
Because I want that fight. You Trump fans seem to like the fact that Trump never gives in, and never mutes his disdain for his enemies and never stops fighting. You seem to think that the GOP establishment is too polite to fight and I want to disabuse you of that notion. I want to let you know how I feel about Trump, and Trump's fans, in an unmoderated setting.
Now be clear; I am not interested in any reply to this comment that is anything other than where to go for this fight. It won't be here, on this page, because I'm not doing it. Of course others may want to, because their hatred of me is much more overwhelming than my contempt for them. So I am telling you all in advance to just stuff it if you want to take this comments page in that direction, against all of Althouse's wishes.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clyde said...

President Trump is the head of the Executive Branch, which includes federal law enforcement. If the Biden family has been involved in nefarious criminal activities, he damn well SHOULD be obsessed with bringing them to justice. Where's Hunter?

traditionalguy said...

Biden must be the Dem's choice. Beacuse the Dem's Media are doing battle prep already with" stories" from "sources" about Bourisma Natural Gas not being a pure money laundry for the Dems, but only has been made to look that way by documents planted by THE RUSSIANS. That is pure CIA disinformation using their favorite RUSSIANS as the enemy again.

MacMacConnell said...

Why would anyone worry about Biden? The stress of a national campaign will probably cause him another near fatal aneurysm.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Obsession - A Haiku By Chanel

Twitter as perfume
Your tweets and craving their scent
I stink of desperation

narciso said...

Knock yourself out chuck


Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "You seem to think that the GOP establishment is too polite to fight and I want to disabuse you of that notion."


The charge is that the GOPe is too polite to fight against democrats while always being willing to fight against actual conservatives, but I am amused by how you seem to miss that so completely. You know, in precisely the way a leftist would.

Precisely the same way.

But only precisely.

Curious George said...

"I won’t squander my vote on a third party candidate, did that last time and look what happened."

I don't believe you, but even if you did Trump beat Clinton in Wisconsin by 22,748 votes. Additionally he won the election by 74 electoral votes, so Wisconsin's 10 didn't matter. So your "third party vote" was inconsequential.

Clyde said...

Beasts of England said...
’Those pictures of Joe with his hands on the front of a little girl’s chest will have voters flocking to his cause!!’

And you know Trump will ‘go there’. I’m pre-laughing about it now. The clip of Joey groping the SecDef’s wife will be the highlight.

My guess is that the Republicans will not go there directly; instead, we'll have a new citizen PAC called something like Citizens Against Perverts that will put all those pictures and video clips in heavy rotation.

Kay said...

I don’t know if I would ever vote for him, but I have a lot of sympathy for Joe Biden.

narciso said...

Biden has lied about everything of note from his college transcript onward, his policy recommendation from fisa to the partition of iran were disastrous.

rhhardin said...

It's the Trump is crazy meme. They're trying for a mental illness that sticks.

Beasts of England said...

’I want to let you know how I feel about Trump, and Trump's fans, in an unmoderated setting.’

The suspense is killing me!! 🤡

Drago said...

Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "Of course others may want to, because their hatred of me is much more overwhelming than my contempt for them."


To hate you would require us to actually care about you.

We don't.

You amuse us.

Drago said...

narciso: "Biden has lied about everything of note from his college transcript onward,...."

Don't you DARE criticize LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved dems!! He'll FIGHT you!!

robother said...

Weehawken, New Jersey. 20 paces. But you'll need to come down from your high horse.

Drago said...

Clyde: "My guess is that the Republicans will not go there directly; instead, we'll have a new citizen PAC called something like Citizens Against Perverts that will put all those pictures and video clips in heavy rotation."

And LLR-lefty Chuck will want to FIGHT them!!!

Mark said...

Poor dumb Joe. Doesn't realize that he just invited Trump to answer the question with all of Joe's corruption and incompetencies.

Bay Area Guy said...

It's an effective primary ad. He is saying to Dem primary voters, if you wanna beat Trump, I'm the best you got.

True, Biden is a doddering corrupt stooge, who sniffs women's hair and assigns his dumbass son as bag man for foreign cash. But that's politics.

tcrosse said...

i can't help thinking that Biden is a place-holder, sort of a sacrifice bunt to advance someone else, TBD.

Todd said...

Let's talk about Joe Biden's new "Why are you so obsessed with me, Mr. President?" ad.

Isn't that a little like Al Capone asking why the FBI is so obsessed with him?

Law and order is always "obsessed" with the crook, from the crook's perspective...

Carol said...

Sometimes I think the Dem ads are made by a bunch of women.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

"Basically, he's qualified and he can win. Lukewarm material."

"I'm for boring" works better for Althouse in theory than in reality.

DanTheMan said...

The Biden ad is just a bunch of malarkey.

He should have gone with better lies, like his unsurpassed academic record, and off-the-scale IQ.

Tommy Duncan said...

Pushups. Thought Biden's campaign strategy was a pushup contest.

MikeR said...

"The saying of the name doesn't prove the obsession." This is so obvious that it kinda proves the reverse: This kind of commercial makes Biden seem obsessed with Trump.

Mattman26 said...

Kind of novel to run ads with the explicit "You need this guy because he can win these states that you'll need in November" pitch.

But the whole "I'm living rent-free in Trump's head" thing is such an obvious inversion of reality that I don't see it getting Biden any new traction.

Roger Sweeny said...

Inga, your son died? I'm so sorry. We probably disagree on a lot politically but we are all human.

Carol said...

Dems ads are made by women, or soyboys.

Todd said...

Fernandistein said...

Joe has a grand-kid whose mom is a prostitute, right? So Joe's like regular people!

1/14/20, 9:22 AM

So if he gets with her but he pays her, its not really weird or anything, its just business, right? But he should get the friends-n-family discount!

The security detail will be releved...

Lucien said...

To a certain portion of the population, President Trump is always "obsessed" about something, and "lashing out", and "impulsive" (while the White House is in "chaos").

Drago said...

Biden is barely holding onto the Not Bernie/Li'l Tomahawk vote and Buttittstdttoigtrrtg is cutting in a bit and Bloomy is threatening to make it all rain up in here!

So what is slow Joe to do now that he cant pull more than 45 people into a room?

Pretend he's Trump's biggest threat!

Look, its moronic but thats all Joey has left.

Though I shouldnt disparage the senile and physically deteriorating Biden so much, cuz that will only make LLR-lefty Chuck want to FIGHT me!!

Nonapod said...

I think Democrats imagine that there's a successful political move known as "getting under Trump's skin." They've been trying to do that and claiming to have done that for the entire Trump presidency. I think they are deluding themselves. Trump gets energy from opposition. Nothing wears him down. He's not losing it, and the idea that Biden as his opponent would drive him into some sort of self-destructive frenzy is at best silly.

That's my thinking as well.

Currently most Democrats and never-Trumpers seem incapable of adjusting their long held assumptions about Trump. After all this time they still seem to see Trump as impulsive and careless, quick to anger and bluster. They see him as 2 dimensional. They see him as humorless and heartless. It's like they still believe that they can bait Trump into saying what they imagine him to really feel (many of them see him as a racist monster) or that Trump can be rendered speechless by some withering comment. They still seem to want to fight him in an arena of his choosing.

But when you're main strategy has failed, isn't it time to change strategies?

Inga said...

“Inga, your son died? I'm so sorry. We probably disagree on a lot politically but we are all human.”

Yes, back in April. Thank you.

Bay Area Guy said...


I want to buy your good humor and insightful commentary re Slow Joe Biden, but I don't -- for one reason only:

Hillary got 66 Million votes in 2016. Millions of these folks are politically clueless, but good natured people.

How many of these 66 Million will vote for Biden in the General election of 2020? I say -- a heckuva lot. So, Yes, right now in Iowa, he cons 45 doddering diners at Denny's to hear him speak, but in Nov, at least 60-65 Million will be voting for him.

My 2 cents -- I could be wrong. Hopefully, I am.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Trump is obsessed with Joe Biden".

“Trump is being impeached because Trump started to look into Joe Biden's son cashing in on his father's position as the point man in negotiating with at least two foreign countries, China and Ukraine.”

“Either Joe knew about it and did nothing to stop it, or Joe is too incompetent to question why his drug-addicted, stripper-humping son was suddenly working in the same countries he was negotiating trade and security deals.”

My theory is that Trump is doing what he loves doing - he is counterpunching. The Democrats made their impeachment about Biden and his son because it was convenient. They had an impeachment inquiry all set up and no predicate that they could use to fire it off. They had expected to be able to use the Mueller investigation to generate the evidence needed for their impeachment predicate, but Trump and the Republicans out maneuvered them early in 2019 by getting AG Barr confirmed, who immediately shut down the Mueller investigation. And then House Judiciary chair Wadler completely beclowned himself with Mueller, and Speaker Palsi realized that she couldn’t prevent impeachment hearings from blowing up with Wadler running the investigation. She could trust the much smarter Schifty to keep control, but he chaired the Intelligence, and not Judiciary, Committee, which meant that the impeachment had to almost plausibly involve intelligence. He did have former DOJ AAG Mary McCord working for him, and her former head attorney there, Atkinson, had by then moved to being IC IG, which was convenient, since he could change policies (such as accepting 2nd and 3rd level hearsay as critical whistleblower information that could (almost) legally be reported back to Schifty and his HSCI) to facilitate impeachment. Plus, Schifty had some former NSA/CIA types as HSCI staffers. Moreover, besides McCord, Schifty had brought on other Lawfare types to do the creative lawyering. So, Schifty was sitting there with a fully staffed Impeachment investigation staffed and ready to go, when Trump had his phone call with the Ukrainian President. And one of the Lawfare people realized that they now had their predicate with the mention of Biden. It is, of course, bogus (because, just like with Mueller and Obstruction, the Lawfare people have flipped the presumptions, from that a legitimate use overrides an illegitimate use, into the opposite, that an illegitimate use overrides a legitimate use). The obvious purpose of picking that conversation as the impeachment predicate is that Biden and his son’s corruption was alluded to, Biden was running for President, and represented sainted Obama and his Administration, and it’s blatant corruption.

So, after Schifty picking the phone call with the Ukrainian President as his impeachment vehicle, based on the allusion to Biden corruption, everything else naturally follows. Trump was given an opening, because the corruption of and by the Biden’s was so blatant and egregious, and was being used against him, and he merely counterpunched. Again and again.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Van Buren, Nixon and Bush

Only 3 VP's to have been elected to the presidency in 200 years.

Bush, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Truman, Coolidge, Roosevelt, Arthur, Johnson (mumble), Van Buren

People who have served as VP then president in the past 200 years.

Any of them that folks here think did a good job as Prez? Nobody thought so contemporaneously. None were able to get re-elected to a 2nd full term.

Some might say that Bush, Coolidge and TR did an acceptable or even good job, even though none served a second term. What did they have that none of the others did? Executive experience. Bush running a business, Coolidge as a big city (boston) mayor as well as other elected executive offices, TR as governor of NY, police commish of NYC.

When I say second term, I do not count the stub term that they finished out for their predecessor.

Biden's lack of executive experience should disqualify him if nothing else does. The Vice-Presidency is not executive. He runs errands for the prez and doesn't even work for him, being in the legislative branch as Senate President.

On the other hand, who else have they got? None of the other candidates has executive experience.

Whoever gets the nomination will lose badly. Rather than tarnish the name of someone who will be around for a while and may be useful as a future candidate or even in current position, let Sleepy Joe have it. He will lose heroically and if his name is tarnished by losing, so what. At least his tombstone can say "Presidential candidate"

And perhaps, "Beat Walter Mondale in getting the least number of electoral votes"

That assumes that he can make it to November at all. As Kruiser, I think, said, there is a serious risk of him showing up at a rally wearing only a cowboy hat and carrying a chicken.

He will provide a lot of entertainment between now and then.

John Henry

Will Cate said...

Who's face do we see for 90% of this commercial?

Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump.

I know what Scott Adams would say: Worst political ad ever.

Ray - SoCal said...

Inga posted details in the At the Sun Rise Cafe, very heart breaking,
link to her post

>“Inga, your son died?"

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

maybe Trump, as a realtor, just cant help thinking of Joe's head

... all that empty square footage that could be rented out

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

I think the reason that PDJT mentions Biden so much is that he wants him as the November candidate. Whatever else you may think of Donald Trump, he knows entertainment and knows how to please a crowd.

PDJT wants Biden as the candidate to enhance the entertainment value of the election. More entertainment means more voter engagement and more engagement means more turnout in November.

Biden is certainly great entertainment.

I'd pay a fair amount of money on pay per view to see PDJT and Biden debate.

I suspect that Biden would pay a fair amount of money to avoid it. Lucky for him,his son "Where's" Biden has some that he can probably use.

Will Cate said...

"Whose" I should have typed above (duh)

Ray - SoCal said...

Biden's #1 goal is to get the Democratic Nomination, and that is iffy, and that is all the commercial is about.

It's not targeted at people who don't vote in the primaries, especially Deplorable Types. I hated the ad, but for the target group that HATES TRUMP and wants HIM GONE, it's probably a good ad focusing on the hope only Biden can beat Trump. The ad is trying to make it as the campaign is just between Biden and Trump, Biden is a safe bet, and his competition can't beat Trump..

>Worst political ad ever.

66 said...

I think its a brilliant ad. Making an ad out of Trump repeatedly mentioning Biden, combined with weirdly memorable music is pretty good. It certainly will stick in Althouse's head for a while. He's pretty effectively sending the message that this is just a two person race between himself and Trump at this point. It's very simple, low concept, and I suspect effective. Well done.

AllenS said...

Belated condolences, Inga.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Michael K said...

Frank Luntz told a joke about how he asked Trump what his middle initial, J, stood for and Trump said "Genius." Cute, huh ?

The left went nuts thinking it was a true story, Biden has no idea.

I don't think Trump ever said this, Luntz says he has been telling the joke for years and has no knowledge of Trump ever saying it.

On the other hand, it does sound like something Donald and/or president Trump might say AS A FREAKING JOKE!!!!!

The fascists think it is true and that PDJT really does think genius is spelled with a j.


No doubt Dick will be along to explain how PDJT really does think it is true.

John Henry

n.n said...

12 trimesters since birth. An additional 3 or more trimesters since conception. He's viable. The Democrat witch hunts and warlock trials are telling.

Bob Boyd said...

Biden: Trump's a white supremacist. I'd like to take Trump out behind the gym.

Trump: Okay, let's go.

Biden: Trump's all up in my grill. It's like he's obsessed with me.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

That music? Popular in music beds for three decades. Known alternately as "shredding guitar" or "acid guitar." There are other names, probably. It's a staple at ESPN. Heavily connected to sports, especially on highlight reels. Has no real melody, so easy to "compose" and free from copyright infringement worries. Annoying, to be sure. (When I was a kid, the highlight reels-- on "NFL Today" and other NFL Films productions-- used awesome music with a lot of French horns, cornets, trombones and kettle drums. We loved the music beds on NFL Today so much that I recorded some of them and brought my recorder to Saturday afternoon intramural basketball at St. Cecilia's!! Some of those music beds are being used (ironically?) in commercials, especially by sponsors and campaigns that air during NFL games. I can't hear them without also hearing the golden voice of John Facenda-- the original voice of NFL Films and a longtime Philadelphia news anchor. Less so Harry Kalas, who assumed the role when Facenda dropped out/died.

dreams said...

The dems are dim, they really are dumb.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Fernandistein said...

Joe has a grand-kid whose mom is a prostitute, right? So Joe's like regular people!

I think "sex worker" might work better if PDJT or the Repos ever decide to point this out. One can argue if she is really a prostitute. No question she is/was a stripper and strippers are "sex workers". It eliminates the potential argument about maliciously slandering the poor woman.

And if the woman is "Where's" baby mama What is she to Sleepy? The grandbaby mama? Too bad William Safire is dead. We need an official ruling.

John Henry

Skeptical Voter said...

There's a reason why they call Biden "Slow Joe". I don't know who the Democrats will select as their candidate from the current Klown Kar of the Kakistocracy.

And it may not much matter. I'm mindful of the Indian villagers practicing of staking out a sacrificial goat to distract a man eating tiger. So who will the Democrats stake out for the November 2020 election?

Anonymous said...

The problem with trying to attack Trump in a political ad is that we have heard it all before. He has been continuously attacked by the MSM, talkshows and SNL for three years now. It all seems boring and repetitious. On the other hand, since the same people refuse to criticize any of the democratic candidates Trump has a ridiculous wealth of fresh material to work with. Off the top of my head, I would have Trump respond with an ad where Trump is doing one armed pushups while he talks about how corrupt Joe and Hunter are.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Blogger Sebastian said...

So, Althouse, ad aside, is Joe "serious" enough for you? Or are you still waiting to "see what happens"?

Althouse has already said Biden is disqualified by his repeating the lie Trump said the Nazis and White Supremacists are good people.

Sebastian said...

"Althouse has already said Biden is disqualified by his repeating the lie Trump said the Nazis and White Supremacists are good people."

I had forgotten that! So "disqualification" means no vote for Joe, no way, no how, right?

Michael K said...

The Schweizer book is going to write a lot of GOP ads if Biden is the nominee. On the other hand, it is apparently about others in the swamp, too.

Bloomberg is an awful candidate but he might just be the last one standing as the others self immolate.

Ken B said...

For Althouse disqualified means she will only vote for him if he is on the ballot. If Warren is the nominee then Althouse won't vote for Biden.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Quds-pro Joe already was VP, so....

...."Once Biden, Twice Shy"

Yancey Ward said...

robother wins the thread with the comment at 9:23.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Chuck said...

Let's find some place to do that, that is not on the virtual/digital property of Althouse, okay?

Because I want that fight.

Simplest thing in the world. A brand new blog just for this.




Some people enter, some people leave.

Have at it

John Henry

Fernandinande said...

A bad dude with a knife who ran with a bunch of bad boys walks into a bar and Joe Biden, the bartender, instinctively wrapped a chain around his wrist but, to avoid a physical confrontation, Joe said "Corn Pop, I'm sorry for calling you 'Esther Williams'" and the bad dude said "Sheeit, now you be callin' me 'Corn Pop'. Fuck yo white ass!"

Howard said...

I'm so sorry, Inga. I want to give you a big hug. Ray linked to your post... that was a beautiful tribute you wrote to your son.

Roger Sweeny said...

Inga, I went to the post that Ray-SoCal linked to. Heartbreaking. I hope that April 18 isn't too painful and that on May 17 you can feel all the good. Maybe even see the flowering crab; hopefully mud season will be over.

Old and slow said...


A bunch of people enter, some people leave.

Have at it

John Henry

Brilliant idea! I hope to God that it works. I would have named it upchuck.blogspot.com, but that's just me...

Yancey Ward said...

We don't hate you, Chuck, in the same way we don't hate clowns. That you don't get this is just par for the course.

Beasts of England said...

Prayers for you and your family, Inga.

robother said...

The Democrat nominee will be: (1) whoever challenges Joe Biden to explain why Hunter's Burisma deal was not corrupt; or (2) if the answer to (1) is none, Joe Biden.

ThunderChick said...

Trump's not obsessed with Biden. He is just incredulous, like a lot of us, that Biden has gotten away with clear conflicts of interest, involving his loser son and brother. When asked about his son's involvement in Burisma, Biden screeches that it's all been investigated - by who? show me the legal opinion, investigation findings clearing such activity?

LA_Bob said...

"OT: I'd like to offer my condolences to Inga about the unfortunate passing of her son. Terrible stuff."

Yes, indeed.

Yancey Ward said...

It will be interesting to see how much Biden's polling support translates into actual votes in the primary. I have no doubt that in a general election against Trump, Biden would get 48% of the vote as a floor, but the primaries aren't a general election. Of all the candidates in the race, I think Biden's polling support is, by far, the softest. In other words, if Sanders is polling 20%, then I expect him to get at least 20% in Iowa- same Buttuvwxyz. However, for Warren and Biden, I think their numbers in the polls are going to overestimate their actual vote totals, and for Biden it could be quite significant.

gspencer said...

Losing anyone is sad. Losing a child even more so. My thoughts to you, Inga.

Drago said...

Will Cate: "Who's face do we see for 90% of this commercial?
Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump.
I know what Scott Adams would say: Worst political ad ever."

Uh oh.

Will Cate mentioned Scott Adams. Egads! LLR-lefty Chuck hates Hates HATES Scott Adams because Scott Adams has proven himself rather prescient on the subject of Trump and politics in general and Chuck, alas, has not.

Heads up Will! LLR-lefty Chuck will now want to FIGHT you!!

LA_Bob said...

CJinPA said, "Nice little ad. The Dem base wants nothing else but to BEAT TRUMP and Biden says Trump is concerned that polls show he can BEAT TRUMP."

I agree. I think it also reminds voters of the impeachment in which Trump "extorted Ukraine to get dirt on Biden". Probably effective at rallying Biden's base and undecideds for primary season.

Of course, all Trump has to do is produce a video of Biden stumbling around on stage to the same "pump up" music while speaking incoherently, threatening people, and sniffing hair, and Biden's ad begins to look a bit Pyrrhic.

JPS said...

I missed the At the Sun Rise Café. Missed a few posts, lately.

Inga, thank you for sharing the moving tribute you wrote to your son. I wish you, and all who loved him, peace.

phantommut said...

I have seen no pain that compares to a parent burying their child. My sympathies Inga.

Francisco D said...

I am truly sorry for your loss, Inga.

I pray you find peace and comfort.

Merny11 said...

What a terrible experience Inga. So very sorry

Iman said...

Trump’s no CornPop.

Jim at said...

It's a long time between now and November, but if this is all they've got? They're fucked.

And it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people.

Iman said...

Joe said "CornPop, I'm sorry for calling you 'Esther Williams'. Now here’s my apology chain.”


lb said...

Oh Inga...I am so so sorry. My deepest condolences on the loss of your son.

Nichevo said...

Blogger JPS said...
I missed the At the Sun Rise Café. Missed a few posts, lately.

Inga, thank you for sharing the moving tribute you wrote to your son. I wish you, and all who loved him, peace.

Indeed. I'm so sorry for your loss, Inga. May his memory be for a blessing.

chuck said...

Inga, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Jim at: "It's a long time between now and November, but if this is all they've got?"

They've also already got the entire "Mueller Dossier", prepared by Weinstein and crew under the auspices of the "counterintelligence" Special Counsel investigation, which is essentially a "raw FBI" file where every lunatic claim against Trump and his family and his associates for their entire lives was slapped together into new conspiracy theories. This "Grand Jury"/Mueller hoax dossier material, never used in legal proceedings nor ever intended to be (for obvious reasons) can be leaked throughout the 2020 campaign.

The dems already have it all, including every tax return ever filed by Trump and his family members.

The dems are unlikely to win court approval to gain access to this information but don't worry, you'll be seeing it all leaked soon enough.

If you thought the last 3 years of FakeNews was bad, just wait! Of course, we've all seen what LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved dems have been up to for years so its not going to move the polls.

But it IS all the dems have left.

Tommy Duncan said...

Trump is talking about Hunter Biden. Trump doesn't even know who Joe Biden is.

walter said...

"C'mon man!"
When the guy who is recorded doing the thing you are accused of is campaigning against you, the name will come up.
Good use of quick cuts on Joe to suggest energy.
"I'm not joking!"

Rosalyn C. said...

Trump ad on Parscale's twitter Very funny and informative. Biden's ad was cringeworthy and pointless. But maybe he's aiming for a certain demographic which finds his style appealing.

Beasts of England said...

‘Gropin’ Joe’ has a cameo in the Parscale ad linked above!! 😂

Mike Sylwester said...

Trump mentions Biden a lot because Biden is involved in the impeachment issue. Trump is being impeached because he wanted in investigation of Biden.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Rosalyn C,

The Parscale ad is funny, irreverent and a home run. Totally obliterates the Biden ad. Trump has a lot to work with, Biden doesn't -- despite nearly 50 years in the DC swamp.

Robert Cook said...

"Trump's not obsessed with Biden. He is just incredulous...."

Trump's not incredulous. Given what an old hand he is at foisting on the public endless brazen tall tales, brags, lies and scams, Trump is well aware the public at large is mostly uninformed and ready to embrace any pandering bullshit that feeds their needs, and that, in a Battle of the Gargantuan Lying Assholes, the bigger asshole will win. As Trump believes (or claims to believe) that he is the ne plus ultra in all things, he is, no doubt, confident he will best Biden at being the worst.

(I find it hard to determine who has the edge between Trump or Biden, so similarly repellent are they.)

Michael K said...

Trump is well aware the Democrat Party is mostly uninformed and ready to embrace any pandering bullshit that feeds their needs,


JaimeRoberto said...

The music is from the 8 track that was in Biden's Trans Am.

Bay Area Guy said...

Does the Biden "No Malarkey" Bus Tour continue after Iowa?

There's plenty of Denny's Restaurants to hit on route from Davenport, Iowa to Manchester, New Hampshire. If he times it right, he can hit the Early Bird special crowd at around 3:00 p.m. each day to mine the votes from folks as old as he is.

Anon said...

He took this from AOC. The 'why are you so obsessed with me?' thing is her schtick. Of course it works better if you sound and act like a middle school girl. But Biden needing to steal it from her shows the lack of ideas in his camp.

Sal said...

But Biden needing to steal it from her shows the lack of ideas in his camp.

No way, Biden's "No Malarkey" campaign theme is fresh and edgy.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

@Tommy Duncan
that made us laff!

... even Joe Biden doesnt know who he is half the time!

Todd said...

Sal said...
But Biden needing to steal it from her shows the lack of ideas in his camp.

No way, Biden's "No Malarkey" campaign theme is fresh and edgy.

Get off my lawn you rapscallions!

Drago said...

Sal: "No way, Biden's "No Malarkey" campaign theme is fresh and edgy."

Todd: "Get off my lawn you rapscallions!"

LLR-lefty Chuck: FIGHT ME!!!

walter said...

Anon said...He took this from AOC
Wait till they roll out the "Trump is just so..meh" ad.

Bay Area Guy said...

According to the RCP average, Biden has squeaked barely ahead of Sanders in Iowa and New Hampshire. If Slow Joe wins those first two, I believe he cruises to a nomination win. However, I don't hold this to a high degree of confidence. Too many variables. Also, it's hard to see how Bloomberg's $1 Billion spending spree plays out. One would think that Bloomberg chips away at Biden.

According to the RCP Betting Odds, Biden has a 32.6% shot at the nomination, while Sanders is at 32.1%.

Let's see if these two grumpy old men butt heads tonight a la former Cal head coach, Joe Kapp.

walter said...

Well..so much of the field will be stuck looking at the House's freezer burned shit sandwich, Biden's low energy campaign can saunter free for weeks.

narciso said...

meanwhile saw 1917, powerful film, it punctuates my view that world war one, really wasn't worth the sacrifices, made on the fields of frances,

I included the Smithsonian link about the real background to the tale,

Clyde said...

Earthquake in Delaware. I guess someone was moving his Burisma money around.

rcocean said...

Joe Biden is the most dangerous opponent because he can fake being a "Moderate" better than the others. "Good ol' Joe" why he'll give us the status quo. Which of course, he won't.

Almost every POTUS election in my lifetime has hinged on convincing the stupid "moderates" and "Life long Democrats" that NO that Democrat Candidate is NOT a moderate, and won't give you social moderate/conservative views, with some economic populism. They're left-wing assholes, who'll give you social liberalism, globalism, and a lot of TALK about Economic populism, while pleasing Wall Street.

rcocean said...

Joe Biden will be 78 y/o in Jan 2021. He's too fucking OLD to be POTUS. What the hell is wrong with people?

Don't you want a President who can serve TWO terms? I guess not.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Democrats blocked the resolution expressing support for the Iranian demonstrators.

Beasts of England said...

New video posted by NYT shows two missiles fired by Iran at the Ukrainian airliner. They were fired about thirty seconds apart, with the second missile launched after the first had already hit the plane. No ‘crossfire’, no ‘error’, no ‘fog of war’ - no excuses.

Gk1 said...

rcocean that is the next conversation the democrats seem to be avoiding (by design) is which socialist VP they want to partner with Slow Joe or Comrade Sanders. There is a tacit acknowledgement by my lefty friends that both candidates are too old and will likely bow out before a 2nd term. I'm so old I remember the dems crowing about how young their presidential timber was in 2004. What the hell happened?

narciso said...

yes, they were going for a kill shot, speculation is not unlike we suspected with pan am 103


AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

If the Dems nominate a cracker ass white guy for POTUS, then they have to choose for VP a colored person. A cracker ass white woman won't cut it.

Will Cate said...

Drago said: Heads up Will! LLR-lefty Chuck will now want to FIGHT you!!

HAH... Thank you for the heads-up... couldn't begin to care :-)

narciso said...

in the back of the book section,


Rick said...

Robert Cook said...
in a Battle of the Gargantuan Lying Assholes, the bigger asshole will win

Cook has finally outlined his personal philosophy for us.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Trump has Charisma

...SloJo's got....Burisma

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