January 28, 2020

Is this smugness? It feels to me more like desolation and — triggered by one very silly image — loss of composure.


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n.n said...

Diversity breeds adversity.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I did not vote for Trump in 2016. I voted for Daryll Castle, Constitution Party.
I did not vote for Trump in 2012 because I thought he would go all "Jesse Ventura" if he were to be elected. I thought the GOP would reject him, and his agenda would be set by Schumer & Pelosi.
I was wrong. Schumer and Pelosi drove Trump to the right, and into the arms of congressional Republicans.
I am moving from my deep-blue state to Wisconsin later this year. In November, I will vote for Trump. At this point there is no chance at all that Trump will co-opted by Schumer and Pelosi.
I think that my vote in 2016 was both principled and conservative, and that my vote in 2020 will be both principled and conservative.

Brad said...

I suspect "Howard" is actually Don Lemon ....

The lack of any trace of humility stands in the way of them ever learning a thing from the past.

Anonymous said...

Smug? Arrogant? Desolation?

I can't see those adjectives applying to these clowns. They're dumb, silly whores.

Is it even possible for a silly whore to feel contempt, for anything or anybody? Maybe a cheap sort ersatz contempt, that people capable of real contempt would find contemptible in itself.

Am I supposed to be offended? I can't really muster up any indignation here. They're contemptible.

MD Greene said...

No wonder CNN's viewership consists mostly of people stuck in airports.

Poopstain said...

Howard says "The elites are treating white trash like you people treat ethnic minorities." What? The elites are giving me free everything?

Ken B said...

They are not mocking Trump they are mocking g Trump voters. Smug and

Awful fuck them

pacwest said...

Not sure if this was brought up above, but watch the random college student interviews out there. Half of them can't find China on a map let alone Ukraine. Seems like a self own to me.

Chuck said...

Blogger Lewis Wetzel said...

"Where the fuck do you step off, writing that about me?"
I can write anything that I want about you. It's a free country. Nya-nya.

Well I guess so!

You can write any baseless, fact-free dumbass thing you want.

It makes me feel a bit silly, asking where you think I declared any support or admiration for Bernie Sanders. Of course there is no such thing, and you’d never find anything of the kind.

I think I was provoked a bit by the Sanders notion at all. Since I think he represents a similar strain of ignorant, scared, wounded, underclass, emotionally crippled voters that in other circumstances flock to Trump. Two sides of the same coin.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "You can write any baseless, fact-free dumbass thing you want."

Adam Schiff, your hero, is the perfect poster boy for precisely that.

And everyone knows it.

I recommend you simply pound the table harder....

Chuck said...

Blogger Lewis Wetzel said...
I did not vote for Trump in 2016. I voted for Daryll Castle, Constitution Party.
I did not vote for Trump in 2012 because I thought he would go all "Jesse Ventura" if he were to be elected. I thought the GOP would reject him, and his agenda would be set by Schumer & Pelosi.
I was wrong. Schumer and Pelosi drove Trump to the right, and into the arms of congressional Republicans.
I am moving from my deep-blue state to Wisconsin later this year. In November, I will vote for Trump. At this point there is no chance at all that Trump will co-opted by Schumer and Pelosi.
I think that my vote in 2016 was both principled and conservative, and that my vote in 2020 will be both principled and conservative.

I used to have a somewhat similar thought. That Trump would be so desperate to make good on one of his most reckless promises — build a “Wall,” that smart Democrats would be able to work a deal where they trade Wall funding for something like a single payer national health system. And they would let Trump take credit for both as he loves to do.

Beasts of England said...

’I think he represents a similar strain of ignorant, scared, wounded, underclass, emotionally crippled voters that in other circumstances flock to Trump.’

Best Chuck comment evah!! 😂

Known Unknown said...

"The elites are treating white trash like you people treat ethnic minorities."

You people? What do you mean you people?

Drago said...

Beasts: "Best Chuck comment evah!!"

Indeed. Particularly since Trump has 90 to 95% republican base voter support.

LLR-lefty Chuck believes he can take his cadre of Those Who Hate Republicans and somehow mold that into a republican party base vote sufficient to "take back" the party in order to give it to the dems again and that no one will actually, like, notice, or something.


gahrie said...

You can write any baseless, fact-free dumbass thing you want.

You should know...you've been writing fact-free dumb ass stuff about Trump for years!

Nonapod said...

My guess is that if you were to make a pie chart of the remaining viewership of CNN you could have one huge piece that would represent the irretrievably Trump deranged, a small sliver that would represent the research staff of people like Rush Limbaugh and other large media outlets like Fox News, and maybe another teensy sliver for conservative writers and bloggers who are just looking for material to write about.

The Trump Deranged obviously will love the open mockery of Trump voters. And the rest are quite happy to have some new material to comment on, especially when that new material is liberal media personalities behaving like jackasses on camera, confirming the absolute disdain that they have for the deplorables. It's a win-win I suppose. Unless CNN is attempting to maintain some sort of level of credibility I guess. Which at this point... why?

FullMoon said...

Good one H.
Brevity, as opposed to rit, chuck, inga. "You people" always works.

You still got that boat down at S.C. Harbor?

Beasts of England said...

I’m sure Trump can’t wait to mention this clip at his rally tonight in New Jersey. The one in a 7,500 seat arena with 100,000 ticket requests, and people already lining up in the cold. So much winning!!

Sebastian said...

The fun thing about smug progs (is there any other kind?) is that their smugness makes us stronger.

They think they can afford to be unselfawarely condescending.

But every once in a while, the deplorables rise up to smack their smug.

Not that it increases their self-awareness or changes their basic calculations.

Sebastian said...

"The one in a 7,500 seat arena with 100,000 ticket requests."

I wonder if and when he'll start doing really big stadiums. Superdome? Mercedes Benz?

Drago said...

baseless, fact-free dumbass things some people write about:

Pecan Pies.

Chuck said...

Blogger Drago said...
Beasts: "Best Chuck comment evah!!"

Indeed. Particularly since Trump has 90 to 95% republican base voter support.

I think the correct number is that Trump enjoys 115% support among Trump supporters.

TestTube said...

Maybe it is a little late to weigh in on this, since the thread seems to have gotten sidetracked on to the subject of genitalia.


I'm confident Trump knows where the Ukraine is. Ukraine has been kind of a big deal lately, and besides , the Ukraine is actually pretty easy to find, being big, and right next to Russia, and having Kiev in it.

So when Rick Wilson says that it is a known fact that Trump lacks the ability to find the Ukraine on a map, it makes me think that Rick Wilson doesn't understand Trump very well.

Understanding Trump well is one of the things that you sorta expect a guy in Rick Wilson's position to be able to do. So when Rick says something like this, I kind of wonder how good Rick is at his job. Especially since Rick doesn't seem to get a lot right these days. I can't think of any aspect of my life where I would say "Gee, maybe I better find out what Rick Wilson thinks about that before I make any hasty decisions". Including my voting decisions.

Rick seems pretty good at getting his mug on the TV. Rick might be good at hoovering up pundit $$$ -- I don't know. But Rick doesn't seem so good at figuring out what is going on in Washington D.C. and providing useful information about that.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "I think the correct number is that Trump enjoys 115% support among Trump supporters"

A strong case could be made for this considering how many long term non-voting voters turned out for Trump.

The best LLR-lefty Chuck "self owns" are when LLR-lefty Chuck inadvertently speaks to a Trump strength when he is actually trying to advance dem/lefty talking points.

Drago said...

BTW LLR-lefty Chuck, you DO realize that the US does not recognize any "Palestinian State", don't you?

Even though you wrote of it as if it did exist.

I wonder what Rick Wilson would say about that?

Is it even possible for LLR-lefty Chuck to not expose his true inner leftist with every post?

Ans: No. Not since Trump broke him.

Rabel said...

Southern Boomer Rubes with their low-sloping foreheads are my people. The Muslim, the Gay Black Man-Thing, and the Bubble-Headed, Jug-Eared Asswipe are welcome to come down for a visit any time.

We can talk about tolerance and othering and professionalism and such things.

wildswan said...

CNN is functionally an arm of the DNC and so you have to ask what political purpose is served by these remarks - which are simply incredible. How could you win back Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania after these remarks? And with that tone? It must be that they know they aren't going to win them back. It must be that they know also that the Peach Mint caper is failing like all the other attempts to reverse the election. So. Brew up Elite Quintessence and get as many as you can to drink it. It's not "the Kool-Aid of elites", as the boomer rubes tell each other, but it is, shall I say, a garnering of all that is exquisite in life, the flower of flowers, the destination of destinations and as such only appreseeated by select and special souls - Harvey Weinstein, Michael Avenatti, Hunter Biden, Jerry the Bulge, Prince Andrew, Jussie Smollett, the drunk Lemon, campaign managers and Young Weasels like Buttigieg. Drink and soar to join the stars in laughing at everyone who says the drink is quite horrible. In short, gather a tribe by insulting those "outside" It's all the Dems have left.

Trump Voter

Outside And Proud

Howard said...

I moved to the center of Mass last year, Moon. I just keep my kayaks in the garage. I only lived in Santa Cruz for 30-years, not quite long enough for getting a slip.

MBunge said...

"First: he is right that Donald Trump could not find Ukraine on a map if his life depended on it"

Donald Trump has actually been President for over three years now. If you think he couldn't pick Ukraine out on a map, you don't know how anything works in the real world.


Jim at said...

Stupidity exceeded only by their arrogance.
Just like a certain, banned commenter.

Chuck said...


Just as some are wondering if Trump knows where Ukraine is, Trump himself asks, “Where’s England?”


Now; because I am smarter and more careful than Donald Trump, I want to make it clear that Trump wasn’t actually wondering where England was, geographically. Trump was wondering as he has in the past why so many people fail to call the United Kingdom “England.” Uh, I guess like “we” used to.

It’s very nearly as stupid as not knowing where England might be on a map.

cold pizza said...

My response to poo-flinging trolls, most of the media (Lemon, et al), most of Hollywood, 99% of the D party (party of Moloch), was summed up recently in an episode of Rick & Morty: "Your boos mean nothing to me. I've seen what makes you cheer." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XtAHOepH94

That and the following line in the clip: "Every breath I take without your permission raises my self-esteem."

I'm feeling really good about myself and the positive vibes spiraling in from the Universe today. I know I'm on the side of the angels when I can see the devils lined up against me. -CP

pacwest said...

"I think the correct number is that Trump enjoys 115% support among Trump supporters."


FullMoon said...

I moved to the center of Mass last year,

Were you slightly miffed when Soquel High got minimal cheers from parents during graduation ceremony for getting the LGTB (something ) award a couple of years ago?

Administration was certainly thrilled, as well as almost a dozen students.

Gk1 said...

After watching a minute or two of this clip, I'm trying to remember if it was Jim Treacher or Iowahawk that said "The Left wants to shut the Right up and the Right wants the Left to keep talking".

I Callahan said...

It’s very nearly as stupid as not knowing where England might be on a map.

I’m sorry, Chuck, but if you believe Trump doesn’t know where England is, you’re more insane than I thought you were. Maybe getting help would be pointless in your case.

Drago said...

Gk1: "After watching a minute or two of this clip, I'm trying to remember if it was Jim Treacher or Iowahawk that said "The Left wants to shut the Right up and the Right wants the Left to keep talking"."


Thats why no one is really calling for Althouse to actually enforce her ban on LLR-lefty Chuck. Its instructive seeing the lefty "mind" in action so she allows him to stay.

Beasts of England said...

’Now; because I am smarter...than Donald Trump’

Dang it!! I’m ashamed that I already awarded my prestigious ‘Best Chuck comment evah!!’ trophy.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck is so smart he predicted a Hillary landslide, a brexit defeat and a permanent stock market collapse because Paul Krugman told him so.

Meade said...

Chuck said:
"I think [Sanders] represents a similar strain of ignorant, scared, wounded, underclass, emotionally crippled voters that in other circumstances flock to Trump."

Uh huh.

You know, Chuck, I can't help but appreciate your sincerity in expressing the heartfelt contempt you have for the majority of Americans. In fact, your childlike honesty would almost be endearing if only it weren't quite so filled with hatred for my friends, my neighbors, my cousins... if it weren't quite so brimming with contemptuous anger toward me and my fellow Americans.

Over the past half century, most elitists like you, both LLDs, LLRs and otherwise, have worked very hard to hide that very same contempt.

And so, Chuck, curiously, I salute you, love you and I will pray for your enlightenment and redemption.

Francisco D said...

I think the correct number is that Trump enjoys 115% support among Trump supporters.

Lil Chuckles knows this because he was a "Republican" election judge in Michigan when many precincts reported 115% votes for Democrat candidates.

And what did our little Sgt. Schultz see. He saw nothing, nothing.

That is what moles do.

Rory said...

Trump, on where North Korea is: "You have South Korea, you have China, and they own the land in the middle. How bad is that, right? It’s great.”

Trump knows three things: location, location, and location.

Calypso Facto said...

"I am moving from my deep-blue state to Wisconsin later this year. In November, I will vote for Trump. "

Welcome to Wisconsin, Lewis. I think you, and the 100,000 Wisconsinites who voted for Gary Johnson with similar concerns as yours during the 2016 election, are going to carry the state bigly for Trump this time around.

Drago said...

More bad news for LLR-lefty Chuck's electoral Great White Hope, Li'l Joey Biden!!

From Politico:
"In 2005, Joe Biden’s brother bought an acre of land with excellent ocean views on a remote island in the Caribbean for $150,000. He divided it into three parcels, and the next year a lobbyist close to the Delaware senator bought one of the parcels for what had been the cost of the entire property. Later, the lobbyist gave Biden’s brother a mortgage loan on the remaining parcels.

The Virgin Islands land deal, reported here for the first time, furthers a pattern in which members of the Biden family have engaged in financial dealings with people with an interest in influencing the former vice president."

Tsk tsk tsk

You know Chuck, at this rate your boy Biden will be officially out of this sooner than you might think.

Thoughts and prayers Tiger.

Iman said...

“And so, Chuck, curiously, I salute you, love you and I will pray for your enlightenment and redemption.”

An attitude that is certainly praiseworthy, but the E&R, though possible, is highly improbable.

Chuck said...

“My boy” Biden?!?

You write stupid shit like that with the presumption that, as usual, I won’t reply and call you out.

I hope that the Democratic nominee is not Biden. Certainly not if he’s a compromised candidate. Not hat care all that much. I just requested my absentee ballot for the primary and as usual I requested a Republican ballot. I hope I never have to vote for a Democrat to register my personal opposition to Trump. But voting for a billionaire New York turncoat Party-switcher might be fun. Trump fans know what it’s like to vote for a millionaire New York turncoat party-switcher.

Night Owl said...

If you often feel the need to state publically how smart you are, who are you trying to convince; others or yourself? People like that remind me of Stuart Smalley, a charater appropriately created by Dem Al Franken.

Howard said...

I don't sweat the small shit, Moon... I have no idea what you're talking about. Soquel High had great water polo teams for decades and they let the adult track club use their modern facilities.

narciso said...

try to be more creative than this guy,


Patrick has lost his ever loving mind, it's sad really,

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"First: he is right that Donald Trump could not find Ukraine on a map if his life depended on it"

How would you know, and why would you care? Do you know how to find Ukraine? Should I alert the MacArthur Foundation?

Second: Pride in knowing how to read a map, or in spotting spelling errors such as "hamberder" and "White Hose" may make you an ELITIST, but they don't make you ELITE. There is a difference -- if you don't know, now you know.

narciso said...

so uranium one booster john podestas, and fannie mae booster barney frank, to the dnc committee,

Drago said...

FakeCon LLR-lefty Chuck: "Trump fans know what it’s like to vote for a millionaire New York turncoat party-switcher."

Heritage Foundation rates the Trump Admin as MORE successfully conservative than the admin of Ronald Reagan.

Thats why you and your lefty allies hate him.

FullMoon said...

Howard said...

I don't sweat the small shit, Moon... I have no idea what you're talking about.

My mistake, thought that was you sitting a couple of rows down. Kinda looked like you.

Chuck said...

Blogger Night Owl said...
If you often feel the need to state publically how smart you are, who are you trying to convince; others or yourself? People like that remind me of Stuart Smalley, a charater appropriately created by Dem Al Franken.

For my part, I would only do it in a discussion involving Trump. This Trump:

4. "I know some of you may think l'm tough and harsh but actually I'm a very compassionate person (with a very high IQ) with strong common sense... Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest - and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault... I'm much smarter than them. I think I have a much higher IQ. I think I went to a better college — better everything... My two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart...
....to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that! ... "I always told people, you know I'm a very smart guy. I got good marks. I was all this, I went to the best college: the Wharton School of finance, which to me is like the greatest business school... "I always told people, you know I'm a very smart guy. I got good marks. I was all this, I went to the best college: the Wharton School of finance, which to me is like the greatest business school... I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things... I know what I’m doing and I listen to a lot of people, I talk to a lot of people and at the appropriate time I’ll tell you who the people are. But I speak to a lot of people. My primary consultant is myself, and I have, you know, I have a good instinct for this stuff... Now, I know a lot about West Point. I’m a person that very strongly believes in academics. In fact, every time I say I had an uncle who was a great professor at MIT for 35 years who did a fantastic job in so many different ways, academically -- was an academic genius -- and then they say, 'Is Donald Trump an intellectual?' Trust me, I’m, like, a smart person...”


Earnest Prole said...

It feels to me more like desolation.

They're selling postcards of the hanging.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "I hope that the Democratic nominee is not Biden. Certainly not if he’s a compromised candidate. Not hat care all that much."


I love it when LLR-lefty Chuck contradicts himself so completely!

It's the best.

Quick follow up question: Why wouldn't an actual republican WANT a compromised democrat candidate heading up the democrat ticket?.....


.............oh yeah. If you were NOT an actual republican then you certainly would not want a compromised democrat candidate......and LLR-lefty Chuck doesn't want a compromised democrat candidate....but LLR-lefty Chuck swears (pinky-swear!) that he is a true blue "principled conservative" republican....but he wants the democrat candidate to be non-compromised.....

Anyone picking up a theme here?

Chuck said...

Blogger Drago said...
FakeCon LLR-lefty Chuck: "Trump fans know what it’s like to vote for a millionaire New York turncoat party-switcher."

Heritage Foundation rates the Trump Admin as MORE successfully conservative than the admin of Ronald Reagan

That’s interesting. It causes me some concern about how Heritage might have spent some of my donations. If they are seemingly satisfied with national deficits and debt reminiscent of the end-stage Soviet Union.

Birkel said...

racist fopdoodle: "...Trump’s personal idiocy, dishonesty, divisiveness and hatefulness will be his downfall..."

That went from a discussion about a possible future outcome that is less likely than not to a prediction. Given a certain somebody's inability to accurately make predictions about Xis alleged home state, I take this as solid evidence Trump wins re-election. Convincingly.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "That’s interesting. It causes me some concern about how Heritage might have spent some of my donations. If they are seemingly satisfied with national deficits and debt reminiscent of the end-stage Soviet Union."

And just like that, LLR-lefty Chuck (who has yet to meet a leftist or democrat he wouldn't defend) tosses Heritage Foundation under the bus AND compares the current US economy to the end-stage Soviet Union economy!!!


If you were wondering just who the morons were that believed the idiotic economic predictions of lunatic Paul Krugman on election night, well, I offer you one LLR-lefty Chuck!!!

Chuck was all over that Krugman prediction!! Similar to Chuck's predictions about no trade deals getting done, etc.

The list is endless.

I expect another full-blown LLR-lefty Chuck meltdown come Friday or Saturday.

Drago said...

BTW, has LLR-lefty Chuck ever apologized for his attacks on the Covington Kids?

Quick question: if a bunch of high schoolers who are both pro-life AND Trump supporters is so astonishingly triggering for LLR-lefty Chuck, can you imagine the anger and rage Chuck felt when Trump became the very first President to personally attend the Pro-Life March in DC?

So many of LLR-lefty Chuck's supposed "conservative" heroes who talk about being pro-life (but never really put up a real fight for that issue, its just for show) never had the guts to do it.

But Trump did.

No wonder LLR-lefty Chuck hates Trump so. Trump goes right at the jugular of LLR-lefty Chuck's democrat allies.

Drago said...

Anybody else see the Gallup "Satisfaction" survey showing the changes from Jan 2017 (when LLR-lefty Chuck's "magnificent" obama exited, Stage Left) to Jan 2020.


Massive wins for Trump over obama across the board in every single category.

No wonder the democrats and LLR-lefties are so desperate to get Trump out of this race.

Gk1 said...

I'm wondering what will become of not just the leftist media after Trump is gone but the never trumper media like Drudge and National Review. They have outed themselves with TDS to the point they can't go back to being seen as conservative online resources.

I think it was around August of 2017 I deleted the National Review app from my phone and only go there to read the occasional Andrew McCarthy take on FBI and DOJ malfeasance. Who is ever bankrolling these birds will most likely move on now that the scam has been exposed. Will that even be around in 2023?

Drago said...

When you find yourself, like LLR-lefty Chuck, to the left of CNN...again...and over and over again...

"CNN’s Chief Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin: Pam Bondi “did an effective job of showing how sleazy the hiring of Hunter Biden was.”

“The only reason he got” the job “is because he was the Vice President’s son”'

Chuck said...

Drago, I’ve never once written a kind word about “former Enron advisor” Paul Krugman.

You’re out of your mind. Seri; you’ve got a major psychological issue going on.

It doesn’t matter if I ignore you or try to shut you down with a response. It’s always the same, obsessive, fantasmically falsified claims about me. Often 10 or 12 of them following a single comment from me.

I’m done with you for today. I have no idea how many readers have been turned off this comments page due to the back and forth between you and me. I don’t want it, that’s for sure. I have no idea why Althouse tolerates it.

cheeflo said...

It's not hate Whitney, it's derision and pity. You people wish it's hate, but we don't care about you that much.

I’m glad you clarified that. We all feel so much better to know that you merely despise us.

It is well understood that you don’t care about anyone but yourselves.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck (who doesn't like his posting history recalled but WILL FIGHT YOU!): " I have no idea why Althouse tolerates it."

Our gracious blog hostess tolerates a great deal indeed.

Why, did you know that she has, at times, even tolerated Banned Commenters commenting!!

What are your thoughts on that?

Beasts of England said...

Chuck didn’t want to claim, without evidence, that he’s smarter than Trump; he was compelled!! Chuck has no agency.

AllenS said...

After I was discharged from the Army in 1968, I had a good friend who was about 40 years old who told me: "There are two ways to leave this earth successful, having a hundred thousand dollars, or owing a hundred thousand dollars." It seems that California has chosen the second option.

Ken B said...

“Lemon thinks he got the job in spite of having sucked Zucker's cock, rather than because he sucked Zucker's cock. That's not smugness, that's Rusty Trombone Face.”

Nobody combines invective and crudity more hilariously than Laslo.

Except Chuck's mom, when she describes his fucking.

LA_Bob said...

"...It feels to me more like desolation and — triggered by one very silly image — loss of composure."

I certainly hope you're right. Still, it strikes me as the smugness of "we who know stuff" as they ridicule the Dopey Deplorables presented on national television without the least self-consciousness or concern that, "Maybe we should be a bit professional and restrained."

I don't agree that this clip will do much for Trump's re-election. I don't think enough people watch CNN anyway. But, it certainly doesn't hurt Trump's prospects.

Howard said...

Hi cheeflo. Wrong again. Why do you Trumpets require emotionalism? I guess reason and accountability, like math, is hard.

Drago said...

Howard: " I guess reason and accountability, like math, is hard."

If you are going to steal the lines of others, you really ought to provide attribution.

Howard said...

I checked with my attorney, Chuck, and he advised me I'm in the clear protected by the Fair Use Doctrine.

MD Greene said...

I did not do my undergraduate work "in Boston" or even Palo Alto, but I'm pretty sure my professional connections, income, and home locations would allow me to "pass" as an elite. Heck, I didn't even vote for Trump.

But I'm offended. What we're seeing now is such tribal isolation that clowns like these have no idea how their smug contempt and disdain come off even to moderates and skeptics.

It's been clear for a while that the elites are awarding membership in their club to anyone who agrees with them. I have Facebook friends who repost vulgar jokes and diatribes several times a week. They seem to believe this makes them insiders, but they're at least as clueless (about politics, economics, political history, etc.) as Hillary Clinton' presumed deplorables.

Same, I'm guessing, for the new NYT and WaPo online subscribers who appear to be similarly grandiose elite wannabes. (Their uncritical acceptance of those papers' declining objectivity and overall quality are rather a giveaway.)

Do these people know immigrants (Chinese, Latin American and Middle Eastern) who are Trump supporters? People who live and work in inner cities? High school graduates who have built their own businesses and raised successful children? Ivy League alumni who voted for Trump and will do so again? I do.

I don't know what would satisfy the residents of this dim echo chamber more: To replace Trump with a Democratic president or to see him re-elected so they keep the contempt going until 2025.

Drago said...

Howard: "I checked with my attorney, Chuck, and he advised me I'm in the clear protected by the Fair Use Doctrine."

Nicely played.

Meade said...

Great comment, Crazy Jane. Thank you.

Michael K said...

You know, Chuck, I can't help but appreciate your sincerity in expressing the heartfelt contempt you have for the majority of Americans.

Meade, it is not contempt. Like Howard, Chuck hates and fears.

Chuck says he is a med mal lawyer and I suspect he could be correct. One thing I noticed when I was doing the expert witness stuff in those cases was that the result of the case was less to do with the facts than with the lawyer skill. I reviewed and testified for both sides at times. Half those losses were result of the inept lawyering. I suspect Chuck was one of the inept ones.

Anonymous said...

Finally watched this clip. Considering Don Lemon's undisciplined behavior in the past, I would consider the possibility that he is using something that is altering his behavior and judgement. Whether that is Adderall or alcohol or Xanax, who knows.

Tina Trent said...

Before Rick Wilson was fellating the Kochs and Al Cardenas on behalf of Jeb! and carrying bags for the ultimate bag carrier lil' Marco and Marco's much-indicted inner circle in rathole Tallahassee, he befouled himself abusing triple amputee war veteran Max Cleland.

Rick is the sleaziest campaign operative to crawl the earth. And that is a hugely accomplishment. At least he keeps Don Lemon snickering.

ken in tx said...

Do they still make Ripple? How about Thunderbird?

mockturtle said...

Do they still make Ripple? How about Thunderbird?

What about Annie Green Springs?

Inga said...

Desolation? I see no desolation. I see three men laughing their asses off at ridiculousness of Trumpists and Trumpism. It put me in mind of the posts where Althouse said she and Meade had big laughs over some over the top silliness by some group or another.

Kirk Parker said...

Shouting @6:45am:

How did this happen? They never were. Read The Best And The Brightest, or just about anything by Tom Wolfe

Poopstain said...

I graduated from the same law school as did Kenyaboy. Voted from Trump in 2016 and will do so again in 2020. But then I'm no Don Lemmon.....

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "I see three men laughing their asses off at ridiculousness of Trumpists and Trumpism."


Don Lemon is the whackjob who seriously questioned whether or not a missing airliner had fallen into a black hole.


Thats the guy laughing his ass off at "ridiculousness of Trumpists and Trumpism."

That guy.

A real rocket scientist that one.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Kirk Parker said...
Shouting @6:45am:
How did this happen? They never were. Read The Best And The Brightest, or just about anything by Tom Wolfe
1/28/20, 11:23 PM

See Fred Siegal's _Revolt Against the Masses_ (the US) and John Carey's _The Intellectuals and the Masses: Pride and Prejudice Among the Literary Intelligentsia 1880-1939_ (UK).
Both assert that the rise of the intelligentsia as social and political elites was a reaction against the rise of the lower classes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They wanted a ruling class, and they wanted it to be them.
Vladimar Nabakov, raised an aristocrat, said it was obvious that Marxism was clearly a creation of the bourgeois. It could only take hold of the bourgeois imagination. There was no place for it in the imaginations of aristocrats or workers.

Meade said...

Michael K said...
"Meade, it is not contempt. Like Howard, Chuck hates and fears."

I don't disagree, Michael K. I suspect Chuck is very much troubled by fear and hatred. For some puzzling reason, he chooses to come here and repeatedly put his emotions on naked public display, triggering some of us to feel disgust, others to laugh at him, and some to even feel pity for him.

I was using the term "contempt" in the sense of Professor Solomon's continuum of contempt--anger--resentment (see: Solomon R.C. 1993 The Passions: Emotions and the Meaning of Life. https://www.amazon.com/Passions-Emotions-Meaning-Life/dp/0872202267)

TJM said...

Inga has an orgasm watching these guys

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