Presumably from around one month following conception with development of the nervous system and presumptive seat of consciousness. Fetal-Americans a.k.a. "our Posterity" have had their civil and human rights denied and violated in unprecedented numbers for light and casual causes: social progress, medical progress, taxable commodities, and other purposes.
Let’s review the history: IBM produced a wonderful new OS named OS/2. And they essentially told all PC users that they could kiss all their corporate apps AND data goodbye. Meanwhile they sold DOS to Microsoft and Gates proceeded to ream them pretty hard for that bad decision. Apple decided that they would keep their OS a tight secret and Microsoft opened their OS to all 3rd parties that wanted to use that platform. Voila! Microsoft rules the laptop platform. 10 is damn good for what it is. IBM AND Apple fucked up.
Part of the trouble may be that I have Office 2017 that I own, but M/S sees Windows 10 and takes me to that big rental office in the sky, however that works. Windows 7 worked just fine, I could see my files and direct my functions, which are things Windows 10 thinks I should not need to worry my little head about. It is very frustrating trying to get done what I want to get done.
Technically it was named MS-DOS 6.0. The purity came straight from Gates. The irony is that he was a BASIC programmer at heart. But his soul is the soul of a businessman. Until he got married. Now he’s a doofus.
Exactly one year ago today, Nathan Phillips approached after the March For Life in Washington, D.C. Today I stood in the exact same spot I had year ago and did my first fair interview compared to the setup @ NBC.
I won’t ever be bullied or surrender. Thanks for all your support
@Hagar - I hear you. I just started on Windows 10 and a new computer. Went to set up new accounts, as I always do on a new computer, and had to fight to set up local rather than cloud accounts.
Don't attach to the web unless you absolutely have to.
And why should I have to do that? Whatever you are talking about and however it is done? I bought and paid for Office 2017 and they promised it would work. They changed things, I did not.
Well here we go with yet another; is this version 5?
1. There was an "imminent" attack against U.S. military personnel and diplomats. We needed to foil that attack. 2. Soleimani was repsonsible for hundreds of American casualties in Iraq. 3. Soleimani planned an attack on an embassy. 4. Soleimani planned an attack on four embassies.
Their menus also are all harder to read Besides having an attitude. Like snippely "We cannot find anything to display here" rather than just "No messages."
ProgLibDems calling 2A rally White Supremacist rally
The rally was organized by the VCDL, a normal pro-2A group. Some of the speakers include the hero from the Texas Church shooting, several Delegates, Cam Edwards, Dick Heller etc.
Washington Post Presents Virginia Gun Rally as Charlottesville 2.0
Smearing pro-2A Americans as white nationalists is why the press has no credibility on this issue.
Will Antifa dress up as normal gun-rights folks and pull some shit?
Iran gave up too easily. I suspect they were thinking of going ahead with whatever Suleimani had planned and Trump told them: "You want war, you got it!" and told them the B-52's were already in the air, and they thought better of it. Exactly what happened is probably in the super-duper secret files, and we will have to wait 50 years to read all about it.
Right-click on the office .exe and go to properties. You want to run it as admin. And you may want to run it “virtually” under a different version of Windows. It’s a hassle but I had to do this all the time for older programs that the company didn’t want to update. Microsoft is in the business of selling the latest version and they will make you comply one way or another. 20013 is 7 years old. You should surrender and go to office 365.
I had dinner tonight at the local pizzeria with a long-time liberal friend. She went on at length & with good reasons as to why the Democrats are fucked for 2020 & maybe permanently. In short, she fears Identity Politics has killed the Party until the Democrats can work past it.
Original Mike said... "How about (6): A world where Soleimani is dead is better than a world where he is alive?"
Yeah, that's not good enough for the geniuses.
If it is so simple, so clear, and so easy, why did the Trump Administration fumble it so badly? Why so many different explanations? The worst effort was Trump himself, thinking that he could get a friendly interview with Laura Ingraham and that he could get away with saying that he could reveal, finally, that it was "four embassies." Which only prompted smart reporters to ask when, where and how those embassies were placed on warning of attack. Which of course none were. And after which of course SecDef Mark Esper had to confess that he had not seen any evidence of attacks on "four embassies." The whole thing fell apart. It became a WaPo headline: "Trump's 'four embassies' claim utterly falls apart."
I had dinner tonight at the local pizzeria with a long-time liberal friend. She went on at length & with good reasons as to why the Democrats are fucked for 2020 & maybe permanently. In short, she fears Identity Politics has killed the Party until the Democrats can work past it.
The Rats have attempted to Balkanize the USA for decades.
Brother, dude, there was no fumbling. Nada, zilch, on the fumble-rooski. You delude yourself and are unconvincing to the rest of us with these baseless and mindless assertions. The only thing anyone reading your comments is convinced of is that you are eff'd in the head. Seriously, get help.
"The Rats have attempted to Balkanize the USA for decades."
Decades is right.
I don't know if your friend is right about the dems prospects, red, but the democrats certainly deserve to be banished to the wilderness. Identity politics is a poisonous ideology, purposefully dividing us for their (perceived) political benefit. These are horrible people.
Likely there was strong reason to believe they were planning additional embassy attacks, and considering that one had just occurred, it would be extremely reasonable to say that they were imminent.
There was this life long shepherd; who decided to get attention by yelling on and on about bullshit. finally, one day; the President really did something bad; and Everyone ignored the disgusting little puke
Not that President Trump HAS done anything bad, but there's a moral in there somewhere;for someone
"Likely there was strong reason to believe they were planning additional embassy attacks, and considering that one had just occurred, it would be extremely reasonable to say that they were imminent."
Naw, they were in Baghdad to plan their next fishing trip.
"Imminent" attack? Obama established the "would gladly... if they could" standard.
Obama continued:
But I’ve actually told my staff it’s probably good that they stay critical of this policy, even though I think right now we’re doing the best that we can in a dangerous world with terrorists who would gladly blow up a school bus full of American kids if they could. We probably have got it about right.
Trump will also be inaugurated into an office that construes its mandate to kill with drones broadly, encompassing strikes in countries with which America is not at war and targeting groups and individuals that had nothing to do with the September 11, 2001, attacks. In effect, Obama has construed the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force so broadly that it’s now hard to discern any meaningful limit.
His choices made unjust strikes predictable and inevitable—and with Donald Trump poised to take power, the precedents he set are all the more alarming.
In any case, Obama chose to allow the CIA, a secretive entity with a long history of unjust killings, to carry out strikes; he chose to keep the very fact of drone killings classified, deliberately invoking the state-secrets privilege in a way guaranteed to stymie oversight, public debate, and legal accountability; and he chose to permit killings outside the greater Afghanistan war zone, in countries with which the U.S. was not at war. Those choices made more unjust killings predictable and inevitable.
That should have been obvious to a former senator and constitutional law expert who knew, among other things, that the CIA had recently run an illegal torture program. The CIA then got carried away with the power to kill in secret in multiple countries.
Obama couldn’t foresee that?
Many others could.
That more checks and balances were needed from day one was a no-brainer. Yet reporting by the New York Times suggests that Obama was directly complicit all along in efforts to obscure the true costs of drone strikes to innocents. As the newspaper put it on May 29, 2012, in a major investigative article:
Mr. Obama embraced a disputed method for counting civilian casualties that did little to box him in. It in effect counts all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants, according to several administration officials, unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent…
The newspaper went on to speculate that “this counting method may partly explain the official claims of extraordinarily low collateral deaths. In a speech last year, Mr. Brennan, Mr. Obama’s trusted adviser, said that not a single noncombatant had been killed in a year of strikes. And in a recent interview, a senior administration official said that the number of civilians killed in drone strikes in Pakistan under Mr. Obama was in the ‘single digits’—and that independent counts of scores or hundreds of civilian deaths unwittingly draw on false propaganda.”
You should have seen LLR-lefty Chuck pushing the hilariously hoaxy McClatchy/USA Today fake poll for the "Military Times" (owned since 1997 by far left hack media organizations that actually despise military members) "showing" the dems closing in on Trump for the military vote!! LOL
A claim made every 4 years which of course never ever materializes at the polls.
Lunatic lefty Inga has also pushed these fake polls in the lead up to 2016 and several times in the past months.
She and Chuckie thinks it helps that the lefty rag is called Military Times so people will be fooled by their lies.
I would guess Trump gets about 80% of the combat arms personnel and 65% to 70% overall of the entire military vote, active duty/reserve and retirees.
Thats why Chuck's dem pals are always looking to disqualify military LLR-lefty Chuck is quite emasculated by guys and gals who served honorably and are conservative republicans.
And don’t get me started on how the IBM 370 with 128 bit addressing
it's hard (for me) to not think that the antitrust worries are what screwed IBM. They were in the habit of letting people (like Amdahl) make money off of them, to blow smoke at the antitrust boys. When Microsoft came along, IBM figured they better let them have the PC market; so that the company didn't get cut up.
PC's What a LOAD of CRAP. Here we are 40 years later; at WHAT do you do with your PC, that you shouldn't be doing with your 3278 terminal? Cloud computing? Please explain how they're NOT just mainframes?
When the games got out if hand I watched a screener for that Parasite movie. I learned conversations in Korean sounds like English mumbling and supposedly the movie won awards because it says something important about class. I never learned what itjat important thing was however...
“I had dinner tonight at the local pizzeria with a long-time liberal friend. She went on at length & with good reasons as to why the Democrats are fucked for 2020 & maybe permanently. In short, she fears Identity Politics has killed the Party until the Democrats can work past it.”
I hope so. I do not believe they can “work past it” until they are destroyed first. Political parties can do that. Look at Canada for examples.
I am not as hopeful as she (I understand she is despairing, but her outlook is hopeful and optimistic even if she doesn’t feel it). It can happen only if Trump can break off part of what the Democrats feel entitled to by demographics. Trump should aim for a lot of black support. *The wedge is schools*. Play up Warren's attacks on charter schools. Play up Bernie's slavish devotion to teachers' unions.
Harry formerly known as Prince Harry read off some kind of statement today. His voice sounded normal which is odd since the voice usually changes when your balls are removed and placed inside your wife's purse.
Seeing Red didn't use quotes so people are confused.
YoungHegelian wrote the comment:
"YoungHegelian said... I had dinner tonight at the local pizzeria with a long-time liberal friend. She went on at length & with good reasons as to why the Democrats are fucked for 2020 & maybe permanently. In short, she fears Identity Politics has killed the Party until the Democrats can work past it.
Self punishment for end of year meeting. The senior executives who did not fulfill the target during the year crawl for three laps, screaming "be a man with sense of responsibility".
I want the 49ers to win the Super Bowl I want the Senate to acquit Trump I want my youngest teenager to get into UC Santa Barbara or Clemson I want Trump to win reelection in Nov 2020 And, I'd like a few more Blow Jobs from my wife
My wife and I are 49er fans. She sez she fears KC, sez Mahomes is a “scrapper”. She must’ve called him scrapper a half dozen times. I told her if she said scrapper one more time, I couldn’t be held responsible for my actions. Then I hid the Foster’s Lager...
Blogger walter said... Penguin says anybody but Hunter.
Humper is off limits They're savaging my only surviving son!!"
So - to clarify the left's position on witnesses:
Parnas - who is at best a secondary witness and worst desperate for a deal to avoid prison - should be a witness "as he can connect the dots;"
but Hunter Biden - who is absolutely at the center of the whole debacle with regard corruption and Trump's decisions - shouldn't be a witness because "he has no knowledge of the accusations."
The documentary on Gloriavale, a Christian commune in New Zealand, is very good. It’s on Amazon.
Hippie attempts at communal living failed miserably. I lived in Woodstock, NY, for decades. All Woodstock’s communes folded for lack of a coherent, workable philosophy. Gloriavale was founded in 1969 and is still going strong. Its philosophy is traditional, conservative Christianity.
I’ll be interested in seeing if Althouse watches it, and reading what she thinks of it.
Has anyone ever mentioned how easy it is to find and acquire (right here and now) good things to read?
Here's some connection making, speaking of civil-military relations, the value of the insights and experiences of enlisted men and lower grade officers, interesting military memoirs, and Missouri.
In 1917-19 William S. Triplet served as an infantry sergeant in the 35th Infantry Division, the same that HST was in as an artillery officer. The 35th was a National Guard formation largely from Missouri, Nebraska, and Kansas, and Triplet quit high school to enlist. He was wounded at the Meuse-Argonne, but recovered and got a West Point slot in 1920 or so.
In WWII he was an armored brigade commander (colonel) in the 7th and 2nd ADs. Was wounded again in early 1945. Working in the Pentagon before his retirement he saw Ike's scrawled negative on his recommendation for a star--pretty much, 'We have enough generals.'
Robert Ferrell has edited a WWI and a WWII volume of Triplet's memoir. They are fascinating reading, right up there with GM Fraser, Farley Mowat, Jim Megellas, or Eugene Sledge IMHO, and not to mention countless others I have read. I guess I just mentioned them, but I can't recall exact titles and authors. I do remember two by infantry battalion surgeons, one in France and one in Italy, that were both excellent.
David Hackworth too-- already mentioned, but just too late for WWII IIRC.
Narr Happy reading to y'all, whether on page or screen
@Bay Area Guy, last time I looked the University of Santa Barbara had six Nobel Laureates in their faculty, four in physics and two in economics. It also has beaches on two of the four sides of campus, and a lagoon. They have never had a losing football season (the school doesn’t play football — soccer is the big fall sport). The university is not actually in Santa Barbara; it’s on the edge of a nearby town that’s essentially a suburb.
Al Arabiya English ✔ @AlArabiya_Eng Protesters burn the Hezbollah headquarters in Iraq located near the housing bridge in the Najaf province as the deadline set by the popular movement in Iraq approaches.
Chuck: If it is so simple, so clear, and so easy, why did the Trump Administration fumble it so badly? Why so many different explanations? *************
Yeah... Iran has soooo many stand-ins who can command the Iranian-led, Iranian-financed terrorists now that Soleimani is now not just CHUCK, but GROUND chuck? (aside from his bejewelled hand, of course)
I mean, charisma and experience and a track record are a rial a dozen!!!
Just look at how the Japs were able to seamlessly replace Osama, Admiral Yamamoto, or the Nazis Gen. Rommel with underlings whose names we all remember, and who defeated us...
Bay Area Guy said... "I want my youngest teenager to get into UC Santa Barbara or Clemson"
Have you been to Santa Barbara? The beaches, the mountain, the wharf. Arguably, the prettiest city in California **************
Except for all the burned-out areas and hundreds of mansions destroyed in the fires. But you can just close your eyes and put a hanky on your nose to ignore that.
The real estate agent eager to sell you property there will surely suggest that.
The bell has finally tolled for Windows 7: Microsoft has just dropped support. Luckily I don't run windows myself, but I'll have to update my sister & nieces computers to Win10 now when I can work up the enthusiasm.
All in all, Windows XP is probably the best thing MS has done. It finally got away from all the applications running in the same address space, and could run for months if you weren't trying anything unusual. Vista sucked, Win 7 was OK, but not really an improvement on XP, Win 8 was unusable & WIn 10 tries to hide everything and makes desktops an afterthought to touchscreens..
War is famous for its unintended consequences, but there are unintended consequences to peace. General Foch did not think WWI should end with an armistice. He counseled that the allied forces should press on and occupy Berlin. If they had done so, thousands--maybe tens of thousands more soldiers-- would have died. And the world would have been spared WWII. If France and England had responded aggressively when Hitler occupied the Rhineland, the German generals would have deposed Hitler. ....What would have been the unintended consequences if Saddam had been allowed to occupy Kuwait? What would have been the unintended consequences if Soleilmani had been allowed to live?.......Peace, war, whatever. There are always unintended consequences. There is such a thing as a bad peace. Ask Chamberlain if you don't believe me.
Chuck said... Well here we go with yet another; is this version 5?
Chuck, with all due respect, who but a partisan Democrat gives a rat's ass? Soleimani was an evil bastard responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans and thousands of others. He's dead, and good fucking riddance. Anyone whining about "why was he killed?" is a piece of crap anyway.
Hagar said... Part of the trouble may be that I have Office 2017 that I own, but M/S sees Windows 10 and takes me to that big rental office in the sky, however that works."
This should help.
Buy Windows 10 in The Missing Manual series through the Althouse portal and read ch. 1.
Windows 10: The Missing Manual: The book that should have been in the box 2nd Edition by David Pogue
Every software question is answered on the internet by using Google so now they (Microsoft and others) don't issue manuals with Windows and Office version updates. But this can lead to incoherence in people's understanding of the software they are using, particularly when people make a large jump in software versions, such as from Windows 7 to 10. So this is why the Missing Manual Series exists - to replace the manuals that Microsoft stopped issuing. They are well written and much better to read than the official Windows manuals which are not intended for human being but geeks and developers.
And, again, to cover most of the problems caused by large version jumps (Windows 7 to Windows 10), you read Chapter 1, Missing Manual carefully. Then, on an as needed basis, you read chapters connected with actual software things you do.
Given their status as house walkover messengers, would Senate be entitled to compel testimony from Schiff and Nadler without permission from a Hawaiian judge?
At first I thought that calling Hunter was a stunt, a worthwhile stunt, but a stunt, but when you read this, you can see that there are some serious problems for Joe Biden, and even Obama, that the Democrats simply don’t want explored at all, let alone in depth.
So I get up this morning with my alarm clock set to WIP 94.1 FM sorts radio in Philadelphia, and the first caller I hear is incensed that Roger Goddel was shown at one of the football games yesterday with a hat that incorrectly had Super Bowl 45 embroidered on it (in Roman numerals) instead og Super Bowl 54. And further, that this was a call out to Donald Trump, since Trump is the 4th president.
Then the next caller, a black man, deride the host, Angelo Castaldi, for working on Martin Luther King day. This after claiming that he can't find a calendar with MLK day denoted on it.
“ Let’s review the history: IBM produced a wonderful new OS named OS/2. And they essentially told all PC users that they could kiss all their corporate apps AND data goodbye. Meanwhile they sold DOS to Microsoft and Gates proceeded to ream them pretty hard for that bad decision. Apple decided that they would keep their OS a tight secret and Microsoft opened their OS to all 3rd parties that wanted to use that platform. Voila! Microsoft rules the laptop platform. 10 is damn good for what it is. IBM AND Apple fucked up.”
Got a bit of this out of order or reversed. IBM went to MSFT for the OS for their new PC, because they also needed compilers, which was the business that MSFT was in at the time. Gates sent them down to the Bay Area to meet with Digital Research, who made the OS that MSFT was bundling with its compilers at the time. Bottom line there was that the deal offered DRI was uneconomic for DRI. If my memory served me right, MSFT offered $250k for an unlimited paid up license for a product (CPM and CPM-86) that were making DRI several million dollars a year. The paid up unlimited license would have destroyed their CPM market (which MS DOS and PC DOS ultimately did). So IBM went back to Gates in WA, and asked for help. That was when he offered them QDOS, which was a clone of CPM-86. It has never been clear when MSFT gained ownership of QDOS, but it is clear that it cost them significantly less than IBM was offering DRI (and presumably MSFT). To cap off the insult, IBM continued to pretend to be negotiating with DRI until the day of the IBM release of its PC. QDOS was rebranded as MS DOS, and IBM’s proprietary version of MS DOS was PC DOS.
It is well established that the victors write the histories, and the history depicted by the documentary “Revenge of the Nerds” very much whitewashed the roles of IBM and MSFT, while painting Gary Kildall and DRI as bunglers. I got much of their story from his unpublished autobiography (loaned to me by the guy who was with Kildall the night that he hit his head, leading to his death) as well as his second wife.
I got interested in the story because of the copyright issues (and I was a computer nerd). I had spent 15 years as a software engineer before graduating from law school, and entering the practice of law. The last decade of my software career concentrated on OSs and data communications (in particular, writing protocol stacks). I had had several early MS DOS machines by then, and had transitioned to Windows 3 about the time I graduated. Then I got involved in several software copyright cases (most prominently Gates v Brando that set the standard in the 10th Circuit) before getting licensed as a patent attorney by the USPTO.
My first question was why DR Dos could safely be sold, given the market power of MSFT? The answer was that MS DOS was essentially a clone of DR Dos, and not the other way around. So, if anyone should have been able to sue for copyright infringement, it would have been DRI. Why didn’t they? The answer, most likely, is that initially (in the 1980s) only literal copying of code was considered protectable by copyright. Later, non literal copying of the operation of software became protectable by copyright (for example, MS DOS would likely been found infringing of the DR Dos copyright in the 10th Circuit based on their Gates v Brando decision (a case I did much of the legal research for)). So, with the pendulum having swung to copyright protection of software operation, why didn’t DRI sue MSFT (and IBM) for infringement, given the billions in revenue of both companies? The answer appears to be because of a hold harmless provision in a contract that DRI had signed with IBM to get is OS products into the IBM product catalog.
“All in all, Windows XP is probably the best thing MS has done. It finally got away from all the applications running in the same address space, and could run for months if you weren't trying anything unusual. Vista sucked, Win 7 was OK, but not really an improvement on XP, Win 8 was unusable & WIn 10 tries to hide everything and makes desktops an afterthought to touchscreens..”
I would argue that you are a couple generations behind the curve here. DOS based Windows (running in the single address space) ran up through Win 95 and 98. But several years before that, MSFT had begun development of a real multi threading OS - Windows NT. Up through NT 2, the interface was pretty kludgy. But then they grafted the 95/98 GUI interface on top of NT 3, and the modern era of Windows took off. I installed NT 3 on my home computer soon after it came out, and that machine ran for literally years between boots. When I moved to a new company a year or two later, the patent attorneys got new laptops. They were supposed to run 98, but I asked if I could get NT 3 instead. Sure. It was great. The user interface looked identical, but my boss’ 98 machine would crash or have to be rebooted when it locked up on a routine basis, and my NT 3 box never had to be rebooted. I constantly harassed him about that, because he was the one who didn’t want me to be different from everyone else. I should also note that in my previous job, I had been the IP atty who dealt with MSFT for our port of NT 2 and 3 to our proprietary computer architecture.
After NT 3 came 2K, which was a dog, then XP, good and stable, Vista, sucky again, 7, 8, and 10. The law firm I last worked for, was dragged by Microsoft kicking and screaming to, I believe 7. This was maybe 8 years ago The problem was that XP was stable. Not quite as stable maybe as NT 3, but more stable than anything else around. I have on several occasions heard the suggestion that MSFT had two OS development teams, one good, one bad, which is supposedly why the good versions of Windows tended to alternate with bad ones. another explanation is that they introduced big internal changes in the even numbered versions, and then fixed them inbthe odd numbered, much more stable, generations. I Currently run Windows 8.1 and 10 (after having critical software quit running on Vista and esp XP) and do prefer the newer version. I run mostly from the desktop, except to launch less used applications (my commonly run apps are pinned to the bar on the bottom of the screen). It works, but the old pull down start menus were much faster. Oh well. Progress. And I hate that they have tried to hide so much of the Control Panel (and in Win 10 it is so hard to get to it).
Had an amusing moment earlier when I clicked on a link 'Hunter and a copperhead' at Instapundit: before the NY Post article displayed, I thought it was about another episode of Keeping Up with the Bidens.
I know Control Panel is there because I have found it, but I can never remember how to find it again. It is just not in me to think like a computer spook.
I would argue that you are a couple generations behind the curve here. DOS based Windows (running in the single address space) ran up through Win 95 and 98.
You are right, NT, especially NT4 was great if a bit clunky. Under the current numbering scheme, it would have been Windows 4, or say rather that Win 10 would be WinNTv10..
And you forgot dishonorable mention for WinME, which iirc was the absolute last single address space version from the "DOS underneath" lineage, and roundly hated.
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So “fetuses” can feel pain.
That’s a no $$$$ Sherlock. They finally had to prove it and they did.
Let’s have some fun and consider it cruel and unusual punishment under the death penalty.
Wonder if Roger's has his ego insured? Pretty hefty premium, I betcha
When does baseball season start?
I'm putting up a hymn every Sunday on YouTube.
This week, it's Go Tell It On The Mountain.
Thoughts and prayers are with Green Bay right now. BRUTAL!!! 😁
When is Green Bay going to show up?
The “Nightmare” might be this game.
This is a nightmare. Green Bay looks like a high school team out there.
Vince Lombardi is hanging his head in shame, as he spins in his grave...
I really hate Windows 10.
So “fetuses” can feel pain.
Presumably from around one month following conception with development of the nervous system and presumptive seat of consciousness. Fetal-Americans a.k.a. "our Posterity" have had their civil and human rights denied and violated in unprecedented numbers for light and casual causes: social progress, medical progress, taxable commodities, and other purposes.
Why do u hate 10? It’s a damn good windows.
Where is the investigation into Biden and his family?
It’s not as good as DOS 6.0.
Gotta say, Farmer is right about Bill Kristol. Truly despicable.
Considering that it incorporates DOS, that’s a non sequitur.
Go Niners!
Surprised Althouse has not blogged the Aaron Hernandez biopic on Netflix.
Hits all her buttons.
The twilight fringe before the dawn.
Let’s review the history: IBM produced a wonderful new OS named OS/2. And they essentially told all PC users that they could kiss all their corporate apps AND data goodbye. Meanwhile they sold DOS to Microsoft and Gates proceeded to ream them pretty hard for that bad decision. Apple decided that they would keep their OS a tight secret and Microsoft opened their OS to all 3rd parties that wanted to use that platform. Voila! Microsoft rules the laptop platform. 10 is damn good for what it is. IBM AND Apple fucked up.
And don’t get me started on how the IBM 370 with 128 bit addressing was superior to laptops with 100 bit buses! And that was 50 years ago!!!!
ARM made a good point today. I should register as a Democrat and vote for Bernie Sanders in the D primary.
"Considering that it incorporates DOS, that’s a non sequitur.”
DOS 6.0 had a beautiful purity.
Its not completely lost.
Packers are driving! Rodgers has a pulse.
Maybe, they'll get a field goal....
Part of the trouble may be that I have Office 2017 that I own, but M/S sees Windows 10 and takes me to that big rental office in the sky, however that works.
Windows 7 worked just fine, I could see my files and direct my functions, which are things Windows 10 thinks I should not need to worry my little head about.
It is very frustrating trying to get done what I want to get done.
Technically it was named MS-DOS 6.0. The purity came straight from Gates. The irony is that he was a BASIC programmer at heart. But his soul is the soul of a businessman. Until he got married. Now he’s a doofus.
Have you gone into your properties and told windows that Office 2017 has the priority? That it runs as the preferred program?
How do you know the patch is genuine
Exactly one year ago today, Nathan Phillips approached after the March For Life in Washington, D.C.
Today I stood in the exact same spot I had year ago and did my first fair interview compared to the setup @ NBC.
I won’t ever be bullied or surrender. Thanks for all your support
@Hagar - I hear you. I just started on Windows 10 and a new computer. Went to set up new accounts, as I always do on a new computer, and had to fight to set up local rather than cloud accounts.
Don't attach to the web unless you absolutely have to.
And why should I have to do that? Whatever you are talking about and however it is done?
I bought and paid for Office 2017 and they promised it would work.
They changed things, I did not.
That's why I'm still running Office 2013 on my new Windows 10 computer.
WATCH: Warren Confronted About Whether It’s Okay To Lie To The American Public
Well here we go with yet another; is this version 5?
1. There was an "imminent" attack against U.S. military personnel and diplomats. We needed to foil that attack.
2. Soleimani was repsonsible for hundreds of American casualties in Iraq.
3. Soleimani planned an attack on an embassy.
4. Soleimani planned an attack on four embassies.
And now, the new champion:
5. Soleimani "was talking shit about us."
Their menus also are all harder to read
Besides having an attitude. Like snippely "We cannot find anything to display here" rather than just "No messages."
I enjoyed that, Shouting Thomas!
Original Mike said...
Don't attach to the web unless you absolutely have to.
I hear it saps and impurifies all of our precious bodily fluids.
Well its better than windows vista, that doesnt say much
How about (6): A world where Soleimani is dead is better than a world where he is alive?
But they havent developed two factor security, after every other hack.
ProgLibDems calling 2A rally White Supremacist rally
The rally was organized by the VCDL, a normal pro-2A group. Some of the speakers include the hero from the Texas Church shooting, several Delegates, Cam Edwards, Dick Heller etc.
Washington Post Presents Virginia Gun Rally as Charlottesville 2.0
Smearing pro-2A Americans as white nationalists is why the press has no credibility on this issue.
Will Antifa dress up as normal gun-rights folks and pull some shit?
Iran gave up too easily.
I suspect they were thinking of going ahead with whatever Suleimani had planned and Trump told them: "You want war, you got it!" and told them the B-52's were already in the air, and they thought better of it.
Exactly what happened is probably in the super-duper secret files, and we will have to wait 50 years to read all about it.
"How about (6): A world where Soleimani is dead is better than a world where he is alive?"
Yeah, that's not good enough for the geniuses.
Its been 11 years since israel and mossad collaborate on 'turning out the lights on mugniyeh
The one who directed everything from the marine barracks to buenos aires.
"The one who directed everything from the marine barracks to buenos aires"
Chuck will excuse anything in pursuit of the great orange whale.
Big Mike said...
How about (6): A world where Soleimani is dead is better than a world where he is alive?
Soleimani was not just an international terrorist, he was an Iranian national terrorist of repression.
At 62 it's likely he would have actively thwarted any change of course within Iran for the next couple of decades.
Now at least there's an opening for such a change.
Probably the best and ironically the least "legal" of the reasons for his dispatch from this Earth.
Try to think of it as term limits.
Right-click on the office .exe and go to properties. You want to run it as admin. And you may want to run it “virtually” under a different version of Windows. It’s a hassle but I had to do this all the time for older programs that the company didn’t want to update. Microsoft is in the business of selling the latest version and they will make you comply one way or another. 20013 is 7 years old. You should surrender and go to office 365.
Now there are layers in the bureaucracy, general ashgari (who we relied on for the 2007 nie) was likely mugniyehs control officer.
I had dinner tonight at the local pizzeria with a long-time liberal friend. She went on at length & with good reasons as to why the Democrats are fucked for 2020 & maybe permanently. In short, she fears Identity Politics has killed the Party until the Democrats can work past it.
Now his understudy, ghani is a terror in iranian kurdistan.
You're confusing me and Hagar. I have no problems with 2013.
Touchdown! Still some life left in the Pack.
Original Mike said...
"How about (6): A world where Soleimani is dead is better than a world where he is alive?"
Yeah, that's not good enough for the geniuses.
If it is so simple, so clear, and so easy, why did the Trump Administration fumble it so badly? Why so many different explanations? The worst effort was Trump himself, thinking that he could get a friendly interview with Laura Ingraham and that he could get away with saying that he could reveal, finally, that it was "four embassies." Which only prompted smart reporters to ask when, where and how those embassies were placed on warning of attack. Which of course none were. And after which of course SecDef Mark Esper had to confess that he had not seen any evidence of attacks on "four embassies." The whole thing fell apart. It became a WaPo headline: "Trump's 'four embassies' claim utterly falls apart."
Back of the book section
Chuck is mad that the “intelligent” policies of the Obama and the Clintons and ‘Republicans' like him were rejected.
I had dinner tonight at the local pizzeria with a long-time liberal friend. She went on at length & with good reasons as to why the Democrats are fucked for 2020 & maybe permanently. In short, she fears Identity Politics has killed the Party until the Democrats can work past it.
The Rats have attempted to Balkanize the USA for decades.
They can’t work past it.
Chuck is a big ole Whitney pussy.
I bet big ole pussy Chuck can at least appreciate this.
Brother, dude, there was no fumbling. Nada, zilch, on the fumble-rooski. You delude yourself and are unconvincing to the rest of us with these baseless and mindless assertions. The only thing anyone reading your comments is convinced of is that you are eff'd in the head. Seriously, get help.
"The Rats have attempted to Balkanize the USA for decades."
Decades is right.
I don't know if your friend is right about the dems prospects, red, but the democrats certainly deserve to be banished to the wilderness. Identity politics is a poisonous ideology, purposefully dividing us for their (perceived) political benefit. These are horrible people.
Likely there was strong reason to believe they were planning additional embassy attacks, and considering that one had just occurred, it would be extremely reasonable to say that they were imminent.
traditionalguy said...
When does baseball season start?
23 days, 2 hours, 17 minutes; until pitchers and catcher report for spring training
Spring Training Countdown
Congratulations, Bay Area Guy! Decisive win. Should be a great SB.
There was this life long shepherd;
who decided to get attention by yelling on and on about bullshit.
finally, one day; the President really did something bad; and Everyone ignored the disgusting little puke
Not that President Trump HAS done anything bad, but there's a moral in there somewhere;for someone
Okay, the two SB teams are now lined up.
Tentatively, I favor KC.
"Likely there was strong reason to believe they were planning additional embassy attacks, and considering that one had just occurred, it would be extremely reasonable to say that they were imminent."
Naw, they were in Baghdad to plan their next fishing trip.
Oh, and for gilbar, that was sarcasm.
"Imminent" attack? Obama established the "would gladly... if they could" standard.
Obama continued:
But I’ve actually told my staff it’s probably good that they stay critical of this policy, even though I think right now we’re doing the best that we can in a dangerous world with terrorists who would gladly blow up a school bus full of American kids if they could. We probably have got it about right.
Trump will also be inaugurated into an office that construes its mandate to kill with drones broadly, encompassing strikes in countries with which America is not at war and targeting groups and individuals that had nothing to do with the September 11, 2001, attacks. In effect, Obama has construed the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force so broadly that it’s now hard to discern any meaningful limit.
Obama's Weak Defense of His Record on Drone Killings
His choices made unjust strikes predictable and inevitable—and with Donald Trump poised to take power, the precedents he set are all the more alarming.
In any case, Obama chose to allow the CIA, a secretive entity with a long history of unjust killings, to carry out strikes; he chose to keep the very fact of drone killings classified, deliberately invoking the state-secrets privilege in a way guaranteed to stymie oversight, public debate, and legal accountability; and he chose to permit killings outside the greater Afghanistan war zone, in countries with which the U.S. was not at war. Those choices made more unjust killings predictable and inevitable.
That should have been obvious to a former senator and constitutional law expert who knew, among other things, that the CIA had recently run an illegal torture program. The CIA then got carried away with the power to kill in secret in multiple countries.
Obama couldn’t foresee that?
Many others could.
That more checks and balances were needed from day one was a no-brainer. Yet reporting by the New York Times suggests that Obama was directly complicit all along in efforts to obscure the true costs of drone strikes to innocents. As the newspaper put it on May 29, 2012, in a major investigative article:
Mr. Obama embraced a disputed method for counting civilian casualties that did little to box him in. It in effect counts all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants, according to several administration officials, unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent…
The newspaper went on to speculate that “this counting method may partly explain the official claims of extraordinarily low collateral deaths. In a speech last year, Mr. Brennan, Mr. Obama’s trusted adviser, said that not a single noncombatant had been killed in a year of strikes. And in a recent interview, a senior administration official said that the number of civilians killed in drone strikes in Pakistan under Mr. Obama was in the ‘single digits’—and that independent counts of scores or hundreds of civilian deaths unwittingly draw on false propaganda.”
donald: "Chuck is a big ole Whitney pussy."
You should have seen LLR-lefty Chuck pushing the hilariously hoaxy McClatchy/USA Today fake poll for the "Military Times" (owned since 1997 by far left hack media organizations that actually despise military members) "showing" the dems closing in on Trump for the military vote!! LOL
A claim made every 4 years which of course never ever materializes at the polls.
Lunatic lefty Inga has also pushed these fake polls in the lead up to 2016 and several times in the past months.
She and Chuckie thinks it helps that the lefty rag is called Military Times so people will be fooled by their lies.
I would guess Trump gets about 80% of the combat arms personnel and 65% to 70% overall of the entire military vote, active duty/reserve and retirees.
Thats why Chuck's dem pals are always looking to disqualify military LLR-lefty Chuck is quite emasculated by guys and gals who served honorably and are conservative republicans.
Its very Freudian with Chuck on that count.
And don’t get me started on how the IBM 370 with 128 bit addressing
it's hard (for me) to not think that the antitrust worries are what screwed IBM. They were in the habit of letting people (like Amdahl) make money off of them, to blow smoke at the antitrust boys. When Microsoft came along, IBM figured they better let them have the PC market; so that the company didn't get cut up.
PC's What a LOAD of CRAP. Here we are 40 years later; at WHAT do you do with your PC, that you shouldn't be doing with your 3278 terminal?
Cloud computing? Please explain how they're NOT just mainframes?
do NOT get me started on VTAM !!!
When the games got out if hand I watched a screener for that Parasite movie. I learned conversations in Korean sounds like English mumbling and supposedly the movie won awards because it says something important about class. I never learned what itjat important thing was however...
“I had dinner tonight at the local pizzeria with a long-time liberal friend. She went on at length & with good reasons as to why the Democrats are fucked for 2020 & maybe permanently. In short, she fears Identity Politics has killed the Party until the Democrats can work past it.”
I hope so. I do not believe they can “work past it” until they are destroyed first. Political parties can do that. Look at Canada for examples.
I am not as hopeful as she (I understand she is despairing, but her outlook is hopeful and optimistic even if she doesn’t feel it). It can happen only if Trump can break off part of what the Democrats feel entitled to by demographics. Trump should aim for a lot of black support. *The wedge is schools*. Play up Warren's attacks on charter schools. Play up Bernie's slavish devotion to teachers' unions.
why did the Trump Administration fumble it so badly?
Chuck and Inga should do a comedy routine. How about "Two dopes who are clueless?" Better than "Dumb and dumber."
Maybe not.
Aaron Rodgers says 49ers will regret not drafting him in 2005.
"Not as disappointed as the 49ers will be that they didn't draft me."
Well Aaron, you're now 0-3 in the playoffs against your so I think they're fine. Plus I nice 3 fumble 2 INT game tonight.
Original Mike said...
Naw, they were in Baghdad to plan their next fishing trip.
Oh, and for gilbar, that was sarcasm.
no it wasn't!
The Baghdad Angler’s Club and School of Fly Fishing
"Tentatively, I favor KC."
I will take that bet! And the loser has to drink Gin with and listen to Chuck talk politics for two straight hours.
(Just kidding Chuck)
Go 49ers!
And don’t get me started on how the IBM 370 with 128 bit addressing was superior to laptops with 100 bit buses! And that was 50 years ago!!!!
100 bit bus?? 128 bit addressing in a 370? yeah.....that never happened 50 years ago!
Harry formerly known as Prince Harry read off some kind of statement today. His voice sounded normal which is odd since the voice usually changes when your balls are removed and placed inside your wife's purse.
Seeing Red didn't use quotes so people are confused.
YoungHegelian wrote the comment:
"YoungHegelian said...
I had dinner tonight at the local pizzeria with a long-time liberal friend. She went on at length & with good reasons as to why the Democrats are fucked for 2020 & maybe permanently. In short, she fears Identity Politics has killed the Party until the Democrats can work past it.
1/19/20, 8:13 PM"
Now let's all get on the same page here.
"no it wasn't!
The Baghdad Angler’s Club and School of Fly Fishing"
OK, maybe we did that Soleimani guy wrong. Sorry!
This Chinese company has a humiliating punishment for employees who fail to meet their targets.
Self punishment for end of year meeting. The senior executives who did not fulfill the target during the year crawl for three laps, screaming "be a man with sense of responsibility".
Aaron Rodgers says 49ers will regret not drafting him in 2005.
"Not as disappointed as the 49ers will be that they didn't draft me."
Well Aaron, you're now 0-3 in the playoffs against your so I think they're fine. Plus I nice 3 fumble 2 INT game tonight.
I want the 49ers to win the Super Bowl
I want the Senate to acquit Trump
I want my youngest teenager to get into UC Santa Barbara or Clemson
I want Trump to win reelection in Nov 2020
And, I'd like a few more Blow Jobs from my wife
Is that too much to ask?
Go Niners!
Penguin says anybody but Hunter.
I want my youngest teenager to get into UC Santa Barbara or Clemson
Heisenberg is born.
My wife and I are 49er fans. She sez she fears KC, sez Mahomes is a “scrapper”. She must’ve called him scrapper a half dozen times. I told her if she said scrapper one more time, I couldn’t be held responsible for my actions. Then I hid the Foster’s Lager...
I love it when San Francisco beats rural red states
Blogger walter said...
Penguin says anybody but Hunter.
Humper is off limits They're savaging my only surviving son!!"
So - to clarify the left's position on witnesses:
Parnas - who is at best a secondary witness and worst desperate for a deal to avoid prison - should be a witness "as he can connect the dots;"
but Hunter Biden - who is absolutely at the center of the whole debacle with regard corruption and Trump's decisions - shouldn't be a witness because "he has no knowledge of the accusations."
The fag city beat us. How humiliating.
"I want my youngest teenager to get into UC Santa Barbara or Clemson"
Have you been to Santa Barbara? The beaches, the mountain, the wharf. Arguably, the prettiest city in California.
Have you been to Clemson? Best football (except for LSU) and prettiest southern girls.
I'd say it's win-win.
Practice at slaloming around the poop and hypos was home team advantage.
"The fag city beat us. How humiliating."
Wait, I thought there were a lotta fags in Green Bay, too? Mostly on the Packer defense:)
The documentary on Gloriavale, a Christian commune in New Zealand, is very good. It’s on Amazon.
Hippie attempts at communal living failed miserably. I lived in Woodstock, NY, for decades. All Woodstock’s communes folded for lack of a coherent, workable philosophy. Gloriavale was founded in 1969 and is still going strong. Its philosophy is traditional, conservative Christianity.
I’ll be interested in seeing if Althouse watches it, and reading what she thinks of it.
Has anyone ever mentioned how easy it is to find and acquire (right here and now) good things to read?
Here's some connection making, speaking of civil-military relations, the value of the insights and experiences of enlisted men and lower grade officers, interesting military memoirs, and Missouri.
In 1917-19 William S. Triplet served as an infantry sergeant in the 35th Infantry Division, the same that HST was in as an artillery officer. The 35th was a National Guard formation largely from Missouri, Nebraska, and Kansas, and Triplet quit high school to enlist. He was wounded at the Meuse-Argonne, but recovered and got a West Point slot in 1920 or so.
In WWII he was an armored brigade commander (colonel) in the 7th and 2nd ADs. Was wounded again in early 1945. Working in the Pentagon before his retirement he saw Ike's scrawled negative on his recommendation for a star--pretty much, 'We have enough generals.'
Robert Ferrell has edited a WWI and a WWII volume of Triplet's memoir. They are fascinating reading, right up there with GM Fraser, Farley Mowat, Jim Megellas, or Eugene Sledge IMHO, and not to mention countless others I have read. I guess I just mentioned them, but I can't recall exact titles and authors. I do remember two by infantry battalion surgeons, one in France and one in Italy, that were both excellent.
David Hackworth too-- already mentioned, but just too late for WWII IIRC.
Happy reading to y'all, whether on page or screen
James O'Keefe
Jan 18
Kyle Jurek is STILL a @BernieSanders campaign organizer
James O'Keefe
Jan 18
Still no response from @CNNPolitics @MSNBC @NBCNews @CBSNews...
Next week we turn up the heat.
I mentioned i saw 1917, it is loosely related to the events around passchaendale , that the authors grandfather was a part of
Bay Area Guy, Santa Barbara is spectacular, best wishes on many visits. Life changing experience.
@Bay Area Guy, last time I looked the University of Santa Barbara had six Nobel Laureates in their faculty, four in physics and two in economics. It also has beaches on two of the four sides of campus, and a lagoon. They have never had a losing football season (the school doesn’t play football — soccer is the big fall sport). The university is not actually in Santa Barbara; it’s on the edge of a nearby town that’s essentially a suburb.
In other news...
Trump’s Blind Spot on Immigration
America is doomed.
"America is doomed"
For God's sake, Farmer, stop reading Derbyshire!
Via Rantburg:
Al Arabiya English
Protesters burn the Hezbollah headquarters in Iraq located near the housing bridge in the Najaf province as the deadline set by the popular movement in Iraq approaches.
Narr: Yes. And I just ordered the Triplet book you recommended from Abe Books. Thank for the tip!
Chuck: If it is so simple, so clear, and so easy, why did the Trump Administration fumble it so badly? Why so many different explanations?
Yeah... Iran has soooo many stand-ins who can command the Iranian-led, Iranian-financed terrorists now that Soleimani is now not just CHUCK, but GROUND chuck? (aside from his bejewelled hand, of course)
I mean, charisma and experience and a track record are a rial a dozen!!!
Just look at how the Japs were able to seamlessly replace Osama, Admiral Yamamoto, or the Nazis Gen. Rommel with underlings whose names we all remember, and who defeated us...
Oh wait...
Bay Area Guy said...
"I want my youngest teenager to get into UC Santa Barbara or Clemson"
Have you been to Santa Barbara? The beaches, the mountain, the wharf. Arguably, the prettiest city in California
Except for all the burned-out areas and hundreds of mansions destroyed in the fires. But you can just close your eyes and put a hanky on your nose to ignore that.
The real estate agent eager to sell you property there will surely suggest that.
Times endorses warren and klobuchar, sorry howdy.
The bell has finally tolled for Windows 7: Microsoft has just dropped support. Luckily I don't run windows myself, but I'll have to update my sister & nieces computers to Win10 now when I can work up the enthusiasm.
All in all, Windows XP is probably the best thing MS has done. It finally got away from all the applications running in the same address space, and could run for months if you weren't trying anything unusual. Vista sucked, Win 7 was OK, but not really an improvement on XP, Win 8 was unusable & WIn 10 tries to hide everything and makes desktops an afterthought to touchscreens..
How can the NYTs endorse two competitors for one position.
I'm sure Althouse will blog it tomorrow.
You know what. I just don't care.
It does to cross the line between clever and stupid and fail.
Well thats that:
Times endorses warren and klobuchar, sorry howdy.
should have been Buttsexex, to put a check in the 'gay' box
and a female, cuz vagina
...since 'Person-O-Color' was no longer an option.
oh to have that dream candidate that scores a hat trick
Remembering nothing, learning nothing
Have you been to Santa Barbara? The beaches, the mountain, the wharf. Arguably, the prettiest city in California
When did college become summer camp? some primal level I understand.
I studied here in Seattle. Sailing, skiing, suds, and skirts were a stupefying distraction.
War is famous for its unintended consequences, but there are unintended consequences to peace. General Foch did not think WWI should end with an armistice. He counseled that the allied forces should press on and occupy Berlin. If they had done so, thousands--maybe tens of thousands more soldiers-- would have died. And the world would have been spared WWII. If France and England had responded aggressively when Hitler occupied the Rhineland, the German generals would have deposed Hitler.
....What would have been the unintended consequences if Saddam had been allowed to occupy Kuwait? What would have been the unintended consequences if Soleilmani had been allowed to live?.......Peace, war, whatever. There are always unintended consequences. There is such a thing as a bad peace. Ask Chamberlain if you don't believe me.
Yes, NYT endorses both Warren and Klobuchar for President and ties the endorsement to a broken link as of this evening...
She won’t be needing that comb.
If I had to endorse two female candidates for Prez a la the NYT, I'd pick:
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY)
Not Nikki Haley - too ambitious.
Maybe 2024?
Just let me know if there’s something that resembles bleu cheese dressing in Klobuchar’s hair.
Chuck said...
Well here we go with yet another; is this version 5?
Chuck, with all due respect, who but a partisan Democrat gives a rat's ass? Soleimani was an evil bastard responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans and thousands of others. He's dead, and good fucking riddance. Anyone whining about "why was he killed?" is a piece of crap anyway.
It's a day of MLK speeches on talk radio. "Any of your thoughts though on Martin Luther King feel free to call..."
You don't hear that for breast awareness month.
It looks like this lobby day thing in Virginia today is a much bigger deal that I realized.
Folks are up early-
RIGHT NOW: State and #Richmond police prepare for thousands of people from across the country to flood the Capitol for a gun- rights rally.
Heading to Richmond... organizers tell me more than 150 people are on these buses leaving from SafeSide Tactical.
Olivia Ugino
Verified account @OliviaNBC12
We’ve seen well over 100 officers on Bank Street this morning. @NBC12
2:24 AM - 20 Jan 2020
Deploying police to the empty streets in the middle of the night?
Well with the timing of the Jurek release the Bernie hit job after the debate now makes more sense. As does CNNs participation
"The fag city beat us. How humiliating.”
I was kind of sad about it, but the better teams won, sadly, I was rooting for the underdog both games.
Hagar said...
Part of the trouble may be that I have Office 2017 that I own, but M/S sees Windows 10 and takes me to that big rental office in the sky, however that works."
This should help.
Buy Windows 10 in The Missing Manual series through the Althouse portal and read ch. 1.
Windows 10: The Missing Manual: The book that should have been in the box 2nd Edition
by David Pogue
Every software question is answered on the internet by using Google so now they (Microsoft and others) don't issue manuals with Windows and Office version updates. But this can lead to incoherence in people's understanding of the software they are using, particularly when people make a large jump in software versions, such as from Windows 7 to 10. So this is why the Missing Manual Series exists - to replace the manuals that Microsoft stopped issuing. They are well written and much better to read than the official Windows manuals which are not intended for human being but geeks and developers.
And, again, to cover most of the problems caused by large version jumps (Windows 7 to Windows 10), you read Chapter 1, Missing Manual carefully. Then, on an as needed basis, you read chapters connected with actual software things you do.
Given their status as house walkover messengers, would Senate be entitled to compel testimony from Schiff and Nadler without permission from a Hawaiian judge?
How many warehouses would it have taken to hold the memory that could be addressed with 128 bits at the time?
At first I thought that calling Hunter was a stunt, a worthwhile stunt, but a stunt, but when you read this, you can see that there are some serious problems for Joe Biden, and even Obama, that the Democrats simply don’t want explored at all, let alone in depth.
Not to mention that it would clear Trump easily were it reported straight.
Chuck math: lots of reasons = no reasons.
You should sell that to the NYT. Within 5 years, it will be standard school curriculum. Newer math. Chuck math.
narciso said...
I mentioned i saw 1917, it is loosely related to the events around passchaendale , that the authors grandfather was a part of
About 1% of the adult male population of Canada died at Passchaendale. Imagine taking that kind of hit in a single battle.
So I get up this morning with my alarm clock set to WIP 94.1 FM sorts radio in Philadelphia, and the first caller I hear is incensed that Roger Goddel was shown at one of the football games yesterday with a hat that incorrectly had Super Bowl 45 embroidered on it (in Roman numerals) instead og Super Bowl 54. And further, that this was a call out to Donald Trump, since Trump is the 4th president.
Then the next caller, a black man, deride the host, Angelo Castaldi, for working on Martin Luther King day. This after claiming that he can't find a calendar with MLK day denoted on it.
It's going to be a bad day.
video of the relief supplies in Puerto Rico hidden from the populace to dunk on Trump
“ Let’s review the history: IBM produced a wonderful new OS named OS/2. And they essentially told all PC users that they could kiss all their corporate apps AND data goodbye. Meanwhile they sold DOS to Microsoft and Gates proceeded to ream them pretty hard for that bad decision. Apple decided that they would keep their OS a tight secret and Microsoft opened their OS to all 3rd parties that wanted to use that platform. Voila! Microsoft rules the laptop platform. 10 is damn good for what it is. IBM AND Apple fucked up.”
Got a bit of this out of order or reversed. IBM went to MSFT for the OS for their new PC, because they also needed compilers, which was the business that MSFT was in at the time. Gates sent them down to the Bay Area to meet with Digital Research, who made the OS that MSFT was bundling with its compilers at the time. Bottom line there was that the deal offered DRI was uneconomic for DRI. If my memory served me right, MSFT offered $250k for an unlimited paid up license for a product (CPM and CPM-86) that were making DRI several million dollars a year. The paid up unlimited license would have destroyed their CPM market (which MS DOS and PC DOS ultimately did). So IBM went back to Gates in WA, and asked for help. That was when he offered them QDOS, which was a clone of CPM-86. It has never been clear when MSFT gained ownership of QDOS, but it is clear that it cost them significantly less than IBM was offering DRI (and presumably MSFT). To cap off the insult, IBM continued to pretend to be negotiating with DRI until the day of the IBM release of its PC. QDOS was rebranded as MS DOS, and IBM’s proprietary version of MS DOS was PC DOS.
It is well established that the victors write the histories, and the history depicted by the documentary “Revenge of the Nerds” very much whitewashed the roles of IBM and MSFT, while painting Gary Kildall and DRI as bunglers. I got much of their story from his unpublished autobiography (loaned to me by the guy who was with Kildall the night that he hit his head, leading to his death) as well as his second wife.
I got interested in the story because of the copyright issues (and I was a computer nerd). I had spent 15 years as a software engineer before graduating from law school, and entering the practice of law. The last decade of my software career concentrated on OSs and data communications (in particular, writing protocol stacks). I had had several early MS DOS machines by then, and had transitioned to Windows 3 about the time I graduated. Then I got involved in several software copyright cases (most prominently Gates v Brando that set the standard in the 10th Circuit) before getting licensed as a patent attorney by the USPTO.
My first question was why DR Dos could safely be sold, given the market power of MSFT? The answer was that MS DOS was essentially a clone of DR Dos, and not the other way around. So, if anyone should have been able to sue for copyright infringement, it would have been DRI. Why didn’t they? The answer, most likely, is that initially (in the 1980s) only literal copying of code was considered protectable by copyright. Later, non literal copying of the operation of software became protectable by copyright (for example, MS DOS would likely been found infringing of the DR Dos copyright in the 10th Circuit based on their Gates v Brando decision (a case I did much of the legal research for)). So, with the pendulum having swung to copyright protection of software operation, why didn’t DRI sue MSFT (and IBM) for infringement, given the billions in revenue of both companies? The answer appears to be because of a hold harmless provision in a contract that DRI had signed with IBM to get is OS products into the IBM product catalog.
“All in all, Windows XP is probably the best thing MS has done. It finally got away from all the applications running in the same address space, and could run for months if you weren't trying anything unusual. Vista sucked, Win 7 was OK, but not really an improvement on XP, Win 8 was unusable & WIn 10 tries to hide everything and makes desktops an afterthought to touchscreens..”
I would argue that you are a couple generations behind the curve here. DOS based Windows (running in the single address space) ran up through Win 95 and 98. But several years before that, MSFT had begun development of a real multi threading OS - Windows NT. Up through NT 2, the interface was pretty kludgy. But then they grafted the 95/98 GUI interface on top of NT 3, and the modern era of Windows took off. I installed NT 3 on my home computer soon after it came out, and that machine ran for literally years between boots. When I moved to a new company a year or two later, the patent attorneys got new laptops. They were supposed to run 98, but I asked if I could get NT 3 instead. Sure. It was great. The user interface looked identical, but my boss’ 98 machine would crash or have to be rebooted when it locked up on a routine basis, and my NT 3 box never had to be rebooted. I constantly harassed him about that, because he was the one who didn’t want me to be different from everyone else. I should also note that in my previous job, I had been the IP atty who dealt with MSFT for our port of NT 2 and 3 to our proprietary computer architecture.
After NT 3 came 2K, which was a dog, then XP, good and stable, Vista, sucky again, 7, 8, and 10. The law firm I last worked for, was dragged by Microsoft kicking and screaming to, I believe 7. This was maybe 8 years ago The problem was that XP was stable. Not quite as stable maybe as NT 3, but more stable than anything else around. I have on several occasions heard the suggestion that MSFT had two OS development teams, one good, one bad, which is supposedly why the good versions of Windows tended to alternate with bad ones. another explanation is that they introduced big internal changes in the even numbered versions, and then fixed them inbthe odd numbered, much more stable, generations. I Currently run Windows 8.1 and 10 (after having critical software quit running on Vista and esp XP) and do prefer the newer version. I run mostly from the desktop, except to launch less used applications (my commonly run apps are pinned to the bar on the bottom of the screen). It works, but the old pull down start menus were much faster. Oh well. Progress. And I hate that they have tried to hide so much of the Control Panel (and in Win 10 it is so hard to get to it).
Jersey Fled: "This after claiming that he can't find a calendar with MLK day denoted on it."
Poor guy. It's right there on my NRA-ILA Hunting Dog of the Month calendar. I guess you can come to take things like that for granted.
Those deprived can order it from their website.
Had an amusing moment earlier when I clicked on a link 'Hunter and a copperhead' at Instapundit: before the NY Post article displayed, I thought it was about another episode of Keeping Up with the Bidens.
I know Control Panel is there because I have found it, but I can never remember how to find it again.
It is just not in me to think like a computer spook.
I would argue that you are a couple generations behind the curve here. DOS based Windows (running in the single address space) ran up through Win 95 and 98.
You are right, NT, especially NT4 was great if a bit clunky. Under the current numbering scheme, it would have been Windows 4, or say rather that Win 10 would be WinNTv10..
And you forgot dishonorable mention for WinME, which iirc was the absolute last single address space version from the "DOS underneath" lineage, and roundly hated.
To find the Control Panel in W10, type "control panel" in the search field at the bottom left of the screen.
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