December 7, 2019

"See? They're so desperate. They're like 'Oh, no! Nobody cares!'"

I say out loud when I click on the link Meade just messaged me from across the room: "Why care about the Trump impeachment? Your right to vote in free elections is at stake/The Trump impeachment is about protecting our freedom and right to vote from lawless foreign election manipulation invited by a dangerous president" by Laurence Tribe (USA Today)

Meade: "That demonstrates where the Democrats are: They've worked themselves into a real fear that if Trump is re-elected, there's going to be a dictatorship."

Me: "They don't really believe that. You think Tribe believes that?"

Meade: "Yes. And it comes down to the right to vote: We will lose our right to vote."

Me: "That's just how they scare the little people."

Meade tells me the real reason he sent me that link is because, earlier this morning, I made fun of a NYT columnist who wrote that he would "bet you dollars to doughnuts" that people will not be thinking about the impeachment when we get to Election Day. The columnist, Michael Tomasky, isn't that old. "He's 59," I said, "I'm going to assume he's adopting a cornball, folksy style because he knows it's a con."

In that light, Meade wanted me to see the same thing going on in Laurence Tribe's prose:
In principle, we care about the Constitution. In practice, not so much. The question is why citizens ought to consider this situation with unique seriousness while so many other daily concerns — raising a family, going to college, paying for health care — feel so much more pressing. The answer is one the Democrats urging the impeachment and removal of this president have a unique obligation to provide if they — all right, I’ll say it: we — are to succeed in our goal of protecting the Constitution from a president who doesn’t give two hoots about it, much less understand a word of it.
Two hoots is the dollars to doughnuts, here. It's a tell, in my book. But Tribe is 2 decades older than Tomasky, so he might come about the cornball, folksy style honestly. Also, "doesn’t give two hoots" is the most ordinary way to clean up "doesn’t give a fuck" or "doesn’t give a shit," so it doesn't show the same strain as "dollars to doughnuts."

I'll just end this by saying that I'll bet you bitcoin to cronuts that the vast majority of Americans don't give a fucking shit about lectures from lawprofs.


gilbar said...

lawless foreign election manipulation invited by a dangerous president"

Just to clarify,
the dangerous president that invited foreign election manipulation, was O'Bama; right?

tcrosse said...

Will nobody rid me of this turbulent President?

mccullough said...

These guys blew their load on Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Useful Idiots for Obama who thought they were unhinged.

rehajm said...

It's a tell, in my book

Mine too. There are lot of tells lately. We could write a book of tells. It's telling...

rehajm said...

They worked sooooo hard on the dictatorship they were building. All those lawyers. We'll bypass elections by having the courts backstop the legislature. We'll rule for a thousand years!!!

It's telling they're telling us about dictatorships...

animal lover said...

Actually I felt it was demeaning and condescending to be lectured by a yelling "know it all" in his book, and a screeching bitch who thinks she is better than the rest of us. A screeching bitch who thinks attacking a minor child on national TV and giving a half ass apology is acceptable behavior. She was even proud of her stunt. Their TDS was on full display for everyone to see.

Fernandinande said...

I honestly expected a different ending to that sentence:

"Your right to vote in free elections is at stake/The Trump impeachment is about protecting our freedom and right to vote from lawless" Democrats who want to undo the last election.

I literally LOL'd at the phrase "foreign election manipulation".

Jersey Fled said...

Funny that they are worried about the integrity of elections when they have been working overtime for three years to overturn one.

Iman said...

I’d tell them both to take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Althouse for the win and the LOL in that closing paragraph!

You are correct, no doubt.

David Begley said...

Tribe doesn’t know what Trump thinks about the Constitution. Pure speculation.

Ann, language!

narciso said...

They cared in 2000 2002 2004 and 2016, but 2006 2008 2012 and 2018 didnt matter why is that?

Bob Boyd said...

Two hoots?
Two Hoots?
One hoot?
One fucking hoot is all I'm asking.
One measley little hoot.
Oh come on.

Limited blogger said...

nobody cares

Fernandinande said...

Even funnier than voting for Jesus in this case is that the "foreign election manipulation" they're pretending to be worried about consists of a foreign government possibly helping to expose the corruption of a US politician (Biden of course), which is a good thing for voters to be aware of unless you're a Biden fan.

If anything, the election would be "manipulated" in the direction of more openness and information.

sunsong said...

donald WILL be impeached. That's a given. You don't ask foreign leaders to help you get elected!

Jersey Fled said...

Who was the playwright who said something about liberals pretending not to know things.

Like the fact that even Mueller couldnt find any evidence that Trump or any American citizen colluded with the Russians.

Or that Hillary did by using Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele as cutouts.

gilbar said...

give a hoot!
don't pollute!
the ether with this fucking shit!!

Chuck said...


Right after blogging about how impeachment was not the overwhelming story of this time, Althouse goes right back to blogging about impeachment. The story that, in November, she said she wouldn’t follow in much detail.

Fernandinande said...

"I bet you two hoots to a given fuck."

Could use some work...

PB said...

Althouse! Language! I have to sit down. I may have the vapors.

Shouting Thomas said...

I only give two hoots when I'm lectured by Professor Althouse.

PB said...

My favorite is go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.

RNB said...

"The answer is one the Democrats urging the impeachment and removal of this president have a unique obligation to provide if they... are to succeed in our goal of protecting the Constitution from a president who doesn’t give two hoots about it..."

I recall seeing a video clip in which a reporter asked Nancy Pelosi what was the Constitutional basis for a piece of legislation she was pushing. Pelosi laughed.

For any Congressional Democrat to accuse Trump of undermining the Constitution is projection on an IMAX scale. For them to claim to be protecting the Constitution is just a lie.

Jupiter said...

It is not clear to me how the Democrats imagine we can distinguish between "foreigners meddling in American elections" and "people from other countries expressing their opinions". But they seem quite pleased that the foreigners they have imported into Virginia are turning that grand old state into a shithole.

Bob Boyd said...

a hoot
a plug nickel
a durn
a damn
a tinker's damn
a crap
a shit
a fuck
a flying fuck
a rat's ass
The list of things people don't give is both long and colorful.

PB said...

At his advanced age, Tribe has sophisticated mind reading ability.

Wince said...

The Trump impeachment is about protecting our freedom and right to vote from lawless foreign election manipulation invited by a dangerous president" by Laurence Tribe (USA Today).

That threat was embodied in any possible Ukrainian investigations of Biden corruption?

Democrats don't realize that Schiff set the bar high himself when he recited that phony baloney narrative into the congressional record.

The delta between the what Schiff said, and what really happened, is the chasm into which their impeachment dreams fell.

Had Trump asked for Ukraine to fabricate charges against Biden in exchange for aid -- the way that Biden had leveraged Ukrainian aid under Obama -- they might've had a case that people would be interested in.

Voters know they're continually swimming in a sea of "election manipulation." Tribe & Co. simply add the fear of the outsider the Dems have been stoking for years. And even that was shown to be nonexistent in the case of Trump and Ukraine.

As it is, the Dems just look like flaming hypocrites.

William said...

I guess when you use old fashioned language you are also subtly appealing to old fashion values. It probably works better for somewhat younger people to use this stratagem. When you get to Biden's age, it just emphasizes how old you are when you use such language. Biden looks out of touch with this era. Trump isn't so much aware of the zeitgeist as, in fact, being the zeitgeist.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck said...


Right after blogging about how impeachment was not the overwhelming story of this time, Althouse goes right back to blogging about impeachment. The story that, in November, she said she wouldn’t follow in much detail.

William said...

If the Russians had the skills to manipulate our election results, then Hillary would have hired them.....How are the Russians so good at the black arts of manipulating our elections and yet they have to hire American advertising firms to promote their vodka.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

In which the prof slyly implies that Orwellian propaganda is an important part of American democracy and the way "the folks" just need to go about choosing leaders.

This Trump guy is the most lawless that's existed. Name a single president who's defied as many Congressional subpoenas as he has. These have the force of law, a force that he obviously feels too good for. Any lawyer or professor of law who proposes no remedy to that is demonstrating that rule of law simply doesn't matter to her. Sad, but I guess that's what you've convinced yourself that "the folks" want. Just not a majority of them.

Heartless Aztec said...

Fuck no we don't. Never have, never will. But I do like reading your blog. Is that a difference ir distinction?

narciso said...

As a dictator, he isnt making us do amything, those words you are using...

Ken B said...

Tarnation that was funny.

Tarnation ain’t in my autocorrect spelling list. Jumping Jehoshaphat but that there is vexing!

chickelit said...

I'd love to see a duck fly through the hole of a rolling donut -- deeply symbolic.

Anonymous said...

Cuck we don't need lectures from a worthless LLR lawyer/parasite like you either. Never stopped you for a second.

You seem to think that this is your blog, not AA's.

chickelit said...

Gads, we're on fire here!

Ryan said...

The only lawprof I care to listen to is Althouse.

Anonymous said...

Name a single president who's defied as many Congressional subpoenas as he has. These have the force of law,


Bob Boyd said...

Impeaching Trump is about justice.
Not justice in the conventional sense, as in justice for the accused and for the injured party.
It's about Social Justice.
Trump's presence in the WH is an offense against Social Justice.
Trump would never be tolerated in a position of authority on a modern campus, nor would he be allowed to say the things or advocate the policies he does.
The Progs have been trying to expand the power of Social Justice advocacy from the campus into society at large. Removing Trump would be a tremendous victory for that cause.

chickelit said...

How do cuss words play in Iowa? Has that been focus-grouped?

chickelit said...

Question for language buffs: Does "flying fuck" predate Erica Jong?

narciso said...

Well tom perez had a serious tourettes problem

hombre said...

An important question of our time: Is Trump causing lunacy among academicians, journalists, cuck RINOs and prominent Democrats or just exposing the preexisting condition?

I vote for the latter.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Name a single president who's defied as many Congressional subpoenas as he has. These have the force of law,"


Oh, you think so? Then Trump is the definition of an illegitimate president.

Keep trying to run the country however you want while losing 5 out of the last 6 popular votes. "The people" didn't vote for this guy and they think hyenas like you are just as illegitimate as he is.

This is the reason they get all butt-hurt when Pelosi called him out as an "imposter."

Laugh all you want. He will be impeached and it won't help him or your sorry-ass cultish excuse for a party.

Anonymous said...

Shorter Ritmo: GOP presidents can't ignore congressional subpoenas or else they're illegimate, Democrats can.

Bob Boyd said...

Question for language buffs: Does "flying fuck" predate Erica Jong?

I think the flying fuck goes way back to some of the earliest fucking. It just stands to reason there had to be a flying fuck somewhere in all that begetting and begotting.

Amadeus 48 said...

By jingo, you are right. It makes me so gosh darn mad I could spit. Tribe is just spitting in the wind himself. What the heck is he thinking? Goodness gracious sakes alive! Where does he get this stuff? Golly, he’s a creep.

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote a couple of weeks ago now about the process for determining whether this impeachment is a just one, but it also applies to whether or not it matters in Trump's reelection prospects:

Just imagine the same sets of facts, but with Obama or Hillary Clinton as President, and the Republican running for the nomination and with Ukraine connections is Mitt Romney. What would the people in Congress and the media be doing in that hypothetical universe?

Seriously, if you can't admit that all of the media and pretty much all of the political pundits wouldn't be making exactly opposite arguments to the ones they are making today, then you are just either a moron or deeply dishonest. The only thing that would be different is that a Republican Congress probably wouldn't even tried to hold "impeachment" inquiries because the switch in the media's arguments would have led to a situation where 90% of the television coverage would be derisive of the effort.

People who aren't political partisans will be understanding that the supporters of impeachment of Trump wouldn't be making these arguments if Trump were a Democrat- like I wrote- you would have to be a moron to not realize this. Of course, they will also notice that the supporters of Trump would also be making opposite arguments, but that is of lesser consequence since they aren't the ones arguing for impeachment and removal.

MattL said...

Just the latest confirmation that Democrats always project. They worried out loud that Trump wouldn't respect the results of the election and the first thing they did after the election? Said it was illegitimate and are finally getting around to the logical conclusion of all that.

I am continually amazed that Democrats can complain about anyone else not respecting the Constitution as they continually ignore the inconvenient parts and invent parts that aren't there.

Kevin said...

I'll just end this by saying that I'll bet you bitcoin to cronuts that the vast majority of Americans don't give a fucking shit about lectures from lawprofs.

Appeals to authority are just another form of civility bullshit.

And the left is all about who we must listen to because they are our credentialed betters.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

GOP presidents can't ignore congressional subpoenas or else they're illegimate, Democrats can.

You still haven't answered for how many Trump's deliberately defied (not stalled) vs. how many anyone else has.

The difference between jaywalking and murder is a subtle one for Trump-lovers but the distinction is not lost on everyone else, i.e. the normals.

Anonymous said...

Too much malarkey for me!

chickelit said...

Can Ritmo explain why all of the Dem candidates are so gosh darned unpopular?

Anonymous said...

What's the magic number Ritmo?
Principles you have=zero
We're holding you to your own rules
You can give it out, you can't take it

narciso said...

Was tribe always crazy, did exposure to louise mensch totally insand.

alanc709 said...

Ritmo thinks that because Congress issues a piece of paper without legal basis, it must be obeyed. Which side is abusing power, the one ignoring the law, or the one asking a court to uphold it? Since you're abominably stupid, I'll answer for you. Congress is abusing its power.

narciso said...

Its been 5 years since the fast and furious ig reports and we still dont have all the facts.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Principles you have=zero
We're holding you to your own rules

Oh that's clever. Why, because you have none of your own?

The magic number is the number of GOP congressional candidates dropping out of office like flies. You can't run a party of one when that one is Mr. Me Me Me Donald Trump.

Trust me. We know your GOP servants hold on to his coattails because they're all just as naked as he is. Just with less bluster.

alanc709 said...

God, just shut up, you fool. You persuade no one, and pollute the discourse with your inanities. Ritmo, you seriously either need help, or better supervision from your daycare.

Kevin said...

The difference between jaywalking and murder is a subtle one for Trump-lovers but the distinction is not lost on everyone else, i.e. the normals.

Today "the normals" are focused on the difference between Trump's salt and pepper shakers and everyone else's.

whitney said...

"Me: "They don't really believe that. You think Tribe believes that?" "

Yes Ann, they really do believe it and it will justify everything they do.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Betting a dollar to a doughnut used to mean confidence enough to give great odds, as the expression started when doughnuts cost only a few cents, or maybe even a ha’penny. It must denote a lack of confidence now, since donuts cost more than a dollar.

Anyway, I only give one hoot about this.

BarrySanders20 said...

Dollars to doughnuts only works because of the alliteration.

So it has to be bitcoins to bagels. And it should be the plural bitcoins.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"a piece of paper without legal basis"

Behold. This is how a Trump-lover refers to subpoenas.

It's official. They fail civics and hate rule of law. The more appropriate name for them is "Banana Republicans."

And they will fall like one.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo: "Trust me."

That is the funniest statement ever in an Althouse comments post.

Jersey Fled said...

Answered my own question:

"In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments modern liberals have to pretend not to know things…"

David Mamet

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, I've been trying to tell you for a long time that you're not just an idiot, your blabbery is boring and overwrought.

You've been doing this dumb fucking act for a decade and you can't seem to think of anything better to do.

Bay Area Guy said...

I still think Liz Warren should strongly consider the esteemed Professor Tribe as her running mate......

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

God, just shut up, you fool. You persuade no one, and pollute the discourse with your inanities.

I don't need to "persuade" delusionals like you. Exposing you is good enough for me.

And if that didn't bother you wouldn't go on with your purity talk about "polluting discourse." 1984 come to life!

Yancey Ward said...

Ritmo is best ignored- if you ignore him, he does go away.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Trust me."

That is the funniest statement ever in an Althouse comments post.

Definitely not as funny as when Trump says it. Over and over and over again.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, I've been trying to tell you for a long time that you're not just an idiot, your blabbery is boring and overwrought.

You've been doing this dumb fucking act for a decade and you can't seem to think of anything better to do.

Oh no. What mean words. They make the whining they translate to sting so much worse.

Shouting Thomas said...

How long you gonna do this today, Ritmo?

You seem to be getting really worked up.

Roughcoat said...

Sixty quatloos on Captain Kirk to defeat the thralls!

narciso said...

Not even jim acosta on a pike, just getting lazy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How long you gonna do this today, Ritmo?

Til I find something more fun to do than to whack that plush puppet head of Shouting Thomas that keeps popping up on the wack-a-mole board. LOL!

Howard said...

Dollars to Donuts, using fear in politics is the bread and butter. It's how you get the Mother's Milk flowing.

Shouting Thomas said...

It's the same old shit, Ritmo.

Really, you wore out this flame throwing, garbage talk, spurting organ, Nazi, fuming, deliberate cruelty, I'd commit murder for an inch of advantage bit a long time ago.

Exercise a bit of imagination. Do something else.

At least be entertaining.

narciso said...

That was a strange episode, darnok when arms wide.

Shouting Thomas said...

It's how you get the Mother's Milk flowing.

Out milking the cowboys last night, Glory Hole Howard?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It’s not nice to call Ritmo overweight. Just be civil and call him sedentary.

wild chicken said...

Trump will LOSE BIG in 2020!

If he wins it's because Russia!

See, they've gotten themselves covered either way...and it won't end after Nov 4 either.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's the same old shit, Ritmo.

Are you calling yourself original? Angry old wrinkly-balls malcontents like you are dime a dozen. Not all of them are as boring as you are, though.

At least be entertaining.

Oh, I'm sure you've got your own entertainment. Like those honky-tonk recordings you make about anal sex. I'm sure the royalties on that children's music of yours must pay at least the cost of a piece of lettuce, right?

You make this too easy, tough guy. ;-)

Roughcoat said...

I think the Darmok episode is fairly brilliant.

Nichevo said...

Chuck said...

Right after blogging about

Shorter Shithead: Blog about what IIII want you to. Or else I'll kill you!

rcocean said...

using fuck or shit too much is boring.

narciso said...

They say it took two years ago.

Yancey Ward said...

I also thought that episode was brilliant. A language based on historical allusions. To this day, I still use "Shaka when the walls fell" whenever I can.

Narr said...

I don't give a fraction of a fart about Tribe's opinion, nor those of his guild-fellows.

Trust Prof. Chomsky (he's an expert, Russia Today says so, but not about this topic hmmm): Putin manipulated our elections in Trump's favor by undetectable means. Got that?

I'd be a Democrat or Republican, except I'd have to ignore and forget too much

LA_Bob said...

"Ritmo is best ignored- if you ignore him, he does go away."

And when he goes away, I miss him like I miss diarrhea when it goes away.

Drago said...

Whenever we get the Moron Lefty Dynamic Duo of LLR Chuck and HoaxPPT posting on the same thread, you just know its going to be fun.

Bay Area Guy said...

If one reads famed Constitutional Scholar Professor Larry Tribe on Twitter, one will see 167 consecutive tweets yapping hysterically about impeachment. (He is for it, if you didn't know).

He's a bit obsessed like our friend, Chuck. Except on legal steroids.

Drago said...

It's funny that HoaxPPT and LLR-lefty Chuck are arguing Trump is the most lawless President EV-UH right after the hack professors and the dems on the Judiciary committee were just explaining how you don't need ANY specified crimes to impeach the President!

You know, even amongst the moron lefties, there is always a subset of lefties like HoaxPPT and LLR-lefty Chuck who never get the word!

Quite a pair these two.

Peas in a pod baby. Peas in a pod.

Lurker21 said...

That's way of making writing more interesting, or at least of attracting attention to it. If you're young, you work in hip slang (or whatever young people say instead of "hip"), if you're old, you make do with what you have. Stick a "donut" into your dull, dry text somewhere and your readers may perk up - or sink into Homer Simpsonesque revery.

In school, teachers were always writing "faulty diction" on papers, without ever explaining what the phrase means. I'm still not sure what it means, but "diction" relates to the choice of words. People like to mix up words from high and low registers as a way of sticking it to those English teachers.

Lurker21 said...

All the talk about Russia and losing our democracy is so much camouflage. It's camouflage first of all for the colossal mistakes Hillary Clinton and her staff made in the campaign.

Second, it's more about the opposite of democracy than about democracy. We're governed by unelected judges who don't have to respect what a majority of the country believes at any point in time. Being able to control the choice of those judges and the undemocratic power they wield is paramount to both parties, and that's what the fight is about.

Third, Democrats now believe that a majority of the people are with them, and that the will of that majority is frustrated by the Electoral College, the Senate, reapportionment by state legislatures, electoral laws and voter suppression. So for Democrats getting Trump out of the way is restoring Democracy for them, and means that might appear undemocratic are ways of defeating rules that are themselves undemocratic.

Drago said...

"Republican Sens. Charles Grassley (IA), Ron Johnson (WI) and Lindsey Graham (SC), the chairmen of the Senate Finance, Homeland Security and Judiciary Committees, respectively, announced on Friday they are seeking records from Chalupa and former diplomatic official Andrii Telizhenko and more importantly, all “transcribed staff-led interviews” between Ukrainian Embassy officials and the two. A joint statement from the Senators said that Chalupa and Telizhenko were “reportedly involved in an effort by Ukrainian embassy officials to undermine the Trump campaign in the 2016 election.”

Can't wait for the Senate proceedings......

Skeptical Voter said...

Yup, if the Democrats carry out their plans, the "little people" will lose their right to vote for people like Trump. You just can't give the deplorables a say in how the country runs.

Howard said...

Ha ha, you people actually think we are three people. Rotflmao

Drago said...

I don't blame LLR-lefty Chuck and HoaxPPT from lashing out.

It's got to have come as quite a shock when so many democrat insiders are calling democrat base voters racist and misogynist.

Quite a shock indeed.

But not to us. We already seen ample demonstrations of that kind of dem base voter racism and misogyny from LLR-lefty Chuck.

Drago said...

"The headlines of the employment report deserve celebration, with 266,000 new jobs created last month, including 54,000 in manufacturing. But the details reveal even better news for the U.S. workforce. For example, the quality of the increases matches the quantity of new hires, as yearly earnings exceeded 3% growth for the 16th consecutive month, a mark seen in only three months, total, during the Obama years. In addition, those wage gains now flow overwhelmingly to workers previously left behind. For example, blue-collar wage growth exceeded white-collar wage growth; non-college grads outperformed those with degrees; and black incomes surpassed those of whites."

Trump simply does not even know how to be a racist.

Unlike LLR-lefty Chuck.

effinayright said...

It's all a bunch of hooey!

Michael K said...

This Trump guy is the most lawless that's existed. Name a single president who's defied as many Congressional subpoenas as he has. These have the force of law, a force that he obviously feels too good for.

Well, we know that Ritmo is no lawyer, at least no competent one. No historian either. I guess they don't teach that at Burger U.

Drago said...

New York Times calls LLR-lefty Chuck and HoaxPPT liars (the entire left really)....quite unexpectedly......


Not really. You can only deny reality so far before, you know, EVERYONE notices you are insane.

"Still, there is a bigger lesson contained in the data, one that is important beyond any one month’s tally of the job numbers: that the American economy is capable of cranking at a higher level than conventional wisdom held as recently as a few years ago. As the economy continues to grow well above what once seemed like its potential, without inflation or other clear signs of overheating, it’s clearer that the old view of its potential was an extremely costly mistake.

The mainstream view of the economics profession — held by leaders of the Federal Reserve, the Congressional Budget Office, private forecasters and many in academia — was that the United States economy was at, or close to, full employment.

In January 2017, for example, nearly three years ago, the Congressional Budget Office forecast a 4.7 percent unemployment rate as far as the eye could see, and it projected that the United States labor force would consist of 163.3 million in 2019. The jobless rate has averaged less than 3.7 percent through the first 11 months of the year, and the labor force now stands at 164.4 million people."


Even li'l Pinch's rag has come around. The day after CNBC did, proclaiming the Trade War with China already over with the US winning regardless of whether or not we get a deal with China.

As Trump and his team knew and advocated all along: the US held ALL the cards. All it took was a President willing to stand up for America and play those cards.

Losers: Communists, globalists who hate America and LLR-lefty Chuck and his political twin HoaxPPT.

Congrats boys. You are the dead-enders hanging out on loser island. I recommend you both simply start cursing more in your posts to try and paper over your failures.

Otto said...

" of Americans don't give a fucking shit about lectures from lawprofs."
Our little ole professor is angry. Her profession was on display this past week for all to see and it wasn't pretty.
The profession is a joke. Make no mistake the public was interested in what the law profession had to say about impeachment before last week.But now after last week no one cares because Americans now know what law professors are all about, present blogger excluded.

narciso said...

yes, they were able to make analogies without beating you over the head, like with discovery, I caught one episode of each,

chuck said...

I'll go with Meade on this, hard core Democrats actually believe all that shit, it isn't calculation. They're nuts.

Roughcoat said...

As I recall, "Darmok" was about communicating in and through metaphor. But I guess the use of historical allusions were part of that process. In any case, it's a brilliantly conceived episode, very thought-provoking. I especially appreciated how, at the end, Picard announced his intention to re-read the Homeric Hymns as a way of reacquainting himself with the potentialities and richness of metaphor in language.

cubanbob said...

Shouting Thomas said...
It's how you get the Mother's Milk flowing.

Out milking the cowboys last night, Glory Hole Howard?"

Jeez ST, Howard actually said something that is factual true. Don't nip this in the bud. As for Ritmo, just ignore him. He thrives on this without adding anything to the conversation. Then things will once again get out of hand and our hostess will have to punish all of the children with moderation or worse, no comments at all. Think of the children!

Bill Peschel said...

So when the Obama campaign removed restrictions on credit card donations, allowing foreign money in, that doesn't count as "lawless foreign election manipulation invited by a dangerous president"?

Asking for a friend.

Drago said...

Bill Peschel: "So when the Obama campaign removed restrictions on credit card donations, allowing foreign money in, that doesn't count as "lawless foreign election manipulation invited by a dangerous president"?"

According to LLR-lefty Chuck and the rest of the left, history began in Nov of 2016. So, to them, no it doesn't count at all. But if it did, it would be laudatory.

Yancey Ward said...


Yes, perhaps I would have been more accurate with literary allusions- more encompassing- but then describing it as metaphor really does cover it all.

chickelit said...

narciso said...Was tribe always crazy, did exposure to louise mensch totally insand.

I have it on pretty good authority (college roommate) that he's always been extremely left. But it's only now that he's in the news more and more.

narciso said...

there's a reason he didn't make it to Clinton's short list, same with pamela karlan,

tcrosse said...

If I were one of the aspiring candidates in the Dem clown car, my feelings would be hurt that none of these worthies thinks I could unseat Trump in the 2020 election.

bgates said...

The worst part about lawless foreign election manipulation is it interferes with the voting rights of the best class of Americans, the millions of people who entered the country illegally.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

narciso said...there's a reason he didn't make it to Clinton's short list, same with pamela karlan,

I'm just suggesting that those reasons may go all the way back to Harvard and Wellesley. At this point I couldn't say what, exactly.

bagoh20 said...

". You don't ask foreign leaders to help you get elected!".

He should have said: Tell Vladimir I can be more flexible after my election, or paid foreigners to write a fake dossier about Biden and golden showers. Both were Democrat attempts to fool American voters rather than expose the truth. Why do lefties hate the truth so much?

bagoh20 said...

" You don't ask foreign leaders to help you get elected!"

Of course we know for a fact he didn't ask for that, but ask yourself what you would be saying if Trump and his son did what the Bidens did, and a President from either party asked the Ukraine to investigate it. I bet you would be cheering the righteous pursuit of justice and openness in politics, because the voters have a right to know..., and you'd be right.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ This Trump guy is the most lawless that's existed. Name a single president who's defied as many Congressional subpoenas as he has. These have the force of law, a force that he obviously feels too good for. Any lawyer or professor of law who proposes no remedy to that is demonstrating that rule of law simply doesn't matter to her. Sad, but I guess that's what you've convinced yourself that "the folks" want. Just not a majority of them.”

Sorry. Doesn’t work that way. A proper Congressional subpoena can be enforced by the courts. The keyword there is “proper”, and most of the subpoenas ignored by Trump were not proper. Why? Because they were issued under Congress’ A1S1 Oversight authority. That is a natural extension of their Legislative power. But the House subpoenas ignored or rejected by Trump delved into purely Executive areas, that are not subject to Oversight. Congress doesn’t have oversight over the President and his White House staff, because the Presidency was not created by Congress, but rather by our Constitution.

Jim at said...

You don't ask foreign leaders to help you get elected! - sunsinga

For one, he didn't. But even it he did, how is that wrong? Let alone impeachable?

Second, you just let me know when Trump goes off and runs his mouth in front of a bunch of adoring Germans at the Bradenburg Gate.

walter said...

C'mon, man. Biden's apparent quid pro quo was off limits because he might run for president.
If you don't agree, drop and give me twenty, fat.

minnesota farm guy said...

Tribe has gotten so far afield that I wonder that his former students don't ask for a refund for whatever trash he was teaching them. Tribe's nuttiness contrasts most unfavorably with Dershowitz's cruel neutrality.

dustbunny said...

Chickelit, I believe Erica Jong’s thing was the zipless fuck, not the flying fuck. Unfortunately she is also responsible for giving birth to Molly Fast-Jong, an extraordinarily annoying airhead on twitter.

Rockport Conservative said...

You seldom make me laugh out loud, but that last sentence did it!

Josephbleau said...

If you want to know what an improved modern dictatorship looks like, go to California, similar to but better than China. Shamak, when the walls fell.

Meade said...

"I'll just end this by saying that I'll bet you bitcoin to cronuts that the vast majority of Americans don't give a fucking shit about lectures from lawprofs."

Mind if I quote you?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, we know that Ritmo is no lawyer, at least no competent one.

Just like Michael K., I am not a lawyer. And yet unlike Michael K., I seem to be capable of understanding what a fact is.

Fact: Trump's administration has defied more subpoenas than any other. A fact that's still uncontested and that the right-wing blowhards like K. have no defense against.

No historian either.

This from the guy who said that WWI left a stronger historical legacy on us than did WWII. Which I guess is why the League of Nations is such a strong, enduring institution and the explanation for how Europe didn't go right back to war 25 years later.

This is also the nattering of a guy who believes the 1920s yielded many wonderful economic miracles from which we should learn and repeat today.


Any other nuggets of insight you wish to bestow upon Planet Earth, Michael K.?

Hahahaha. What a dumb narcissist.

Unknown said...

Do you think the public recognized a difference

between Trump and Clinton

in terms of Rectitude or Results?

They love the bad boy, the JR Ewing

Unknown said...

Did anyone think the Dims would be dim enough to hold a law prof lecture to sell impeachment?

Next a white guy will win the boxing heavyweight championship...

Dude1394 said...

I love it when you let'r rip Dr.

The Vault Dweller said...

My favorite part of his essay is the seemingly grudging admission that he is, in fact, on team Democrat.

The answer is one the Democrats urging the impeachment and removal of this president have a unique obligation to provide if they — all right, I’ll say it: we — are to succeed in our goal of protecting the Constitution,

This is how someone would speak, and speak if they want to speak in a manner to appear like they are doing it off the cuff, like they are speaking from the heart and didn't have any time to prepare, let alone construct any artifice. But this is exactly opposite of what he did. He had plenty of time to think about what he was writing, and choose his words carefully, perhaps even choose his words specifically for their emotional connotation, like a grudging admission that he is a Democrat. If Laurence Tribe were writing a screen play or a speech this might be appropriate, but in an persuasive essay format, it comes off somewhat fake. I'm honestly surprised that someone who has written as much as he has, would write like this. But maybe it is something that just bothers me and doesn't really matter to anyone else.

Michael K said...

These have the force of law, a force that he obviously feels too good for.

Nope. The subpoenas are only valid if a legislative purpose is behind them. If the House had passed a formal impeachment resolution, they would also be valid. Even the letters to those subpoenaed noted that they were not to be enforced.

Burger U is not a law school.

RMc said...

dollars to doughnuts

A store near me is selling a half-dozen donuts for $5.99.

OK, now what...?!

Birkel said...

The Howard character is better than the Ritmo character is better than the racist fopdoodle character.

That's my ranking.

As for subpoenas, why has this Congress been responsible for issuing so many "subpoenas" that do not even pretend at legally enforceable? Is that some sort of record? Has any Trump Administration official been held in contempt of Congress as they were in the Obama Administration?

This article appears useful:

walter said...

"why has this Congress been responsible for issuing so many "subpoenas" that do not even pretend at legally enforceable?"
So that certain folks can crow "Trump's administration has defied more subpoenas than any other."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The subpoenas are only valid if a legislative purpose is behind them. If the House had passed a formal impeachment resolution, they would also be valid. Even the letters to those subpoenaed noted that they were not to be enforced.

Who told you that whopper, Dr. Burger Flipper? And what constitutes a "formal" impeachment resolution? Is such a thing described in the Constitution? Who defines it? You? Or did you just pull another one out of your fortune cookie? Last time I looked at the Constitution the Congress had the sole power to decide how to carry out an impeachment. But maybe they teach you about a special version of the constitution at Medical Burger School.

Investigation is a "legislative purpose" of the Congress, you fool. And the executive branch has no standing to challenge or question what is a "legislative purpose" as interpreting and defining laws are powers reserved to the courts and the Congress itself, respectively. This is the stuff of basic Constitution 101 - what any American grade-schooler should know. (But what Michael Kennedy Dr. Burger Flipper does not).

US v Nixon is the SCOTUS case denying president's lack of immunity from withholding subpoenaed evidence - decided 8 to 0. What's your case? Did they teach you one at your Medical Hamburger School or is it just as mythical as everything else you believe in?

Maybe Trump sent you a love letter and you thought that it substituted for the law, Doctor Dumbass.

Birkel said...

Dumb ass Ritmo is comparing a situation (Nixon) in which the House has taken a formal impeachment vote so the Court acknowledged the House's ability to pierce certain Executive Branch desperation of power protections.

Not understanding Michael K's point makes for delightful dumb assery.

Caligula said...

"We will lose our right to vote." But it would probably be sexist to characterize this as hysterical?

The fact is, all effective American presidents have stretched Presidential power to the extent they could get away with it. Which, really, is about what one would expect under the U.S. Constitution, designed as it is with endless checks-and-balances.

Well, at least the Reichstag isn't burning. Umm, but perhaps it is? Or is about to?

These hysterics come across as hysterical fools (even if one is not supposed to say so). Is it not all too obvious that these critics consider any assertion of presidential power by Trump to be illegitimate?

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