John Kerry endorses Biden!— Andrew Clark (@AndrewHClark) December 5, 2019
FAST FACTS: Kerry's stepson Chris Heinz was business partners with Hunter Biden at their equity firm.
After Hunter joined the board of Burisma in 2014, Heinz "immediately took steps to end his business relationship with Biden"
... and I remember exactly what got me started turning me against Kerry in 2004. From my elaborate self-analysis, "How Kerry Lost Me" (September 26, 2004):
Here's my first statement about Kerry and the Iraq war, made on April 9th....I was reminded of that yesterday when I saw Biden yelling at the Iowa man who wanted an answer from Biden about his son's doings in Ukraine. Turning on the questioner — and Biden was much meaner than Kerry — is an awful tactic. And I think it happens when you don't have an answer or you don't have an answer that you want to give.
There's no reason for a moderate like me, who might end up voting for either candidate, to follow the campaigns right now... ... I can't think about [Kerry] seriously until I know what he plans to do in Iraq, and he hasn't said what he will do. (Will, meaning, in the future. How the past might have been different is not going to determine my vote....) He has no motivation to take a position on Iraq until closer to the election: why should he pin himself down when events are in flux?Six days later, I got irked at him for the first time, for saying "You're not listening" to a man who wanted to know what his position on Iraq was. Back then, Kerry was saying things like "We shouldn't only be tough, we have to be smart. And there's a smarter way to accomplish this mission than this president is pursuing." My question was: "If you still don't know what he would do differently from Bush, do you deserve to be snapped at for 'not listening'?" I've linked back to this old post of mine a number of times, because I never forgot that he got testy and accused a man of not listening, when in fact Kerry had never expressed himself clearly about what he would do in Iraq. I had been willing to wait a long time for a clear answer, yet here he was criticizing us for not having heard his answer yet...
So Kerry's endorsement of Biden is interesting because maybe the 2 men are a lot alike, and maybe — if Biden is the Democrats' nominee — he will fail to connect in much the same way.
Shorter Democrats: If you don't agree my policies are so much better for you, it's because you're too stupid to understand them.
Does Biden Wind surf?
When will the Burisma Board endorse Biden?
Is there a more pathetic public figure in America than John Kerry?
Elite Boston blowhard that married two (!) rich women and then sold this country out with his Iran and Paris deals.
And, of course, his whole Vietnam history makes me want to puke. MA is the only state that would elect that loser.
Anything negative about a Democrat is a conspiracy.
Hillary did not use her Private Server while Sec of State to stuff her family foundation coffers.
Hunter Biden did nothing wrong!
Corrupt crooks gotta stick together. All that lovely Chinese lucre ain't gonna spend itself.
Why do I think that the men (not the women) in the Heinz family are so much smarter than either Kerry or anyone in the Biden clan?
I think Trump has shown he is an existential threat to the Democrats patronage jobs system whereby Democrats' sons, daughters, wives and friends get high paying no-show jobs in industries controlled by those very Democrats, which they then kick back a portion as campaign donations.
in fact Kerry had never expressed himself clearly about what he would do in Iraq.
Actually, Kerry HAD expressed, In Detail; what he would do in Iraq, and how it would be Different than W bush...
what he would do in Iraq: Blame it ALL on W bush
how it was be Different: Kerry would be President
You Don't get More Clearer than that!
They may not be smarter, but they are richer than the rest of us, and that's all you need to know.
I remember when I turned against Kerry was when the Washington Post did a lengthy article on his war record, in which he got several Purple Hearts for minor injuries as fast as he could so he could be rotated home.
The irony is that he joined the swift boats because at the time they were least likely to be sent into dangerous areas. Bush joined the Texas Air National Guard at a time when they were serving in Vietnam. By the time both finished their training, the guard was sent home, and the swift boats were being sent up the river.
See also Sinecure.
Mike the Mag. said...
patronage jobs system whereby Democrats' sons, daughters, wives and friends
don't forget Brothers! Brothers get patronage jobs too! And In-laws!
Bill P said...
he got several Purple Hearts for minor injuries as fast as he could so he could be rotated home
HEY! We Choose TRUTH Over Facts! get those facts, OUTTA HERE!
"I remember exactly what got me started turning me against Kerry in 2004."
Sure, we understand that smearing and vilifying one's fellow soldiers wouldn't turn you against a person.
"why should he pin himself down when events are in flux?"
Similarly, why should a "moderate" like Althouse pin herself down? I mean, the Dems might turn out to be sensible next year. They might even apologize for the Russia hoax and the impeachment fiasco. They might come up with plans for an even better economy. Who knows? Let's "see what happens"!
"I had been willing to wait a long time for a clear answer, yet here he was criticizing us for not having heard his answer yet"
See, if only he had given a clear answer, then one would know what he would do, and then one would have a good reason to vote him.
"and maybe — if Biden is the Democrats' nominee — he will fail to connect in much the same way."
Because, you see, if only they were able to "connect," then that would be good reason to support their policies, their teams, the direction of the country under their administration.
So, has Biden lost you yet? Or are you still making "plans" and waiting to "see what happens"?
D-Party enrichment club. Fuck America First
Who cares what Althouse thinks? She can't even do a one-armed pushup.
They are involved in the same crimes. Kerry needs to get close to Slo Joe to keep him from mouthing off like he did about Ukraine and holding up aid unless they stopped the criminal investigation of Hunter's Burisma. Especially as Hunter was Kerry's stepson's business partner in plenty of other shenaigans.
And water carrier for the sandinistas he was for assad when they allowing a ratline for terrorists to target coalition troops.
Chris Heinz asked Hunter, "What are you doing in Ukraine?"
Hunter said, "Nothing. And you're fat!"
Didn't Kerry spend the last few years telling Iran to kind of wait out Trump's term? Actually meeting with them? What a clown show.
Joe Biden himself should ask the US Government to investigate Burisma's hiring of Hunter Biden.
Joe Biden himself should ask that the investigation's findings be reported to the public.
Some may call that treason.
It’s odd to refer to Heinz as Kerry’s stepson. Heinz was an Adult when Kerry married Heinz mom. Heinz is Kerry’s second wife’s son.
It's hard to fall for a Faux Aristocrat who spent his life seducing rich women, selling out the USA to Globalist wealth while pretending to be a liberal politician.
And to be clear, the Biden-Heinz hedge fund probably got 2% yearly as a management fee on the $1.5 billion that Bank of China gave those two clowns to invest.
John Kerry made me vote Republican for the 1st time in my life. I didn't make a mistake then, and I have yet to vote for a Democrat again...and Never will AGAIN after they way they have behaved the last 4 years.
Ketchup Heir and Cokehead Son’s had the Equity Firm that funneled $1.5 Billion from China to the Swamp. Follow that money.
Kerry's lying mug is seared--seared!--into my brain after all his years of grandstanding publicity. He's a very Kennedy-esque pol, and I don't mean that in a good way.
Some guys can ONLY marry up
Ann, clearly you were not savvy enough to grasp the delicately nuanced logic of the Kerry Doctrine:
...[Kerry, on Iraq] “There is not a right or wrong here. There was a correctness in the president’s judgment about timing. But that does not mean there was an incorrectness in the judgment other people made about timing.”
For you see, Kerry continued, “Again and again and again in the debate, it was made clear that the vote of the U.S. Senate and the House on the authorization of immediate use of force on Jan. 12 was not a vote as to whether or not force should be used.”
In laying out the Kerry Doctrine - that in voting on a use-of-force resolution that is not a use-of-force resolution, the opposite of the correct answer is also the correct answer Kerry was venturing off into the realm of Post-Cartesian Multivariate Co-Directionality that would mark so many of his major foreign policy statements.
*** Kerry has made clear that if he is elected president, the nation will never face a caveat shortage. He has established the foragainst method, which has enabled him to be foragainst the war in Iraq, foragainst the Patriot Act and foragainst No Child Left Behind. If you decide to vote for him this year, there would be a correctness in that judgment, but if you decide to vote for George Bush, that would also be correct.
Fortunately for us all, David Brooks is much older and wiser now.
But his bullshit did cause the invention of a new word: Swiftboating. That means listening to actual witnesses to what happened in place of a carefully crafted narrative.
Althouse said...
I had been willing to wait a long time for a clear answer, yet here he was criticizing us for not having heard his answer yet... I was reminded of that yesterday when I saw Biden yelling at the Iowa man who wanted an answer from Biden about his son's doings in Ukraine. Turning on the questioner — and Biden was much meaner than Kerry — is an awful tactic. And I think it happens when you don't have an answer or you don't have an answer that you want to give.
Biden's dodge was worse, saying no one had even raised the question. That's why he had to demean this guy who dared ask the question, to convince himself (if no one else) that the question came from a nobody.
But you, on the other hand, sent your son over there to get a job and work for a gas company that he had no experience with gas or nothing in order to get access for the president. So you are selling access to the president just like he was.”
Biden said, “You’re a damn liar, man. That’s not true. And no one has ever said that.”
The voter added, “I see it on the TV.”
Biden said, “You see it on the TV. No, I know you do. And by the way, I’m not sedentary. I get up … Let him go. Let him go. Look, the reason I’m running is because I’ve been around a long time, and I know more than most people know, and I can get things done. That’s why I’m running. You want to check my shape on let’s do push-ups together, let’s run, let’s do whatever you want to do number one. Number two no one has said my son did anything wrong, and I did not on any occasion—”
The voter said, “I didn’t say you were doing anything wrong.”
Biden said, “You said I set my son up to work at an oil company. Isn’t that want you said? Get your words straight jack.”
The voter said, “That’s what I hear on MSNBC.”
Biden said, “You don’t hear that on MSNBC.”
The voter said, “The hell I do.”
Biden said, “Look, I’m not going to get in an argument with you.”
The voter said, “I don’t want to either.”
Biden said, “Well yeah you do but look, fat, here’s the deal—”
Attacking questioners is a particularly bad tactic for Biden. I believe that he's as popular as he is largely because his frequent goofiness leads people to mistake him for a nice guy. This is not an error he should be making efforts to discourage.
No big deal. Body double Reggie Love has endorsed Pete, and that’s where the action is!!
Here's one thing my Dem husband and I agree on: The best job in the world is to be a close family member of someone up high in the US government.
Mike Sylwester said...
Joe Biden himself should ask the US Government to investigate Burisma's hiring of Hunter Biden.
Joe Biden himself should ask that the investigation's findings be reported to the public.
At least since the inquiry started, we've lost the talking point that Burisma was investigated and no wrongdoing was found.
Beasts of England said...
No big deal. Body double Reggie Love has endorsed Pete, and that’s where the action is!!
Isn't it weird that was announced? Someday, I think I will understand why the press loved Reggie Love so very much, and why he was such an important part (to them) of the Obama story. I've never once heard about the body man of another POTUS or candidate (except for Huma, and I think we know what that was all about)
Your 2004 Zell Miller reference made me look up his spitball speech at the Republican convention that seemed to entertain you.
Good stuff from a former Dem.
I messed that one up, MayBee - your term is correct. And ‘body man’ sounds more appropriately salacious. :)
Biden said, “You don’t hear that on MSNBC.”
Biden knows who has his back.
I pointed out that buttigeg, is wired directly into the administration through the Truman project which also ties him to blue star strategies's tramontano, burismas defense team,
Its hard to remember but the Iraq war was still supported by most Americans in November 2004. The Left had always opposed it. So, Kerry was in a bind. And being a bad candidate, he didn't know how to get out of it. Biden is the same way, a Bad Candidate. He can't answer the most simplest tough question without bloviating or getting angry. BUT...had a couple hundred thousand of Ohioans voted for Kerry, he would have won.
Bad D candidates: Mondull, The Duke, Gore, Kerry, Hillary, ?Biden?
Bad R Candidates: Ford, Dole, Bush-I, McCain, Romney.
Conclusion: The more US Senate seniority the worst the canditate
"Kerry's endorsement of Biden is interesting because maybe the 2 men are a lot alike, and maybe — if Biden is the Democrats' nominee — he will fail to connect in much the same way."
Unless Trump gets shot, the election's already over.
Similar guys. Overblown ambitions from an early age. Went to posh private schools and didn't fit in. Both had embarrassing family secrets (father's or grandfather's business failures for starters) they couldn't talk about. Both have a chip on their shoulder that expresses itself in different ways.
Kerry's school and family background were much posher than Bidens, but he was unpopular and bullied in school: he was freakish and stood out too much. He can do the condescending, entitled, looking-down-on-you attitude very well. He was famous for asking "Do you know who I am?" when he wanted special privileges in ordinary life situation.
Biden came from a humbler background, but still felt out of place in private school. He had ambitions but was never the smartest or even the most athletic. He felt inferior, so he always had to tell people who he was and became boastful about how smart he was, how tough he was, how talented he was, even how much of a regular guy he was.
personal assistant, Obama's got some slim pickens now that harris is gone, castro who was hud chief, couldn't sell snow to eskimos, warren, they never want no connection with her,
Zell Miller was the last of the old one party Southern Democrats. Because it was one party, the liberal wing and the conservative wing were both Democrats in Georgia fighting it out in the Primary. Zell Miller was a tough man, He was USMC, Scots-Irish fighter from the north Georgia mountains. He actually demanded honesty from his Department heads. Unlike the Talmadges, he was not a crook. He was a hill-billy Trump.
The irony is that he joined the swift boats because at the time they were least likely to be sent into dangerous areas.
Actually, he was an admiral's aide at first, then swift boats. I know a guy who was in swift boats at the same time,. He never mentions Kerry.
John Kerry is the saddest looking horse I've ever seen.
really down the Mekong into the rungsat and places like that, likely ferrying macsog operatives from place to place,
When you're down and troubled
And your thoughts, they come so slow
And hairy, you’ve got those hairy legs
Having fights with farmer guys
And then you’ve got that son
The stutters are tough to tamp back down
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come mincing, oh yeah Joey, to back you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you've got to do is call
And I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah
You've got a friend
And to be clear, the Biden-Heinz hedge fund probably got 2% yearly as a management fee on the $1.5 billion that Bank of China gave those two clowns to invest.
A paltry $30 million.
When I see Kerry, I see Lurch singing a la Louie Prima " I'm just a gigolo". As for Biden, it's hard to believe that arrogant, moronic, crooked, senile bulllshitter was ever elected dogcatcher nevermind any other higher office.
Funny, over Iraq my dad voted Democratic for president for first time in his life 2004 after voting Republican since '56. (Died before 2008)
Best Numbers of our Lives -- says CNBC Host.
What does elitist John Kerry have against blue collar men and women working good jobs? He should endorse Trump.
Talk about the Kiss of Death....
the other guy at Rosemont Seneca rented to a cgn employee that ended up a Chinese nuclear spy, (he got two years, that'll learn him)
Your judgment on what’s bloggable is generally infallible, but John Kerry? I can barely summon the energy to complain. If you’re looking for something interesting, check out Howard Stern’s interview with Hillary Clinton. You don’t endure questions about carpet munching unless you’re running for something.
as secretary of state, he was deep in the Ukraine funny money chase,
Yesterday: Macron, Trudeau caught laughing at Trump
National Strike Halts France – Nation Paralyzed… Largest Strike in Decades…
Much of France has ground to a halt as the country experiences its biggest strike in decades over proposed pension reforms. Many people are taking to the streets and there’s severe disruption to rail lines, schools and hospitals. President Emmanuel Macron’s plans to overhaul the retirement system would force workers to retire later or see their pensions reduced. Union leaders say they will continue the strike until Monday.
Canada's unemployment rate climbs to 5.9%
The Canadian economy posted its biggest monthly job loss since the financial crisis as the unemployment rate also pushed higher in November, Statistics Canada reported Friday.
The economy lost 71,200 jobs last month and the unemployment rate rose to 5.9 per compared with 5.5 per cent in October, the data agency said.
Economists on average had expected a gain of 10,000 jobs and the unemployment rate to hold steady at 5.5 per cent, according to financial markets data firm Refinitiv.
The number of full-time jobs fell by 38,400, while part-time employment fell by 32,800.
Like I said. In your anecdote, Kerry is punching down. Biden is always punching up, even when it looks like he's punching down. Kerry hides behind a sense of his own superiority. Biden always has something to prove, and every attempt to appear superior (and Biden has more of them than other people) really only reveals his own sense of inadequacy.
They are both lousy candidates and for similar reason. Kerry and Biden are both impatient and have trouble concealing and controlling their impatience. Kerry's impatience is that of a rich, entitled seigneur irritated with his inferiors. You can see a bit of that in Biden - ethics only apply to little people, not to Bidens - but his impatience is more that of the little guy who demands to be heard and acknowledged. As he did 30 years ago Biden will still bash the little man in the audience who asks impertinent questions and also wants to be heard and acknowledged, but Biden does so in a little man way himself, boasting about his IQ and challenging the fellow to a push-up contest. Louis XIV or the last of the Winthrops, he isn't.
But their styles in office would be different. Kerry is the yachtsman. He has the big beautiful boat, the pennants, the captain's hat, all the accessories, maybe a model or two on deck - and the ship runs aground. Biden is more chaotic from the start. Things are a mess. He can't control what he's saying. There's more than a little Rodney Dangerfield in Biden, maybe a little Trump, too.
What a dream scenario for LLR-lefty Chuck. His favorite dem candidate (now that Kamala has dropped out) Biden getting endorsed by his favorite Sec of State, John "Nixon was President in 1968 and started the Vietnam War"/"Can I get me a huntin' license here" Kerry (with Hillary a close second).
But lets just admit, Chuckie is dying for Hillary to get back in.
When Hillary hallucinates about a huge deluge of requests for her to reenter the race, what she really means is she's seen all the email requests from LLR Chuck and she doesn't realize they are from the same person.
Personally, I think its interesting that we have our own Althouse version of Philippe Reines here in LLR Chuck.
With one caveat: Reines comes off as more "conservative" than LLR Chuck, but only all the time.
the usual confiscation nazguls glommed onto Pensacola, because of course they would,
I hope they call Kerry’s son to testify.
And Pelosi’s.
Great Jobs report today! Market up!
Trump’s tax cuts make the USA one of the lowest taxed countries in the 20 OECD list.
Impeachment is so important to Grand Nan that she skedaddled to Paris destroying the earth and told Macaroon the US is still in The Paris Accirds.
I don’t think she can do that so IMPEACH!
The business of America is business. No more lawyers.
I can't say this is what turned me against Kerry-- I was already against him. But it was a very clear indicator of what a phoney-baloney man of the people he was-- is-- and it foreshadows another candidate's “Hold on a sec, I’m gonna get me a beer” moment. They actually think this is how the hoi polloi talk.
here's one example,
It'll be interesting to see how this plays out for Biden--if Chris Kerry knew the Burisma deal was sketchy, then what did Joe know?
Ever been to Louisburg Sq in Boston? That’s where John Kerry lives. Trump is a real disappointment for not building refugee and low-income housing there. No doubt MSNBC Republican Cuck would take John Kerry’s lawsuit against the plan pro bono because takings aren’t conservative.
One Democrat crook washes another.
@Seeing Red,
The business of America is business. No more lawyers
Kammy -- lawyer
Biden - lawyer
Kerry - lawyer
Hillary -lawyer
Obama - lawyer
Michelle - lawyer
Pocahontas - lawyer
Schiff - lawyer
Klobuchar - lawyer
No more fucking lawyers!
Trump should appoint a non-lawyer to SCOTUS, like Jim Jordan. That would piss them off good.
"Turning on the questioner ... is an awful tactic. And I think it happens when you don't have an answer or you don't have an answer that you want to give."
Self-Owning LLR-lefty Chuck: "Turning on the questioner ... is an awful tactic. And I think it happens when you don't have an answer or you don't have an answer that you want to give."
That explains the dems/LLR-lefties pell-mell rush to impeach Trump over fake charges after every foreign policy and economic prediction they made collapsed into a big heap of nothing!!
Thanks LLR Chuck.
A little early in the day for you to offer up beclowning statements, but we'll take it. It usually takes until after the cocktail hour before you start lobbing in your racist and child attacking posts and over the top pro-dem spin.
So, you know, thanks for that big guy!
Oh, and my condolences on that massive, unbelievably good, fantastic, in Jim Cramers words Never Before Seen positive economic news.
That's gonna leave a mark, isn't it?
Mike Pompeo - Harvard law.
Rudy Giuliani - NYU law.
Pat Cippolone - Chicago law.
Kellyanne Conway - GW law.
I would absolutely love it if Jim Jordan were nominated to a SCOTUS seat. Not only would he not survive the confirmation hearing, a national debate about Jordan and his time at Ohio State with Dr. Strauss would demolish his seat in Congress and OSU.
By the way, Jim Jordan actually did get a law degree. It's from Capital University in downtown Columbus. If you are among the people who choose to believe Jim Jordan, he never took the Ohio bar exam. He had gone to law school while he was in the Ohio state house of representatives, and went to the Ohio state senate after law school. About the bar exam, Jordan has said, "Never took the bar exam, so don't, like - I'm not - I'm just a wannabe."
Darrell: "One Democrat crook washes another."
Which is completely unnecessary given how many LLR-lefties are floating about willing to give tongue-baths to any dem that wants one.
"Actually, he was an admiral's aide at first, then swift boats. I know a guy who was in swift boats at the same time,. He never mentions Kerry."
Kerry didn't plan on the "Swift Boats" his first choice was the boats patrolling of the South Vietnamese Coast. But did serve from Dec '68 to March '69 when he requested reassignment due to his three "wounds". BTW, the Wikipedia articles on Kerry read like they were written Kerry's best friend.
Later LLR-lefty Chuck: "By the way, Jim Jordan actually did get a law degree. It's from Capital University in downtown Columbus. If you are among the people who choose to believe Jim Jordan, he never took the Ohio bar exam. He had gone to law school while he was in the Ohio state house of representatives, and went to the Ohio state senate after law school. About the bar exam, Jordan has said, "Never took the bar exam, so don't, like - I'm not - I'm just a wannabe." --1:02 PM
20 minutes Earlier LLR-lefty Chuck: ""Turning on the questioner ... is an awful tactic. And I think it happens when you don't have an answer or you don't have an answer that you want to give." --12:52 PM
Maybe I was wrong earlier. Perhaps LLR-lefty cracked that gin bottle open alot earlier than expected!
Well there you have it! The dems are not just impeaching Trump because they have no other campaign strategy but instead because Jim Jordan went to a particular law school!
rcocean: "BTW, the Wikipedia articles on Kerry read like they were written Kerry's best friend."
There were a few LLR-lefties milling about back then as well.
"Cramer: Like or hate Trump, ‘these are the best numbers of our lives’ on jobs"
Communists and LLR Chuck hardest hit.
I was surprised that Kerry didn't go to an Ivy League Law school, given he was "Skull and Bones" at Yale as an undergrad.
Chuck is trying to engage and entrap us like Joseph Misfud! We are not allowed to engage with banned commentators!
From the above link:
"Cramer said the strong U.S. job market is going to allow America to win the trade war with China. “The president can walk away from the table with this number.” He added: “In the end, the Chinese are going to have to put jobs here.”
Again, communists and LLR Chuck hardest hit, as is always the case when America wins.
BTW, for those of you wondering about LLR Chuck's deep, deep, deep, deep reservoir of respect for John Kerry, it's because John Kerry "bravely" came back and indicted all of his fellow service members as mass murderers.
Well, that and Kerry is a far left dem who liked to reward America's enemies. That doesn't hurt in the How Do I Win LLR Chuck's Affection Sweepstakes either.
Kerry lost my vote when he tossed his metals over the fence at the White House. I didn't feel like I could vote for a commander and chief in wartime who doned something like that. Boy oh boy was I wrong
"Why do I think that the men (not the women) in the Heinz family are so much smarter than either Kerry or anyone in the Biden clan?"
Don't you know who he is!?!?
Meanwhile, over on the guys the lefties and LLR-lefty poodles call the Real World Leader front:
Canada loses 71,200 jobs in biggest employment drop in decade
And that, my friends, is the continuing consequence of Trump and his negotiating team explicitly killing off the NAFTA backdoor flaw that allowed Europe and China to pour goods into the US without paying tariffs....exactly as the Washington Insiders designed it as they collected their lobbying fees and the Justin Amash's of the world kept their China supply chain deals.
Justin Amash (Ind - China). LLR Chuck's FAVORITE Not-really Republican "Republican".
It's all really falling apart for you now, isn't it Chuck? Not enough gin in the world to drown those sorrows.
I hear democrat bars are offering 3 for 1 drinks to help all their little minions forget all their misery for a while so, you know, head over there. I know you know where they all are.....
A born wide receiver...
Looking at prior POTUS candidates since '76 and see this:
Ivy League: Dukakais, Clinton,Kerry, Gore, Obama, Hillary, Ford, Bush-I, Bush-II, Romney, Trump,
US Naval Academy: Carter, McCain
Other: Reagan - Eureka College; Mondale - U of Minnesota
Howard: "Kerry lost my vote when he tossed his metals over the fence at the White House"
Well, as you may recall Howard, Kerry later claimed he did not toss his own medals over the fence but instead, someone elses.
Years later, Kerry would be displaying those medals in his office along with his magical special forces cap he claims he was given. Uh huh.
Also remember that the memory of Commander in Chief Nixon speaking on the radio to our forces in Vietnam at Christmas in 1968 was "seared, seared into my (his) memory".
You know, the more I recall about John Kerry, the more LLR Chuck's adoration for him makes sense.
I was amused when Biden was telling that Iowa man that nobody ever said his son got that job becuase of Joe being Vice President. I laughed out loud, becuase EVERYBODY is saying that. I hear it everyday from someone.
Lashing out in anger when confronted by an uncomfortable fact is not just an uncontrolled reaction. For many prolific liars it's a common purposeful tactic to end the questioning and prevent more.
bagoh20: "I was amused when Biden was telling that Iowa man that nobody ever said his son got that job becuase of Joe being Vice President. I laughed out loud, becuase EVERYBODY is saying that."
Not just that, but alot of other things as well.
And that's why its no coincidence that previously banned dishonest and moronic and vulgar and violent posters LLR Chuck and Inga have reappeared.
The Dems are in need and they felt compelled to come back to help Team Left in this time of struggle.
The RCP chart on Democratic Primary polling is a fascinating dataset. Despite doing basically nothing to help his case, Biden chugs along with support consistently in the high 20's (bounces between 25% and 30%). Meanwhile, other candidates come at him one at a time, but as soon as they present a real threat, they implode and another one comes up. They're working so hard and he's...insulting questioners.
"Kerry lost my vote when he tossed his metals over the fence at the White House. I didn't feel like I could vote for a commander and chief in wartime who doned something like that. Boy oh boy was I wrong"
IRC, he threw his campaign ribbons over the fence before he didn't. Here's what Kerry has said:
In 1971: “I gave back, I can’t remember, six, seven, eight, nine medals,” Kerry said in an interview with WRC-TV, a Washington, D.C., station on Nov. 6, 1971
In 1984, he told the Globe he still had his own medals but had tossed away another soldiers’ medal.
In Jan 2004: “There was no regret,” but Kerry added, “I threw away my ribbons, not my medals.”
In July 2004: Kerry told The L.A. Times, “I never implied that I did it [throw away medals].”
Incredibly the guy in Iowa was a lefty Sanders supporter who's 83! SO Biden was bragging he could do more pushups then a 83 y/o! Next, Joe Biden challenges Ruth Bader Ginsburg to a footrace.
Thanks for the Kerry history lesson guys.
BTW, the loss of 71,000 jobs in Canada in Nov came as a surprise to all the "experts" who had predicted a gain of 10,000 jobs.
So, its clear there are many LLR Chuck-types north of the border as well as in the US.
That marked the second straight month of weakening in the Canadian job market.
I guess those jobs are coming back to the US!! Another thing LLR Chuck said was impossible.
Quick LLR Chuck, whip out the resume and CV's of other notable republicans to distract from how exposed your moronic and failed predictions turned out!
Howard: "Thanks for the Kerry history lesson guys."
Okay, we apologize. You didn't deserve that....
.....LLR Chuck on the other hand......
Don't the Heinz's have enough money? They should have been more worried about Hunter stealing theirs, or maybe that's why he pulled out.
likely ferrying macsog operatives from place to place
My Dad got a Bronze Star for ferrying some Navy boats upriver in his LSD in 1969, but I think it was after March (the Wiki entry for the ship is not complete [perhaps the operation was classified]). He told me the medal was mostly for not screwing up. In 2004, I wondered if he'd ported Swiftboats, but they were probably smaller.
Meanwhile, other candidates come at him one at a time, but as soon as they present a real threat, they implode and another one comes up.
Didn't the same thing happen with Trump in 2015?
This is helped me see clearly in 2004:
Funniest jibjab ever. And a cameo by Bill and Hiil!
Late at night when she's into her 7th or 8th vodka, Hillary must be kicking herself for not running in '04.
Blogger Drago said...
"Cramer: Like or hate Trump, ‘these are the best numbers of our lives’ on jobs"
Communists and LLR Chuck hardest hit.
What we are seeing is the recovery after the 2008 crash, but ten years later, Obama just sat on it like all Socialists.
If Coolidge and not Hoover had been president in 1930 we might never have had the Depression. He and Harding ended the 1920 recession in 2 years. History has been written ever since by the left. Amity Schlaes is one of the few writers to revise the left's narrative.
Late at night when she's into her 7th or 8th vodka, Hillary must be kicking herself for not running in '04.
I thought that would have been her best shot. But it wasn't H>er turn, and we know how important that is.
At least one Dem candidate is making partial sense on impeachment: Andrew Yang
“I’m pro-impeachment, but this is going to be a loser,” the Venture for America founder told Rolling Stone in a new interview.
Kerry lost me years ago, but he did shock me when he was Secretary of State when he mentioned, without elaboration, “our long term interests in Syria.” What are THEY? Getting along with the Syrians in peace and harmony if possible, and if not, stay out of their business. That’s our long term interest in Syria. What was Kerry talking about
“I’m pro-impeachment, but this is going to be a loser,”
I quoted that last night, It was like “I have to say this because I am obligated to as a Democrat, but this is stupid."
Trump put an end to Canadians laundering and dumping Chinese steel on the US market by performing perfunctory value adds on it.
Rosemont Seneca Bohai was controlled by Mr. Archer, who left Burisma’s board after he was charged in connection with a scheme to defraud pension funds and an Indian tribe of tens of millions of dollars. Bank records submitted in that case — which resulted in a conviction for Mr. Archer that was overturned in November . - New York Times
Please note that the conviction was only overturned because they could not prove intent to defraud, not because they didn’t take the money.
Sweet bunch of guys.
266,000 new jobs baby!. Cute video from Twitter.
sorry about that,
As a brief historical reminder on this impending bogus, one-sided impeachment vote:
In March 2010, Speaker Pelosi rammed through a bogus, one-sided vote on Obamacare. She barely won 219-214, but lost 34 Dem votes in the process.
The next House election? Dems lost 63 seats and the House, Pelosi lost her Speakership, and Prez Obama called it a "shellacking".
I reckon some folks don't learn the lessons of history, even recent history.
Oh Well.
"Blogger Skylark said...
Kerry lost me years ago, but he did shock me when he was Secretary of State when he mentioned, without elaboration, “our long term interests in Syria.” What are THEY?"
Maybe Chris Heinz has investments there. I'M KIDDING!! In all fairness, he had the good sense to sever ties with Hunter B when he was named to Burisma's board.
A conflict of interest, possibly a quid pro Joe, and an impeachment cover-up.
they're all trying to save their be-Heinz right now
One of my father's heroes is John Muir, because Muir married a rich woman which enabled him to spend his time hiking and fishing in the Sierras. My father isn't much of an admirer of Kerry, though, perhaps because Kerry got the first part right but not the second.
As for Biden calling the man a liar, it is true that nobody is saying that Biden put his son on the board. Hunter got on the board due to his name and who his father is, but I haven't heard that Biden sent him there.
’Not only would he not survive the confirmation hearing, a national debate about Jordan and his time at Ohio State...’
Simultaneously slurring Jordan and wishing him to lose his House seat!! How could anyone ever doubt your real Republican credentials?
Bob Boyd
It's interesting what pisses one off. Reflexive Canadian smugness does. At the gym I heard several guys chortling over Trudeau laughing at Trump. The same Trudeau who physically assaulted two members of parliament on the floor of the house, the same Trudeau who leaned on the solicitor general to drop a prosecution of a major donor, who wore blackface with a sock stuffed in his crotch. But somehow Canadians are entitled to mock Americans for their leader! And laughing at him for .... being late to cocktails with royalty!
What happened to the Elie Mystal post?
" But somehow Canadians are entitled to mock Americans for their leader!”
Yes they are, because it doesn’t matter. Why would anybody care?
As for Biden calling the man a liar, it is true that nobody is saying that Biden put his son on the board. Hunter got on the board due to his name and who his father is, but I haven't heard that Biden sent him there.
Yeah, but kind of fun seeing average guy believing Joe did the deed. How many other low info voters believe the same thing? Sweet !
It's really inappropriate to mock the Canadians for their leader.
" But somehow Canadians are entitled to mock Americans for their leader!”
I suppose whatever they need to do to console themselves for being Canadian. So close to the US and yet....
His dad, Fidel Castro, must be rolling over in his grave. I liked the picture of his mom with no pants coming out of the Rolling Stones limo. She was a star fucker, but we are not to believe that she fucked Castro! Even though is “dad” was gay as Mayor Pete and half a foot shorter than Justin and Fidel, both around 6-2 and kind of the spitting image of each the other. And there was the little matter of the note where she offered to meet him alone in a hotel room to welcome him "on behalf of Canada.”
We can mock each other day and night!
he looks superficially like young fidel, but none of his kids are mariannas trench stupid as Zoolander, or hans,
Prime Minister Justin Castreau
plus fidel, was a gangster in the prep school, which migrated over to Miami, and at university, like an sjw gang with shotguns, and the occasional Tommy gun, but the police were offlimits, because of the student movements involvement in the revolution of 33,
ON THE RIGHT by William F . Buckley Jr .
"Here ,
Kissinger later explained, is a man who managed to change hi s
entire staff without a ripple of change in policy, so clearl y
did he himself dominate policy . A president who clearl y
outwitted the Soviet Union through 1983 and 1984 on th e
matter of deploying theater weapons in Europe . When Gorbache v
arrived in Geneva it was widely conjectured that he woul d
"eat" Reagan alive . But Reagan's intuitive wit, his sens e
of what to get into, what not to get into -- wha t
academicians might call his reticulative sense of order - -
ended him up dominating the summit . And just as Gorbachev now
believes that by threatening a summit cancellation because o f
Libya he will embarrass Reagan, quite the contrary is likely :
Gorbachev will lose, and Reagan gain."
Copy and pasted from a pdf hence the spacing/grammatical errors. I'd like to acknowledge narciso for making reading error heavy comments interesting, and potentially useful after the Great Correction.
"mariannas trench stupid as Zoolander,”
With a lawyer like you on the case, he’s sure to beat the rap!
Vicki McKenna
6h6 hours ago
Apparently, @GovEvers sent our broadcast major college drop out Lt. Gov, @LGMandelaBarnes (aka The Lesser Mandela) to SPAIN to rub elbows with the UN bigs on climate alarmism. Question: has he paid those property taxes yet? … @empowerwi @climatedepot
Good thing Buwaya got the hell out of the U.S.
ON THE RIGHT by William F . Buckley Jr .
"Now what got reported from all the above over ABC
was mostly the business about how Kissinger wondered tha t
Reagan ever got elected governor of California, let alon e
president of the United States . Nothing was said about th e
subtleties of Mr . Kissinger's extemporized remarks, let alon e
his statement to the academicians that they tend to suffer a s
a class because academicians tend nowadays to be eithe r
job-seekers or revolutionaries . They are, accordingly, no t
attempting to carry the load, to help public figures t o
conceptualize problems with clarity"
meanwhile the supreme court told Schiff, talk to the hand, re the subpoena for deutsche bank,
The "business" Buckley refers to is the way it was used in the show that used to be on the television, called Leave it to Beaver: "Hey, Wally gave the Beaver the business about that missing cookie yesterday, but Beaver swears he didn't take it."
Folks at the time thought it was very important.
I thought Kissinger was overrated, on many fronts, embracing a blood thirsty tyrant like mao, didn't help defeat the soviets, except some weapons provided to Afghanistan, and made us handmaidens to the khmer rouge, it might have been like embracing honqquing of the taiping rebellion after all that time, if he had prevailed over the manchus roughcoat can correct,
I intend to dominate language as I see fit.
GC v. PC.
The Great Correction as opposed to Politically Correct.
Our Great Correction will be talked about in envious terms for billions of years.
Nobody will ever care what cog didn't cog when, although we collectively will remember Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and Ted Kennedy.
Trump may have helped lower unemployment, but a bunch of European dorks kinda giggled about him! Impeach!
“Hunter got on the board due to his name and who his father is, but I haven't heard that Biden sent him there.“
Seems like a distinction without a difference. It’s impossible to believe Joe didn’t know about it. If he’d had a shred of ethics he would have said to Hunter, “It’s not a good look, don’t do it.”
How this web was spun:
"I suppose whatever they need to do to console themselves for being Canadian. So close to the US and yet...."
12/6/19, 4:21 PM
Mexico, so close to the United States, so far from God.
If Buckley or Trump were 1/3 as powerful as my max for them would hope, well then by God the word contraption (including various subsequently formed forms) would be 2386% more prominent*.
*Amongst those who matter.
Why the long face Senator Kerry?
Blogger Drago said...
Years later, Kerry would be displaying those medals in his office along with his magical special forces cap he claims he was given. Uh huh.
Re the medals, I remember that there were several different explanations for what medals he threw over the wall, including that he threw no medals at all, he only symbollically mimed throwing the medals.
In any event, he is now clear that he never threw his medals away and they were on display in his senate office.
Re the hat, I do not recall that being on display. His claim, IIRC, was that he carried it around in his briefcase and was still doing so in 2004. When asked to show the hat, he always had reasons not to and as far as I know, nobody ever saw it.
It is a pretty sketchy story. Can anyone imagine a special operator, or anyone really, going into the jungle without their hat? I can't. It is a pretty essential piece of gear.
The other problem with the story was that the river he supposedly went up on that trip does not connect to the river that he was operating on. He would have had to go a hundred miles roundabout just to get to the revier he says he went up.
John Henry
Let's discuss Trump's service .....
Hey Spain wants to know where your money came from, is, and will be at.
Where's the money?
Oh if you got temporary friends and you cunt the US, I wouldn't know, but I would guess it don't matter then.
You got it all, and figured too.
Leave the US, enter a world you created with all the US wealth. Fair enough bro.
An Open Letter to the American People from the Deep State:
How dare you threaten the livelihood(s) of our children! Do you have any idea how hard it is to raise children in the hyper-competitive environment of Washington, D.C.? Not just to raise them, but to then send them to the "right" schools so that they may succeed in life. You might begrudge what you see as unearned privilege, but stop and consider for a moment what we have foregone: We could have gone into industry or private practice -- worked in "for profit" industries. Instead we chose public service out of good conscience and our desire to serve you. How dare you begrudge our taking a little "extra" for our trouble. Now good pound sand and good back to your backward little states.
So the "cypher who went to Vietnam" endorsed Biden. But why? Especially now when Biden is stumbling. Kerry doesn't strike me as the loyal sort of fellow. He threw his war buddies under the bus.
Nobody is Spain has issues with anything, especailly former Americans.
As long as that dollar hollar, all good.
Not like in San Fransicsco, where the powerful just up and allowed you to leave.
Spain has many reasons to take everything American's claimed to bring.
America did to Japan things like say: Stop it or you will be murdered on a platform.
because we hate what you admire.d
Your culture /// we say fuck your perverted culture Japan, we will take over.
And we have been, were for many reasons, are, and as long as God allows, will be.
Our Culture has redefined the term for all time.
We are better than those.
(not read)
"If he’d had a shred of ethics he would have said to Hunter, “It’s not a good look, don’t do it.”"
His duty would be to say, "If you do this, then I have to tell the President that I can't touch Ukraine," and then to follow through.
I tried to convince the FWB that I had a Joe Biden moment and I said "Facts" not "Fat" as in "Your two facts to fit into those jeans". This night is not going well.
Bush-II belongs on your list of poor candidates, too: sucking noticeably less than Al Gore is hardly a grand achievement.
Chickie - A masterpiece.
That letter is real, man.
I didn't start out to punch Pete Boyles cock or Althouse's cunt.
Buckley knew more and said it, less included, better, but you don't care because you get paid.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Let's discuss Trump's service .....
Let's discuss yours. When, where, what branch, what year, any combat?
Let’s discuss 266,000 new jobs.
Why do you have to be unnecessarily vulgar, guild, even to our host.
ARM: "Let's discuss Trump's service ....."
Discuss Biden's first.
We'll wait.....
Skylark: "Let’s discuss 266,000 new jobs."
Over 300,000 actually.
Sep and Oct numbers were revised up up UP!
LLR-lefty Chuck hardest hit.
There was something about Kerry's final discharge which dated from the Carter presidency. Presumably, he had them scrub records of his anti-war misconduct and probably got new ribbons or medals to replace the ones he'd tossed.
Copy and pasted from a pdf hence the spacing/grammatical errors. I'd like to acknowledge narciso for making reading error heavy comments interesting, and potentially useful after the Great Correction.
We're supposed to celebrate that the comenter's convention of doing absolutely nothing to make your readers' task easier has grown up here, thanks to all your efforts? Yes, thanks so much. Having consideration for others is certainly an almost vanished ideal, as exemplified hereabouts.
Yes the bayhap and mekong rivers dont really mesh.
The earlier climate audit was about how the deep state set up trump and nunes.
"the usual confiscation nazguls glommed onto Pensacola, because of course they would, "
Under what pretext? The shooter could not have legally owned or possessed a handgun (outside of very limited circumstances such as at the property of a rental shooting range), nor could he have legally brought it onto the base.
narciso said...
Why do you have to be unnecessarily vulgar, guild, even to our host.
12/6/19, 8:37 PM
It's his circus act, like your interesting but elliptical, delphic utterances are your act.
Don't worry, she likes it. Vulgarity certainly doesn't disturb her at all. Playboy on the coffee table, remember?
Nobody can stop anyone from not reading narciso’s comments.
Chickenhawk ARM just WUVS his neocons, criticizes the service records of others.
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