November 29, 2019

Betrayed by dogface.


tcrosse said...

Bill screws the pooch.

madAsHell said...

No wonder I don’t listen to him!

rhhardin said...

Who goosed the soprano, as the 50s TV baseball commentator remarked off mic.

tim maguire said...

How did Bill not notice the look on the dog's face? Was this meant to go only to the drinking buddies?

tcrosse said...

OT, Boris Johnson has urged Donald Trump to stay out of the general election when he arrives in London next week for a gathering of world leaders.

Howard said...

Bill's got a rocket in his pocket

LordSomber said...

We'll do it live!

The Elder said...

Just what did Bill do to give give that dog eyes like Adam Schiff?

jeremyabrams said...

If I pay tens of millions to settle a sex claim, can I get an interview with the president?

Wince said...

Looks like O'Reilly is sitting on a huge loofah.

mockturtle said...

Never cared for O'Reilly but anyone who likes corgis can't be all bad.

William said...

I didn't actually like Bill O'Reilly, but I enjoyed his show. His views and reactions seemed unscripted and sincere. The sexual offenses he was accused of were significantly less vile than those of Charley Rose and Matt Lauer. I see a parallel with Clinton and Trump.... O'Reilly's crimes have been dramatized in several movies and mini series. Those of Lauer, Moonves, Rose et al. have not which further cements my opinion that the media is one sided and self serving in their offerings.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


You too can can relate these poll-tested buzz words to your deplorable family members. MoveOn!

Martin said...

Dog looks like he is blinking "S.O.S." like a captured airman in Hanoi ca. 1968.

Curious George said...

Greg Gutfeld is a funny guy.

Earnest Prole said...

O’Reilly is a blowhard except when compared to Hannity and Limbaugh.

rcocean said...

Tucker is 100 percent better than O'Reilly. I really tired of BOR's egotistical "The only adult in the room" "Both sides are wrong" shtick.

rcocean said...

Limbaugh never called him by his real name, but always refers to O'Reilly as "Ted O'Baxter". which is about right.

effinayright said...

At first I thought it was Schumer...

Drago said...

DeVere: "If I pay tens of millions to settle a sex claim, can I get an interview with the president?"

If you pay lots of cash to settle a sex claim, you can actually BE a democrat President!

PM said...

Perhaps, as rcocean suggests, the dog's name is Loooooou.

techsan said...

A grandpa-looking-guy in high-backed chair with an afghan draped over it....with Schiff-dog in lap. Guessing O'Reilly is having a better Thankgiving than Schiff.

lee said...

i miss O'Reilly. do like gutfeld (a lot) and tucker. but O'Reilly didn't mince words.


CORGI !!!!!!