November 2, 2019

Antifa in Madison?

We were driving on West Johnson Street right about where it crosses North Barrett, and we saw these guys:


I shot this through the rear window and chose it for display because of the visibility of the object in the man's hand:


On the other side of the Capitol Square, on the first block of East Washington, I saw these guys, perhaps converging on the same event at the square.


Did something happen today? I will need to look it up and will update the post if I find anything. Let me know what this looks like to you. Part of me clings to the hope that the guys in the first 2 pictures were going to a Halloween party — going as Antifa guys. Looking at the photos, I asked Meade, "Are those jackboots or are they just those guys' snow boots... kind of moon boots?" Meade said, "They're jackboots."


We also discussed what's in the cooler. Maybe beer. See? It could be a Halloween party. Do Antifa normally bring a cooler? Pulled in a little collapsible wagon? Does this add up to fun or thuggery? I don't like the seeming weapon in that one man's hand. The silly shoes give me hope... though Meade insists they're jackboots.

UPDATE: Here's video (on Facebook) showing the American flag group arriving at the Capitol and eventually participating in what seems to be a permitted rally. The other group can be seen (around 38:00) encountering them. The police keep the groups apart. There's a bit of yelling and taunting, but it seems more like hot air than any physical threat.


Ann Althouse said...

A search for Antifa and Madison in the last 24 hours turns up nothing.

mockturtle said...

Looks like they need to spend some time in Seattle or Portlandia to learn advanced Antifa thuggery. They look pretty lame.

Narayanan said...

Did I see words ==>> "Pro Gun"

Should that give me hope? For 2A protect.?

gilbar said...

Pro Gun Anti Fascists? With American Flags? And Beer? Your town is Weird!

Earnest Prole said...

Their moms told them they couldn’t spend all day in the basement and needed to go outside for awhile.

Michael said...

It has been illegal for a long time to wear masks in the sweet sunny South. You know, KKK and all.

RK said...

Halloween party? Where are the chicks? Maybe it's a Antifa-Incel Halloween party.

James McDaniel said...

Something going on at a farmers' market?

J2 said...

I think if you're maced you're supposed to wash your eyes with milk.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Of course Antifa in Madison. Who do you think it was that was going to be throwing baseballs on your lawn and putting up wanted posters?

Of course, they might not have called themselves that at the time. Maybe they were Occupy. Or Anarchist. Or The People's Front. Whatever.

paminwi said...

In the cooler are “milkshakes made with cement”. Just like the crazies from Portland.
I think Madison would downplay any kind of ANTIFA activity.
So, the fact you can’t find anything doesn’t surprise me.
But, I think anytime people wal around with masks over their faces and ANTIFA flags you can’t ignore it.

Ann Althouse said...

"Pro Gun Anti Fascists? With American Flags? And Beer? Your town is Weird!"

The guys with the American flag are a different group.

Help me identify the flags in the other pictures. I see the anarchy flag — a black flag with a circled red A. Those guys also have a furled banner and a pink and blue flag.

Ann Althouse said...


The regular farmers market was happening, but we drove around the square and saw nothing abnormal (other than a mid-sized group of cops walking together in reflective vests toward the Capitol).

Dagwood said...

"Welcome to the party, pal."

Gahrie said...

Althouse will be asking about what conditioners will be available as they are escorting her to the showers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Captain obvious reporting for duty
So so-called anti-fascists are dressed like.... fascists. Wearing Masks.

Pro-American people, normals - are open about their pro-Americana.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Antifa with guns = they are kicking up their brown-shirting with masks to the next level.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

gilbar said...

Pro Gun Anti Fascists? With American Flags? And Beer? Your town is Weird!

Not so weird:

It was a similar bunch that were the one's waving AR-15's around in Charlottesville. The media conveniently tagged them as a "Miltia Group".

Jim at said...

Let me know what this looks like to you.

Looks like a few thugs who will crap their pants at the first sign of serious response to said thuggery.

Drago said...

Thought bubble above the fascist antifas: I wonder where I can ditch this mask so I can grab some chik fil a.

Drago said...

Althouse: "I see the anarchy flag — a black flag with a circled red A."

I notice the Anarchy Flags all look exactly alike.

John henry said...

Black and red?

Look like fascists to me.

I suspect they call themselves "progressives"

I say, progressive, fascist, what's the difference. None that I can tell.

Aren't you happy to live in a nice progressive city like Madison? Home of Phil LaFollette, the National Progressive Party and the "Circumsized swastika" (as the Wisconsin Historical Society called it)

Madison has a long, long, not so proud, history with these kinds of folk.

John Henry

Ignorance is Bliss said...

...and saw nothing abnormal...

Well, nothing Madison abnormal.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Antifa-BrownShirtThugs... Nazi Brownshirts would be proud. Asking for the death of free speech= bonus.

dbp said...

These jackboots are made for stompin.

mockturtle said...

Narayanan observes: Should that give me hope? For 2A protect.?

Not necessarily. I've been reporting here for some time that the far Left is heavily armed but no one seems to take me seriously. That doesn't mean they want US to have firearms.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The cool part about being a media-approved Antifa Fascist - it you can call everyone a "racist" and make yourself feel superior behind you fascist mask.

What's next?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mocking and harassing Andy NGO - isn't that racist and homophobic?

I guess if you're an approved-by-the-corporate-press progressive fascist - you get to be a racist and a homophobe.

tcrosse said...

Althouse needs some jillboots.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

One of the flags appears to be Antifaschistische Aktion

lane ranger said...

Facebook page for Madison Antifa shows no upcoming events.

Rory said...

"Pro Gun Antifascist" would be an unusually subtle dig for someone who was dressing up to mock those people.

gilbar said...

Our Beloved Professor Althouse assigned a task...
elp me identify the flags in the other pictures.
Those guys also have a furled banner and a pink and blue flag.

I'm guessing that it's something like this: anti-Transphobia Action

Francisco D said...

Their moms told them they couldn’t spend all day in the basement and needed to go outside for awhile.

Thread Winner!

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, note for you and Meade. This is what Wikipedia has to say about what constitutes a jackboot:

A jackboot is a military boot such as the cavalry jackboot or the hobnailed jackboot. The hobnailed jackboot has a different design and function than the first type. It is a combat boot that is designed for marching. It rises to mid-calf or higher with no laces ...

The laces mark the boots as ordinary combat boots of the type I wore on fatigue duty a half century ago.

Rick said...

Looks like they need to spend some time in Seattle or Portlandia to learn advanced Antifa thuggery.

Portland Antifa

The Portland antifa are having some internal squabbles. It's unclear whether the winners or losers are in Madison this week. But their reference to guns is only that many of them carry as the linked episode shows. Of course many also carry law enforcement style expandable batons.

Big Mike said...

The police keep the groups apart. There's a bit of yelling and taunting, but it seems more like hot air than any physical threat.

And that’s what it would have looked like in Charlottesville back in 2017 if the Virginia Governor McAuliffe, the Charlottesville mayor, and the Charlottesville chief of police allowed the police to do their jobs and keep the neo-Nazis (who had a legal permit to march) apart from the violent counter-protesters who did nothing legal on the day. The death of Heather Heyer should be on their consciences, but being Democrats they don’t have consciences.

narciso said...

and then you recall the math research center and karleton Armstrong and doesn't it strike a chord of caution,

rcocean said...

This isn't the REAL antifa. Because Violence did NOT "break Out". Y'see usually when Antifa shows up, mysteriously "Violence Breaks Out". But don't BLAME antifa! its just a coincidence. They don't start nothin'. Ir just happens. Mysteriously.

And Sorry to be such a debbie downer, but people should NOT be allowed to wear masks to demonstrations. No Exceptions.

George Grady said...

For what it's worth, jackboots don't have laces.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

You can't burn an American flag if you don't have one.

They probably stole it from the front porch of someone in Waukesha County.

rcocean said...

Antifa is completely against fascism. And if you disagree, they'll stomp your fucking face in. Or hit you with a bike lock.

They're flexible.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

You can't burn an American flag if you don't have one.

They probably stole it from the front porch of someone in Waukesha County.

n.n said...

The communist-socialist-[anti]fascist axis.

rcocean said...

Me: Hello Senator McConnell
Senator Mitch: Why Hello, what can I do for you?
Me: its about Antifa its a terrorist organization attacking conservatives.
Senator Mitch: So, how much did you give to the RNC? a million?
Me: Well, I do what I can. I'm Joe six-pack.
Senator Mitch: Yeeaaah. Do you know Paul or Sidney or the koch brothers?
Me: Why, no i..
Senator Mitch: Slams door.

Meade said...

I stand (in my UGG slippers) corrected.

narciso said...

I call them black bloc, but it's not a description that furthers their self image, now they were the original occupy?? whatever that meant, but they don't fight fascists, and they resist civil authority,

Levi Starks said...

There’s nothing wrong with those boys that hot girlfriends couldn’t cure.

William said...

I don't think they're supporting the second amendment so much as making an implied threat that they might be armed. Maybe it's just cosplay, but, what with the masks,the black clothes, the jackboots, there's the possibility that someone might take them seriously. When you dress up as a frightening creature, you might get a frightened and over the top response. Well, they also like to play martyr, so it's all good.

Big Mike said...

The people saying “Pro Gun Anti-Fascist” are especially dangerous. They are not just okay with violence to people with whom they disagree politically; these people are saying they’re okay with gun violence against anyone they disagree with politically.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

There’s nothing wrong with those boys that hot girlfriends couldn’t cure.

MoldyLocks the Antifa girl: see the link--what a knock-out!!

wildswan said...

There's a little-known protest law which says that the heat of the protest is directly related to the temperature of the air. Imagine reality - I wonder if you can. It's cold in Madison this week. The polar vortex is hovering; snow flakes are appearing and vanishing; cold, wet leaves coat a sidewalk you remember from third grade as hard, hard. Head down, you trudge into the wind with a few others, people you don't really like. Gotta do it. The fascists are out. Head down, you trudge into the wind with a few others, people you don't really like. Gotta do it. Antifa is out. It's so cold the protest disappears. No one will raise their head and look into the wind to spot the enemy. No one will take off a glove to light the enemy flag on fire. And what's the use of punching people bundled up like that, and your punching hand is heavily padded with snow gloves?

LordSomber said...

Bisexual flag?

Birkel said...

Let's agree that you know precious little about what real physical threat is.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Big Mike said...

The people saying “Pro Gun Anti-Fascist” are especially dangerous. They are not just okay with violence to people with whom they disagree politically; these people are saying they’re okay with gun violence against anyone they disagree with politically

They've showed up to a couple of events in Phoenix and waved their guns around. Seems to me they've never entertained the notion that one day someone may shoot back.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Big Mike said...

The laces mark the boots as ordinary combat boots of the type I wore on fatigue duty a half century ago.

The boots in the photo look to me more like Doc Marten's or a knock-off of such.

rehajm said...

I love Ugg slippers...

Nichevo said...

Gahrie said...
Althouse will be asking about what conditioners will be available as they are escorting her to the showers.

11/2/19, 4:02 PM

Ha, ha, ha! Ann, take off your clothes.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

It's always easy to identify who's the self-dramatizing douche. They're wearing masks.

Josephbleau said...

In Wisconsin violence is the intellectual property of Unions. Antifa can't break the patent.

madAsHell said...

I'm north of the border in Vancouver, BC. There's a trans-gender protest outside the hotel.

They want to abolish the Vancouver.....Canada.

A trans-gender protest?? Crying about the KKK?

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

@NorthoftheOneOhOne, where do you think Doc Marten got the idea?

Craig said...

Is it legal to wear a mask AND carry a weapon? That can't be legal, right?

Does the government just look the other way because Antifa is on the left?

PluralThumb said...

You say anything off about the pink and baby blue flag, we got a guy with a pipe a few paces towards the rear of the group. He was so proud of his first plumbing job success, he won't let that thing go.

Well, Tiffany and Co. has a copyright on that blue. Is that a legal issue ?

I thought that was a baby stroller.

Swede said...

You know where you don't see these guys?

In west Michigan.

There's a reason for that.

mockturtle said...

A trans-gender protest??

I'm assuming they are trans-genders protesting, not someone protesting trans-genderism. Pity.

Wince said...

Antifa rhymes with anteater, kinda.

Unknown said...

Antifa is nothing...

They should relocate all those Somalis from Minneapolis to Madison.

Big Mike said...

Does the government just look the other way because Antifa is on the left?

@Craig, to ask the question is to answer it.

Hubert Znajomski said...

Kinda weird, they look like sthereotypical left wing and sthereotypical right wing people crossover.

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Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"I call them black bloc"

They're Anti-1A. A black bloc is an organized flash mob, usually of Anti-1A protesters/rioters, assembled in the streets to wreak havoc.

This looks like a saddest black bloc party ever.

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