October 13, 2019

SNL spoofs the CNN Equality Town Hall — with Kate McKinnon excellent as Elizabeth Warren and Lin-Manuel Miranda pretty good as Julian Castro.

There's also Woody Harrelson as Joe Biden:

I'm glad to see SNL making fun of the Democrats, but it's obviously much gentler fun than what they've been doing with Trump for years. I'd say just be really funny. Gentle or cruel, I don't really care. Just do it well. That is: funny.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

come at the dems with the same cruelty they give any R. That would be more than funny. That would be new.

gilbar said...

to repeat what i said in the post of the real Liz Warren
had a few apple slices (and a couple of Adderall) backstage, and they're hitting me like cocaine


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What's funny is people who've never been paid to get a laugh pretending they've got the best (if very vague and generic) comedic advice.

Here's a general lesson about human beings: They seem to prefer to direct their meanness to the assholes and their kindness to the gentler ones. But I guess someone who loves cruelty for its own sake, or because that's the only way they know how to be "objective," might have trouble understanding that.

Cruelty is not objectivity. Sadism is alive and well in adults all over the world, and in their three-year olds. And in the three-year olds pretending to be adults, some even pretending to be presidents.

And their supporters - at those Nuremberg-like rallies - sure seem to get off on it as well. That cruelty makes them very happy. Very emotional. Not very neutral. I didn't see a whole lot of neutrality at Minneapolis or Louisiana when all that cruelty was being indulged.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Adderall and cocaine? Reminds me of what The Apprentice staffer said.

Temujin said...

I don't know if it's me or if others have the same reaction. I can't watch the real Elizabeth Warren without cringing. I can't watch the Kate McKinnon version of her without cringing either.

Just can't listen to any version of EW.

Laslo Spatula said...

The problem is that they don't want to really hurt them, so the humor is pretty toothless.

And this problem is heavily compounded by the fact that a bit of hard humor would pop any of the candidates like a balloon -- they are hot air and thin skin with no real experience with the public stage, and rely on people not looking too deep into their essence. Which is also why they come off as mostly unhumorous themselves -- they fear humor, because they don't know how to respond in kind -- especially when it hits close to home.

Notice the recent groundwork of Chuck Todd and Stelter setting up the idea that there are some things that Trump says that they will not report because of decency. This is a marker for the media to bury Trump's most biting Tweets in the fall -- among other things, they don't want the nicknames to stick.

They will cover a controversy, but won't publish the words that upset them.

Which means they don't understand viral media.

I am Laslo.

tim in vermont said...

Comedy is about being transgressive. That’s why Trump is funny, and SNL isn’t. SNL is just after “clapter."

Fernandinande said...

Surely an event with a name like "CNN Equality Town Hall" has to be self-spoofing.

PB said...

How else will they open the door for Hillary?

Fernandinande said...

Fredo O'Rourke said religious institutions should lose their tax-exempt status if they express religious ideas which are different from his ideas:

"There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone or any institution, any organization in America that denies the full human rights or the full civil rights of every single one of us," he said at the QTBGL town hall, confusing rights with perks as well as excluding children, prisoners and the insane from every single one of us.

Bay Area Guy said...

Oy Vey - Where is Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi when you really need them?

Sebastian said...

"obviously much gentler"

Obviously. Progs are fragile. Socialism can't handle very much mirth. But did I detect just a touch of this-gay-thing-has-gone-too-far resentment?

Anyway, this is the gray zone in which SNL can afford to make fun of Dems. Once the candidate is clear, it'll be all-against-Trump all the time again.

By the way, who's funnier, Trump by himself on stage in Minneapolis, or a whole team of "writers" and "performers" at SNL?

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

This is roughly the way that comedians treated all politicians on the Tonight Show etc. in the 60's and 70's. Bob Hope level mockery. It really is a shame that they are so vicious to all Republicans. I realize that Trump provides a whole other level of opportunity to skewer, but I often remind myself that any Republican president would be treated horribly by the MSM and the entertainment industry.

tcrosse said...

Kate McKinnon's Hillary used to be devastating, and then it became gentle. I wonder what happened to change it?

Birkel said...

Looking forward to 5.3 more years of Trump must be very depressing for the SNL cast. At some point you'd want to aim your humor/hatred elsewhere just for your own sanity.

(sarc) I feel sorry for them. (/sarc)

rehajm said...

Yes, gentle ribbing for the already losers. Later on Liz will be carpet bombed so Hill can take the stage...

Roughcoat said...

Tepid. And too long, as usual.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Woody Harrelson does a good Joe Biden.

'Nineteen Clickity Clack', I'm stealing that!

Ray - SoCal said...

Both skits were funny, and not painful to watch.

What a pleasant change.

JAORE said...

The left, and especially the current crop of candidates, provide all the fodder needed. Nice to see SNL trying.

FWIW, it is apparently impossible for someone else to be AS stiff and physically awkward as Warren, but Kate McKinnon tries.

David Begley said...

Why didn’t they spoof the 9 year old girl who thinks she is a boy? No one would have believed it!

Ken B said...

Insty highlighted a surprise that came up in the town hall. Many of the candidates want to decriminalize knowingly transmitting HIV without informing your partner you are HIV positive. They say such laws are based on “old” or bad science.
What do people think? Two prongs: the policy, and the notion that HIV is transmissible is debunked.

Rory said...

It's good to see that they still have the "endless" thing down pat.

Narayanan said...

SNL could have combined that with xender xswap and qualified for NEA Grant: both NEA.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Get SNL to cry over Hillary's loss and play the waaa waaaa piano. That's Love.

Or to look at you like this.

Journolists Shower Hillary Clinton with Campaign Cash

Narayanan said...

In real world banana peel splats you on ass.

Inside the bubble you go spinning like hamster : no resolution.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The first sentence is a lie of sorts, as this wasn't and indeed isn't about the gay vote, which is tiny, it is instead actually about forcing society to ostracize anyone not in agreement with whatever the powers behind the scenes think can divide society in order consolidate and/or to gain power for themselves, as always.

Most important thing to know: Trump will get more of the gay votes than all the tight-asses that have tried before him.

PS I have probably sucked up all the comedy in America, and I should be a patriot and share but I sometimes take my ball and go home and find it a lovely place to be. I need more proof my potential audience is worth what I can offer to them.

You just think of the great Julianne Moore fighting Boleyn Lebowski's nature no matter how hard she nurtures him. 5-6 bowling alley scenes, great music in the background like A Boy Named Sue, playing on the Named-After-Anne-Hence-Spelled-Boleyn-Not-Bowlin runnings gags, some Port Huron scenes, a Mettalica concert, all based around a "rug" toupe that gets stolen from Boleyn (not his).

Lots of comments from secondary characters about "history repeats you know" or "yep, apple don't fall far" but played straight, no mugging for the cameras.

I'd open with the song (literally, one song, until the final credits) The Long Goodbye from the movie The Long Good Bye, as The Big Lebowski was the Coen's updated Elliot Gould running around LA dealing with the rug pissers instead of Marty Augustine.

"Marty Augustine: I didn't have any pubic hair until I was 15 years old.

Philip Marlowe: Oh yeah, you must have looked like one of the Three Little Pigs.

-- Marty Augustine" --https://www.thecharacterquotes.com/marty-augustine

traditionalguy said...

Woody looks distinguished these days. He plays Chester Nimitz in a new Midway movie coming soon. That’s a long way from his earlier roles. Hope he does it well.

Narayanan said...

They could break the walls 4,5,6 however many and invite audience to play MEDIA unscripted.
Ayn Rand did that with her play :
Night of January 16th https://g.co/kgs/HF6eNH

Gunner said...

The real thing was funnier and grosser. Why did SNL not even mention the black tranny protester? I sincerely doubt they would have ignored his/her heterosexual Republican equivilent.

TJM said...

Stopped watching this left-wing garbage show over 20 years ago.

rcocean said...

Complete laok of comedic talent. THey need new cast members.

rcocean said...

They need some writers from the Babylon Bee. As Laslo says, its toothless satire.

Sam L. said...

I gave up on SNL 30-40 years ago (closer to 40, than 30). Not going back.

Amexpat said...

The SNL town hall about impeachment a week a two ago was much crueler and funnier than this one. They were very tough on Kamala and her "that little girl was me" bit, and Biden was was skewered. The only one who got a pass was Warren.

JAORE said...

"... the notion that HIV is transmissible is debunked."

I don't think that is the point. I believe it is because HIV used to be thought of as a death sentence. Hence, often, a felony to not tell. Like reckless endangerment.

But now there are treatments that provide a long and relatively healthy life.

Please believe I am NOT saying HIV transmission is not an awful thing.

cronus titan said...

Thank you for watching so we do not have to. SNL has been show for the Maddow audience or a long time.

It was quite gentle, probably to send a message to the candidates as a shot across the bow to show how it easy it would be for them to be mocked. It was a warning signal from SNL.

THe most interesting part of it, and is some ways hte funniest, is that Harris is so far out of it that they did not bother with her.

Jack Klompus said...

Pretty rich that an obnoxious turd like Ritmo is talking about cruelty and kindness.

Birkel said...

The drugs to keep HIV positive people alive cost around $3000 per month.
I am pretty sure if somebody causes me to suffer a perpetual 3k/mo bill they should go to jail.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Surely an event with a name like "CNN Equality Town Hall" has to be self-spoofing.”

Oh, it was. I’m struck by the wide swath of media, institutions, entertainment, and opinion that doesn’t even have to be examined because you know just by their initial presentation that they’re full of shit. I can’t think of a time since, oh, about 1993, that I’ve been wrong in my presumptions about this stuff. Not because I’m so smart but because they’re so laughably heavy-handed and cloddish.

Narayanan said...

I didn't go to school in USA.
Looks to me like High School AV Club production pre-approval by Principal.

We approve these Rebels : our kind.

Emerita: are you admitting SNL have lower the bar so much this feels like high jete

rcocean said...

Kevin B's question is a great example of why moderation is a good thing. If moderation was off we'd have 40 posts about AIDS - what a threadjack.

Kay said...

I don’t know.... we don’t need a fairness doctrine in comedy. Just funny. It’s been a loooong time since I’ve seen anything good from SNL.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

2 years ago I still followed these links to see if SNL could be funny. Over and over the answer was “No.” I’m just going to assume that the skit is meh.

michaele said...

I was surprised that Lin-Manuel Miranda missed flashing the weird grin/grimace that Castro throws in on occasion...usually in the middle of giving an answer and not at the beginning or the end of his string of words.

The Godfather said...

Not very funny, but every one of them would make a better President than the actual Democratic candidates.

J Lee said...

Did they do anything last night on the China-NBA-ESPN comedy.tragedy of errors? Looking around the webs, they apparently did a skit of Oscar the Grouch, but I can't find anything on the week's big pop culture fiasco (and NBC doesn't even have the NBA contract anymore).

Trashcan O Man said...

If they're not making cruel jokes about Trump they have no material.