October 14, 2019

"[S]ingling out Trump for the turmoil engulfing the country is possible only if you disregard the No. 1 contributor: the refusal of Democrats and most of the media to accept the results of the 2016 election...."

"That refusal has become, among many on the left, borderline psychotic. Nothing else compares to the damage it is doing to our ­nation’s fabric and global image. Trump’s irritating foibles and unorthodox ways pale in comparison. The continuing challenge to his legitimacy is a cancer on the republic."

Writes Michael Goodwin in "Madness of leftist zealots" (NY Post). I strongly agree with that opinion.  I am not a Trump supporter, but I have stood firm since the election on this point: Trump won, his supporters prevailed, and they are entitled to what they won. That's why we go to so much trouble over the election.

We're currently troubling ourselves endlessly over the 2020 election, but why should we if the new game is to destroy whatever victory is achieved? Do Democrats think they can sell the idea that when they win, they get to keep what they won, but if the other party wins, it's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham?

I don't accept it, and I'm a moderate swing voter in a swing state.


rehajm said...


Jersey Fled said...

What Ann said. The basic problem is that the left refuses to acknowledge that their fellow citizens elected someone that they don't like. They are acting like two year olds when they don't get their way.

Michael K said...

The Democrat Party has become dominated by the crazy left in the same way it was in 1972. That time they lost big but some fools in the Nixon CREEP committee did some stupid stuff and the left managed to overthrow him. Then we had a few crazy years with 21% mortgage interest and 500,000 Vietnamese drowning.

Since then, the left has demolished higher education with a few exceptions like STEM but that is under assault. That might make it easier since people like sunsong and Freder know no history. Interesting times.

virgil xenophon said...

I agree with every word, syllable, vowel, and consonant that Goodwin wrote. (Did I leave out something?)

rehajm said...

I'm a moderate swing voter in a swing state

I've extolled this theory here many times before but it's worth repeating: Democrats aren't interested in a strategy of appealing 'swing voters' or 'tacking to the middle'. If that was ever a winning strategy Democrats recognize that wasn't how Obama won. Obama appealed to blacks and other minorities who were non voters and made voters out of them. That's the Democrat strategy now- appeal to Never Trumpers, Obama's minorities and illegal immigrants, then fight dirty when the counting starts, Their Lawfare attorneys are standing by...

If you identify as a 'swing voter' don't expect much sucking up to come your way...

Ken B said...

I strongly agree with him. And it is only getting worse.

TreeJoe said...

Schiff's move to make the whistleblower and subpoena'd testimonies private and secret is a great symbol of this.

This isn't about justice. Due process doesn't matter. It's not about impeachment either.

It's about power. At any cost.

Beasts of England said...

’Trump won, his supporters prevailed, and they are entitled to what they won.’

Such a novel concept.

jpg said...

Would you want a moderate swing voter with you in a foxhole or going into a dark alley?

Dave Begley said...

The Dems and Fake News need to be punished and destroyed. They must be so badly beaten that even they will know they have been beaten and they will have to accept it. Right now I'm thinking Trump wins in a landslide with about 40 states. The states he loses: CA, WA, OR, NY, CT, RI, DE, VT, NJ and Il.

We will have to sign a peace treaty on the deck of the USS Missouri.

Military historian and genius guy Victor Davis Hanson says a war never ends until one side knows it is beaten. That's why war will never stop in the Middle East. One side is too damn dumb from in-breeding and terrible schools to realize that they will never beat the Jews. And the Sunni-Sharia war is two factions of idiots. There, I wish both sides could lose.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary lost revenge party never ends.

wendybar said...

The Progressives are in for ANOTHER rude awakening. They only hurt themselves with the hate and violence they have been so attacking Trump and his supporters with.

tcrosse said...

It would help if Hillary would admit that she lost, and why she lost. Never gonna happen.

Todd said...

What is happening to Trump is:

-media/dnc: burn the witch, burn the witch, burn the witch!
-trump: but, I am not a witch?!?
-media/dnc: trump puts puppies in blenders!
-trump: no I don't!
-media/dnc: trump has closets full of little old ladies that he is starving!
-trump: again, no I don't!
-media/dnc: trump plans to sterilize everyone that is not rich!
- trump: OK, just stop it you liers!
-media/dnc: why are you dividing the country?

Mark said...

Geo-politics abhors a vacuum.

The evildoers in the world will seek to fill that vacuum resulting from the Dem-caused turmoil in the presidency and, thus, American foreign policy.

TJM said...

The Clintoons changed the Democratic Party into a Crime Organization masquerading as a political party where the chosen few become very rich: the Clintoons and the Obozos

John Borell said...

Shhhh, you're not supposed to say that out loud; it's unbecoming.

Before the election, Trump was a disgrace for not stating unequivocally he would be okay with losing.

After the election, questioning the election is the highest form of patriotism in the land.

"Trump is unique in his disregard for norms," a left-leaning friend recently said to me.

I asked, "what about FDR (court-packing) LBJ (the king of bullying - read Robert Caro’s Master of the Senate), Kennedy (on a crazy-quilt array of drugs), and Nixon?"

Response. "Well, that's different."

Yea, sure it is.

Tommy Duncan said...

"Trump’s irritating foibles and unorthodox ways..."

Some of us find those traits endearing.

henry said...

Yeah, I haven't gone mental of Evers getting elected. Tells me all we need to know about the differene between "conservatives" and "liberals" around here. Now we see the same distinction in reverse. Antifa is the opposite of the Tea Party.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, Warren will be the nominee and you will vote in solidarity with the former female law professor. That’s how I see it.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Do Democrats think they can sell the idea that when they win, they get to keep what they won, but if the other party wins, it's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham?

*** Spoiler Alert! ***

Of course they do.

readering said...

I don't know what it means to say I do not accept the results of the 2016. I have never pronounced that Trump is no long President as he has pronounced Pelosi is no longer Speaker. I just think he has done a lousy job since day 1 in office.

gahrie said...

I don't accept it, and I'm a moderate swing voter in a swing state.

What do you intend to do about it?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Is there a principled reason for not giving “refusIng the results of the 2016 election” the civility bullshit tag? And what about refusing to acccept the results of the 2018 election?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

The absolutely amazing thing is that the Left seems to truly believe that they can violate any norm and the same tactics will not be used against them when positions are reversed.
The incredible stupidity and irresponsibility of what they're doing lies in a simple fact. In a fight, you use what weapons are available to you. The Left has the media and the bureaucracy. The Right has...weapons. This is a whirlwind no sane person wants to reap but the Left are apparently anything but sane.
And, just a tip for our Prog brothers and sisters. The underclass is not going to man the barricades in defense of transgender bathrooms or your favored pronouns.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

So much to consider here. The left has adopted the position that they have a monopoly on rectitude, and therefore nothing they do can be wrong. All lies, all subterfuge are justified because Orange Man Bad. Among the wreckage they leave behind are the principles on which the nation was founded, and which have sustained it for 243 years.

How did we get this way? There is only one possible answer. The American education system, from preschool through PhD., has been co-opted by the left. I don't think I even need to cite any examples here-- you know what I'm talking about.

This will resolve itself when the university system fails. Already state governments are pulling back funding for universities and their pervasive social engineering programs. Universities are no longer perceived as cost effective as tuitions skyrocket and real-world marketability diminishes. Cheap, targeted online education will take its place. The challenge will be to see that the same forces that ruined the greatest education system in the world don't wreck what replaces it.

Otto said...

"I am not a Trump supporter"
Nothing new here. Also tell your readers that you voted for J. Stein.

"I'm a moderate swing voter"
Who are you kidding? You are a 60s liberal to the core.

Michael K said...

I have never pronounced that Trump is no long President

You are in a small minority, at least on TV. I assume you were writing English. What Trump said about Pelosi was true in that she has lost control.

Rick said...

Do Democrats think they can sell the idea that when they win, they get to keep what they won, but if the other party wins, it's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham?

It makes no difference whether they can "sell it". The question is whether they can enforce it. I'd say their chances are pretty good. During Trump's tenure how many far left activists have we gotten out of government and the other institutions which create "the resistance"? My estimate: hardly any. Until we do every Dem effort will be amplified further left and every non-left initiative retarded. The ratchet still only works one direction and brief pauses make little difference in the trend.

ThunderChick said...

Well said Michael Goodwin! The left is unhinged and it is all about power. While I don't agree with Trump's rhetoric and insulting of opponents on Twitter, he has been under seize from the left since he was the Republican nominee. #resistance says it all and I have no doubt that Queen Hillary and Obama are behind the nonstop investigations and MSM outrage against Trump. If you look at the Dems policies, they are so extreme and untenable, most Americans would never agree to the ridiculous Green New Deal, free college tuition, free health care, unlimited immigration and whatever new freebie the Dem candidates tout this week. Therefore, the left's main line of attack is attacking Trump for anything and everything he does. It is getting old and I'm willing to bet more and more people are getting sick and tired of the relentless investigations and accusations against Trump. The whole Ukraine whistleblower complaint and changing of the rules smells of another concocted scheme to try and get Trump. If this continues on, as I suspect it will, the Dems are not going to like the outcome of the 2020 election.

roesch/voltaire said...

This is a simplistic attempt to distract from Trumps disastrous environmental policies, revolving cabinet members, family enrichments, pay outs to porn stars, and now the green light to Turkey etc. Get a thicker and more honest skin Republicans.

Shouting Thomas said...

If you, prof, were a "moderate, swing voter," you'd long ago have gone over to Trump.

I think your criteria for voting for a president is just plain wrong. These feminist, gay identity issues seem to be your idea of what a president should be concerned with.

Trump has, I think, exposed this "first woman," "first gay" obsession as a waste of time that has little to nothing to do with the actual job and responsibilities of a president.

Trump's success is invisible to you because he's succeeding in terms that you really don't understand or value. He's a great businessman, negotiator and manager, a type that evokes visceral dislike in artsy-fartsy college professors. Trump's not artsy-fartsy.

These 60s nostalgia obsessions of yours are what is killing the Democratic Party.

Yancey Ward said...

"And what about refusing to acccept the results of the 2018 election?"

I am sorry, but I missed the part where the Republicans have tried prosecuting the Democrats' victory in the House, and formed gangs of thugs to protest their every appearance in public.

Roughcoat said...

Antifa is the opposite of the Tea Party.

Bullshit. The Tea Party was nothing like Antifa. False equivalence.

William said...

Trump cheated on his wife and dodged the draft. Those are legitimate issues to use against him in an election campaign. Why not run against him instead of impeaching him?.....The election is a year away. Why not let the voters settle the issue of who should be President? Trump has some obvious moral flaws, but the American voters should be the ones to decide whether they disqualify him from being President.

Nichevo said...

gahrie said...
I don't accept it, and I'm a moderate swing voter in a swing state.

What do you intend to do about it?

10/14/19, 11:23 AM

Keep on consuming mainstream media and avoiding conservative media, vote Democrat, and wonder why this keeps happening.

n.n said...

I agree with every word, syllable, vowel, and consonant that Goodwin wrote. (Did I leave out something?)

Numbers, which we have recently learned are diversitist/racist, and perhaps diversitist/sexist, too.

Sam L. said...

"That refusal has become, among many on the left, borderline psychotic." It's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY past the border, and is now occupying Crazyland. But they LIKE it there.

stevew said...

"I don't accept it, and I'm a moderate swing voter in a swing state."

The Democrats are hopeful that their relentless outrage and resistance will drive voters like you to vote for them rather than Trump in 2020 so as to make all this upsetting nonsense stop.

traditionalguy said...

The storm is upon us. Long live our President.

Freder Frederson said...

So let me get this clear. You are saying that impeachment should never be used to remove a duly elected President?

gilbar said...

once upon a time, there was a Wise Moslem; he liked to remind people of the islamic proverb:

Elections Have Consequences

But now! the NEW Catch Phrase is:
"This game's not over until we win."

MBunge said...

It actually makes sense for moderate Democrats and NeverTrumper Republicans, divided by much but united by their love of kissing Big Business Butt, to attack the legitimacy of Trump's election. They assume no one will ever dare to do anything like that to them.

But it's amazing that Leftists and extreme liberals don't grasp that anything that can be done to Trump will be done to THEIR side. What do you think would happen if Bernie got elected? He makes Trump look like a foaming-at-the-mouth neocon on foreign policy.


MBunge said...

"And what about refusing to acccept the results of the 2018 election?"

What results? The ones where the GOP under Trump did better than the Democrats did under Obama in 2010?


Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Liberals are hoping for democracy's dark death.

How else can you explain Dem candidates insulting any possible swing voters, and their Anti-1A foot soldiers cracking down on any public displays of opposition? They're pushing for a Soviet-style one-party system, and it's not over until until they win.

Ginna said...

I'm Canadian and don't really care, but are you kidding me?

Remember the Obama years? The Tea Party movement was literally founded because a large splinter group of the Republican party refused to accept Obama's election. Trump himself spent years fighting that Obama's election was invalid because he must have been born in Kenya.

There were multiple attempts to start impeachment talk, the earliest I can remember is 2010. A huge number of Republicans ran on promises to impeach if they won the house and senate back. Did you not live through Benghazi mania? The debt ceiling crisis?

And have you forgotten the whole Clinton Starr inquiry debacle? That was ultimately unsuccessful, but basically the other side thinking they can overturn the results of the election.

I agree it's gotten worse over time, but to an outsider, that's just the awfulness of American politics. Each switch-over just gets worse and worse. Don't pretend each side is not equally as bad, it's just that each time the needle gets moved farther and farther.

The Minnow Wrangler said...

Prof Althouse I certainly appreciate your perspective. You have remained calm in the eye of the anti-Trump hurricane.

Many if not most Trump voters only supported him because he was the "lesser of two evils" compared to Hillary, which is not exactly a ringing endorsement. He obviously has a lot of issues in his past personal life which most people find offensive.

However...the media have demonized Republican nominees for so long...McCain, Romney (OMG he cut a gay boy's hair!), Sarah Palin (Caribou Barbie) it makes it difficult to take them seriously even when Trump is kind of exceptionally weird and bad in many ways. If you are not a devoted, jaded follower of the mainstream media how would you know that Trump might actually be worse than McCain or Romney or Palin?

Cogs said...

It troubles me that people haven't made a bigger deal of this. I was taught that one of the reasons America works is the "peaceful transition of power" between parties. While Trump's victory didn't lead to gunfire, the "resistance" has been pretty much everything short of that.

wendybar said...

Or the 2010 elections. (we can all play that game)

PJ said...

Now that the left is culturally dominant, many leftists have come to believe that cultural dominance ought to result in political dominance, and that their occasional failures to achieve the political dominance to which they are entitled can be explained only by reference to the perfidy of their opponents and of the Founders.

Fernandinande said...

the turmoil engulfing the country

What turmoil? DNC/MSM activists are NOT "the country".

Jersey Fled said...

"I just think he has done a lousy job since day 1 in office."

The remedy for that is elections. Not the wholesale assault that Trump has faced since even before the day he took office.

Jim at said...

And what about refusing to acccept the results of the 2018 election?

That happened? When? Where?

Quaestor said...

I just think he has done a lousy job since day 1 in office.

By lousy job readering means Trump has occupied the spacetime coordinates rightfully belonging the Hillary Clinton.

CWJ said...

"And what about refusing to acccept the results of the 2018 election?"

You mean all the elections that miraculously swung the D's way in the days after the polls closed? Other than that I don't know what you're talking about. Who's forcing the House to harass Trump 24/7 rather than legislate? I seem to recall that even AOC voted against her own New Green Deal.

Achilles said...

As readering and Left Bank demonstrate they have no shame.

The Russian hoax is a proven lie.

The Trump rape fantasies were obvious lies from the start.

Now we have the Democrats keeping the “whistle blowers” testimony secret.

There is no depth they will not sink to. The average Democrat voter does not respect democracy or our republic. They hate people that don’t agree with them. The average voter. Not just the leadership.

The education system built this. It must be burned to the ground.

Seeing Red said...

You’re a moderate swing voter for your city, maybe.

Sebastian said...

"I don't accept it."

Good. Glad you ditch the phony cruel neutrality shtick. Now stick to it: make sure the Dems know you despise them and their nasty power games. Or better yet: conspire with your fellow Althouses to surprise in the voting booth.

The Minnow Wrangler said...

Prof Althouse I certainly appreciate your perspective. You have remained calm in the eye of the anti-Trump hurricane.

Many if not most Trump voters only supported him because he was the "lesser of two evils" compared to Hillary, which is not exactly a ringing endorsement. He obviously has a lot of issues in his past personal life which most people object to.

However...the media have demonized Republican nominees for so long...McCain, Romney (OMG he cut a gay boy's hair!), Sarah Palin (Caribou Barbie) it makes it difficult to take them seriously even when Trump is kind of exceptionally weird in many ways. If you are not a devoted, jaded follower of the mainstream media how would you know that Trump might actually be worse than McCain or Romney or Palin?

narciso said...

because it was based on the whole fusion created fraud,

Anonymous said...

"I don't know what it means to say I do not accept the results of the 2016."

Advocating for impeachment prior to the inauguration, just for starters (I'm not accusing you personally of that, just providing an example).

"I just think he's done a lousy job since day 1 in office."

Yeah, that record breaking employment with steadily increasing median household income (combined with low inflation) is a sure sign of a complete and total fuckup.

Seeing Red said...

The House has not voted on the Revised NAFTA. Do your job 2018 House. What else is NOT getting done?

narciso said...

well palin, was the best of the four candidate, and if you extend it to 2012, best of six, but she was forced out of office, by the abuse of a ethical complaint system,

MadisonMan said...

Having lived through the Wisconsin Democratic Party's very long tantrum after Scott Walker was elected, I am not at all surprised by the National Democratic Party's (and the Media's, as they are intertwined) very long tantrum after Trump's victory.

Seeing Red said...

his is a simplistic attempt to distract from Trumps disastrous environmental policies,


IF I believed all the doomsdaying from the time I was in grade school, the world would not be here. It would have ended by 12/31/1979.

Besides..what difference, at this point, does it matter? It’s over in 11-1/2 years, so it’s impossible for there to be distasterous environmental policies. We’re already past the point of no return.

Unless it’s all been a lie since I was a child?

Jim at said...

The Tea Party movement was literally founded because a large splinter group of the Republican party refused to accept Obama's election.

No. It wasn't. And the TEA Party movement was despised by the GOPe just as much as it was by the left. It had nothing to do with Obama's election, and had everything to do with an out-of-control government spending us into oblivion.

You have enough problems with your leadership in Canada without making up shit about ours.

narciso said...

I know you're surprised he's still around,


Bilwick said...

I always enjoy (the way a sadist might enjoy a retarded person trying to explain E=Mc2) when they accuse Trump of being "divisive." Hey, "liberal" geniuses, once you start initiating, or threatening to initiate, force against someone, you have automatically created a division, between the coercer and the coercee. Which usually comes down to the looter and the lootee.

StephenFearby said...

A whistleblower of an entirely different stripe...

CNN Whistleblower Reveals Network ‘Vendetta’ Against Trump, Obsession With Impeachment
OCTOBER 14, 2019 By Chrissy Clark

'...The whistleblower identified himself as Cary Poarch, a satellite uplink technician at CNN’s Washington, D.C. bureau.

“When I came to work at CNN, I mean it was my dream job,” Poarch said. “And that dream, actually turned into a nightmare.”

Poarch recorded the 9:00 a.m. morning calls held by Zucker, in which he urged CNN employees to focus on the impeachment narrative.

“Let’s just stay very focused on impeachment,” Zucker said. “We’re moving towards impeachment. I mean, don’t like, you know we shouldn’t pretend this is going one way. And so, all these moves are moves towards impeachment.”

Zucker also encouraged CNN employees to report on Fox News as if it were a conspiracy outlet.

“I think what’s going on in America now is really fundamentally the result of years of fake news, conspiracy nonsense from Fox News,” Zucker said. “The fake conspiracy nonsense that Fox has spread for years is now deeply embedded in American society, and frankly that is beyond destructive for America. And I do not think we should be scared to say so.”

After the release of this video, Poarch announced he saw no other option but to wear a hidden camera and expose the bias of CNN.


James O'Keefe

'I’d like to introduce CNN whistleblower Cary Poarch, who secretly recorded his colleagues for months. We’ll be uploading clips all day and night. Says Poarch, “I didn't see any other option...I decided to wear a hidden camera to expose the bias” #ExposeCNN http://exposecnn.com


Bilwick said...

"Many if not most Trump voters only supported him because he was the 'lesser of two evils"'compared to Hillary, which is not exactly a ringing endorsement. He obviously has a lot of issues in his past personal life which most people object to."

Minnow Wrangler, I think of it more as "the Enemy of my Enemy is My Friend;" and I always keep in mind that to the "liberal" Hive, the real enemy isn't Trump, but liberty. Trump is just a speedbump on the Road to Serfdom.

Or to put it another way, consider my own (patent pending) Statist Scale, aka "the Coecion Meter." In any political race, I consider which of the major candidates is the bigger threat to liberty. Or: which candidate is more likely to Leave Me Alone. So far, especially considering the loony clown car of Democratic candidtates, that seems to be Trump. I couldn't care less about a man or woman's personal foibles.

readering said...

This is what derangement looks like. From Trump's campaign manager:

"Democrats have crossed over the line of partisan politics and have undertaken a seditious conspiracy to overthrow the people’s president.

"Nancy Pelosi should step down for betraying her oath of office and attempting to overthrow our great Republic."

Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
Is there a principled reason for not giving “refusIng the results of the 2016 election” the civility bullshit tag? And what about refusing to acccept the results of the 2018 election?

You just cannot have a democratic Republic with people like this.

They need to be defeated and driven out of power. They really should move to Venezuela or some other country their mindset and policies have ruined.

Roughcoat said...

I agree it's gotten worse over time, but to an outsider, that's just the awfulness of American politics.

Huh, what a coincidence: that's pretty much how I feel about a political system (and an electorate) that would install a moronic twat like Trudeau in the office of prime minister.

Oh, and by the way, the Tea Party was not "literally founded* because a large splinter group of the Republican party refused to accept Obama's election."

You don't know what you're talking about, typically for a Canadian ventilating her/his views on the United States.

*As opposed to "figuratively founded" I suppose.

Roughcoat said...

don't accept it, and I'm a moderate swing voter in a swing state.

What do you intend to do about it?

Good question. I'm curious as to the answer.

Rick said...

Ginna said...
I'm Canadian and don't really care, but are you kidding me?

Remember the Obama years? The Tea Party movement was literally founded because a large splinter group of the Republican party refused to accept Obama's election.

The Tea Party was founded before Obama was elected to oppose the financial crisis bailouts which promised to save spendthrifts with the assets of the frugal. I'm starting to think the primary function of media and academia is developing, publicizing, and legitimizing a mythology to support left wing extremism.

RonF said...

"Do Democrats think they can sell the idea that when they win, they get to keep what they won, but if the other party wins, it's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham?"

They think that they represent progress. So when they win it's part of the inevitable movement of history towards utopia, and when they lose it's movement backwards towards evil, racism and fascism. They figure that to overcome all that, the ends justify the means.

CWJ said...

"The Tea Party movement was literally founded because a large splinter group of the Republican party refused to accept Obama's election."

I seem to remember something about government policy, taxes, and fiscal responsibility, but you go with not accepting Obama's election. I'm sure that's closer to the truth. Literally.

CWJ said...

"A huge number of Republicans ran on promises to impeach if they won the house and senate back."

I remember promises to repeal Obamacare. impeachment? Not really. But I'm sure the number was yuge.

sunsong said...

For Rusty,
Here is a partial answer:
“‘He’s a thug, he’s a crook, he’s our president. Crime after crime.’ — This scathing song parody lists Trump’s many transgressions”

narciso said...

an interesting twist, the original writer behind red dawn, then called ten soldiers, was kevin Reynolds who would later write waterworld,

Michael K said...

There were multiple attempts to start impeachment talk, the earliest I can remember is 2010. A huge number of Republicans ran on promises to impeach if they won the house and senate back. Did you not live through Benghazi mania? The debt ceiling crisis?

Yes, I remember the men who died at Benghazi. You see it as politics.

The Tea Party was a response to policy, not personality. You don't seem to know much about it.

The Obama people went after the people associated with the Tea Party with all the agencies of government. The IRS, OSHA, the FBI.

The woman they went after the most aggressively was head of a citizen group called "True the Vote" I wonder why Obama would care so much about election validity ? Do you?

Do you know or care anything about voting fraud ?

Tyrone Slothrop said...

12/31/1979. In a way, the seventies ended that day.

effinayright said...

Ginna said...

"And have you forgotten the whole Clinton Starr inquiry debacle? That was ultimately unsuccessful, but basically the other side thinking they can overturn the results of the election."

The vows to impeach Clinton did not start the day he took office, as they did in Trump's case. Clinton took office in Jan 1993. The impeachment vote took place in late 1998, during Clinton' SECOND term.

Before that vote Starr reported eleven CRIMES, two of which wound being in the articles of impeachment. The report came out *after* Clinton lied in the Jones case and before a federal grand jury---while he was in office. If you can point to any Republicans who sought to impeach Clinton BEFORE he took office, as occurred with Trump, produce the name.

House and Senate impeachment procedures were in public view---not held in secret, and the minority Dem party were full participants.

Yes, Clinton was not removed from office. But I suspect you were too busy chewing sealskin for your mukluks to notice that when the dust had settled, Der Schick had his law license suspended in Arkansas for contempt of court; he himself suspended his license to practice before the Supremes over lying to the grand jury. He also paid about a cool million in damages and fines, to Paula Jones and the feds.

Other than that.....the situations are EXACTLY the same.


Rusty said...

Ginna said...
"I'm Canadian and don't really care, but are you kidding me?

Remember the Obama years? The Tea Party movement was literally founded because a large splinter group of the Republican party refused to accept Obama's election."
No it was literally founded as a result of the government bailout of the auto companies at the expense of the stockholders. The TEA party is not Republican.

Rusty said...

For Rusty,
"Here is a partial answer:
“‘He’s a thug, he’s a crook"
Your proof is a song? So you have no proof. You're just parroting what your betters have trained you to say.

Drago said...

Ginna: "The Tea Party movement was literally founded because a large splinter group of the Republican party refused to accept Obama's election."

Transparent lie, which is typical for a lefty.

The Tea Party movement was literally triggered by CNBC’s Rick Santelli on Feb 19 on live TV when he went ballistic over the obama admin mortgage bailout which rewarded deadbeats and penalized those that played by the rules (big surprise, eh)

You can pull up the video of Santelli surrounded on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange by cheering onlookers when he literally called for a Tea Party movement which tapped into building anger in the nation over those policies and resulted immediately in the Tea Party movement and reached an opposition crescendo by April 15 of that year.

Hey Ginna, the US already has plenty of its own lying lefty/marxist/commie types. We dont need to import any like you from north of our borders in Lefty Prime Minister Blackface-land.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Comey is a rat-F*ed liar.

Comey knew General Flynn had been cleared and said nothing to Trump before or during the meeting where Trump asked him to go easy on Flynn. Flynn did nothing wrong. Comey knew it, and said nothing instead Comey used that as a six ways until Sunday to launch of the mueller fraud.
The old man mueller used by the younger assholes and hte corrupt press to hide their lies.

narciso said...

an terrorist attack on a diplomatic facility by al queda, is 'bump in the road' but airing one pol's dirty laundry, including media complicity 'attack on amerikuh'

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did Trump ever diddle a young intern in the oval office and then lie about it?

narciso said...

furthermore Obama was said to be inspired by 'Reagans dark deed' to start as a community organizer, that and the Cuban regime trained terrorist bill ayers, and guest of qadaffi and te castros, jeremiah wright,

Seeing Red said...

Open up the impeachment files!!

Seeing Red said...

I agree, readering. Pelosi has got to go.

It’s a shame, the first woman head of the House.

Another reason women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

narciso said...



ccscientist said...

This reminds me of the "I'm a horrible parent" meme, where parents share photos of their kid crying because they wouldn't give them what they want: like the 3 yr old girl who wanted the car keys to go for a drive, or the kid who wanted to share the dog's food. The Dems can't have what they want and have been throwing a 2.5 yr tantrum. They say crazy stuff because they want things and Trump won't give it to them.

D 2 said...

Generally it is a waste of time to offer a counterpoint to an individual who is shameless. I will state Mr Cracker Emcee Rsomething upthread has it quite right, when it comes to how people who think their own statements, behaviours and conduct in the last 3 years will not be mirrored in the future by future adversaries. That is the (impending) tragedy of the American democratic experience, as buwaya often states, which I don't want to believe is as yet unavoidable. While not American myself, I look to my cousins and wish those who have been so blatantly "end justifies the means" will acknowledge what ill winds they cultivated, before instant karma comes to get them.

Anyone - really, anyone - reviewing old althouse threads from 2016 forward can see this. How do your comments look, 10-20-30 months on? Is there anything that might suggest you were quick to spread falsehoods? Make any statements that were proven wrong? Did you admit to error, ever?

Take a minute or two. Go for a walk. And keep laughing at the cock holster jokes on network tv and telling yourself you are the underdog and have the moral high ground.

JAORE said...

"I don't accept it, and I'm a moderate swing voter in a swing state."


I don't accept it. But I won't be voting in any way that punishes that type of thing.

le Douanier said...

DJT’s staff has resulted in the most damage to DJT that I’ve come across. Sometimes it’s staff saying he’s incompetent or a moron or such. Just as bad are the “loyal” staff that lie a lot, as is required to be loyal to DJT.

BTW, can Althouse stop adding her, somewhat regular, disclaimers re she says she’s not a DJT lackey? Either her writing does or doesn’t support DJT. We can all read the truth ourselves. That’s how words work.


JAORE said...

"The Tea Party movement was literally founded because a large splinter group of the Republican party refused to accept Obama's election."

The TEA Party was literally founded because we were Taxed Enough Already (TEA, get it?). The platform was spend less, tax less, control the budget.

DavidUW said...

Yes. They think that.

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

It’s true. And you’re one voter in a swing state.

Michael K said...

We can all read the truth ourselves. That’s how words work.

Not with lefties. Schiff being exhibit #1.

rhhardin said...

I am not a Trump supporter, but I have stood firm since the election on this point

Women don't understand men. It's intuitive with them. It's what makes women interesting, but also terrible voters.

rhhardin said...

The tea party not only refused to accept Obama's election, but left places they protested cleaner than when they got there.

The Minnow Wrangler said...

Bilwick, yeah that is what I want too, for them to leave me alone!

sunsong said...

For Rusty:

I didn't say it was proof. You need to do your own research. You said you did not know about any corruption, cruelty, self-service at the WH. I gave you a "partial answer".

I like this as well:

"If you are someone who has raised concerns about Hunter Biden and don’t also raise big concerns about the Trump children, then you fundamentally lack inegrity and don’t really care about building a more moral and less corrupt world.”
~ Matthew Dowd

MartyH said...

It's Caddyshack all over again.

Rich, boorish, quick witted land developer (Dangerfield/Trump) crashes an exclusive club. Club members do everything they can to keep him out. (Ted Knight et al represent the Dems, Never Trumpers, Deep State.)

The Gopher is Trump's alter ego. Bill Murray as Carl is obviously the MSM. He's already destroying the golf course before Trump arrives (smacking the flowers as he has his "It's in the hole!" fantasy.) Carl does more damage to the golf course trying to kill the gopher than the gopher ever could.

Danny the caddy gets to see both sides in action and represents the swing voter. When forced to decide in a high stakes winner take all match, he sides with Dangerfield/Trump, but leaves his putt just short. However, Carl/the MSM, in their drooling imbecility, has mined the golf course in their latest attempt get Trump. The resulting explosion knocks Danny's ball into the cup, vanquishing the Establishment.

The deplorables, who had come to watch the match, party with Trump in the clubhouse. The gopher, of course, survives.

Forget Nostradamus. Harold Ramis is the real fortuneteller.

bagoh20 said...

""I don't accept it, and I'm a moderate swing voter in a swing state."?

You are not the only one, and that's why the Dems think they can steal what they want. You just have to convince a few swingers that the other side are monsters. The two camps have completely different standards and solutions that are mostly antithetical. They can't both be right. One needs to be very wrong, and history and facts will tell you which is, not your feelings this year. Picking the right side takes intelligence and openness. Telling people which and why takes courage and conviction. If you can't pick a side today, what do you value? When you answer that, ask yourself which side tolerates it.

Freder Frederson said...

The platform was spend less, tax less, control the budget.

Yeah, what happened to that? I guess one out of three ain't bad.

Freder Frederson said...

Flynn did nothing wrong.

Actually, he did. He was an unregistered agent for the Turkish Government. For which, if there is any justice in the world, he will go to prison for.

Freder Frederson said...

Yes, I remember the men who died at Benghazi. You see it as politics.

Yes, Benghazi was a major fuck up by the Obama Administration. But exactly what crimes were committed that justified the endless hearings?

Rusty said...

sunsong said...
"For Rusty:

I didn't say it was proof. You need to do your own research. You said you did not know about any corruption, cruelty, self-service at the WH. I gave you a "partial answer"."
No, sweetheart. You gave no answer. You have no proof. You're assertion is simply ,"everyone knows." isn't a very intellectual effort. tout le mond! tout le mond!
What have the Trump kids done that is particularly corrupt?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Freder- Your corrupt Soviet D-party accused Flynn of being a Russian agent.

He's not. Never was. He was cleared and now the assholes and corrupt lairs at the FBI cannot find the document. how convenient.

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
"The platform was spend less, tax less, control the budget.

Yeah, what happened to that?"

You got Trump

Qwinn said...

Freder: How about throwing an innocent filmmaker in prison to provide themselves with political cover for that fuckup? Or is that not a big enoug críme to matter?

Roughcoat said...

Anyone - really, anyone - reviewing old althouse threads from 2016 forward can see this. How do your comments look, 10-20-30 months on? Is there anything that might suggest you were quick to spread falsehoods? Make any statements that were proven wrong? Did you admit to error, ever?

Honestly, I don't understand what you're saying here. Or the point you're trying to make.

Unknown said...

> literally founded because a large splinter group of the Republican party refused to accept Obama's election.

Reference please.

Should be easy since your opinion is "literal".

Stephen said...

I don't accept the notion that the Democrats have acted inappropriately in response to Trump's election. And you have never made an effective case for that notion here.

There was nothing fundamentally wrong with the Mueller investigation, commenced by a Republican director of the FBI, continued by a Republican deputy attorney general who appointed a Republican special prosecutor, and brought to a conclusion with a lengthy report whose substantive factual content most people seem to think is basically accurate.
I don't accept that the wrongness of the investigation is confirmed by the fact that Mueller found no conspiracy between Trump and the Russians-given the amount of smoke, lying and obstruction in which Trump and his minions engaged that portion of the investigation was clearly warranted and Mueller followed the evidence where it led.

I'm not aware that Democrats have done anything improper to oppose Trump's legislative agenda. Trump has lost a lot in the courts, notably around Wilbur Ross's lack of candor in adding a citizenship question to the Census, but he's also won a good deal. On judicial appointments, Trump has basically had his way.

I take it no one thinks the Democrats acted improperly in winning back the House in 2018.

And I don't think that the House acted improperly in commencing an investigation of the Ukraine. Were they supposed to ignore a whistle blower complaint that Trump's IG says was wholly legal and proper? Were they supposed to ignore the credible allegation that Trump had perverted American strategic objectives and gone against the will of both houses of Congress in order to obtain dirt on the leading Democratic candidate for 2020? What principle of fairness--or respect for fairly conducted elections--required that?

All this is against the background that, although Trump won narrowly in the three states that determined the victory in the Electoral College and lost the popular vote big time, he has has governed from the beginning from the very far right, with few reaches toward the center, justifying that approach with the ludicrous claim that he did not really lose the popular vote because of fraud. The Commission set up to support than claim collapsed of its own weight.

In addition, Trump has governed in a manner that completely excludes Democrats from his cabinet and from his counsels, that involves a uniquely chaotic and intellectually lazy decision making style that owes more to Fox news pundits than to advisors who know the subject areas in question, that routinely targets and vilifies black and brown people--both native and immigrant--and their electoral representatives, and that involves a whole lot of untruths and an unprecedented structural risk of personal corruption, given that he has economic interests all over the world, his finances are opaque and he has not divested his personal assets or placed them in a blind trust.

You can--and often do--say that this is the Trump his supporters voted for. Perhaps...though we have a lot more evidence now that he's worse than they thought.
But bottom line is that while our system requires that we accept the outcome of the last election, it does not require us to ignore the evidence of our own senses. Nor does it require us to treat Trump's proposals or actions with the respect or presumption of reasonableness that we would give to those of an opposition politician who takes the responsibilities of office seriously, does the homework, shows some respect for the truth, and does not rely principally on racial resentment and xenophobia to maintain his political standing.

Francisco D said...

The Tea Party movement was literally founded because a large splinter group of the Republican party refused to accept Obama's election."

That statement reflects a combination of historical ignorance and adherence to MSM/DNC talking points that explains why Schiff and Pelosi think they can easily lie to their ignorant partisans. Do you guys ever read critically and think for yourselves?

Big Mike said...

While Trump's victory didn't lead to gunfire ...

@Cogs, Steve Scslise eve to differ with you

Gospace said...

William said...
Trump cheated on his wife and dodged the draft. Those are legitimate issues to use against him in an election campaign.

Be really tough for Democrats to use either of those issues. Willie Jeff dodged the draft. And cheated on his wife IN OFFICE. And like it or not, Trump did have doctors certify his bone spurs. My wife had to have one removed - it was very painful.

And Trump very much does remind me of Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack.

And the other movie being paralleled is Nancy Pelosi as Dean Wormer in Animal House with the impeachment investigation run as a Faber College double secret probation, with Republicans getting the same rights as Delta House.

Rick said...

Freder Frederson said...

Yes, Benghazi was a major fuck up by the Obama Administration. But exactly what crimes were committed that justified the endless hearings?

The implied standard is that hearings must be justified by crimes rather than incompetence, an absurd belief. But it reveals that while left wingers advance more government power as the solution to every imperfection they will never hold government accountable for its performance.

Rick said...

"If you are someone who has raised concerns about Hunter Biden and don’t also raise big concerns about the Trump children, then you fundamentally lack inegrity and don’t really care about building a more moral and less corrupt world.”
~ Matthew Dowd

I wonder why left wingers never realize this works in reverse as well. If you didn't raise concerns about the Bidens (and Clintons) you've already proven yourself without integrity. That's why no one cares what you say about Trump.

Bilwick said...

"The Tea Party movement was literally founded because a large splinter group of the Republican party refused to accept Obama's election."

Translation into plain, honest Englsh: "Damned uppity peasanta just won't shut up and be decently looted by their betters."

Remember the Coffee Party--the short-lived New Tory answer to the Tea Party? I often thought if they regrouped, they should call themselves the Pitcairn Party, after Major Pitcairn, the British officer who confronted the Minute Men at Lexington with, "Damn ye rebels, disperse!"