"They failed with Russia, they failed with recession, they failed with everything, and now they're bringing this up. The one who's got the problem is Biden. Because if you look at what Biden did, Biden did what they would like to have me do — except with one problem. I didn't do it. What Biden did is a disgrace. What his son did is a disgrace. His son took money from Ukraine. The son took money from China. A lot of money from China. China would love to see he would —they could think of nothing they'd rather see then Biden get in because they will take this great deal that we are about to make and they would really have themselves a deal for themselves. So let me just tell you--let me just tell you, what Biden did was wrong." ["Mr. President, what did you tell the Ukrainian President about Joe Biden and his son during your phone call?"] "Well, you're going to see because what we are doing is we want honesty. And if we deal with the country, we want honesty. I think with the new president [of Ukraine], you're going to see much more honesty in the Ukraine, and that's what we are looking for. We are supporting a country. We want to make sure that country is honest. It's very important to talk about corruption. If you don't talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt? One of the reasons the new president got elected is he was going to stop corruption. So it's very important that, on occasion, you speak to somebody about corruption. Very important."
Trump said to reporters yesterday at the U.N. (as he was on the way to a meeting about religious freedom).
Well, you're going to see because what we are doing is we want honesty. And if we deal with the country, we want honesty.
That resonates worldwide with the great unwashed.
Media: Studiously avoiding Biden corruption.
Trump: Biden PURPLE ELEPHANT Biden
Media: How dare Trump talk about Biden's corruption.
Citizens: Tell is more about Biden's corruption.
Media: Squeeeee!!!
"One of the reasons the new president not elected is he was going to stop corruption.”
Innocent typo, or Freudian slip? I guess he should have said “garnered election."
And I think he ignored Iran. Bonus points.
Was “not elected” a transcription error for “got elected”?
I am really struggling with the "THIS, THIS AT LAST may constitute grounds for impeachment" chat from Democrats. Can someone, anyone, ARM, Howard, Readering, please explain it? There are people I have known for decades who are all in on this. I cannot understand it as other than quasi-religious cult-like behavior. Yes, I understand that Donald J Trump offends your sensibilities, but how about just trying to vote him out? Must every moment of his presidency be demonized? Rage is not a sustainable emotion in my experience.
why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?
In fairness, if we never gave money to countries that were corrupt we'd probably never give money to any countries. Corruption is just a natural part of human government.
One of the reasons the new president not elected is he was going to stop corruption.
"Got elected"? And the new pres. of Ukraine is that fellow comedian?
Trump is speaking... Impeach him!
Agree 100% with Trump.
Trump will win this. Biden is finished. No impeachment.
Dems want to impeach him in order to take his approval numbers down. And a Hail Mary to the Senate to remove him. Not happening.
Dems are afraid of 2020 election.
Every AM on Morning Joe it is pure mania and desperation. God, I hate those people. Insane.
At Peace Pavilion West, we maintain a global, harmonious balance with Nature, within ourselves and our own conflicted desires, and with one another, as a community. Our Leader is strong.
-Carpenter (NOT Jesus, lol)
-Choir director
-Goat wrangler
-Director Of Political Economy
-Climate and Mental Health Engineer
The Trump-hating mass media do not want to report about the Biden's corruption in Ukraine, but Trump is making them do so.
Those mass media that continue to avoid reporting about the Bidens' corruption -- such as CNN -- will gradually lose their audiences, which will go elsewhere to find reporting about it.
People will find out about the Bidens' corruption and will discuss it with each other.
Joe Biden will lose his support. He is going down.
Last time there was an IMPEACH NOW thread over at Coyne’s one dissenter asked what specific actions on what specific date. He was told that was a bad faith question. It’s like Weld and his treason charge, specifics are unnecessary. This isn’t actually about impeachment, it’s a giant hug box.
So as a sitting president, if you have reason to believe that a political opponent behaved improperly or even illegally the media would have us believe that it's an impeachable offense to pressure a foreign government to conduct an investigation into it. But isn't that essentially what Obama did to Trump? Granted, he did it more elegantly, surreptitiously, and indirectly with the help of the entire intelligence apparatus of the United States. So I guess the real issue here is that Trump is more direct and blunt compared to Obama who is more sly and clever.
A couple days ago, I happened to listen briefly to NPR news. There, this whole issue is about Congress's ability to oversee the Presidency's management of the Intelligence Community.
"There, this whole issue is about Congress's ability to oversee the Presidency's management of the Intelligence Community.”
They cared a lot about congressional oversight when it was Hillary bleach bit and hammering emails under Congressional subpoena, IRRC. They were on it day and night I bet.
Trump doesn't need money; Trump doesn't worry about opponents. So no motive.
This really is a coup attempt by the Fake News, Dems and Never Trumpers.
They can't even wait for the election because they know Trump will win.
Hunter Biden is an agent of a hostile foreign power.
Projection. Always. The left accuses others of what it is doing.
It would be funny if what Trump said was that it is not longer the position of the United States that the Ukraine should lay off Kerry’s stepson, Biden’s kid, and that NGO funded by Soros and the Obama Administration.
That would still fit this narrative perfectly and the fact that the State Department gave the Ukraine a list of people to lay off including those above is documented fact.
Trump is playing Wag the Veep with the press. He'll go on nonstop about the crooked, slow-witted, bragging Biden and his crooked, dim son until the press wishes they had never bitten on this hunk of chump chum.
Heaven only knows what Trump said on that call, but a "whistleblower" who heard about it from his cousin's girlfriend's sister's brother is a pretty weak reed to lean on.
The Trump-hating mass media do not want to report about the Biden's corruption in Ukraine, but Trump is making them do so.
Over at the Washington Post, they are reporting the story as -- Trump claims that Biden pressured the Ukraine government, as if the "claim" were made up. They are NOT reporting that Biden openly confessed and bragged about pressuring the Ukraine government. They are totally ignoring the video.
Yes, I understand that Donald J Trump offends your sensibilities, but how about just trying to vote him out?
They fear they cannot. The parallel situation in England is going along better. The "Supreme Court" that the EU foisted on UK just told Boris he can't do what he is doing to make BREXIT happen.
Would you pay Hunter Biden $50,000 a month for anything?
No one can answer that "yes" with a straight face.
I see Inga has returned with a new blank profile.
"Was “not elected” a transcription error for “got elected”?"
I corrected one mistranscription already.
I'll re-listen to the video and correct if appropriate.
If the cokehead son of a longtime high level DC swamp beast manages to get a millions of dollars of cash from the Ukrainians and the Communist Chinese and is a Democrat, that is business as usual and there is no need to have a journalist investigate. Just ask Mitt Romney.
(reposted from an earlier thread on a similar subject):
Here's Kevin McCarthy at National Review:
"In our system, the conduct of foreign policy is a nigh plenary authority of the chief executive. The only exceptions are explicitly stated in the Constitution (Congress regulates foreign commerce, the Senate must approve treaties, etc.). Congress may not enact statutes that limit the president’s constitutional power to conduct foreign policy; the Constitution may not be amended by statute.
Consistent with this principle, the Justice Department has long adhered to the so-called “clear statement” rule: If the express terms of a statute do not apply its provisions to the president, then the statute is deemed not to apply to the president if its application would conflict with the president’s constitutional powers."
I've listened now and made the correction. It was "got elected."
Thanks for the prompt!
Sounds to me like Trump now prefers Warren to Biden so now is the time to start taking him out and not wait until after the convention to move on the Hunter Biden corruption.
I have seen this gambit before in both parties. Foreign government entities and sovereign investment funds don't pay off the politicians directly; they make unreasonable payments to children, siblings, etc., and make uneconomic investments in favored ventures.
Have any of the rumdums in the media done a study of what happened to the Clinton Foundation after Hillary lost? I believe donations dried up. Why would that be?
Yes, I understand that Donald J Trump offends your sensibilities, but how about just trying to vote him out?
They fear they cannot. The parallel situation in England is going along better. The "Supreme Court" that the EU foisted on UK just told Boris he can't do what he is doing to make BREXIT happen.
I think Andrew Jackson had a pithy response.
It looks like the democrats are going to impeach. 3 Michigan democrats that previously opposed, stating it would tear the country apart said today they want to go forward.
Pelosi is meeting with her caucus this afternoon. Elizabeth Warren said Trump must be impeached this morning, for what it's worth.
Hard to believe, but here we are.
If they are going to impeach over this, then you know damn well this "whistle-blower" was a paid dem operative to give them a new excuse to impeach.
Trump: don’t throw me in that brer patch.
Media/democrats: we will we will
Every. Single. Time.
Why is most of the media circling the wagons to protect Hunter Biden?
It's illegal and impeachable to ask for DIRT on any democrat. Especially a holy democrat like a Biden or a Clinton.
They are obviously getting pressure from their big and little donors:"You have a majority. Why don't you do anything?" Does that sound familiar?
So, they are going to do something, probably because, as Ann says, they have concluded that Trump is going to win the election. Maybe they'll get lucky, they think.
Start popping the popcorn.
The number one difficulty that the Democrat-Media Complex faces when it comes to persuading a majority of the American people that Trump needs to be impeached is that they are no longer in a position of moral or ethical superiority. They have excused and/or looked the other way regarding so much corrupt behavior by their champions for so long that it seems absurdly hypocritcal any time they attempt to make a case against Trump for anything that could remotely be defined as corruption. They have burned all the trust and all the good will that many Americans once had for them. It may take a very long time for them to reclaim these things, assuming they're even capable of doing so anymore at all.
The leakers must believe that Biden, unlike Obama, is unmanageable, a lesser Trump, and have a preferred candidate for our democratic consideration, which WaPo, an alien property, or NYT, a global property, will soon reveal.
Like the descendants of the golden chain, bin mahfouz, alamoudi, talal, turki that financed al queda
"Projection. Always."
In a nutshell.
"Here we go again" is a nice slogan for Trump to use against the Dems.
Their "Progressive" ideas have all been tried and failed.
And their witch-hunts have been all-hunt, no witches.
Joe Biden will lose his support. He is going down.
And I'll repeat what I said yesterday. IF Biden goes down -- who will ask the other Democratic Candidates for President why they sat idly by and said nothing about this?
No, Dave, the Cheeto is afraid of the 2020 election. his desperation is palpable. All this stuff about the Ukraine is just icing on the cake
Vicki from Pasadena
Impeach for what?
Spell it out.
Michigan must be swinging Trump’s way.
They want to tear the country apart.
Meh. The former rapist-In-chief didn’t leave.
The desperation shown by the Democrats never ceases to amuse and to think that Schiff is the guy to run with this... AGAIN... is hilarious.
And now Biden, who had nothing scheduled for today, is forced to speak this afternoon about Trump's "abuse of power", his strong-arming of the Ukrainians and his weasel dust sniffing, SIL-banging, ne'er do well son.
Some Macs are going to be built in Texas. The private NLG deal in Texas, Australia opening a plant in Ohio, and all this is since Friday.
Apparently nancy 'palomino' pelosi has ukraine interests as well,
I want the terms of the contract between Hunter Biden's hedge fund and the Bank of China made public.
What are the terms? What hurdle rate does Hunter need to beat to get 20% of the "profit." Is the S&P 500 or is 1% per year.
"Trump seems to think that if he points the finger at other countries’ corruption no one will question his"
Joe Biden is a country?
"No, Dave, the Cheeto is afraid of the 2020 election. his desperation is palpable. All this stuff about the Ukraine is just icing on the cake”
Do you ever even listen to the other side of the story just in case you might be wrong? Naah! Too confusing and a high risk strategy for your self esteem!
A whole nother country, like fredonia or matkovia
Prince salman is trying to make amends for what his father wrought 20-25 years ago, imho.
So the oligarch was under investigation as far nack as 2015, they didnt close the case till 2017, right after they fired the prosecutor, in the spring he returned from abroad, and in june, they reopened the investigation.
One can glean this from the ky3v post and other publications. But if you only read press releases...
Blogger narciso said...
Prince salman is trying to make amends for what his father wrought 20-25 years ago, imho.
This is why i call of this 'blank pages' there are no facts in the pablum they presenr as news.
Max Boot
I hope @MittRomney votes for the articles of impeachment.
Constitutional expert Max Boot. It’s not like these guys are going off half cocked.
FYI the New Yorker carried article entitled Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father's Campaign on July 8th just before the Trump phone call. Hunter like Trump has the "appearance of conflict of interest." one could conclude; I think it is worth the read.
Little old ladies from Pasadena.
I thought you were into old cars with low mileage, Vickie.
Advantage: Trump.
Or not: if this is a Warren operation to take out Slow Joe, having Trump do the dirty work, it will help prematurely eliminate an eminently beatable candidate.
Drudge is covered in red links today about this nothing burger. I almost never click a Drudge link anymore, and most days don’t look at him.
I put up the links last night and the one before of what theyve been ladeling
Remind me again who Max Boot is?
As for Romney, nice guy, ineffectual candidate, please retire.
If things get tough politically, maybe Biden can start plagiarizing speeches of UK Labor leaders like Jeremy Corbyn again.
Now that would be sanders.
They won't impeach Trump is still my prediction. Trump is quite willing to release the phone call itself, and this tells me that there really is nothing in it. WaPo has already told us there was no quid pro quo- that WaPo had to do that tells you everything you really need to know. In other words, the Whistleblower complaint almost certainly doesn't square with the actual phone call.
And, again, this phone call was heard by multiple people and certainly was recorded, and yet no transcript was leaked by any enemy of Trump- what should we conclude?
The New Yorker has a hilarious article that completely exonerates Joe Biden from any hint of corruption in Ukraine. First, with a straight face it is asserted that Joe knew nothing of Hunter's dealings in Ukraine (or China):
"In April, 2014, Hunter accepted a lucrative seat on the board of Burisma, one of Ukraine’s largest natural-gas producers, a decision that Hunter said he made without consulting his father. (Biden and Hunter had an informal arrangement that predated Hunter’s work with Burisma and was designed to insulate Biden from questions about his son’s private dealings: Biden wouldn’t ask Hunter about his business activities, and Hunter wouldn’t tell his father about them.)"
Then, the article tells us that the investigation that Joe shut down had nothing to do with Hunter:
"Yet there is no evidence that Biden’s insistence had anything to do with his son or with Burisma—Shokin was not pursuing a Burisma-related case at the time, and thus his firing didn’t affect Hunter Biden’s legal prospects in Ukraine one way or another."
So, all done. Now they can move on to impeach Trump for something.
Hey, RV:
...FYI the New Yorker carried article entitled Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father's Campaign on July 8th just before the Trump phone call. Hunter like Trump has the "appearance of conflict of interest." one could conclude; I think it is worth the read....
IF the Bidens weren’t grafting, grifting, using Joe’s name and position to get a deal, and Joe inserted himself by bragging,
In short, IF Joe had raised his kids to be honest and above-board,
Would there have been a need for the discussion in the first place?
How far the Dems have fallen from Pelosi’s “appearance of impropriety” which she used to win flip seats a few years ago.
Now they’re the Emily Litella party, never mind, move along, there’s nothing to see here...TrumpSquirrel!
Yancey Ward said...
Trump is quite willing to release the phone call itself
Before or after his tax returns?
No, Dave, the Cheeto is afraid of the 2020 election. his desperation is palpable. All this stuff about the Ukraine is just icing on the cake
What kind of cake is it, Victoria? Does it have any substance or is it a fantasy cake - say rich dark chocolate with zero calories.
Maybe you can have a slice after you get off the bong.
ARM, he never said he would release the tax returns. That is a big difference.
Before or after his tax returns?
MadCow got hold of a leaked 1995 tax return. It was very disappointing,. Paid $25 million in taxes.
You creeps are just cats following laser pointers.
Didn't Biden's son also get caught with a crack pipe? I can't remember if that was before of after he bedded his brother's widow, and then dumped her.
Bring on the Impeachment...let's get it all out.
Was that federal taxes, state taxes or both?
That doesn’t include all the FICA and unemployment taxes he/his companies pay.
and unemployment tax and possibly a head tax....
Yeah, this is the Mueller investigation all over again. The Democrats are going to be hugely disappointed once again.
Again, just look at what isn't in the news stories from the anti-Trump media- leaked, documented evidence of the actual crimes of which he is accused. That is always a tell with organs like WaPo and the NYTimes- when the evidence supports the anti-Trump narrative, then you get to see the actual evidence as it leaks out; but when the evidence doesn't support the desired narrative, then it is all hearsay and seesay.
Just to make it clear- if Trump had actually said to Zelensky, "You reopen this investigation, and we will release the aid," then the transcript would have been leaked by someone in the administration for certain. Instead, what happened is that someone in the IC community decided to make up the narrative of a quid pro quo and leaked it as a whistleblower complaint. However, someone warned WaPo that the phone call didn't actually support that initial narrative, and so WaPo had to retract the quid pro quo claim late on Friday afternoon. This tells you everything you actually need to know.
Look, no one with an IQ above room temperature really believes Hunter Biden earned that $600K/year salary from Burisma for anything other than the fact that he was Joe Biden's son, and no one is going to believe Joe Biden didn't know about his son getting over half a million dollars a year from a Ukranian gas company. None of this passes the laugh test, and you have Joe Biden on video bragging about coercing the Ukranian government to fire a public prosecutor. Even Democrats aren't really stupid enough to really believe Biden's claims of innocence- the evidence is just too strong- they can ignore it, but to deny it will just damage your intellectual reputation.
I wonder if the dems will drag in a couple of 16 year olds to head up their "investigation".
YW: "Instead, what happened is that someone in the IC community decided to make up the narrative of a quid pro quo and leaked it as a whistleblower complaint. However, someone warned WaPo that the phone call didn't actually support that initial narrative, and so WaPo had to retract the quid pro quo claim late on Friday afternoon. This tells you everything you actually need to know."
Senator Moron (Hirono) actually tipped the dems hand on this by saying just this morning that it will be necessary for folks to "connect the dots" in order to make the dems case.
You know, like the Hoax dossier "dots" that needed to be connected.......
As for Romney, I ignore the man for the most part. The only reason he ran for Senator in 2018 was that he expected to be the Senator to "tip the scales" when Mueller recommended indicting/or indicted President Trump. When Mueller closed up shop and went home after exonerating Trump and his staff on collusion, Romney was left in an office he didn't really want. The Ukraine Hoax has revived Romney interest in being a Senator, but he has no real pull in the Senate Republican caucus.
Personally, I can't wait until the dems/left/LLR-left decides its time to accuse Trump of spying on domestic political opponents.
That's gonna be a blast.
Tyler Pager
Verified account @tylerpager
Just asked Biden about Trump’s latest comments on Ukraine. “Trump did a terrible thing,” he said. When I asked about Hunter’s comments that he spoke with his father about Ukraine once, Biden said: “Focus on the violation of the Constitution this president is engaged in.”
12:55 PM - 22 Sep 2019
(Biden and Hunter had an informal arrangement that predated Hunter’s work with Burisma and was designed to insulate Biden from questions about his son’s private dealings: Biden wouldn’t ask Hunter about his business activities, and Hunter wouldn’t tell his father about them.)
I don't care who you are, that shit is noble right there. Noble!
Maybe you can have a slice after you get off the bong.
I think sugar tits there will find that the cake was left out in the rain. Whether they have time to get the recipe again, who knows?
Senator Moron (Hirono) actually tipped the dems hand on this by saying just this morning that it will be necessary for folks to "connect the dots" in order to make the dems case.
You know, like the Hoax dossier "dots" that needed to be connected.......
...reports that Hirono recently spoke at a conference in Washington, D.C., where the moderator asked her how the Democrats could drive voter turnout and connect with them in a meaningful way. “I wish I had the answer to that because one of the things that we, Democrats, have a really hard time is connecting to people’s hearts instead of here,” Hirono said, pointing to her head.
Hirono continued this thought with even more liberal sign language. “We’re really good at shoving out all the information that touch people here [pointing to her head] but not here [pointing to her heart],” said Hirono. Explaining what she learned at a Democrat retreat, she continued, “We, Democrats, know so much — that is true — and we have to kind of tell everybody how smart we are. So, we have a tendency to be very left brain.”...
Why isn’t she connecting the dots for we rubes?
Us rubes.
The beauty of it is you can’t connect dots without implicating the Bidens in a graft scheme.
Every useless Republican Congressperson and Senator should be bringing up Biden's corruption! Don't make Trump do it alone!
I always laugh or smile when Trump says "China" First, hard CHI then really fast and clipped "na". Its like he wants to say "Chiner" (like JFK said "Cuber") and chops it off.
I noticed NPR and the MSM are now constantly talking about "The House did this" or the "The Intelligence Chairman said that" Whereas when the R's controlled Congress it was always "The Republican Majority did this" or The Republican head of the Intelligence Committee said that".
They ALWAYS made it clear the R's were in charge and "pouncing" on the D's. Now its CONGRESS.
As usual Jonah Goldberg, David French, Rod Dreher, and most of the Never-trumpers are making fools of themselves over this - just like they did over Trump-Russia and Mueller. Its obvious they aren't "Objective Moderates" but liberals who played Conservatives and have now taken off the mask.
@rcocean - I remember first noticing that way back in 1994 when the Gingrich Republicans got control of the House. Overnight the networks went from saying "Today, congress passed this bill or that one" to "Republicans in the House today did..." Like there had been a coup - which there had been in their minds.
Gunner said...
Every useless Republican Congressperson and Senator should be bringing up Biden's corruption! Don't make Trump do it alone!
This is the problem of Trump being alone in DC, In 1972, Nixon had his surrogates going after McGovern. Trump has no surrogates. Maybe he is so used to doing things himself, but it is not a good picture.
Just to make it clear- if Trump had actually said to Zelensky, "You reopen this investigation, and we will release the aid," then the transcript would have been leaked by someone in the administration for certain.
I just saw a bit on TV that Trump is going to release the transcript tomorrow. I do walk by it once in a while.
Big rainstorm in Tucson,. TV is good for that.
We desperately need some rain here in east Tennessee. It was very wet all last Winter through the middle of this August, but then all of a sudden no rain at all. Very reminiscent of the late Summer and entire Fall of 2016 when the wild fires ripped through the Smokies, and no rain expected through the first week of October, either- just hot and dry.
· 44m
I am currently at the United Nations representing our Country, but have authorized the release tomorrow of the complete, fully declassified and unredacted transcript of my phone conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine....
....You will see it was a very friendly and totally appropriate call. No pressure and, unlike Joe Biden and his son, NO quid pro quo! This is nothing more than a continuation of the Greatest and most Destructive Witch Hunt of all time!
2:12 PM - Sep 24, 2019
Told ya, ARM.
It looks like the Democrats might be going for impeachment hoping the Ukraine thing pans out.
Fox News is going left now with the firing of a commenter for saying that Greta nutcase is a "mentally ill Swedish girl."
This is NR firing Derbyshire all over again. Oh well. This is how you get more Trump.
Blogger Ken B said...Drudge is covered in red links today about this nothing burger. I almost never click a Drudge link anymore, and most days don’t look at him.
I’m getting a a grocery store checkout line vibe from Drudge lately. I used to wonder who bought those rags at grocery stores.
Well, Biden is up on his high horse spelling out impeachment proceedings. Better to look like a judge than a defendant...
...and so much for Liz as the chosen one.
If Pelosi goes for impeachment on this thin reed, it is more evidence that Ann is right about the Dims conceding the election.
Tomorrow the transcript comes out and she get 60 votes if she persists.
The Congressional Dems are walking into another trap.
Pelosi instinctively knows this, which leads me to believe that the Dem power brokers want Biden gone.
And, it looks like they're going for it.
This won't come back to bite the Democrats. Nah. It'll all be fine.
Biden said: “Focus on the violation of the Constitution this president is engaged in.”
"These are not the droids you are looking for” only works for Jedis, and did you notice that the mind tricks never worked on the ones with the elephant heads, you know, the Republicans.
So Biden's son gets some possibly (probably) dirty money, Biden threatens the Ukraine, asking them to knock off the investigation. They do. Then Trump says, "hey you should look into this Biden payoff thing." (possibly)
And the conclusion is: Impeach Trump!
Makes perfect sense.
Up the Dems. I have much more important krap tp deal with. Both local Ducati dealers in the greater Seattle area have closed abruptly and I now have nowhere locally to take my bike for service - and you have to take it to a Ducati dealer to have it connected to the 'Official Mothership Computer' to reset the service icon and check for ECU updates. Sigh.
As for the impeachment drama - well now the Dems can go die on that hill just like the Republicans did with Bill Clinton. It was stupid then and more stupid now.
But they will not be deterred. Maybe they can get Ms. Thunberg to scream at Congress about it.
Trump had bigger things in mind than going after the Biden Costa Nostra. That is because Biden has ALREADY impeached himself with his bragging about getting rid of the Ukrainian prosecutor who had opened a corruption case on the company that was indirectly paying Biden's son big bucks.
Trump has a long-standing tic about European countries who are members of NATO not spending the agreed-on percentage of money they were supposed to allocate to defense. Trump doesn't like free riders.
The same applies to contributions from European countries to help Ukraine defend itself from further Russian invasion of their country.
Trump's temporary sequestration of funds for Ukraine seems more consistent with rattling the cages of European free riders than digging up even more dirt on the Biden Costa Nostra.
They pretty much have to impeach him after all they have said. They don’t expect a trial in the Senate, so none of the crap about Biden will get aired.
I don’t agree with people who say that this was planned. No, these people are batshit crazy and single-mindedly obsessed. This is snowballing. I don’t think that Warren is a real threat to Trump once her unpopular positions are taken national. What she is right now is “not Trump” but her positions poll very poorly. I also don’t put it past Trump to point out that it was most likely an African American who got elbowed out of that job at Harvard.
“Which candidate are you more likely to vote for:
“A presidential candidate who stands for the green new deal on climate change, Medicare for all, free college tuition, opening our borders to many more immigrants and raising taxes to pay for these programs.”
Or …
“A presidential candidate who stands for lower taxes and reduced government regulations, strengthening our military, strengthening our border to reduce illegal immigrants, standing up more to China and Iran and seeking better trade deals for the US.”
You’d be hard-pressed to come up with a more concise description of what President Donald Trump and any of the leading Democratic candidates stand for.
The result: A stunning 61% say they’d vote for Trump’s agenda.
Warren has yet to go through the wringer that has Biden reeling, whether he admits it or not.
They're whipping up the biggest distraction they can possibly muster. That's all this is. They know damned good and well that they can't force him from office. This is about attempting to prevent casual observers (i.e., the majority of the public) from ever hearing about something that will be made public soon.
Sounds like Bolton is going to have an interesting memoir of his days as NSA.
Why is there a "Trump Derangement Syndrome" but no "Trump Parroting Syndrome?" It seems the latter is at least as big and real a problem.
Finding occasional insight and humor in things Trump says despite the brusque and jocular style represents more a sign of mammalian intelligence rather than a birdbrain, despite the fact that parrots are among the more intelligent birds.
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