While “Shrill” normalized a body-positive pool party for streaming audiences, the goal of the Fat Babes Club pool party was to change perceptions through social media. “Since social media is a huge thing, we can construct a counter-narrative outside the mainstream,” said 28-year-old co-founder Krystal Orr. “We’re able to create a community.”Here's the trailer for "Shrill" (with a "fat babes pool party" at 0:54):
Here's the Instagram announcement for the Fat Babes Club of Columbus pool party:
One more Instagram pic from the Columbus fat babes:
Go back and look at group pictures from the 80s and before this is an entirely new phenomena. This is not normal. It should not be treated as normal. And let's leave Ruben out of this. Those women were 20 lb overweight at most
Celebrating the unhealthy lifestyle, one premature death at a time.
No sale.
Obesity leads to a lifetime of serious health problems. Makes it virtually impossible to engage in a normal exercise regimen.
Kills your, and your partner's, libido.
I've shed 24 pounds in the past 3 months and I'm going to lose another 20. Not for aesthetic reasons. In my old age, my body is screaming at me that it can't handle the excess weight. Even before I started losing weight, I was trim and fit compared to all the hordes of fatties out there.
Poor circulation in the extremities, joint pain, lack of motivation to exercise, heart disease, diabetes... that's what obesity does to your body. The damage builds with age.
This is true for men and women. Keeping a fit and trim body is not a feminist issue. It's a sanity issue.
We have cigarette smokers, why don't we have a cigarette community?
Agree with all of the above. And they aren't "fat", they are obese. Ticking timebombs of type II diabetes and heart disease.
Since I'm so often grumpy on this board, let me mix it up and praise the prof!
She's very fit and trim and still attractive.
"Fat Babes Club of Columbus welcomed attendees with pool floaties and Lizzo tunes"
Why would they need pool floaties?
True story. The wife and I went to California adventure Park a couple years ago and there was a 1940's period theme for about half the patrons. Men in baggy suits and fedoras. The heavy girls wearing the 1940's dresses that showed the all the right curves were beautiful. These pool party girls would gain confidence and acceptance if they just wore more flattering clothes rather than, it seems, the opposite.
There's a reason 'morbid' is so often the modifier for 'obesity.'
Is it too late to get them hooked on cigarettes?
Michelle Obama's awareness campaign was a tremendous success.
If they're OK with hair dye, makeup, and jewelry, perhaps shaving the armpits shouldn't seem like that significant a concession to social convention.
Ticking time bombs don't develop as much high excitement as burning fuses.
’Is it too late to get them hooked on cigarettes?’
Ralph L kinda beat me to it, but I was gonna say ‘At least these chicks won’t be hooverin’ all your blow!!’
This makes me think of the old joke about a support group for people who hate their jobs. (It’s called “everybody.” We meet at a bar.). I mean, look around you -the community *is*overweight people. The skinny ones are the freaks.
We women apparently need to be fluffed and boosted constantly. The ads on tv alone are really headed that direction. I get an ad in my facebook feed for Billy, which is apparently a "hair-positive" shaving club, and the video shows copious hair on women being shaved and it's all very empowering. I like to think we women are quite capable of the good and the bad without always needing more girl power and more reinforcement that all of our traits are wonderful and appealing, and all of our choices are good.
Now, having said that....I get how good it would feel to go to a pool party where there isn't going to be any bathing suit judging going on. Bathing suits are quite revealing, and not all of us want to feel we are on display just because we want to take a dip in the pool. So I guess I kind of am 50/50 here. I like the idea of a very comfortable pool party, but I don't like that it all has to be so you go girl, you are perfect the way you are.
All bodies welcome? Somehow I don’t think that’s sincere. How would they respond if a bevy of tight-bodied babes showed up?
More realistically, there would be more than a few chicks there who aren’t all that fat but have a distorted view of themselves. And the really fat ones would be annoyed.
A lot of fat shaming and proselytizing going on here. And Shouting Thomas, just what is attractive in your mind? Isn't that sexist?
Empowerment anthem, Milwaukee style
Following this story with interest; can't wait until the transwomen show up.
I'm reading this in the bathroom right now and I to am making a big move ...
I started to say, "In twenty years, the rest of us will be paying for your diabetes, heart disease, etc. care" but then I thought, "In twenty years, maybe most everyone will be fat."
I just read their poster: ‘snacks provided’. 👊🏼
"Following this story with interest; can't wait until the transwomen show up."
I'm not sure why an obese transgender would cut off her cock: when you'r that fat you can't see it, anyway.
I am Laslo.
There's already a fat community. Its called the "How to lose weight community"
There's tonnes of it online. Lots of diet program community sharing ideas on how to lose weight
I note that 'Bake Me Happy' is a gluten-free bakery in Columbus. (Gluten free, so I've never gone). And their coffee drinks, I will suggest, are non-fat, non-dairy. But high in sugar. I've known so many people of that ilk. If only I cut x from my diet, the pounds would melt away. Nope.
I'd be fine with obesity if fat people paid for the consequences. As it is, their obesity just goes into the "community rating" for O care. I feel for the nurses and LPNs who will have to lift those lumps down the line.
No free ‘mustache rides’ for you!
Yes Sebastian. Another example of trim libs disproportionately providing resources to deplorable country corn-fed trim.
I tend towards obese. I have to work hard to keep my BMI in the "overweight" category. I have not been in the "normal" BMI range since I was a teenager and eating only Tab and tomatoes (and riding my bike 20 miles a day.) I understand the appeal of being with other bodies like your own, especially at a pool. But having said that, you have to be careful about enabling/encouraging each other to remain overweight or even to expand into higher categories of obesity in a community like that. Better if you are together trying to achieve a goal of overcoming your fault.
I would guess these ladies would welcome trans women.
For this, the biggest problem with male to female trans women is men don't have the same fat deposits women have. So they get to have those legs without cellulite and smaller bums. Their weight problems will be different than the Fat Chicks. Trans women who haven't grown up as women are going to feel different, I think, about their body in a bathing suit than women who have always been women, and possibly than women who have always been fat.
Well, normalizing pathology is a thing these days, no?
As is the belief that a campaign "to change perceptions" will make everything peachy. (Diabetes is a social construct, bigot!)
That said I understand that the problem of high levels of morbid obesity in modern societies is a tough one. In a state of food abundance and low requirements for physical activity, the tendency will be for people to get fat without conscious measures and discipline to prevent it. (Sorry, "body positive" people, but social shaming probably has its place in promoting that discipline.)
Some do-gooder idiots in my city are trying to float a bond for a "wellness center" (100% bullshit property-tax-raising vanity project; we have plenty of nice private gyms in town, some at least as affordable as this proposed public "wellness" boondoggle.) Part of their pitch is that its indoor pool, gym facilities, and public kitchen with cooking classes will "fight the obesity epidemic". No, they won't.
The armpit hair is a pithy — pitty — way to express body positivity. It's not so much armpit hair per se. It's what armpit hair represents: We're proud of what we are. Reminds me of hippies...
I got life, mother
I got laughs, sister
I got freedom, brother
I got good times, man
I got crazy ways, daughter
I got million-dollar charm, cousin
I got headaches and toothaches
And bad times too
Like you
I got my hair
I got my head
I got my brains
I got my ears
I got my eyes
I got my nose
I got my mouth
I got my teeth
I got my tongue
I got my chin
I got my neck...
As is the belief that a campaign "to change perceptions"
That's it, isn't it? All the talk about male privilege and white privilege have created a belief that white men have not a care in the world and never feel inadequate or judged, and if we just decided that everyone is beautiful and everyone is healthy and all life choices are equal and everything should be supported, then nobody would ever feel negative about themselves. And if you don't agree with that shut up bigot horrible MAGA racist.
Why would they need pool floaties?
Baby Ruth bars??
I came her to say what Lyssa said.
We have some large friends. Maintaining that weight requires Costco sized portions, and constant shoveling.
I went to the Iowa State Fair last week. At each entrance you can rent Rascal-type scooters. The place was filled with scooting lard-tubs. They were everywhere. I watched one guy struggle to get out of his scooter and sit on a bench, making it easier to shovel funnel cake into himself. Ugh.
I'm sure many regular people are streaming Shrill, just certain about it.
Maybee, I am overweight right now, despite running a marathon earlier this year and still running at least twenty miles a week. (I'm getting older and haven't quite figured out how much to eat with my new, slower metabolism). My opinion is that most of the problems with swimsuits for bigger ladies is the body positivity movement. Clothing manufacturers make their size 14 suits in the same cut as the size 6. Let's be real and add a lot more coverage for the bigger sizes. Of course, if they did that, some fat activists would accuse them of fat shaming. Yes, we should all be fat shamed into being a little more modest at the pool. It's more comfortable for everyone.
I have struggled with Type II for thirty years. It isn't fun with weight going up and down; with all the attendant problems.
Given that, I know this is not politically correct; but, merde putain, these ladies are FAT.
If they want a community, they should come to Washington, D.C. Any given day on the Mall, it looks like the National Convention of the Fat-Ass Society.
No one criticizes gay men for liking fit men. But men who like fit women are insulted.
Here is my idea for a Green New Deal: Don't be fat, because you are using up extra resources and contributing more than your fare share to greenhouse emissions. When you drive or fly, more fossil fuel is burned than would be the case if you were lighter.
And don't get me started on pets.
'Body positive', as a phrase, is annoying as hell.
This leads to demanding others to accept - nee, celebrate - who or what you are, and if you don't then they will then force society to condemn you; through law, if necessary.
All because you don't like the way you are, or find it 'difficult', and that's not fair.
I really wish I wouldn't have clicked through to their Instagram page while I was eating lunch.
Those women are all going to be dead or bed ridden in 10 years they keep up their eating habits.
All the talk about male privilege and white privilege have created a belief that white men have not a care in the world and never feel inadequate or judged, ...
I wonder if SJWs think most White males are born into some sort of British aristocracy where everything is just handed to them.
Of course, the downtrodden in our society have almost everything handed to them, deserving or not.
Once again, is the primary intellectual of the Left.
I feel for the nurses and LPNs who will have to lift those lumps down the line.
On his last ride to the hospital, the EMTs accidentally dumped my cancer-ridden 6'5", 400+ BIL onto his front lawn. He was too big for Hospice.
BTW, its great that fat chicks are getting together and bonding. Everyone should do that. BIrds of a feather.
BTW, some girls are just chunky. Even when they engage in athletics, they were still on the heavy side. And they can be healthy, even when "fat". There is no, "One size fits all".
The membrum virile is not swayed by propaganda.
Nature gets the last vote.
keeping your weight is easy. Losing weight is hard. and the older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight. I'm going on the "will only eat what my wife's cooks" diet. I should lose 10 lbs.
Consider how an extra 20 or 30 pounds might save your life one day. My wife was hospitalized with pneumonia a couple years ago and while in a medical coma for five days she was intubated and IVed but NOT FED. No consideration of nutrition at ALL until she was able to take in food on her own, which inevitably is the nearly nutrition-free Jello. If she hadn’t had an extra 20 pounds to drawn down for energy she could have easily been one of those many people who don’t recover from pneumonia because they’re too weak. Thank God she wasn’t skinny when she fell ill!
Did they have to refill the pool after the women got out of it?
Ken B: No one criticizes gay men for liking fit men. But men who like fit women are insulted.
Well, they try to insult you. But can unattractive people really "insult" people who aren't attracted to them?
It's not just straight men who get so "insulted". There are unattractive men out there who (try to) put down babes by writing endless internet diatribes about what shallow gold-digging sluts they all for always preferring attractive men. I don't think the babes feel the insult all that much.
I doubt there are *no* unattractive gay men inveighing against the indifference of the hot young men in their primes, but I imagine they don't get taken very seriously. Trannies, on the other hand, appear to have dived right into the deep end of that particular crazy pool. Apparently it's bigoted and discriminatory and a denial of their rights for people they want to have sex with to refuse to have sex with them.
"Dieting is hard."
I hate to be the bearer of bad news for those women in those pictures- the fat and young (20-35) become morbidly, morbidly obese by the time you are 50-60 years old. If they don't do something soon to overcome this present problem, it will become much, much worse and intractable in the future.
Funny how this movement only appears to involve women. Everyone must agree that all women are beautiful, or else. All men being handsome is absurd and irrelevant.
An extra 20 lbs might tip a person to diabetes or additional joint strain but isn’t a huge contributor to early mortality.
An extra 200 lbs will kill you.
While it’s easy to add an extra 20 lbs over a few years, you don’t just wake up and are morbidly obese. That takes deliberate action.
Fat N Tats.
There will be snacks!
(Get there early)
I misread "drinks and raffles" as "drinks and waffles".
"Hate the fat. Love the fatties."
Normalizing diabetes and heart disease. But who am I to judge.
This is just further proof we live in a simulation:
A woman named "Elizabeth Chinn" who is a founder of a club for fat women? The double n in Chinn, just reminds you she has (at least) two chins.
The programmer or designer leaves Easter eggs all over the place for us to notice.
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