’A troubling new survey released by The Babylon Bee confirmed Wednesday that too many people think Snopes is a real fact-checking website.
The survey found that over 60% of people believe Snopes is a real website, while only 25% understand that it's satire. The remaining minority thinks that Snopes is the name of a gangsta rapper from California, "one of those guys who makes the hip-hop about the devil's lettuce and shooting people."‘
Snopes should really just pack it in. They’ve been had.
-ex cell-mate of Epstein's? Desperately wants to move-- told to "shut up"? -well-known UK asset/"Mysterious Russian" Mifsud aka DiGabriele? He gave an audio deposition before going into hiding. -Prince Harry? Nah-- but more pics of him w/ V. Roberts, and he's been quote "shitting himself" lately. -Epstein's pilot? He testified flew Harry and Roberts together. -Virginia Roberts? Maxwell? Kellen? Marcinkova? -Dr.Robert Epstein? (unfortunate surname these days) On Cankle's shit-list cuz he testified Goolag manipulated "at least" 2.6 million votes for Hill
I'm still pondering that post from a few days ago featuring Dean Baquet's "town hall". One of the staffers made the statement:"I just feel like racism is in everything." Stunning. I would be concerned if this was said by a person of "color". I would be even more concerned if they are not. If the transcript is accurate, no one in the room challenged the assertion. Gotta love the free give and take of ideas!
Article about large numbers of fertility doctors who substituted their sperm for donor sperm. I can see that news as very upsetting to mothers and the industry, but I don't understand why that would be so upsetting to the children. They wouldn't be here otherwise.
I don't understand why that would be so upsetting to the children. They wouldn't be here otherwise.
This is an old story going back to artificial insemination in the 60s. The scandal at UCI was about frozen embryos that the donors did to want to pay for . The fertility docs, who were not American, decided to give frozen embryos to parents whose GIFT treatments had failed. A disgruntled lab tech ratted them out. A friend of mine, an OBGYN professor who had nothing to do with it, was accused and bankrupted. It was hysteria. It is now standard practice with permission by all parties.
... now this "John Roberts" on Epstein's flight manifest (2x)--
... could that be our fave SC judge? could he have been blackmailed this way?
Chief Justice Roberts is responsible for all 11 FISA court Judges, and gave us 0bozo-care http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=112212
Brennan and Clapper Accused of Hacking John Roberts To Blackmail Him https://bigleaguepolitics.com/brennan-and-clapper-accused-of-hacking-john-roberts-to- blackmail-him/
this is just a question, a john roberts is denying it, and we have no intention of committing suicide ;-)
If you have 20 minutes Go read "Thank you for firing My Ex-husband Kevin Williamson. A Letter to the editor of The Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg" by Penelope Gristelfink
Its insane. 1/3 through, I though this has to be satire! Its nuts. And then there's the Authors name. I mean who's called "Penelope Gristlefink?" LOL - I had to google to verify. No, its a real person. And the letter is real. I guess. If true, it means Kevin Willamson "Conservative" is more bizarre then we thought.
I will vote for Trump in November 2020. It won't matter, in that it won't help get him elected, because I live in MA, but he is who I support. I'm planning to tell everyone, especially all my super left family and friends. If and when they ask, with incredulity, why (WHY?!?!!) I shall answer simply: because I think he is the best choice.
Learned recently that I am a racist. I'm male, and white, and over the age of 40 (by quite a bit, actually) so even if I don't treat people differently because of their race or ethnicity, these features mean I am, at best, subconsciously biased and racist. Meh, ok, good to get that out of the way.
Here in MA we have a lot of Nowheresvilles though I'm not going to name them, that would be mean. NH has some too (see: Dixville Notch) and ME, sheesh, have you been to the county lately?
Who is the smart money on, the Twins or the Indians?
we toldja! 14 more months of Herr Pluggs shooting himself in the foot while it is still in his mouth will bury him. He's just the 'safe-looking' wrapper to the Lefty nutbar they really want in
There are nowheres and then there are everywhere USA's.
you've been probably been there. The sort of suburban-just off the Highway-shopping center-McDonald's-711-target-strip mall sorta place that could any American city anywhere. Those places are depressing as hell.
If we really wanted Greenland we could make a secret deal with some Africans, say 50,000, get them in boats and have them sail for Greenland intent on "Amnesty". They could say they are escaping poverty and 100 degree heat and want to chill out and have a coffee and a warm Danish. The Danes would let them land. Otherwise they're "Racist".
Of course, then they would demand to part of the USA. We get Greenland on the cheap. Blockbusting.
When Ghislaine Maxwell was spotted at the In and Out in LA she was reading "The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives"
She does a lot of Amazon reviews and left this one on August 15 about this book:
G. Maxwell
5.0 out of 5 starsA comforting read after a personal tragedy
August 15, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
A good friend of mine died recently under very tragic circumstances. Some of us saw it coming for quite a while but it was still a huge shock when it finally happened. I picked up this book at the advice of a friend and absolutely couldn't put it down. I'd read it walking the dog, getting fast food, or even just lounging around the house. It helped me realized that my friend really believed in something, and that giving your life for the CIA, NSA, FBI, Mossad, or other intelligence agency is truly a higher calling and not something to mourn. A wholehearted recommendation.
It does seem to be the real Ghislaine Maxwell. The photo at In and Out was not some random stranger either but her lawyer who is admitted in both the US and Britain.
I added the emphasis above. The book is about people who in died in service to the CIA. Her review makes it sound like her "close friend" who died "died recently" (5 days before) worked not only for CIA but also MOSSAD, NSA, FBI and intelligence agencies.
John C Dvorak, not normally given to conspiracy theories thinks that there is a hidden message in the photo being taken at an In and Out rather than a Burger King or Chik-Fil-A or some such. He thinks she is telling someone that she is "out" in the cold and wants to come "in". Saying "Help!!! Come get me!!!".
I knew one of the sons of one of those referred in that book, who was a colleague one of those company operatives who ended up a star on that wall in langley
Jill Biden: "Your candidate may be better on—I don't know, healthcare—than Joe is. But you've got to look at who's going to win... Maybe you have to swallow a little bit"
My son, has a medallion from the CIA, about the size of a saucer, encased in Lucite. It has his name on it thanking him for 25 years of faithful service.
Iceland and Greenland lead the news stories. Followed by disputes about: "Joe Biden: demented or what?" "Where is Nowheresville?" asks Althouse. It isn't a where, it's when, it's summer's end.
Ha ha: https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/aug/21/joe-walsh-trump-primary-challenge-expected-report/?fbclid=IwAR01zIox05-a7SsXuN8U75KVR_lHnUEDGsMKT4oHNOSwVfLkUjUPwCXnuPE
It won't matter, in that it won't help get him elected, because I live in MA
@stevew, like Scott Brown had no chance in 2010? Or Reagan couldn’t carry MA in 1984? Consider the possibility that you aren’t alone in thinking that the Democrats need a firm rebuke next year.
"It won't matter, in that it won't help get him elected, because I live in MA"
I think that's a logical fallacy. Of course, 1 vote in and of itself won't change an outcome. So, therefore your 1 vote in Mass won't matter. So, therefore nobody's 1 vote in Mass matters. Therefore, nobody's 1 vote matters in any state matters.
In 1980, a lotta liberals were nervous about Jimmy Carter, so they voted for John Anderson. Thank you very much! Each of those voters helped Reagan win a landslide.
My approach is think of the enemies of Liberty want (vote Hillary or stay home), and then do the opposite. (Vote Trump, not stay home).
So, if you live in Mass think about what Lizzie Warren wants you to do, and do opposite.
President Donald Trump claimed to laughter on Wednesday that he sought to give himself a Medal of Honor, but decided not to after being counseled against the move by aides.
The offhand remark from the president came during his address to the 75th annual national convention of American Veterans, a volunteer-led veterans service organization also known as AMVETS.
"That was a big day, Medal of Honor. Nothing like the Medal of Honor,” [Trump] continued. “I wanted one, but they told me I don't qualify, Woody. I said, 'Can I give it to myself anyway?' They said, 'I don't think that's a good idea.'”
The president’s assessment that he should receive the nation’s highest award for acts of military valor followed his statement earlier Wednesday afternoon that he is “the chosen one” in relation to his administration’s trade conflict with China — a proclamation he turned to the sky to deliver.
Trump never served in the military and was granted five draft deferments — four for college and one for bone spurs in his heel.
Finally got around to seeing Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Good movie, didn’t feel ripped off, lectured on my politics, or anybody else’s for matter, and as always with Quentin Tarantino, you often don’t know whether to look at the girl, or look at the car. He must have had every vintage car in Southern California working as “extras” for the freeway scenes.
Well tarantino wanted to make an homage to the period, and he didnt want his usual bloodletting to marr it, unlike that aquatius series scripted by yglesias father, it was very apolitical, that was the one with duchovny.
Interesting if events had turned out differently where would sharon tate have ended up in hollywood, would polanski have done chinatown in the same way?
[Spoiler spoiler spolier....] I assume that the movie ended right before they all got killed. The DeCaprio character sold out his longtime friend who had just saved his life and went to the party. I don’t think he was doing an alternate history too much.
Article about large numbers of fertility doctors who substituted their sperm for donor sperm. I can see that news as very upsetting to mothers and the industry, but I don't understand why that would be so upsetting to the children. They wouldn't be here otherwise.
Some donor conceived adults care very much about this, others couldn't care less. Questions which may help you to understand an experience you have not had: Do you like knowing who your father is? Did you care whether the baby you took home from the hospital was the one you gave birth to or would any one do?
To all those whistleblowers, sexual abuse victims, and anyone who had dirt on the Clinton/Deep State machine-- we salute you.
Though many of you had every reason to live, or be kept alive, you somehow managed to 'do the deed'. Despite under duress, you came thru in the clutch. Suicide isnt easy. Suicide isnt something you can do often or practice. Yet, when the challenge arose, you came thru like true professionals-- exhibiting skill that only comes from years of experience. No missed shots to the back of the head, no ropes breaking, and uncanny, prescient choices in lethal air travel. Many of you went out of your way to "make it look like an accident" so as to minimize the unwarranted suspicion of foul-play. We commend you also for your humility-- never being too proud to accept assistance when the task at hand proved prohibitively daunting or desired. Finally, we would be remiss not to mention your excellent sense of timing. Unbeknownst to you, each had the wisdom and foresight to pinpoint the crucial timeframe of your demise. Your example has inspired many to embrace one of Life's simple truths: "Silence Is Golden"
I think that liberals secretly like having their chains yanked. I can’t think of any other explanation. Some kind of humilation fetish like in Whose Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Naaah. That’s Never Trump Republicans mostly. Notice how the Burton character likes to be cuckolded? I just don’t get what liberals get out of their obsession with Trump. What is the reward that keeps them in this tight obsessive loop?
I think their reward is a bigotry based feeling of superiority to a huge number of people who exist mostly in their imagination, but that’s real enough to give them their endorphin rush!
I'm trying to find a case to cite where it was decided you don't have to petition the government to get your rights back, it's the other way around.
I'm not communicating the concept very well, but an example would be Red Light Cameras not allowing due process or the right to confront your accuser. Say you are braking your car on slushy ice at a red light. Car starts to slide. You realize you will likely skid into a telephone pole so you let off the breaks allowing your car to slowly roll through the red light. No other vehicles are at the intersection.
Red Light Camera tickets you. But an actual cop at the scene would have the judgement to realize you only ran through the light to avoid an accident.
Now, a judge might claim you could still come down to the courthouse and ask for leniency, but you are still having to take the day off from work, losing money, to fight the ticket and hope the court is merciful
(Aside - Most people decide to avoid the hassle and pay the fine. What they are actually doing is paying the Rule of Law to go away, like one would do with a whore. That's not the way it's supposed to work)
Anyway, I'n trying to think of a case to cite where it's ruled that the burden is not on me to assert my rights AFTER they have been violated.
Look what’s buried in the DrudgeReport big red link on the cut in job growth numbers:
“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,”
I don’t see the problem, but I get the feeling that Drudge is negative on Trump, or he finds that the anti-Trump headlines drives up his traffic, I don’t know. In any rate, though the story does it’s best to bash Trump and wishcast a recession, the above line sort of immolates that tack.
Having seen way too much law and order and csi eposodes, where they rarely referred to the hyoid bone break, then there are incidents like roberto calvi on the black friars bridge onvioudly that wasnt an accident.
Steve: "Learned recently that I am a racist. I'm male, and white, and over the age of 40 (by quite a bit, actually) so even if I don't treat people differently because of their race or ethnicity, these features mean I am, at best, subconsciously biased and racist. Meh, ok, good to get that out of the way."
(group): Hi Steve!
(Grand Beagle): That was very brave of you Steve. Please consider attending our Althouse White Liberation Front potluck at the Beth Emeth Synagogue every 3rd Thursday night.
Now... would anyone like to sponsor Steve? ...Good.. good... okay Tinesha, that would be lovely. Introduce yourself after the meeting.
Moving on to our first order of business. A vote on whether to accept white linen donated by the NAACP for our robes and hoods. All in favor? ...
He died in a fire at his estate in thr south of framce, supposedly atarted by his green beret nurse, but his security detail had been pulled that night, and this was right after he sold j His shares to hsbc.
Interesting over the last several days. Dan Bongino publicized a definition of Antifa as “anti first amendment”, which makes a lot of sense - much more sense than “anti fascist” because they are, of course, fascist thugs. Kelly Ann Conway picked it up and used it from the White House maybe Monday, and the Dems melted down. They all, in lockstep explained that Antifa couldn’t mean anti First Amendment because reasons. Which he suggested was akin to asking a guy if he is still beating his wife. Because discussing why Antifa doesn’t mean anti First Amendment, esp when that seems to be one of their prime purposes, gets people talking about their anti First Amendment actions in trying to eliminate speech that they don’t like. They all overreacted, and if Conway knows, then so does Trump, Rush, Hannity, etc. so expect that this narrative will continue to make headway. Should be interesting.
Anyone else notice how the same person that claimed it is absolutely impossible for him to have any sockpuppets on this site ('cause Meade can see the IP Addresses and he'd surely say something about that) is now claiming that others are using different names?
No surprise that he describes himself as a "psychopath" - 'cause that type of thinking takes a special kind of crazy...
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It worked. I'm motivated to get myself another beer.
The Babylon Bee won the Internet today:
’A troubling new survey released by The Babylon Bee confirmed Wednesday that too many people think Snopes is a real fact-checking website.
The survey found that over 60% of people believe Snopes is a real website, while only 25% understand that it's satire. The remaining minority thinks that Snopes is the name of a gangsta rapper from California, "one of those guys who makes the hip-hop about the devil's lettuce and shooting people."‘
Snopes should really just pack it in. They’ve been had.
fredo being smart again:
Motivational Post
A guy in Ottawa had a sign in his front yard saying "English Sign".
Yeah, Snopes Dogge, he killed a guy. Or he killed a website, whatever.
As I was motivating over the hill,
I saw Maybelline in a Coup DeVille.
Burma Shave?
I need no motivational sign today. After all, it’s Wine Wednesday!
the dead pool
Soooo.... who's next to have suicide committed?
-ex cell-mate of Epstein's? Desperately wants to move-- told to "shut up"?
-well-known UK asset/"Mysterious Russian" Mifsud aka DiGabriele? He gave
an audio deposition before going into hiding.
-Prince Harry? Nah-- but more pics of him w/ V. Roberts, and he's been
quote "shitting himself" lately.
-Epstein's pilot? He testified flew Harry and Roberts together.
-Virginia Roberts? Maxwell? Kellen? Marcinkova?
-Dr.Robert Epstein? (unfortunate surname these days) On Cankle's shit-list
cuz he testified Goolag manipulated "at least" 2.6 million votes for Hill
surely we missed a few promising candidates
I'm still pondering that post from a few days ago featuring Dean Baquet's "town hall".
One of the staffers made the statement:"I just feel like racism is in everything."
I would be concerned if this was said by a person of "color".
I would be even more concerned if they are not.
If the transcript is accurate, no one in the room challenged the assertion. Gotta love the free give and take of ideas!
The B. Bee satirically gave Snopes a gut punch. But don't worry. Snopes will never give in. SJW's always double down.
Iceland has cancelled the VP and second ladies visit. The Iceland PM said she didn't give twopence.
Ah wonderful, sarc:
Europe is poised to see if BREXIT works. It's November 2016 all over again.
The journal seems intent on missing the point re salvini.
Article about large numbers of fertility doctors who substituted their sperm for donor sperm. I can see that news as very upsetting to mothers and the industry, but I don't understand why that would be so upsetting to the children. They wouldn't be here otherwise.
I don't understand why that would be so upsetting to the children. They wouldn't be here otherwise.
This is an old story going back to artificial insemination in the 60s. The scandal at UCI was about frozen embryos that the donors did to want to pay for . The fertility docs, who were not American, decided to give frozen embryos to parents whose GIFT treatments had failed. A disgruntled lab tech ratted them out. A friend of mine, an OBGYN professor who had nothing to do with it, was accused and bankrupted. It was hysteria. It is now standard practice with permission by all parties.
Oh really:
A sign reading "POLITICS" would be nice at election time.
... now this "John Roberts" on Epstein's flight manifest (2x)--
... could that be our fave SC judge?
could he have been blackmailed this way?
Chief Justice Roberts is responsible for all 11 FISA court Judges, and gave
us 0bozo-care
Brennan and Clapper Accused of Hacking John Roberts To Blackmail Him
this is just a question,
a john roberts is denying it,
and we have no intention of committing suicide ;-)
have a nice day!
Well now:
Has this been posted already? Major supporter of Hillary slams her pretty good for lying about his work.
"Author of Report on Google Search Manipulation Corrects Hillary Clinton After Her False Tweet Slamming the President"
Is there something wrong with this Washington Post headline, or is it me?
Republicans have become their caricature of Barack Obama
Republicans must admit Obama was right, or concede that Trump is wrong.
1 day ago
I saw Maybelline in a Coup DeVille.
The tramp was driving fast to take over the TV station in the coupe d'tatt.
Speaking of Satire.
If you have 20 minutes Go read "Thank you for firing My Ex-husband Kevin Williamson. A Letter to the editor of The Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg" by Penelope Gristelfink
Its insane. 1/3 through, I though this has to be satire! Its nuts. And then there's the Authors name. I mean who's called "Penelope Gristlefink?" LOL - I had to google to verify. No, its a real person. And the letter is real. I guess. If true, it means Kevin Willamson "Conservative" is more bizarre then we thought.
I will vote for Trump in November 2020. It won't matter, in that it won't help get him elected, because I live in MA, but he is who I support. I'm planning to tell everyone, especially all my super left family and friends. If and when they ask, with incredulity, why (WHY?!?!!) I shall answer simply: because I think he is the best choice.
Learned recently that I am a racist. I'm male, and white, and over the age of 40 (by quite a bit, actually) so even if I don't treat people differently because of their race or ethnicity, these features mean I am, at best, subconsciously biased and racist. Meh, ok, good to get that out of the way.
Here in MA we have a lot of Nowheresvilles though I'm not going to name them, that would be mean. NH has some too (see: Dixville Notch) and ME, sheesh, have you been to the county lately?
Who is the smart money on, the Twins or the Indians?
we got him on our suicide list above
narciso link'd
Biden's "Brian Sergeon"-- call yo' office!
Gaffe Master Biden Strikes Again! Has No Clue What Decade MLK Was Assassinated
Here’s a guy you can trust with the nuclear codes…
Greenland joins the EU for protection.
we toldja!
14 more months of Herr Pluggs shooting himself in the foot
while it is still in his mouth
will bury him.
He's just the 'safe-looking' wrapper to the Lefty nutbar they really want in
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
we got him on our suicide list above
Yeah, the guy already put out a proactive tweet saying he has no intention of commiting suicide.
Yeah, the guy already put out a proactive tweet saying he has no intention of committing suicide.
that's becoming pro forma these days.
There are nowheres and then there are everywhere USA's.
you've been probably been there. The sort of suburban-just off the Highway-shopping center-McDonald's-711-target-strip mall sorta place that could any American city anywhere. Those places are depressing as hell.
If we really wanted Greenland we could make a secret deal with some Africans, say 50,000, get them in boats and have them sail for Greenland intent on "Amnesty". They could say they are escaping poverty and 100 degree heat and want to chill out and have a coffee and a warm Danish. The Danes would let them land. Otherwise they're "Racist".
Of course, then they would demand to part of the USA. We get Greenland on the cheap. Blockbusting.
Greenland w/rampant child abuse per Japan Times.
comes with the high unemployment, alcohol abuse, long winter, SAD
I always thought Williamson was a punk, but after reading that rant from his ex I realize it was a charitable assessment.
The name is real, but its hard she has any connection to williamson besides having lived in west texas.
He bought the full storny story didnt he?
When Ghislaine Maxwell was spotted at the In and Out in LA she was reading "The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives"
She does a lot of Amazon reviews and left this one on August 15 about this book:
G. Maxwell
5.0 out of 5 starsA comforting read after a personal tragedy
August 15, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
A good friend of mine died recently under very tragic circumstances. Some of us saw it coming for quite a while but it was still a huge shock when it finally happened. I picked up this book at the advice of a friend and absolutely couldn't put it down. I'd read it walking the dog, getting fast food, or even just lounging around the house. It helped me realized that my friend really believed in something, and that giving your life for the CIA, NSA, FBI, Mossad, or other intelligence agency is truly a higher calling and not something to mourn. A wholehearted recommendation.
It does seem to be the real Ghislaine Maxwell. The photo at In and Out was not some random stranger either but her lawyer who is admitted in both the US and Britain.
I added the emphasis above. The book is about people who in died in service to the CIA. Her review makes it sound like her "close friend" who died "died recently" (5 days before) worked not only for CIA but also MOSSAD, NSA, FBI and intelligence agencies.
John C Dvorak, not normally given to conspiracy theories thinks that there is a hidden message in the photo being taken at an In and Out rather than a Burger King or Chik-Fil-A or some such. He thinks she is telling someone that she is "out" in the cold and wants to come "in". Saying "Help!!! Come get me!!!".
Curiouser and curiouser
John Henry
I knew one of the sons of one of those referred in that book, who was a colleague one of those company operatives who ended up a star on that wall in langley
she should have been reading up on daddy
Robert Maxwell, Israel's Superspy
Life and Murder of a Media Mogul
by Thomas & Dillon
she staged the cautionary exposure
Gordon thomas is a crazy character:
Season 3, The French Drop (2004)
"The arts of ungentlemenly warfare, that's what we teach here, morse, demolition, resistance to interogation, silent killings."
State Fellatrix Urges Voters To Swallow
Jill Biden: "Your candidate may be better on—I don't know, healthcare—than Joe is. But you've got to look at who's going to win... Maybe you have to swallow a little bit"
I have an original CIA poster, 8X10, that has a sort of pathetic looking silohuette in a fetal position on it and says, in big block letters:
(Headline) LONESOME?
(Sub-head) Like excitement?
Want to be noticed?
Like to meet people?
(Tagline in smaller type) LEAVE YOUR SAFE OPEN TONIGHT
Authentic CIA art, came directly from the original Langly building in the mid-60s.
I believe it has a CIA form number on it but it is covered by a matt and I can't read it.
John Henry
I linked it earlier in the thread, theres also kind of a contextual piece in medium.
My son, has a medallion from the CIA, about the size of a saucer, encased in Lucite. It has his name on it thanking him for 25 years of faithful service.
And you all thought Enoch Root was old.
John Henry
Hed have to be like steve rogers age about a hundred.
Iceland and Greenland lead the news stories. Followed by disputes about: "Joe Biden: demented or what?" "Where is Nowheresville?" asks Althouse. It isn't a where, it's when, it's summer's end.
Inslee is out. Ensuring the next Democratic debates won't be nearly as lively.
Atlanta college students fear for safety day after 4 shot
was the shooter non-white? will that complicate the story?
Gabbard hasnt qualified-- cuz she wrek'd Kammy???
Ha ha:
... did Epstein's sex slaves really call him "Micro-Soft" ??
Bill Gates Denies Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein Despite Flight Records
I just read that piece by Penelope Gristelfink. Holy smokes.
Prodigal Son Kicked Back Out After Old Tweets Surface
"Gabbard hasnt qualified-- cuz she wrek'd Kammy???"
Sheeeyitttt. Tulsi already wrecked Kammy,if you believe the CNN polls:
California Sen. Kamala Harris plummeted 12 points in CNN’s latest poll for 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.
Joe Walsh is a pretty fine guitar slinger, but I don’t see him doing much damage to Trump in the primary.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
... did Epstein's sex slaves really call him "Micro-Soft" ??
Or Soft Egg?
"Sir, is it true you have an egg shaped penis?"
It won't matter, in that it won't help get him elected, because I live in MA
@stevew, like Scott Brown had no chance in 2010? Or Reagan couldn’t carry MA in 1984? Consider the possibility that you aren’t alone in thinking that the Democrats need a firm rebuke next year.
Poll suggestion:
“Will Assange's suicide be as surprising as Epstein's?”
"It won't matter, in that it won't help get him elected, because I live in MA"
I think that's a logical fallacy. Of course, 1 vote in and of itself won't change an outcome. So, therefore your 1 vote in Mass won't matter. So, therefore nobody's 1 vote in Mass matters. Therefore, nobody's 1 vote matters in any state matters.
In 1980, a lotta liberals were nervous about Jimmy Carter, so they voted for John Anderson. Thank you very much! Each of those voters helped Reagan win a landslide.
My approach is think of the enemies of Liberty want (vote Hillary or stay home), and then do the opposite. (Vote Trump, not stay home).
So, if you live in Mass think about what Lizzie Warren wants you to do, and do opposite.
Bikini Kill "Rebel Girl"
Found that at Every noise at once which is an awesome site.
Latest Trump Outrage at Politico: Trump says he wanted to give himself Medal of Honor
President Donald Trump claimed to laughter on Wednesday that he sought to give himself a Medal of Honor, but decided not to after being counseled against the move by aides.
The offhand remark from the president came during his address to the 75th annual national convention of American Veterans, a volunteer-led veterans service organization also known as AMVETS.
"That was a big day, Medal of Honor. Nothing like the Medal of Honor,” [Trump] continued. “I wanted one, but they told me I don't qualify, Woody. I said, 'Can I give it to myself anyway?' They said, 'I don't think that's a good idea.'”
The president’s assessment that he should receive the nation’s highest award for acts of military valor followed his statement earlier Wednesday afternoon that he is “the chosen one” in relation to his administration’s trade conflict with China — a proclamation he turned to the sky to deliver.
Trump never served in the military and was granted five draft deferments — four for college and one for bone spurs in his heel.
Well, then! I guess that writer told him, huh?
Finally got around to seeing Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Good movie, didn’t feel ripped off, lectured on my politics, or anybody else’s for matter, and as always with Quentin Tarantino, you often don’t know whether to look at the girl, or look at the car. He must have had every vintage car in Southern California working as “extras” for the freeway scenes.
Rudebwoy Face "Big Love"
Joe Walsh is a pretty fine guitar slinger, but I don’t see him doing much damage to Trump in the primary.
I dunno, life's been good to him so far!
Well tarantino wanted to make an homage to the period, and he didnt want his usual bloodletting to marr it, unlike that aquatius series scripted by yglesias father, it was very apolitical, that was the one with duchovny.
Interesting if events had turned out differently where would sharon tate have ended up in hollywood, would polanski have done chinatown in the same way?
[Spoiler spoiler spolier....] I assume that the movie ended right before they all got killed. The DeCaprio character sold out his longtime friend who had just saved his life and went to the party. I don’t think he was doing an alternate history too much.
Article about large numbers of fertility doctors who substituted their sperm for donor sperm. I can see that news as very upsetting to mothers and the industry, but I don't understand why that would be so upsetting to the children. They wouldn't be here otherwise.
Some donor conceived adults care very much about this, others couldn't care less. Questions which may help you to understand an experience you have not had: Do you like knowing who your father is? Did you care whether the baby you took home from the hospital was the one you gave birth to or would any one do?
A shout out to the suicidees, past and future:
To all those whistleblowers, sexual abuse victims, and anyone who had dirt on the Clinton/Deep State machine-- we salute you.
Though many of you had every reason to live, or be kept alive, you somehow managed to 'do the deed'. Despite under duress, you came thru in the clutch.
Suicide isnt easy. Suicide isnt something you can do often or practice. Yet, when the challenge arose, you came thru like true professionals-- exhibiting skill that only comes from years of experience.
No missed shots to the back of the head, no ropes breaking, and uncanny, prescient choices in lethal air travel. Many of you went out of your way to "make it look like an accident" so as to minimize the unwarranted suspicion of foul-play.
We commend you also for your humility-- never being too proud to accept assistance when the task at hand proved prohibitively daunting or desired.
Finally, we would be remiss not to mention your excellent sense of timing. Unbeknownst to you, each had the wisdom and foresight to pinpoint the crucial timeframe of your demise.
Your example has inspired many to embrace one of Life's simple truths:
"Silence Is Golden"
I think that liberals secretly like having their chains yanked. I can’t think of any other explanation. Some kind of humilation fetish like in Whose Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Naaah. That’s Never Trump Republicans mostly. Notice how the Burton character likes to be cuckolded? I just don’t get what liberals get out of their obsession with Trump. What is the reward that keeps them in this tight obsessive loop?
I think their reward is a bigotry based feeling of superiority to a huge number of people who exist mostly in their imagination, but that’s real enough to give them their endorphin rush!
So...Legal Beagles...
I'm trying to find a case to cite where it was decided you don't have to petition the government to get your rights back, it's the other way around.
I'm not communicating the concept very well, but an example would be Red Light Cameras not allowing due process or the right to confront your accuser. Say you are braking your car on slushy ice at a red light. Car starts to slide. You realize you will likely skid into a telephone pole so you let off the breaks allowing your car to slowly roll through the red light. No other vehicles are at the intersection.
Red Light Camera tickets you. But an actual cop at the scene would have the judgement to realize you only ran through the light to avoid an accident.
Now, a judge might claim you could still come down to the courthouse and ask for leniency, but you are still having to take the day off from work, losing money, to fight the ticket and hope the court is merciful
(Aside - Most people decide to avoid the hassle and pay the fine. What they are actually doing is paying the Rule of Law to go away, like one would do with a whore. That's not the way it's supposed to work)
Anyway, I'n trying to think of a case to cite where it's ruled that the burden is not on me to assert my rights AFTER they have been violated.
Look what’s buried in the DrudgeReport big red link on the cut in job growth numbers:
“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,”
I don’t see the problem, but I get the feeling that Drudge is negative on Trump, or he finds that the anti-Trump headlines drives up his traffic, I don’t know. In any rate, though the story does it’s best to bash Trump and wishcast a recession, the above line sort of immolates that tack.
Having seen way too much law and order and csi eposodes, where they rarely referred to the hyoid bone break, then there are incidents like roberto calvi on the black friars bridge onvioudly that wasnt an accident.
"Yeah, the guy already put out a proactive tweet saying he has no intention of commiting suicide"
Sounds like a cry for help from a depressed individual. At least that is how it will be described when he is found hanged.
Then there was the odd incident witb edmund safra, the ceo of republic bank and bill browders protege.
Steve: "Learned recently that I am a racist. I'm male, and white, and over the age of 40 (by quite a bit, actually) so even if I don't treat people differently because of their race or ethnicity, these features mean I am, at best, subconsciously biased and racist. Meh, ok, good to get that out of the way."
(group): Hi Steve!
(Grand Beagle): That was very brave of you Steve. Please consider attending our Althouse White Liberation Front potluck at the Beth Emeth Synagogue every 3rd Thursday night.
Now... would anyone like to sponsor Steve? ...Good.. good... okay Tinesha, that would be lovely. Introduce yourself after the meeting.
Moving on to our first order of business. A vote on whether to accept white linen donated by the NAACP for our robes and hoods. All in favor? ...
He died in a fire at his estate in thr south of framce, supposedly atarted by his green beret nurse, but his security detail had been pulled that night, and this was right after he sold j
His shares to hsbc.
Well, then! I guess that writer told him, huh?\
Geez, these people are mentally ill or something.
"Trump claims it rained cats and dogs. We asked NOAA to factcheck"
Lena Dunham practically plays herself in Once.
Watched the first two episodes of Euphoria tonight. What a bleak series, but mesmerizing.
Was that while James Comey was on the board of hsbc?
Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
John Henry
No that back in 1999, just like they carved arthur anderson a few years later, like they bought the hang seng (dramatized in noble j
House) in 1965
Blogger Grand Beagle Fen said...
So...Legal Beagles
Anyway, I'n trying to think of a case to cite where it's ruled that the burden is not on me to assert my rights AFTER they have been violated.
Too late or too early.
You may want to time travel and depose Founders about what basis they accepted Slave States into Union.
It’s 3 AM. Do you know where your bevy is?
There is no way that piece by Penelope Gristelfink is not mostly fiction.
Interesting over the last several days. Dan Bongino publicized a definition of Antifa as “anti first amendment”, which makes a lot of sense - much more sense than “anti fascist” because they are, of course, fascist thugs. Kelly Ann Conway picked it up and used it from the White House maybe Monday, and the Dems melted down. They all, in lockstep explained that Antifa couldn’t mean anti First Amendment because reasons. Which he suggested was akin to asking a guy if he is still beating his wife. Because discussing why Antifa doesn’t mean anti First Amendment, esp when that seems to be one of their prime purposes, gets people talking about their anti First Amendment actions in trying to eliminate speech that they don’t like. They all overreacted, and if Conway knows, then so does Trump, Rush, Hannity, etc. so expect that this narrative will continue to make headway. Should be interesting.
But don't worry. Snopes will never give in.
They'll have the Southern Poverty Law Center declare Babylon Bee a Hate Group.
You people give quite a compelling testimony that libs are relentless at competing to win in the free market of ideas.
’You people give quite a compelling testimony that libs are relentless at competing to win in the free market of ideas.’
Who says progs don’t have a sense of humor!! Nice one, Howie! :)
Anyone else notice how the same person that claimed it is absolutely impossible for him to have any sockpuppets on this site ('cause Meade can see the IP Addresses and he'd surely say something about that) is now claiming that others are using different names?
No surprise that he describes himself as a "psychopath" - 'cause that type of thinking takes a special kind of crazy...
I get the feeling that Drudge is negative on Trump,
Drudge has gone the way of Little Green Footballs lately. Maybe you are right about traffic. That could explain it.
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