"... an announcement that comes on the same day that a Portland newspaper published a story revealing that Ngo witnessed a far-right group planning violence but never reported it. Ngo, a photographer who was until recently a sub-editor at Quillette, became a celebrity on Fox News and other pro-Trump media outlets after he was attacked by left-wing demonstrators at a Portland political rally in June. Ngo then became prominent as an opponent of political violence, with most of his criticism aimed at the left."
The Daily Beast reports.
OK - not reporting something that didn't happen is now a crime?
I like how leftwing protestors are scrubbed an cleaned of their "Antifa" fascism.
So one outlet has standards? That does surprise me.
Hey hey ho ho
Andy Ngo has got to go
"a celebrity" OK.
Prodigal son ejected again after controversial tweets come to light. - don't remember where I saw it.
What?! Right wing groups planning violence. Unpossible! I know from reading this blog that only lefties are violent.
I'd like to do controversial tweets but twitter banned my new account about ten seconds after my first post. True story.
I think it's actually about not giving a cell phone number.
OK - not reporting something that didn't happen is now a crime?
You don't have to commit a crime to get fired. Remember employment at will?
The poster of the video is a self-acknowledged antifa member. Has anyone independently verified that what he alleges is true?
Adolph Guggenbuhl-Craig "The Blessings of Violence" in _From the Wrong Side_
now on Kindle I see.
"After his livestream ends, Ben’s video can only be viewed by his Facebook friends. Ben says he sometimes sends his films to anti-fascist groups, like Rose City Antifa, who use them to identify local members of the far-right."
There's a heap of allegation and not much proof. So - we shall see.
Certainly = We shouldn't trust our lying eyes when we see masked leftwing Antifa "protestors" committing violence.
NB: Antifa is 100% Soros paid white boys wearing masks like the Klan Kluxers did while attacking anyone in public who does not show them proper fear. The Georgia Legislature got so ashamed and fed up with such nonsense that it made wearing masks in public a Crime. Now if the rest of the Liberal Satrapys will catch up the problem will go away. They are 70 years behind.
Did the portland mercury cover the assault on ngo in the first place?
There is clear footage of
Andy Ngo being assaulted. But - the masked leftists are anti-fascist, so they are allowed.
Quillette is not conservative unless that means taking leftist dogma as obviously true. Which it kind of does, to many I suppose.
But, but, but...Antifa!
*not taking
They follow the cominterns policy:
As i suspected, they are the abetters of black bloc,
"revealing that Ngo witnessed a far-right group planning violence but never reported it"
Reported it or reported on it?
In either case, he's statutorily required to do such reporting?
The beast is what you find under someones shoe.
When you're fighting people with no principles, your principles will ensure you lose
Ngo had to be fired because he embarrasses lazy liberal journalists.
Masses of masked leftwing ANTIFA will be swept into the collective memory hole.
Unless he actually said there was no atmosphere of violence on the right, this was a pretext. And if he did say that, then he wasn't fired for not reporting a detail, he was fired for lying.
How do masked leftwing ANTIFA feel after their royalty deny their existence?
Hopefully the 15 evil rightwingers can be held up as an example by the leftwing media as reason not to fight back the mask-wearing leftist Antifa fascists.
far-right...violent...provocateurs...far-right...left-of-center...anti-fascist...far-right...alt-right agitators.
I notice a pattern.
The black clad thugs, the leftie reporters, the Portland police, the local Portland politicians, they have no idea how creepy they look to the rest of the country, do they? It doesn't seem like outside of the bubble anyone is as interested in the political score settling as much as avoiding the heebie-jeebies.
Lemme get this straight: Ngo's non-reporting of righty violence that did not happen is worse than MSM non-reporting of antifa violence that did happen.
Dayton Shooter's re-tweet:
"bitch what the fuck is philanthropy?? just distribute your wealth before we kill you."
Are mainstream media outlets in trouble because they don't take leftwing extremism seriously? They sweep it under the rug when it occurs and 10 people are dead.
The Dayton Shooting and Left-Wing Extremism
That went down the memory hole, didnt it?
I don't want to hear a goddamned thing about it. Media ethics apparently only work against the Right, huh?
Mike Wallace: Journalist First, American Second
In a future war involving U.S. soldiers what would a TV reporter do if he learned the enemy troops with which he was traveling were about to launch a surprise attack on an American unit? That's just the question Harvard University professor Charles Ogletree Jr, as moderator of PBS' Ethics in America series, posed to ABC anchor Peter Jennings and 60 Minutes correspondent Mike Wallace. Both agreed getting ambush footage for the evening news would come before warning the U.S. troops.
Almost makes me nostalgic for the Fred Friendly/Charles Ogletree seminar shows...flawed as they were they at least featured people discussing actual ideas.
Anyway fuck the Media, fuck their double standards, and fuck their fake outrage bullshit.
Assuming what the author wrote is accurate ( I don't ), when he found out that the group he was with was planning violence, instead of calling the police so that they could prevent the violence, he called antifa, so that they too could plan for violence.
Hard to interpret that as anything other than he wanted there to be violence.
And thats the way they behaved in afghanistan amd soecially in iraq, brian bennett, sami yousafsai, michael ware, bobby ghosh
Assuming what the author wrote is accurate ( I don't ), when he found out that the group he was with was planning violence, instead of calling the police so that they could prevent the violence, he called antifa, so that they too could plan for violence.
It sounded to me more like the "right wing" group was headed to confront the Antifa fascists and they had preparations for combat and self-defense. Did the Antifa fascists have preparations for combat?
Why is one wrong and one right?
Because, crimethink, why do you think urban paramilitaries arose in latin america?
Left-wing reporter at liberal Daily Beast writes story about right-wing photographer at conservative Quillette. .
For short term media notoriety, this guy "Ben" is messing-up the leftist street thug playbook.
LLemme get this straight: Ngo's non-reporting of righty violence that did not happen is worse than MSM non-reporting of antifa violence that did happen.
Somebody tell the Field Marshall before he makes a bigger fool of himself.
narciso: "Because, crimethink, why do you think urban paramilitaries arose in latin america?"
I can easily foresee paramilitaries rising to combat the open lawlessness of the left in leftwing bastions even when knowing the lefty authorities in those communities are openly protecting the antifa foot soldiers and will use the power of the local police to go after anyone who opposes antifa.
This is going to be a federal problem soon enough when the lefty political cleansing reaches critical mass.
Quillette, which I look at every day, and often read, is founded by an Australian and reports all sorts of stories. It is not Conservative, other than the fact that reality is conservative, especially these days.
Yes they were composed of military and law enforcement who sought to preempt leftist militancy as they saw in the cuban and nicaraguan examples
Good news for economic justice:
The Obama's are donating their money in exchange for a mansion.
The Daily Beast reports ... that an anonymous guy has a video which he will show pretty soon, but now right now.
Michael K: "Somebody tell the Field Marshall before he makes a bigger fool of himself."
Too late!!
So we have a bunch of freaks ruining a great American city and now we're blaming ...checks notes... Andy Ngo?
Thats about the size of it, i was thinking rhat scene in returm if the jefi where the a wing crashed into the bridge of the star destroyer.
Charlie: "So we have a bunch of freaks ruining a great American city and now we're blaming ...checks notes... Andy Ngo?"
Kulaks and wreckers and counter-revolutionaries must always be rooted out since they are clearly the ones making lefty/LLR-lefty People's Paradise utopias impossible to create and maintain.
Can the NYT and WaPo fire all of the reporters who failed to investigate and report on the biggest scandal in American history, viz, the FBI's point shaving of the Hillary Clinton email crimes?
Oh, Andy. Make them fire you, you deluded fool! Honestly, if you haven't read SJWs Always Lie by Vox Day, and followed his very useful advice on how to resist SJW attacks, you deserve to be impoverished. I feel bad for Andy Ngo, but I know he's been drowning in people offering him wisdom. Good luck surviving without it!
He lives in scandinavia, where all is not what glitters like gold.
Was he fired or did he resign?
Scott Adams is insight-free today. He's in mental expert explainer mode.
Post hoc, etc.
Quillette editor-in-chief Claire Lehmann says his leaving had nothing to do with this story.
“Andy actually moved on from Quillette a few weeks ago because he is undertaking bigger & better projects, we just hadn't updated the website and he hadn't updated his Twitter bio until today,” Lehmann wrote.
At any rate, I'm a little confused by the details.
footage taken by an undercover liberal activist in May and described on Monday by the Portland Mercury showed Ngo witnessing activists from the far-right group Patriot Prayer planning a violent confrontation at a bar associated with left-wing activists. Ngo never reported on what he had seen the Patriot Prayer members planning, and some of the people involved in the attack at the bar now face felony riot charges
So, to be clear, did this ever get past the "planning" phase? Did this "violent confrontation" actually end up happening? The Daily Beast doesn't say. It could be just a bunch of knuckleheads blowing off steam. Does someone saying "We should totally go down to that bar and show them what's what!" count as "planning"?
And CNN never reported on the violence inside Iraq.
And Iran.
And Cuba.
What is the standard again?
Nothing the Left-wing press writes about "right-wingers" can be believed without sources, details, and fact-checking. They are complete and total liars.
This sounds like the usual Left-wing "Summarizing" of something that happens that always, mysteriously, makes their target (conservatives, trump, etc.) look as bad as possible.
Everything outside the revolution is proscribed, everything inside is permitted, rinse wash repeat.
"Rightwingers' have to live up to standards.
Leftwingers, including lair CNN and liar MSNBC -well, they get to lie for years on end and feed the Antifa anger machine without apology or introspection.
Nonapod said...
Quillette editor-in-chief Claire Lehmann says his leaving had nothing to do with this story."
So - this post is about fake news?
Quillette is not a conservative site. Well, it's pro-free speech and I guess that makes it conservative by 2019 standards. Hell, being pro-free speech means it's fascist by 2019 standards.
The entire point of this shit show is to take the heat off of the leftwingers and their leftwing violence.
Excellent, Andy is obviously on my side. I'm hoping i can find him on a very successful website.
Plus I call bull**** on this. Sounds like those fake lynching stunts.
Liberals and leftists desperately need right wing bogeymen to exist because it justifies their extremism, at least in their own minds.
If you work in a university setting (or some other such lefty hive) you will hear all kinds of rumors about things done by Nazis, etc. Very often, they are just rumors.
“There’s an understanding,” he says, “that Patriot Prayer protects him and he protects them.”
That didn't turn out too well for Ngo. Did Ben point him out as an easy target?
It came from doxxing king will sommer, he goes after someone as insignificamt as a pastry chef at maralago.
Mike Wallace: Journalist First, American Second
That's the first thing I thought of, but I wasn't going to go to the trouble to find it. Good work.
I have been singularly frustrated by the lousy reporting on the origin of the Portland clashes. It is never made clear with respect to either side why they are fighting. Because I read mostly right wing news outlets, antifa sounds like a bunch of thugs. But who are the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer? Are they thugs, too? And where is Andy Ngo in all this? Even the linked article makes him sound like an observer, not a plotter. Is Quillette that goosey?
I feel grossly uninformed on this topic. None of these “news” sources are doing anything except grinding axes.
‘“I think every person should try to infiltrate these groups, if they’re in the position to do so. This is what patriotism looks like.””
Since this May Day clash, Patriot Prayer and its supporters have uploaded edited clips of the fight to social media, trying to prove that their unprovoked attack was actually an act of self defense. Gibson claimed it was an impromptu visit. Meanwhile, Cider Riot filed a lawsuit against Gibson and six other Patriot Prayer members for acting negligently and trespassing on private property.
People on all sides called for arrests. None came.
It was Ben’s video that helped Portland Police Bureau (PPB) confidently secure arrest warrants against Gibson and five other members of Patriot Prayer who followed him to Cider Riot that afternoon. On August 22, a Multnomah County grand jury indicted Gibson and five other members of Patriot Prayer on felony charges for inciting a riot. Several of the men face multiple charges, including assault and unlawful use of a weapon.
While Ben’s video of the clash is a useful piece of evidence, it’s his footage of the group planning the alleged riot that might put the suspects behind bars. This clip has also been included in a new motion filed in Cider Riot’s civil case against Patriot Prayer as evidence that Gibson had orchestrated the attack.
Ben says it didn’t hit him while he was filming that he might have captured criminal evidence. It was only when Cider Riot filed their lawsuit against Patriot Prayer on May 3 that Ben decided to send his footage to the cidery’s legal team. Weeks later, Ben got a call from PPB detective looking for that same footage. Ben handed the video over, and cautiously agreed to be a witness.
No one on the left is "controversial" - even in a mask with a concrete milkshake.
Criminal evidence! Good one- Inga. You go grrrl!
Private property, it was on a public street, but its clear the portland ps answer to terrorists.
If you name your establishment Cider Riot, do you really have any right to complain when people act accordingly?
Ah... I see that Claire Lehmann says Ngo’s departure was unrelated to this story.
I continue to be uninformed.
There are a few tips here that let the reader know it's a lie
Tip #1: Did they quote Andy or anyone from Quillette that he was fired for this?
Tip #2: Far right. Once they use loaded language like that, you know they are lying.
Tip #3: Planning violence? "I'm going to go over there and beat Jason up, put him in the hospital." That's planning violence. Being a group you're politically opposed to (because anyone with half a brain cell knows this "reporter" is opposed to anyone who is anti antifa) and existing in an area isn't planning violence.
Please use these tips when reading nonsense from the far left and their enablers as they plot violence against the rest of us.
Mike Wallace: Journalist First, American Second (with Vintage Video). An illustrative anecdote about how Mike Wallace viewed the world: On an edition of the PBS panel series Ethics in America, devoted to war coverage, which was taped at Harvard in late 1987, Wallace proclaimed that if he were traveling with enemy soldiers he would not warn U.S. soldiers of an impending ambush. "Don't you have a higher duty as an American citizen to do all you can to save the lives of soldiers rather than this journalistic ethic of reporting fact?", moderator Charles Ogletree Jr. suggested. Without hesitating, Wallace responded: "No, you don't have higher duty...you're a reporter."
The Portland Mercury story seems to clear some things up for me. There's was planning, there was an attack, and there's video of it all (although in fairness I haven't watched the actual video but I assume the story is accurate). These Patriot Prayer people seem like the clear belligerents here and are getting sued by the Cider Riot people as well as criminally prosecuted.
Living here in peaceful rural America, Portland seems like almost like a third world country to me with roving gangs of activists endlessly clashing violently. And just a lot of rage on both sides.
I'm from Portland and happy to be gone. This agent provocateur, Ben, isn't the only mole working for the amusingly-named antifascists. The group's doxxing activities (masked online as their faces are in public) have been busting right-wing "extremists" when they take jobs or enroll in schools in distant states.
Antifa kicked into gear in Portland after the 2016 election, holding a week of demonstrations and vandalism to the tune of $1 million. It caused the cancellation of one of several Rose Festival parades a year or two ago by threatening violence because a Republican club planned to participate.
Theoretically, it is still legal to be a Republican in Portland, but totalitarians gotta totalitarian.
But who are the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer?
I'm not sure who Patriot Prayer are. But the proud Boys are a group that got together to act like like Patriot Guard. They are a group of bikers who got together to protect veterans who were having a funeral service and that service would be disrupted by groups like Westboro Baptists Church.
So proud Boys saw that people like Ben Shapiro and Ann Coulter and others were giving speeches and then being harassed after leaving the speech. What would happen is, police would provide a safe zone for attendees at a Milo speech, let's say. And all would be fine inside that safe zone. But then, people would leave and go to their cars and they'd be spit on and pushed and have things thrown at them by the crowd as they left the event and got outside of the safe zone.
So the proud boys were created to protect these people. To provide cover for them as they left the event.
The proud boys are a self defense group and the violence they plan is to defend against violence.
Recently some proud boys were convicted of serious crimes of violence. Even though you can see on the video they are moving away from antifa and antifa is following them and attacking them, the proud boys got the better end of the fight. Which got them arrested and convicted. Convicted in a liberal court in a liberal City by a liberal judge. I'm hopeful the convictions will be overturned on appeal. I actually think the convictions weren't even to throw these guys in jail but instead to create a narrative of, "Far right bad guys".
Regardless, hopefully you know more now if who the proud boys are. When you see women being egged for supporting Trump and mocked, pushed and spat on, well, some guys can no longer sit on the sidelines and let this happen.
Expect this to ramp up as Trump has more rallies coming into 2020 and the left ramps up their efforts to agitate at his rallies.
Ngo witnessed a far-right group planning violence but never reported it
Journalists are supposed to be government informants now?
In Ngo’s coverage of the riots, he posted misleading videos that crop out violent actions from Patriot Prayer members, putting the blame fully on antifa. Since then, videos have emerged that discredit several of his tweets.
“As more people send me clips, it becomes clear that Andy’s work is plagued by these dishonest edits. For example, in this clip, he edited out some goons stomping a man’s head, and did it with a sloppy looking jump-cut in his own clip,” Twitter user @RespectableLaw wrote.
Ngo is relatively new to the media scene. He is known for videos of political clashes in the streets of Portland and for a recent attack by an antifa supporter on June 29, which reportedly sent Ngo to the hospital.
Some Twitter users–like Charlotte Clymer, the communications director for the Human Rights Campaign–have said that Ngo purposely instigates fights with left-wing protesters in order to get publicity.
“Violence is completely wrong … but I’m also not going to pretend that this wasn’t Ngo’s goal from the start,” Clymer tweeted.
So, they didn't bother to confirm a single thing in the story?
And the Quillette editor herself, Clair Lehmann, says it's all wet?
Weird how this keeps happening.
No, not really. Leftists are scum. I hope Ngo sues the fuck out of every swinging Richard who writes with demonstrable actual malice and reckless disregard for the facts that he was fired.
"Ngo is known for videos of political clashes in the streets of Portland and for a recent attack by an antifa supporter on June 29, which reportedly sent Ngo to the hospital."
You have to love the evasive tortured language of Inga's propaganda link.
I'm especially amused that he was "reportedly" sent to the hospital. Gosh, if only there was a way to confirm this allegation...
‘But the proud Boys are a group that got together to act like like Patriot Guard. They are a group of bikers who got together to protect veterans who were having a funeral service and that service would be disrupted by groups like Westboro Baptists Church.’
“Proud boys engage in violence for fun” from the mouth of the founder, Gavin McInnes
How come some people come here, not to speak for themselves, but instead just to give us other people's opinions?
If I wanted to read those people, I'd go there and read them. Seriously, they don't need to be transcribed over here.
Whenever I see a wall of text that is a "Link," I know Inga has been at work, inept as usual.
Ngo is a "Controversial right wing writer." The guy is Asian and gay, the very definition of "right wing."
Do these people ever look in the mirror? If so, do they see anything ?
How come some people come here, not to speak for themselves, but instead just to give us other people's opinions?
Because they can't think for themselves. They believe what the media spoonfeeds them, so naturally they think that spoonfeeding you the same crap will change your mind.
For sport, we enjoy detaching them from their talking points. Leads to much amusement. :)
“But the proud Boys are a group that got together to act like like Patriot Guard. They are a group of bikers who got together to protect veterans who were having a funeral service and that service would be disrupted by groups like Westboro Baptists Church.”
“Two members of the far-right group Proud Boys were found guilty Monday of charges stemming from a brawl with anti-fascist protesters near a Republican club in Manhattan in 2018.
Maxwell Hare, 27, and John Kinsman, 39, were convicted of attempted gang assault, attempted assault and riot charges. A Manhattan Supreme Court jury deliberated for less than two days on the charges.
Hare and Kinsman will be sentenced Oct. 11. They face up to 15 years in prison for the attempted gang assault convictions.”
“How come some people come here, not to speak for themselves, but instead just to give us other people's opinions?”
Your opinion without backing or citation is only your opinion and your opinion on who the Proud Boys are is not based in reality.
Crazy Jane said...
I'm from Portland and happy to be gone.
@Crazy Jane.
Didn't Portland have a similar violence problem back in the 1980's? I seem to remember reading that there was street violence between "neo-nazis" and "anti-racists" back then, but I may be wrong.
They are a group of bikers who got together to protect veterans who were having a funeral service and that service would be disrupted by groups like Westboro Baptists Church.’
Geez, let me clean that clumsy sentence up:
Patriot Guard is a group of bikers that formed to protect funerals from being disrupted by the Westboro protestors.
The leadership of the "Westboro Baptist Church" are all registered Democrats. The "church" is is a ruse to deflect blame towards the religious right.
Frank: Your opinion without backing or citation-
"Frank", your opinion is not backed by anything but lies and propaganda.
But I do appreciate you providing evidence of the bullshit you are so easily manipulated by.
Leftists continually tell me that Project Veritas videos are "deceptively edited".
In two cases (ACORN and Planned Parenthood videos), I watched them in full for myself. What edits there were were not at all deceptive or out of context and fully in line with normal editing-for-time techniques employed by ALL video journalists. PV also posted the full unedited videos, something no MSM outlet does, but even that wasn't considered enough.
So, when Inga posts links claiming Ngo deceptively edited his videos, I don't bother checking. When Inga concedes that the Project Veritas videos were absolutely valid legitimate videos proving exactly what PV claimed they did, I'll consider any claims she makes along these lines about other people. Until then, with leftists having proved that even ironclad video evidence isn't enough to get them to admit to ANYthing, I'm not wasting time giving them the slightest bit of benefit of the doubt. They blew that completely. All that remains is: Fuck You. War.
next question:
So, when Inga posts links claiming Ngo deceptively edited his videos, I don't bother checking. When Inga concedes that the Project Veritas videos were absolutely valid legitimate videos proving exactly what PV claimed they did, I'll consider any claims she makes along these lines about other people. Until then, with leftists having proved that even ironclad video evidence isn't enough to get them to admit to ANYthing, I'm not wasting time giving them the slightest bit of benefit of the doubt. They blew that completely. All that remains is: Fuck You. War.
Could not have said it better myself. They might as well be pushing fiction.
And if we cannot engage them in civil discourse, what is left?
I can't stand it. Every quote from the linked article and others that people reference in these comments labels one faction "far right" and "extremist" and then only refers to the far left extremists as "anti-fascists." If and when anyone on the "right" instigates violence then that's 100% wrong and I'm not ever going to say otherwise. But where are we going as a country---how can we possibly turn this around---when we can't get ANY OTHER media save right-wing to label vicious violent heinous hate-fueled terrifying power-mad fascist ANTIFA as, at a minimum, "far left extremist?" I want to throw up. I want to hide. I want normal again.
If you are the story, then you are no longer a journalist.
They asked Ringo whether he was a "Mod" or a "Rocker" and he answered "I'm a Mocker", which wasn't too bad for a drummer.
I don't think that was the point of the fund,
Why should I trust a Portland paper's story? I have no reason too.
it's a Portland paper's account, carried by a wretched doxxer, named will sommer, at the Beast (I call it the Basilisk) who will cover any left wing outrage with a parachute, not a pillow,
Dear FrankiM,
I for one am grateful that the Proud Boys are beating the shit out of the antifa fairies.
I can't stand it... I want to throw up. I want to hide. I want normal again.
You are being radicalized against your will. It won't stop, the only thing within your control is how much you let it effect you. And no matter how disciplined you are, it will have *some* effect on you.
I was a different person 20 years ago, but day after day I was falsely slimed as a racist sexist homophobe. That has an effect, no different than emotional abuse visited upon a child. They are creating the Frankenstein Monsters that will destroy them.
But in some way, it's our own fault:
This is why “cuckservative” is such an effective term. The cuckold is mocked and derided, not because his wife is unfaithful. He is an object of derision because he refuses to do anything about it. That’s so-called conservatism. For generations now, they have been unwilling to take on their partners on the Left.
For decades we were led by such "cuckservatives", and the "normal" as you call it was the typical Bully paradigm - the Left shoves us into a locker, we blanch and give them our lunch money.
We've enabled them. We have taught them that there will be no consequences for anything they do, everything from cracking our skulls open with bicycle locks to conspiring in a soft coup to unseat our legitimately elected President.
Now comes the day when we finally get the nerve to fight back. We are going to bloody the bully's nose, and everyone will clutch their pearls at *our* unexpected and violent response, because we have taught them we are pussies.
Get ready for it. Don't let them make you back down.
I watched all 18 minutes of the video from Ben posted at Inga's link. The audio is kinda crappy, so I don't claim to have caught every comment in every side conversation. But the gist is that they were preparing for violence that they expected Antifa to instigate. Their plan, according to the video, was to simply walk by on the sidewalk.
Now, they certainly may have changed plans later, or some may have abandoned the plan and instigated violence on their own.
But what was caught on the video that has been released so far does not include them initiating violence or starting a riot
Que sorpresa, quelle surprise, will sommer lied to us?
I watched all 18 minutes of the video... what was caught on the video that has been released so far does not include them initiating violence or starting a riot
Of course. I remember the days when I would bother to fisk the kind of things Inga would post. After awhile, it was more efficient to simply assume it was all fiction. Saved time. I do the same with the like of WaPo and the NYTs today.
Inga provides a useful service by indicating which hoax the hive mind of the Left is currently flogging.
Blogger Ignorance is Bliss said...
I watched all 18 minutes of the video from Ben posted at Inga's link. The audio is kinda crappy, so I don't claim to have caught every comment in every side conversation. But the gist is that they were preparing for violence that they expected Antifa to instigate. Their plan, according to the video, was to simply walk by on the sidewalk.
Now, they certainly may have changed plans later, or some may have abandoned the plan and instigated violence on their own.
But what was caught on the video that has been released so far does not include them initiating violence or starting a riot
8/27/19, 12:04 PM
Does it matter?
Until we start to hold fake news accountable, legally accountable for their smears and lies, people will continue to believe it because they'll think, "Surely they aren't allowed to lie about stuff like this."
And yet in today's news, it's mostly lies. Mostly take news.
Which is why my default position today is skepticism.
Inga to this day still will not denounce Antifa or violence instigated by Antifa. Heck, she spent 11 months defending shooting Republican Congressmen.
So she will never, ever denounce Antifa violence. Even if they break into a Catholic Church on Sunday, rape the women, then set fire to the building and kill everyone inside it, she will post a story about "Catholics engage in violent brawl with peaceful Anti fascists; dozens killed!" or something. Something to whitewash Antifa and leftist violence.
if Antifa were to march with a hammer and sickle flag and attack a US military base, she would defend it. She always defends leftist violence. Just like Freder.
It's why she worships Heather Heyer, who was a violent communist agitator out protesting for the violent overthrow of America and instituting a communist dictatorship. That makes her a hero to Inga, a martyr and someone we should all worship. Instead of the communist scum she was.
Between George Washington and Vladimir Lenin, Inga prefers the latter as the founder of the kind of state she wants to live in. We should all consider that when considering where she is coming from.
Ngo got fired because he did selectively choose not to film the walk to Cider Riot, however, I watched the video in its entirety and then rewatched the videos Ngo did film and release. Let summarize both videos for you:
In the Ngo filmed portions, you see the initial protests and counter-protests, and in those Antifa is clearly the instigator, consistently trying to induce the right-wing protestors into violent acts- they do this by coming up behind the greatly outnumbered right-wing protestors (and they are always greatly outnumbered in the Portland demonstrations) and faking attacks, or actually shoving them from behind and slapping them in the back of the head- you can see this here. However, watch the entire video to get the flavor if you don't believe me.
In the portions filmed by the infiltrator, Ben, you can see the group was planning for violence- they deliberately walked to the outdoor cafe in the hopes of forcing a confrontation. However, here is the thing- they were doing exactly what Antifa had done in the marches earlier in the day- they were hoping to induce a violent counter-reaction to a provocation, and you can see that in the Ngo filming of the confrontation I linked to above. The Patriot Prayer rioters were again greatly outnumbered, which is all the evidence you really need to know what their real purpose was- it wasn't to go beat up Antifa, it was to provoke them into a fight. As riots go, it is about as tame as it gets- both groups were doing a lot of rock throwing and pepper spraying (all of the pepper spraying comes from the Antifa group, by the way, which puts into context the bit about checking the wind before the confrontation).
All in all, the added context of the infiltrator's video is good- it does show that Patriot Prayer was interested in inducing a violent conflict, but the conflict itself wasn't all that violent anyway (watch all the videos). I would guess that Gibson will get convicted of causing a riot. What Patriot Prayer needs to start doing from a purely tactical point of view, though, is to start wearing masks in order to conceal their identities- not doing so is leaving them far more open to prosecution than is their opposition, which is just as distasteful in their tactics.
old habits die hard,
john reed, a Portland resident fell for lenin,
Leftmedia, single source, anonymous, partisan, with inconclusive, other than confirmation bias for Antifa sympathizers, videos. As good as it gets for Inga and other mental midgets of the left.
It goes unnoticed by their mindless minions that not a single Democrat elected has condemned well documented violence by the masked, helmeted, shield-wielding thugs of Antifa and that evidence of “right-wing” provocative violence is sparse and biased.
But the indictments.... Well, it is Port-a-potty-land, after all, where police destroyed their gang database because Port-a-potty-landers might think it was “racist.” Indictments are not convictions, but defendants ought to seek a change of venue to, say, Idaho.
Here you can see the approximate beginning of the riot at the outdoor bar. Tell me what you think about the entire thing- it isn't selectively edited either, as far as I can tell, though Ngo does move away to actually interview different people from both sides.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
I watched all 18 minutes of the video from Ben posted at Inga's link. The audio is kinda crappy, so I don't claim to have caught every comment in every side conversation. But the gist is that they were preparing for violence that they expected Antifa to instigate. Their plan, according to the video, was to simply walk by on the sidewalk.
Now, they certainly may have changed plans later, or some may have abandoned the plan and instigated violence on their own.
So no specific fight "planning" can be heard in this video? If so, then this "Ben" character and the Daily Beast and the Portland website are certainly collectively being very misleading, not that that surprises me in any way. Also assuming this is the only video made around this specific incident I guess.
But under all that it seems like the only thing these Patriot Prayer people could be accused of is being provacative, walking in front of their advisaries hangout looking for trouble. I have no idea if that sort of behavior legally actionable by itself. WHere they trespassing? They were expecting a fight, maybe even spoiling for it, but which side threw the first punch?
Between George Washington and Vladimir Lenin, Inga prefers the latter as the founder of the kind of state she wants to live in. We should all consider that when considering where she is coming from.
You are giving her way too much credit, Vance.
She doesn't have much capacity for independent thought. That is why she posts the lefty talking points of the day rather than summarizing them. She provides a useful service in that regard.
Yep, there were skinheads in Portland in the 1980s, a nasty group that maybe was a cul-de-sac off the NW punk scene. They seem to have vanished, and AFAIK, haven't morphed into the Patriot Prayer or Proud Boys groups, who are mainly scorned for hailing from the across the river in Vancouver, WA. How dare they come and try to exercise free speech in another state?
My impression is that these new right-wing deplorables are an on-the-ground illustration of Newton's Third Law, i.e., an equal and opposite reaction to "antifa." They get permits for their demonstrations, which antifa does not. They almost never wear masks. If antifa attacks, as it does with industrial-sized tanks of pepper spray and collapsible nightsticks and spitting, the PP/PBs are happy to fight back. My impression is they prefer to bait their antagonists and not to throw the first blow.
One interesting thing about this group is that its members include at least a couple African American guys and a big Samoan named Tiny. The skinheads were not a broad-minded bunch, and not surprisingly, antifa persons are happy to let slurs fly at anyone who dares to look askance at any of their actions.
I have not witnessed the clashes between these groups, but Youtube has a fairly long video of the now-famous Cider Riot.
What?! Right wing groups planning violence. Unpossible! I know from reading this blog that only lefties are violent.
Did it happen, asshole? No.
Can't say the same for your fellow, leftists thugs, can we?
But, but, but...Antifa!
Once again, if we were half as violent as you accuse us of being, you'd be dead already.
Yet there you sit. Pounding your keyboard without a care in the world.
Keep it up. Keep pushing it.
I have watched several videos of these confrontations taken by both sides, and Antifa is almost always the actual instigator- they definitely commit far more actual physical assaults. Indeed, if you actually follow all the videos taken of Joey Gibson, he is consistently shoved, slapped, obstructed, and verbally assaulted without ever retaliating- he does this by insisting on walking through the Antifa groups and filming them, asking them why they are masked etc. I have never once seen him holding any kind of weapon in any of videos, including the one linked in the story in the Portland paper- the only thing he ever has in his hands are the smartphone with which he video records. This one incident is the only example I have seen where the right-wing counter-protestors literally sought out Antifa to get in their face, and even then the videos of the actual confrontation itself still shows Antifa being the ones to start the actual assaults.
Head’s up FBI.
“Jim at said...
Once again, if we were half as violent as you accuse us of being, you'd be dead already.
Yet there you sit. Pounding your keyboard without a care in the world.
Keep it up. Keep pushing it.”
8/27/19, 12:57 PM
FYI, posting online threats are not taken as lightly as they used to be by the FBI.
posting online threats are not taken as lightly as they used to be by the FBI.
The FBI is too busy hiding evidence of the attempted coup by its top echelon to bother with you.
Bedbug Inga.
Antifa never starts fights. Per the MSM "violence breaks out" whenever its around.
So, there was no planned violence, there wasn't an abortion zone setup as the fascists did in Charlottesville. This reminds me of the male transgender/homosexual pride parade that came to Salt Lake City, in support of the ruling by the transgender judge to deny the civil rights of black and Hispanic voters in California; but, the Mormons did not respond with violence, baby hunts, or journolistic trials. Not a single scalpel was wielded in Hutu/Tutsi-style recriminations.
Diversity breeds adversity. #HateLovesAbortion
Inga, if you see Orkin the area, be afraid.
Shorter Inga: "Hey, FBI, this jerk seems to object to me slandering him and everyone politically aligned with him as viciously violent, even while my political allies continue to commit vicious violence against his. Doing your job doesn't just mean ignoring my side's violence! Get off your asses and arrest him for resenting our projection! Sheesh! What'd we spend the last 7 decades infiltrating you for anyway?"
I look forward to the Left-wing MSM stories about Antifa planning violence including the reporter's police report.
I am puzzled. Does anyone here, who has been here for a year, at least, trust anything Inga posts or says ?
Why all the discussion of what she posts ?
Inga provides a useful service by indicating which hoax the hive mind of the Left is currently flogging.
This is a useful point. A sign that they got the DNC talking points memo.
The FBI is too busy hiding evidence of the attempted coup by its top echelon to bother with you.
Vigilante witch hunts. Warlock trials by press. Hide the decline. Progress the coup. Speaking truth to facts. #HateLovesAbortion
"The antifa members were having a peaceful May Day celebration" from the Daily Dot, courtesy of FrankiM. Have any unbiased sources for your fake news, Franki?
I can't support NGO's
Do you ever stop and think about how pathetic it is to care enough to litigate such a non-incident? Sads
Smells like a whole pasture full of bullshit to me.
games like what the basilisk, pulled ended with the family research council under a hail of bullets, some footage pasted together nearly three months later after they declared ngo, a kulak, a gusano an unperson, and thanks to Dorsey the ties of media to this black bloc have been conveniently erased,
FYI, posting online threats are not taken as lightly as they used to be by the FBI.
Snort. Yeah. Telling you to keep up your violent fantasies is a threat.
I'd tell you to get over yourself, but you're even too stupid to do that.
Poor homocon
From the links it sounds like Ngo shouldn't have worn such a short skirt.
The other day a guy in a MAGA hat and his wife were assaulted and beaten by another couple outside a bar with the help of most of the people in that bar. When the cops came those same people said that the MAGA guy started it, but the cops said that the evidence showed that they never confronted anyone and only tried to escape. So the Trump haters chased a couple out of a bar, surrounded them, and then beat the man, then lied to the cops, blaming the victim. These people have no decency. They will lie, use violence, or cheat, and that mindset bodes ill for the honesty of elections in the country. I simply do not trust them. They have no respect for anything including our laws.
The post in question is so full of weasel writing that you know it's most likely a fabrication.
When leftist Antifa fascists commit violence - it's all good.
Andy Ngo was assaulted in the street and his camera stolen by mask wearing leftists. He ended up in the hospital with serious injuries.
No one was arrested.
When a "rightwinger" discusses violence - that, according to asshole Inga, is worse that actual violence committed by her Maddow-fasicsts.
It's OK for leftwing fascists to commit violence and steal cameras - while wearing masks.
It is NOT Ok to talk violence against the violent criminals on the left.
Trump sends an Ahoy! to Cuckservatives
'after' 'at the same time' 'as' etc
who cares. he was attacked and beaten.
more lies for antifa cheerleaders to cling to.
Will NYTimes finally reveal their video of Right Wingers planning violence at Philadelphia in 1776.
Is it only retards that cannot comprehend that planning for defense of selves and others from crazed larpers emerging from their moms' basements and encouraged by fink mayors, city managers, and police chiefs is a plan for violence to be celebrated and rewarded?
custom business logo
Michael K said...
"I am puzzled. Does anyone here, who has been here for a year, at least, trust anything Inga posts or says ?"
Remember when Howard just about had an orgasm at the thought of Antifa busting some conservative heads? It wasn't so long ago.
Of course none of the usual suspects would dream of physically hurting you. that's what they have Antifa for. To fulfill their immature violent day dreams.
FrankiM writes: But, but, but...Antifa!
The hidden Inga inevitably leaks out.
The right could stand to learn something from these activists. Once they get something into their heads, they never let go.
Here, they are proving that Andy Ngo deserved to get beaten and worse. This is the story, everything bad that "happens" to Ngo is his own fault now. He is an enemy that has to be dealt with. Friends will understand, "normals" should better get it into their heads that this is what happens when someone makes too much noise. Better not look too closely, are you a fascist or something?
Leftists are like a force of nature, meting out implacable revolutionary justice. And no matter what they do they are always right. And they'll stop at nothing to "prove" it.
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