I'm not intrigued by any news stories this morning. It seems the papers are full of non-news. Did Biden make a gaffe? Did Trump draw attention to himself? Is the news on vacation?
“We should challenge students in these schools and have advanced placement programs in these schools,” Biden said. “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids.” He quickly added, “Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.” - Joe Biden.
If China Joe would allow questions from flyover people I'd ask him what did he know - and when did he know - about the Obama-Biden Administration spying on the Trump campaign?
This thing is going to get so big that even MSNBC won't be able to ignore it. The indictment of McCabe will be big news.
Apart from the funny Freudian slip, it's sad that Biden's dishonest statements about children are completely accepted by the MSM, Snopes, etc., when policies based on those false ideas cost billions of dollars and piss people off ("systemic racism!") when they inevitably fail.
Rats, I was hoping you were going to blog about the new movie coming out called "Hunted." It's a film about coastal elites paying to have flyover deplorables kidnapped and put into a reserve so they can hunt the Trump supporters.
It was originally called Blue States vs. Red States. I got a 24 hour Facebook ban for linking to it on my page.
Annie C. I just got banned from Facebook for 7 days for something similar. Of course, you can go on FB and call people Nazis, White Supremacists, Racists ect…..but don't you dare post what they are actually DOING on the other side.
It's about identifying mass gunmen before they do anything, and as far as I can tell the conclusion is "good luck with that!"
They analyzed only a small subset of mass shootings and don't say how they picked that subset, but the findings are summarized:
Key Findings of the Phase II Study
1.The 63 active shooters [there were several hundred in the study's time period] examined in this study did not appear to be uniform in any way such that they could be readily identified prior to attacking based on demographics alone.
2. Active shooters take time to plan and prepare for the attack, with 77% of the subjects spending a week or longer planning their attack and 46% spending a week or longer actually preparing (procuring the means) for the attack.
3. A majority of active shooters obtained their firearms legally, with only very small percentages obtaining a firearm illegally.
4. The FBI could only verify that 25% of active shooters in the study had ever been diagnosed with a mental illness. Of those diagnosed, only three had been diagnosed with a psychotic disorder. [they point out similar rates for the general public]
5. Active shooters were typically experiencing multiple stressors (an average of 3.6 separate stressors) in the year before they attacked. [getting fired, divorced, etc]
6. On average, each active shooter displayed 4 to 5 concerning behaviors over time that were observable to others around the shooter. The most frequently occurring concerning behaviors were related to the active shooter’s mental health, problematic interpersonal interactions, and leakage of violent intent.
7. For active shooters under age 18, school peers and teachers were more likely to observe concerning behaviors than family members. For active shooters 18 years old and over, spouses/domestic partners were the most likely to observe concerning behaviors.
8. When concerning behavior was observed by others, the most common response was to communicate directly to the active shooter (83%) or do nothing (54%). In 41% of the cases the concerning behavior was reported to law enforcement. Therefore, just because concerning behavior was recognized does not necessarily mean that it was reported to law enforcement.
9. In those cases where the active shooter’s primary grievance could be identified, the most common grievances were related to an adverse interpersonal or employment action against the shooter (49%).
10. In the majority of cases (64%) at least one of the victims was specifically targeted by the active shooter.
I think some have realized that with Congress out of session and the media hand overplayed; the dreams born of last weekends events aren't going to happen. The true solution to events of last weekend are to chill out.
"Yesterday the Joe Biden campaign crashed like a drunken Humpty Dumpty falling off a wall. As it lie in pieces, rotting on the ground, I watched in horror as the Democrat’s pet press carefully reassembled the pieces with fake news glue. And it might be working!
It all started at a campaign event in Iowa, when Joel Pollack of Breitbart News asked Biden if he was aware that the central theme of his campaign was built on a lie. It turns out Biden was not aware of that. Or possibly he decided to defend his mistake anyway, because politics. But either way, Biden’s central campaign theme — that President Trump once said neo-Nazis in Charlottesville were “fine people” — was challenged in front of the public, as cameras rolled. Biden gave a spirited defense of his view and moved on.
Hes a drooling hack whi shouldn't be let out of the house, but hes trying to be hip: https://thefederalist.com/2019/08/09/heres-guide-former-fbi-agent-peter-strzoks-lawsuit-demanding-job-back/
I remember rt and aljazeera were all over fergusin https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2019/08/08/nbc-helped-russia-spread-racial-tensions-america-viral-videos
What a great summer it has been. No, not the Mueller flop or these tragic shoot-ups. The news basically sucks.
I'm talking about the sunshine, the travel, the work in the garden, the dog walks, the house projects, the beach trips, the BBQs, all that jazz. Life is good, but the media sucks. So does Twitter.
There is major news. The Bruce Ohr 302's were released. The news is that the FBI and State Department worked with the Clinton campaign to spy on the Trump campaign. All sorts of people are going to jail.
What did China Joe know about this and when? Or was he asleep? Or just curing cancer?
In his own way, China Joe is a worse candidate than Crooked Hillary.
Just for news, and for people who aren’t too disinterested by it, federal courts in the US Second Circuit are today issuing orders for expansive release of heretofore sealed documents relating to the investigation, and previous conviction, of Jeffrey Epstein. With prominent inclusion of the name of Prof. Alan Dershowitz.
in my years at a fine local newspaper, we learned to store up decent "evergreen" stories for the late "Dog Days" of summer that last through most of September.
it's not just national news. Even the local school boards and city hall meetings are dark and glum reporters are starved for "A"-matter.
the weeks leading to 9/11 were exactly that -- nothing going on, writers desperate for anything to report. when we caught our breath, we all rued how much we had whined for news in the previous weeks.
"So many butterflies this year, for some reason. Nice."
Power of the Media? Mowing around the milkweed, pollinater seed mixes in every boutique and catalog, cute animal syndrome. Something seems to be working. The butterfly lobby might be one of the most effective public relations campaigns ever.
Or it could be the weather. In some habitats native species seem to be gaining on the invasives this year, which I haven't seen before.
What you said here made me wonder: If the MSM is spending most of its time looking for ways to bash Trump, that's time that they're NOT spending on more important things like China's influence in high-tech.
If you direct most of your resources towards X, you'll have fewer resources to direct towards Y.
It makes me wonder what the MSM will do when the hammers start dropping from the DOJ. Will they stop spending so much time trying to get Trump impeached, and spend more time digging into the background of the coup attempt?
It's easy to say, "No way, the MSM will circle the wagons, like they always do". But as we saw with the Dayton shooter, the MSM can't hold back the obvious for long. CNN is starving for ratings, and if all they do is broadcast propaganda while important stories are being covered on Fox, they won't last for much longer.
In Biden's defense, his "gaffe" on the poor kids vs white kids is being taken out of the full context which was this:
"We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids. Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.”
Now, this sentence itself is kind muddled, but the second sentence probably was meant by Biden to be fully attached to the first one.
The other gaffe, though, is a true gaffe- "We chose truth over facts."
The butterfly lobby might be one of the most effective public relations campaigns ever.
This is incredible. I was standing in the check-out line at the grocery store, when I over-heard a woman commenting about the number of butterflies. A second woman chimed-in to say that it was because of the butterfly gardens the kindergarten kids had built.
Someone is working some really effective psy-ops!! The woman in the check-out line will soon be an urban legend.
The status of the MSM as a propaganda engine for one side of the US caste war explains everything. There is no need to “cover” anything that does not have political or conflict value. These matters are not relevant to the mission.
The News has indeed paused. They ran out of ammunition using it on that last Banzai Attack on Trump as a White Supremacist inciting murderers. That was all they had left in the ammo bunker. And it's not that easy to program the mind controlled people to put on mass murders when you need them.
The Russian take over of our Government by secret agent Donaldsky was a 2 year run but has lost its power. What can be used to occupy all TV broadcasts the next month when Disclosures of massive Dem Treason floods out?
"This is an FBI paper I've seen mis-quoted a lot recently:
It's about identifying mass gunmen before they do anything, and as far as I can tell the conclusion is "good luck with that!"
There shouldn't be anything surprising about such a result if one is even half-way intelligent. If we tried monitoring all the Americans who threaten to kill someone on any given day, we would have to employ a million people to do it, and even that might not be enough after a year or two.
I forget who wrote it a couple of days ago, but someone pointed out that what the Left is doing here is trying to create a test that overwhelmingly creates false positives. They tried to do this at the end of Obama's 2nd term by allowing almost anyone to flag a person as being a danger.
"...With prominent inclusion of the name of Prof. Alan Dershowitz.
You can look it up for yourself. {#43}"
Chuck, you are almost there! 7 more to go. What a grueling task.
Ok, if you slip up within the next 7 posts, you only go back to #35, not a full a restart from #0. That would be arbitrary, capricious, oppressive, punitive, excessive, and not a good idea.
Note to Commentariat: In exchange for a big-ass bottle of gin, Chuck has made 43 straight comments this summer without mentioning Trump or Althouse. Scalia said that he would ruthlessly attack issues, but not people, and that's what we are trying to do too.
The Epstein Island folks are wetting their pants and desperately seeking new ways to hide their assets. Ignoring that 800 lb gorilla in the room takes up a lot of the Media's energy.
"Just for news, and for people who aren’t too disinterested by it, federal courts in the US Second Circuit are today issuing orders for expansive release of heretofore sealed documents relating to the investigation, and previous conviction, of Jeffrey Epstein. With prominent inclusion of the name of Prof. Alan Dershowitz."
Yeah, I saw that, Chuck. It seems that Dershowitz was telling the truth all along- the journalist was trying to get the accuser to include Dershowitz, not the other way around. In short, it looks like the journalist was trying to get Giuffre to lie about Dershowitz by labeling him a pedophile with zero evidence cited.
Also, I consider it odd that you chose this story considering what it said about Donald Trump in the released documents- Trump got a full exoneration in the ones released this morning. All those people who thought Trump was exposed to the Epstein story have egg on their faces right now.
Before I get to 50, I want everyone to know, without qualification, sarcasm or any insincerity, what a standup guy Bay Area Guy has been. More than “standup,” he’s been nothing short of generous. When I stumbled in my first attempt at about comment #27, with a trivial off-handed, but clear reference to one of my forbidden subjects, Bay Area Guy offered to let me start over from 1. A really generous offer, that I gratefully accepted.
I want everyone here to know what kind of guy Bay Area Guy is.
Jussie Smollett phony mugging by MAGA hat-wearing Nigerians - hoax
Duke Lacrosse stripper who claimed gang rape - hoax
Rolling Stone story about frat house gang rape - hoax
Tawana Brawley rape claim pushed by Al Sharpton - hoax
Trump complimented Nazis at Charlottesville - hoax
Trump grabbed women by the pussies - hoax
James Hodgkinson shoots Republican congressmen at softball game - not a hoax
BLM activists shoot Dallas cops at rally - not a hoax
Is there a pattern emerging? One reasonable interpretation is that the Left creates these hoaxes to generate a lotta news to hopefully reflect poorly on their political opponents, but ignores genuinely real, terrible crimes, when their political opponents are victims.
My apologies for breaking the rule, but, Beasts, are you self-exiled from JOM? Perhaps it's just that I don't read the comments threads over there as frequently and/or closely as I do these.
I missed the Chuck bet (been fishing in TN - trout, smallmouth and largemouth and plenty of em). What is that about?
Tennessee fishing sounds goooooooooood!
I challenged Chuck to make 50 straight comments without reference to "Trump" or "Althouse," in exchange for a big bottle of gin. He's on #43, only 7 more to go. But I already sent him the gin.
Interesting Epstein's Amazon Purchases per the ZeroHedge Article. A bit scary those records are public. Reminds me of what happened with Bork's video store rental records.
The document dump seems to clear Trump.
I thought after the Appeals Ruling would take a while for the documents to be reviewed for redactions before being released.
The hispanosphere is a different world. Not much from there filters through into the anglosphere. Which seems curious to me, as I, personally, straddle the divide, which seems as easy as breathing. But its not so natural to most. My perspective is odd I guess.
So, what do the Althouse commentariat really know about Mexico, that huge place across that difficult border? Its a complex mess of a country for sure. Most of what the US sees is really its peasantry, the Mexican deplorables in effect, mostly rural people, and their music is what amounts to Mexican country music, or worse, urban decay music. What doesn't come across is that Mexico actually has depths and layers.
Back in the 1940's-50's (and later) Mexico had a moment of near-breakthrough of a stylish, urbane, upper-middle-class style that was nevertheless extremely popular, across the hispanosphere and into the anglosphere, to a degree, in the world of operatic standards. It was a moment, somewhat like the moment Argentina had in the great days of tango. Unfortunately for Mexico its expression was mainly limited to one man, Agustin Lara.
Trump engaged in the all time worse case example of using a child for a political photo op and Ann’s response is “nothing to see here.” Why am I not surprise?
LLR Chuck: "...With prominent inclusion of the name of Prof. Alan Dershowitz"
narciso: "I already did, chuck, it largely shows the daily mails reputation for recklessness like when it published nina burleigh defamatory allegations"
The far far left and their LLR lapdogs (like LLR Chuck) have targeted Dershowitz for destruction since Dershowitz refused to go along with the hoax collusion/obstruction lies pushed by LLR Chuck and his pals.
The same Fake News attacks used against Trump by LLR Chuck's far left buddies are now being deployed across the media to send a message that Chuck and his amigos are not going to tolerate anyone getting in the way of realizing their Leftist Vision for America.
I want to see the entire script for the movie the hunt before passing judgement.
I have a feeling there is twist at the end, to somehow make the movie anti Trump.
I just don't see the movie being green lighted otherwise.
It's a shame I am so suspicious of any movie being released by Hollywood for being political, in a heavy handed way. This could be why I don't go the movies much anymore. I don't like being lectured.
"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."
That was the only time Trump appeared in the manifesto, and it appears clear that Crusius borrowed his "fake news" characterization of the news media from the president. But that is not what Trump's critics have charged. They have charged that Trump inspired Crusius to kill. They have charged it so often in the last few days that it has hardened into a general perception that Crusius was inspired by the president. But read the manifesto. It's just not there.
*The word "invasion" has been used in connection with illegal immigration since long before the president ran for office. In the 1990s, for example, the state of California unsuccessfully sued the federal government, claiming the government did not protect states from an "invasion" of illegal immigrants. In 2010, the state of Arizona also unsuccessfully challenged the federal government over a similar "invasion." The word was also used, well before Trump, in general commentary, usually by those who sought to restrict immigration levels into the United States. And more generally, too: Bobby Jindal, the son of immigrants and governor of Louisiana who ended his 2016 presidential campaign with a bitter attack on Trump, used to say that "immigration without assimilation is invasion."
FullMoon: "Has anyone actually read the el paso manifesto?"
I know this is from a Byron York column, but you shouldn't be reposting it here at Althouse blog as it will send all the usual lefty suspects like Once Written and readering and LLR Chuck right over the edge.
Ref The Hunt, I read a showbiz article once to the effect that every adventure series that goes on long enough eventually does a The Most Dangerous Game episode (and that ever comedy that goes on long enough eventually does a "I wrote the folks at home that I was a big-shot here, and now they're coming and everybody has to play along" episode).
I would see The Hunt if they were going to go with the original TMDG ending..
Replying to Yancey Ward and Lucien on Biden's statement. I think Biden intended to say "Poor kids are just as smart as rich kids." But he deviated and said Poor kids are just as smart as white kids, and then he immediately realized he had erred, and would be called, so he started extemporizing and jabbering about rich kids, black kids, asian kids. Why this is potentially damaging is that it gives a glimpse behind the curtain over Biden's mind, in which poor kids are black (or black and Hispanic). If one was inclined to be suspicious of Biden's underlying attitudes toward race, or willingness to generalize about racial sterotypes, one would recall his attempt to praise Obama by noting that Obama was clean and articulate, or his offhand attempt at a humorous comment about Asians running 7-11s.
I read most of the manifesto when Drudge had it up. It went on and on and on..
What I thought was odd about the manifesto were his stated standard grievances from all directions, left and right. Nothing new under the sun. I mean, there was anger and frustration. But why did this guy think that he was going to solve any of his grievances killing a handful of random people at a Walmart? Not in touch with reality. Also - there was something odd about his manifesto. really odd.
The Dayton Shooter was clear-cut leftist bat shit angry rage filled time bomb.
Europe is the home of the "White" race, but so is also large swaths of the Asian plate, and the various peoples there have never been sorted out as to who is "White" and who is not. F. ex. the peoples with some derivative of "Turk" in their ethnic designation, stretching from today's Turkey to far into the Chinese hinterlands, and, of course, the descendants of all the peoples mentioned in the Old Testament.
Yes, that is quite possible. However, I think what actually happened is the the context is that he was already talking about poor African-American children and improving their access, and the rest just follows from that missing connection. I definitely think he realized his error and then fumbled for a way to overcome it without calling attention to it directly. I think his mind is just badly disordered, and will be a continuing problem for him. The truth/facts gaffe is proof of this latter problem.
Trump engaged in the all time worse case example of using a child for a political photo op and Ann’s response is “nothing to see here.” Why am I not surprise?
Ann, you are such a phony.
Politicians have never before used babies, dogs or children for photo ops. This Trump guy is a monster.
Lara was Mexican, and worked entirely in that tradition. His music has strong elements of the Mexican style, even in his famous Spanish song-cycle ("Granada", etc.). The lyrics are in the hispanic poetic tradition of intense, unconstrained passion.
Regardless of what wiki says, his most characteristic piece was probably "Maria Bonita", his anniversary gift to his wife, Maria Felix, the then-queen of Mexican cinema (Mexico had a great and respectable movie industry at the time; its works are largely unknown in the US). Everyone has covered "Maria Bonita" over the last 70 years.
My favorite - Lola Flores, bizarrely doing her total Andalusian accent-dialect thing on a Mexican song - and about as subtle and sentimental as a close assault by La Legion. I like it. Lola Flores-Maria Bonita
My brother married a beautiful, smart Mexican lass and I visited them several times in Rosarito. Although I don't speak the language, my impression from the two of them and my own observations is that Mexico has enormous potential but is held back by corruption and pandering to anti-American left wing sentiment. There are numerous resort, hotel and condo development south of Tijuana that were abandoned when the developers ran out of suckers to rip off. I saw one house that was built for a retired couple from the US that had no running water and almost no electrical wiring, because the couple didn't understand the necessity of watching the contractors like a hawk. Ripping off Americans is an everyday practice. In the US, you can't start building apartments or condos without most or all of the financing secure before you start. In Mexico, fly-by-night developers sell the condos before they're built to unsophisticated foreigners and pocket the money, then disappear. Sometimes they make a half-hearted effort to dig some holes in the ground and they might even pour a weak foundation, or put up a girder or two. They operate secure in the knowledge that no Mexican court is going to help a foreigner recover their money. There is a scenic toll road running south from Tijuana. There are underweight cattle grazing on hillsides with views that would be worth millions if they were located 30 miles further North. But only Mexican nationals can own land near the coast, so a potential tourist and retirement community paradise goes undeveloped while beggars roam the streets. It's criminal.
Unknown said... Ref The Hunt, I read a showbiz article once to the effect that every adventure series that goes on long enough eventually does a The Most Dangerous Game episode
Wrecked, a second or third rate cable comedy series, did a "Most Dangerous Game" episode or series of episodes. Just saying the phrase with an affected accent and having other characters not understand what you're referring to is an easy way to get a laugh, and the rest just writes itself.
about a year or so ago, juan Gabriel, the prolific Mexican singer, as prolific as elvis as hardluck a story as johnny cash passed on, the death and burial were shrouded in mystery as was his peculiar will, and who he passed on the bulk of his fortune, not a blood relative,
heck it was an episode on Gilligan's island, if memory served, and this isn't the first time that Hollywood went all nutbar against center right people, there was the last supper in 1996, with Cameron diaz, and bill Paxton, in their stock roles,
15 years after it ceased production, "Friends" is the most-streamed program in the UK. The Top 20:
1 Friends Comedy Sitcom Acquisition Netflix USA 2.38% (of all commercial streaming) 2 The Grand Tour Entertainment Magazine Original Amazon UK 2.03% 3 You Drama Thriller Original Netflix USA 1.86% 4 The Good Place Comedy Sci-Fi/Fantasy Original Netflix USA 1.63% 5 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Comedy Sitcom Acquisition Netflix USA 1.53% 6 The Big Bang Theory Comedy Sitcom Acquisition Netflix USA 1.42% 7 Luther Drama Crime Acquisition Netflix UK 1.34% 8 Marvel's The Punisher Drama Superhero Original Netflix USA 1.29% 9 Suits Drama Legal Acquisition Netflix/Amazon USA 1.29% 10 The Office (US) Comedy Sitcom Acquisition Amazon USA 1.18% 11 Vikings Drama Action/adventure Acquisition Amazon Canada/Ireland 1.14% 12 Breaking Bad Drama Crime Acquisition Netflix USA 1.11% 13 Peaky Blinders Drama Crime Acquisition Netflix UK 1.05% 14 Grace and Frankie Drama Comedy Original Netflix USA 1.02% 15 Sex Education Drama Comedy Original Netflix UK 0.96% 16 Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina Drama Sci-Fi Fantasy Original Netflix USA 0.94% 17 Prison Break Drama Crime Acquisition Netflix/Amazon USA 0.87% 18 The Last Kingdom Drama History Original Netflix UK 0.84% 19 Orange is the New Black Drama Comedy Original Netflix USA 0.83% 20 The Umbrella Academy Comedy Superhero Original Netflix USA 0.79%
Why are people assuming that "The Hunt" portrays the hunting of deplorables as a good thing? That seems to be the presupposition of all the right-wing critics. But I read that Hillary Swank plays one of the hunted. I'm assuming it's at worst a "pox on both their houses" story or more likely implitictly critical of the dehumanization of half our country.
because we know who are producing financing and writing it, and as pointed out, past is prologue, lindelof's previous project leftovers is secular rapture, his next one watchmen, is about white supremacy?? even though Robert redford has been president for life since 1992..
What daskol said. And as Gutfield pointed out, we don't know the ending, the deplorables may come out on top in the end. But nevermind the preposterous premise the the deplorables would ever be without their guns to begin with, and that the elite would embrace them.
Fernandistein:This is an FBI paper I've seen mis-quoted a lot recently:
Am I the only one interested/amused in the use of the term "active shooter" in this context? I haven't been able to find a definitive history of the term, but I think it's become something different than it was originally.
My suspicion is that police dispatchers originally used the term when dispatching officers to let the officers know that the incident was ongoing - that is, we're not just sending you to deal with the aftermath of a completed shooting, we're sending you to deal with an in-progress - ie, active - shooting.
Then some idiot reporter heard the report of an "active shooter" over their scanner, and figured it somehow identified a particular type of incident. But that doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, in that context, what would an "inactive shooter" be?
From the trailer of The Hunt, I'd say it's the same joke over and over again.
The joke being the action-woman player. It feels like a plot that doesn't exist though and will definitely be a challenge to sit through. Writer burnout.
No worse philosophically than action films that take down the white house all the time. Just plotless.
White house takers-down as I recall are always right wingers doing away with a kind leftist president who will ruin the military industrial complex or something.
Apparently, one the girls (Giuffre) sued Epstein's female procurer (Maxwell) and obtained a confidential settlement. Now, the Court is unsealing some of the underlying evidence.
Here's the list of Epstein's "friends:"
Gov. Bill Richardson (DEMOCRAT- NEW MEXICO) Britain’s Prince Andrew Financier Glenn Dubin Former senator George Mitchell (DEMOCRAT -MAINE) Now-deceased MIT scientist Marvin Minsky; Modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel Possibly Alan Dershowitz (who denies all this).
I added the political affiliation, you know, which was omitted from the article. Probably a mere oversight
They're now lying about Trump's hospital visit. Trying to Trash it. CNN/MSNBC/MSM Never trumpers are piling on. I hope people have gotten wise by now, but they wouldn't be continuing this brutal barrage of lies if they didn't think it hurt Trump.
Also, it seems to be a new D litmus test. you call trump - and his supporters - white supremacists or you're out. Biden and harris have waffles. Everyone else is like "Hell, yeah they'r white supremacists". Mittens has been strangely quiet, although you now he wan't to virtue signal and pile on.
Half-breed, that's all I ever heard Half-breed, how I learned to hate the word Half-breed, she's no good they warned Both sides were against me since the day I was born
yes, but the villain is the typical republican apparatchik, white house down, was agonizingly bad, with Obama as action figure, against a coffee clatch of deep state figures,
I know appallingly little about Mexico. One thing I know is what RD Kaplan stresses in "The Revenge of Geography"-- that Mexico is economically and demographically moving north, both within Mexico and across the US border; for the first time in our history a large stream of immigrants is arriving from a single source to settle mostly where others are already established, in a region where their country of origin has historic cultural ties and claims.
Am I the only one interested/amused in the use of the term "active shooter" in this context?
I was interested enough to look it up - the paper has a reference which might define it, but the FBI URL is ... missing. Like many other crime issues, I think this is one where the gummint is playing coy. (Polite term for "lying a lot").
The agreed-upon definition of an “active shooter” by US government agencies (including the White House, US Department of Justice, FBI, US Department of Education, US Department of Homeland Security, and Federal Emergency Management Agency) is “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.”
So it's pretty stupid definition (Kill people in an unpopulated area? What does "confined" mean? Does that exclude Las Vegas?), and the FBI paper doesn't use the term as they defined it.
Hiss was part of the ware spy ring, that began in the agriculture department and expanded to state, actually his first gig was as as staffer on the nye committees whose disclosures, sparked the isolationist movement in earnest, around 1934, now he wasn't a kgb asset but gru military intelligence, one of the leading handler, general krivitsky defected in 1937, that's what prompted whitaker chambers to contact Adolph berle, nothing came of, about six years later, krivitsky was executed in dc, this prompted him to come out of the cold,
Fernandistan, even that quoted definition includes someone who is "actively engaged" in killing. But all killers are "actively engaged" in killing at the time of the killing.
I think what's intended is to distinguish killings which take place in public and involve multiple unrelated victims. But "active" isn't the right word for that, and I still think my theory for where the term came from is probably accurate.
I just got back from a hike with great scenic views. Hanging Rock State Park in Nc. Saw a Carolina Wolf Spider (largest Wolf Spider in N. America), a blue-tailed skink (common) and a Wehrle's Salamander (very rare). Got a little vertiginous at the top, but took some cool pictures. Sorry I can't share pics here.
The has been only two real news stories over the last 4 years: 1) Trump is a new kind of candidate and President. 2) The level of corruption, lawlessness and dishonesty in the left wing of our institutions. Not that the stuff exists, but the unprecedented level it has reached.
The cable news talkers are totally fascinated with crazy people and giving all their insane acts wall to wall coverage in this slow news day.That is a terrible example to the young. Instead of if it bleeds it leads, they are now using if it is Helter Skelter grade evil it leads.
Moving ahead despite objections, the Trump administration on Friday set a timetable for federally funded family clinics to comply with a new rule that bars them from referring women for abortions.
No moral leadership... recognizing a right to life ("our Posterity"), and women with agency's first, second, third, and fourth choice, while progressing the wicked solution. Unlike one-child, selective-child has been normalized. So, baby steps.
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I mentioned Marianne in several comments on Althouse (I don't think I've mentioned her anywhere else), and, on Facebook, I get requests for her for donations every single time I log on.
Journalists seem to be sublimely unaware of the fact, but their brand is damaged. I think even RC priests now realize that they're no longer in the best position to offer counsel on the dangers of premarital sex, but journalists don't have a clue about what a joke their impartiality is..... Katie Couric and George Stephanopoulos attended a get out of jail celebration party for Jeffrey Epstein. George apologized for his lack of due diligence. I don't know if Katie issued any kind of statement.....Their attendance didn't get much attention or criticism from their comrades in the media. I don't think such benign neglect would be extended towards Fox News hosts if they attended a party to celebrate Epstein's release from prison. How can they not notice how bad this looks?....You would think that people whose very job is creating public appearances would be better at public appearances.
A baby... fetuses's right to keep and bear arms, legs, a head, and her life... shall not be infringed. I think the Justices need to revisit passage of the Twilight Amendment.
All the characters were nice. Even The Skipper was cast as someone who could hit Gilligan without seeming mean. And Gilligan, the source of most of the plot problems, was the nicest guy you could imagine, always working hard, if ineptly, to make everyone's life easier.
A staunch supporter of the rights of immigrants - and a married father of five - was killed last week when an illegal immigrant from El Salvador facing deportation crashed into his motorcycle in Colorado. Sean Buchanan, 45, was driving northbound on Highway 83 on August 2 when Colorado State Patrol say a southbound truck operated by Miguel Ramirez Valiente went off the side of the road, then over-corrected into the wrong lane and crashed into Buchanan's bike, killing him. Valiente, an undocumented immigrant who was slated for deportation eight months earlier,
Meanwhile, those seven motorcyclists killed in Mass by the alien that the state was protecting from well deserved depration are still dead.
I never got any tattoos. I remember talking about an weird mix of Tupac, Shakespeare, and Jesus once when was drunk in Vegas at a shop and the guy was like "hey maybe think on it a bit and come back when you know what you want."
My dad told me he got tatted in the Navy because that is what you did if you were in the Navy.
consider the time in which Gilligan's island was bewitched for that matter, were silly, totally unrelated to the turmoil outside, now we can't have that, everything has to be awareness or woke, or some such idiocy,
Lara's anglosphere reputation is based entirely on his Spanish cycle, that is, songs with Spanish themes and settings, though they are at least in parts quite Mexican, and Lara had never actually been to Spain before he wrote them, over a decade or more in the 1930's and 40's.
The star of that series is of course "Granada", which has become a popular operatic "art song". Its hard to think of a major tenor, or indeed a mezzo-soprano, who has not made a recording of "Granada".
Some of these, at least, were indeed intended as operatic art songs.
One of the earlier recordings of "Granada", by Jorge Negrete, a popular 1930s-50's leading man of the Mexican cinema - who also happened to have been operatically trained. Negrete-Granada
But this migrated very quickly to actual opera singers. Don Placido, of course, being inevitably inevitable - Placido Domingo-Granada
The rest of the series has been covered many times, with various pieces included or excluded. The definitive album probably is - of course - that of Don Placido, "Bajo El Cielo Español", or other names, but the lot seems to be the recordings of 1996 -
These were extremely popular post-WWII, and in Spain, naturally, where they were very welcome to the dictatorship in the 1950's and 60's. "Granada" was tremendous PR for Spanish tourism and the general image of the country. Lara was personally welcomed to Spain by Francisco Franco, from whom he received several honors.
AA, are you reading any other news sources besides your beloved NYT?
".....Is the news on vacation?....."
Well here you go:
"....Andrew Yang Says Only U.S. Citizens Would Get $1,000 per Month He Vows...." Biden said the U.S. can “in a heartbeat” import another two million immigrants today."
Pete Buttigieg: ‘The Press Is Never the Enemy of the People’
Bruce Ohr Documents Undercut FBI Claims In Carter Page FISAs
But AA, you are correct, the fun machine called the Democratic Campaign pales in comparsion to the violence in Mexico, Hong Kong and mainland China. The 800 pound gorilla, Hong Kong, could trigger a massive amount of violence in mainland China - has already. Wealthy Chinese have been exporting out of China a major part of their wealth. Those within China are exchanging everything for Gold, and other hard assets. That's not a good sign for China. Watch what the Armed Forces in China does - after all - they were build only for domestic control of their 1.3 billion people.
We normally don't say our euphonious username in public, But the funniest thing happened today. We were in an upscale market in Royal Oak, Michigan, today, and when the manager heard our name, asked:"Are you Chuck?" We let her know we prefer to go by the unabridged "Ingachuck'stoothessARM ". "Of course", she said, "it's such a pretty name". Then she congratulated us(?) ...and handed us a huge bottle of gin! Cheers!!
AAT —. You mean there is a Russian word that means truth? That sure proves that Biden is a Marist. The only other possibility is that your brain is surgically connected to Drago.
Reason mag quoting Current Affairs' Nathan Robinson, regarding the Democratic Socialists of America voting to establish an anti-fascist working group.
"proponents thought it was obvious that the DSA, as a group that was against fascism, should devote resources to figuring out how to stop fascism. Opponents believed it tied DSA too closely to the specific anti-fascist tendency known as Antifa, which could cause negative legal and safety consequences for DSA."
Emphasis mine. A group of deer is a herd, numerous geese are (is? - sounds weird) a flock. Butterflies, a kaleidoscope. A bunch of angry violent commies are a tendency.
"Watch what the Armed Forces in China does - after all - they were build only for domestic control of their 1.3 billion people."
Not lately. The Chinese have been spending massively on high tech weapons intended to control their near-abroad and keep the US Navy away. Besides the artificial islands, they have 900+ modern combat aircraft plus who knows how many ground based long range anti-ship missiles, and their navy of course, which is building new ships at 3x the rate of the USN.
The question presented by this case is not whether the Second Amendment protects a “collective right” or an “individual right.” Surely it protects a right that can be enforced by individuals.
Justice Stevens, with whom Justice Souter, Justice Ginsburg, and Justice Breyer join, dissenting.
This is from the second dissent:
In interpreting and applying this Amendment, I take as a starting point the following four propositions, based on our precedent and today’s opinions, to which I believe the entire Court subscribes:
(1) The Amendment protects an “individual” right—i.e., one that is separately possessed, and may be separately enforced, by each person on whom it is conferred. See, e.g., ante, at 22 (opinion of the Court); ante, at 1 (Stevens, J., dissenting).
If you look at his reasoning for restricting the right
Even so, a legislature could reasonably conclude that the law will advance goals of great public importance, namely, saving lives, preventing injury, and reducing crime.
Why wouldn’t these same reasons apply to the first amendment, if the legislature decides that speech is causing problems that the legistlature needs to address?
I really don’t care about the right to own a gun, but I care a lot about the first amendment, and the second amendment is the canary in the coal mine.
I'm trying to see what eating local would be in Wisconsin this year. In this area (Milwaukee, Cedarburg, Freistadt area) there is still no local corn in the farmer places I go to. The long wet spring/early summer delayed planting. They have corn and they say it comes from Madison and beyond and so is local. I wonder. (Crisis of trust in society extends even to statements by small farmers.) It may be from Illinois, for example. You have to call ahead to get local tomatoes. They had ten the other day. The blueberries are from Michigan, the peaches from Georgia. The local foods in abundance at present are mostly my most abhorred foods - beets, cauliflower, kohlrabi, green peppers, cabbage. They are so healthy they look almost good enough to eat but I know they're not. The carrots, onions and garlic are good.
Meanwhile, those seven motorcyclists killed in Mass by the alien that the state was protecting from well deserved depration are still dead. *****************
That incident has turned into a potentially political career-ender for governor Charlie "Tall DuVal" Baker.
It turns out that the Mass DMV had sat on almost two thousand notifications from other states reporting that certain individuals had DUI convictions and the like. The Ukrainian dirtbag who killed the bikers was one of them.
The notifications were apparently sitting unnoticed "in a room", according to the hapless, feckless, dickless governor.
At regular supermarkets and at Outpost, OTH, there is an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables at their lowest price so far this year - blueberries, grapes, oranges, lemons, bananas, cherries, kiwi fruit, watermelons and strange tropical items, dragon fruit; rainbow tomatoes, rainbow carrots, asparagus. When they ban cars and trucks I won't have access to all this so, though I look for local first, I'm enjoying the aisles with their wrongful abundance.
steve uhr: "AAT —. You mean there is a Russian word that means truth? That sure proves that Biden is a Marist. The only other possibility is that your brain is surgically connected to Drago."
Uhr has been smacked around pretty well over the last several months due to the inanity of his posts.
Catholic well some like Casey, but mostly a wasp preserve, McCarty wrote about Bundys and alsops that's who he knew, the bureau was likely to be more catholic.
trained at 'The Farm", CIA, FBI, Fusion GPS, husband DOJ, Russian-speaking Ham radio an oldie: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/08/more-questions-on-nellie-ohr-was-she-behind-the-creation-of-the-fusion-dossier-and-did-she-work-for-fusion-the-cia-and-the-fbi/
Biden was Catholic by birth and is still at least a nominal Catholic I think. The Marists are a Catholic teaching order, more or less similar to and competitors of the Christian Brothers (La Salle).
He could be a Marist, as I am a La Sallite, had he gone to a Marist school. But it seems he did not.
He actually went to Archmere Academy in Delaware, which is Norbertine, which is quite unusual. The Norbertines, or Premonstratensians, are a much, much smaller order than the Christian Brothers or the Marists.
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1 – 200 of 267 Newer› Newest»Biden's gaffe's are funny: "We chose truth over facts"
Is the news on vacation?
Of course.
It is August. People are on vacation or preparing for school to start up again.
Even my favorite restaurant in Tucson (Cafe Poca Cosa) closes for part of August.
“We should challenge students in these schools and have advanced placement programs in these schools,” Biden said. “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids.” He quickly added, “Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.” - Joe Biden.
Diagram this sentence!
If China Joe would allow questions from flyover people I'd ask him what did he know - and when did he know - about the Obama-Biden Administration spying on the Trump campaign?
This thing is going to get so big that even MSNBC won't be able to ignore it. The indictment of McCabe will be big news.
Diagram this sentence!
I think how I think he's lying.
Biden is a White Supremacist
Imagine if President Trump said "Poor kids are just as talented as white kids"
"Toni Morrison was unparalleled. She will always be so. A novelist, essayist, woman and sage, she was a genius of uncommon grace." - NYT.
Love the understatement.
When DC closes down in August suddenly the news business has nothing to talk about ... hmmm ...
But I guess all that stuff is important, because otherwise why would the media obsess over it all the time?
Right? Right!
Apart from the funny Freudian slip, it's sad that Biden's dishonest statements about children are completely accepted by the MSM, Snopes, etc., when policies based on those false ideas cost billions of dollars and piss people off ("systemic racism!") when they inevitably fail.
Rats, I was hoping you were going to blog about the new movie coming out called "Hunted." It's a film about coastal elites paying to have flyover deplorables kidnapped and put into a reserve so they can hunt the Trump supporters.
It was originally called Blue States vs. Red States. I got a 24 hour Facebook ban for linking to it on my page.
Annie C. I just got banned from Facebook for 7 days for something similar. Of course, you can go on FB and call people Nazis, White Supremacists, Racists ect…..but don't you dare post what they are actually DOING on the other side.
This is an FBI paper I've seen mis-quoted a lot recently:
It's about identifying mass gunmen before they do anything, and as far as I can tell the conclusion is "good luck with that!"
They analyzed only a small subset of mass shootings and don't say how they picked that subset, but the findings are summarized:
Key Findings of the Phase II Study
1.The 63 active shooters [there were several hundred in the study's time period] examined in this study did not appear to be uniform in any way such that they could be readily identified prior to attacking based on demographics alone.
2. Active shooters take time to plan and prepare for the attack, with 77% of the subjects spending a week or longer planning their attack and 46% spending a week or longer actually preparing (procuring the means) for the attack.
3. A majority of active shooters obtained their firearms legally, with only very small percentages obtaining a firearm illegally.
4. The FBI could only verify that 25% of active shooters in the study had ever been diagnosed with a mental illness. Of those diagnosed, only three had been diagnosed with a psychotic disorder. [they point out similar rates for the general public]
5. Active shooters were typically experiencing multiple stressors (an average of 3.6 separate stressors) in the year before they attacked. [getting fired, divorced, etc]
6. On average, each active shooter displayed 4 to 5 concerning behaviors over time that were observable to others around the shooter. The most frequently occurring concerning behaviors were related to the active shooter’s mental health, problematic interpersonal interactions, and leakage of violent intent.
7. For active shooters under age 18, school peers and teachers were more likely to observe concerning behaviors than family members. For active shooters 18 years old and over, spouses/domestic partners were the most likely to observe concerning behaviors.
8. When concerning behavior was observed by others, the most common response was to communicate directly to the active shooter (83%) or do nothing (54%). In 41% of the cases the concerning behavior was reported to law enforcement. Therefore, just because concerning behavior was recognized does not necessarily mean that it was reported to law enforcement.
9. In those cases where the active shooter’s primary grievance could be identified, the most common grievances were related to an adverse interpersonal or employment action against the shooter (49%).
10. In the majority of cases (64%) at least one of the victims was specifically targeted by the active shooter.
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine had an episode with visitors from a planet with a "cultural tradition" on the idea of "Hunted."
You know what I like about Nature? It auto-plays.
I think some have realized that with Congress out of session and the media hand overplayed; the dreams born of last weekends events aren't going to happen. The true solution to events of last weekend are to chill out.
It's by the producers of get out us and the purge, I see much balance there.
How about Mandela barnes the sjw Lt governor who couldnt even manage a degree from Alabama a & m
It seems the papers are full of non-news.
Dogs not barking:
"Yesterday the Joe Biden campaign crashed like a drunken Humpty Dumpty falling off a wall. As it lie in pieces, rotting on the ground, I watched in horror as the Democrat’s pet press carefully reassembled the pieces with fake news glue. And it might be working!
It all started at a campaign event in Iowa, when Joel Pollack of Breitbart News asked Biden if he was aware that the central theme of his campaign was built on a lie. It turns out Biden was not aware of that. Or possibly he decided to defend his mistake anyway, because politics. But either way, Biden’s central campaign theme — that President Trump once said neo-Nazis in Charlottesville were “fine people” — was challenged in front of the public, as cameras rolled. Biden gave a spirited defense of his view and moved on.
So who was right?"
The federalist or Paul sperrys review of the 302s that show the fraud of the Russian snipehint
The Biden gaffe wasn't a gaffe, except that they're not (on the average) as smart as whites. It's a make-believe gaffe.
It's discouraging that the right is going all PC to get at Biden. Mob action makes you stupid on either wing.
Hes a drooling hack whi shouldn't be let out of the house, but hes trying to be hip:
Emotional people aren't as smart as men when it comes to social system stability.
CBS is still pushing the same narrative that set Ferguson ablaze, five years later.
I remember rt and aljazeera were all over fergusin
Summer in northern Michigan or Madison Wisc. Is a blessing. The news of the day isn’t worth the effort.
What a great summer it has been. No, not the Mueller flop or these tragic shoot-ups. The news basically sucks.
I'm talking about the sunshine, the travel, the work in the garden, the dog walks, the house projects, the beach trips, the BBQs, all that jazz. Life is good, but the media sucks. So does Twitter.
Annie C at 9:05 AM
It was originally called Blue States vs. Red States. I got a 24 hour Facebook ban for linking to it on my page.
Wear your campaign medal proudly.
wendybar at 9:08 AM
I just got banned from Facebook for 7 days for something similar.
And you too can wear your campaign medal proundly.
Covered with a pillow for a decade:
This involves officials all the way to main justice in DC and perhaps other agencies
Thanks Mike, just posted that on Facebook! Maybe it will earn me another medal!
Kevin quotes Scott Adams: "...As it lie in pieces..."
Fingernails on blackboard. Please: "...As it lay in pieces..."
Ahhh. Much better.
Biden's still a gibbering stumblefuck, even when described in English.
Nice to see Our Hostess is enjoying the beautiful summer weather. So many butterflies this year, for some reason. Nice.
There is major news. The Bruce Ohr 302's were released. The news is that the FBI and State Department worked with the Clinton campaign to spy on the Trump campaign. All sorts of people are going to jail.
What did China Joe know about this and when? Or was he asleep? Or just curing cancer?
In his own way, China Joe is a worse candidate than Crooked Hillary.
Meade and Althouse: Meet me at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa at noon on Saturday. I'm going to ask China Joe about this spying business.
Just for news, and for people who aren’t too disinterested by it, federal courts in the US Second Circuit are today issuing orders for expansive release of heretofore sealed documents relating to the investigation, and previous conviction, of Jeffrey Epstein. With prominent inclusion of the name of Prof. Alan Dershowitz.
You can look it up for yourself.
I'll be wearing a Creighton shirt.
I already did, chuck, it largely shows the daily mails reputation for recklessness like when it published nina burleigh defamatory allegations
in my years at a fine local newspaper, we learned to store up decent "evergreen" stories for the late "Dog Days" of summer that last through most of September.
it's not just national news. Even the local school boards and city hall meetings are dark and glum reporters are starved for "A"-matter.
the weeks leading to 9/11 were exactly that -- nothing going on, writers desperate for anything to report. when we caught our breath, we all rued how much we had whined for news in the previous weeks.
No News really is Great News. Cheers!
Whoopsie, now back on your heads
"So many butterflies this year, for some reason. Nice."
Power of the Media? Mowing around the milkweed, pollinater seed mixes in every boutique and catalog, cute animal syndrome. Something seems to be working. The butterfly lobby might be one of the most effective public relations campaigns ever.
Or it could be the weather. In some habitats native species seem to be gaining on the invasives this year, which I haven't seen before.
What you said here made me wonder: If the MSM is spending most of its time looking for ways to bash Trump, that's time that they're NOT spending on more important things like China's influence in high-tech.
If you direct most of your resources towards X, you'll have fewer resources to direct towards Y.
It makes me wonder what the MSM will do when the hammers start dropping from the DOJ. Will they stop spending so much time trying to get Trump impeached, and spend more time digging into the background of the coup attempt?
It's easy to say, "No way, the MSM will circle the wagons, like they always do". But as we saw with the Dayton shooter, the MSM can't hold back the obvious for long. CNN is starving for ratings, and if all they do is broadcast propaganda while important stories are being covered on Fox, they won't last for much longer.
that's time that they're NOT spending on more important things like China's influence in high-tech.
I'd be happy if they spent more time on China's crackdown of Hong Kong.
In Biden's defense, his "gaffe" on the poor kids vs white kids is being taken out of the full context which was this:
"We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids. Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.”
Now, this sentence itself is kind muddled, but the second sentence probably was meant by Biden to be fully attached to the first one.
The other gaffe, though, is a true gaffe- "We chose truth over facts."
The butterfly lobby might be one of the most effective public relations campaigns ever.
This is incredible. I was standing in the check-out line at the grocery store, when I over-heard a woman commenting about the number of butterflies. A second woman chimed-in to say that it was because of the butterfly gardens the kindergarten kids had built.
Someone is working some really effective psy-ops!! The woman in the check-out line will soon be an urban legend.
Yancey Ward:
So is it your thesis that the period should come after “Asian kids” instead of “white kids”?
That either makes no sense, or implies that “Poor kids” are not white, black, or Asian.
The status of the MSM as a propaganda engine for one side of the US caste war explains everything.
There is no need to “cover” anything that does not have political or conflict value. These matters are not relevant to the mission.
The News has indeed paused. They ran out of ammunition using it on that last Banzai Attack on Trump as a White Supremacist inciting murderers. That was all they had left in the ammo bunker. And it's not that easy to program the mind controlled people to put on mass murders when you need them.
The Russian take over of our Government by secret agent Donaldsky was a 2 year run but has lost its power. What can be used to occupy all TV broadcasts the next month when Disclosures of massive Dem Treason floods out?
"It seems the papers are full of non-news." Of course it is. That's why I stopped reading them.
Toni Morrison was unparalleled
A very skinny person is paralleled, because one side of the body is parallel to the other.
Fernandistein wrote:
"This is an FBI paper I've seen mis-quoted a lot recently:
It's about identifying mass gunmen before they do anything, and as far as I can tell the conclusion is "good luck with that!"
There shouldn't be anything surprising about such a result if one is even half-way intelligent. If we tried monitoring all the Americans who threaten to kill someone on any given day, we would have to employ a million people to do it, and even that might not be enough after a year or two.
I forget who wrote it a couple of days ago, but someone pointed out that what the Left is doing here is trying to create a test that overwhelmingly creates false positives. They tried to do this at the end of Obama's 2nd term by allowing almost anyone to flag a person as being a danger.
The newsers are just snewsing
"...With prominent inclusion of the name of Prof. Alan Dershowitz.
You can look it up for yourself.
Chuck, you are almost there! 7 more to go. What a grueling task.
Ok, if you slip up within the next 7 posts, you only go back to #35, not a full a restart from #0. That would be arbitrary, capricious, oppressive, punitive, excessive, and not a good idea.
Note to Commentariat: In exchange for a big-ass bottle of gin, Chuck has made 43 straight comments this summer without mentioning Trump or Althouse. Scalia said that he would ruthlessly attack issues, but not people, and that's what we are trying to do too.
They tried to do this at the end of Obama's 2nd term by allowing almost anyone to flag a person as being a danger.
"One of the bills strongest opponents, Republican Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams, said he’ll even risk a contempt of court citation rather than enforcing a judge’s order to confiscate guns. ... "I’d much rather be held in contempt of court than violate someone’s constitutional rights and that action could result in me being sentenced to my own jail," Reams said."
The Epstein Island folks are wetting their pants and desperately seeking new ways to hide their assets. Ignoring that 800 lb gorilla in the room takes up a lot of the Media's energy.
"Just for news, and for people who aren’t too disinterested by it, federal courts in the US Second Circuit are today issuing orders for expansive release of heretofore sealed documents relating to the investigation, and previous conviction, of Jeffrey Epstein. With prominent inclusion of the name of Prof. Alan Dershowitz."
Yeah, I saw that, Chuck. It seems that Dershowitz was telling the truth all along- the journalist was trying to get the accuser to include Dershowitz, not the other way around. In short, it looks like the journalist was trying to get Giuffre to lie about Dershowitz by labeling him a pedophile with zero evidence cited.
Also, I consider it odd that you chose this story considering what it said about Donald Trump in the released documents- Trump got a full exoneration in the ones released this morning. All those people who thought Trump was exposed to the Epstein story have egg on their faces right now.
maybe they're re-loading-- they didnt run out of (fake) news
From Russian Collusion Hoaxing to White Supremacy Hysteria
how many cheap shots in their magazines??
Leftwing propaganda is everywhere.
Congress is out of session and the president is out of town.
Biden is making plenty of gaffes, but the mainstream media isn't covering them.
"There seems to be no [sex] crime too low for these Penguins."
Before I get to 50, I want everyone to know, without qualification, sarcasm or any insincerity, what a standup guy Bay Area Guy has been. More than “standup,” he’s been nothing short of generous. When I stumbled in my first attempt at about comment #27, with a trivial off-handed, but clear reference to one of my forbidden subjects, Bay Area Guy offered to let me start over from 1. A really generous offer, that I gratefully accepted.
I want everyone here to know what kind of guy Bay Area Guy is.
On the whole, journalists are not good at their jobs. I suppose we should be grateful.
Bay has always been a stand-up guy as far as I have seen. Thanks for acknowledging it Chuck.
Your comments have been mostly measured, interesting and on point, I applaud you.
Butterflies love those Joe Pye Weeds. Mine got nine feet tall this year. (The Joe Pye, not the butterflies)
Poor kids who are not as bright as white kids are as bright as white kids.
He just left off the restrictive clause.
Tune in next week to see:
Will Luke and Laura still be trapped on tge Island Paradise?
Will the Hospital dodge the latest finacial crisis?
Was the villian finally caught or was that yet another underling of The Shadow King?
Find out next week on As The Swamp Drains, where everything changes yet remains the same!
"Chuck, you are almost there! 7 more to go. What a grueling task."
Hang in there Chuck. I get a Toyota RAV4 if you complete this Sunday!
"I want everyone here to know what kind of guy Bay Area Guy is"
Well, thanks Chuck, but you have to stop complimenting me! I will lose any and all street cred from my rightwing nut friends in the commentariat.
It'd be better if you condemned me as a Trump-loving, deplorable. Actually, don't respond to this. It might be seen as entrapment.
7 more comments to go, keep the focus. It's like an AA meeting (Althouse Anonymous).
The hack-D press will ignore all crime relating to their party. They are, after all, the same entity.
Chuck also called a penalty on himself a while back and reset the commenting odometer. That's some fine sportsmanship... :)
>>The news is that the FBI and State Department worked with the Clinton campaign to spy on the Trump campaign. All sorts of people are going to jail.
Nobody is going to jail. Nobody.
"Emotional people aren't as smart as men when it comes to social system stability."
"Poor kids who are not as bright as white kids are as bright as white kids.
He just left off the restrictive clause."
Now this is the rh we know and love.
BAG: 7 more comments to go, keep the focus. It's like an AA meeting (Althouse Anonymous).
Beasts: Chuck also called a penalty on himself a while back and reset the commenting odometer. That's some fine sportsmanship... :)
I've been impressed with your self-control and am rooting for you to win the bet, Chuck. Good on you.
Russian Collusion - hoax
Jussie Smollett phony mugging by MAGA hat-wearing Nigerians - hoax
Duke Lacrosse stripper who claimed gang rape - hoax
Rolling Stone story about frat house gang rape - hoax
Tawana Brawley rape claim pushed by Al Sharpton - hoax
Trump complimented Nazis at Charlottesville - hoax
Trump grabbed women by the pussies - hoax
James Hodgkinson shoots Republican congressmen at softball game - not a hoax
BLM activists shoot Dallas cops at rally - not a hoax
Is there a pattern emerging? One reasonable interpretation is that the Left creates these hoaxes to generate a lotta news to hopefully reflect poorly on their political opponents, but ignores genuinely real, terrible crimes, when their political opponents are victims.
I missed the Chuck bet (been fishing in TN - trout, smallmouth and largemouth and plenty of em). What is that about?
In the old days, August was a pretty dead month for news. For which we should be grateful.
Althouse’s fave satire site today: To Show Support For Gun Control, Matt Damon Remakes Bourne Series With Bananas Instead Of Firearms
DanTheMan said...
>>The news is that the FBI and State Department worked with the Clinton campaign to spy on the Trump campaign. All sorts of people are going to jail.
Nobody is going to jail. Nobody.
ANALYSIS: Sadly, almost surely true.
My apologies for breaking the rule, but, Beasts, are you self-exiled from JOM? Perhaps it's just that I don't read the comments threads over there as frequently and/or closely as I do these.
I missed the Chuck bet (been fishing in TN - trout, smallmouth and largemouth and plenty of em). What is that about?
Tennessee fishing sounds goooooooooood!
I challenged Chuck to make 50 straight comments without reference to "Trump" or "Althouse," in exchange for a big bottle of gin. He's on #43, only 7 more to go. But I already sent him the gin.
Interesting Epstein's Amazon Purchases per the ZeroHedge Article. A bit scary those records are public. Reminds me of what happened with Bork's video store rental records.
The document dump seems to clear Trump.
I thought after the Appeals Ruling would take a while for the documents to be reviewed for redactions before being released.
On a subject other than politics -
Mexican popular music, 1940s-50s
The hispanosphere is a different world. Not much from there filters through into the anglosphere. Which seems curious to me, as I, personally, straddle the divide, which seems as easy as breathing. But its not so natural to most. My perspective is odd I guess.
So, what do the Althouse commentariat really know about Mexico, that huge place across that difficult border? Its a complex mess of a country for sure. Most of what the US sees is really its peasantry, the Mexican deplorables in effect, mostly rural people, and their music is what amounts to Mexican country music, or worse, urban decay music. What doesn't come across is that Mexico actually has depths and layers.
Back in the 1940's-50's (and later) Mexico had a moment of near-breakthrough of a stylish, urbane, upper-middle-class style that was nevertheless extremely popular, across the hispanosphere and into the anglosphere, to a degree, in the world of operatic standards. It was a moment, somewhat like the moment Argentina had in the great days of tango. Unfortunately for Mexico its expression was mainly limited to one man, Agustin Lara.
Trump engaged in the all time worse case example of using a child for a political photo op and Ann’s response is “nothing to see here.” Why am I not surprise?
Ann, you are such a phony.
did he tells someone "and may their first child be a masculine child"?
LLR Chuck: "...With prominent inclusion of the name of Prof. Alan Dershowitz"
narciso: "I already did, chuck, it largely shows the daily mails reputation for recklessness like when it published nina burleigh defamatory allegations"
The far far left and their LLR lapdogs (like LLR Chuck) have targeted Dershowitz for destruction since Dershowitz refused to go along with the hoax collusion/obstruction lies pushed by LLR Chuck and his pals.
The same Fake News attacks used against Trump by LLR Chuck's far left buddies are now being deployed across the media to send a message that Chuck and his amigos are not going to tolerate anyone getting in the way of realizing their Leftist Vision for America.
Once written: "Trump engaged in the all time worse case example of using a child for a political photo op...."
A leftist wrote that.
Just now.
Without irony.
I want to see the entire script for the movie the hunt before passing judgement.
I have a feeling there is twist at the end, to somehow make the movie anti Trump.
I just don't see the movie being green lighted otherwise.
It's a shame I am so suspicious of any movie being released by Hollywood for being political, in a heavy handed way. This could be why I don't go the movies much anymore. I don't like being lectured.
The Silly Season by C. M. Kornbluth
IT WAS a hot summer afternoon in the Omaha bureau of the World Wireless Press Service, and the control bureau in New York kept nagging me for copy. But since it was a hot summer afternoon, there was no copy. A wrapup of local baseball had cleared about an hour ago, and that was that. Nothing but baseball happens in the summer. During the dog days, politicians are in the Maine woods fishing and boozing, burglars are too tired to burgle, and wives think it over and decide not to decapitate their husbands. I pawed through some press releases. One sloppy stencil-duplicated sheet began: “Did you know that the lemonade way to summer comfort and health has been endorsed by leading physiotherapists from Maine to California? The Federated Lemon-Growers Association revealed today that a survey of 2,500 physiotherapists in 57 cities of more than 25,000 population disclosed that 87 per cent of them drink lemonade at least once a day between June and September, and that another 72 per cent not only drink the cooling and healthful beverage but actually prescribe it-”
Another note tapped out on the news circuit printer from New York: “960M-HW KICKER? ND SNST-NY” That was New York saying they needed a bright and sparkling little news item immediately-“soonest.” I went to the eastbound printer and punched out: “96NY-UPCMNG FU MINS-OM” The lemonade handout was hopeless; I dug into the stack again. The State University summer course was inviting the governor to attend its summer conference on aims and approaches hi adult secondary education. The Agricultural College wanted me to warn farmers that white-skinned hogs should be kept from the direct rays of the summer sun. The manager of a fifth-rate local pug sent a writeup of his boy and a couple of working press passes to his next bout in the Omaha Arena. The Schwartz and White Bandage Company contributed a glossy eight-by-ten of a blonde in a bathing suit improvised from two S. & W. Redi-Dressings. Accompanying text: “Pert starlet Miff McCoy is ready for any seaside emergency. That’s not onjy a darling swim suit she has on- it’s two standard all-purpose Redi-Dressing bandages made by the Schwartz and White Bandage Company of Omaha. If a broken rib results from too-strenuous beach athletics, Miff’s dress can supply the dressing.” Yeah. The rest of the stack wasn’t even that good. I dumped them all in the circular file, and began to wrack my brains in spite of the heat. I’d have to fake one, I decided. Unfortunately, there had been no big running silly season story so far this summer-no flying saucers, or monsters in the Florida Everglades, or chloroform bandits terrifying the city. If there had, I could have hopped on and faked a “with.” As it was, I’d have to fake a “lead,” which is harder and riskier. The flying saucers? I couldn’t revive them; they’d been forgotten for years, except by newsmen. The giant turtle of Lake Huron had been quiet for years, too. If I started a chloroform bandit scare, every old maid in the state would back me up by swearing she heard the bandit trying to break in and smelled chloroform-but the cops wouldn’t like it. Strange messages from space received at the State University’s radar lab? That might do it. I put a sheet of copy paper hi the typewriter and sat, glaring at it and hating the silly season. There was a slight reprieve-the Western Union tie-line printer by the desk dinged at me and its sickly-yellow bulb lit up. I tapped out:
Agustin Lara is really good.
Hey Marc - I'm taking an extended break from JOM, but still read it most days. Maybe when the collusion hoax crap dies down I'll return... :)
Has anyone actually read the el paso manifesto?
"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."
That was the only time Trump appeared in the manifesto, and it appears clear that Crusius borrowed his "fake news" characterization of the news media from the president. But that is not what Trump's critics have charged. They have charged that Trump inspired Crusius to kill. They have charged it so often in the last few days that it has hardened into a general perception that Crusius was inspired by the president. But read the manifesto. It's just not there.
*The word "invasion" has been used in connection with illegal immigration since long before the president ran for office. In the 1990s, for example, the state of California unsuccessfully sued the federal government, claiming the government did not protect states from an "invasion" of illegal immigrants. In 2010, the state of Arizona also unsuccessfully challenged the federal government over a similar "invasion." The word was also used, well before Trump, in general commentary, usually by those who sought to restrict immigration levels into the United States. And more generally, too: Bobby Jindal, the son of immigrants and governor of Louisiana who ended his 2016 presidential campaign with a bitter attack on Trump, used to say that "immigration without assimilation is invasion."
FullMoon: "Has anyone actually read the el paso manifesto?"
I know this is from a Byron York column, but you shouldn't be reposting it here at Althouse blog as it will send all the usual lefty suspects like Once Written and readering and LLR Chuck right over the edge.
Ref The Hunt, I read a showbiz article once to the effect that every adventure series that goes on long enough eventually does a The Most Dangerous Game episode (and that ever comedy that goes on long enough eventually does a "I wrote the folks at home that I was a big-shot here, and now they're coming and everybody has to play along" episode).
I would see The Hunt if they were going to go with the original TMDG ending..
@ Unknown 12:42, Gilligan's Island had a "hunt" episode.
Replying to Yancey Ward and Lucien on Biden's statement. I think Biden intended to say "Poor kids are just as smart as rich kids." But he deviated and said Poor kids are just as smart as white kids, and then he immediately realized he had erred, and would be called, so he started extemporizing and jabbering about rich kids, black kids, asian kids. Why this is potentially damaging is that it gives a glimpse behind the curtain over Biden's mind, in which poor kids are black (or black and Hispanic). If one was inclined to be suspicious of Biden's underlying attitudes toward race, or willingness to generalize about racial sterotypes, one would recall his attempt to praise Obama by noting that Obama was clean and articulate, or his offhand attempt at a humorous comment about Asians running 7-11s.
The Simpsons even did a "The Most Dangerous Game" bit during one of the Halloween episodes.
I read most of the manifesto when Drudge had it up. It went on and on and on..
What I thought was odd about the manifesto were his stated standard grievances from all directions, left and right. Nothing new under the sun. I mean, there was anger and frustration. But why did this guy think that he was going to solve any of his grievances killing a handful of random people at a Walmart? Not in touch with reality. Also - there was something odd about his manifesto. really odd.
The Dayton Shooter was clear-cut leftist bat shit angry rage filled time bomb.
Europe is the home of the "White" race, but so is also large swaths of the Asian plate, and the various peoples there have never been sorted out as to who is "White" and who is not. F. ex. the peoples with some derivative of "Turk" in their ethnic designation, stretching from today's Turkey to far into the Chinese hinterlands, and, of course, the descendants of all the peoples mentioned in the Old Testament.
Yes, that is quite possible. However, I think what actually happened is the the context is that he was already talking about poor African-American children and improving their access, and the rest just follows from that missing connection. I definitely think he realized his error and then fumbled for a way to overcome it without calling attention to it directly. I think his mind is just badly disordered, and will be a continuing problem for him. The truth/facts gaffe is proof of this latter problem.
Trump engaged in the all time worse case example of using a child for a political photo op and Ann’s response is “nothing to see here.” Why am I not surprise?
Ann, you are such a phony.
Politicians have never before used babies, dogs or children for photo ops. This Trump guy is a monster.
once written, you are really quite the idiot.
History starts anew every morning for leftists.
Lara was Mexican, and worked entirely in that tradition. His music has strong elements of the Mexican style, even in his famous Spanish song-cycle ("Granada", etc.). The lyrics are in the hispanic poetic tradition of intense, unconstrained passion.
Regardless of what wiki says, his most characteristic piece was probably "Maria Bonita", his anniversary gift to his wife, Maria Felix, the then-queen of Mexican cinema (Mexico had a great and respectable movie industry at the time; its works are largely unknown in the US). Everyone has covered "Maria Bonita" over the last 70 years.
Here is Lara performing, himself -
Lara-Maria Bonita
This is more "Mexican" by the queen of rancheria (country music) Aida Cuevas
Aida Cuevas-Maria Bonita
This is a semi-torch song version by pop-best seller Natalia Lafourcade
Natalia Lafourcade-Maria Bonita
My favorite - Lola Flores, bizarrely doing her total Andalusian accent-dialect thing on a Mexican song - and about as subtle and sentimental as a close assault by La Legion. I like it.
Lola Flores-Maria Bonita
And, of course, Don Placido making it operatic
Placido Domingo-Maria Bonita
Sadly, Maria did not tarry long with Lara, la donna e mobile of course, and it seems that donna particularly so.
So Lara subsequently wrote "Noche de Ronda"
Lara - Noche de Ronda
There is a story that Salvador Dali, on his deathbed, asked for this piece.
YW: "I think his mind is just badly disordered, and will be a continuing problem for him. The truth/facts gaffe is proof of this latter problem."
Maybe not as there is an army of lefty media types and LLR-leftists who stand ready to defend Biden at every turn.
After all, if these guys can passionately defend Stolen Valor dem liars, there is no level they wont stoop to in defending Biden.
My brother married a beautiful, smart Mexican lass and I visited them several times in Rosarito. Although I don't speak the language, my impression from the two of them and my own observations is that Mexico has enormous potential but is held back by corruption and pandering to anti-American left wing sentiment.
There are numerous resort, hotel and condo development south of Tijuana that were abandoned when the developers ran out of suckers to rip off. I saw one house that was built for a retired couple from the US that had no running water and almost no electrical wiring, because the couple didn't understand the necessity of watching the contractors like a hawk.
Ripping off Americans is an everyday practice. In the US, you can't start building apartments or condos without most or all of the financing secure before you start. In Mexico, fly-by-night developers sell the condos before they're built to unsophisticated foreigners and pocket the money, then disappear. Sometimes they make a half-hearted effort to dig some holes in the ground and they might even pour a weak foundation, or put up a girder or two. They operate secure in the knowledge that no Mexican court is going to help a foreigner recover their money.
There is a scenic toll road running south from Tijuana. There are underweight cattle grazing on hillsides with views that would be worth millions if they were located 30 miles further North. But only Mexican nationals can own land near the coast, so a potential tourist and retirement community paradise goes undeveloped while beggars roam the streets. It's criminal.
Unknown said...
Ref The Hunt, I read a showbiz article once to the effect that every adventure series that goes on long enough eventually does a The Most Dangerous Game episode
Wrecked, a second or third rate cable comedy series, did a "Most Dangerous Game" episode or series of episodes. Just saying the phrase with an affected accent and having other characters not understand what you're referring to is an easy way to get a laugh, and the rest just writes itself.
about a year or so ago, juan Gabriel, the prolific Mexican singer, as prolific as elvis as hardluck a story as johnny cash passed on, the death and burial were shrouded in mystery as was his peculiar will, and who he passed on the bulk of his fortune, not a blood relative,
heck it was an episode on Gilligan's island, if memory served, and this isn't the first time that Hollywood went all nutbar against center right people, there was the last supper in 1996, with Cameron diaz, and bill Paxton, in their stock roles,
which marc are you, you mean the 4d matrix vs the cold hard bitter reality, when you have to snip these bureaucrats like vampires,
15 years after it ceased production, "Friends" is the most-streamed program in the UK. The Top 20:
1 Friends Comedy Sitcom Acquisition Netflix USA 2.38% (of all commercial streaming)
2 The Grand Tour Entertainment Magazine Original Amazon UK 2.03%
3 You Drama Thriller Original Netflix USA 1.86%
4 The Good Place Comedy Sci-Fi/Fantasy Original Netflix USA 1.63%
5 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Comedy Sitcom Acquisition Netflix USA 1.53%
6 The Big Bang Theory Comedy Sitcom Acquisition Netflix USA 1.42%
7 Luther Drama Crime Acquisition Netflix UK 1.34%
8 Marvel's The Punisher Drama Superhero Original Netflix USA 1.29%
9 Suits Drama Legal Acquisition Netflix/Amazon USA 1.29%
10 The Office (US) Comedy Sitcom Acquisition Amazon USA 1.18%
11 Vikings Drama Action/adventure Acquisition Amazon Canada/Ireland 1.14%
12 Breaking Bad Drama Crime Acquisition Netflix USA 1.11%
13 Peaky Blinders Drama Crime Acquisition Netflix UK 1.05%
14 Grace and Frankie Drama Comedy Original Netflix USA 1.02%
15 Sex Education Drama Comedy Original Netflix UK 0.96%
16 Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina Drama Sci-Fi Fantasy Original Netflix USA 0.94%
17 Prison Break Drama Crime Acquisition Netflix/Amazon USA 0.87%
18 The Last Kingdom Drama History Original Netflix UK 0.84%
19 Orange is the New Black Drama Comedy Original Netflix USA 0.83%
20 The Umbrella Academy Comedy Superhero Original Netflix USA 0.79%
Why are people assuming that "The Hunt" portrays the hunting of deplorables as a good thing? That seems to be the presupposition of all the right-wing critics. But I read that Hillary Swank plays one of the hunted. I'm assuming it's at worst a "pox on both their houses" story or more likely implitictly critical of the dehumanization of half our country.
because we know who are producing financing and writing it, and as pointed out, past is prologue, lindelof's previous project leftovers is secular rapture, his next one watchmen, is about white supremacy?? even though Robert redford has been president for life since 1992..
The liberals are clearly going to be the bad guys in this film.
What daskol said. And as Gutfield pointed out, we don't know the ending, the deplorables may come out on top in the end. But nevermind the preposterous premise the the deplorables would ever be without their guns to begin with, and that the elite would embrace them.
Fernandistein: This is an FBI paper I've seen mis-quoted a lot recently:
Am I the only one interested/amused in the use of the term "active shooter" in this context? I haven't been able to find a definitive history of the term, but I think it's become something different than it was originally.
My suspicion is that police dispatchers originally used the term when dispatching officers to let the officers know that the incident was ongoing - that is, we're not just sending you to deal with the aftermath of a completed shooting, we're sending you to deal with an in-progress - ie, active - shooting.
Then some idiot reporter heard the report of an "active shooter" over their scanner, and figured it somehow identified a particular type of incident. But that doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, in that context, what would an "inactive shooter" be?
'in a time of deceit, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act'
the gist of it, is French secret service, made a deal with abu nidal, apparently couldn't do it with carlos the jackal,
From the trailer of The Hunt, I'd say it's the same joke over and over again.
The joke being the action-woman player. It feels like a plot that doesn't exist though and will definitely be a challenge to sit through. Writer burnout.
No worse philosophically than action films that take down the white house all the time. Just plotless.
White house takers-down as I recall are always right wingers doing away with a kind leftist president who will ruin the military industrial complex or something.
Hollywood hates average white People. they've been putting that message out for about 30 years. Good to know some have caught on.
Cher in Suspect (1987) is good. There's your strong woman film. Liam Neeson overacts his part but you can just look away for those moments.
In reference to Chuck's comment way above about sleazebag Epstein, here's a good article on how Epstein operated to get "erotic massages" from girls, and send such girls to his buddies.
Apparently, one the girls (Giuffre) sued Epstein's female procurer (Maxwell) and obtained a confidential settlement. Now, the Court is unsealing some of the underlying evidence.
Here's the list of Epstein's "friends:"
Gov. Bill Richardson (DEMOCRAT- NEW MEXICO)
Britain’s Prince Andrew
Financier Glenn Dubin
Former senator George Mitchell (DEMOCRAT -MAINE)
Now-deceased MIT scientist Marvin Minsky;
Modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel
Possibly Alan Dershowitz (who denies all this).
I added the political affiliation, you know, which was omitted from the article. Probably a mere oversight
They're now lying about Trump's hospital visit. Trying to Trash it. CNN/MSNBC/MSM
Never trumpers are piling on. I hope people have gotten wise by now, but they wouldn't be continuing this brutal barrage of lies if they didn't think it hurt Trump.
Also, it seems to be a new D litmus test. you call trump - and his supporters - white supremacists or you're out. Biden and harris have waffles. Everyone else is like "Hell, yeah they'r white supremacists". Mittens has been strangely quiet, although you now he wan't to virtue signal and pile on.
I usually just do a search for "Chuck" and ignore all those posts. It really streamlines the thread.
"Cher in Suspect (1987) is good."
RH is a Cher fan. Who knew?
Why does it matter if Trump called neo-Nazis at Charlotteville fine people? They might be. That's the charitable assumption.
They're people to be persuaded, not people to be condemned.
It's leftists that you can't reason with, not neo-nazis.
Half-breed, that's all I ever heard
Half-breed, how I learned to hate the word
Half-breed, she's no good they warned
Both sides were against me since the day I was born
Cher donated 300k for veterans and gave a lot of her own time with them, as well.
Not a fan though. Just that film and her calling in a donation to Imus when he was running that charity thing.
So a not-as-bad-as-you-might-think judgment.
Was Tramps and Thieves Cher? That was good.
"Why does it matter if Trump called neo-Nazis at Charlotteville fine people?"
Of course. Alger Hiss won awards. Maybe the Neo-nazi's are nice guys, like him, or the Rosenbergs or the head of Communist Party USA.
"Was Tramps and Thieves Cher? That was good.'
that too. She was a victim in a lot of her songs.
yes, but the villain is the typical republican apparatchik, white house down, was agonizingly bad, with Obama as action figure, against a coffee clatch of deep state figures,
Bu-thanks for the Lara tutorial. Fascinating.
I know appallingly little about Mexico. One thing I know is what RD Kaplan stresses in "The Revenge of Geography"-- that Mexico is economically and demographically moving north, both within Mexico and across the US border; for the first time in our history a large stream of immigrants is arriving from a single source to settle mostly where others are already established, in a region where their country of origin has historic cultural ties and claims.
That's new
Am I the only one interested/amused in the use of the term "active shooter" in this context?
I was interested enough to look it up - the paper has a reference which might define it, but the FBI URL is ... missing. Like many other crime issues, I think this is one where the gummint is playing coy. (Polite term for "lying a lot").
The agreed-upon definition of an “active shooter” by US government agencies (including the White House, US Department of Justice, FBI, US Department of Education, US Department of Homeland Security, and Federal Emergency Management Agency) is “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.”
So it's pretty stupid definition (Kill people in an unpopulated area? What does "confined" mean? Does that exclude Las Vegas?), and the FBI paper doesn't use the term as they defined it.
Hiss was part of the ware spy ring, that began in the agriculture department and expanded to state, actually his first gig was as as staffer on the nye committees whose disclosures, sparked the isolationist movement in earnest, around 1934, now he wasn't a kgb asset but gru military intelligence, one of the leading handler, general krivitsky defected in 1937, that's what prompted whitaker chambers to contact Adolph berle, nothing came of, about six years later, krivitsky was executed in dc, this prompted him to come out of the cold,
Olympus has Fallen was pretty entertaining
it is, and the sequel was pretty good, the next one may run out of steam,
Fernandistan, even that quoted definition includes someone who is "actively engaged" in killing. But all killers are "actively engaged" in killing at the time of the killing.
I think what's intended is to distinguish killings which take place in public and involve multiple unrelated victims. But "active" isn't the right word for that, and I still think my theory for where the term came from is probably accurate.
I just got back from a hike with great scenic views. Hanging Rock State Park in Nc. Saw a Carolina Wolf Spider (largest Wolf Spider in N. America), a blue-tailed skink (common) and a Wehrle's Salamander (very rare). Got a little vertiginous at the top, but took some cool pictures. Sorry I can't share pics here.
The has been only two real news stories over the last 4 years:
1) Trump is a new kind of candidate and President.
2) The level of corruption, lawlessness and dishonesty in the left wing of our institutions. Not that the stuff exists, but the unprecedented level it has reached.
Nothing else is really news.
Now-deceased MIT scientist Marvin Minsky;
I just find that hard to believe.
The cable news talkers are totally fascinated with crazy people and giving all their insane acts wall to wall coverage in this slow news day.That is a terrible example to the young. Instead of if it bleeds it leads, they are now using if it is Helter Skelter grade evil it leads.
Trump Administration Moves Ahead With Abortion Restrictions
Moving ahead despite objections, the Trump administration on Friday set a timetable for federally funded family clinics to comply with a new rule that bars them from referring women for abortions.
No moral leadership... recognizing a right to life ("our Posterity"), and women with agency's first, second, third, and fourth choice, while progressing the wicked solution. Unlike one-child, selective-child has been normalized. So, baby steps.
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White kids are today's standard for smartness. You might want to claim that black kids are as smart as white kids.
I mentioned Marianne in several comments on Althouse (I don't think I've mentioned her anywhere else), and, on Facebook, I get requests for her for donations every single time I log on.
No, I have not given any money.
Journalists seem to be sublimely unaware of the fact, but their brand is damaged. I think even RC priests now realize that they're no longer in the best position to offer counsel on the dangers of premarital sex, but journalists don't have a clue about what a joke their impartiality is..... Katie Couric and George Stephanopoulos attended a get out of jail celebration party for Jeffrey Epstein. George apologized for his lack of due diligence. I don't know if Katie issued any kind of statement.....Their attendance didn't get much attention or criticism from their comrades in the media. I don't think such benign neglect would be extended towards Fox News hosts if they attended a party to celebrate Epstein's release from prison. How can they not notice how bad this looks?....You would think that people whose very job is creating public appearances would be better at public appearances.
Joe Biden is unintelligent. These aren't the verbal slips of an intelligent person.
Heard hack press talk about all the candidates on the radio-news affiliate.
No mention of Tulsi. The corruption machine is trying to make her vanish.
I mentioned Marianne in several comments on Althouse
Mary Ann was sweet and pretty. The prototypical "girl next door."
Ginger was pretty, and the writers had a challenge to mask her sweetness.
Mrs. Howell, Lovey, too. All sweet and pretty girls... women, ladies.
A baby... fetuses's right to keep and bear arms, legs, a head, and her life... shall not be infringed. I think the Justices need to revisit passage of the Twilight Amendment.
All the characters were nice. Even The Skipper was cast as someone who could hit Gilligan without seeming mean. And Gilligan, the source of most of the plot problems, was the nicest guy you could imagine, always working hard, if ineptly, to make everyone's life easier.
A crying shame bleach bit.
What?! Goofus joe poor kids are not white Biden- possible next president does not interest you.
“We chose truth over facts” is pure Marxism. It’s a slip. Pravda means “truth” and it was nothing but propaganda.
Never got the chance to become a conservative:
A staunch supporter of the rights of immigrants - and a married father of five - was killed last week when an illegal immigrant from El Salvador facing deportation crashed into his motorcycle in Colorado. Sean Buchanan, 45, was driving northbound on Highway 83 on August 2 when Colorado State Patrol say a southbound truck operated by Miguel Ramirez Valiente went off the side of the road, then over-corrected into the wrong lane and crashed into Buchanan's bike, killing him. Valiente, an undocumented immigrant who was slated for deportation eight months earlier,
Meanwhile, those seven motorcyclists killed in Mass by the alien that the state was protecting from well deserved depration are still dead.
I never got any tattoos. I remember talking about an weird mix of Tupac, Shakespeare, and Jesus once when was drunk in Vegas at a shop and the guy was like "hey maybe think on it a bit and come back when you know what you want."
My dad told me he got tatted in the Navy because that is what you did if you were in the Navy.
I was never in the Navy.
Democrats like it when illegal entrants kill US citizens.
consider the time in which Gilligan's island was bewitched for that matter, were silly, totally unrelated to the turmoil outside, now we can't have that, everything has to be awareness or woke, or some such idiocy,
Bay Area Guy @12:22 PM: "But I already sent him the gin."
What kind? I would have suggested Tanqueray Rangpur. Man is that tasty in a G&T.
I may go make one right now.
I too applaud and encourage Chuck as he heads toward the finish line.
"A Legacy of Whining" seems to be a 100% masterpiece of the 42 minutes I've watched so far. I didn't know art could be this good, or do what it could.
Joe Pye Weed. What, no butterflies?
papper: "Joe Biden is unintelligent. These aren't the verbal slips of an intelligent person."
Be very very careful....LLR Chuck is out and about and he is in Full Dem Defense Mode and will not let your observation go unchallenged.
Knowing LLR Chuck, it's likely to get ugly. Don't let anything slip about any children you might have.....
Drago, stop the teasing. Chuck deserves the gin. And probably needs it by now.
"My dad told me he got tatted in the Navy because that is what you did if you were in the Navy."
I asked my dad why he never go to a tattoo in the Navy, and he said that was only for lifers. The times they was a changin'.
Let's do black kids, any kids, can be as smart as Asian kids.
To test this, start by busting the government school monopoly and opening reform schools.
Lara's anglosphere reputation is based entirely on his Spanish cycle, that is, songs with Spanish themes and settings, though they are at least in parts quite Mexican, and Lara had never actually been to Spain before he wrote them, over a decade or more in the 1930's and 40's.
The star of that series is of course "Granada", which has become a popular operatic "art song". Its hard to think of a major tenor, or indeed a mezzo-soprano, who has not made a recording of "Granada".
Some of these, at least, were indeed intended as operatic art songs.
One of the earlier recordings of "Granada", by Jorge Negrete, a popular 1930s-50's leading man of the Mexican cinema - who also happened to have been operatically trained.
But this migrated very quickly to actual opera singers.
Don Placido, of course, being inevitably inevitable - Placido Domingo-Granada
The rest of the series has been covered many times, with various pieces included or excluded. The definitive album probably is - of course - that of Don Placido,
"Bajo El Cielo Español", or other names, but the lot seems to be the recordings of 1996 -
Placido Domingo-Bajo El Cielo Espanol
These were extremely popular post-WWII, and in Spain, naturally, where they were very welcome to the dictatorship in the 1950's and 60's. "Granada" was tremendous PR for Spanish tourism and the general image of the country. Lara was personally welcomed to Spain by Francisco Franco, from whom he received several honors.
AA, are you reading any other news sources besides your beloved NYT?
".....Is the news on vacation?....."
Well here you go:
"....Andrew Yang Says Only U.S. Citizens Would Get $1,000 per Month He Vows...."
Biden said the U.S. can “in a heartbeat” import another two million immigrants today."
Pete Buttigieg: ‘The Press Is Never the Enemy of the People’
Bruce Ohr Documents Undercut FBI Claims In Carter Page FISAs
But AA, you are correct, the fun machine called the Democratic Campaign pales in comparsion to the violence in Mexico, Hong Kong and mainland China. The 800 pound gorilla, Hong Kong, could trigger a massive amount of violence in mainland China - has already. Wealthy Chinese have been exporting out of China a major part of their wealth. Those within China are exchanging everything for Gold, and other hard assets. That's not a good sign for China. Watch what the Armed Forces in China does - after all - they were build only for domestic control of their 1.3 billion people.
We normally don't say our euphonious username in public,
But the funniest thing happened today. We were in an upscale market
in Royal Oak, Michigan, today, and when the manager heard our name, asked:"Are you Chuck?"
We let her know we prefer to go by the unabridged "Ingachuck'stoothessARM ".
"Of course", she said, "it's such a pretty name".
Then she congratulated us(?) ...and handed us a huge bottle of gin!
The Joe Pye, not the butterflies
A nine-foot-tall butterfly has a name: Mothra.
Phidippus: "Drago, stop the teasing. Chuck deserves the gin."
He's earned both the truth and the gin.
AAT —. You mean there is a Russian word that means truth? That sure proves that Biden is a Marist. The only other possibility is that your brain is surgically connected to Drago.
Jeffrey Epstein's alleged sex trafficking victim named Bill Richardson, George Mitchell in newly released documents
In the news, again. Just can't wait to enjoy reproductive rites, again. Trafficking and casting girls for sexual liberation, again.
Reason mag quoting Current Affairs' Nathan Robinson, regarding the Democratic Socialists of America voting to establish an anti-fascist working group.
"proponents thought it was obvious that the DSA, as a group that was against fascism, should devote resources to figuring out how to stop fascism. Opponents believed it tied DSA too closely to the specific anti-fascist tendency known as Antifa, which could cause negative legal and safety consequences for DSA."
Emphasis mine.
A group of deer is a herd, numerous geese are (is? - sounds weird) a flock. Butterflies, a kaleidoscope.
A bunch of angry violent commies are a tendency.
Antifa, gives them too much credit, I call them black bloc, but as sds led to weatherman, well you see where we're going with this,
"Watch what the Armed Forces in China does - after all - they were build only for domestic control of their 1.3 billion people."
Not lately. The Chinese have been spending massively on high tech weapons intended to control their near-abroad and keep the US Navy away. Besides the artificial islands, they have 900+ modern combat aircraft plus who knows how many ground based long range anti-ship missiles, and their navy of course, which is building new ships at 3x the rate of the USN.
Just because you refuse to see something, doesn’t mean it isn’t there steve uhr.
Besides, it’s a little joke. A simple “no making fun of Biden, it’s never funny.” would do.
I'll handle a lot more of Althouse,
Than shrill handle me.
Is E. Cliff dead? Did I summon another demon?
As one who complained about Chuck's habits, and perhaps helped nudge a solution, let me thank all involved for a win-win-win.
Win with gin!
Scalia don't care, did, but now don't.
Isn't that perfect Scalia for ya?
This is from the DISSNT in Heller:
The question presented by this case is not whether the Second Amendment protects a “collective right” or an “individual right.” Surely it protects a right that can be enforced by individuals.
Justice Stevens, with whom Justice Souter, Justice Ginsburg, and Justice Breyer join, dissenting.
This is from the second dissent:
In interpreting and applying this Amendment, I take as a starting point the following four propositions, based on our precedent and today’s opinions, to which I believe the entire Court subscribes:
(1) The Amendment protects an “individual” right—i.e., one that is separately possessed, and may be separately enforced, by each person on whom it is conferred. See, e.g., ante, at 22 (opinion of the Court); ante, at 1 (Stevens, J., dissenting).
If you look at his reasoning for restricting the right
Even so, a legislature could reasonably conclude that the law will advance goals of great public importance, namely, saving lives, preventing injury, and reducing crime.
Why wouldn’t these same reasons apply to the first amendment, if the legislature decides that speech is causing problems that the legistlature needs to address?
I really don’t care about the right to own a gun, but I care a lot about the first amendment, and the second amendment is the canary in the coal mine.
Ann, not Althouse because my subservience has poisoned that brand, can win 2024 with a simple:
I just don't think Trump is bad, in fact I kinda like him after all these decades.
Seems so normal compared to everything else, sadly.
'Cept Guild.
I'm trying to see what eating local would be in Wisconsin this year. In this area (Milwaukee, Cedarburg, Freistadt area) there is still no local corn in the farmer places I go to. The long wet spring/early summer delayed planting. They have corn and they say it comes from Madison and beyond and so is local. I wonder. (Crisis of trust in society extends even to statements by small farmers.) It may be from Illinois, for example. You have to call ahead to get local tomatoes. They had ten the other day. The blueberries are from Michigan, the peaches from Georgia. The local foods in abundance at present are mostly my most abhorred foods - beets, cauliflower, kohlrabi, green peppers, cabbage. They are so healthy they look almost good enough to eat but I know they're not. The carrots, onions and garlic are good.
Bu Bu Great because right, I get it and understand.
But, the man with no name's horse, he, you see, he just don't find it funny.
Like in Unforgiven the movie the Clint Eastwood. Sometimes humor is too much for some to handle.
Meanwhile, those seven motorcyclists killed in Mass by the alien that the state was protecting from well deserved depration are still dead.
That incident has turned into a potentially political career-ender for governor Charlie "Tall DuVal" Baker.
It turns out that the Mass DMV had sat on almost two thousand notifications from other states reporting that certain individuals had DUI convictions and the like. The Ukrainian dirtbag who killed the bikers was one of them.
The notifications were apparently sitting unnoticed "in a room", according to the hapless, feckless, dickless governor.
pt. 2
Jeffrey Epstein’s St. Thomas Network, Comms, And An Elite School
At regular supermarkets and at Outpost, OTH, there is an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables at their lowest price so far this year - blueberries, grapes, oranges, lemons, bananas, cherries, kiwi fruit, watermelons and strange tropical items, dragon fruit; rainbow tomatoes, rainbow carrots, asparagus. When they ban cars and trucks I won't have access to all this so, though I look for local first, I'm enjoying the aisles with their wrongful abundance.
Ablesness of consequence 0f consideration is something Althouse couldn't have fucked up but dit.
They were taught and believed, believed so hard, that a cespit of CIA wah wha ah Catholic.
And that in itself, eo ipso, was enough.
That mere moment.
steve uhr: "AAT —. You mean there is a Russian word that means truth? That sure proves that Biden is a Marist. The only other possibility is that your brain is surgically connected to Drago."
Uhr has been smacked around pretty well over the last several months due to the inanity of his posts.
Lashing out was inevitable.
Catholic well some like Casey, but mostly a wasp preserve, McCarty wrote about Bundys and alsops that's who he knew, the bureau was likely to be more catholic.
up Shit's Creek with 2 Ohrs?
trained at 'The Farm", CIA, FBI, Fusion GPS, husband DOJ, Russian-speaking Ham radio
an oldie:
Woe, Nellie.
Exhuding 000+ Althouse "new" Altkhouse kause he done learne.
The late Charles mccarry, noted this, the chrisgoohers and the Hubbards were in this vein.
Christopher, dang autocucumber.
"Biden is a Marist"
Biden was Catholic by birth and is still at least a nominal Catholic I think.
The Marists are a Catholic teaching order, more or less similar to and competitors of the Christian Brothers (La Salle).
He could be a Marist, as I am a La Sallite, had he gone to a Marist school.
But it seems he did not.
He actually went to Archmere Academy in Delaware, which is Norbertine, which is quite unusual. The Norbertines, or Premonstratensians, are a much, much smaller order than the Christian Brothers or the Marists.
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