Said Judith Regan, head of the publishing company Regan Arts, quoted in "Accused Serial Sexual Harasser Mark Halperin Signs ‘Trump’ Book Deal" (New York Magazine).
Regan's name is vaguely familiar. From her Wikipedia page:
In 2006, Fox announced that Regan had interviewed O.J. Simpson, during which Simpson "confessed" to the 1994 murders of which he had been acquitted. The so-called confession was to air on the Fox network and Regan was to publish Simpson's written confession as a book entitled If I Did It. After harsh criticism, News Corporation cancelled both the book and the interview with Simpson that was to air on the Fox Network. The book went on to be published and became a #1 bestseller. News Corp. fired Regan and Regan sued and won a reported $10 million.I... believe in the power of forgiveness, second chances, and... a path to redemption...
A sampling of Twitter responses to the Halperin book announcement:
“The new accusations from the four women include that Halperin masturbated in front of an ABC News employee in his office and that he violently threw another woman against a restaurant window“— Alex Burns (@alexburnsNYT) August 18, 2019
1. Having a high-profile position in the media, getting a book deal etc, is a privilege, not a right. Mark Halperin not only sexually harassed women (something he has acknowledged), he has been credibly accused of assaulting multiple women.— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) August 18, 2019
Can't a man publish a book? Shouldn't we judge it by its substance? Booted out of his job, he found a way to use his skill and be productive. Now, we will have the rectangular object, and why not say it's worth what it's worth? One answer is: A no-name writer wouldn't have gotten this level of publication and publicity if he wrote an equivalent volume of "How to Beat Trump." Halperin is still able to trade on his reputation and that shouldn't be accepted. But the other answer is, let's see the book. Maybe it's a good read. "If I Did It" was a smash hit. And that makes me think... how would you like Halperin's if-I-did-it book about those terrible things he did? Well, he can't do that. O.J. had his acquittal of the crime. The tort suit was over and done — res judicata. Halperin must look outward and find somebody other than himself to execrate. It's just so uncreative to pick Trump to beat on. So tiresome. "How to Beat Trump." It's like they're hoping people will see the book in the bookstore, pick it up, chuckle, say the title, and comically bop their companion on the head with it.
Thesis: Tag Trump as both a racist and White Supremacist.
"Can't a man publish a book? Shouldn't we judge it by its substance?”
Not since the end of The Enlightenment.
Halperin's perch has been notoriously poor for observations relating to Trump's political rise. How to Beat Off in the Trump Era, now that's something Halperin might tell us something new about.
Has this man been convicted of a crime?
Do you approve, professor, of trial by media gossip?
Trial by media ordeal, of course, has always been a staple of Marxist regimes.
You say you're not a Marxist feminist?
This is a template for Regan: if she can make it work with Halperin, she'll have a nice business on her hands for the next decade.
"O.J. had his acquittal of the crime. The tort suit was over and done — res judicata." But he lost the tort lawsuit big-time. So the preclusive effect is the opposite of "If I did it." The civil jury spoke, and yes, he did do it. So he didnt do it beyond a reasonable doubt according to the criminal jury but yes by a preponderance of the evidence by the civil jury.
"Can't a man publish a book?" It depends. But we know a man cant just eat his waffles. That's not allowed.
"Don't condone violence, but trump needs [a good] beating..."
Just as in 1998, we see how cynical political people are about #MeToo.
I have also lived long enough to believe in the power of forgiveness...second chances, and offering a human being a path to redemption.
But Orange Man Bad.
No, it is not a privilege to have a job in media or to be published.
These are financial transactions. If you can succeed in profiting from those transactions, you're in business.
There's no privilege involved. You don't have to seek permission from anybody.
"So tiresome."
You may be tired of the prog wars, which is your right as a comfortable retiree, but the prog wars aren't tired of you. In fact, this very post shows that progs still have a lot of work to do to shame you into voting left in 2020.
I do not in any way, shape, or form condone any harm done by one human being to another
unlike, MANY democrats
A Democratic state senator from Illinois came under fire over the weekend after pictures were posted online showing his supporters at a fundraising event performing a mock assassination on President Trump.
but trump needs [a good] beating
And just about every Democrat needs to be exiled to North Korea.
"I do not in any way, shape, or form condone any harm done by one human being to another, but...."
Everything before the word "but" is horseshit - John Snow
Isn’t this guy rich enough?
He’s a smug liberal prick who just pushed the Dem agenda. Journalist my ass.
Forgiveness for sexual assaults is a right only enjoyed by the Left.
"I do not in any way, shape, or form condone any harm done by one human being to another."
Still waiting for your condemnation of Islam, Judith.
Can't a man publish a book? Shouldn't we judge it by its substance?
SORRY WHAT? YOU'LL HAVE TO SPEAK LOUDER. WHAT? I SAID YOU'LL HAVE TO - HEY GODAMIT KNOCK IT OFF OVER THERE FOR A MINUTE YOU LEMON!.... Ah that's better. As I was saying, we can't hear you over the ruckus, we are pulling down the Lincoln Memorial because the trans-bigot said a dog has four legs even if you call the tail a leg.
Now what are you one about? Some perv wrote a book? Throw it in the pile. We burn at 6pm.
Emily Miller is one of the women who spoke out against him. She was a frequent guest on a podcast I listened to and described his assault before it was public without naming him. I find her Twitter account useful for this development.
Will Matt Layer be rehabilitated too? These weren't workplace misunderstandings.
All the proceeds from the book should be held in escrow to benefit his victims. He'll declare bankruptcy if he is ever sued. That's how pricks like him roll.
Emily Miller is one of the women who spoke out against him. She was a frequent guest on a podcast I listened to and described his assault before it was public without naming him.
So, why is this woman not seeking legal redress instead of gossiping?
I assume she's a liar.
If successful this project indicates the path to redemption from sexual assault is advancing left wing electoral success. This has always been true but haven't you spent two decades criticizing feminist protection of Clinton because you didn't think it should be true?
Back in the day a cad had the option to, perhaps, join the Turkish army, or enlist as a provincial governor in the Belgian Congo, or go East and enter the copra(coconut) business as a factor for Lever Brothers.
I see the New York Magazine learned from the NYT and wrote a better misleading headline that connects Trump to a sexual harasser. That will even inflate the Google numbers when searching for Trump and sexual harasser.
I never heard of him but I see he was an Imus guest many times, in the old catalog, dropped after October 3 2010. Usually that means an Imus virtue signalling boycott.
Apparently he was very attractive to women who like powerful men.
On September 9, 2009 Imus had a who is Mark Halperin listener quiz, probably to point out to his upcoming guest that nobody has heard of him.
I'd guess without looking him up that he was a Time magazine editor. Completely unmemorable deep media state person.
I have a hard time feeling much sympathy for any of these Progs, who eagerly helped create the monster, crying because the monster has taken their lunch money.
And I bet Halperin is more politically correct than ever now that he wants to get back in the good graces of intellectual society. Which is why he picked Trump to beat on.
I never believe women.
He printed wallace and schmidts innuendos about the huntress that became juliannes bender, which tim alberta accepts wholesale.
Honorable behavior from a woman always depends on the whims of her feelings at the moment.
Homeric epithet: hysterical women
Foyle's War, Endeavour, Inspector Lewis, British cop mysteries, show proper woman victim behavior. They're just found dead. No running around accusing men of stuff.
The Anita Hill hearings are the only mystery running involving modern women's man-crime concerns. A repeat tried in Kavanaugh though.
It won't happen. Nobody cares really. You need dead women so that men want to protect them instead of attempting not to laugh.
There should be a statute of limitations re accusations of sexual predation.
Too many women are letting pervs go free to assault even more women because they don't want the perv punished, they just want him to stop preying on them.
Why did he talk to a bunch of losers about how to win?
There should be a statute of limitations re accusations of sexual predation.
You've got to give women enough time to change their mind.
Remember the halcyon days of the 60s and 70s when people, including celebrity and professional women, bragged publicly about their wanton sexual behavior?
And they didn't file charges or a lawsuit or launch a media gossip campaign the day after their trysts.
What an insane reversal within my life span. And, remember, it was women who were the most vocal about how liberating screwing around was.
What accounts for this contemporary sexual panic?
What accounts for this contemporary sexual panic?
Democrat hypocrisy is such a given that it no longer is even a factor in the debate. Now, that’s a propaganda victory.
Anyone should be able to participate in public life and in the marketplace of ideas no matter what he has done.. You don’t have to look/listen.
Busy, serious, and completely being women. That's why Thurber loved them. Always funny.
How to Beat Mark Halperin
Start with a stick and work up.
Can't a man publish a book?
Apparently, Halperin has. So you see, the First Amendment and freedom of the press are alive and well.
Can't a woman decide for herself when is the right time to accuse a powerful man of the crime of being a creep?
Trump Landslide 2020.
I'm not sure how you work out the accounting procedures. Wagner was definitely loathsome, but people who know classical music claim that the value of his work far outbalances his deficits as a person. Do we use the same protocol for R. Kelly and Michael Jackson?......As pervs go, he wasn't off the charts. What level of pervitude is unforgivable? I think Polanski was far pervier, and he got a standing ovation at the Academy Awards. Maybe it's not the nature of the offense but the nature of your accomplishment that counts. Like I say, I don't understand the accounting principles.
Heileman was a decent tech writer at wired, halperin the son of agee enabler morton halperin who wamted to dismantled the deep state when it was working.
Actually, the civil jury awarded punitive damages against Simpson, which required proof of malice, fraud, or oppression by “clear and convincing” evidence under CA law. So it was clear that he killed two people with malice. In the civil trial the Plaintiffs got to cross-examine Simpson.
Glenn thrush, another #metoo target was busy dimg to kamala harris's reputation what she would do to willy brown yesterday, iywim,
Judith Regan herself was credibly accused of sexual harassment back in the day. It’s difficult to link from this phone, but google “The Devil and Miss Regan” from the November 2006 issue of Vanity Fair. Trust me: Wildly entertaining — she’s a sort-of female Trump.
When Harvey Weinstein was caught, he vowed to atone by going after Trump and the NRA. Did not work, but it seems like going after the Right is a minimum requirement with these things.
More than 40 Democrats participated. That's surprising. Most of them got where they are by successfully gauging the political winds.
Why would anyone need to read such a book. Isn't there already a 1000 of them out there, and I thought the polls show Trump is gonna lose to any of the top Dems anyway. Relax you crazy deranged assholes. You got this.
I wonder if the book includes the latest left strategy to beat Trump: destroy the economy by talking it down 24/7 and scaring people into job losses and financial ruin over TDS. Isn't that wonderful the way they care about the people?
Maybe Mark should learn to code. He could work from home.
HOW TO BEAT TRUMP by Mark Halperin:
1. back and forth motion;
2. lube may help;
3. much better if performed in front of subordinate woman...
More than *70* Democrats participated.
Why did he talk to a bunch of losers about how to win?
Good point. Democrats are so frantic to beat Trump, they will listen to anybody, no matter how crazy.
But what if....what if someone actually did beat Trump? What would these morons do with all that rage? It doesn't bear thinking about. Would the media be forced to actually leave their air-conditioned offices and go out into the world and find real news to report? Would celebrities go back to just making movies and music?
The Ali tweet is explicit. Accused = guilty, guilty = should be punished.
As I remember it, Regan didn't lose her job over the OJ book. It was because she wanted to publish a novel about Mickey Mantle ("7") and the family blowback was pretty intense. She went on a rampage in meetings about the Joos and that's what got her ejected.
Considering the Democrats' propensity for deplatforming and getting people fired, I don't see why Halpern shouldn't be hoist on the same petard. Them's the rules today, snowflakes!
It is yet more of the same leftwing culture where disgusting sexual predators, like Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, etc get a pass because they have the right politics.
He's only getting all this "redemption" bullshit because he is attacking Trump.
Ruling Class Privilege in action.
Bill Peschel said:
"It was because she wanted to publish a novel about Mickey Mantle ("7") and the family blowback was pretty intense. She went on a rampage in meetings about the Joos and that's what got her ejected."
Mickey Mantle was Jewish? Wow, the things you learn here.
I don't think his deficits as a person are all that large but neither are his accomplishments all that great. So screw him. If he were DeTocqueville, I'd say give him a pass....I'd give Woody Allen a pass. He occasionally comes out with a decent movie, and his movies have great roles for older women. So it's a net win for the women. I don't see how women come out ahead with Halperin's forgiveness and isn't that an important part of the metric.....I'm formulating my accounting principles. We should judge the miscreant by 1) the nature of his offense 2) the magnitude of his achievements and 3) the most important factor: whether feminists will be aided or diminished by allowing him to continue his career.....By the standards outlined above, we can see how important it is for Halperin to be put on the trash heap and the memory of Ted Kennedy to be honored.
R. Kelly's big problem was that he never wrote a feminist anthem. If he had written a catchy song about the joys of abortion many of his present problems would be, if not eliminated, at least severely diminished.
"Can't a man publish a book? Shouldn't we judge it by its substance? Booted out of his job, he found a way to use his skill and be productive. "
One set of rules for everybody or fuck off. No middle ground.
Can't a man publish a book? Shouldn't we judge it by its substance? Booted out of his job, he found a way to use his skill and be productive. Now, we will have the rectangular object, and why not say it's worth what it's worth?
It's exactly what Nixon did.
Here's where Emily Miller discusses incidents of sexual harassment
She was told to be careful by an older female co-worker. I interpreted that to mean, HR will do squat. And it seems like that's the truth in TV news.
Start at thirteen minutes in
Judith Regan also had an affair with the married-with-children Benard Kerik, the Police Commissioner under Rudy Giuliani. (Later, Kerik went to prison for tax fraud, among other charges).
No, I will not read or listen to gossip accusations against men that have not been adjudicated in an adversarial legal process.
Can't a man publish a book?
OJ couldn't. The rights to the book were transferred to the Goldmans, who had won the civil suit, as partial payment of the judgment against him, and they published it.
What's with these media/Hollywood freaks and beating off in front of women? I suppose that's why he titled the book "How to beat(off) Trump"
How much did the DNC pay him while he was an "objective" journalist beating off while at ABC News?
Kissing someone at work isn't criminal, at least I'd hope most of us wouldn't go to the police for something like that.
It is an HR issue. An HR issue that media companies don't deal with in the same way other corporations do.
One set of rules for everybody or fuck off. No middle ground.
Exactly. Same rules for all or no rules for anybody.
Choose wisely.
Exactly. One set of rules. Endorsing #Metoo (though not actually supporting incarceration of real criminals) is a core platform of the DNC.
Hold them to it. It's not about publishing a book: it's about the political operatives in the book conforming to rules they impose on others.
IIRC, Regan's talk show on CNBC in the 90's(?) was semi-interesting.
Foyle's War, Endeavour, Inspector Lewis, British cop mysteries, show proper woman victim behavior. They're just found dead.
In the US, they're histrionic basket cases. How long can one woman cry without becoming dehydrated? When the bad guy approaches, they either fail to grab a weapon or bash him once and then run instead of finishing him off. But the cavalry always arrives just in time.
When I first got Fox News, Judith Regan was my favorite show.
All assaulters of women who were 'forgiven' by the Left because of power.
Is there any more evidence one needs to think that Feminism has few if any principles (except for killing kids. They are pretty foursquare on that)
So he's a literal jerk-off and he interviewed 75 more of them for his book. Birds of a feather.
he was the one that admitted press give democratic candidates, a 10-15 point advantage,
Not Pro-Choice? There is hope for change. Good for you. #HateLovesAbortion
Will Mika & Joey have on their former besty to hawk his book. Will Mika claiming to represent all women tell us enough time has past that all must be forgiven?
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