Fox News isn’t supposed to work for you.
— Brit Hume (@brithume) August 28, 2019
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Fox News isn’t supposed to work for you.
— Brit Hume (@brithume) August 28, 2019
The ol’ Brit / Bret theme today...
What if he picks Althouse?
If the rest of the networks weren't working for the benefit of the Democrats, Hume wouldn't have to preempt any confusion about the President's different use of the term.
And given some of the commenters here, he stupidly does have to preempt that confusion.
That the press isn't supposed to work for any politician or political party is a really fine ideal.
But here we are.
Trump didn't say "me", he said "us."
So we must presume that Hume is using the plural "you," referring to the same group of people which Trump did.
Given that, is Hume sure he's right? I'm not.
Brit either misses the Presidents point or is deliberately trying to distract is from the President’s point with snark. Point being media and FOX in particular are failing in the traditional mission of media which is to inform, to educate. Trump is correct on that count. But you got in your snark Brit. Way to go FOX.
Fox News has gone the way of its London raised boy Owners. It is no longer pro American. Which is sad because Deplorable Americans made Fox News the success that it has been since elder Murdoch let Roger Ailes run things to appeal to an American audience.
Fox has been moving left since the election.
Trump rightfully calling them out on it.
Good Altparse by SeanF. If FOX isn’t supposed to work for us, for you, Why does FOX get up in the morning?
WTF. Where is the fact checking? Hume made a joke turning on the words “work for”. Doesn’t Althouse think Snopes should swoop in and call Hume a liar??
No. The MSM works for the Democratic Party/Left.
As Marx intended.
It's a question where fake news is coming from.
Fake news gets better ratings, so that's where Fox is moving.
Exactly. The MSM works for The Party(D)
In what sense was he using "work"? Was it in the sense of "you are supposed to do what I say" or in the sense of "I used to love this diet, but it just isn't working for me anymore"?
Fox isn’t working for us anymore!
"Fox News isn’t supposed to work for you."
Trump Tweeted "us", which I understood to mean Fox News isn't working for its audience.
Who should Fox News work for?
"That's right, buddy. Show that turd who's boss... We're gonna get through this.."
Trump figures if reader outrage can compel the New York Times to rewrite its headlines and u-turn its coverage on a dime, why can't viewer outrage do the same (and worse) to Fox News?
Brit Hume will assuredly specify exactly what he meant and will answer questions about it.
Will Trump?
I have always liked Brit Hume. Brit Hume, Brett Baier and Chris Wallace are why I occasionally watch Fox News.
And; a word of thanks to Althouse. I’ve not seen this posted anywhere else and so I am grateful to have seen it here.
Those Fox News polls have really gotten on Trump’s last nerve.
Obama's "dream-perfect economy" and "Eddie Haskell republican" Chuck: "And; a word of thanks to Althouse. I’ve not seen this posted anywhere else and so I am grateful to have seen it here."
Mommy, I know I've been told to leave many many times but would it be okay if keep up my Reid Hoffman act just a little bit longer?......
FrankiM: "Those Fox News polls have really gotten on Trump’s last nerve."
Fox polls told us Trump would never be President.
rehajm: Good Altparse by SeanF...
I like "Altparse". New coinage?
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King.
Fox is the one-eyed newscast.
You have read Trump's tweet as part of his series per his ellipses.
Has LLR Chuck complimented Althouse on her choice of outfit today yet?
I would expect that to come next.....
do any of y'all ever go to the fox news site?
At the bottom of EVERY page, is a row of "Sponsored Stories", that is, click bait and fake news
crap like:
Inside Ann Coulter's Humble Cabin Where She Lives With Her Partner
The Cost Of Medicare Supplement Plans Might Change Your Mind About Getting Coverage
AT 51, Catherine Bell Will Make You Skip Lunch
The pretend to be Real News, and they put fake news on their front page
They HAVE failed US
If Fox News isn't supposed to be working, for US;
Who IS it supposed to be working for? I mean, besides the Murdocks ?
"In what sense was he using "work"?"
As Althouse would say, it's so sad that Hume would jump to the interpretation least favorable to Trump! An honest reporter shouldn't do that!
Anyway, Brit, we've got enough a**oles in the MSM already. What's gonna be your niche? The half dozen Chucky Never-Trumpers?
Once again, Trump is right: if Fox persists in its leftward move, there's gonna be an opportunity on the right. But they still got some righty cred.
The rest of the media pretty much works as DNC propagandists. No doubt there's a lot of people at Fox who would probably like for them to become yet another outlet for DNC messaging (including perhaps the lessor Murdocks). But if they actually did so they would lose so much money they'd basically go out of business within a year.
In fairness, I'm certain that there's also a contingent who might like for them to become even more of a Trump cheerleader. Basically, be more like a 24/7 Sean Hannity show. But that would be boring and would almost certainly drive viewers away in droves too.
Of course they work for Trump and for his supporters. If they stop doing so, they can join the ratings cellar like all the other networks, and take a pay cut. So I understand that you have to say that Bret, but you are not fooling anyone. Trump and most of the public want the truth, and they also happen to pay your salary too. Now get back to work.
Blogger readering said...
You have read Trump's tweet as part of his series per his ellipses.
This is an excellent point.
The subject Trump tweet is part of a 3-tweet series and a full reading of all three tweets confirms that Trump was consumed with his own personal predilections about Fox anchors and contributors, grading them on how loyal to him or critical of him they may be. Trump was watching tv, and was reaction-tweeting.
Trump articulated no concern about how the Fox News Channel was serving a wider audience. “Us,” as some of you would like to elide. Trump was 100% focused on his partisan opponents and staff whom he regarded as insufficiently supportive of him.
Fox News has the same strategy that most of the left does: persuade the American public that Trump is dooooooomed, worst poll numbers for a sitting president, the end has arrived, primary now. The problem is, literally everyone is wise to the trick. The best NeverTrump candidates are the pawn of Hillary Clinton and the n-word guy. So LLRs can continue to demonstrate why their $450 an hour salary is due to selling their soul, as opposed to any particular brilliance, but it doesn't matter. Brit Hume, Chris Wallace, Neil Cavuto, and Shep Smith absolutely represent Fox News' true beliefs, and LLRs have more in common with Fox News than you do. They're losers: sack them and build something better on the ashes. They only made it this far with the consent of the people.
Fox News is a source of reporting and opinion. Independent? Probably not.
Assuming there is sufficient orthogonality, signal diversity improves accuracy.
The Murdoch boys run the family business now and Roger Ailes, who came up with the idea of Fox News, is gone now, so let's get into all those NYC cocktail parties we've been excluded from. I've seen the left drift for two years now.
If Fox News had any sense (which being part of the modern corporate media industry, I very much doubt), they would take Trump's tweet very seriously as evidence that all is not right between them & their historical audience.
Now, if Fox News wishes to find itself another audience, that's their business decision. But, any attempt by Fox News to move leftward could prove disastrous because 1) they're a poisoned brand with liberals/lefties who have other watching choices & 2) there are are now other conservative news/opinion outlets that could take a large fraction of their audience, which wasn't the case before.
Fox's business model of being the network the American Right watches when it turns on the boob tube has been tremendously successful for it. Fox News has viewer numbers where it a show like Tucker Carlson has more viewers than all the other cable news shows combined. Management messes with this formula at their own peril.
Far too often Trump's opponents think that Trump speaks for himself only. That is rarely the case.
But if they actually did so they would lose so much money they'd basically go out of business within a year.
Old Chinese proverb:
First generation coolie,
Second generation merchant,
Third generation rich man,
Fourth generation coolie.
Meh its like sky news, like the telegraph that breeden delivered to the barclay bros better tham the times of london, but only slightly.
I like "Altparse". New coinage?
Dunno. I've been using it...
Times of london is now owned by murdoch but its atill the video counterpart to the bbc
Shep smith, that hysterical jackalope who swallows the dnc line hook line and sinker.
I wonder if Fox News does better with total number of viewers and thus financially, as the quasi-opposition network, when a Dem is in the White House?
Hume is correct here. However, I can already tell that FoxNews is slowly drifting to the left in its coverage, which is what Trump is talking about in the tweets. Ailes made the network profitable by taking over that niche that all the other news networks abandoned- by explicitly slanting its coverage to the right of the political spectrum. With Ailes overthrow and death, the natural political leanings of the management are slowly taking over. I predict that within five years, you won't be able to tell the difference between FoxNews and MSNBC/CNN, and it won't be because the latter two became more moderate.
Fox fight!
God, this is sweet! The Fox journalists versus the Fox Trump-cheerleaders.
I want to see Brit Hume on Hannity. And I want to see Hannity interviewed by Chris Wallace.
It's hard to blame the individuals. Keep in mind that these Fox News pundits are paid 20 to 35 million dollars apiece each year to spin the news the way London Billionaires want to see it spun.
Fox News is probably reading the handwriting on the wall and understands that Trump style conservatives will go back to living under their rocks after 2020.
No, they're supposed to work for the Democrats like everybody else. But they won't stick to script.
THe past 2 months the Fox Lady anchors are also trying to stump Kellyanne Conway with trash talk accusing questions, and then talking over her to interrupt her perfect answers. That takes work. They seem dedicated to being anti-Trumpers to please their bosses.
I took the statement "Fox isn’t working for us anymore!" the same way someone might say "Russia collusion isn't working for us anymore," i.e., we're well past that. Of course, the media wouldn't interpret it that way because TDS requires the most negative slant as regards Orange Man Bad.
traditionalguy said...
THe past 2 months the Fox Lady anchors are also trying to stump Kellyanne Conway with trash talk accusing questions, and then talking over her to interrupt her perfect answers. That takes work. They seem dedicated to being anti-Trumpers to please their bosses.
8/28/19, 11:19 AM
"You think you're Hannity? Bitch, you haven't earned what he's earned! People tune in for ME, not for you!"
I like Bret Hume, and he and the President are right. I realized over a decade ago Fox News wasn't working for new nor trying to work for me. Neither was any other television based news.
Brit doesn't get that for Trump, "us" means "Americans."
Fox News exists to make a profit for its shareholders.
I'm a little disappointed in Brit on this. He deliberately misunderstands Trump's construction. I might say something like, "You put the toilet paper in backwards. That doesn't work for me." I mean that the toilet paper no longer fulfills its proper function. I do not mean that the toilet paper is no longer employed by me, hired and paid by me.
Trump's right about Fox News. I find myself frequently changing to OAN. From the execrable snit-boy Shepard Smith to the faux-Mike-Wallace Leland Vitter to the suddenly woke Arthel Neville to the high-horse Chris Wallace, Fox News has taken a huge leap, not toward balanced coverage, but toward the same leftist propaganda spouted by all the other news organs. The most disturbing part is that, while FN used to make a clear distinction between commentators and news people, virtually the entire leftward shift has been among news anchors, people whose job it is to remain as close to the unbiased truth as they can. Fox News has apparently abandoned this goal.
Fox News exists to make a profit for its sharehold
So does Gillette. How is that working out for them?
LLR Chuck: "I want to see Brit Hume on Hannity. And I want to see Hannity interviewed by Chris Wallace."
Not a bad idea. The first subject up for grabs ought to be obama's "dream-perfect economy" and how anyone could be so moronic to suggest it ever existed.
After they dispense with that ridiculous assertion in full agreement after 2.7 seconds, they can move on to other topics, such as whether or not the democrats intend to go Full Speed Ahead with their Reid Hoffman tactics where fake conservatives post on blog sites to advance democrat politicians and policies.
Really, lots of interesting possibilities here.
FrankiM: "Fox News is probably reading the handwriting on the wall and understands that Trump style conservatives will go back to living under their rocks after 2020."
Recall that Inga was the rocket scientist who told us that May, Merkel, Macron and Trudeau were the "real leaders of the free world"!
Nobody knows what Mueller knows!!!!!
We are headed back to the nineteenth century when everyone understood newspapers were naked extensions of political parties; many even stated that explicitly in their very names. The New York Times-Democrat and “Fox GOP News” would represent a far more honest world.
Earnest Prole: "We are headed back to the nineteenth century when everyone understood newspapers were naked extensions of political parties; many even stated that explicitly in their very names. The New York Times-Democrat and “Fox GOP News” would represent a far more honest world."
All the way back to the 18th century with the pamphleteers.
The New York Times-Democrat and “Fox GOP News” would represent a far more honest world.
Except that Fox really is balanced, as far as its news reporting is concerned. Shep Smith, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace? These are not Republican shills, to say the least.
"The Murdoch boys run the family business now and Roger Ailes, who came up with the idea of Fox News, is gone now, so let's get into all those NYC cocktail parties we've been excluded from. I've seen the left drift for two years now."
Given how far right they were, I wonder how long it will take them to drift sufficiently leftward to hit the center?
Trump Airlines.
Trump Casino.
Trump University.
Trump Mortgage.
Trump Steaks.
Trump Vodka.
Trump Deodorant.
And now, Trump News?
Uncharacteristically leaden of Brit: Trump almost certainly doesn't mean for him or the GOP, he means "us" as in the country.
I have no problem with news organs being partisan, (in fact, I favor it), as long as they declare it. That's more honest and lets readers (or watchers) judge the reportage and editorials accordingly. Also good are those (rare) news organs that publish partisan reporting and opinions from all points of the political spectrum, like the lamented and long-gone NY PRESS, a competitor to the Village Voice, (also sadly gone, except as a phantom on the internet).
There’s always Russia Today.
It’s a really great channel. Very strong. Very, very strong. Strong like you’ve never seen. I think Russia Today is going to be a big success. We’ll see.
LLR Chuck's is blissfully unaware (because neither Maddow nor the DNC ever discuss it) that the Trump Organization has full or partial ownership of approximately 565 US entities as of 2017.
You can see them here:$FILE/Trump,%20Donald%20J.%20%20final278.pdf
Looks like LLR Chuck is prepping another fake quote he will try to project onto Trump.
Unsurprisingly, it's a Russia Today Chuck gambit. Hardly surprising given the collapse of obama's "magnificent" Russia Collusion Hoax ploy.
Chuck, would you like to take a moment to denounce your preferred candidate's, Joe Walsh, self-admittedly racist commentary over the years, or are you good with it?
Except that Fox really is balanced, as far as its news reporting is concerned.
Times readers think their paper is unbiased; Fox viewers think their network is fair and balanced -- at least until a week or so ago, when discontent erupted in both camps.
"Us" may be a royal "us". It may refer to Trmp's electorate support. It may refer to Americans generally. Fox wouldn't be the first media organization to kneel.
Given how far right they were, I wonder how long it will take them to drift sufficiently leftward to hit the center?
For a guy who has never seen it, you are quite an authority.
They have lefties on most panels. Juan Williams is the token for most of them. Jane Mayer was even on FNS years ago as a weekly panel member.
"US" may refer to the United Sates (US) of America. In which case, there may be an implication of foreign influence or collusion, thus joining a Fourth Estate that has progressed with globalization. Et tu, Foxy?
Funny thing about Chuck's reference to Russia Today is that RT is actually more accurate and balanced than CNN or MSNBC. Maybe Chuck will get a clue.
cubanbob: "Maybe Chuck will get a clue."
Leftists are leftists because they are incapable of getting a clue.
Russia Today certainly had the outcome of the Mueller investigation pegged from the beginning.
Maybe Fox should change its motto from “Fair and Balanced” to “More Trump Cowbell.”
While the MSM, apparently, is supposed to work for Der Staat. Beautiful
LLR Chuck is apparently refusing to denounce the long running racist and misogynist comments by the deadbeat dad candidate he enthusiastically supports.
I think we can infer quite a bit from that deafening silence.
Blogger Drago said...
Looks like LLR Chuck is prepping another fake quote he will try to project onto Trump.
Unsurprisingly, it's a Russia Today Chuck gambit. Hardly surprising given the collapse of obama's "magnificent" Russia Collusion Hoax ploy.
Chuck, would you like to take a moment to denounce your preferred candidate's, Joe Walsh, self-admittedly racist commentary over the years, or are you good with it?
What I would like is to read 14 or 15 more comments from you, about me. That’s all I have time for right now, but I’m only talking about this particular page. I am expecting at least 14 or 15 comments from you devoted to me on every Althouse comments page. I think I speak for everyone when I tell you how much I am looking forward to it.
Russ Smith's NYPress from the early 90s to the very early aughts was my favorite rag. I've never encountered anything like it. The energy was incredible. To the shame of NYC, and the already degraded Voice, it took a conservative fro m Baltimore to invigorate NY's press scene.
Only thing on FNC in any way reminiscent of NYPress is Tucker Carlson, another preppy dude from a city besides NYC.
Like Russ Smith, Carlson can do populist and elitist simultaneously without breaking a sweat
oh yes I remember his stuff, that was a favorite in grad school,
Fox News is probably reading the handwriting on the wall and understands that Trump style conservatives will go back to living under their rocks after 2020. - Inga
See, this is what people like you don't get and you never will.
Whether Trump wins in 2020 or not, the people who elected him in 2016 aren't going anywhere. In fact, there's a pretty good chance we'll be just as obnoxious as you the next time a D takes the White House.
And you'll have no one to blame but yourselves.
So, what does royal "us", us, or US[A] want, need, or expect? Fox News is a close approximation, and nearer to "us" than alternative platforms. So, "us" will probably take more Trump, some Fox News, and some alternatives, with variable doses of "fake news" as the null hypothesis.
I have no problem with news organs being partisan, (in fact, I favor it), as long as they declare it. That's more honest and lets readers (or watchers) judge the reportage and editorials accordingly.
I agree completely. Be honest about your political agenda and viewers will judge accordingly.
I find it frustrating that many viewers believe that MSM is unbiased while Fox is right wing.
This snappy little quip by Brit Hume assures him of invitations to several Georgetown cocktail parties.
I find it frustrating that many viewers believe that MSM is unbiased while Fox is right wing.
I don't think very many viewers honestly think the MSM is unbiased. They are content with its bias (or, as in the recent blow-up at the NYT, they don't think it is insufficiently biased).
Russ Smith's NYPress from the early 90s to the very early aughts was my favorite rag. I've never encountered anything like it. The energy was incredible.
I couldn’t agree more.
LLR Chuck: "What I would like is to read 14 or 15 more comments from you, about me."
Easily done.
LLR Chuck:
Maddow = "Brilliant"
obama = "magnificent"
Durbin = "competent"
obama's economy = "dream-perfect"
I think that sums you up quite well.
For the record, LLR Chuck is now refusing to denounce the repeated racist (includes "N" word) and misogynist comments of his preferred candidate, Joe Walsh.
Who also happens to be a deadbeat dad to the tune of $100k+.
Again, it tells us all we need to know about LLR Chuck.
this is supposed to be the flagship paper, in the uk
At least Fox News didn't jump all over the LLR Chuck-approved MSNBC's latest russia hoax claims made by LLR Chuck's beloved O'Donnell and "brilliant" Maddow!!
Inga and LLR Chuck hardest hit.
As always.
they're a poisoned brand with liberals/lefties who have other watching choices
See Megan Kelly.
top men, I tell you:
LLR Chuck:
Maddow = "Brilliant"
obama = "magnificent"
Durbin = "competent"
obama's economy = "dream-perfect"
I said that exactly one Maddow interview was brilliant. It was the interview with Kellyanne Conway for which Maddow won the Emmy that year. I never categorized her as brilliant at any other time.
I don’t believe that I ever called Obama “magnificent,” and you have never quoted me and/or linked to any context.
Dick Durbin is highly competent. A competent Dem partisan of the first order. A savage opponent of all of the federal judicial nominees who l’ve supported for many, many years. And the only time I’ve ever taken Durbin’s side in anything is when Durbin reported that Trump used the phrase “shithole countries” and Trump denied it.
My comment about Trump inheriting a “dream-perfect economy” goes to the fact(s) that job growth, GDP growth, and the Dow were all trending strongly upward in the last years of the Obama Administration, and that there have been no great budgetary crises since Trump was inaugurated. All of the positive trends started under Obama have continued with the one exception that with the Trump/Republican tax cuts, the deficit and debt are looking increasingly terrible.
All presidents get too much blame for bad economies and too much praise for good economies. But irrespective of blame or praise, a president who is riding the numbers seen in the first three years of Trump ought to also be riding a spectacular set of approval numbers. And Trump isn’t even close to positive territory.
Do people do cocktail parties anymore?
I get the impression that all that lot are boring stick-in-the-muds.
Maybe that was Epstein's secret, he may have been the last one around throwing cocktail parties.
conceivably, however the cocktail party seemed to be the appetizer, it's just tiresome Gloria alred pops up with her row of ambulances, and we're supposed to take it seriously, the whole kerfluffle over the amazon, which delingpole, pointed out,
Fox News just expanded its viewership to include the contrarian market.
sometimes you have to line up just right, or lose out,
"goes to the fact(s) that job growth, GDP growth, and the Dow were all trending strongly upward in the last years of the Obama Administration"
Not very impressive -
GDP growth -
Employment -
You can change the period-try Jan 2000-current - this data set is all persons 25-54, in order to eliminate changing demographics.
The Obama recovery was painfully slow, especially in employment. Even now the US is not back at the 2006-07 plateau, much less at 1999-2000.
I have often made the point over the years here that even the Euros have had much better employment recoveries, and have long since overtaken the US in % of adult population employed. The poor post-2009 recovery also seems to have given the US a long term problem with structural unemployment.
note how the socalled antiestablishment 5 star, has allied with the left parties,
Maybe like we have a cooling off period before working in politics, there should be one for media as well. Who does Axelrod think media should work for?
The various excuses given for poor employment growth (and this has been conceded, often, even by Democratic partisans) amount to -
- Changing demographics, that is, the population is getting older and there is a higher proportion of old people - True, but one avoids that issue by measuring just persons of working age, as the St. Louis Fed does with the 25-54 series.
- Greater proportion in college - ditto, as above
- Pointing to unemployment rate - which is misleading because it avoids the issue of problems with the labor force.
- Irrelevant because of increasing productivity - fails, because last decades productivity growth during the recovery is lower than in the two previous decades. Note: productivity spikes especially DURING a downturn.
All are excuses really, the apologists are generally professionals who should know better.
Sometimes they have let on that they are ashamed of themselves.
LLR Chuck has done it again!!
Chuck comes out strongly against tax cuts and deregulation!!
So, lets see now, "muh principles" "conservative" Chuck has defended obamacare, is against tax cuts and deregulation, and proclaims the obama economy "dream-perfect".
Chuck has also defended every democrat under the sun and attacked every conservative who even thinks about fighting back against the dems.
Chuck has also continuously linked to every far left network lefty lunatic (MSNBC/CNN/NBC/ABC/CBS/NYT/WP etc) while simultaneously attacking every right of center pundit.
Chuck is a big big fan of Lawfareblog, the home to the most radical Lawrence Tribe-y lefties around and which is the central locale for the Resistance movement against Trump and the republicans.
So much more as well on top of all that, not least of which Chuck now astonishingly claims the KKK was part of the republican party and had to be driven out by Bill Buckley (a claim Chuck made within the last 72 hours).
Yep. A real "William F Buckley" "conservative" that Chuck is!!
Thanks for playing Chuck.
Just give Chuck enough rope.....
For LLR Chuck's and Sleepy & Forgetful Joe Biden's benefit, from now on I should refer to obama as " boss..."
I have often made the point over the years here that even the Euros have had much better employment recoveries, and have long since overtaken the US in % of adult population employed.
Same reason gun violence has been low. Different populations. No urban black underclass.
Now that there is a growing Muslim underclass, that may change.
Fox reorganized its business earlier this year.
Fox Corporation makes money by selling advertising on news and sports broadcasts.
The Murdoch family owns 40% of Fox Corp.
Paul Ryan is on its Board of Directors.
That last part seems like fairly important news that I missed somehow - but it fits with Trump's statement.
So what are more likely reasons for slow employment recovery?
- Increased non-wage cost of employment. Indeed, this has grown. Overhead employment costs have increased. Some are direct such as increases in mandated medical coverage - there is a fine series on this I have often posted, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, illustrating the jump in employment costs due to Obamacare coverage changes. Besides this an increase in the legislated and regulated overhead. Not an issue much commented on, what this all cost employers. And more so, what the effect was on employment.
- Worker displacement through technology. Not a well explored topic, other than in manufacturing. But this does not fit the experience of other First-World countries. Tech is global, not limited to the US. Population employment rate in the First World has increased or stayed the same, relative to the US.
- Increasing wages. Not obviously a cause, as rate of growth actually fell during the recovery. But combine it with poor productivity growth and you may have something.
- Demographics. Not the matter of age, but of race. This is rarely mentioned, in that the racial mix of the US labor force has been changing radically. This is bound to affect all sorts of interrelated things. Productivity, propensity to participate in the labor force, etc.
Brit Hume: Fox News isn’t supposed to work for you.
1) the other networks work for the DNC
2) Trump said you are letting US down. We are you audience, not Trump. We are the one's thirsty for information not spun up by the likes of the NYTs and CNN.
3) I don't really care, FOX went wobbly years ago and I haven't tuned in for a decade.
The Obama recovery was painfully slow, especially in employment. Even now the US is not back at the 2006-07 plateau, much less at 1999-2000.
Yup. Every friday driving into take the Metro to DC, the wife and I would hear Dept of Labor employment numbers. They were always "lower than expected", and the following week they were always "adjusted downward".
From our pov, it became obvious DOL had the real numbers, would always inflate them on Friday and then give the adjust down to the real ones after the weekend.
It was a running joke between us, a dare that if they ever "erred" in the other direction, we would take play hooky and spend that week in Cancun. Never did get that vacation.
Chuck: I said that exactly one Maddow interview was brilliant blah blah blah I don’t believe that I ever called Obama “magnificent,” and you have never quoted me and/or linked to any context blah blah-
Weird how you are the only Republican on this blog who needs to constantly assert that he isn't sleeping with Hillary Clinton. How did that happen?
We don't work for you Mr. President say Fox News, wink, wink.
’...job growth, GDP growth, and the Dow were all trending strongly upward in the last years of the Obama Administration.’
Pure bullshit. The Dow was at ~17,000 two years before the election and ~18,000 when Trump was elected. Six percent growth over two years is pitiful. Trending strongly upward, my ass...
Trump used the term like a couple about to break up uses the term “it isn’t working for us anymore”.
GDP growth for the last two years of Obama’s term was between zero and three percent, with three percent growth occurring early in 2014. It was anemic, not ‘trending strongly upward’ per your bullshit claim, Chuck.
Job growth during Obama’s last two years ranged from 0.4% to 3.3% per quarter, with the two quarters of highest growth coming in 2014. Once again, not ‘trending strongly upward’ per your bullshit claim, Chuck.
Michael K said...Now that there is a growing Muslim underclass, that may change.
Yes..but when killed by Islamic Truck Violence (ITV), it's a less concerning death.
Btw, I eagerly await explanation of the grand benefits LLR Never Trumpers seek to bestow on "us" by undermining Trump's re-election bid, only to hand the Executive branch over to the Dems.
narciso said...
this is supposed to be the flagship paper, in the uk
8/28/19, 3:08 PM
The Times has been published in a tabloid format since at least 2003 when I left London. The Sunday Times was still a proper broadsheet. I would put the Daily Telegraph at the top of the heap.
Funny story - I was involved in installing an 80 inch plasma screen television in the lobby of the Grauniad newspapers offices in east London back in the late 1990's (when such a screen was pretty impressive). We got it hooked up and linked into the LAN running a continuous loop of promotional video, and within a half hour some on-site PFY had redirected the video server to a hardcore porn video. The screen was flush mounted in the wall and we were still figuring out how it all worked, so there were a couple of long minutes in the lobby with visitors gawping at the screen.
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