July 2, 2019

"Overcrowded, squalid conditions are more widespread at migrant centers along the southern border than initially revealed, the Department of Homeland Security’s independent watchdog said Tuesday."

"Its report describes standing-room-only cells, children without showers and hot meals, and detainees clamoring desperately for release.... In June, inspectors from the department visited five facilities in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, and found children had few spare clothes and no laundry facilities. Many migrants were given only wet wipes to clean themselves and bologna sandwiches to eat, causing constipation and other health problems, according to the report. Children at two of the five facilities in the area were not given hot meals until inspectors arrived."

The NYT reports (with a copy of the Inspector General's report).


Kevin said...

I was told this was a manufactured crisis.

David Begley said...

What did they expect? Better or worse from what they had back home? And, of course, the Dems set this all up by denying more money for beds and the like.

These illegal aliens should go home.

Darrell said...

Perhaps things are better in Mexico. There's one way to find out.

Michael K said...

Build the wall.

chickelit said...

Give them all free healthcare is the Democrat solution.

Bay Area Guy said...

The walll would prevent this squalor.

Captain BillyBob said...

They are free to leave and return to where they came from.

Hagar said...

Standing room only cells, and I think I heard "for weeks on end" on the evening news is BS. That is "Black hole of Calcutta" stuff, and the detainees held thus would have died.

Fox News with Bret Baier - Mike Emmanuel tonight, repeated the stuff about "drinking out of toilets" without showing the photos of the units in question with the wash basin on top. Emmanuel also stated that AO-C had said she had seen people drinking out of toilets, which she has never said; only that someone told her that a border agent had told an internee to do that.
(and that is probably 50/50 between actually having happened - there is always somebody - and a misunderstanding about drinking from the tap on top.)

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

And so, what ought we do?

As far as I can see, all our options suck..

Therefore, I say we deport therm.

If anyone doesn’t think we should build a Wall now, I would ask what their solution is. If it is “Let them in!” then I say those who favor such a policy ought to accept them into their homes and towns. Make it real. Because this shit is real. Though liberals seem quite content living amongst filthy human excrement (shit) right now.

DavidUW said...

Throughout history invaders have never been treated as well.

Tank said...

Better than most POW camps.

Where else you gonna put an invading army?

Clyde said...

Solution: Stay home in your own country where you belong, rather than swarming into our country illegally like locusts, expecting our taxpayers to provide for you.

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

And I do think there will be a time, before the 2020 election, where President Trump may exact his revenge on Chief Justice Roberts by going Jacksonian on him. Roberts would do well to not overplay his hand in the next SCOTUS term. I think Trump has been quite restrained with the Roberts Court this session. I believe in the Rule of Law. I do not subscribe to the rule of lawyers, where a plurality of nine can blithely overturn all that has gone before because of their feelings, cloaked in pages and pages of scholarly justification (all for show). I don’t believe everything is a crisis. The courts should know their place, and that is tertiary to the ELECTED branches of government.

n.n said...

The anti-nativists who encouraged and defended immigration reform, the Democrats who denied funding, resources, and harassed companies, need to be held accountable.

David Duffy said...

Everyone needs to experience trying to help people completely screwed over by the people they should have been able to trust. When you help, you get blamed for all the scoundrels, lairs and con-artist they encountered along the way. They expect that since you were the first one to be kind to them, you should make everything better.

It doesn't work that way. The scoundrels, lairs and crooks are the problem and feeling guilt about what they did to them while you are trying to help is the perspective of a madman.

It's a personal reflection on the madness of our bullshit guilt.

mockturtle said...

Who invited all these people here? We could have built several walls with what it's costing us to take care of these migrants. I see Trump just signed a $4.6 billion humanitarian aid package for the border--the same amount he asked for the wall. Our country has gone insane. Is it something in the water? The air? Some new technological mind control? Whatever it is, it sucks.

Hagar said...

The Democrat Party "invited all these people to come here."

Fen said...

NYTs discovers horrid photos... from 2014

Number of articles from NYTs on this: 0

Achilles said...

Trump needs to start deporting the illegals before November 2020.

He needs to focus on Florida, Wisconsin, Detroit, Pennsylvania, Arizona...

Leland said...

People really should look at those 2014 photos before commenting on accusation being made currently.

Browndog said...

I agree with the border patrol official that said the BP is now nothing more than the northern branch of the cartel's human smuggling ring.

narciso said...

You may have something there:

Swede said...

Send them home.

Rosalyn C. said...

We could take our homeless population and send them to Central American homes, millions of which are now vacant. I'm sure their SSI checks would go much further in Honduras, etc. Then move the Central American asylum seekers into our homeless camps and shelters. According to the NY Times our homeless citizens must have much better living conditions than those at the migrant centers at the border. Otherwise we'd be reading tweets and reports by politicians visiting our homeless camps and decrying their squalid conditions, garnering emotional support and financial aid for those unfortunate folks.

wendybar said...

How's the space on the sidewalks of Las Angeles??? Water???

Narayanan said...

Give them forty acres and burro along the border. They will watch the border/back door voluntarily.

NRA will donate the guns.

Narayanan said...

If BP walk away - is that treason?

Narayanan said...

Didn't Obama shut down all IGs?

Renee said...

We not going help Central Americans by letting this go on. Relief services have to go to Central America not at the borders. Send them back with relief.

Narayanan said...

Earlier times peasant and serf needed protection by castellan with weapons.

Quite the opposite now.
Start with starving the city.

Manhattan may last a week.

Seeing Red said...

Squalid? Like Los Angeles squalid?

Or soon to be Austin squalid?

Narayanan said...

How far are your Immigration judge from detention facility?

They should be house like prison wardens within perimeter.

No bussing.

mockturtle said...

All those Boeing Max jets sitting idle. Put them to work flying all these people back from whence they came. Maybe they'll tell those at home that the US isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Seeing Red said...

Who invited all these people here?

Obama. They ran ads I think.

Michael K said...

Blogger Browndog said...
I agree with the border patrol official that said the BP is now nothing more than the northern branch of the cartel's human smuggling ring.

And the Democratic Party is their political wing. I wonder how much money is laundered to the DNC from the cartels?

Michael said...

Put them on planes and send them the fuck home with the address of the American Embassy in their capital city where they can apply for amnesty as is done in every other bloody country on the planet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah - we were told by the collective left "what border crisis?"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Over-crowded you say?

walter said...

Balloney sandwiches?
That's like waterboarding the GI tract!

walter said...

Bologna Song (Oscar Mayer TV jingle) - Barbershop Quartet

walter said...

We need an avocado toast airlift.

Dude1394 said...

The democrat party should be ashamed of the damage they are doing to these people. But they’ve been displacing, damaging Libyans, Egyptians and Syrians as well. So much blood on the democrats hands.

Matt said...

Where exactly do you put 100,000 people every single month? Show me any detention facility, or facilities, anywhere, ready to handle that number of people every 30 days.

And show me the commensurate shower facilities, food, clothing, laundry and everything else involved with caring for human beings.

They are not forced to be in those conditions - they are free to head home anytime they wish.

chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

“Where exactly do you put 100,000 people every single month?”

Where are they going afterwards? Who’s hiring them? Who’s schooling the kids? I’m

Don’t ask and don’t tell.

chickelit said...

Where are the modern day “underground highway” stops?

Achilles said...

Matt said...
Where exactly do you put 100,000 people every single month? Show me any detention facility, or facilities, anywhere, ready to handle that number of people every 30 days.

LA County had 144% of the total eligible voting population vote in 2016.

"Vote Harvesting" turned half a dozen house seats weeks after the election in Orange County alone.

Maricopa county will have "record" turnout. A hundred thousand new "voters" will go a long way in Arizona.

I am betting on Broward County finding a few hundred thousand new voters during election month.

Philadelphia will get a few hundred thousand signed up.

It is not hard to see what is happening here.

sdharms said...

Lets see: did they have hot meals during the long trek to our border? did they have showers? indoor bathrooms? did they get even wetwipes? Get over it. They made choices. They need to GO HOME.

narciso said...

I remember mariel, that was only 125,000 in one city, but it taxed out resources to the mad there was a tent city by the Express way. 5th grade took till 5 PM that year to be fully registered

AllenS said...

Everybody loves them some BJ Clinton, right? Well then, let's have him control the narrative about this border crisis shit.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fareed Zakaria: "It Pains Me To Say This," But Trump Was Right About Asylum System

mockturtle said...

Is there a Fodor's guide to border sectors telling migrants which have the best facilities and food? I am reminded of the guy who wrote critiques of soup kitchens.

bagoh20 said...

We could fix this immediately. The only thing stopping it is TDS. How do Democrats sleep knowing full well what they are doing while blaming the only people trying to actually help? It's really disgusting. If this life long Democrat had not already gotten so disgusted with them and already change my registration last year, this would push me over right now.

If you want to call our detention facilities concentration camps, then who is bringing the people into these camps? It's the Democrats telling them to come covertly, overtly and all day long. The border patrol would prefer to empty and close the camps. The Dems want those concentration camps expanded and stuffed to the gills.

mockturtle said...
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Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

It pains Zakaria to tell the truth about something. That’s all you need to know about him, CNN, and the Big Media.

mikee said...

My construction business in Austin has more walk-up job applicants at the new home sites every day than I ever saw in years past. Go figure.

Greg P said...

"Its report describes standing-room-only cells, children without showers and hot meals, and detainees clamoring desperately for release"

No problem!

Anyone who wants to be let go deep in Mexico / their home country, with their fake "asylum" application canceled, is more than welcome to leave.