July 31, 2019

Oh, no!! It's debate time again.... must we... really?

Don't know if I'll say anything, but here's your place to talk.

Looks like John (my son) is taking this thing seriously. Check that out.

I can barely tolerate the idea. I guess it's just the thought of Joe Biden's teeth, shining like the Cheshire Cat, that gives me enough of a little lift to keep going... into the horror... what? does this go on until... 2 a.m. or something....


7:50 Central Time — Way too much back and forth about health care, with an unfair amount of time lavished on Kamala Harris. I've had it with the effort to shoehorn in anecdotes about grandmothers and what life was like growing up. I'm going to give the health care round to Joe Biden.

8:21 — Cory Booker is doing a good job of standing next to Biden and giving him the eye. Booker seems to have a nice joy of the game. I'm enjoying his performance.

9:39 — The best of the night? Tulsi Gabbard. A brutal attack on Kamala Harris. Excellent deep, strong voice. Well-grounded seriousness.


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David Begley said...

No oil and gas under President Biden. He just lost MI, PA, TX and many other states.

This people are nuts.

rehajm said...

Tulsi is a sweaty Betty.

Limited blogger said...

Yang will have a robot VP

Will save money and it would do math faster than anyone

rcocean said...

"Harris is too strident, and I don't think she has won, even though she has a lot of camera time. BIden has taken a lot of hits about why he didn't do more as vp and I think this means he has not won, even though he has a lot of camera time."

She'll do better when there's fewer people. In this debate she had others attacking her, and the moderators kept cutting her off. Joe has the ref in his corner.

Big Mike said...

I've had it with the effort to shoehorn in anecdotes about grandmothers and what life was like growing up.

Yes. What has life been like since Obamacare?

Anne-I-Am said...

“When I am president...”. Does she think to herself, “Yes! I can do this!”

I have a dream...”When I am Queen...”

JFK wanted to put a man on the moon to punt the Soviets to the curb. What an idiot.

Tulsi wears a lot of eye make-up. She hasn’t gotten the memo that female candidates have to wear Birkenstocks and bulky, non-descript clothes.

Science! But MEN can claim to have FEMALE penises. Science!

Yancey Ward said...

Yang: My name is John Connor, come with me if you want to live!"

rcocean said...

Why is Del Blasio getting so much face time? HE's at 1%.

h said...

from a personal level: a policy that requires me to sell my (gasoline burning) car and retrofit my (natural gas) home furnace, is not going to win my vote. THis, along with open borders, means that Dems are doomed in all races in 2020.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ten Years??? Twelve Years??? That's a very expensive 1.5 degrees! As Comey slips below the waves!

Yancey Ward said...

Gillibrand: The first thing I will do when I reach the Oval Office is Clorox everything!"

Note, I didn't make that one up.

rcocean said...

I've been having fun, but these people are INSANE. God, help the United states of American.


Wince said...

“Everything must be sublimated”?

That’s a keeper.

Yancey Ward said...

Alright, my hands are getting cramped. Will watch the rest in silence.

BUMBLE BEE said...

This must be the SECOND time Michelle is proud of this country.

Howard said...

You guys are mind crack addicts.

h said...

Bumble Bee: what is this reference to "COMEY"? Is that an acronym or something?

Anne-I-Am said...

Let’s sum it up:
Open borders.
Open the prison cells.
All white people suck.
Everyone has to live like it is 1780.
Tax everyone.
Let’s let the government run medical care.

Limited blogger said...

This round of debates changed nothing.

Nobody moved much in either direction.

This will be a slow slog to actual primaries.

I guess some of the marginal players will run out of money and have to drop out.

They need to get this down to a manageable number of contenders.

Yancey Ward said...

Just my 10 cents here- Booker had the best night here, by quite a bit in my opinion. Biden was just like a deer in the headlights, or a corpse on a slab. Harris has missed a big opportunity, here, I think. And seriously, Bennett needs to lay off the juice!

Limited blogger said...

Yes, hard to admit Booker could be declared the winner.

Won't change his polling much, however.

h said...

Anne: Yeah, pretty much:

"Anne said...
Let’s sum it up:
Open borders.
Open the prison cells.
All white people suck.
Everyone has to live like it is 1780.
Tax everyone.
Let’s let the government run medical care."

Yancey Ward said...

"They need to get this down to a manageable number of contenders."

The next round of debates in September should cut the field in half for the stage, if memory serves. All these 1% guys will be gone, including Inslee at 0.0000000001%

FullMoon said...

De Blasio gonna get the lead out of every building in the country.
Suggestion for young people, get into plumbing trade. Gonna be a lot of pipes replaced.

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, hard to admit Booker could be declared the winner.

Won't change his polling much, however."

No, it won't change his polling much- might reach 5%. It might be enough to make it to the big stage in September. Someone above said he played it like it was "do or die", and that is exactly right.

Yancey Ward said...

And Harris just keeps shooting herself in the foot. Yikes!

etbass said...

Think Biden will rise in the polling. Harris will slip. Booker will go up a tad. Everyone else slips.

Yancey Ward said...

The only two people who helped themselves tonight were Gabbard and Booker, and neither of them has a prayer of making it past New Hampshire.

Yancey Ward said...

Etbass, you are probably right about Biden- he did terrible, but his positions weren't clear lunacy like 8 of the candidates there tonight.

etbass said...

Lot of dems are not as off the rails as the party and ole Joe will be seen as less radical. He did a lot better than the pre debate press clippings.

LA_Bob said...

Booker just talked about black-voter suppression in Michigan. I also don't see much Booker vs Harris action.

Think we might be looking at a Booker / Harris ticket (I doubt Cory would accept the vice versa)?

Limited blogger said...

Tulsi is the Democratic VP, bet on it.

traditionalguy said...

Tulsi Gabbard is the last sane Democrat left on earth. She needs to be a Republican. But Hawaii is her territory.

Michael K said...

Fracking will end and everybody will go to the VA for healthcare.

Got it.

h said...

Now that we have the TUesday night debate in hand, does that make Warren or Bernie or ??? look better?

My opinion is that Biden is sinking and Harris is sinking, but I can't say sinking very far -- so someone must be comparatively rising. Corey booker doesn't need to leap into the lead, but only to move up a few points. And as far as that goes, maybe Williamson??

Browndog said...


Here's a question: Joe Blow from Flint asks "here in Detroit..."


Owen said...

As an ex Big Pharma running lackey I can echo emphatically Ann’s comment above on the foolishness and ignorance of those advocating for price controls and for importation of medicines. Never mind how price controls will instantly kill investment in an industry that faces enormous and unavoidable risks. That just destroys the future of innovative medicine. Look instead at the importation problem, where we are asked to consume stuff made by whom we don’t know, made where we don’t know, made how we don’t know. The counterfeiting problem is real, the lack of control of the channel is real. People should understand that the pill is just the physical manifestation of an entire iceberg of infrastructure, from validated science and regulatory oversight, to quality control for production, distribution, education, reporting of adverse events, legal accountability, the whole gamut. Importing stuff outside of that system is a false bargain.

Limited blogger said...

Fines, taxes and more regulation.

Has never solved any problems.

Unleash free enterprise, sit back and enjoy.

Wince said...

Looks like someone patted Tulsi’s décolletage dry during the commercial break.

Browndog said...

Kamala would stab Biden the the eye with her pen if she wasn't on ludes.

Limited blogger said...

Biden is having a very uneven night. He occasionally looks and sounds confused, but then he gets back in a groove and recites his talking points fluently.

Bay Area Guy said...

Haven't read upthread -- but Tulsi hammered Kammy on locking up all those California potheads!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Go Tulsi. The only one up there who is normal.
The rest are a sack of a-holes.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

If Biden really is for keeping illegal immigration,... illegal - he's flirting with normalcy. I doubt it will last.

Limited blogger said...

When Yang is president, will he wear a tie if he meets the Queen?

h said...

Tulsi Gabbard is a veteran. First I've heard of this. I think she has improved her chances of being VP nominee.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Health insurance companies and big pharma don't make health care expensive - the government does.

Wince said...

How many times have they said, “we need to broaden our discussion” of women?

narciso said...

Yes Hawaiian national guard,

David Begley said...


Biden says he is going to cure cancer. Tough to do without Big Pharma research. Total moron.

Tulsi: Trump supports ISIS.

These people are deranged.

Browndog said...

Gabbard: Our President is supporting al Qaida.

She's done. I don't want to here another fucking word about her.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Tulsi said what? oh geeez. I give up.

Go Trump!

Limited blogger said...

Oops, Trump derangement syndrome now kicking in strongly...

h said...

I was going to bed. Now we have Mueller. Harris looks a little crazy. Now Booker: I'm not an authoritarian, so I if I were president I would insist on taking political opponents to court. (what???) I think all Dems look like TDS on this.

FullMoon said...

Obstruction! Without actual examples.
Stonewalling !

Wince said...

Does Tulsi know bin laden’s son was just killed?

DavidUW said...

As I've stated before, Harris, will crumble having to try to actually compete. This is what happens when garden variety lefty California politicians experience actual challenges to their religion, er, political "philosophy." Seriously, ask normal questions to a typical SF lefty and you will explode xir's head nearly immediately.

The only way she is the nominee (and I hope she is because Trump will destroy her), is if the media keep her going.

Limited blogger said...

Yeah, Tulsi just blew it. Oh well.

narciso said...

Yes they need large doses of thorazine,

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Since 2016: It's illegal to beat Hillary. Trump should be prosecuted

FullMoon said...

No cheers for impeachment.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Obstruction of what? oh right - the HIllary-hack revenge shit show with Mueller as the fake head.

Wince said...

“Tax the Hell.”

Now, that’s a political slogan for the ages.

MikeD said...

Way late to this thread, bottom line ICCFL. However, I think our hostess would've better served readers with one of her mouse/rat renderings rather than the Cheshire Cat.

Browndog said...

Gillibrand is a United States senator. Hand picked to replace on Hillary Clinton, who won the seat virtually uncontested after the favorite, one John F. Kennedy Jr. suddenly died in a plane crash.

Limited blogger said...

Well Trump can continue to sleep well.

Can't wait to hear how this mess gets spun.

h said...

Booker's closing statement is strong.

narciso said...

This is a rolling dumpsterfire with extra gas.

Limited blogger said...

Harris scaring us straight with her closing remarks!

David Begley said...

The woman who preyed on old Willie Brown calls Trump a predator.

Biden gave that same closing in CB. Pathetic. Loser.

I saw 8 of these clowns in person. They are all crazy.

h said...

Biden closing: strong, until he gets to his 3030e0e0 website.

Michael K said...

Health insurance companies and big pharma don't make health care expensive - the government does.

Well,, they actually do but not in a way that Democrats understand.

Processing $25 claims costs $50 to $75 each, for example. Pay cash and avoid the middle man. Can you imagine a Democrat saying that ?

ga6 said...

Now about that Kennedy plane crash....

Wince said...

Biden even has a hopelessly confused web address.

narciso said...

Well he came from the 31at century

Wince said...

Now Andersen Cooper even looks old and is slurring his words.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Write corrupt laws and tax the hell out of us = totalitarian "democrats" in charge forever.

Limited blogger said...

CNN declaring Liz Warren the winner

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Booker went full Kamala on Biden.

Fact checking? Snopes?

Bay Area Guy said...

We need to vigorously support Tulsi in hammering the fuck out of Kammy.

Spiros Pappas said...

If the Saudis are buying off al Qaeda in Yemen or even recruiting terrorists in their war against Shiite houthis and we're supporting the Saudis, then Ms. Gabbard kind of has a point.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Safe to say that, over the last two nights, Yancey has rendered the greatest service to the Republic. I salute him.

"Gov Islee - There's a man with a square jaw and strong glasses. Then talks about Mental Health for all. All the D's cheer. Lots of Mentally ill patients?"

King County.

Jon Ericson said...

I agree, Refu. Yancey is a mensch.

James K said...

Anne: And WHAT do I have to do to not have to verify with captcha every time I post a comment?

Don't. Just click on "Publish Your Comment." Works for me anyway.

cf said...

geez louise! sounds like a dreadful democrat night. sure glad i missed this, but from what you guys tell me i am lucky.

hubby held out hope for Tulsi, so i was curious for her, i am gonna be sorry to pass on your disappointment in the end.

sounds like Marianne is now the true standard bearer, and those genial, experienced, oatmeal-plain guys that surrounded her & who spoke reasonably about health care are america's backbone, good guys, even if they are Democrats.

Comanche Voter said...

I caught just a bit of Governor Inslee. The good news is that the great sucking vacuum that is Inslee has zero chance of winning the Dem nomination. What a waste of ut --I'm talking about you Gov. Inslee.

Mike Sylwester said...

Thanks for all the laughs, Yancey.

narciso said...

I guess Marianne and tulsi will have to go to to te, there can be only one,

Quaestor said...

Let's not forget Jeffery "Just Pretend It's a Lollipop" Epstein.

All the Mafia movies I've seen have conditioned me to believe the easiest way to silence a witness is to put him in jail first — but then, Ft. Marcy Park was pretty easy as well.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

guess Marianne and tulsi will have to go to to te

Bring it on -- Sounds exotic!

Quaestor said...

... there can be only one.

If they time it just right — they can decapitate each other!

Kirk Parker said...


" If he ends qualified immunity for the cops, no one will be a cop."

If it's really the case that we can only have both or neither, I definitely vote for neither.

Kirk Parker said...

"Gilibrand is kinda hot too, in a batshit crazy kinda way."


You know what they say: Don't stick your vote in crazy!

Mr. Forward said...

“Gillibrand: The first thing I will do when I reach the Oval Office is Clorox everything!"

Do you do windows?

rhhardin said...

Kamala calls Joe 'senator' after he addressed her as 'kid'...

That's the correct honorific. You don't get to keep president or vice president.

Danno said...

Biden closing: strong, until he gets to his 3030e0e0 website.

Well he came from the 31at century

Maybe the 30/30 (it's a caliber thing) is code for Biden supporting 2nd amendment rights. Probably not though.

Danno said...

“Gillibrand: The first thing I will do when I reach the Oval Office is Clorox everything!" Do you do windows?

Is that a an attempt at bleachbit humor?

BUMBLE BEE said...

And they insist Trump is the crazy!

Breezy said...

I’m still trying to figure out Tulsi’s all white pant suit. Was that a nod to the dem women all in white at the SOTU? Or just trying to stand out from the crowd? Kamala blended in with the men. Kirsten dressed appropriately feminine, I think.

Sharc 65 said...


robother said...

The image of the first woman President on her hands and knees scrubbing the Oval Office is...novel. Radically traditional, crossover appeal to everyone from strait-laced puritans to Clintonian playboys.

Kevin said...

The best part of these two days was the idea that any critique of someone’s proposals should be labeled “Republican taking points” and disallowed

These debates must be a safe space for all the candidates, no matter their race, gender, or ability to come up with planet-saving ideas.

It’s really just 20 people up there spitballing for humanity. And no one should harsh their creative vibe by being unsupportive.

In this party there truly are no bad ideas!

Tank said...

Confession: I bailed out and watched The Office.

Did anyone mention Mueller or Russia?

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Harris must agree she took a hard hit. Her people are putting out the idea that anyone who brings up her record as prosecutor is colluding with Russia. I guess this also speaks to Gabbard being the only one who objects to endless wars--only a crazy traitor would talk that way.
This really is like the red scare--something politicians can use at their convenience.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

If the Clintons want Epstein dead, he's a dead man.

MacMacConnell said...

“Gillibrand: The first thing I will do when I reach the Oval Office is Clorox everything!"

With Gillibrand's privileged gentrified life, she must have learned about Clorox from life long servants or the woman that cleans her office. Any bets that her hands have never touched a Clorox bottle? She is an expert on white privilege.

FullMoon said...

“Gillibrand: The first thing I will do when I reach the Oval Office is Clorox everything!"

Obviously in Clorox' pocket. Who else is secretly backing her? Tide? Gillette?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the debate's over, the podiums are empty ...strangely, Joe's grin remains

FullMoon said...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the debate's over, the podiums are empty ...strangely, Joe's grin remains

Haha, Farside worthy..

Jim at said...

I didn't watch one second of either debate, but from I gather? Trump won both.

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